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2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)

October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Transient Stability Improvement Using Allocation

Power Generation Methods Based on Moment Inertia
Indar Chaerah Gunadin Zaenab Muslimin
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Hasanuddin University, UNHAS Hasanuddin University, UNHAS
Indonesia Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected]

Agus Siswanto
Electrical Engineering Department
Hasanuddin University, UNHAS
[email protected]

Abstract— Stability is an important issue in the operation of good, and the total harmonics are close to at least [1]. Large-
electrical power systems. Transient stability is a study that scale power outages that occur as a result of a major disruption
discusses the state of a power system after a major and rapid to the electrical power system are undesirable, both in the
disturbance. In this paper, we offer a method to improve the electrical and consumer companies side. Large-scale power
condition of transient system stability. The critical clearing time outages will result in huge losses, both material and
(CCT) of the system can be increased by rescheduling the power immaterial in nature [2]. To produce good electrical power
generation based on inertia moment value. Changes in CCT
values due to load changes on each bus were also observed. We
quality, good control and stability of the power system are
used WSCC 9 bus system as the test case. The simulation shows required.
that the value of CCT can be significantly improved by In a large-scale power system consisting of many power plants
rescheduling the active power generation based on inertia and interconnected loads, the regulation of system stability is
moment value. an important and complicated matter. To keep the power
Keywords—transient stability; critical clearing time; system in order to keep operating continuously and stable, a
rescheduling; moment inertia good stability arrangement is required. One of the stability
parameters of a power system is the transient stability.
I. INTRODUCTION Transient stability is the ability of the electric power system to
Nowadays, power systems are becoming heavily stressed due achieve stable conditions of acceptable new operations after
to the increased loading of the transmission lines. These major disruption [4-7].
problems lead to the steady state stability problem in the Commonly used conventional computational methods for
system. There are many of incidents in power system interpreting transient stability conditions of a power system
diagnosed as steady state stability problems caused by the are time domain methods, transient energy functions, the same
increased loading and decreased stability margin. The broad criteria, and several other methods. Such methods
stability margin may be defined as the distance between the generally do not include the effect of the effect value of the
loading of the system and the maximum loading limit of the generation scheduling to the interpretation of the transient
system [1-3]. stability result [8-9].
The problem in voltage instability has been the major cause There are many methods to improve the stability of transient
for blackout cases all over the world recently [2]. Voltage system, including: install FACT device equipment, repair line
stability is closely related with the steady state stability transmission and others. In this paper we will offer a method
margin. If it has over limited to the maximum of power to improve transient stability by performing rescheduling of
transfer, it leads to loss of operations of system and the the generation using H index method.
voltage collapse will happen. The need of power has been This study aimed to examine the relationship between active
changing in every single day since the peak load occurs in power generation to improved the stability of system. System
WSCC. 9 bus used as a test case in this study.
early evening. The balance between power demand on power
and power on generator must be carefully maintained [3].
The continuity of the service must always be kept never to be
extinguished, the voltage and frequency stability must be

978-1-5386-2934-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 147

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

II. POWER SYSTEM STABILITY Often, studies of transient stability are made when
transmission and generating facilities are installed
A. Stability in Power System
New electrical power and is very helpful in determining the
The tendency of a power system to return a power equal to or necessary rele system, the breaking time of the circuit breaker,
greater than the power of interference to maintain a balanced the voltage level, and the transferability between the systems
state is called stability. If the power generated to keep the [2].
machine in sync with the other is sufficient to overcome the
interference power, the system is said to be stable
(synchronous) [10-13].
In a stable operating state of a power system, there is a balance
between the mechanical input power of the prime mover
generator and the electrical output power (electrical load) on
the system. In this state all generators rotate at synchronous
speed. Minor or large disturbances in the power system will
have an impact on synchronous operations. For example, a
sudden increase or decrease in the load, or the consequence of
a generation loss, becomes one type of interference that has a
significant effect on the system. Another type of potential
disturbance is the breaking of the transmission net, overload,
or short circuit. With good control, it is expected the stability
Fig. 1. Classification of Power System Stability
of the system will lead to a steady state in a short time after
the interruption is overcome [14]. B. Swing Equation
Disturbances in electrical power systems can be classified into
2 categories, ie minor disturbances and major disruptions. [1- The swing equation expresses the rotor motion of a machine
2] Minor noise is one of the elements of a dynamic system that simultaneously, and is the basic principle which states that the
can be analyzed using linear equations. Minor disturbances acceleration of the acceleration moment is the product of the
that occur in the form of load changes on the load side or rotor's inertia moment with its angular acceleration. The
generator randomly, slowly, and storied. Trips on the power equation can be written as follows:
system's net is considered a minor annoyance if its effect on d 2T
J. Ta Tm  Te (1)
the power flow before the interruption of the system is dt 2
insignificant. The disruption that produces a sudden shock to
the bus voltage is a major type of disturbance that must be The symbols above have the meaning as follows:
immediately eliminated. If the interference is not immediately J = Moment of rotor inertia (Kg.m)
removed, then the interference will affect the stability of the T = Shifting the rotor angle to the stationary axis (Radian)
system. Large scale disruptions will have a significant effect t = time (second)
on the power flow on the system, even allowing for blackouts Tm= The mechanical turning point of the drive shaft
to occur. provided by the prime mover is reduced by the loss
In general, stability studies are classified into 3 categories, (N.m)
namely steady state stability, dynamic stability, and transient Te = Electric swivel moment (N.m)
stability [16]. Steady state stability is the ability of the electric Ta = Spatial play moments (N.m)
power system to achieve stable conditions under new With dot notation writable
operating conditions that are identical or identical to the
d 2G
conditions before interference occurs after the system has G
dt 2
minor disturbances. Conceptually, dynamic stability is the
same as steady state stability [5]. Figure (1) shown the So that,
classification of power system stability. The difference lies in
modeling, ie, in dynamic stability, excitation systems, JG Tm  Te
turbines, and generators is modeled by providing flux
variation in engine gap water, while steady state generator Several ways are used from the development of equations:
stability is represented as a constant voltage source [1-2]. JG Tm  Te
While the transient stability is the ability of the power system
thenZThe first way is the form of power generated by
to achieve stable conditions under new acceptable operating
multiplying both sides with Z then;
conditions after the system has large-scale disruption in the
JZG Pm  Pe (3)
period during the first 1 swing assuming the AVR and
governor have not worked [13]. with JZ is the constant of inertia and angular momentum is M,
A study of transient stability is required to ensure the system's then M can be expressed by:
ability to withstand transient conditions after major disruption.
M = JZ

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

The power equation is : Table 2. Load Flow Data

MG Pm  Pe ( 4) Bus to Bus R (p.u) X(p.u) 1/2B (p.u)

1 4 0.00000 0.05917 0.0000
the second way derived from kinetic energy is 2 7 0.00000 0.06250 0.0000
3 9 0.00000 0.05860 0.0000
§1· 2
Wk ¨ ¸ JZ R (5) 4 5 0.01000 0.06800 0.0880
4 6 0.01700 0.09200 0.0790
constants H 5 7 0.03200 0.16100 0.1530
6 9 0.03900 0.17380 0.1790
H 7 8 0.00850 0.05760 0.0745
8 9 0.01190 0.10080 0.1045
then the equation per unit or swing equation is
§ 2H · 
¨ ¸G Tmpu  Tepu (6) The method offered to improve the stability of the system
¨Z ¸
© R ¹ in this paper is rescheduling of the plant based on the value of
the generator inertia moment. Each power generator will
III. PROPOSED METHOD generate power according to the value of its inertial moment.
This research offers a method to improve the stability of The great equation for explaining the power value of each
transient system by performing reschedulling of active power generator can be seen in equation (7).
generation based on proportional moment inertia constanta (H)
H Generator
value of each generator. WSCC 9 bus system is the test case of PGeneration x PTotal (7)
simulation, shown on figure (2). Total H Generator

Using equation (7), we obtain the power of each generator

Gen Bus 2 = 163.00 + j 5 MVA
7 0.0085 + j 0.0576 0.0119 + j 0.1008 9
Gen Bus 3 = 90.00 + j 30.00 MVA
0 + j 0.0586 based on the moment inertia value. At the time of total power
j 0.0745 8 j 0.1045
G at 315 MW load using equation (7), the power of generator 1
(G1) is 225 MW, then 61 MW and 29 MW, respectively for
0 + j 0.0625
2 3
0.032 + j 0.161

X’d = 0.1813
X’d = 0.1198
Xd = 0.8958

j 0.153
Xd = 1.3125
G2 and G3. For more details can be seen in table (3)
j 0.179

5 6
0.0 92
1+ 0.0
j0 +j
.06 17
j 0.088
0.0 j 0.079
Table 3. Result of Power Rescheduling Based on Inertia Value
Proportional Power Rescheduling Based on Momen Inertia Value
No. Total of Load (MW) Generator Moment Inertia (H) Active Power (MW)
0.0 + j 0.0576
1 315 G1 23,64 225
G2 6,4 61
X’d = 0.0608
1 G Xd = 0.1460
G3 3,01 29
Gen Bus 1 = 72.00 + j 28.00 MVA Total moment inertia 33,05
2 325 G1 23,64 232
Fig. 2. Single line diagram of WSCC 9 bus system G2 6,4 63
G3 3,01 30
The steps undertaken in this study are: Total moment inertia 33,05
1. Generator data collection, transmission and load of
2. Running transient stability simulation In this paper, we will show the relation between the change
3. Looking at the critical clearing time (CCT) of load on the other bus to the value of CCT on the bus that
4. Change the active power generation has interference. Suppose that on bus 9 fault occurs, it is
5. Conducting rescheduling with the value of index H simulated when load on bus 5, bus 6 and bus 8 are changed for
6. Compare the CCT value for each method of generating fixed slack bus. The purpose of the simulation is to see the
scheduling effect when a generator becomes slack bus with the moment
value to the existing CCT value. Is there any connection
The procedure of this research is complete can be between slack bus selection to CCT value is the purpose of
seen on the figure (3). this simulation.
Table 1. Moment Inertia of Generator In this study also examined the relationship between the
value of CCT to economical scheduling by using lagrange
No. Generator Xd' H (Moment Inertia) method. Then it will be seen large operating costs for each
1 Generator 1 0.0608 23.64 operation pattern. There are 3 operating conditions that will be
2 Generator 2 0.1198 6.40 compared that is base case, economic dispatch using lagrange
3 Generator 3 0.1813 3.01 method and proposed method.

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

A. CCT Relationship to Load Demand Changes

In this simulation shows the relationship between load
changes on bus 5, bus 6 and bus 8, in the event of interference
at bus 9. The simulation result shows an increase of CCT
value when the load on the bus is increased. To see it can be
seen in table (5-7).
Table 5. Fault on Bus 9 with Load Change on Bus 5
Fault Load bus 5 (MW) CCT (second))

9 125 MW 0.219
9 135 MW 0.224
9 145 MW 0.228
9 175 MW 242

Table 6. Fault on Bus 9 with Load Change on Bus 6

Fault Load bus 6 CCT
9 100 MW 0.17
9 110 MW 0.18
9 120 MW 0.18
9 130 MW 0.19
9 140 MW 0.19

Table 7. Fault on Bus 9 with Load Change on Bus 8

Fault Load bus 8 CCT
Fig. 3. Research Procedure 9 110 MW 0.173
9 120 MW 0.184
9 130 MW 0.195
9 140 MW 0.21
The first step in this research is to study load flow for 9 175 MW 0.226
WSCC 9 bus system. The value can be seen in table 4. 9 200 MW 0.243

Table 4. Load Flow Result for Base Case The rotor angle respon of each generator can be seen on figure
Bus No.
Gen Gen
Load MW Load Mvar V (p.u)
Angle (4). Fault on bus 9 with total load demand is 145 MW.
MW MVar (degree)
1 72 28 1.04 Phase angle difference (fault cleared at 0.227s)
2 163 5 1.025 9.351
3 85 -11 1.025 5.142
4 1.025 -2.217 150
5 125 50 0.9997 -3.680
6 90 30 1.012 -3.567
7 1.027 3.796 100
8 100 35 1.017 1.337
Delta, degree

9 1.033 2.445

After the load flow simulation then the next step is to do

some scenarios for transient stability simulation. The scenarios 0
are as follows:
x Base Case Scenario: Power allocation is appropriate -50

to the initial conditions

x Economic Dispatch Scenario (ED): Power allocation 0 2 4 6 8 10
t, sec
12 14 16 18 20

based on economi dispatch results using lagrange

method Fig. 4. Rotor Angle Respon when Fault on bus 9 with total load demand on
bus 5 is 145 MW
x Proposed Method Scenario: The allocation of power
generation is determined by the value of the inertia B. CCT Relationship to Allocation Power Generation
moment of the plant CCT Relationship to Load
Demand Changes

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

In this research, some simulation scenarios are done: Active Power Generation G2 (P2) = 60.999 MW
1. There is a short circuit on bus 7 by removing line 5-7 Active Power Generation G3 (P3) = 28.688 MW
2. There is a short circuit on bus 8 by removing line 7-8 Operost = 8526,9 $/h
3. There is a short circuit on bus 5 by removing line 4-5
4. There is a short circuit on bus 6 by removing line 4-6 After generating values are obtained, proceed with
5. There is a short circuit on bus 9 by removing line 6-9 determining the critical clearing time value by looking at the
The rotor angle response for base case condition at fault on rotor angle response of each generator.
bus 7 for interruption time for 0.16237 seconds. As shown in From the simulation shows that in the event of fault on bus
figure (5). 7, then the critical clearing time obtained for 0.7 seconds. As
Phaseangledifference(fault clearedat 0.16237s)
shown in the figure (7).
. Phaseangledifference(fault clearedat 0.7005s)

Delta, degree

100 50


Delta, degree


20 -100

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t, sec

Fig. 5. The rotor angle response for base case condition at fault on bus 7 for 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
interruption time for 0.16237 seconds. t, sec

For generating conditions obtained using lagrange method Fig.7 The rotor angle response for proposed method, when fault on bus 7 for
interruption time for 0.700 seconds
obtained power sharing for each plant as follows:
Active Power Generation G1 (P1) = 90.3845 MW
Active Power Generation G2 (P2) = 134.2522 MW From the simulation it can be seen that by applying the
Active Power Generation G3 (P3) = 94.1720 MW proposed method, there is an increase of CCT value. This
Operation Cost = 5309,2 $/h means that the proposed method can improve the transient
stability of the system. Comparison of CCT values for the
Rotor angle response for discharging economic dispatch three scenarios can be seen in the table (8).
result condition at fault on bus 7 for critical clearing time is
0.2285 sec. As shown in figure (6). Table 8. Comparison of CCT for all Scenario
Phaseangledifference(fault clearedat 0.2285s) CCT (second) CCT
400 CCT (second)
No Fault Line Open
Base Case ED (Second)
350 Proposed Method
1. Bus 7 line 5-7 open 0.16237 0.2286 0.7100
2. Bus 8 line 7-8 open 0.2700 0.3455 stable
250 3. Bus 5 line 4-5 open 0.3820 0.4710 stable
4. Bus 6 line 4-6 open 0.4583 0.5835 stable
Delta, degree

200 5. Bus 9 line 6-9 open 0.2185 0.2250 0.7500


From the simulation result, it can be seen that by using
scheduling method based on H index value, it is found that
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 critical clearing time (CCT) value becomes more stable, so
t, sec the system is more robust to disturbance. The value of the H
index can be a solution to improve the stability of the power
Fig.6 The rotor angle response for economic dispatch method, when fault on
bus 7 for interruption time for 0.2285 seconds system.
Furthermore, by rescheduling the generator based on the value
of index H obtained the value of each generator as follows:
Active Power Generation G1 (P1) = 229.169 MW

2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs 2017)
October 18-20, 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

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