Appraisal0 Sample
Appraisal0 Sample
Appraisal0 Sample
1 1 month after the crew member joins the ship.
3 To be also completed by and mutually discussed onboard during the Superintendent visit, as & when applicable.
4 Additionally, when there are performance concerns & the crew member is to be informed of these areas.
For Deck Ratings- by Chief Officer. For Catering Dept- CO & Master together.
For 2E, 3E, 4E, EO, JE, Engine Cadet- by Chief Engineer
For JE, Engine Cadet- by Chief Engineer & 2nd Engineer together
For Master- Technical and Safety Superintendent (within probation period, end of contract, and during visit onboard)
For Chief Engineer- Technical and Safety Superintendent (within probation period, end of contract, and during visit onboard)
13 If damage was due to age of machinery, or PSC deficiency on a recently taken over ship, for which please comment appropriately.
15 Example of special projects completed may be 'drydocks', 'modifications', 'phase into US trade'
16 Example of special challenges may be 'no 4th Engineer for 1 month due to injury', or 'heavy weather season from Jan-Mar'
19 Comment on areas of strength and areas for improvement. Both these fields are compulsory to complete.
Example could be "he took initiative to repair the provision crane which was inoperational'
Example of area for improvement could be 'to focus on maintenance of hydraulic tools as it caused delay during unit overhaul'
MSCCS office
23 When the form is completed by Tech/Safety/Fleet Superintendent, it should be reviewed by respective Technical Manager
and General Manager (for top-4) ranks, before sending to Personnel Department.
24 For CO & 2E, after review by CY Personnel and Group Managing Director, appraisal is uploaded on Crewing Database
25 For other ranks, appraisal is uploaded on Crewing Database by respective MSCCS FPO.
26 Follow up to appraisal is carried out and comments are stored under 'Correspondence' tab.
27 Appraisals are available at respective Field Offices. Officers are welcome to review.
28 No one is perfect. Appraisal reports are 'performance-improvement tools' and 'feedback opportunities'.
30 Self-appraisal is provided so officers can reflect and comment upon their own performance.
31 The idea of the report is to identify strengths and indicate areas requiring improvement.
32 Recognize that we are all different personalities & we all have the capability to contribute in different ways.
34 Identify any training / briefing / English language course which could help him further.
MSC Shipmanagement Limited Pers 04:(Master)
Ship: MSC YYYYYYYY Date joined ship 12/1/2016 Occasion of Appraisal 2weeks before s-off
Navigation How many deficiencies were rec'd in the Office Navigational Audit? 2
Would like to attend office briefing
again for Navigation to refresh
How do you rate your ECDIS skills? 8
company policies to avoid deficiencies
in Nav. Audit
Do you feel further training can enhance your ship handling skills? See comment
How do you rate your implementation of Safety Culture onboard? 7 Welder was injured by falling steel
Safety of Crew plate. Otherwise crew wear PPE. Safety
Any crew injuries (lost day/ sign off) onboard during your tenure? Yes Meetings are carried out.
How well did you sustain living & working conditions onboard? 9
Free Comments
Ship: MSC YYYYYYYY Date joined ship 42705 Occasion of Appraisal 2weeks before s-off
Superintendent's comment on self-assessment Fully agree Partly agree Somewhat disagree Fully Disagree
Level of English
Good communication from ship. Responses could be faster as
Interest in training & motivating crew 5
others are waiting for information to start action.
Overall trend of performance 8
Well experienced Master in the Company. Gives good impression about company.
What he is doing well & should continue doing
Master's comment on appraisal Fully agree Partly agree Somewhat disagree Fully Disagree