Praxis of Organizational Development in The National Government Agencies: Towards A Proposed Innovative Model

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Praxis of Organizational Development in the National Government Agencies:

Towards a Proposed Innovative Model

Article  in  International Journal of Public Administration · September 2019

DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2019.1668409


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Adrian Bon B. Santiago

Our Lady of Fatima University


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International Journal of Public Administration

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Praxis of Organizational Development in the

National Government Agencies: Towards a
Proposed Innovative Model

Adrian Bon B. Santiago & Ma. June S. Carlos

To cite this article: Adrian Bon B. Santiago & Ma. June S. Carlos (2019): Praxis of Organizational
Development in the National Government Agencies: Towards a Proposed Innovative Model,
International Journal of Public Administration, DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2019.1668409

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Praxis of Organizational Development in the National Government Agencies:

Towards a Proposed Innovative Model
Adrian Bon B. Santiagoa,b,c,d and Ma. June S. Carlosc,d
Our Lady of Fatima University, Philippines; bResearch Development and Innovation Center, Philippines; cTarlac State University, Philippines;
College of Public Administration and Governance, Philippines

This study aims to provide a clear understanding of the praxis of organizational development in the Organizational
National Government Agencies (NGAs) towards a proposed innovative model. The article utilized the development; change
convergent triangulation parallel design. The research seeks to determine and evaluate the level of management; public
respondent’s observance in the field and praxis of public organizations towards organizational devel- administration
opment. The respondent includes public officers and employees emanating from various Government
Agencies in the Philippines. Data revealed that the praxis of organizational development in the
Government Agencies is fully observant and advanced on public officers and employees’ observance
to Harmonizing, Adapting, Nominating, Generating, and Evaluating, but nominal only on Creating. In this
light, it is concluded that respondent government agencies are on the advanced stage on the praxis of
organizational development. Moreover, public officers and employees revealed that they have the
necessary attitude towards change and presented their willingness concerning organizational

Introduction administration and governance through time strengthens

and intensifies the implementation of the designed and
In everyday parlance, the field and praxis of public admin-
proposed rules, statutes, laws, regulations, policies, and
istration is associated and confronted with several issues
guidelines that need to be trailed or observed by everyone
and challenges concerning organizational change and
for the upward mobility and development. On this note, the
development. In general, the noble praxis of public admin-
best interest and welfare of the people is considered an
istration relates to an academic discipline and government
important core ingredient for its optimistic materialization.
function. By its presence, it is faced to implement and
In addition, the sphere of public administration provides
execute organizational change primarily designed for the
strategic mechanism and device intended to enhance the
advancement and development of the organization
quality of public service being evaluated and assessed by its
(Kickert, 2010).
citizenry. The so-called public interest and welfare of the
Tracing the evolution of public administration from the
people should be the primeval basis for its operative
traditional phase in the year 1950s to the present stage, the
government was moved to change the ways and means in
In the field and stadium of public administration, orga-
providing service to the general public. It includes the
nizational development caters different aspects of govern-
adaptation of the innovative and entrepreneurial mechan-
mental functions. The necessity of adapting change in an
ism to provide and enhance its services. Moreover, new
organization dwells on the sustenance and maintenance of
public management is concerned to emphasize that avail-
public office. Also, it is directed to have a deliberate and
able resources must be appropriately utilized in furtherance
willful change in view of the perspective of running the
of change in the organization (Dunlavy & Hood, 1994)
government better (Politt & Bouckaert, 2004). In accor-
Although both envision to uphold an effective and effi-
dance with law, public office is a public trust, public officers
cient administration of the government through the process
and employees, must, at all times, be accountable to people,
of organizational development, support of the government
serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty,
is an indispensable requirement and a matter of necessity
and efficiency; act with patriotism and justice, and lead
towards development. Furthermore, the flight of public
modest lives (Article XI, 1987 Philippine Constitution).

CONTACT Adrian Bon B. Santiago [email protected] Our Lady of Fatima University, 120 MacArthur Highway, Valenzuela City, Metro
Manila 1440, Philippines
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

The advancement and development of public adminis- Situationally, the development of public administration
tration in various areas indicate a vital and important role emerges from time to time in order to address the insatiable
in the holistic formation of every country. Its numerous issues and concerns on public administration and good
contribution to the success of every nation is undeniable governance.
and incomparable. Outlined from its historical origin On the Philippine contemporary of public govern-
down to its innovative millennial application, the indispen- ance, administrators around the globe take acquaintance
sability character of public administration as practiced by on the necessity of continuous development of public
professionals is one of the most primordial considerations administration. They realize the necessity of adapting
that should be taken cognizance especially in the arena of change whenever acceptable and applicable to relevant
the globalized contemporary world. areas. The rationale behind its acceptance is to serve the
In this regard, the adaption of change in the government best interest of the general public thereby producing an
whenever appropriate and possible must emanate from organization that caters to serve within its full capacity
lawful sentiments and must not be tainted with personal the redress of grievances, concerns, and issues of the
interest thereby jeopardizing general welfare and public populace.
interest. Indeed, introducing and adapting change can The organization in both public and private sector
never be tranquil, it obliges and requires a lot of perspira- experiences change. Whether it is regarded as
tion and dedication from the proponents that involve col- a planned, abrupt or sudden change (Kickert, 2010).
laborative efforts from all participants that are greatly The adaption of new and innovative measures is
affected thereby. needed to suit the growing needs and concerns of the
Furthermore, in the advancement of the praxis of public organization. The presence of continuous change that
administration, it is suggested that there is a necessity of full provides a solution is an essential matter when we
understanding of the different advantages and disadvan- speak of organizational development.
tages of change before its proposed implementation and The willingness to adapt change are being utilized to
execution. In this light, the citizenry will be informed as to determine the proper implementation of change man-
the implications of the proposed change in the government agement in a certain organization (Metselaar, 1997).
segment. Also, distinctions must be presented and made Undoubtedly, the support of employees towards the
between innovation and change (Clary, Ebersten, & proposed change in the organization is considered as
Harlor, 2000). vital or crucial for the successful implementation of
In Philippine scenery, the venture of public administra- change management in an organization whether private
tion produces an integral part of the government progress, or public sector (Bartunek, Rousseau, Rudolph, & De
success, and development. Public officers and employees Palma, 2006: Herold, Fedor, & Caldwell, 2007).
are guided by various state policies, principles, and laws of In the arena of public administration, there is no
public administration. Thus, it envisages valuing transpar- fixed, hard and fast rule for proper implementation or
ency and accountability of public service. However, in the execution of changes. However, by all means, we result
so-called nomenclature of public administration and good to all possible measures and ways to convert challenges
governance, hiatus on public service is still evident by into opportunities that will provide real advancement
reason of the sudden and abrupt organizational develop- of public administration. Regardless of whether the
ment or change management. This is still considered as an change is planned or unplanned transformation in the
unsolved issue and a continuous problem of the past that organization, all efforts require proper analysis before
post threat to present times and will convey influence in the presenting or adapting change (Leavitt, 1965).
future. Managing change in the organization posts different
In the previous years, the study and understanding of challenges and concerns among leaders and adminis-
Public administration coincide with the application of orga- trators of the organization. Also, change management
nizational development. The necessity of continuous devel- involves numerous approaches, strategies, and inter-
opment and progress of the organization is considered as an ventions for its application. The election of change
essential part in the scope of public administration. may generally provide and result to positive or negative
However, organizational changes in public administration impact to that of the organization. An in-depth analysis
are often given nil attention and understanding on aca- and profound understanding of all relevant factors will
demic research. lead to its purest outcome. Moreover, organizations
The comprehensive understanding of the public organi- who choose not to adapt or elect the necessity of
zation as to its emerging problems, issues, concerns, devel- change makes the organization stale and lessen its
opment, and implementation contributes to a more probability and chances of gaining or attaining contin-
effective and efficient administration of the organization. uous success, advancement, and development.

The inevitability character of adapting and accepting institutionalism of public organizations generally refers
change creates numerous conflict and gap among consti- and affects the organizations external and internal envir-
tuents and in the government. On the onset, the initial onments (Philippidou, Karageorgious, Tarantilis,
presentation of changes paves its mark to resistance. Soderquist, & Prastacos, 2008). The interplay and con-
Undeniably, that is the trend at times. However, some nection between the organization and environment pro-
individuals are open to changes especially if they see the vide the necessary contribution in the management of
positive side of the story that will operate for the success of change affecting network arrangements and engagements
the organization. Moreover, the world of public adminis- in the character of the public environment (Kim, 2000).
tration and good governance clearly envision its holistic A universal reform of public sector and governance
application of optimistic change and development. is the new trend to public management (Politt &
On this advent, the rationale and objective of this Bouckaert, 2004). In this light, leadership on change is
study are to determine, analyze, and assess whether receiving attention and consideration in the manage-
there is a praxis of organizational development prac- ment of change of public organizations (Higgs &
ticed and experienced by public officers and employees Rowland, 2005). Moreover, leadership in private and
in the Government Agencies. The result and findings of public organizations is regarded as not identical as to
this study will further recommend the adaptation of the its implementation and observance (Trottier, Wart, &
proposed innovative model in public administration Wang, 2008). However, by way of a contrary, views on
towards organizational development. The materializa- management practices and processes of change in the
tion of this study will prominently benefit the organiza- organization in both private and public make no dis-
tions especially the government sectors to diagnose tinction as to application (Klarner, Probst, & Soparnot,
whether the change introduced or implemented is 2008).
aligned with the very purpose of its existence. In addition, organizational changes with different
challenges in the implementation and execution are
provided with under-representation in the aspect of
Related literature
management of change. It nevertheless requires
The concept of Organizational Development generally a strong political leadership to address issues prevent-
involves a system of wide application. It includes scientific ing the observance of good governance (Hossen &
knowledge on public policy, management, and innovations Anwar, 2011). Also, comprehensive strategies in the
in the public sector that is committed and dedicated to social, political, economic and environmental problems
solving problems in the organization (De Vries, must be elected for purposes of managing the admin-
Tummers, & Bekkers, 2018). It is presented in managing istration and governance in the future (Tesu, 2012).
the proposed planned change of the organization for its The public sector reform programs and processes can
optimistic advancement and development. It entails the be categorized and divided into two (2) different stages
application of the different techniques, approaches, reinfor- which include the decision-making processes and the
cement, and strategies that lead to the organization’s effec- implementation phase (Askim, Christensen, Fimreite, &
tiveness and efficiency (Cummings & Worley, 2005). In this Laegreid, 2009). Also, in the study of organizational devel-
manner, the delivery of public service is an important opment and changes in the public sector, different
instrument in achieving good governance contributing to approaches are present in managing changes in public
the holistic development of the country (Hassan, 2015). organizations. This includes the 1) top-down planned
The emergence of organizational change in the pub- changed approach, 2) individual approach or the learning
lic sector (Fernandez & Rainey, 2006) reviews and model, 3) pluralistic approach or the shared policy-
examines the different stages of development in public making, and 4) incremental or short-term approach
organizations. It categorically views that change in the (Rusaw, 2007).
government setting is indicative of various levels of In Singapore, the sustainability and success of the
phenomenon that are considered relevant and signifi- country in terms of organizational development count
cant (Karp & Helgo, 2008; Rusaw, 2007). The frame- on the necessity of having an effective leader. This is
work, composition, and perspective of the public sector supported by the research conducted by the Center for
is an imperative factor needed in considering the Creative Leadership Asia (CCL-Asia), Public Service
change in the organization (By & Macleod, 2008). Division and the Civil Service College in the year
In Bangladesh, the existing structural and cultural gaps 2007–2008. In this manner, public service in Singapore
prevent the proper implementation of participatory gov- relied on a successful model in developing the aspect of
ernance (Waheduzzaman & Mphande, 2012). The con- effective leadership towards development. In connection
text of changing political milieu and the so-called with this, Singaporean public service and leadership

developed a learning capability mechanism that includes concept of the proactive role of integrating public and
challenging assignments and developmental relationships private sectors towards development. In this move-
(Yip & Wilson, 2008). ment, it focused on the vision of providing the clear
In Vietnam, organizational development and essence of shared responsibility and active participa-
reforms on public services were introduced in view of tion, cooperation, and collaboration between the gov-
the proactive role of the government in providing ser- ernment and the private sector. Indeed, it is a key role
vices and supplying the needs and concerns of the in providing quality services that will propel in the
community. Public services are provided to carry out socio-economic development of the country (The
government functions in addressing the essentials of Global Competitiveness Report, 2007–2008)
the society which the private sector is not capable or The essential features of the Malayan incorporation
willing to contribute since it does not have the neces- include policy implementation, dialogue sessions, joint
sary capital or resources. It is believed the private sector sponsored activities, improvement of quality services,
does not take part in participating much in providing streamline rules and regulations, administrative improve-
public services for the simple reason that they do not ment, paperless civil service, the introduction of clients
obtain nor create enough profit in dealing with public chapter, participation and implementation of ISO 9000,
services. However, by virtue of the fast-growing and and improving information sharing dissemination
changing conditions in the society, the government of system.
Vietnam is confronted with issues, problems, and chal- In Thailand, a number of organizational development
lenges that require the necessity of involving the greater interventions, techniques and approaches were implemen-
private sector to effectively participate and provide the ted. However, such execution does not involve an array of
insatiable demands of the society. On this event, its smooth transitions or transactions. The interventions pre-
government decided to divulge and transfer several sented in the proposed planned change on organizational
services to the private sector in order to address the development in the country was never been relaxed. It is
trepidations of the general public. However, such devo- alleged that the requirement of change is nevertheless
lution is in the nature of a limited capacity that involves attached with strong resistance among its leaders. This is
regulatory measures and purpose undertaken within available since the adaption of change may be undeniably
the umbrella and control of the government (Reforms caused or lead to decisions detrimental to the management
on public service supply in Vietnam, 2006). and control of power by the executives. Also, several
In Korea, major reforms in the government concern- authors pronounced that organizational development in
ing organizational development were resorted to by rea- Thailand cannot be operationally materialized by reason
son of the economic crisis in the year 1997. By virtue of of the lack of data analysis and diagnosis phase generating
experiencing financial distress and insufficiency of and evaluating the performance of the organization. In this
resources, the Korean government was burdened eco- advent, independent accountability was created to evaluate
nomically. It lacks financial means and measures intended and guide officials of the government (Berman, 2010).
to support itself. In the year 1998, President Dae Jung In Japan, the assumption of Yasuhiro Nakasone in
Kim, dedicated and committed to surpassing the different the year 1980s paves its mark in the intensification of
challenges confronting his country on foreseeable down- efficient public administration. He is regarded as one of
fall decided to introduce new reforms and reorganization the most powerful prime ministers that traverse the
in the aspect of labor relations, finance, business, and Japanese public sector to administrative reform, orga-
government administration. In this manner, the govern- nizational development, and managerialism. In this
ment will focus on the principles of organizational devel- measure, the Second Council for Administrative reform
opment through restructuring personnel, the organized to propose administrative reform primarily
introduction of innovative systems and processes, change concentrated on the areas of privatization of major
in the culture and mentality of providing public services. public sector or organizations, rationalization, and
This moved was aimed to provide comprehensive reforms reorganization of different public organizations.
in the government (Kim, 2000). However, such administrative reform also confronted
In Malaysia, change in organizational development with issues and allegations on Japans public sector
centers in the integration concept and process of efficiency and corruption scandals. Also, cases of
strengthening the public-private sector working rela- administrative reforms in terms of implementation
tionships. This is elected by virtue of the globally com- and execution were also questioned.
petitive verge in the globalized world. In the year 1983, Accordingly, operations on managerialism process
Malayan incorporated was promulgated by Hon. Prime and efforts of administrative reform contribute to the
Minister Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, in the present situation of the country today. In this light, the

effectiveness and efficiency of organization develop- organizations are confronted with issues and challenges
ment in Japan public sector focus on achieving their concerning the promotion and encouragement of the
goals through the integration and implementation of utilization of innovation and organizational reforms
the following: 1) Proper policy making is driven by an designed to improve the quality of public services. In
effective leader; 2) Harmony in work relationship; 3) recent years, research on the development of the orga-
Support of the citizens to implementation of policies; 3) nization through the effective utilization of innovation
Formalization and attendance to the interest of groups was examined and conducted to address the sudden
and internationalization; 4) Preservation of the proper change in the society thereby maximizing the available
values, tradition and cultures; and 5) Proper implemen- resources of the country (Torfing & Ansell, 2017).
tation of designed program evaluation measures to In the Philippines, the presence and introduction of
assess performances in the public sector. Moreover, in social, economic and political reforms moved the gov-
examining Japan’s underperforming public sector, it ernment to proposed plans, means and measures to
must include a comprehensive understanding of the alleviate poverty and improve the quality of public
importance of macro-economic incidence of fiscal services. From the point of view of national govern-
decentralization, requirement on government bonds ment, the necessity of decentralization and devolution
covering financial deficits, and the introduction of process activates empowerment among the local gov-
social security reforms of the country (Takero & ernment units. In recent years, the rationalization plan
Toshihiro, 2009) was also implemented by the government in further-
In China, the transition period for the last three (3) ance of achieving effective and efficient public service
decades opens its doors to fast and rapid economic and good governance.
growth and development. This is evident by the presence Among the field of concentration in Philippine pub-
of China’s reform and opening-up policy and participa- lic administration towards organizational development,
tion in the globalized world. In this event, it sustains its the government through its Government agencies and
capacity and capability in maintaining and sustaining its public sector promulgates policy reforms and good
monetary policy. Organizational development through governance activities that includes on open government
market reforms was elected both in local and central system, providing strategies on building effective lin-
government. They managed to develop their economy kages and partnerships, combatting the unending graft
and strengthen their roles in regulating and generating and corrupt practices, strengthen quality of public ser-
revenues. The reforms on decentralization and empower- vices, improving public performance, cultivating trans-
ment of local governments were strengthened as an inter- parency, accountability, citizens engagement, delivery
vention cater to the need of the public. The monetary of justice system, and the optimistic adaption on the
policy employed by the central government and devolve positive attributes of the utilization of innovation and
to local government plays a significant role in the devel- technology.
opment of the country. Whether such marketization
involves micro or macro-transactions including interven-
tions on local economies (Lin & Wong, 2013)
In present times, the reforms on the organizational The present study utilized the convergent or triangula-
structure of the government lead the county to adapt tion parallel design to determine the Praxis of
innovation in public organizations. The necessity of Organizational Development in the National
improving public service was also addressed by inculcating Government Agencies (NGAs) of Central Luzon,
attributes of transparency and accountability. High levels of Philippines. The method used is commonly known as
priority were also identified as intended to attain compre- the mixed method approach in research studies. In this
hensive reforms in the government. The country strategy design, the researcher employs the necessity of integrat-
was focused and concentrated on the appropriate and ing the important features of qualitative and quantita-
suitable reforms in the public service units (PSUs), restruc- tive study that is more realistic, suitable, reliable,
turing the administrative system, improving government credible, and appropriate to achieve the best result.
functions and administrative operations. In this venture, Moreover, the study specifically utilized validated sur-
the tremendous economic growth, improvement, develop- vey questionnaires with a five (5) Point Likert scale and
ment, and advancement of China were clearly propelled in interview guide questions to administer the conduct of
taking a risk and forwarding a big step in nominating and research.
adapting social and economic reforms. The respondents of the study are the public officers and
In accordance with the Organization for Economic employees currently employed in government agencies,
Cooperation and Development (OECD), public departments, bureaus, offices, and institutions of Region

III: Central Luzon, Philippines. In this study, respondents Henceforth, they were informed about the rationale of
who are serving the public organization for at least five the research article by presenting the different proce-
years were randomly selected from each Government dures and conditions of the study. Respondents are
Agencies. A total of 250 respondents participated in the assured of the utmost confidentiality of their identity.
study emanating from 25 government offices who are Informed consent forms patterned in accordance with
identified to have experienced organizational change and the World Health Organization (WHO) were utilized,
development in terms of leadership and management; explained and distributed to the respondents. The purpose
systems and processes, organizational structures, strate- and rationale of the study, the advantages, and disadvan-
gies and approaches in the year 2014–2019. tages of the research, the risks and benefits were commu-
The researcher created a self-assessment tool entitled “A nicated in a clear, communicable and convincing manner.
Diagnostic Questionnaire in Organizational Development On the conduct and process of the study, the respon-
and Planned Change” allows the respondent to reveal, dent’s participation will be entirely voluntary. They were
determine, evaluate, and analyze the necessity of under- given choices and freedom to respond or not to answer
standing the implementation of organizational develop- the questionnaires and interview guide questions. Also,
ment and planned change. The validation of the in accordance with the readily available rights of the
instrument focuses and concentrates on the establishment respondents, the right to withdraw, risks and benefits
of its intrinsic and extrinsic validity. Initially, the first step were presented and reserved for and in favor of the
governs the validity of the face of the instrument. Corollary respondents. The preservation of the guaranteed rights
to this, the researcher presented and tendered the diagnos- of the respondents and the protection of the ethical
tic survey questionnaires through personal handing of considerations and standards of research was given pre-
questionnaires, registered and electronic mail to different ference throughout the conduct of the study.
public administrators, researchers, directors, academicians,
researchers, political scientist, and educators who are con-
sidered, regarded, and categorized as renowned members
and pool of experts in the field and practice of public In accordance with the results and findings, data revealed
administration and research. that the Praxis of Organizational Development in the
Moreover, to enhance, fortify and strengthen the Government Agencies is fully observant and advanced
reliability and validity of the diagnostic questionnaires, on public officers and employees’ observance to
the aid of a licensed psychologist and psychometricians Harmonizing, Adapting, Nominating, Generating, and
was employed. The researcher’s participation and con- Evaluating, but nominal only on Creating. In this light,
tribution envisioned to provide consistency on the pre- respondent government agencies are on the advanced
sented questionnaires and to make clear vague stage on the praxis of organizational development.
provisions susceptible of different interpretations that Moreover, public officers and employees revealed that
may mislead the respondents in answering the given they have the necessary attitude towards change and pre-
questions. sented their willingness concerning organizational
Likewise, in taking cognizance of the best interest development.
and general welfare of the respondents, the researcher, In view of the challenges experienced by public officers
in the conduct of the study, strictly observed the evi- and employees, it is concluded that public organizations
dentiary principle of anonymity and confidentiality. do not have a comprehensive protocol, guidelines or
Ethics approval was first obtained and secured from procedures on how to properly implement and evaluate
one of the accredited Institutional Ethics Review the proposed planned change. Also, it is founded that
Committees (IERC) recognized by the Philippine there is minimal active participation of all employees
Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) in the originating from different sectors and departments of
Philippines. The written and verbal informed consent public organizations on matters of proposed change and
was secured in favor of the respondents. development in the organization. Moreover, the imple-
In furtherance of the respondent’s protection of their mentation of planned change and organizational devel-
exclusive rights, the pertinent provisions of the Data opment is not grounded on faithful compliance of time
Privacy Law under Republic Act no. RA 10173 was also efficiency.
practiced and well preserved. Relevant information was Proposed measures to be undertaken by government
purposely obtained and secured to ensure that impor- agencies to improve organization development includes
tant information is within the parameters of the the following: Effective and efficient delivery of public
research study. Further, such information will not be service, increase productivity and performance thru
utilized detrimental to the welfare of the respondents. effective leadership and management, equal

representation in organizational development, adapta- computed mean of 3.64, Advanced, is that the organi-
tion and utilization of innovation and technology, and zation develops new ideologies and strategies that
willingness to adapt organizational development and strengthen its performance.

Summary of respondents’ observance in

Level of observance in the praxis of
organizational development
organizational development
The overall summary of respondents’ observance in the
Respondents’ observance to creating
Praxis of Organizational Development obtained a grand
Respondents’ observance to Creating obtained a grand mean of 3.51, Advanced. Respondents’ observance to
mean of 3.37, Nominal. The highest weighted com- Adapting garnered the highest mean of 3.62, with
puted mean of 3.50, Advanced, is that the formulation a verbal description of Advanced.
of planned change in the organizational development
clearly addresses the concern of the organization
towards development. Discussions
The emergence of different organizational changes and
Respondents’ observance to harmonizing development in public organizations entails a positive
step towards its foreseeable success and development.
Respondents’ observance to Harmonizing obtained In this advent, the government and public sectors are
a grand mean of 3.57, Advanced. The highest computed challenged to improve in the areas of management,
mean of 3.68, Advanced, is that the organizational leadership, systems, processes, strategies, approaches
development and planned change introduce new poli- and organizational structure. Thus, it is primarily
cies and procedures. aimed to achieve and deliver the quality of public
services among its citizenry. However, such changes
Respondents’ observance to adapting and processes can never be smooth or tranquil. In the
process, the implementation and execution of organiza-
Respondents’ observance to Adapting obtained a grand tional development and changes are confronted with
mean of 3.62, Advanced. The highest weighted com- various issues and challenges preventing public organi-
puted mean of 3.73, Advanced, is that the adapted zations to attain its fullest potential and capacity.
protocols are utilized in the promotion of the vision, In accordance with the findings and results, the
mission, and core values of the organization. following are the discerned challenges and problems
encountered in the field and praxis of organizational
Respondents’ observance to nominating development in public organizations:

Respondents’ observance to Nominating obtained (1) In view of the proposed planned change and
a grand mean of 3.49, Advanced. The highest weighted development, public organizations do not have
computed mean of 3.60, Advanced, is that the imple- a comprehensive protocol, guidelines or proce-
mentation of change works to increase organizational dures on how to properly implement and evalu-
performance and customer’s satisfaction. ate the proposed planned change. In this manner,
public officers and employees are not given the
necessary introduction, preliminaries or preface
Respondents’ observance to generating
on the supposed changes affecting their respec-
Respondents’ observance to Generating obtained a grand tive organizations, departments or agencies.
mean of 3.57, Advanced. The highest weighted computed (2) In the praxis of organizational development,
mean of 3.69, Advanced, is that the organizational change some public officers and employees are unde-
is respected, observed and maintained by public officers niably resistant to changes and developments.
and employees in Government agencies. Challenges were determined and perceived that
the long practice and observant of the tradi-
tional practices in public organizations were
Respondents’ observance to evaluating
already ripened, transformed, and became
Respondents’ observance to Evaluating obtained part of their culture that prevent employees to
a grand mean of 3.45, Advanced. The highest weighted accept the new practices and adapt the

proposed innovative transformations, develop- Measures undertaken to improve

ments and changes in public organizations. organizational development
(3) Although there is representation in terms of orga-
The presence of Organizational Development in various
nizational development, issues and concerns were
Government agencies of the public sector takes its neces-
also raised on the necessity of including the pro-
sary steps and measures to achieve its utmost effectiveness
active participation of all employees emanating
and efficiency. In accordance with the findings and results
from different sectors and departments. It reveals
of the study, the selected measures are suggested, focused
that employees regardless of their status, designa-
and concentrated on the aspect of providing quality of
tion, or position must be given the equal oppor-
public service, improving relationship and performance,
tunity to participate, recommend or proposed
increasing productivity, enhancing leadership and man-
ideas on matters relevant to the proposed organi-
agement styles, the vision of good governance, adapting
zation development. In this manner, ideas, sug-
innovation and technology, and empowering employees.
gestions, and recommendations on the proposed
In doing so, public organizations are challenged to pro-
change can be perceived among its employees
vide solutions that will improve, strengthen, intensify, and
without discrimination and preference. After all,
fortify organizational development. Among the measures
organizational development and changes in pub-
undertaken by the government agencies in improving and
lic organizations require the entire support of all
developing their organizations are the following:
its public officers and employees.
(4) Also, several challenges were presented and
claimed by respondents on the ground that the
process of organizational development needs suf- Effective and efficient delivery of public service
ficient time for its effective implementation. It
In dealing with organizational development, respon-
nevertheless views that the proposed changes
dents of public organizations claimed that one of the
and development in their respective organiza-
most important parameters and measures in the devel-
tions are not efficient in time management. This
opment of public governance is to have the sense of
is presented and suggested on the response that
responsibility among its officers and employees in the
the organizational development and change do
delivery of quality of public service. The appearance of
not address the need of the organization within
the attributes of honesty, accountability, transparency,
the period given. The non-observance and com-
equality, and justice is important to attain the full
pliance within the time prescribed for its organi-
potential and capability of the organization towards
zational development prevent the operational
development. In view of proposed planned change
efficiency of the public organization. However,
and organizational development of public sector, it
such contention must also consider and take
must be aimed and intended to provide quality of
cognizance of the rigid process in the govern-
public service through effective and efficient means.
ment, change of leadership and administration,
and the availability of resources.
(5) The introduction and implementation of organi-
zational development are also confronted with
Increase productivity and performance thru
various challenges and issues on the ground of
effective leadership and management
graft and corruption. It is viewed by some that
the development and changes in the public orga- Profound leadership and management must be
nization are purposely driven by personal interest required to enhance public organizations' productivity
and convenience. The unending practice of graft and performance. Nowadays, a purpose-driven leader
and corruption must be vetoed in order to prop- of the organization is needed as an instrument to reach
erly enforce development among public organi- and achieve the vision, mission, goals, and core values
zations. Transparency, accountability must be the of the public organization. It is suggested by respon-
primordial consideration in the implementation dents that leaders must be equipped with the necessary
of change. As public officers and employees, the skills and knowledge vertically aligned with expertise to
important values of fairness, justice, equality direct the pathway of the organization towards success
must be upheld at all times. There is no valid and development. Also, the presence of
reason or excuse for its non-compliance in public a transformational leader plays a significant role in
governance. the flight of public organization’s efficiency.

Equal representation in organizational changes will not materialize nor reach its full capacity by
development reason of resistance and lack of support. Also, promoting
change must consider adapting the best practices of the
Another important aspect to undertake in managing
organization. According to respondents, such practices
organizational development of the public organization
cannot be dispensed with taking cognizance of the funda-
is to have a proper representation of all public officers
mental principles of organizational development.
and employees. Those who are directly affected or bene-
fited by virtue of the proposed changes and development
in the organization must be included and properly repre- Conclusions
sented. The sense of belongingness of all sectors of the
Based on the findings of the study, the following con-
government is an important note to consider.
clusions were drawn:
Moreover, actions undertaken by the government
must be made without favoritism, discrimination or pre-
(1) The praxis of organizational development in the
ference among its employees. The implementation of
Government agencies of Region III: Towards
changes in public organization must be clearly estab-
a Proposed Innovative Model is fully observant
lished. Vague and void provisions of the proposed
and advanced on public officers and employees’
change must be abated to prevent different interpreta-
observance to Harmonizing, Adapting,
tions. Further, prior introduction and communication to
Nominating, Generating, and Evaluating, but
all employees about the proposed change and develop-
nominal only in Creating. In this light, it is con-
ment must be obtained in any manner deemed possible.
cluded that respondent government agencies are
on the advanced stage on the praxis of organiza-
Adaptation and utilization of innovation and tional development. Moreover, public officers and
technology employees revealed that they have the necessary
attitude towards change and presented their will-
One of the most significant degrees to embark on is the ingness concerning organizational development.
effective and efficient adaptation of innovation and tech- (2) In view of the challenges among public officers
nology. In this measure, the public organization increases and employees in the praxis of organizational
its chances in attaining the potentiality of organization’s development. It is established that public orga-
advancement, development, growth, and improvement nizations do not have a comprehensive proto-
through the utilization of technology. col, guidelines or procedures on how to
In present times, the emergence of innovation and properly implement and evaluate the proposed
technology is an indispensable requirement for the planned change. Also, it is founded that there is
success and development of public organization. minimal active participation of all employees
Founded from its traditional implications to contem- emanating from different sectors and depart-
porary times, the positive attributes of technology ments of public organizations on matters of
allows the efficiency of public organizations in the proposed change and development of the orga-
delivery of public service, increase performance, and nization. Furthermore, the implementation of
productivity. In this connection, public officers and planned change and organizational develop-
employees of the organization must be empowered ment is not grounded on faithful compliance
with technological inclination and savviness towards of time efficiency.
positive organizational development. (3) Public officers and employees of the National
Government Agencies
Willingness to adapt organizational development
NGAs are on the advanced process of improving and
and change
developing public organizations in terms of providing
One of the key parameters to deliberate in the success and quality of public service, increasing productivity and
development of public organization refers to the pro- performance, delivery of effective leadership and man-
active participation and support of all employees towards agement, enhancing customer’s satisfaction, including
the proposed organizational development and changes. It active participation of employees, enhancing willing-
is important that the proposed change in the organization ness to organizational development and most impor-
must be respected, observed and maintained by public tantly, the adaptation of innovation and technology.
officers and employees. The support of the latter is These are the concluded measures undertaken by the
a matter of necessity. Without the latter, provisions on respondents in view of organizational development.

Recommendations (8) The materialization of this study allows the

birth and emergence of the proposed innova-
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the
tive model entitled “Sancar Model of Planned
following recommendations were drawn:
Change”. The author suggests and recommends
that public administrators and researchers may
(1) That public organization of the Government consider the utilization of this model in the
agencies in the Philippines must have field and praxis of public administration.
a definite procedure, protocol or system in the Furthermore, this model is primarily designed
implementation or execution of organizational and intended to advance praxis of organiza-
development or planned change. tional development in Public Administration.
(2) In view of positive organizational development,
government agencies must consider strengthen- Also, the conceptualization of this model serves as
ing and intensifing the proactive participation an instrument to determine, evaluate and assess
and contribution of all employees emanating whether the implemented organizational development
from different sectors regardless of their status or planned change is effective, efficient or really
or rank. Also, such inclusion must be driven in redounded to the advancement, development, growth,
furtherance of public interest and must be made and improvement of the public organization.
without discrimination or preference. Nevertheless, whenever applicable and necessary, pri-
(3) To strengthen and intensify the openness and vate organizations may adapt and utilize the same. In
willingness of public officers and employees’ atti- this manner, the very purpose of this article comes into
tude towards organizational development, existence. That is, sharing knowledge in building
Government Agencies must conduct continuous a brighter future for all.
and widespread seminars and workshops aimed to
inform the positive impact of organizational devel-
Sancar model of planned change
opment. In this measure, resistance to change may
be eradicated. If not, to minimize the same. The Santiago and Carlos model or the “Sancar Model of
(4) In serving the general public through the intro- Planned Change” involves a systematic and procedural
duction of organizational development and process of Creating, Harmonizing, Adapting,
proposed changes, the primordial considera- Nominating, Generating, and Evaluating of all important
tion must be the interest of the public and the and relevant data of the proposed planned change of the
general welfare and should not dwell or driven organization. The materialization of this model will serve
with personal interest. as a guide or tool that operates to diagnose and assess
(5) Public organization must not totally dispense whether the implemented planned change in the organi-
the old practices of the previous organization. zation is effective or efficient. In this light, the proposed
Sufficient time must be allocated to determine model of planned change envisions to increase, alleviate
and ascertain the best practices. If applicable, and enhance organizations' performances, productivity,
harmonize the same to the proposed planned effectiveness, and efficiency, improve relationship, and to
change of the organization. address different concerns, issues and problems that pre-
(6) The continuous development and organiza- vents the organization from achieving its full potential
tional change must be time bound. In this and attaining its desired goals, objectives, core values,
event, the proposed planned change or intro- vision and mission.
duction must specifically comply with the pre- Traced from its historical perspective to modern times,
scribed period in the development of the the presence and emergence of various approaches, mod-
organization. els and analysis in the field of public administration pave
(7) In order to attain the utmost efficiency of gov- its way to the introduction and materialization of the new
ernment transactions, projects, and develop- and innovative approach in managing change in the
ments of public organizations, the adaptation Organization. The variables for assessment include the
of the latest and applicable innovation and elements of Creating, Harmonizing, Adapting,
technology in the public sector is highly recom- Nominating, Generating, and Evaluating (CHANGE)
mended. The positive attributes of technology the organization. This model is primarily designed to
will help the organizations increase in terms of provide the necessity of properly effecting and evaluating
productivity, improving performance and the change in the organization. This is generally applic-
enhance customer’s satisfaction. able in both the public and private sectors that manage

Figure 1. Sancar model of planned change.

and elect a change in their respective organizations. The effectiveness, productivity, relationship, and perfor-
very essence and rationale of this model is to serve as mance thereby designed to meet and cater the vision,
a guideline and platform on how to properly implement mission, goals, and objectives of the organization. Such
and evaluate change in their respective organizations. On change shall be properly communicated and dissemi-
this note, the manifestation of this model will greatly help nated to respondents, employees, and clientele. Also, it
the organization and that of the institution to assess includes and encompasses all target groups directly or
whether the implemented change redounds to the general indirectly benefited or affected thereby by virtue of the
welfare and interest of its employees. implementation and execution of the proposed planned
Furthermore, the availability and applicability of this change to the organization.
model provide a definite mechanism of evaluation
through a validated diagnostic questionnaire. In this
regard, it will determine whether the organization under- Harmonizing
going organizational change positively or negatively The second phase of this model includes the synchroniza-
responds to the needs of the organization. The effective- tion of the best previous practices of the organization with
ness and efficiency of the organization will be determined the new ones. Organizational development and planned
and evaluated based from its improved performance, change in harmonizing must introduce new policies and
increase in productivity, positive relationship, attainment procedures in relation to the past practices of the organi-
of the desired goals and objectives, and the generation of zation. Taking cognizance of the relevant data gathered
results or outputs in accordance with the vision and affecting the organization, the proposed organizational
mission of the organization (Figure 1). change must benefit the general members of the organi-
zation. Also, identifying the applicable and suitable prac-
tices that can be drawn to attain the effective and efficient
Creating goals of the organization.
The first phase is the Creating stage wherein the
Organization through the help, participation, and col-
laboration of duly authorized and designated represen-
tatives of the organization will create and communicate The third phase of the model suggests and provides that
an effective and efficient proposed planned change the harmonized data of getting and delivering the best
suitable and appropriate to the organization. The for- practices of the organization must be presented, incul-
mulation of planned change must clearly address the cated, and adapted in the present situation of the orga-
concern of the organization towards development and nization. The adapted protocols must be utilized in the
requires the active participation of employees. It is promotion of the vision, mission, and core values of the
aimed to fortify and strengthen organizations' organization that is applicable to the present status of

the organization. In this manner, the adaption of the Change” are to address the needs of the organization
best practices of the organization will generally operate and that of the employees. It also aims to provide solu-
for the preservation and maintenance of the desired tions of effective and efficient planned change that will
practices in the organization. To do otherwise will support, intensify, organized, and strengthen the orga-
definitely result in the disorientation and resistance nization’s productivity, performance, and relationship in
that cause negative impacts or detrimental to that of accordance with their mandates and in pursuance of
the respondent organization. their vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
Therefore, considering all the important features, indi-
cators, and applications of the “Sancar Model of Planned
Change”, a careful analysis, evaluation and deliberation of
The fourth phase provides a series of activities in the area the proposed planned change in the organization shall be
of nominating strategies, approaches, and techniques for made. The final step will now be properly communicated
the enhancement, improvement, and development of the through the interpretation and presentation of the results
purposes of the organization. The implementation of and findings. If the proposed planned change and devel-
nominated change must operate to increase organiza- opment in the organization are effective and efficient that
tional performance and customer’s satisfaction. This generally result in the welfare and benefit of the organiza-
includes the production of new ideologies, principles, tion, then the process will lead to the judgment of “con-
practices, and adaptation of innovations and technologies version”. Meaning, the respondent organization will now
that are more suitable, appropriate and applicable to the accept the proposed planned change implemented or
current situation of the organization. The nomination executed in the organization.
and suggestion must take into consideration all the issues However, if the result shows that the implementa-
and concerns why there is a need for organization devel- tion of change in the organization is not effective,
opment. The provision of these new ideas shall emanate efficient, or detrimental to the respondent organization,
not only to that of the existing administration but must then the decision will lead to the process of “reversion”.
include all employees that will be directly benefited or Meaning, the planned change must not be implemen-
adversely affected. It is required that every sector of the ted and executed since it is not favorable or beneficial
organization must have its representation in order to give to the organization. In effect, the organization must be
due course to all concerned. reverted to its previous stage before the supposed
planned change. In this manner, since the proposed
“Sancar model of Planned Change” is in the nature of
continuous cycle, several attempts can be made by the
The fifth phase of the innovative model of planned respondent organization through the utilization and
change deals with the generation of the findings and application of the model until the desired result is
application of the planned change to the organization. achieved.
The organizational change must be respected, observed,
and maintained by employees. This stage simply refers
to the execution or implementation phase. Moreover,
the results of the process shall be based on the relevant This work was supported by the Our Lady of Fatima
information and resources gathered supported by sup- University, Research Development and Innovation Center
plementary and additional evidence and proof support- and Tarlac State University, College of Public
Administration and Governance.
ing the supposed implementation thereof.

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