The Aftermath Stakeholders On Notice
The Aftermath Stakeholders On Notice
The Aftermath Stakeholders On Notice
Bond Default: Any entity subjected to the “business practices” referred to above will inevitably be hollowed
out. By our calculations, and using reasonable assumptions, Adler would be substantially in breach of its bond
covenants. A loan-to-value (LTV) covenant breach constitutes a default-event under Adler’s bond terms, which
in turn means its bonds become immediately due and payable.
- Adler has insufficient liquidity to repay its bonds in a default scenario and does not have good assets to
pledge or sell to raise money in an emergency.
- Adler conceals its true leverage by changing the way certain figures (e.g. LTV) are calculated and recording
semi-sham transactions that allow it to realize paper gains and fabricate deductions against its debt.
Adler will face significant issues obtaining further finance when lenders realize they have been fooled. This would
immediately result in a liquidity crisis and technical insolvency.
We believe Adler‘s balance sheet has been artificially inflated to mask a default event, with questionable
chances of full recovery if Adler loses access to funding and its ability to refinance its ever-increasing debt.
An Auditor under investigation: Adler Real Estate AG’s auditors, Ebner Stolz, is now under investigation for
serious audit failures surrounding “imaginary invoices that are unlikely to be collected” at Greensill. Adler is
Ebner Stolz’s largest client after Greensill.
- Adler’s receivable balance exceeds b, much of which is unlikely to be collectable, some of which is from
Caner associates and undisclosed related parties. In absence of generous payment terms provided by Adler,
some of these receivables are overdue by up to 4 years.
Authorities already intervening: Regulators have their sights set on Adler.
- The Israel Securities Authority has already intervened in Adler’s handling of the Gerresheim Transaction,
forcing the disclosure of Caner’s brother-in-law as the purchasing counterparty.
- Questions have been raised by German MP’s regarding BaFin’s actions, or lack thereof, around Adler.
- ADO shareholders also unsuccessfully appealed to BaFin to put a stop to the ADO Properties acquisition of
Adler’s business is built on systemic dishonesty and fraud to enrich friends and associates. Its balance sheet has
been artificially inflated to a significant degree, its shares are not investible, and its bonds are almost certain to
default with very large impairments.
The business practices at Adler and amongst its kleptocratic network are not simply sharp dealing, they amount
to gross dishonesty and fraud, and the roll-up nature of the company makes any financial analysis time-
consuming and difficult. There are significant regulatory issues at play, and we expect authorities may soon act.
For these reasons we refuse to assign a target price to Adler s shares and believe they are un-investable.
Note: to avoid confusion Viceroy refer to Adler Real Estate AG as “Adler Real Estate” and Adler Group SA (formerly
ADO Properties) as “Adler Group” for events following its renaming.