An Internship Report On Customer Service Department of Garima Bikas Bank Limited
An Internship Report On Customer Service Department of Garima Bikas Bank Limited
An Internship Report On Customer Service Department of Garima Bikas Bank Limited
(Narayangarh, Chitwan )
Submitted by :
Kriti Silwal
P.U Reg No. :
Roll No :
Balkumari Campus
January , 2021
Narayangarh, Chitwan
I here declare that the internship report entitled “An Internship Report on
Customer Service Department of Garima Bikas Bank Limited” submitted
to Balkumari Campus, faculty of management, Purbanchal University is a
record of original work done by me under the guidance of Mr. Mahesh Prasad
Upadhya department head.
The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my
knowledge. The project work report is not submitted to any other university or
institution for the award of any degree or fellowship.
Kriti Silwal
Balkumari Campus
Narayangarh , Chitwan
Submitted by :
Kriti Silwal
An Internship Report on Customer Service Department of
Garima Bikas Bank Limited
Narayangarh Chitwan
has been prepared and approved by this department in the prescribed
form of the faculty of management
This internship report is forwarded for examination
Entitled :
An Internship Report on Customer Service Department of
Garima Bikas Bank Limited
Narayangarh, Chitwan
And found the report to be the original work of the student and
written according the prescribed format. We recommended the report
to be accepted as partial fulfillment of the required for Bachelor For
Business Administration
This report has been prepared for the partial fulfillment of BBA course as
prescribed by Purbanchal University in the subject area. This report provides
precise and up-to-date information on the services given by the Garima Bikas
Bank Limited to its customers.
The quality of this report was greatly enhanced by the gracious guidance and
suggestion made by Mr. Kulchandra Pandit, Academic coordinator of BBA
program . I had selected this topic for my field internship report because I felt
there was a great need to conduct a research on all the services and products
provided by Bank the quality of service provided by an organization could
make or break it in this ever-changing Nepalese economy.
Banking sector covers the major part of Nepalese economy. The internship program as a part
of university curriculum is an opportunity to know the banking industry. GDBL is one of the
reputed banks of Nepal. The two month internship period at Narayangarh Branch was a
learning experience for me. I worked as an intern all departments under the supervision of
Mr. Rabindra Subedi, Manager.
During the internship period, I learnt that this department is for providing loan to their
customer. The typical process for the loan approval is quiet standardized. It consists of taking
informal interview with client, consulting to higher authority, assessing their credibility.
Assessment of credibility will be done after looking CIB and through the audited balance
sheet of three years. Preparation of loan documents, processing documents with signature and
thumb impression of the client, sending documents to Manager for final approval. Thus,
opening a new current account is made and loan disbursement is done in account. The
assignments like reviewing of balance sheet & income statement provides me to relate the
knowledge I have gained in finance in real work environment. The preparations of loan
documents & sanction letter are quite critical. Care should be taken that there should not be a
single error being legal document.CSD deals with the attracting parts and also for giving
services to customers. It is the first impression of the bank. S/he guides customer in filling
forms, opening & closing of accounts, cheque issue. and statement print as well. Teller
department collects cash & disburse cash. Remittance deals with transfer of money from one
place to another. ECC department collects & provides inward & outward cheque clearing.
Thus, the overall internship experience was good. The assignments that I have done and
knowledge what I have gained is useful for me. Working at GDBL as an intern helps me in
gaining the insight of working environment, its values, the way staff work as a team and
behave with each other and of course about the loan process and its approval. This knowledge
will benefit me for career advancement in future.
Declaration ii
Recommendation iii
Viva-Voce Sheet iv
Internship Certificate v
Acknowledgment vi
List of Table x
List of Figure xi
Abbreviation xii
6.1 Conclusion 23
Table No. Title Page No.
1 Capital Structure of GDBL 7
2 List of Board of Director 11
3 List of Management Team 11
4 Customer Satisfaction toward Service of Bank 20
Customer Satisfaction toward Working Speed of
5 21
Bank Staff
6 Observation toward Age 22
Figure No. Title Page No.
1 Capital Structure of GDBL 7
2 Customer Satisfaction toward Service of Bank 21
Customer Satisfaction toward Working Speed of
3 21
Bank Staff
4 Customer Arrive at Bank According to Age 22
FD Fixed Deposit
HR Human Resource
AD Administration Department
A/C Account
Customer service means different things in different industries, but it always boils down to
the same basic elements – providing superior levels of service to patrons, constituents and
clients. In the banking industry, where technology continues to evolve the way we handle
personal and business finances, quality customer care includes keeping pace with both live
and digital options for handling everything from simple to complex transactions. Not
everyone has an in-depth understanding of banking products and services, so a detailed,
current knowledge of the industry is vital to providing high-quality customer service. This
includes familiarizing yourself with all of your institution's offerings, including:
Not only should you be aware of what products your bank offers, but you should be well-
versed and able to talk intelligently with customers about the benefits and features of all
products. Good customer service also means being able to evaluate specific and highly
individualized customer needs and make informed recommendations that suit those needs
1.2 Brief History
In the context of Nepal, it is very difficult to trace the correct chronological history of the
Banking systems in Nepal because there are no sufficient historical records and data about
Banking in Nepal.
A bank, also known as a credit institution or deposit entity is a financial company that is
responsible for raising funds in the form of deposits, and lending money, as well as the
provision of financial services. Banking, or the banking system, is the set of entities or
institutions that, within a given economy, provide bank services.
There are existing records of loans in Babylon during the eighteenth century BC. made by
temple priests to merchants. The trapezoids were the bankers in Ancient Greece.
Trapeze was the table behind which they were in stores, sometimes destined to another type
of commercial activity, but very often to banking transactions. However, the most important
banks continued to be the great temples, where the priests made the money they received on
deposit in accordance with the loans granted to individuals and cities.
Pythius of Lydia, in Asia Minor, early from the 5th century BC was the first individual
banker of which there are records. Many of the bankers of the Greek city-states were
“metecos” or foreign residents. Around 371 B. C., Passion, a slave, became the richest and
most famous banker in Greece.
There is proof that this type of operation was possibly carried out in Abraham’s time. As the
ancient Sumerians of the Sinar plains had “a singularly complex system of lending and
receiving loans, keeping money in deposit and providing letters of credit.” In Babylon, as
later in Greece, banking activity centered around religious temples, whose sacrosanct nature
meant security against thieves.
Nepal Bank Ltd. is the first modern bank of Nepal. It is taken as the milestone of modern
banking of the country. Nepal bank marks the beginning of a new era in the history of
modern banking in Nepal. This was established in 1937 A.D.
Nepal Bank has been inaugurated by King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah Dev on 30 th Kartik
1994 B.S. Nepal bank was established as a semi-government bank with the authorized capital
of Rs.10 million and the paid -up capital of Rs. 892 thousand. Until the mid-1940s, only
metallic coins were used as a medium of exchange.
So the Nepal Government (His Majesty Government on that time) felt the need of separate
institution or body to issue national currencies and promote the financial organization in the
Nepal Bank Ltd. remained the only financial institution of the country until the foundation of
Nepal Rastra Bank is 1956 A.D. Due to the absence of the central bank, Nepal Bank has to
play the role of the central bank and operate the function of the central bank.
Hence, the Nepal Rastra Bank Act 1955 was formulated, which was approved by the Nepal
Government accordingly, the Nepal Rastra Bank was established in 1956 A.D. as the central
bank of Nepal. Nepal Rastra Bank makes various guidelines for the banking sector of the
In 1877, during the period of the rule of King Ranodip (Ranoddip), many economic and
financial reforms were carried out. One of the first banking institutions “Tejarat Adz” was
organized by the government in the Valley of Kathmandu.
The banking institution Tejarat Adtsa provided loans to the public, taking gold and silver as a
pledge. Government officials also had the right to receive loans from this institution. Loans
were paid from their salary. The introduction of this financial institution was the first step in
the development of the country’s banking system.
In 1880, during the activities of Prime Minister Chandra Shamsher, the banking institution
Tejarat Adtsa expanded its powers. And some financial departments were established in other
cities in Nepal, including the Terai region. For several decades, after the establishment of
Tejarat Adz, no measures were taken to expand its functions.
The above institution was created with the sole purpose: to provide loans to the population, it
did not accept deposits. In the absence of mobilizing savings, the banking institution faced
financial problems. It could not provide all the needs of the population, so local
moneylenders continued to thrive as the only loan providers to the general public.
As for trade finance during this period, although the level of trade was not high (trade with
India and Tibet flourished). Trade payments in most cases passed through various local
money lenders, as it was believed that the transfer of money through them was safe, reliable
Government officials had accounts in foreign banks, mainly in banks in India. 1923 was an
important year for the country, as the Peace Treaty of Friendship between the Government of
Nepal and the Government of Great Britain was concluded. Under this treaty, Nepal could
continue trade, free from duties with India and other countries. This agreement became a
reference point for Nepal in its search for diversity in foreign trade.
Under the new conditions, the establishment of a modern bank became more and more
necessary. The devastating earthquake of 1934 and the need for financing the construction
may have precipitated it. In 1936, the Industrial Board (Udyog Parishad) was created, which
had the following objectives:
The main objectives of the Central Bank of Nepal are:
An important step in this direction was the creation of the Nepal Currency Exchange Act of
1958 and the opening of additional banking offices in different parts of the country. Up until
1957, the Indian currency prevailed in the economy of Nepal.
The national currency, the Nepalese rupees, was a vassal currency pegged to the British
pound sterling. Acute crises in the sphere of money circulation and international payments
have repeatedly caused heavy damage to its economic development. Thus, the main goal of
the central bank of Nepal was to increase the circulation of the Nepalese currency and the
elimination of the dual currency system.
The central bank conducted a series of activities aimed at creating a nationwide monetary
system and flexible money circulation. Trying to unify and “modernize” monetary
circulation, it made an exemption from the circulation of old-style banknotes and coins of
different times and merits.
Replaced the monetary scale inconvenient for settlements with a decimal, introduced a
system of non-cash settlements. At the same time, the issue of banknotes produced by the
bank began to be used by the government as the most affordable means of financing.
Thus, within five years from the date of establishment of the Central Bank, the dual currency
system was abolished, and the Nepalese currency acquired legal status. At the same time, the
exchange rate stabilized and reserves in foreign currency were controlled by the Central
Garima Bikas Bank Ltd. was established by a group of enthusiastic, dedicated and successful
professionals and entrepreneurs from different fields including business, teaching,
engineering, doctors, banking, accounting, management etc. The management team also
consists of experienced, qualified and devoted professionals. The bank was incorporated
under Company Act on Shrawan 22, 2064 and acquired license from Nepal Rastra Bank to
perform its financial transactions on Ashwin 24, 2064. The bank started its formal operations
on Kartik 18, 2064 from Waling 3, Syangja. After the successful merger between Garima
Bikas Bank Limited and the then Nilgiri Bikas Bank Limited, the bank upgraded to National
Level on Ashadh 29, 2072. The bank also merged the then Subhechha Bikas Bank Limited
on Ashwin 04, 2073. On Chaitra 27, 2073 the bank shifted its’ head office to Lazimpat,
Kathmandu from Mahandrapool, Pokhara, Kaski. Currently the bank has 91 branches in
26 districts of the country.
We have very clear vision, i.e. “Access to All”. We focus on equal access of all peoples who
are real seeker of banking services.
• Deliver wonderful banking service to its customers through state of the art technology.
• Satisfy all the stakeholders with healthy and sustainable value creation.
• Contribute in poverty alleviation providing financial service to the deprived sector through
micro finance program.
• To make our vision come true through professional integrity, corporate governance and
regulating compliance.
1. To provide sustainable and quality financial service to the public upholding and
enhancing the interest of depositors and shareholders of the bank.
2. To help in development of industrial, commercial and agricultural sectors of the
nation by collecting and mobilizing financial resources from internal and external
sources so as to establish, develop and increase the overall productivity of the nation.
3. To promote in establishment, operation and expansion of employment generating
businesses in rural and urban areas by proper mobilization of available capital and
labor. And to support and help alleviate poverty by providing financial, technical and
managerial supports to the needy people.
4. To play a financial intermediary role through institutional investment
1.3 Nature of Organization :
Since different banks are established with different purposes. Based on their purpose.
way of functioning and meeting customer’s demand and choices, they are categorized
into various types. Broadly, the banks can he can be classified into following types:
1. Central Bank
2. Commercial Bank
3. Industrial Bank
4. Agricultural Development Bank
5. Rural Area Development Bank
6. Saving Bank
7. Exchange Bank
8. Infrastructure Bank
A. Importance of Bank:
The importance of banks are as follows:
i. Bank pool of the scattered deposit across the country and the channel it in
productive use.
ii. Bank deposit is withdrawal by cheque, hence, it constitution an important part
of the total volume supply.
iii. Sound banking system helps in flourishing healthy commercial and industrial
activities of every country.
iv. Bank transfer funds within and outside the country without any risk.
v. Bank provides letter of credit and guarantee facilities which contributed in
boosting international trade to great extent.
vi. Bank provides lockers for safekeeping of valuable documents and precious
articles in rent.
vii. Bank provides various card services, which has estimated the difficulties and
risk of caring money.
The area of operation during my internship period in a A- class commercial |Bank
was almost all departments customer service departments, Remittance, Loan
GDBL has various product and services. Deposits, Loans and advance, ATM service,
Guarantee, Letter of Credit, etc. It has been focusing to boost up the economic status
of the people.
1.4 Business Volume
Total capital of the bank has been fluctuated can described as
Table 1 : Capital Structure of GDBL
Fiscal Year Total capital(Rs in billion)
2071/72 5.57
2072/73 7.11
2073/74 17.69
2074/75 25.86
2075/76 38.74
Source : Annnual report
Figure 1 : Capital Structure of GDBL
Total capital
25 Total capital
2071/72 2072/73 2073/74 2074/75 2075/76
From above figure we can conclude that the total capital is in increasing ratio of the
bank since 2071/72 to 2076/77
1.5 Nature and Number of Employees
GDBL is managed by a team of experienced bankers and professionals having proven
track record. It is capable of offering hat people look for from a bank characterized by
reliability and professionalism. It treats all customers as valuable clients with utmost
courtesy. The bank makes constant effort to offer customized facilities to its clients,
based on the unique needs and requirements.
Its aims is “accesses to all” make a complex financial world easy for its customers and
help them to make most of their opportunity. To extend more efficient services to its
customers GDBL has been adopting innovative and latest banking technology. This
has not only helped the bank to constantly improve its services level but also kept it
prepared for future adoption of new technology. The bank has around 104 branches all
around the Nepal and total number of employees working are 925. Which of them ,
There is 11 employees in Narayangarh.
1.6 Product and Services
GDBL is the largest commercial bank of Nepal. GDBL is providing full-fledged
commercial banking service to its clients. Besides accepting in various forms.
following facilities and services are made available by the bank:
1. Deposit Service:
GDBL offers a wide range of deposit products that carter’s requirement for customers,
It brings the customers a convenience of networked branches ATMs and facility of
Any Branch Banking Services. The bank gives unlimited saving and withdrawal
facility in the deposit services. The interest rate are calculated on daily basis and kept
quarterly on the customers account. The various Deposit Schemes offered by the bank
a. Current Account
b. Fixed Account
c. Saving Account
d. Checking Account
e. Sabal Nari Bachat Account
f. Swornim Saving
g. Special Saving
h. Subaramhha Saving
i. Normal Saving
j. Sahara Saving
II. Loan Service:
GDBL also offer a wide range of loans as to fulfill the requirements of the customers.
The various Loans Scheme offered by bank are:
a. Real Estate Loan
b. Bank Overdraft and Foreign Employment Loan
c. Agriculture Enterprises Loan
d. Housing Loan
e. Hire Purchase Loan
f. Gold Loan
g. Education Loan
h. Loan Against Fixed Deposit Held with Banks
i. Loan against Government Bonds and Share
III. Remittance:
GDBL has a remittance facility which it handles inward and outward fund transfer in
any part of the globe using:
b. Western Union
c. City Express
d. IME
IV. E-Banking:
GDBL also provides E-banking services to its customers which helps the customers to
gain information an Account Statement, Client Details, Tax Statement, Interest
Statement etc.
V. Te1e Banking:
Tele banking is a system used to provide bank statement or hank balance through
computer system to the account holder who made enquiry to GDBL through
telephone. The required statements are either email of fax to the account holder by
computer to which its address for sending arc mentioned.
VI. ATM and Debit Card Service:
GDBL is National associate member bank. Banks has lunched ATM card Service for
all branches within the Kathmandu valley and extends the services other all branches
outside the Kathmandu valley. GDBL has own 51 ATM outlets. GDBL issuing
national ATM card services in all over branches.
The functions offered by ATMs are as follows:
a. Fast Cash
b. Cash Withdrawal
c. Enquiry (Balance Enquiry and Statement Enquiry)
d. PIN Change
VII. Any Branch Banking Service (ABBS):
Any branch banking system provides customers with fixable service for banking from
any branches located any way on the country. Through national network of branches
and on array of upcoming branches, we can enjoy ABBS from any of the nearest
GDBL branches. We can withdrawal of deposit amount, receive information about
current balance of our account from any GDBL branches.
1.7 Organizational Structure
BOD is the apex body of the bank that formulates policies as well as strategies and
provides guidance to the management. The Board companies a total of six members:
one members representing Government of Nepal and five members representing
individual shareholders. Besides, this one member is nominated by Board as per the
BAFIA. They arc the one who supervise their subordinates and guide them to
accomplish their work efficiently. Management of the organization plays a major role
in achieving organizational goal. As board of directors formulates the vision, mission
and objectives for the organization whereas managers formulate action plan to achieve
those objectives.
Chairman Chandra Kanta Baral
Director Dr. Ananda Prasad Shrestha
Director Shyam Prasad Basyal
Public Director Bimal Pandey
Public Director Dr. Bhupendra Bahadur Khadka
Public Director Sanjeev Dhakal
Professional Director Kunja Raj Thapa
1.7.1 Overall and concerned departments
The management team of GDBL is the bled of manager and department heads. They
are the main reason behind the success of the organization. Their job is to support
subordinates and also guide them so that they can accomplish their specified task
effectively. The Board of Director is responsible for formulating the vion. mission and
objectives of the organization as they guide where the organization should stand and
do in the future. After this managers and departments are required to formulate
various plans and actions that help them to achieve the set objectives. The
management team of GDBL is shown below:
Table 3 : List of Management Team
Chief Executive Officer Govinda Prasad Dhakal
Deputy Chief Executive Officer / Madhav Prasad Upadhya
Company Secretary
Head-Human Resources Sanju Prasad Jaiswal
Head-Credit Operation Anuman Shrestha
Head-General Administration Ishwari Prasad Dhakal
Head-Marketing & Research Bhakta Bahadur K.C.
Head-Information Technology Kamal Prasad Aryal
Head-Credit Administration Dayaraj Aryal
Head-Operation Roshan Timilsina
Head-Finance & Account Suman Kumar Malla
Head-Risk & Compliance Laxman Nepal
Head-Micro Finance Navin Pyakurel
Pokhara Cluster Head Bhola Prasad Tiwari
Narayangarh Cluster Head Purushottam Pandey
Dharan Cluster Head Min Prasad Subedi
Kathmandu Cluster Head Ramesh Rijal
Kohalpur Cluster Head Krishna Shrestha
The main objective was to assess information about overall banking procedure of
various department of GDBL. The main objectives of internship are as follows:
To explore in depth knowledge of formal functional activities, rules & banking
procedures related to Banking & Financial sector.
To examine the working environment and culture of bank.
To develop sense of dedication and responsibility in work.
To bridge the gap between the theoretical Knowledge & practical scenario.
To learn basic skills in order to deal with real world problems.
To upgrade interpersonal skills.
2.1 Studying the Chosen Organization
The internship is very much necessary to develop knowledge about the banking
procedures. Some of the needs of the study are:
1. To know the variation between theoretical & practical knowledge.
2. To examine the working environment and culture of bank.
3. To explore the information related to financial sector and banking.
4. To know the real practice and situation of the bank.
2.2 Specific Objectives:
1. To assess towards satisfaction of customers about service product.
2. To analyze the effectiveness of the customers service Department at
3. To develop the confidence level, competitiveness and performance level in order
to be adaptive in the dynamic work environment.
Research method is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It refers to the
various sequential steps that are to be adopted by a research during the course of studying a
problem with certain objectives.
All the 28 commercial banks in 2019 that are operating in Nepal are considered as the
population for the research study. It is not possible to study all the data related with all joint
venture banks because of the limited period, hence only one joint venture bank i.e. Garima
Bikas Bank Limited has been selected as the sample for the present study from the whole
3.4 Type of Data
As the present study is being undertaken to evaluate the performance of the GDBL, mostly
the secondary sources of data are used in the study. The secondary data are the related
publications of commercial Banks and central Bank as well as other related publications from
financial institute and consultants. Likewise; newspaper, annual report, periodicals, journals
and unpublished thesis has been taken in account during the study. The website of the
selected Bank is also used to get information related to the study.
The required financial data and information have been collected from the balance sheet and
profit and loss account of the Bank. The collected secondary data were compiled and
processed in order to achieve the objective of the study. The data are tabulated on the
following sequences:
The financial data have presented according to time series, which are of five years
starting from the fiscal year
The data were analyzed with the help of ratios, percentage, average and time change.
IN the duration of the internship we can gain to much thing that won’t be expected
although the theoretical knowledge we gain in the study period. In spite of these the
familiar behavior and co operation with other employee those things become easy.
How as direction of manager we work in the different departments like as customer
service desk, Tailor, loan, ATM must of time we were in CSD which is a place where
every trainee can deal with too much customer.
4.1 Function of Customer Service Desk
Customer service representatives who work for banks answer customer questions
about basic banking services, such as account balances and interest rates and fees.
They also help customers protect their accounts by reviewing suspicious activity,
reversing transactions and reissuing compromised debit and credit cards. Function of
CSD can listed as:
i. Deliver qualitative services to customers.
ii. Promote bank products and services.
iii. Build customer relationships.
iv. Maintain and manage existing accounts.
v. Capture new accounts.
vi. Respond to customer inquiries and resolve.
vii. Maintain customer database and update periodically
viii. Assist customers in depositing and withdrawing cash.
ix. Refer complex issues to the management.
x. Ensure best practices in rendering services to customers.
Work activities
As a bank customer service officer, following work we have to do :
balance cash
With competition increasing, good customer service has become core to a company’s
big challenge.
Getting it right means total buy-in from everyone involved. support of all team has to
come up with flexible solutions, adapting to the particular demands of the situation.
Place trust in the team. Let them find ways to better serve the customers. In turn,
the company reputation will improve. no one can never be sure what questions,
queries and feedback customers will come up with, but some challenges are definitely
more common than others .To give an insight into how to deal with tricky questions,
let’s take a look at the top customer service challenges that we might have to face and
1. Not Knowing the Answer to a Question
There will be times customers catch you off guard with questions you simply can’t
then the seller might not have an accurate answer. Logistics are often handled by a
3rd party courier.
However, this doesn’t mean the executive should reply by saying simply ‘I don’t
Your call is vital to us. Please hold while we connect you: is one of the most irritating
‘Your call is important to us, please stay on the line while we transfer you’.
But sometimes calls need to be transferred to better support customer enquiries. The
Callers are mostly kept in the dark as to why they are being transferred. Instead, the
‘Sir, your call is being transferred to the ABC section so we get an appropriate answer
to your query.’
Customers will feel much more comfortable knowing that they are being redirected
appropriately. At this point the right answer may just be a conversation away.
3. Your customer service workflow not being in line with your customer's journey
“The key is to set realistic customer expectations & then not to just meet them but to
identifies signs of links to prior classroom learning, explores if the internship allowed
the student to develop new skills and finally seeks connections between academic
respondents before examining qualitative outcomes via a series of focus groups with
consenting students. Whilst set in the context of a Case University, the study suggests
that students feel that the education they received prior to their internship had
prepared them for their experiences. In addition, statistical significance showed that
theories discussed in the classroom are important to their learning and that examples
Finally, as a result of their internships, students felt that their classroom education
underpinned the additional learning of new skills and competencies that occurred
during their internships. The findings provide a sound first step in the examination of
the teaching effectiveness at the Case University and offer opportunities for further
5.1 Knowledge Gain from Work Assigned
It was a matter of pride to do intern as GDBL as well as it was a challenge also for me
to work there, working at GDBL has given me the real work life experience. During
nr internship at GDBL, I found GDBL to be an ideal place to find a professional
internship. The opportunities to learn professional skills are endless here.
The supportive and friendly staffs behavior of GDBL, Narayangarh branch made me
feel that I was a part of bank’s big family. From the internship program I gain the
following basic knowledge:
a. Team work
b. Communication skill
c. Punctuality.
d. Time Management
5.2 Data Analysis
This chapter is the main part of this report. The primary data taken from questionnaire
from 50 customers are analyzed and tabulated below:
Customer Service Provided by Bank
Table 4 Customer Satisfaction toward Service of Bank
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Satisfied 23 46
Not Satisfied 6 12
Considerable 21 42
Total 50 100
According to personal interview, they are mostly 46 percent of customer were
satisfied, 12 percent were not satisfied and 42 percent customer feel considerable with
the service provided by the staffs of bank. The following data are presented in pie
diagram below:
Figure 2 : Customer Satisfaction toward Service of Bank
Satisfied Not Satisfied Considerable
No. of Respondents
Satisfied Not Satisfied Considerable
Satisfaction Level
Above table shows most of 52 percent respondents are saying working speed of
bank staffs are satisfied. 22 percent think not satisfied & 36 percent respondent
think considerable.
No. of Respondent
15-25 25-35 35-45 45 or more
Age Group
Above table shows customer arrive at bank with 50 customer with age group.
According to data 20 percent customers are from 15-25 years age group, 46
percent are from 25-35 year age group, 24 percent are from 35-45 years age group
and 10 percent are above 45 years age group.
6.1 Conclusion:
During my internship period in GDBL and preparation of this report, I got a golden
opportunity to observe of various departments to observe, understand and learn about
the banking procedures and functions various departments. It has provided loans for
improvement of the economic condition farmers, micro enterprises, Company’s
business houses and students.
I was placed in CSD, Remittance and credit department during the internship period.
So this report has mainly focused the activities done under customer services
department, remittance department and credit department such as loan
procedure, account opening, account closing, remittance, cheque issuance, granting
loan, permitting loan etc. Most of the data are collected through experience and
observation method.
As an intern, I have exerted my full efforts in the development of communication and
interpersonal skills, banking practices. Interaction with different level officers of the
bank and informal discussions succeeded in improving the knowledge about the
banking scenario and different banking terms enhancing the decision making and
problem solving skill.
During the internship period, I got an opportunity to learn the real world banking
practices and knowledge which proved a great achievement to me. I increased
network with banking staffs that helped me for my future career development.
The major lessons that are learned during internship can be listed as under.
a. Learnt about the different functioning of’ the bank and also learnt about the KYC
b. Technology is one of the major factors that minimizes the operational costs and
increase the efficiency.
c. Learnt about the general documents requirements in various departments.
d. Responding to customer queries on the time help to retain the customers and also
helps to keep customer loyal.
e. Keeping right things at right place.
f. Various types of skills i.e. communication skills, leadership skills, presentations
skills, interpersonal skills, research skills etc. are essential for a professional
career and to be successful person in banking industry.
g. The real working environment and practical exposure are quite different from the
theoretical knowledge that we have learned in class room.
h. It was also learnt that the interaction and communication is very important in real
workflow within the department and within the organization. The importance of
team work, interaction and communication as learnt in real context.
i. Learnt to handle the different types of customer who have different types of
attitude. mind and behavior efficiently.
j. Learn to be dutiful and talk politely with complete confident way with customers
no matter what the attitude and intension of customers.
k. Lean to utilize the leisure time in office by’ carrying out the earls Id work at busy
hours. Its helps to understand the value of time and its management.
6.2 General Comments and Suggestion
During internship period, while working in GDBL in various departments. On the
basis of experience gained and observation made while working as intern, following
are the collected list of suggestions & recommendation for the betterment of KSBRL.
a. CSD department should be developed more attractive.
b. Bank is a service organization so staffs should concentrate much to get over the
customer queries, complaints & suggestions immediately.
c. Staffs should perform the job in rotation in various departments so that each &
everyone can learn activities of all departments.
d. It should launch new products & services that would address customer’s needs.
e. The number of staff’s should be increased in organizations if necessary.
f. It should update its office equipment, software, websites regularity to provide
effective environment.
g. Training on how system works, operate system, etc should be provided.
h. Focus on customer employees retention programs.
i. The number of ATMs should be increased in necessary locations immediately and
services must he provided 24 hours. ATM terminals placed in the various places
has frequently created problems to the customers while withdrawn their money.
Customers’ complaints are very often related to the ATM machines. This should
be considered seriously enough as it might have a negative impact on the
goodwill of the branch as well as of the bank.
Thus, I completed my internship period after achieving a lot of knowledge on various
Reports/ Journals
Economic Survey Report of Nepal
Annual and quarterly reports of GDBL
Field survey
1 What do you feel about the staff maintaining relationship with customer?
a) Satisfied b) Not satisfied c) considerable
2. Are you satisfied by services provided by bank?
a) Satisfied b) not satisfied c) considerable
3. What do you feel bank mostly focus on?
8. your suggestion for better service
Thank you