Quality Management in The Digital Age: Autodesk BIM 360
Quality Management in The Digital Age: Autodesk BIM 360
Quality Management in The Digital Age: Autodesk BIM 360
Quality Management
In The Digital Age
What’s Inside
• Benefits of a Digital • State 3: Pro-Active
• State 4: Collaborative
• Inspection & Test Plan
• Stage 5: Continual
• Digital Communication Improvement
• Reporting
• 5 Stages of a Digital QA
• Capturing Knowledge &
• State 1: Re-Active
• State 2: Organized
It’s important that you understand the potential benefits of a digital quality program. Though there are many benefits, we’ve attempted to group them into
four major categories: risk mitigation, improved quality leading to minimized rework, winning more business, and creating operational excellence.
A General Contractor’s primary goal is to minimize risk in many forms. One into all of the inspections that are being performed. What this did was
of the most common areas of risk is ensuring your team is building off put in context the number of deficiencies identified. Based on the project
the most up to date set of information. A digital document management complexity, having a dozen unresolved defects or – as you might call them
platform solves this problem by linking office and field through real-time – non-conformance issues might sound like a negative thing if that’s all
communication and document exchange. you really know, but if your client sees that you inspected 30 areas of work
last week and made over a thousand quality observations, then 12 non-
Using a single, cloud-based storage solution for project documents conforming items in context seems very manageable.
allows field workers to access the most up to date versions of digital
plans and models on their mobile devices. Updates sent from the office
are immediately visible to team members in the field. The entire project 4 OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE
team is notified in real-time the instant a change is made, allowing them
to comment on or question any points requiring further clarification. With When we say a digital quality program improves operational excellence,
delays in communication virtually eliminated, the end result is fewer RFIs we’re referring to how it can enhance a company internally from its people,
and increased accuracy of work done on site. Ultimately lowering risk and process, and relationships with third parties. Many will argue that the most
allowing more time to be spent driving the project toward completion. important asset any construction company has is its people along with
their collective knowledge and experience. A digital quality program gives
an organization the ability to take the best practice and knowledge from its
2 IMPROVED QUALITY & MINIMIZED REWORK most experienced teammates and capture it to be carried forward in the form
of a checklist.
Construction quality problems that cost the most are the ones you miss.
Adopting technology to digitize your quality program helps you to standardize
processes and reduce rework. For example, teams can pro-actively manage
quality across the project by completing inspections with digital checklists.
With digital checklists, team members can execute them from any device
in the field. Instead of having to write down every observation they can add
notes, attach photos, or instantly create issues for any non-conforming
items, and assign them to the subcontractor for resolution.
Your inspection and test plan or ITP forms the foundation of your proactive
quality assurance program and may be included in your works method
statement. It may reference what bodies of work are expected in reference
to specification sections, when the inspections are to be performed, on
what frequency, who performs them, how information is captured including
whether a photo should be captured, where information will be stored, and
if inspection will be part of client delivery. It should also include how non- The best way to make ITP’s user-friendly is to keep it simple!
conformances and conformance items will be documented and managed. These are very important documents that if implemented
successfully provide a tool to ensure structure and integrity
in your quality program, but if you let them get too large or
Optionally, we want to begin to tie inspections to the project schedule, major complex, they’re just as likely to gather dust.
milestones, and location of installation. One of our partners says that since
our implementation of dedicated digital workflow processes and procedures, Another way to keep it simple is to create quick guides for
our quality standards – i.e. their inspection and test plans – have become easy reference. For each major application like wall tiles,
centralized and consistent throughout the entire company no matter what create a single-page guide that highlights the things that are
the project size is or where the project location is. Due to having multiple important, includes a reference benchmark, and then links
office locations, this is critical to our success in keeping our company’s to the appropriate specification or checklist inspections if
further detail is required.
It’s important that you clearly outline the expectations of your quality
assurance process at the beginning of the project with the client or project
owner. The more detail you provide upfront, the less objective the judgment of
the deliverable will be at handover. Be sure that this expectation aligns your
ITP and procedure, the client’s involvement in the inspection, and whether or
not the design team is going to be involved. You want to know what visibility
and reporting will be provided during and after the inspections, perhaps
most importantly, a well-defined client handover process including training
and data deliverables.
When implementing a digital QA/QC program, it’s important to take reasonable steps; often one at a time so that your team has the opportunity to adjust
and does not feel overwhelmed. To this end, we’ve developed a five-stage evolution to help you decide what steps you will take.
Defects electronically Digital checklist Checklist inspections Key stake-holders Enable team to feedback
documented on-the-fly inspections performed. scheduled in relation to including trades and learning and process
and tracked through Both conforming specific milestones. subs participate in digital improvement into
resolution. and nonconforming checklist program. program.
observations documented.
A great starting point is to digitize all of your reactive quality management defects and non-conformances by implementing a centralized digital issue log.
This will help drive ownership, make sure nothing slips through the cracks, ensure it’s all documented including corrective action and resolution.
• Real-time access with the ability for multiple stakeholders to collaborate and make updates without overriding one another.
• Role-based permission enabling privacy and security while helping to manage workflows.
Define Information Central Repository Define Permissions Define Resolution Train Team Collect Feedback &
To Capture With Mobile & Access Procedure Iterate
• Build an on-boarding program to ensure
your team and stakeholders have the
training needed to be successful.
Next, we want to get even more organized by bolstering our inspection and test plans with checklist inspections. This will cover you by ensuring conforming
in addition to non-conforming observations are documented.
• Serving as a guide making sure event the smallest items aren’t missed.
• Driving conformance in how you execute your quality program, regardless of who is doing the inspection.
• Increases speed for documenting quality observations allowing you to observe and document a great number of inspection points resulting in
higher quality.
• Leveraging a digital program allows you to analyze inspection results to better track quality program performance including inspection coverage
and conformance rates.
Once you’re comfortable with your checklist inspections, get proactive and start linking them to milestones in your project schedules and discussing their
use in your look-ahead planning meetings. This process assures your team is planning for inspections that will occur with specific tasks and work packages,
so you don’t get caught on the back foot.
Many teams will conduct 2, 4 or 6-week look-ahead planning meetings where they gather with all relevant stakeholders to talk about what work needs to be
performed and in what sequence in the coming weeks. During this meeting, one topic should be what quality measures need to be put in place for specific
work, and you want to discuss WHAT, WHO and HOW.
This may not be necessary for all inspections. You may require this
for particularly complex bodies of work or maybe you require it when
you identify that a particular subcontractor is struggling to perform
a particular body of work. Depending on your team’s culture, you
may take a top-down approach and mandate it by including language
describing the expectations of your subcontractor’s involvement
in their contracts. Mandating collaboration will only get you so far,
though. You also need to ensure that your subs are on-board by
explaining what’s in it for them and why this way of working benefits
the entire project. Then do as much as you can to make it easy for
them to make the transition.
Debatably, the largest benefit of a digitized quality program is that you now have the data that – if appropriately organized – can surface insights into project
and program performance, arming your team with the knowledge to make more informed decisions on a daily basis.
understand our level of risk or exposure on the project. Since on projects we First look at existing and known issues to understand patterns. Second,
can’t check everything, we have to rely on sampling. Well, it holds that the determine a set of common root causes. Be sure that any root cause you
more inspections or the more observations that we make, the less likely we determine would be actionable, meaning there’s something you could do
are to miss something and thus the lower the risk profile on the project. The to improve next time. Also, keep the list as simple as possible if you want
inverse is also true. folks to fill it out. Third, make sure your team understands how to classify
all defects with the root cause. Fourth, out of a centralized digital issue log,
2 Conformance rate - is a measurement of the percentage of work
performed correctly upon initial installation. You can review this by
pull together all the root causes over a specified period of time. Find your
biggest offenders in terms of how often they appear, how large their impact
inspection type to understand which areas of work or inspection procedures when they are, and how actionable you could prevent them. Fifth, take action
produced the highest or lowest conformance. This information will arm against the root cause and follow up and measure any change to drive
you with an understanding of subcontractor performance and areas for accountability and further learning. This is a loop that should never end.
improvement. It also helps you identify where your team is spending
additional time managing the trades and subs. If every non-conformance
takes you three hours to determine the corrective action, that is taking away
from the time that can be spent performing value-add tasks like additional
inspections, increasing your coverage, and reducing risk.
Now that you’ve looked at some examples of how you can leverage digital information to surface insights and improve your understanding of project
performance, let’s recap how this is done regardless of what stage of development your digital quality program is. Here are five simple steps.
Determine where the data needs to come from to create those metrics
2 and how that information is going to be collected by your team.
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