Responsive Web Design Mode and Application: Wei Jiang, Meng Zhang, Bin Zhou, Yujian Jiang, Yingwei Zhang
Responsive Web Design Mode and Application: Wei Jiang, Meng Zhang, Bin Zhou, Yujian Jiang, Yingwei Zhang
Responsive Web Design Mode and Application: Wei Jiang, Meng Zhang, Bin Zhou, Yujian Jiang, Yingwei Zhang
Wei Jiang, Meng Zhang, Bin Zhou, Yujian Jiang, Yingwei Zhang
Electronic Information Engineering School
Communication University of China
Beijing, China
[email protected]
Abstract—Responsive web design have receive a popular And in the website building process, "responsive design"
attention in recent years because of they can meet a variety of use a same set of codes to make web content properly
internet terminals resolution. This paper will discuss how to displayed on the PC, tablet and smart-phone browsers. Now,
use Media Queries, Bootstrap responsive navigation, and more and more web developers want to meet all of the
layout of streaming technology to achieve responsive web operating environments by building a flexible website.
design. And make a rational analysis about responsive web Through different development process, we can know
development at the present stage. that, besides designing in accordance with the standard
desktop browser, “waterfall model” almost did not consider
Keywords- Responsive, Flow layout, Media Queries,
any other design and development environment, which have
become its biggest drawback. While "responsive design"
have taken these cross-platform issues into account from the
I. INTRODUCTION beginning, so that it can complete pre-patterned framework,
With the rapid development of mobile Internet, Internet design and testing in more detail. But these works have been
terminals are increasingly designed in many ways, the screen omitted in “waterfall model” precisely. Once the website
size of the device meets the different needs of users, but the design based on response design completed, it will be
size of the site is impossible to design a dedicated interface presented on the PC, mobile devices and tablet computers in
for each device. Therefore, responsive web design get appropriate way.
progressively generate and more widely used. Responsive Of course, as one of the most popular front-end website
Web Design (Responsive Web Design, RWD), integrate development technologies in recent years, “responsive
three kinds of existing development skills (flexible network design” have became more in-depth with continually
pattern, flexible pictures, media and media inquiries) and exploration, while some practical problems appeared during
named responsive Web design. Its essence is to design a web so many designers have applied this technology on their
content display mechanism in perfect layout for any device. website.
Responsive design is not only changing the page-layout
based on the size of the viewport, but also to subvert the A. Main advantages
whole methods from the current design. Formerly, web
designers fixed width design for the desktop computer, then User-friendly: more and more mobile devices
zoomed out and rearranged content for the small screen . enhance the user experience. Obviously, responsive
Design and Development of the web page should make an Web design have provided users a friendly Web
appropriate response and adjustment according to user's interface, because it can be adapted to almost all
system platform, screen size, screen orientation and so on. devices' screen.
That means no matter what screen size of the device is being Less Maintenance: Develop a responsive website,
used, we should be able to switch the page resolution, picture maintenance costs will be minimal, because it has
size and related scripting capabilities automatically, so as to only one layout which can work on all types of
adapt to different devices. equipment and significantly reduce the workload. To
explore a separate mobile site, actually two separate
sites, designers need to maintain the two sites at the
same time, and what's more tedious is that the data
II. CURRENT SITUATION ANALYSIS are not synchronize between two sites.
Most Web pages used a design method called “waterfall No additional domain names: If you use responsive
model”. It starts with analyzing the system requirements, and websites, it’s will be only one site. But if you are
then set out to design the front-end and background, finally using a mobile website, there are two sites, you need
evaluate and implement. Linear nature is the main feature of to configure an additional separate domain.
“waterfall model”. The whole process of the design is
developed by a series of sequential stages which promote the
work just along a single direction.
2014 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications (WARTIA)
Figure 1. PC 1280*1024
2014 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications (WARTIA)
consistency of view pages between desktop output devices and key technology of web collaboration services platform,
and mobile terminals. Project number: 2012BAH02F04) and Engineering Project
Of course, we cannot agree that responsive web is the of CUC (Founding item: Research on resources cooperative
best solution to all the problems of design and content scheduling problem and optimization technique based on
services. As same as web design in the past, a project’s entertainment performance chains, Project number:
specific circumstances (such as budget, target users, and site 3132013XNG1305) for their help and support.
uses) determine its way of implementation. According to the
experiences we already have, if your budget is limited or not REFERENCES
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I would like to thank the National Science and design, Computer and Modernization, vol 6, 2013
Technology Support Program (Foundation project: Research
on the manage systems for entertainment performance chains