Dela Cruz Danielle Marie C.
Dela Cruz Danielle Marie C.
Dela Cruz Danielle Marie C.
According to Catechism no. 509, summarizing that Mary is truly the Mother of
God, since she is the mother of the eternal son of God made man, who is God himself.
The title Mother of God points to the truth of the Incarnation, that Jesus Christ is true
God and true man. The church teaching concerning Mary's divine maternity is rooted in
the scripture and tradition, and was dogmatically defined at the Council of Ephesus in
431. The Church celebrates this as the mystery of our Catholic faith on January 1. The
most cited prayer, the Hail Mary, explicitly invokes “Holy Mary, Mother of God.” Catholics
call Mary the “Blessed Mother,” which points to our participation in the divine life as
adopted children of God
Perpetual virginity of Mary was defined as a dogma of the church at the Lateran
Council in 649 A.D. In the dialogue between Gabriel and Mary, she asked in concern
that she had previously taken vows of virginity before God. The church teaches us that
Mary is “Aeiparthenos” which means that she was a virgin before, during, and after the
birth of Christ. Protoevangelium supports the perpetual virginity of Mary, according to
Genesis 3 verse 15 - “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your
offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel”. Mary
because of enmity that God has put between her and sins, she is immune from
committing sins which include lust and sins of flesh. The Nicene Creed also declares
the virginity of Mary. It is also called the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, because it
was defined at the Councils of Nicaea (325 A.D.) and Constantinople (381 A.D.).
These privileges of Mary (Immaculate Conception and her assumption) do not separate
Mary so much from us. They are a privilege of abundance and perfection. Mary's grace
is shared everywhere. Their privilege is the privilege of abundance. We are called to
share with them. Mary was not blinded or confused by pride or false selfishness. Mary is
more perfect and "human" than us, and she can truly understand human trial and error.
Catholic Answers (n.d.). What the Early Church Believed: The Perpetual Virginity of
Mary. Retrieved from:
The Four Marian Dogmas (2016). Retrieved from:
Faith Facts: The First Marian Dogma, Mother of God. Catholics United for the Faith.
Retrieved from:
Greg Witherow (n.d). The Perpetual Virginity of Mary. Retrieved from: