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Characterization Made Easy (CME) 

A little personality goes a long way 


A. Where was your character born?

B.Who raised your character?

C. What was happening in the region when character was growing up?

D. Does your character have any relatives? If so, how did your character get along with them? What are they doing


A. What are your Character's immediate goals (i.e., what would your character like to do in the coming year)?

B. What are your character's long term goals (i.e., what would your character like to be doing in 20 years from now)?

C. What type of person would be your character's ideal mate?

D. Who is your character's patron deity? Is he or she a devout worshiper?

E. Is your Characters a devout member of any non religious cause (i.e. is he a loyal servant of a King or Baron?

F. Is there any race, creed alignment, religion, or the like against which your character is strongly prejudiced?
G. What is your character's greatest fears /phobias?

H. What is the one task your characters absolutely refuses to do?

I. What is your character's greatest weakness?

J. What are your character's greatest desires?


A. What is your character's motto of favorite saying?

B. What is your character's favorite color?

C Describe what is your character would wear if money were no object.

D. What is your character's favorite food?

E. What is your character's favorite drink?

F. What is your character's favorite animal?

G. What habits of your character's friends annoy him or her most?

H. What habits does your character have?

I. What is your character's favorite music?

J. What is your character's favorite weather?

K. What are some other things your character like / dislikes?


A. What well-known media figure from sports, movies, or politics most closely resembles your character?

B. What would be your character's theme song?

C. If your character's friend were to write his or her epitaph what would it be?

D. What would your character's job be in old society?

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