Alija Izetbegovic and The War in Bosnia
Alija Izetbegovic and The War in Bosnia
Alija Izetbegovic and The War in Bosnia
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1 author:
Pehar Drazen
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Glavna podružnica Mostar
Za izdavača:
Miroslav Palameta
Dr. sc. Mladen Ančić
Dr. sc. Ivo Lučić
32:929 Izetbegović A.
PEHAR, Dražen
Alija Izetbegović : i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
= Alija Izetbegović : and the war in
Bosnia-Herzegovina / Dražen Pehar. - 1. izd. -
Mostar : HKD Napredak, 2011. - 211 str. : ilustr.
; 22 cm
ISBN 978-9958-841-05-7
COBISS.BH-ID 19074310
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović
i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Alija Izetbegović
and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Glavna podružnica Mostar
Mostar, 2011.
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Naputak čitatelju.............................................................................11
An advice to the reader............................................................... 109
Preliminarni rezime.......................................................................62
A preliminary summary............................................................. 165
Dražen Pehar
(hipoteza o metafizičko-traumatskom sindromu zatočeništva)
(a hypothesis on a metaphysical-traumatic syndrome of incarceration)
Bibliografske reference................................................................100
Summary........................................................................................ 212
Isječak iz sarajevskog tjednika
BH DANI od 7. 3. 2008. godine
Volio bih da me upamte kao čovjeka
koji je narod BiH uvijek imao na srcu.
Alija Izetbegović
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Naputak čitatelju
va je knjiga nastala kao plod moga dugogodišnjeg
bavljenja političkim djelovanjem i diskursom
Alije Izetbegovića, neupitnog ratnog i poslijerat-
nog lidera bosansko-hercegovačkih Bošnjaka-Muslimana.
U knjizi nastojim objasniti glavna svojstva Izetbegovićeva
političkog diskursa i posljedice tih svojstava u realnom po-
litičkom djelovanju, imajući u vidu prije svega dva kriterija:
kriterij znanstvene upotrebljivosti tog objašnjenja, u okviru
teorije rata i mira, i posebice teorije uzroka rata; te kriterij
političke upotrebljivosti u smislu objašnjenja koje bi moglo
doprinijeti formuliranju jasnih i adekvatnih politika unutar
tako-zvanog bosansko-hercegovačkog političkog krajolika,
politika koje bi bile i odgovornije prema Drugome i sadr-
žavale mirotvorni potencijal u većem stupnju nego što je to
danas slučaj.
Nastojao sam ne napisati knjigu koja bi bila isključivo
historiografskog karaktera. Knjiga, koja je sada pred čitate-
ljem, zamišljena je kao interdisciplinarna analiza koja na-
stoji neke odluke donesene u nedavnoj prošlosti pretvoriti
u pouku za buduće generacije. Također, glavno usmjerenje
knjige jest prema Izetbegovićevim političkim vjerovanjima i
prema njegovu stilu komuniciranja koji odražava jedan im-
plicitni etički odnos prema diskursu, odnosno prema ljud-
skome biću kao korisniku jezika. Za analizu ta dva ključna
činitelja ne postoje neki unaprijed zadani recepti. Postoje
određene metodologije, kao što je, primjerice, ‘analiza sa-
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
itanje uzroka rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, petnaest
godina nakon njegova završetka, još uvijek generira
intenzivnu i uglavnom izrazito neplodnu polari-
zaciju mišljenja kako među običnim ljudima tako i među
znanstvenicima, uključujući i povjesničare, pravnike, poli-
tologe i teoretičare međunarodnih odnosa. Pitanje karak-
tera samoga rata, ‘rat međunarodne agresije’ ili ‘građanski
rat’, kao i pitanje ne samo njegovog početka nego i dovr-
šetka, ne tretiraju se kao znanstvena pitanja koja traže su-
kladno znanstvenim standardima utemeljene odgovore,
nego uglavnom, uz rijetke izuzetke (primjerice, Lučić 2007),
kao pozivi da se ova ili ona strana na ovaj ili onaj način le-
gitimira u političkome smislu (što je jasno zamijećeno u
Hayden 2003, str. 34-35). Predvidljivo, u Republici Srpskoj
rijetko ćete naći nekoga tko bi javno zanijekao ‘činjenicu’
da je rat u Bosni i Hercegovini bio za srpsku stranu obram-
beni rat, odnosno, da su se Srbi u Bosni i Hercegovini mo-
rali izboriti za svoj entitet kako bi muslimansko-bošnjačkoj
strani onemogućili majorizaciju, nadglasavanje, i domina-
ciju koja je, u očima bosansko-hercegovačkih Srba, sličila
onoj iz otomanskoga razdoblja bosansko-hercegovačke
Lako je razumjeti zašto su ljudi skloni prebacivanju
krivnje na druge, pogotovo na suprotstavljenu stranu. Nije
ugodno prihvatiti činjenicu da zlo ponekad dolazi od ‘naše’
strane. Također, lako je razumjeti zašto su ljudi skloni
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
pretpostavke ogleda
etiri su ključne pretpostavke ovoga ogleda u epi-
stemološkom smislu. Prvo, ogled je pisan u duhu
izrazitog neslaganja sa tako-zvanom ‘postmoderni-
stičkom historiografijom’ (branjenom u White 1973, 1990,
i Jenkins 2003). Smatram neprihvatljivom i nedokazivom
tvrdnju da je moć, napose moć ideologije, onaj faktor koji
određuje važenje ili nevaženje određenih slika o našoj po-
vijesnoj prošlosti (Jenkins 2003, str. 29-30). Također, sma-
tram i nedokazivom i logički neispravnom tezu da se, za
svaki uvjerljiv opis jednog dijela političke prošlosti, može
formulirati podjednako uvjerljiv, no prethodnome suprot-
stavljen, opis istoga dijela prošlosti. Drugim riječima, za
mene je tipična postmodernistička teza, da imamo i slo-
bodu i dužnost formuliranja mnogobrojnih alternativnih i
međusobno neuskladivih pogleda na prošlost (White 1990,
posebno str. 42-47), ne samo empirijski neutemeljena nego
je i logički apsurdna. To stoga što, i u povijesnim, kao i u pri-
rodnim i ostalim društvenim, znanostima, vrijedi logičko
načelo bivalancije: ili je istinita tvrdnja A, ili je istinita njena
negacija. Nemoguće je da i tvrdnja A i njena negacija budu
istovremeno istinite. Dodatno, postmodernistička histori-
ografija pokazuje još jednu crtu koja ju čini ne samo teorij-
ski manjkavom i nego i etički dubioznom. White je pred-
ložio da se, na navodni nedostatak empirijskih standarda
u historiografiji, reagira tako što će se teorije procjenjivati
isključivo prema njihovom etičkom učinku (White 1973,
str. 432-433); ideja je otprilike sljedeća: ne znamo da li je
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
na pitanje „Kad se osvrnete na dane izbijanja rata u Bosni, što biste – sadašnjim
iskustvom – učinili drugačije?“, u intervjuu za Tjednik 28. srpnja 1998., on od-
govara sljedećim, za njega tipičnim riječima: „Ne bih ništa bitno drugačije ura-
dio, jer ne bih mogao. Ipak, često sebi postavljam to pitanje. Ono se prije svega
tiče dvije kapitalne stvari: rata i mira. Da li se rat mogao izbjeći, a kad je do rata
već došlo, da li je trebalo prihvatiti ovakav mir“ (Izetbegović 1998, str. 94).
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
o 10. siječnja 1992. godine postalo je jasno da se
Bosna i Hercegovina nalazi u dubokoj ustavnoj i
političkoj krizi. Konsenzus oko temeljnih normi
ustavnog i političkog uređenja ‘Jugoslavije u malom,’ bilo je
jasno svakom nepristranom promatraču, do početka 1992.
godine bio je razbijen. Neugodne scene, poput one od 14.
listopada 1991., kada su predstavnici bosansko-hercego-
vačkih Srba napustili zasjedanje Skupštine Socijalističke
Republike BiH, zbog bošnjačko-hrvatskog prijedloga Me-
moranduma o suverenosti BiH, a Karadžić pred kamerama
najavio mogućnost rata, označile su period u kojem je po-
stalo posve očigledno da se Bosna i Hercegovina nalazi u
pred-ratnom razdoblju (vidi Lučić 2007). Politički interesi
ključnih aktera, i konflikti između tih interesa, bili su do
siječnja 1992. jasno profilirani i prezentirani. Dok je Izetbe-
gović, zajedno sa hrvatskim predstavnicima, uz povremena
trvenja i trzavice, djelovao u cilju proglašenja suverenosti
i neovisnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i njenog međuna-
rodnog priznanja, predstavnici su se Srba jasno opirali tom
djelovanju, izražavajući kao svoj ključni interes ostanak u
Jugoslaviji, odnosno, u najgorem slučaju, unutarnju tran-
sformaciju Bosne i Hercegovine sukladno njenom etno-na-
cionalnom ustrojstvu, transformaciju koja bi onemogućila
nekom pojedinačnom narodu da majorizira ostale, ili da o
pitanjima bitnima za Bosnu i Hercegovinu odlučuje sam ili
na štetu drugih naroda. Nakon ‘mjere’ jedne strane, dola-
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Izetbegovićeva strateška
politička vjerovanja
edini način da se pronađe odgovor na prethodna pita-
nja sastoji se u detaljnom upoznavanju sa cjelokupnim
opusom Alije Izetbegovića. Jedina smislena metodo-
loška uputa glasi da moramo identificirati one stavove u
Izetbegovićevom opusu koji se, prvo, ponavljaju u istom
ili blago modificiranom obliku, i, drugo, koji predstavljaju
jednu vrstu Izetbegovićeve političke teorije u svijetlu koje
je moguće objasniti njegove specifične političke stavove i
interese, kao i njegovo političko djelovanje u smislu jedne
dugotrajne političke strategije. Ja u ovome poglavlju dije-
lim cjelokupnu Izetbegovićevu političku filozofiju na šest
poglavlja koja su od središnjeg značaja za pitanje političkog
odlučivanja u kritičnim situacijama i razdobljima, odluči-
vanja za rat, ili za mir: 1. sila i pregovaranje; 2. rat i mir; 3.
država i suverenost; 4. Islam; 5. povijest i predviđanje bu-
dućnosti; 6. antinomičnost političkih pojava i procesa.
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Preliminarni rezime
a sada, aspekt ‘antinomičnog karaktera političkih
pojava i procesa,’ koji je za Izetbegovića očevidno
važan, ostavit ću po strani. Primijetit ćemo samo
da, držimo li se čvrsto ‘načela milosrđa’ kao epistemološke
premise za tumačenje psihologije političkih aktera, ovaj
je aspekt izrazito problematičan. No, smatram da postoji
način da se i taj aspekt objasni na racionalan način. To će
objašnjenje ipak morati sačekati poglavlje o dediskurzaciji.
Preostalih pak pet ‘poglavlja’, koja obuhvaćaju ključne
elemente Izetbegovićeve političke teorije, glavne grozdove
Izetbegovićevih strateških političkih vjerovanja, jasno do-
kazuju da ono što se dogodilo 10. siječnja 1992. godine, na
sjednici Predsjedništva Socijalističke Republike BiH, nije
predstavljalo Izetbegovićevu trenutnu i privremenu ‘neu-
računljivost.’ Svi iskazi, koje je on dao na toj sjednici, sa-
vršeno su kompatibilni s njegovim strateškim političkim
vjerovanjima. Njegovo razumijevanje rata i mira, sile i pre-
govaranja, Islama, države i suverenosti, i povijesti, tvori ja-
snu uzročnu strukturu među čijim je posljedicama i njegov
istup od 10. siječnja 1992., istup koji dokazuje njegovu spre-
mnost za rat, njegovu nespremnost za pregovore i kompro-
mise, njegovu nesklonost prihvaćanju i razumijevanju onih
s kojima bi trebao pregovarati. Taj istup također dokazuje
da, u jednome dubinskom smislu, njega ne zanima Bosna
i Hercegovina kao zajednica tri ravnopravna naroda čiji se
predstavnici moraju dogovoriti oko jednog novog, na ra-
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Veleposlanik Zimmermann
kao rato-tvorac?
azdoblje propalih pregovora, u Lisabonu i Sara-
jevu tijekom veljače i ožujka 1992., dakle, nepo-
sredno pred početak oružanoga sukoba u Bosni
i Hercegovini, u historiografskom je smislu zasigurno
najkontroverznije. U literaturi posvećenoj tom razdo-
blju mnoge su hipoteze predložene, no, skoro je nemo-
guće pronaći racionalni argument u smislu objašnjenja
koje bi bilo jasno i jednoznačno poduprto jednim kor-
pusom empirijske, dokumentarne dokazne građe. Prema
mome mišljenju, tumačenja su izrazito politički i intere-
sno obojena; znanstvenici obično biraju dvije strategije:
ili se unaprijed odlučuju za jednu hipotezu pa onda iz
obilja empirijskog materijala biraju onaj dio koji njima
odgovara; ili se odlučuju ostati neutralnima pa naprosto
prenose suprotne hipoteze za koje navodno postoje po-
djednako snažni i jednoznačni dokazi (primjerice Cam-
pbell 1998, str. 279, i Klemenčič 2010, str. 172). Ta se
teorijska i historiografska ‘gigantomahija’ vrti oko dva
pitanja, odnosno problema. Je li Izetbegović uistinu
prihvatio, a onda nekoliko dana kasnije, odbacio Lisa-
bonsku Izjavu o ustavnim načelima koja je predložila
preuređenje Bosne i Hercegovine kao zajednice tri kan-
tona koji bi bili prvenstveno, ali ne isključivo, definirani
kao etno-nacionalni; i ako jeste, što ga je motiviralo da
to učini? Drugo, je li američka diplomacija, koju je u to
vrijeme predstavljao Warren Zimmermann, posljednji
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
to je dediskurzacija? Sam fenomen, odnosno proces
dediskurzacije nije tematiziran u postojećoj litera-
turi posvećenoj pitanjima rata i mira. No, taj je fe-
nomen jednostavan i neporeciv. Za svaku odluku za rat,
koja je zapravo, s jedne strane, odluka da se sa suprotstav-
ljenom stranom prestane pregovarati, a s druge, odluka
da se komunikacija sa tom stranom nastavi u obliku upo-
rabe sredstava prisile, odnosno oružanih sredstava, nužno
je da se ukine vjerovanje (time i volja) da će sa dotičnom
stranom biti moguće doći do sporazuma putem isključivo
mirne i racionalne uporabe verbalnih sredstava. Drugim
riječima, da bi došlo do rata, jedna, ili obje strane moraju
prestati vjerovati u smislenost nastavka komunikacije u
smislu oslanjanja isključivo na verbalna sredstva, na je-
zik/diskurs kao medij pregovaranja i potencijalno sredstvo
mirotvorstva. Zamislimo li da je svako ljudsko biće iznu-
tra podijeljeno na dvije komponente, jednu koju možemo
nazvati ens loquens (‘biće koje govori, rabi jezik’), i drugu
koju možemo nazvati ens belli (‘biće rata’), jasno je da je,
za početak rata, nužno da se prva komponenta reducira
blizu minimuma, a druga da naraste i postane dominan-
tna. Naravno, nijedna se od te dvije komponente nikada ne
gubi u potpunosti. Povratak pregovorima uvijek je moguć,
a nitko od nas nije toliko glup da bi se zauvijek odrekao
sredstava prisile, barem zbog samo-obrane. U toj se reduk-
ciji komponente govorećega bića, bića koje sebe primarno
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
(hipoteza o metafizičko-traumatskom
sindromu zatočeništva)
akle, sve u svemu, u ovome su ogledu predložene,
i raspoloživim empirijskim dokazima branjene,
sljedeće teze:
1. Izetbegovićeva odluka za rat nedvosmisleno je verba-
lizirana već 10. siječnja 1992. On je tada, na sjednici Pred-
sjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine, izrazio volju da se upo-
trebe sredstva oružane prisile protiv srpskih ‘pobunjenika’
koje je opisao i kao ‘naciste.’ Tada je također iskazao stav da
ne bi bilo smisleno nastaviti iskrenu i otvorenu komunika-
ciju između legalnih i legitimnih političkih predstavnika,
samo verbalnim sredstvima; iskazao je načelan stav protiv
smislenosti pregovora i ničim nije pokazao da o političkim
problemima Bosne i Hercegovine razmišlja u terminima
2. Njegov istup 10. siječnja 1992. proizlazi iz njegovih
ključnih političkih vjerovanja. Ta vjerovanja, njegova stra-
teška i dugotrajna vjerovanja, tvore trajni sklop iz kojeg je
proisteklo i njegovo djelovanje od 10. siječnja 1992.
3. U sebi je riješio problem ‘disbalansa u naoružanju’
tako što je, tijekom veljače i ožujka 1992., a nakon razgo-
vora s američkim veleposlanikom Zimmermannom, for-
mirao vjerovanje o skorom narastanju vojne moći kojom
raspolaže. U isto vrijeme, njegov ‘pokret ka ratu’ događa se
u kontekstu njegova odbijanja Lisabonskog kompromisa.
Drugim riječima, Izetbegović daje prilog početku rata u
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
31 Takvu nam sliku omogućuje tek Foucault-ovo (1977, posebno str. 25-30)
teoretiziranje zatvora kao disciplinarnog režima koji u tijelo upisuje odnose
moći koji konstituiraju novu, modernu ‘dušu’ kao efekt društvenog znanja/
nadzora/moći; takvo teoretiziranje zamjenjuje tradicionalnu sliku ‘tijela kao
zatvora duše’ invertnom slikom „duše kao zatvora tijela“, ili preciznije, „duše
kao efekta i instrumenta jedne političke anatomije“ (Foucault 1977, str. 30).
32 Primjerice, u Izetbegović (2004, str. 98), on se prisjeća kako je jedan uprav-
nik zatvora jednome zatočeniku, koji je silovao vlastitu kćer, uputio sljedeće
riječi: “Ti si najgori, ali su od tebe još gori politički zatvorenici.” Nemoguće je to
ne doživjeti kao svoje totalno poniženje, svoju potpunu de-humanizaciju. No,
zanimljivo je da Izetbegović (1997, str. 139-140) svoje iskustvo zatvora opisuje
i sljedećim riječima: “Ja sam tako saznao priču o svakom od tih ubica, jer sam
proveo šest godina na robiji. U mnogim slučajevima i ja bih postupio kako su
oni postupili. Tako da, kad gledamo na te ljude odavde iz civilstva, gledamo
stvari crno-bijelo. To su za nas kriminalci i ništa više. Kad se radi o lopovima,
ne znam kakav je to svijet. Ali, kad je riječ o ubicama, to je jedan poseban soj
ljudi. Na neki način zločinci, na neki način karakterni i čestiti ljudi koji nisu
mogli da otrpe uvredu ili neku nepravdu, neki zulum.”
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
33 Slavno, Aristotel je definirao roba kao ‘oruđe koje govori’; implicite, nije
bitno što rob govori jer njegov se govor u bitnome ne broji – govor se ovdje
uzima samo kao njegova prirodna, a ne humana ili moralna karakteristika koja
bi trebala jamčiti racionalnost izjednačivu s onom robovlasnika. Rob, dakle,
nije ens loquens.
Također, primijetit ćemo da je komunistički (i nacistički) zatvor jedino mjesto
na kojem je država u potpunosti nastupala na način ‘naredbodavca.’
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
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Bibliografske reference
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
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Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
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Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
Dražen Pehar
slanjajući se isključivo na povijesne dokumente,
i sredstva zdravo-razumske diskurzivno-polito-
loške analize, ovaj ogled razvija i obrazlaže hi-
potezu da, za početak oružanoga sukoba u Bosni i Herce-
govini, u usporedbi s vodećim predstavnicima hrvatskog
i srpskog naroda tijekom relevantnog razdoblja, Alija
Izetbegović, neupitni lider Muslimana-Bošnjaka, snosi, u
najmanju ruku, podjednaku odgovornost. Ogled također
nudi detaljnu analizu Izetbegovićevih ključnih, strateških
političkih vjerovanja u svijetlu kojih njegovo preferiranje
oslanjanja na oružana sredstva ‘rješavanja’ političkih su-
koba, u odnosu na politiku pregovaranja, racionalne argu-
mentacije, i kompromisa, postaje objašnjivo i razumljivo.
Ovdje se također razmatra, propituje i problematizira
uloga američke diplomacije u kritičnome razdoblju od Li-
sabonskih pregovora (veljača 1992.) do kraja ožujka 1992.
i početka rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Posljednje se poglav-
lje usredotočuje na jednu posebnu crtu Alije Izetbegovića,
kao komunikatora i pregovarača, crtu koju je moguće ana-
lizirati i protumačiti jedino iz kuta ‘teorije dediskurzacije’
kao važnoga elementa racionalističkoga modela istraži-
vanja uzroka rata i mira. Na koncu, ukratko su izložene
pretpostavke pod kojima bi se moglo suvislo razmišljati o
tako-zvanim ‘propuštenim mogućnostima,’ i ‘potencijalnoj
i alternativnoj povijesti,’ u kontekstu Izetbegovićevog po-
litičkog odlučivanja u razdoblju neposredno pred početak
rata u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Alija Izetbegović i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini
AP, Dušan Stojanović, 2. rujna 1993.
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
his book is a result of my long-term research into
political agency and discourse of Alija Izebego-
vić, an indisputable war- and post-war leader of
the Bosniak-Moslems of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The book
attempts to explain the key features of Izetbegović’s politi-
cal discourse, including the consequences of such features
within a context of actual political agency, having in mind
the following two criteria: the criterion of scholarly pro-
ductiveness of such an explanation within the frame of the
peace and war theory, and the theory of the causes of war
in particular; and the criterion of its political convenience
in the sense of an explanation that may contribute towards
an elaboration of clear and adequate politics within the po-
litical landscape of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the politics that
should be, on the one hand, more responsible to the Other
and, on the other, characterised by a peace-making poten-
tial to a greater extent than is the case today.
I have attempted not to write a book that would amount
exclusively to a kind of historiography. The book is in-
tended as an interdisciplinary analysis that does its best to
transform some decisions made in the recent past into a
valuable lesson for future generations. Its key focus is also
on Izetbegović’s political beliefs and on his style of com-
munication that reflects an implicit ethical attitude to
discourse, that is, to human being as a user of language.
There cannot be a recipe-like guide for an analysis of the
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
that this aspect of the book, which comes to the fore espe-
cially in the Conclusion, will have a cathartic effect on at
least some readers.
The reader should also be aware of the fact that the
chapters of the book are put together in the way they are
for a good reason; essentially, at the very start I had in my
mind a reader who ought to pass through the whole work
with a relative ease. Hence the book opens with an episode
from history, a session of the former Presidency of Repub-
lic of Bosnia-Herzegovina. A detailed analysis of political
beliefs of Alija Izetbegović is offered to the reader in the
third chapter which is relatively long and demanding in the
theoretical sense. However, the reader is expected to find a
respite in reading the chapter on a mysterious meeting be-
tween the last American Ambassador to Yugoslavia, Zim-
merman, and Izetbegović. For those who are especially
interested in the role of international community, or the
EU or the USA, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, or in international
relations and politics for that matter, it is actually advisable
to start reading this book by reading the chapter on Zim-
The last chapter, on Dediscoursation, has its origins in
my more attentive and detailed focus on a special trait of
Alija Izetbegović as a communicator, a trait I was able to
elucidate only by giving a brief outline of an innovative ad-
dition to contemporary theory of the causes of war. Hence,
to the analysts of political communication, as well as to
those whose primary interest is in the theory of war, or in
the theory of the causes of war, the last chapter may be the
most interesting and appealing one. Also, my suggestion to
the reader is not to interpret all the parts of the Conclusion
as a kind of secured and fully corroborated inference. A
Dražen Pehar
Dr Dražen Pehar
(Mostar, August 2011)
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
he problem of the causes of war in Bosnia-Her-
zegovina, even fifteen years after its ending, con-
tinues to generate an intense and by and large a
futile polarisation of opinion among common people as
well as among scholars, including historians, legal theori-
sts, political scientists, or the theorists of international po-
litics. The issue of the character of the war itself, ‘the war
of international aggression’ or ‘civil war’, like the issue of its
ending, has not been treated as a theoretical problem that
requires an answer in accordance with the standards of the
scholarly excellence; rather it has been treated, with some
notable and worthy exceptions (e.g. Lučić 2007), as an invi-
tation to all sorts of political side-taking and legitimisation
(as emphasised in Hayden 2003, pp. 34-35). Very predicta-
bly, in the Republic of Srpska, one would rarely find those
who are willing to deny the ‘fact’ that the war served as
a means of defence, that is, that the Serbs in Bosnia-Her-
zegovina (BiH) were forced to create their own entity to
prevent a majority rule and a domination that, in their own
eyes, resembled all too well the one from the Ottoman pe-
riod of the history of BiH.
It is easy to understand why human beings do not hesi-
tate to transfer responsibility to the others, especially to the
opposed party. To concede the point that the evil some-
times originates in ‘our’ side does not give one a comfort.
Also, it is easy to understand why human beings may be
Dražen Pehar
34 This does not mean that I, as the author, agree with such a view; also, for
the purpose of my current argument, it is fully irrelevant whether I agree with
it, or not.
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
35 This, of course, should not be taken to imply that the other ethnic groups
have not suffered comparable and terrible losses, killings, torture, and similar;
we also need to have in mind that it is far from clear how a more detailed and
exact ‘comparative measurement of a degree of victimisation’ should be done.
Dražen Pehar
36 Stokes (2010, p. 95), among other things, founds his thesis on Izetbegović’s
moderation and modernity on an alleged ‘fact’ that, in 1991, Izetbegović has
not “seized the opportunity” to establish an ‘Islamic republic’ (which, accord-
ing to Stokes, would have remained within a rump Yugoslavia, following the
Slovenian and Croatian declarations of independence) at the time when such
an opportunity presented itself to him (!)
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Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
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assumptions of the essay
he essay rests on four assumptions in an episte-
mological sense. First, the essay’s tenor is opposed
to the so-called ‘postmodernist historiography’
(as advocated in White 1973, 1990, and Jenkins 2003).
The thesis that power, the power of ideology in particu-
lar, serves as a determining factor on which one decides
which views of our historical past are valid, and which
are not (Jenkins 2003, pp. 29-30), is here taken as flawed.
Also, I consider the thesis that, for any plausible depic-
tion of a part of political history, an equally valid, but to
the former opposed depiction of the very same part can
be given, as not only implausible but also untenable from a
logical point of view. In other words, in my view, the typi-
cal postmodernist thesis that we have not only a freedom,
but also a duty to formulate many, mutually irreconcila-
ble, alternative perspectives on the past (White 1990, esp.
pp. 42-47), is both empirically unfounded and, in a logical
sense, absurd. This is so because in historical sciences, as
in other social and natural sciences, the logical principle
of bivalence applies: either thesis A is true, or its negation
is true. It is impossible for both A and non-A to be true
at the same time. Moreover, the postmodernist historio-
graphy has a feature which makes it not only implausible as
a theory, but also dubious in an ethical sense. White pro-
posed that, to an alleged insufficiency of empirical stan-
dards in historiography, one should respond by ranking,
and assessing, theories and views exclusively according to
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Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
40 It is important to note that Alija Izetbegović, despite the fact that he kept
giving the same answer to the question concerning the causes of war in the
BiH (‘The others are to blame’ and ‘The war was inevitable’), felt an obsessive
inner urge to pose to himself time and again the following question “Was the
war really inevitable?” For instance, in an interview for Tjednik, July 28 1998,
to the question “When you look back at the days of the beginning of the war in
Bosnia, what do you think, with your current experience, that you should have
done differently?”, he responds in the following way which is typical of him:
“I would do nothing differently because I could not. Still, I pose this question
often to myself. The question concerns two key issues: war and peace. Was the
war inevitable, and, once it started, should the peace agreement of this kind
have been accepted?” (Izetbegović 1998, p. 94)
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Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
y January 10 1992 it became painfully clear that
Bosnia-Herzegovina was in a deep constitutional
and political crisis. Every impartial observer could
have clearly seen that constitutional and political consen-
sus concerning the fundamental norms of the ‘small Yu-
goslavia’ collapsed by the start of 1992. Unpleasant and
ominous scenes, such as one from October 14 1991, when
the representatives of Bosnian Serbs left the session of the
Assembly of the Socialist Republic of BiH, in protest aga-
inst the Bosniak-Croat proposal of the Memorandum of
the BiH sovereignty, and when Karadžić in front of TV ca-
meras threatened with the possibility of an armed conflict,
marked the period in which it became clear that the BiH
found itself in a pre-war period (see Lučić 2007). Political
interests of the key actors, and the conflict between such
interests, assumed a clear shape by January 1992. While
Izetbegović, together with the Croat representatives, but
with occasional friction and disagreement, worked towards
an international recognition, independence, and soverei-
gnty of the BiH, the Serb representatives were publicly and
unambiguously opposed to such a course of action; their
key political aim was to remain within Yugoslavia or work
out an internal transformation and reorganisation of BiH
in accordance with its ethnic composition, which would
prevent a single people from outvoting the others, or from
deciding the matters in the BiH on their own, possibly to
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Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
41 Izetbegović has employed this quasi-argument (to the effect that the ini-
tial distance between positions indicates that negotiations are doomed to fail,
which means that the option of negotiating is not worthy of trying) on many
occasions – see Izetbegović (2005, p. 129), Komšić (2006, p. 228), NSF (2007a,
pp. 121-122).
Dražen Pehar
42 In a similar tone, on February 25 1992, after his return from the Lisbon ne-
gotiations, Izetbegović qualifies the pro-cantonisation (or pro-ethnic region-
alisation) policy, as advocated by the representatives of the BiH Croats, as a
“knife under our throat” (Hećimović 2008, p. 32).
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Izetbegović’s strategic
political beliefs
he only way to propose an answer to the aforemen-
tioned questions is to read, analyse and grasp the
entire oeuvre of Alija Izetbegović. The only episte-
mologically sound way to do so is to identify those claims,
or beliefs, in Izetbegović’s work that are persistent or repe-
titive; secondly, those claims and beliefs should sum up to
a kind of Izetbegović’s political theory in light of which one
should be able to explain his more specific political views
and interests as well as his political acting in the sense of
a long-term political strategy. In this chapter I branch the
whole of Izetbegović’s political philosophy into six pillars
that exercise a critical influence on the issues of political
decision-making in the situation of a crisis, especially in a
context where one should make decision in favour of, or
against, a war: 1. force and negotiating; 2. war and peace; 3.
the state and sovereignty; 4. Islam; 5. history and historical
prediction; 6. antinomic character of political phenomena
and processes.
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dually, and that, under the impact of the war itself, it un-
derwent a critical transformation. It is quite obvious that,
in the post-Dayton period, Izetbegović becomes less wi-
lling to argue publicly for the ideas he defended at the start
of the war, and due to which he openly embraced the op-
tion of war. This means that the Dayton compromise has if
not defeated then at least prevented from materialisation,
and temporarily removed from political agenda, the goal
Izetbegović identified as his casus belli, the goal of Bosnia-
Herzegovina as a state of full and undivided sovereignty. In
other words, the Dayton peace agreement taught Izetbe-
gović a lesson.
Prior to the first free elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in
late 1990, Izetbegović posed a claim the later developments
have proven true: “as said, nobody has ever ruled Bosnia;
one were merely thinking that one were ruling it!” (Izetbe-
gović 2004, p. 78) This implies that the concept of a single
ruler, or a command-giver, in the BiH makes no sense. But,
it is also true that, within the same period, Izetbegović was
voicing the view that Moslems would oppose a division
of Bosnia by a force of arms, which implicitly refers to a
figure who not only thinks that s/he rules Bosnia, but ac-
tually rules it. In the course of 1991 Izetbegović’s thinking
is increasingly attracted to the idea of Bosnia-Herzegovina
as a state that must not have its internal boundaries drawn
along the ethnic principle, as a state that has a full and un-
divided sovereignty over its entire territory. The statement
on the impossibility of a single rule in Bosnia-Herzegovina
does not recur in the following period. Hence, Izetbegović
goes to war to ensure undivided sovereignty of the BiH. It
will take two wars, with the Serbs of Bosnia-Herzegovina
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and they will have to take into account the will of the other
citizens of the Republic. We know how smart people sho-
uld resolve this: by searching for a middle ground that will
satisfy a necessary minimum among the Serb, Moslem,
and Croat peoples, as well as the other nationalities who
live here” (Izetbegović 2004, p. 95 – a November 1990 in-
terview for a daily Borba). Such a claim implies equality
of the peoples, and the need to find and formulate a com-
promise. Also, it implies recognition of the status of the
Serb people, together with the other two, as a precondition
of the existence of BiH. This contradiction is premised on
Izetbegović’s contradiction that is both more famous and
more frequently discussed, the contradiction between his
advocacy of a ‘civil’ Republic of the BiH, as a state of all
its citizens unidentified in ethnic terms, on the one hand,
and his occasional recognition of the fact that the BiH is
a state composed of several ethnic groups that may have
very different interests (of course, with Izetbegović’s later,
idiosyncratic, addition of the notion of the Moslem people
as a majority people with a special status), on the other.
Secondly, regardless of the fact that Izetbegović has
already emphasised that Moslems would militarily defend
Bosnia, in the sense of a state with full and undivided so-
vereignty, at 48th session of the BiH Presidency, held on
December 20 1991, the Presidency, by majority vote, pa-
sses the decision to submit to the European Community a
request for international recognition of independent and
sovereign BiH; however, the decision adds the following:
“considering multi-ethnic composition of Bosnia-Her-
zegovina…it is advisable to secure special relations with
their homelands, the republics of Croatia and Serbia, for
both Croat and Serb peoples in Bosnia-Herzegovina” (NSF
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A preliminary summary
rovisionally, I will put aside the aspect of ‘antinomic
character of political phenomena and processes,’
which is obviously very important to Izetbegović.
Here it should be noted only that, if one adheres to the
principle of charity in explaining the behaviour of political
agents, this aspect seems extremely problematic. However,
I believe that there is a sound way to explain it in rational
terms. Such a rational explanation will be proposed in the
chapter on dediscoursation.
The remaining five pillars, that encompass all the key
elements of Izetbegović’s political theory, all the key clu-
sters of Izetbegović’s strategic political beliefs, plausibly
demonstrate that the events from January 10 1992 session
of the BiH Presidency should not be taken as a symptom
of Izetbegović’s temporary lack of accountability. All the
key statements he made at the session are fully compati-
ble with his strategic political beliefs. His understanding of
war and peace, of force and negotiation, of Islam, statehood
and sovereignty, and finally of history, supplies a clear ca-
usal structure which necessitates a number of effects that
also include his January 10 1992 positions; the positions
that attest to his readiness to go to war, his unwillingness
to enter negotiations and make compromises, his inability,
or a lack of will, to accept and empathise with those he ou-
ght to negotiate with. Such positions also indicate that, in
a deep sense, he is not interested in Bosnia-Herzegovina
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Ambassador Zimmermann
as a war-maker?
he episode of aborted negotiations, in Lisbon and
Sarajevo in February and March 1992, immedia-
tely before the beginning of military hostilities in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, is the most controversial one from
the viewpoint of historiography. In the literature that de-
als with the period many hypotheses have been suggested,
but it is very difficult to identify a rational argument in the
sense of an explanation that is sufficiently, and unambi-
guously, supported by a non-biased body of empirical, or
documentary, evidence. In my view, interpretations and
explanations are politically coloured or interest-driven; sc-
holars choose one of the two strategies: either to simply
pick a hypothesis beforehand, and then support it with a
biased material; or to remain neutral in the controversy,
which simply means presenting opposed hypotheses that
seem to be supported by approximately equal amount of
contradictory evidence (for instance, Campbell 1998, p.
279, and Klemenčič 2010, p. 172). The theoretical and hi-
storiographic battle of ‘giants’ revolves around two questi-
ons, or issues. Has Izetbegović really accepted, and then
soon reneged on, the Lisbon Statement of constitutional
principles that proposed a rearrangement of Bosnia-Her-
zegovina into a federated state composed of three cantons
drawn primarily, but not exclusively, along ethno-national
lines? Secondly, has the American diplomacy, represented
at the time through Warren Zimmermann, the last Ameri-
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some others, such as the US, and the EU, recognition of the
BiH following an insufficiently legitimate result of the Fe-
bruary 28 and March 1 pro-independence referendum in
BiH, it seems that the claim that the US had a positive view
of the Lisbon plan in February 1992 need to be met with
scepticism and invitations to a further scrutiny.
However, before anything else, we need to listen to
another major voice, the voice of Izetbegović himself. Per-
haps it can give us important hints about the direction in
which we could find some answers to the deep and per-
plexing historiographic controversy. In his book of memo-
irs Izetbegović quotes from his July 19 2000 interview to
an American ‘journalist’ Alan Kuperman.50 To the question
“why did it seem that you have on two occasions, in Fe-
bruary and March 1992, endorsed the Cutiliero’s plan only
to renounce it on both occasions?”, Izetbegović answers as
“You need to have in mind two facts: first, throughout
the time we were negotiating under the threat of aggre-
ssion; secondly, we were not equal in the negotiations.
The Serbs were negotiating from the position of power
as they were backed by the Army (JNA) which at the
time was ranked fourth in Europe by its combat capa-
city. In such a situation, we were in no position to de-
fend some firm and strict views, we had to manoeuvre
in order to find any solution, to avoid the conflict and
buy some time. At the Lisbon meeting (February 21 and
22 1992), as well as the Brussels one (March 7 and 8
1992), no document was signed. There were only my
statements to the effect that I supported the negotiating
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Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
to Sadam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, on July 25 1990 met with the Iraqi pres-
ident upon his own request (which signalled a considerable importance of the
meeting for Sadam); at the meeting she informed Sadam of the American at-
titude to the territorial dispute between Iraq and Kuwait. Glaspie received very
general and ambiguous instruction from Washington (‘USA will not meddle
into territorial disputes between the Arab states, but it prefers a peaceful solu-
tion of such disputes’) which she simply conveyed to Sadam. He concluded
that he could interpret the message from the US government as a ‘yellow light’
to his military incursion into Kuwait (See The New York Times, September 23
1990). For a similar American use of ambiguity in a morally problematic con-
text, from a later period, see Pehar (2005b); interestingly, Milošević launched
his offensive against the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) on February 28 1998,
following the February 23 public statement by American ambassador and en-
voy Gelbard to the effect that the KLA was a ‘terrorist organisation,’ for which
see Petritsch, Kaser, Pichler (1999, p. 211).
Dražen Pehar
done your job. You have not defended your principles. You
have not kept your promises [italics by Pehar].”58 To the
next question by Le Figaro, “who is it that he resents aga-
inst most?”, his answer is in unambiguous terms, “Europe
and America.” (Izetbegović 2004, p. 296)
58 We should not forget that Zimmermann himself later resigned from the
US State Department partly in protest against the US policy on Bosnia (Silber,
Little, p. 220); he had no reason for such a protest if we assume that the initial
American policy on Bosnia was neutral, or if we assume that the initial Ameri-
can policy supported a kind of internal and negotiated division of sovereignty
– his protest makes sense only if we assume that the initial, or promised, US
policy on Bosnia was pro-Izetbegović, and that the US later changed the policy
and deviated from the promise.
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
hat is dediscoursation? Contemporary studies
of war and peace are silent about the pheno-
menon or the process. However, the pheno-
menon is as simple as it is undeniable. In any decision in
favour of a war, which implies a decision to cease talking to
the opposed party, on the one hand, and a decision to con-
tinue ‘communicating’ with the party through the use of
violent means, on the other, the belief, that one is likely to
come to an agreement with the party by a peaceful and ra-
tional use of verbal means only, needs to lose its impact and
decrease in significance. In other words, to open the door
to a beginning of military hostilities, one party, or both,
needs to cease believing that further verbal communica-
tion, further discourse as a medium of exclusively verbal
negotiation and as a tool of potential peace-making, makes
sense or difference. Let us assume that all human beings
may be internally divided into two components, one we
can call ens loquens (‘a speaking, language-using being’),
and another we can call ens belli (‘a being of war’). It is clear
that, for a war to begin, the former component needs to be
reduced to a minimum, while the latter needs to rise and
become dominant. Of course, neither component can be
lost entirely. Resumption of negotiations always remains
a possibility, but, no human being will forever renounce
their will or readiness to use the means of violence as a
last resort, at least for the purpose of self-defence, either.
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
(a hypothesis on a metaphysical-
-traumatic syndrome of incarceration)
o sum it all up, this essay has proposed and with
available empirical evidence corroborated the fo-
llowing theses:
1. Izetbegović’s decision in favour of a war is unambi-
guously verbalised on January 10 1992 at the latest. It is
then that he, at a session of the BiH Presidency, voiced his
readiness to use the means of violent coercion against the
Serb ‘insurgents’ who he also described as ‘Nazis.’ It is then,
too, that he expressed his opinion that it would not make
sense to continue an honest, open, direct communication
between the democratically elected, legitimate representa-
tives; he questioned both the meaning and the purpose of
negotiations, and showed no sign of the view that ‘com-
promise’ is the most prudent way of the resolving of the
political problems of the BiH.
2. His January 10 1992 stand draws on his key political be-
liefs. Such strategic and long-term beliefs of his form a struc-
ture the effects of which include his January 10 position.
3. Izetbegović resolved the problem of ‘disparity in
arms’ by having formed the belief that ‘his’ military capa-
city would soon increase significantly; the emergence, or
strengthening, of such a belief coincides with his February
and March 1992 meetings with American Ambassador Zi-
mmermann. At the same time his ‘movement towards the
war’ is marked by his rejection of the Lisbon compromise.
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dražen Pehar
rawing on documentary evidence, and on a com-
mon-sense, discursive-political analysis, this essay
elaborates and supports the following hypothesis:
as to the origins and beginnings of the armed conflict in Bo-
snia-Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegović, the leader of Moslem-
Bosniacs, when compared to the leading representatives of
the Croat and Serb peoples during the relevant period, sho-
uld be considered as at least equally responsible. The essay
also offers a detailed analysis of Izetbegović’s key, strategic
political beliefs in light of which his preference for violent
means of ‘resolution’ of political conflicts, not for a politics of
negotiation or of reasoned argumentation and compromise,
can be pertinently explained and elucidated. Furthermore,
one chapter specifically deals with, and problematises, the
role of the US diplomacy during the critical period from Li-
sbon negotiations (February 1992) till the end of March 1992
and the outbreak of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The last
chapter is focused on a particular trait of Alija Izetbegović,
as a communicator and negotiator, which can be explained
only in terms of the theory of ‘dediscoursation’ as an impor-
tant part of rationalist perspective in the study of the causes
of war and peace. Lastly, the essay presents a concise over-
view of the guidelines for exploration of so-called ‘missed
opportunities’ and ‘potential and alternative histories’ in the
context of Izetbegović’s political decision-making during the
last months of peace in 1992 Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Alija Izetbegović and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Ervin Nino Tenino, Koktel slika - Islam (Islamtrend),
fotografija br. 28, preuzeta 1. rujna 2011.
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