Mathematical: Principles
Mathematical: Principles
Mathematical: Principles
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THE O/ P-/
Natural Philofophy.
Printed for B e n j a m n Motte,
i at the Middle-
TtmpU'Gate, in Fleet firttt.
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The References to the Plate are omitted in the printed Part
of the firft Sheet* but are f-applied by the Schemes tbem-
jtlvesy which refer to the Pages to which they belong.
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Proposition I. Theorem I.
Lemma I.
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Sett. I. of Natural Thilofophy. 3
B a. :.. :
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4 Mathematical 'Principles Book II.
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Sea. I. of Natural Thtlofoph. 5
fore (by Law 2) as the increments, of the velocities,
that is, as the rectangles Akj A7, Lw, Mn> txc. and
therefore (by Lem. 1. Book 2.) in a geometrical pro-
greflion. Therefore if the right lines Kk,j LI, Mm,
Nn> tec. produced fo as to meet the Hyperbola in
fy**s>t)(trc. the areas ABqK, Kqr L, LrsAi, MstN,
tec will be equal, and therefore analogous to the equal
times and equal gravitating forces. But the area ^4 ft q K
(by Corol. 3. Lem. 7 &
8. Book 1.) is to the area Bl^q
as Kq to ~ kq* or AC to f AK, that is as the force
of gravity to the refiftance in the middle of the firft
time.And by the like reafoning the areas qKLr %
B 3 Cor.
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& Mathematical Trinciples Book II.
Corol. 3. Alfo the differences of the fpaces, which
afe defcribed in equal differences of the times, decreafe
in the fame geometrical progreffion.
Couol. 4. The fpace defcribed by the body is the
difference of two whereof one is as the time
^taken from the beginning of the defcent, and the other
as the velocity ; which [fpaces] alfo at the beginning
of the defcent are equal among themfelves.
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Sea. I. of Natural Thilofiphy. 7
t GT
cular take Vr equal to ~ VT or, which > is the fame
to —
thing, take Rr equal — ; and the projefiile in
therefore R f
equal to is anc R y j ( thit is,
9Jf — Try
Ry rr or
=~ .
is equal to
DRxA B — RDGT . Now
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S Mathematical Principles Book If.
follows, that Rr is always to DR as the height to the
length ; and therefore that the body will move in
the line DraF, which is the locus of the point r-
O. E. D.
'^R D G T
will be equal —~— and therefore proportional to
to' j
the time.
Cor. 2. Whence if innumerable lines CR, or,
which is the fame, innumerable lines ZX y be taken
in a geometrical progreffion ; there will be as many
lines Xr in an arithmetical progreffion. And hence
the curve DraF is eafily delineated by the Table of
Cor. 3. If a Parabola be conftru&ed to the vertex D,
and the diameter D G, produced downwards, and its
latus reftum is to 2 D
P as the whole refiftanceat the be-
ginning of the motion to the gravitating force : the
velocity "with which the body ought to go from the
place D, in the direftion of the right line DP> fo as in
an uniform refilling medium to defcribe the curve
DraF, will be the fame as that with which it ought
to go from the fame place D, in the dire&ion of the
fame right line DP, fo as to defcribe a Parabola in a
non-refifting medium. For the latus reftum of this
Parabola, at the very beginning of the motion,
is or — But
a right
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Sc£L L of Natural Thilofophy. 9
line, which, if drawn, would touch the Hyperbola
GTS in G, is parallel to DK> and therefore Tt is
^ — .
and N
. ,
, is : And therefore /^r is
equal to
zDC xQB—
— — -
, that is, (becaufe
r w*m
D R and
^ ^ rr Jnn D X
Tand DP
t, ,
DC>D are proportionals) to
- D/^
— comes out —
— xQB
—D P 2 x DA -pr^-» and therefore is to zD />, as
Cor. And on
the contrary, if the curve
y. DraF
be given, there willbe given both the velocity of the
body, and the refiftance of the medium in each of the
places r. For the ratio of CP x to x AC DP DA
being given, there is given both the refiftance of the
medium at the beginning of the motion, and the latus
reftum of the parabola ; and thence the velocity at the
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io Mathematical Principles Book II.
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Scft. I. :
§f Natural Thilofophy. 1
But yet that the refiftance of bodies is in the ratio
of the velocity, is more a mathematical hypothefis
than a phyfical one. In mediums void of all tenacity,
the refiftances made to bodies are in the duplicate ratio
of the velocities. For by the adion of a fwifter body,
a greater motion, in proportion to a greater velocity, is
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Mathematical Principles Book II.
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Scft. II.of Natural Thilofiphy. \ 5
% .
* • it
, Pro-
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Scd. II. of Natural Thibfophy.
'Proposition VI. •
Theorem IV.
Homogeneous and equal fpkerical bodies, op-
posd by re/iftances that are in the duplicate
ratio of the velocities, and moving on by
their innate force only, will, in times which
are reciprocally as the velocities at the begin-
ning, defcribe equal /paces, and lofe parts of
their velocities proportional to the wholes.
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1 6 Mathematical Principles Book EL
be proportional to the wholes, the refiftance and time
conjunctly ought to be as the motion. Therefore the
time will be as the motion direftly and the refiftance
inverfely. Wherefore the particles of the times being
taken in that ratio, the bodies will always lofe parts of
their motions proportional to the wholes, and there-
fore will retain velocities always proportional to their
firft velocities, And becaufe of the given ratio of the
velocities, they will always defcribc fpaces, which are
as the firft velocities and the times conjundly. Q. E. D.
Cor. i. Therefore if bodies equally fwift are re-
fitted in a duplicate ratio of their diameters : Homo-
geneous globes moving with any velocities whatfoever,
by defcribing fpaces proportional to their diameters,
will lofe parts of their motions proportional to the
wholes. For the motion of each globe will be as its
velocity and mafs conjunctly, that is, as the velocity
and the cube of its diameter ; the refiftance (by fup-
pofition) will be as the fquare of the diameter and the
fquare of the velocity conjunctly; and the time (by
this propofition) is in the former ratio dire&ly and
in the latter inverfely, that is, fas the diameter di-
redly and the velocity inverfely ; and therefore the
fpace, which is proportional to the time and velocity,
is as the diameter.
Cor. 2. If bodies equally fwift are refitted in a fef-
quiplicate ratio of their diameters: Homogeneous globes,
moving with any velocities whatfoever, by defcribing
fpaces that arc in a fefquiplicate ratio of the diameters*
will lofe parts of their motions proportional to the
Cor. 3. And univerfally, if equally fwift bodies arc
refitted in the ratioof any power or the diameters :
the fpaces, in which homogeneous globes, moving with
any velocity whatfoever, will lofe parts of their mo-
tions proportional to the wholes, will be as the cubes of
the diameters applied to that power. Let thofe di-
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Diq [le
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Sccl IL of Natural Thilofophy. 1
"Lemma II. t
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i$ Mathematical Principles Book II
* of
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Scd. of Natural Thilofophy.
II. x 9
the A B 4 C 2 will
moment of the generated quantity 3
be 4A B*C -f
B C 2
B^C; and 3 5 3
A — 3
intoB-|-4* orAB +
t*B+**A-l-i*fc From
this reftangle fubduft the former re&angle, and there
will remain the excefs aJS ~\~b A. Therefore with the
whole increments a and b of the fides, the i#crement
*B-\~bAo{ the reftangle is generated. O.E. D.
Case 2. Suppofe AB always equal toG, and then
the moment of the content A B C or G C (by Cafe 1.)
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zo Mathematical Principles Book II.
nbB*~~ l
, mak" equal toaiB^ orȣA *
1 1
m— n
and therefore — a A n equal to b, that equal to
is is,
the moment of A" . Q. E. D.
Case 6. Therefore the moment of any generated
quantity Am B* is moment of A m drawn into B", to-
gether with the moment of B* drawn into A", that is,
ma A™"" 1
B"-|-*£ B n x A w ; and that whether the
indices m and * of the powers be whole numbers or
fraftions, affirmative or negative. And thereafoningis
the fame for contents under more powers. O.E.D.
Cor. i. Hence in quantities continually propor-
tional, if one term is given, the moments of the reft
of the terms will be as the fame terms multiplied by
2 the
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Sect. II. of Natural Thilofophy. 2
In of mine to Mr.
a letter Collins, dated Decem-
ber 10. 1572. having defcribed a method of Tangents,
which 1 fufpefted to be the fame with Slufius's method,
which at that time was not made publick ; I fubjoin-
ed thefe words ; This is one particular, or rather a co-
rollary, of a general method, which extends itfelf, without
any troublefome calculation, not only to the drawing of Tan-
gents to any Curve lines, whether Geometrical or Mechanical*
or any how refp:U 'mg right lines or other Curves, bm alfi
to the refolving other abftrufer kinds of Problems about the
crookednefs, areas, lengths* centres of gravity of Curves, 8cc.
nor is it (as HuddenV method de Maximis & Minimis)
limited to equations which are free from furd quantities.
This method I have interwoven with that other of working
in equations, by reducing them to infinite Jeries. So far
that letter. And thele laft words relate to a Treatife I
compofed on that fubjeft in the year 1671. The
foundation of that general method is contained in the
preceding Lemma.
C 3 Pro-
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zz Mathematical Trine iples Book II.
CA, C y defcribe any Hyperbola BJVS, meeting the
ere&ed perpendiculars AB, KN, in B> y and O. LO N
Becaulc AK
is as AP*> the moment of the one KL
will be as the moment 1 APOot the other, that is, as
APxKC; for the increment P Qof the velocity is
(by Law 2.) proportional to the generating force KC.
Let the ratio of KL be compounded with the ratio of
KJV, and the reftangle KLxKN
will become as
APxKCxKN; that is, (becaufe the re&angle KC
X KJV is given) 2sA P. But the ultimate ratio of the
hyperbolic area K NO L to the reftangle KLxKN
becomes, when the points K and L coincide, the ratia
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Sea. II. of Natural Thilofophy. zi
of equality. Therefore that hyperbolic evanefcent area
is as A P. Therefore the whole hyperbolic area
ABOL is compofed of particles KNOL
which are
always proportional to the velocity ; AP
and therefore
is itfelf proportional to the fpace defcribed with that
C 4 Pro-
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24. Mathematical Trinciples Book If.
r _
tD is
But pD AD 2
is -\-Ap % , that is, AD*-\-ADx
Ak<> m ADxCkj and q Dp is -ADxpq. There-
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Seft. II. of Natural Thilofophy. 25
is, astheleaft decrement/?^ of the velocity dire&Iy, and
DX —TX to DA — AP
2 2 2 2
as But, from the na-
of the hyperbola, DX — TX
ture AD and, 2 2
26 Mathematical Trineiples Book II.
to $ AC or AB and if TV to AC or
; AB is
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Seft. II. of Natural Thilofophy. 27
all its motion of afcenr, as the triangle ApD to the
circular feftor AtD; or as the right lineup to the
arc At.
Con. 5. Therefore the time in which
a body by fall-
ing in a medium, would acquire the velocity
AP, is to the time in which it would acquire its great-
eft velocity AC
by falling in a non- refiftiiig fpace,
as the feftor ADT to the triangle ADC: and the
time in which it would lofe its velocity Ap by af-
cending in a refifting medium, is to the time in which
it would lofe the fame velocity by afcending in a non-
refifling fpace, as the arc A t to its tangent Ap.
Cor. 6. Hence from the given time there is given
the fpace defcribed in the afcent or defcent. For the
greateft velocity of a body defcending in infinitHm is
28 Mathematical ^Principles Book II.
ferred G H, HI
direftly and the times inverfely. Let
the times be expounded by T
and t, and the velocities
by Tjr and
^ 5 aod the decrement of the velocity
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StOt. II. of Natural Thilofophy. 29
produced in the time t will be expounded by
— t
. This decrement arifes from the refiftance which
city , , j « Let this velocity
be added to the
beforementioned decrement, and we lhall have the de-
crement of the velocity arifingfrom the refiftance alone,
that is,
GH ——
-— — HI, iMIxNI f r
Therefore fince
T t
~ txHI
, . GH
— HI . iMIxNI iNI
to the gravity
& as h 7nr~ t0
T t txHI t
txGH 2 MI x NI
or as —— HI-\
... ,
— to 2 NI.
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50 Mathematical TrincipUs Book 1 1.
-T ST-' *
fubftituting the values of ^, Gft BI$ MI and JV/
juft found, becomes —-v
5 S 0 0
1 -|-
QQ. And fince zNI
is zRoo, the refiftance will be now to the gravity as
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Scd. II. of Natural Thilofophy. } x
00 aaoo ao i a} 0*
* ZC ZC* Zl 3 ZC*
A. &C.
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3 1 Mathematical Principles Book II.
~£y will reprefent the lineola IN> which lies be-
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Seft. n. of Natural Thilofophy.
Now compare the feries c — a — 1^11 °
for Vt-1-dQ.put
/ 1
7** or -1; and the den-
caufe „ is given) as — , or —
, that is, as that
length HT, which is terminated at the
of the tangent
lemidiameter AF
{landing perpendicularly on p Q •
in the direction
of a line perpendicular to O, and P
Jould begin to move in an arc of the femTcircle
rFQ, we rauft take A C or a on the contrary fide of
the centre A and therefore its fign muft be changed,
and we muft put
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3+ Mathematical Trinciples Book II.
0 or ac aa
1 ao-\- — —CH — —
co —
00 is equal to the re&anglc b into DI, and
r ,x r - 1 *c — aa — za — c
therefore DI is equal j to ^
2 *
V* Now the fecond term . fl of this feries is to
b b
be put for Qo> and the third term -j for Koo. But
- —z S
= .
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Se&. II. of Natural Thilofophy. 3 5
DNXZ ; let BAT be called a ; BD t o; NX, c ; and
let the given ratio of VZ to ZX or DN be - . Then
DN will be equal to a— VG o, equal to
1 VZ
equal to-x„— „, and G D or NX—fZ—FG
equal toe-
-4+_ m .--If-.
Let the term
» a — o
a o
be refolved into the converging feries — JU — 0 JL
« bb
-^ooJ^—o* &c. ,
m bb
fecond term -o „ of this feries is to be ufed for
/I /i
S* 3 , and their
coefficients ? - h± %
and - are
put for
and S in the former Rule.
denfity of the medium
come out as or
bb *J
— v i _i
mm zmbb ,
— £+
a* nn naa a*
mm 2.mbb
. . 5 > that is, if in VZ
Va, , b+
nn n 1
D z you
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36 Mathematical Principles Book II.
are t he fquares of JTZand ZT. But
the ratio of the refinance to gravity is found to be
thatof 3 AT to iTG ; and the velocity is that with
which the body would defcribe a Parabola, whofe ver-
XT 2
tex is <7, diameter DG, latus re&um Suppofe
—bb— A — O, VG —
A — O,"
; then
VZ- d—A
D N will be
— equal to
— O, and CD ot NX— VZ
4 d
— VG equal to C A-I- — bb
O — ===-. Let
* • A—
the term
A — Oj
be refolved into an infinite feries —
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Scft. II. of Natural Thilofophy. 3 7
2A' + i 1
x^O }
&c. and —— A— GD will be equal to C
+ i 0 - ^-O - ±^pH O* -
"*"" ? 1 *
"jV+!'^" ^0» &c. The fecond term
72 Yl ~" i~ 72
1 "
~-~ bb O 3
for S 0 3 . And thence the den-
6A" + 3
Cty of the medium — , in any place G,
of gravity as 3 Sx —
to 4RR, that is, as XT to
yQ A ^ vc ] oc j t y ^txt ;s t he fame
Of - - *
• !/• Cf /•
» j ScH O-
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3S Mathematical Principles Book II-
In the fame manner that the denfitjr of the medium
comes out to be as - —Mi
lv x
, in Corol. i. if the re-
R ——
4 n X
Ft?. 2.
% 5
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Seel II. of Natural Thilofophy. 19
Compleat the parallelogram XTGT, and the right
line T
G will touch the hyperbola in G, and there-
fore the denfity of the medium in G is reciprocally as
GT 2
the tangent GT, and the velocity there, as V-^^t
and the refiftance is to the force of gravity as GTto
n- - l
x GK
'herefore if a body projected from the place A in
thedire&ion of the right line AH, {Fig. 6.) defcribes
the A G K, and AH produced meets the
afymptoteNX H, and AI drawn in to parallel it
other afymptote MX
meets the I the denfity of the in ;
medium A be
in AH, and the ve-
will reciprocally as
- , refiftance
there to the force of gravity as AH to ft
— I— 2
*AI. Hence the following rules are deduced.
Rule If the denfity of the medium at A, and
the velocity with which the body is projected remain
the fame, and the angle NAH
be changed ; the lengths
AH, A I, HX will remain. Therefore if thofe lengths,
inany one cafe, arefound, the Hyperbola may afterwards
determined from any given ar^le
be eafily NAH.
Rule i. If the angle NAH,
and the denfity of
the medium at A
remain the fame, and the velocity
with which the body is proje&ed be changed, the
kngth AH
will continue the fame ; and I will be A
changed in a dup icate ratio of the velocity recipro-
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40 Mathematical Principles Book If.
the latus reftum of the abovementioncd Parabola re-
A H-2
maining the fame, and alfo the length propor-
tional to it; and therefore AH will be diminilhed in
the fame ratio, and A I will be diminifhed in the dupli-
cate of that ratio. But the proportion of the refiftance
to the weight augmented, when either the fpecific
X, fo that HX A
may be to I as n-\- 1 to 1 ; and with
the centre X, and the afymptotes MX, defcribe NX
an Hyperbola thro* the point At fuch that I may be A
to any of the lines VG as XV" to XI".
Rule <5. By how much
the greater the number n
is, fo much more accurate are thefe Hyperbola's in
the alcent of the body from A, and lefs accurate in its
defcent to K ; and the contrary. The Conic Hyper-
bola keeps a mean ratio between thefe, and is more iim-
ple than the reft. Therefore if the Hyperbola be of
this kind, and you are to find the point K> where the
projected body falls upon any right line AN palling
thro' the point A AN produced meet the afymp-
.* let
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Scft. II. of Natural <P hilofop hy. 4
Let two and equal bodies be proje&ed with the
fame velocity, in different angles HrfK, hAk, {Fig. 6.)
and let them fall upon the plane of the horizon in K
and kj and note the proportion of AKzo Ak- Let it
be as d to r. Then ere&ing a perpendicular I of any A
length, afTumc any how the length ox Ah^ and AH
thence graphically, or by fcale and compafs, colleft the
lengths AK, Ak^ (by Rule 6.) If the ratio of AK
to A{ be the fame with that of d to c> the length of
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4* Mathematical 'Principles Book II.
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5eft. IL of Natural Thilofophy. 4J
each of the places G, be reciprocally as the tangent
GT. In that cafe the velocity in G will be the fame
as would caufe a body, moving in a non-refifting fpace,
will paf*
44 Mathematical Trinciples Book II.
- . —
% •
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Sea. UL of Natural Thilofophf. 45
For let the areola DEtd be the leaft given incre-
ment of the time, and Dd will be reciprocally as 9 DE
and tberefore dire&ly as CD. Therefore the decre-
ment of — 1
, which (by Lem- 1. Book z.) is —Dd
vill be alfo as —CD —CG4-GD
- or 7
- , that
is, a$
GD 1
. Therefore the time ABED uniform-
ly increaGng by the addition of the given particles
hft ~ is as
^ : therefore ^ is as the veloci-
reciprocal of GD. .
Cor. i. And by
taking to GA
as the recipro- GD
cal of the velocity at the beginning, to the reciprocal
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\6 Mathematical Principles Book It
of the velocity at the end of any time A BED, the
point G will be found. And that point being found,
the velocity may be found from any other time given.
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Sett. III. of Natural Thilofophy.
always be analogous ; viz.. the velocity, and the line
GD. O.E.D.
Cor. i . If the velocity be expounded by the lengtfr
G D, the fpace defcribed will be as the hyperbolic area
Cor. 2. And if the point R be affumed any how,
the point G will be found, by taking G
R to GD, as
the velocity at the beginning to the velocity after any
fpace R SED is defcribed. The point G being given,
the fpace is given from the given velocity : and the
Cor. j. Whence fmce (by Prop. 1 .) the velocity
isgiven from the given time, and (by this Prop.) the
fpace is given from the given velocity ; the fpace will
be given from the given time and the contrary.
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4$ Mathematical Trincipks Book ir.
the area DP
O, which is proportional toPQ, is as
DP 2
> and the area DTP, which is to the area P as D Q
DT 2
to 2
, is as the given quantity
. Theref ore D
the area E DTdecreafes uniformly according to the
rate of the future time, by fubduftion of given parti-
cles DTP, and is therefore proportional to the time of
rhe whole afcent. O. £D.
Case 2. If the velocity in the afcent of the body
be expounded by the length AP and the re-
as before,
lifiance be made as AP 2 ~|- zBAP, and force
if the
of gravity be lefs than can be exprefTed by 2
and DP, D
OjnT and P; and the time of the whole
afcent will be as the hyperbolic fe&or TDE.
For the decrement P Qof the velocity produced in
o given particle of time, is as the fum of the refiftance
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5cft.HI. of Natural Thilofophy. 49
and of the gravity AB 2
— BD*>
that is, as BP 2 — BD*. But the area DTK is to
the area DPQ as DT- to DP 2
; and therefore, if
GT be drawn perpendicular to DF> as GT* or CD 2
— DF 2
to BD*> and as to/??*, and, by di-
vifion, as DF 1
to BP 1
—BD 2
Therefore iince the
area 7J/>0 is as P O, that is, as BP' \ the
area DTK will be as the given quantity DF 1
. There-
fore the area E DT decreafes uniformly in each of the
equal particles of time, by the iubduflion of fo many
given particles DTK and therefore is proportional to
the time. £KE. D.
Case 5. Let AP be the velocity in the defcent of
the body, and AP 2
-\-zBAP the force of refin-
ance, and B D 1 — AB 2
the force of gravity, the
angle DBA being a right one. And ifwith the cen-
to 2), and the principal vertex B, there be defcribed
s rc&angular Hyperbola BETK {Fig. 5.) cutting
Dj D ?,t and D
produced in £, T, and K ; the
fefior DET of this Hyperbola will be as the whole
time of defcent.
For the increment P of the velocity, and the
aea proportional to it, is as the excefs the
above the refiftance, that
gravity is, as BD 2 x
— AP — BP*.
therefore as
to the area
GT 2-
orGD — B D
BP and as %
the area
; and
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$o Mathematical Principles Book II.
One may demonftrate alfo that cafe in the afcent of
the body, where the force of gravity is lefs than can be
exprefs'd by
or 2
-|-i?D% and greater than
can be exprefs'd by AB 2 —
DB 2 , and muft be ex-
prefs'd by AB 2
. But I haften toother things.
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Seft. III. of Natural Thilofophy. 5
mo -
raent KLON of the zxt*AbNK> will be equal to
Z zZ xCKx A B>
Case i. Now if the body afcends, and the gravity
beas^B* -\-BD\ BET, (in Fig. 5.) being a circle,
the line AC y which is proportional to the gravity,
AB* A-
1 BD
will be , and DP* or -i*P* + l&^P
-\-BD* will be ^/Cx Z -|^4Cx Z or C*fx Z
and therefore the area D7T"will be to the area DP O ~
asflr* or DB* xoCKxZ.
Case z. If the body afcends, and the gravity be
xAB*—BD\ the line AC (in Fig. 6.) will be
AB* —= BD*>and DT Z
will be to DP 2
as BP or
i the area DTP will be to the area
areas is equal to
APxBDxtn — ;
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Seel. III. of Natural Thilofophy .
the time given. For the fpace in a non-refifting me-
dium is in a duplicate ratio of the time, or as V* ; and,
B D x V*
hecaufe BD and AB are given, as . This
jfc x
x Al 2
jt>~"> anc* tnern°-
merit of M
m and therefore the moment of this area
is ;
DE x A
hA x BDx zMxrn _
— ~. But this moment to the
^-BDxAPy or as —
into DET to DAP; and
BDx—V 1
one to another as the area , and the difference
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5+ Mathematical Trinctyles Book II.
The refinance of fphaerical bodies in fluids arifes
partlyfrom the tenacity, partly from the attrition, and
partly from the denfity of the medium. And that part
of the refiftance, which arifes from the denfity of the
fluid, is, as I faid, in a duplicate ratio of the velocity ,
the other part, which arifes from the tenacity of the
fluid, is uniform, or as the moment of the time and :
SEC-« .
»* • . .
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^ &
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Of the circular motion of bodies in
refijiing mediums
Lemma a
perpendicular to the fpiral, and
meeting in O, and join SO. 1 fay, that if
the points P and (^approach and coincide, the
angle P S O will become a right angle, and
the ultimate ratio of the reElangle T Qj< 2 P S
to PQ^ will be the ratio of equality. PI. 4.
Fig. 1.
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5 6 Mathematical Principles Book 1 1.
Draw OD, SE perpendicular to OP, and the ulti-
mate rations of the lines will be as follows ; TO^ to
PD TS or PS to P E, or
as z PO to 2 PS ; and
P/J to PQas PQto z PO ; and, ex itqtto pertrtrbath,
• . . . #,
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Sea. IV. of Natural <Phikfophy, 57
tio compounded of the ratio of this force and the du-
plicate ratio of the time in which the arc PO is de-
scribed, (for in this cafe I negleft the refiftance! as be-
ing infinitely lefs than the centripetal force,) it follows,
that TQx SP 2 , that is, (by the laft Lemma) $ PQ*
xSP, will be in a duplicate ratio of the time, and
therefore the time is as P Ox </SP; and the velocity
of the body, with which the arc PO^is defcribed in
PO 0f 1
* in the fui>
becomes as ^ or as •
For the points P and ^coinciding, and £ ^coin- SP
cide alfo, and the angle P V'£) becomes a right one
and, becaufe of the fimilar triangles PVQ* PSO,
P% becomes to asOP to ±OS. Therefore
is a * the refiftance, that is, in the ratio of
O p xS p>
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5$ Mathematical Trinciples Book
the denfity of the medium in P and the duplicate ra-
tio of the velocity conjunctly. Subdu<9: the duplicate
O Px SF* -7^-
Let the fpiral be given, and, becaufe of the given ratio
of OS to OP, the denfity of the medium in P will
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Sc& IV. of Natural Thilcfophy. '
the body will defcend to the centre with a velocity,
that is with which it was proved be-
to the velocity,
fore in the cafe of the Parabola, (Theor. 10. Book i.)
the clefcenr would be made in a non-reflfling medium,
in the fubdtiplicate ratio of unity to the number two.
And the times of the defcent will be here reciprocally
as the velocities, and therefore given.
Cor. f . And becaufe at equal diftances from the
centre, the velocity is the fame in the fpiral POR
as it
is in the right line S P> and the length of the fpiral is
to the length of the right line P S, in a given ratio,
namely in the ratio of O P to O S ; the time of the de-
fcent in the fpiral will be to the time of the defcent
in the right line SP in the fame given ratio, and there-
fore given.
Cor. If from the centre S with any two given inter-
vals, two ; and thefe circles remaining,
circles are defcribed
the angle which the fpiral makes with the radius PS be
any how changed ; the number of revolutions which the
body can compleat in the fpace between the circumfe-
rences of thofe circles, going round in the fpiral from
one circumference to another, will be as or as
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60 Mathematical Principles Book II-
that body will continue to defcribe innumerable fimilar
revolutions BFC> CGD> &c. and by its interferons
will diftinguifti the radius ^£ into parts AS, B
CS, DS, &c. that are continually proportional, Buc
the times of the revolutions will be as the perimeters of~
the orbits AE B,BFC> CGD,
&c. direflly, and the
velocities at the beginnings J, B> C of thofe orbits, in-
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Sed. IV- of Natural Thilofophy. 61
will be continued thro' all the circles. And by this means
one may without difficulty Conceive at what rate and
inwhat time bodies ought to revolve in any regular
Cor. 9. And altho thefe motions becoming excen-
tricalfhould be performed in fpirals approaching to an
oval figure ; yet conceiving the feveral revolutions of
thofe fpirals to be at the fame diftances from each other,
and to approach to the centre by the fame degrees as the
fpiral above defcribed, we may alfo underftand how the
motions of bodies may be performed in fpirals of that
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6z Mathematical Principles Book II.
T^^tx OS to OP.
Cor. 2. If the centripetal force be reciprocally as
S P3 , 1 —7n will be =o ; and therefore the refiftance
and denfity of the medium will be nothing, as in Prop. 9.
Book 1.
Cor. 3. If the centripetal force be reciprocally as
any power of the radius SP, whofe index is greater
rhan the number 5, the affirmative refiftance will be
changed into a negative.
This Propofition and the. former which relate to me-
diums of unequal denfity, are to be underftood of the
motion of bodies that are lb fmall, that the greater
denfity of the medium on one fide of the body, above
thac on the other, is not to be conlider'd. I fuppofe
be proportional to
alfb the refiftance, ceteris paribus, to
its denfity. Whence in mediums whofe
force of re-
fiftance is not as the denfity, the denfity muft be fo
much augmented or diminished, that either the excefs
of the refiftance may be taken away, or the defeftlup-
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Scd. IV. of Natural Thilofophy.
time will be given ; and from the altitude TO, which
is as the centripetal force, and the fquare of the time,
that force will be given. Then from the difference
RSr, of the areas PS and QJ>R defcribed in equal
particles of time, the retardation of the body will be
given ; and from the retardation will be found the re-
filling force and denfity of the medium.
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Seft. V. of Natural <Phi!ofophy. 6$
that preflure. But if thefe parts come all of them
nearerto the centre, the fluid muft be condenfed to-
wards the centre, contrary to the fuppofition. If they
recede from it, the fluid muft be condenfed Towards
the circumference ; which is alfo contrary to rhe tup-
pofition. Neither can they move in any one direSion
retaining their diftance from the centre, becaufe lor the
fame reafon they may move in a contrary direction
butthe fame part cannot be moved contrary ways at the
fame time. Therefore no part of the fluid will be
moved from its place. O.E.D.
Case z. I fay now, that all the fprmical parts of
this fluid are equally prefled on every fide. For let
EF be a fphxrical part of the fluid ; if this be not
prefled equally on every fide, augment the lefTer pref-
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Scft. V- of Natural Thilofophy.
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68 Mathematical Trtnciptes Book Hi
whofe ultimate ratio to the cylinder abovementioned
(when the number of the orbs is increafed and their
thicknefs diminifhed ad infinitum^ fo that the aftion of
gravity from the loweft fuperficies to the uppermoft
may become continued) is the ratio of equality. There-
fore the loweft fuperficies fuftains the weight of the cy-
linder above-determined. Q.E.D. And by a like
reafoning the Propofition will be evident, where the
gravity of the fluid decreafes in any affigned ratio of
the diftance from the centre, and alfo where the fluid is
more rare above and denfer below. CK E. D.
Cor. i. Therefore the bottom is not prefled by the
whole weight of the incumbent fluid, but only fuftains
that part of it which is defcribed in the Propofition ;
the reft of the weight being fuftained archwife by the
fphaerical figure of the fluid.
Cor. 2. The quantity of the prefTure is the fame
always at equal diftances from the centre, whether the
fuperficies prefTed be parallel to the horizon, or perpen-
dicular, oroblique; or whether the fluid, continued
upwards from the comprefTed fuperficies, rifes perpen-
dicularly in a rectilinear direction, or creeps obliquely
thro* crooked cavities and canals,whether thofe paflages
be regular or irregular,wide or narrow. That the
prefTure is not alter'd by any of thefe circumftances,
may be collected by applying the demonftration of this
Theorem to the feveral cafes of fluids.
Cor. 3. From the fame demonftration it may alfo be
collected, (by Prop. 19.) that the parts of an heavy
fluid acquire no motion among themfelves, by the pref-
fure of the incumbent weight; except that motion
which arifes from condenfation.
Cor. 4. And therefore if another body of the fame
fpecific gravity, incapable of condenfation, be im-
merfed in this fluid, it will acquire no motion by the
prefTure of the incumbent weight it will neither dc-
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Scft.V. of Natural Thilofophy. 71
that force, the difference of the forces becomes a cen-
trifugal force, and is to be confider'd as fuch.
Cor. 9. But fince fluids by preffing the included
bodies do not change their external figures, it appears
alfo, (by Cor. Prop. 19.) that they will not change
the fituation of their internal parts in relation to one
another ; and therefore if animals were immerfed there-
in, and that all fcnfation did arife from the motion of
their parts; the fluid will neither hurt the immerfed bo-
dies, nor excite any fenfation, unlefs fo far as thofe
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7i Mathematical Trinciples Book II",
as —
AH ,
— — , , &c. or,
is all one,
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74 Mathematical Principles Book IL
the perpendiculars AH, BI9 CK, (hall be Sec. which
asthe denfities of the fluid in the places A, B, C, D, E,
&c. and the fpecific gravities thereof in thofe places
will be as Sec. Suppofe thefe
tf,uq, &c. as —
AHxth Blxui
— SB , ,
that is, as
- - is equal to &c. But Bb,Cc, &c.
are continually proportional, and therefore proportional
to their differences A* — Bb, Bb — Cc, Sec. and
therefore the reftangles t p, ufr Sec. are proportional
4 to
Sea. V. of Natural Thilofophy. 7s
to thofe differences ; fums of the re&angles
as alfo the
tp-\-*q or tp-\- nq-\-wr to the fums of the diffe-
rences A —
Cc or a Dd.A —
Suppofe feveral of
thefe terms, and the fum of all the differences, as
Aa —Ff, will be proportional to the fum of all the
reftangles, as z,thn. Increafe the number of termr,
and diminifli the diftances of the points A, B, C, dec. im
infinitum, and thofe rectangles will become equal to
the hyperbolic area*,/ Aw, and therefore the difference
A a —Ff is proportional to this area. Take now any
diftances as SA, SD, SF in harmonic progreffion, and
the differences a A —
Dd, Dd —
F/ will be equal;
and therefore the areas tblx> xlnz, proportional to
thofe differences will be equal among themfelves, and
the denfities St, Sx, Sz>, that is, AH, DL, FN
continually proportional. Q. E. D.
Cor. 2. Hence if any two denfities of the fluid, as
AH and B 1 be given, the thin, anfwering to
their difference tn will be given and thence the den-
, SA*
(as— , ——
SA* . ,
&c.; be taken
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76 Mathematical Trinciples Book II.
Arithmetical progreffion, the denfities AH, B /, CKy
&c. will be in Geometrical progreffion. And fo in
infinitum. Again, if the gravity of the particles of the
fluid be the fame at all diftances, and the diftances be in
Arithmetical progreffion, the denfities will be in a
Geometrical progreffion, as Dr. Halky has found. If
the gravity be as the diftance, and the fquares of the
diftances be in Arithmetical progreffion, the denfities
will be in Geometrical progreffion. And fo in infinitum.
Thefe things will be fo, when the denfity of the fluid
condenfed by compreffion is as the force of compreffion,
or, which is the fame thing, when the fpace pofleffed
by the fluid is reciprocally as this force. Other laws
of condenfation may be fuppofed, as that the cube of
the compreffing force may be as the biquadrate of the
denfity ; or the triplicate ratio of the force the fame
with the quadruplicate ratio of the denfity : In which
gravity be reciprocally as the fquare of the
cafe, if the
diftance from the centre, the denfity will be recipror
cally as the cube of the diftance. Suppofe that the
cube of the compreffing force be as the quadrato-cube
of the denfity ; and if the gravity be reciprocally as
the fquare of the diftance, the denfity will be recipro-
cally in a fefquiplicate ratio of the diftance. Suppofe
the compreffing force to be in a duplicate ratio of the
denfity, and the gravity reciprocally in a duplicate ratio
of the diftance, and the denfity will be reciprocally as
the diftance. To run over all the cafes that might be
offer'd, would be tedious. But as to our^own air, this
is certain from experiment, that its denfity is either
accurately or very nearly at leaft as the compreffing
force ; and therefore the denfity of the air in the at-
mofphere of the earth is as the weight of the whole
incumbent air, that is, as the height of the mercury ia
the barometer.
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ScO. V. of Natural miofophyl 77
7S Mathematical Trinciptes Book II.
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Scd. V. of Natural Thilofophy. 79
fity of the compreflcd fluid, and the centrifugal forces
be reciprocally as any power D" of the diftance, whofe
index is the number n ; the compreffing forces will be
as the cube roots of the power E*
+1 , whofe index
the number n-4- : and the contrary. All thefc things
are to be underftood of particles whofe centrifugal forces
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Sett. VI. of Natural Thlhfophf. %i
the ofcillations will be to each other, as the motive
forces and the whole times of the ofcillations dire&ly,
and the quantities of matter reciprocally : and therefore
the quantities of matter are as the forces and the times
of the ofcillations dire&ly and the velocities recipro-
cally. But the velocities reciprocally are as the times,
and therefore the times direflly and the velocities reci-
procally are as the fquares of the times and therefore
the quantities of matter are as the motive forces and
the fquares of the times, that is, as the weights and the
fquaresof the times. 0~E. D.
Cor. i. Therefore if the times are equal, the quan-
of matter in each of the bodies are as the weights.
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Scft. VX of Natural Thtlofophy. %j
Gz Cor*
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84 Mathematical Principles Book II.
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Sed. VI. of Natural Thilofophf.
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t6 Mathematical Principles Book II.
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Scd. VI. of Natural Thilofophy. %7
Let Ba
be an arc defcribed in one entire ofcillation,
C the loweft point of the cycloid, and half the CZ
whole cycloidal arc, equal to, the length of the pendu-
lum ; and let it be required to find the refiftance of thr
body in any place D. Cut the indefinite right line O <9
in the points O, S, P, 0, fo that (erefiing the perpen-
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5cft. VI. of Natural Thilofophy. s9
Then if V the force arifing from the gra-
vity, proportional to the arc CD
to be defcribed, by
which the body is a&ed upon in D> and R
be put for
the refiftance; V— Rwill be the whole force with
which the body is urged in D. Therefore the incre-
ment of the velocity is as V— R
and the particle of
time in which it is generated conjun&ly. But the ve-
locity itfelf is as the contemporaneous increment of the
fpace defcribed direftly and the fame particle of time
inverfely. Therefore, fince the refiftance is, by the
fuppofition, as the fquare of the velocity, the incre-
ment of the refiftance will (byLem. z.) be as the ve-
locity and the increment of the velocity conjunctly*
that is, as the moment of the fpace and V— R
junctly ; and therefore, if the moment of the fpace be
given, as V— R ; that is, if for the force V
we put
its exponent PIG R> and the refiftance R
by any other area Z, as PIG R Z. —
Therefore the area PIGR
uniformly decreafing by
the fubduftion of given moments, the area Y
in proportion of PIG R—Y,
and the area Z in pro-
portion of PIGR —
Z. And therefore if the areas Y
and Z begin together, and at the beginning are equal,
thefe, by the addition of equal moments, will continue
to be equal ; and in like manner decreafing by eaual
yherethe arc CDis equal to the arc CB> and the right
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90 Mathematical Trinclples Book IF.
line RG upon the right line
fells ; and 0£ at the encJ
of the motion where the arc CD is equal to the arc
Ca y and RG falls upon the right line *ST. And the
area Y or ^IEF— IGH begins and ends alfb
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Sect. VI. of Natural Thilofcphy. 91
• »
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pz Mathematical Trinciples Book IL
which the body defcending m vacuo from the point B
would acquire in the places D and d. This appears by
Prop. f 2.Book X. Let therefore thefe velocities be
txpreffed by thofe perpendiculars D E> de; and let DF
be the velocity which it acquires in D by falling from
B in the refitting medium. And if from the centre C
with the interval CF we defcribe the circle FfM meet-
ing the right lines de and A B in / and M, then At
will be the place to which it would thenceforward,
without farther refiftance, afcend, and df the velocity
itwould acquire in d. Whence alfo if Fg reprefent
the moment of the velocity which the body Z>, in de-
ferring the leaft fpaceD^, lofes by the refiftance of
the medium \ and CN be taken equal to Cg : then
will JVbe the place to which the body, if it met no
farther refiftance, would thenceforward afcend, and
MN will be the decrement of the afcent arifing from
the lofs of that velocity. Draw Fm perpendicular to
Jfi and the decrement Fg of the velocity Degene-
rated by the refiftance DK
will be to the increment
fm of the fame velocity generated by the force CD, as
fhe generating force DK
to the generating force CD.
But becaufe of the fimilar triangles Fmfi Fhg, FDC 3
fm is to Fm or Dd as CD to DF; and, ex <eqtto> Fg
to Dd as DK to DF. Alfo Fb to Fg as DF to is
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Sea VI. of Natural Thiloftphy: 93
Cor. Heoce from the law of refiftance and the dif-
ference ^4 of the arcs Ca, CB may be colle&ed the
proportion of the refiftance to the gravity nearly.
For if the DK
be uniform, the figure
BKTa will be a Ba and
refiangle under and DK;
thence the rcftangle under \ Ba and a will be equal A
to the red angle under Ba and DK, and DA" will be
equal to * A
a. Wherefore fince DK
is the exponent of
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Scd. VI, of Natural Tbilofophf.
junSIy. And therefore the re&angle under jia and
* a£ is as aB and the refinance conjundly, and there*
fore Aa 'iszs the refiftance. O- E. D.
Cor. i. Hence if the refiftance be as the velocity;
the difference cf the arcs in the fame medium will be
as the whole arc defcribed : and the contrary.
Cor. 2. If the refiftance be in the duplicate ratio
of the velocity, that difference will be in the duplicate
ratio of the whole arc : and the contrary.
Cor. j. And univerfally, if the refiftance be in the
triplicate or any other ratio of the velocity, the diffe-
rence will be in the fame ratio cf the whole arc : and
the contrary.
Cor.4. If the refiftance be partly in the fimple ra-
tio of the velocity, and partly in the duplicate ratio of
the fame, the difference will be partly in the ratio of
the whole arc, and partly in the duplicate ratio of it :
and the contrary. So that the law and ratio of the re-
fiftance will be the fame for the velocityt as the law
and ratio of that difference for the length of the arc.
Cor. 5. And therefore if a pendulum defcribc fuc-
ceffively unequal arcs, and we can find the ratio of the
increment or decrement of this difference for the length
of the arc defcribed ; there will be had alfo the ratio of
the increment or decrement of the refiftance for a
greater or lefs velocity.
General Scholium.
From thefe Propcfitions, we may find the refiftance
of mediums by pendulums ofcillacing therein. I found
the refiftance of the air by the following experiments. I
fufpended a wooden globe or ball weighing 57*, ounces
Averdupois, its diameter 6* London inches, by a fine
thread on a firm hook, fo that the diftance between
the hook and the centre of ofcillation of the globe was
io£ foot. I marked on the thread a point 10 foot and
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9<S Mathematical Principles Book XL
i inch diftant from the centre of fufpenfion ; and even
with that point I placed a ruler divided into inches, by
the help whereof I obferved the lengths of the arcs
defcribed by the pendulum. Then I number'd the
ofcillations, inwhich the globe would lofe % part of
its motion.If the pendulum was drawn aiide from
the perpendicular to the diftance of z inches, an<J
thence let go, fo that in its whole defcent it defcribecj
an arc of two inches, and in thefirft whole ofcillation,
compounded of the defcent and fubfequent afcent, an
arc of almoft four inches: the fame in 164 ofcillations
loft i part of its motion, fo as in its lalt afcent to de-
fcribe an arcof 1 \ inches. If in the firft defcent ic
defcribed an arc of 4 inches ; it loft \ part of its mo-
tion in 121 ofcillations, fo as in its laft afcent to de-
fcribe an arc of 3^ inches. If in the firft defcent ic
defcribed an arc of 8,16,} 2, or £4 inches ; it loft £
part of its motion in 69, 35^, i8£, ?j ofcillations,
refpeftively. Therefore the difference between the
arcs defcribed in the fir ft defcent and the laft afcenr,
5? k 5P 1? 5 *ms of m inch *
refP eaive, )r -
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Scft. VI. of Natural Thilofophy. 97
Now let V reprefent the greateft velocity in any of-
cillation, and let A, B, and C
be given quantities, and
let us fuppofe the difference of the arcs to be AV-4-
+Ci in the 4
cafe-^ = 4A -|- 8B 16C ; in
the tf* cafe —8 =10- A -(-648^- 2 5 6*0. Thefe equ*-'
is V, is to its weight as A AV+ *
0 B V*-|-
iCV* to the length of the pendulum; if for A, B,
and C the numbers found, the refiftance of
you put
the globe will be to its weight, as 0,0000585 V-!-
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Sett. VI. of Natural ThHofophf. 99
defcribing a fpacc of 15,278 inches. Therefore with
fuch a velocity the globe meets With a refiftance, which
is to its weight as 0,61705 to ill, or (if we take
that part only of the refinance which is in the dupli-
cate ratio of the velocity) as 0,56752 to 121.
I found by an hydroftatical experiment* that the
weight of this wooden globe was to the weight of a
globe of water of the fame magnitude as 55 to 5)7 2 and
therefore fince 121 is to 213,4 * n the fame ratio, the
refiftance made to this globe of water moving forwards
with the abovementioned velocity, will be to its weight
3*0,56752 to 213,4, thatis, as 1 toij6 \. Whence
ioo Mathematical Principles Book II.
Firft defcent
z 4 8. 16 31 64
Laftafcent if 3 12 24 48
N*mh.ofofiiU.m 272 83f 41* zif
I afterwards fu(pended a leaden globe of 2 inches in
diameter, weighing 16 \ ounces Averdupois by the fame
thread, fo that between the centre of the globe and the
point of fufpenfion there was an interval of 10 £ feet,
and I counted the ofcillations in which a given part of
the motion was loft. The firft of the following tables
exhibits the number of ofcillations in which $ part of
the whole motion was loft ; the fecond the number of
ofcillations in which there was loft % part of the fame.
Lafl afient * i %l 7 H 28 5*
Numb.ofofciH. iz6 228 103 140 oq£ j-j 30
Firft defcent I 2 4 8 16 32 64
Laftafcent * ij 3 24 48 12
NHmb.ofofeilL 510 518 420 318 204 121 70
Sele&ing in the firft table the 3 d , and 7 th
obfervation, and exprefling the greateft velocities in
thefe obfervations particularly by the numbers 1, 4, 1 6
refpeftivdy, and generally by the quantity as above V
there will come out in the 3 d obfervation — =A -I-
B-f-C, in the 5
obfervation — - =4A -|- 8B-f-
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loz Mathematical Principles Book It
inehes. The difference of the arcs 4 inches. The
f9 part of this, or the difference between the defcent
and afcent in one mean ofcillation is f of an inch. Then
as the radius iop } to the radius 1 zz { lb is the whole
cent was
— 8
into — . This multiplied into the weight
©f the globe, which was 57 *4 ounces, produces 4$, $96*.
But I multiply thefe differences into the weights of
the globes, in order to find their rcfiftances. For the
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Sea. VI. of Natural Thilofophy] i o*
differences arife from the reiiftances, and are as the re-
fiftances dire&ly and the weights inverfely. Therefore
the refiftances are as the numbers
18,136 and 49,396.
But that part of the refiftance of the lefler globe, which
is in the duplicate ratio of the velocity, was to the
whole refiftance as 0,56752 to 0,61675, that is, as
4f»455 to 49>35>^> whereas that part of the refiftance
of the greater globe is almoft equal to its whole refif-
tance; and fo thofe parts are nearly as 318,156 and
45,45 3, that is, as 7 and 1. But the diameters of the
globes are i8£ and 6| ; and their fquares 351^ and
The number of the
0fc illations in wa-<f f£-if-J*7«n+- I2'f* I 53
n* number ,f tbe^
; g
' '
ofctllattons tn atr. \
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Scd. VI. of Natural Thilofophy. i 0f
equal motions loft in 535 ofcillations in the air, and if
in the water ; and therefore the refiftance of the pendu-
lum in the water is to its refiftance in the air as 535 to
if. This is the proportion of the whole refiftances in
the cafe of the 4 th column.
Now let AV~|-C V 2 reprefent the difference of the
arcs defcribed in the defcent and fubfequent afcent by
the globe moving in air with the greateft velocity V ;
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Sett. VI. of Natural Thtlofophj. 107
common water, that by making the pendulum ofcil-
late fucceflively in thefe two different fluids, I might
find the proportion of their refiftances : and the refif-
tance of the quickfilver proved to be to the refiftance
of water as about 13 or 14 to 1 ; that is, as the den-
fity of quickfilver to the denfitv of water. When I
made ufe of a pendulous globe fomething bigger, as of
one whofe diameter was about \ or f of an inch, the refif-
tance of the quickfilver proved to be to the refiftance
of the water as about 11 or 10 to 1. But the former
experiment is more to be relied on, becaufe in the latter
the veflel was too narrow in proportion to the magni-
tude of the immerfed globe : For the veflel ought to
have been enlarged together with the globe. I intend*
ed to have repeated thefe experiments with larger veflels*
and in melted metah, and other liquors both cold and
hot : but I had not leifure to try all ; and befides, front
what is already defcribed, it appears fufEciently that the
refiftance of bodies moving fwiftly is nearly proportional
to the denfities of the fluids in which they move. I
don't fay accurately. For more tenacious fluids, of
equal denfity, will undoubtedly refift more than thofe
that are more liquid, as cold oil more than warm, warm
oil more than rain-water, and water more than fpirit of
i o3 Mathematical Principles Book II.
which freely pervades the pores of all bodies ; and from
fuch a medium fo pervading the pores of bodies, fome !
the thread that went round it, and half the remaining
part extended between the hook and the fufpended box.
For the thread fo extended always a&s upon the pen-
dulum, when drawn afide from the perpendicular, with
half its weight. To this weighc I added the weight of
the air contained in the box. And this whole weight
was about 7\ of the weight of the box when filled with
the metals. Then becaufe the box when full of the
metals, by extending the thread with its weight, in-
z creafed
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Sea. VI. of Natural Thilofophy. 109
creafed the length of the pendulum, I Ihortened the
thread fo as to make the length of the pendulum, when
ofcillating, the fame as before. Then drawing afide the
pendulum to the place firft marked, and letting it go,
I reckoned about 77 ofcillations, before the box re-
turned to the fecond mark, and as many afterwards be-
fore it came to the third mark, and as many after that,
before it came to the fourth mark. From whence I
conclude that the whole refiftance of the box, when
full, had not a greater proportion to the refiftance of
the box, when empty, than 78 to 77. For if their re-
flftances were equal, the box, when full, by reafon of
its vis wfita, which was 78 times greater than the vis
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Se<2.VII. of Natural Thilofophyl
Of the motion of fluids and the reftf*
tame made to projeBed bodies.
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Cor. i. Hence if any two bodies, which are fimi-
lar and in like fituations to the correspondent particles
of the fyftems, begin to move amongft them in like
manner and in proportional times, and their magnitudes
and denfities be to each other as the magnitudes and
denfities of the correfponding particles : thefe bodies
will continue to be moved in like manner and in pro-
portional times. For the cafe of the greater parts of
both fyftems and of the particles is the very fame.
Cor. 2. And if all the fimilar and fimilarly fituated
parts of both fyftems be at reft among themfelves : and
two of them, which are greater than the reft, and mu-
tually correfpondent in both fyftems, b°gin to move in
lines alike pofited, with any fimilar motion whatfoever;
they will excite fimilar motions in the reft of the parts
of the fyftems, and will continue to move among thofe
parts in like manner and in proportional times ; and will
therefore defcribe fpaces proportional to their diame-
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ii4 Mathematical Principles Book II.
The refiftances of the firft kind are to each other as
the whole motive forces from which they arife, that is,
as the whole accelerative forces and the quantities of
matter in correfponding parts ; that is, (by the fuppo-
fition) the fquares of the velocities
as direftly, and the
diftances of the correfponding particles inverfely, and
the quantities of matter in the correfpondent parts di—
reflly : and therefore fince the diftances of the particles
in one fyftem are to the correfpondent diftances of the
particles of the other, as the diameter of one panicle or
part in the former fyftem to the diameter of the cor-
refpondent particle or part in the other, and fince the
quantities of matter are as the denfities of the parts and
the cubes of the diameters ; the refiftances are to each
other as the fquares of the velocities and the fquares of
the diameters and the denfities of the parts of the fy-
ftems. Q. E. D. The refiftances of the latter fort are
as the number of correfpondent reflexions and the forces
of thofe reflexions con/un&ly. But the number of the
reflexions are to each other as the velocities of the cor-
responding parts dire&ly and the fpaces between their
reflexions inverfely. And the forces of the reflexions
are as the velocities and the magnitudes and the denfi-
ties of the correfponding parts conjun&ly j that is, as
the velocities and the cubes of the diameters and the
denfities of the parts. And joining all thefe ratio's,
the refiftances of the correfponding parts are to each
other as the fquares of the velocities and the fquares of
the diameters and the denfities of the parts coniundUy.
Cor. i. Therefore if thofe fyftems are two elaftic
fluids, like our air, and their parts are at reft among
themfelves ; and two fimilar bodies proportional in mag-
nitude and denfity to the parts of the fluids and firai-
larly fituated amon^ thofe parts, be any how proje&ed
in the direction of lines fi mi larly pofited ; ana the ac-
celerative forces with which the particles of the fluids
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Sed. VII. of Natural Thilofoph/. .
mutually aft upon each other, are as the diameters of
the bodies projcfted inverfely and the fquares of
velociries direftly : thofe bodies will excite fimilar mo-
tions in the fluids in ppportional times, and will
fcribe fimilar fpacesand^proportional to their diameters*
Cor. 2. Therefore in the fame fluid a projefted bo-
dy moves fwiftly meets with a refiftance that is
in the duplicate ratio of its velocity, nearly.
For if
the forces, with which diftant particles aft mutually
on one another, Ihould be augmented in the duplicate
ratio of the velocity, the projeded body
would be re-
filled in the fame duplicate ratio accurately ; and there-
fore in a medium, whofe parts when at a diftance do
not aft mutually with any force on one another,
refiftance is in the duplicate ratio of the velocity
rately. Let there be therefore three mediums A, B, C
conhfting of fimilar and equal parts regularly difpofed
equal diftances.
Let the parts of the mediums
recede from each other with forces that are among
themfelves as rand V\ and let the parts of the medium
C be entirely deftitute of any fuch forces. And if four
equal bodies D
y £, F, G
move in thefe mediums, the
two firft D
and E
in the two firft A
and B, and the
other two F
and G
in the third C; and if the velocity
of the body D
be to the velocity of the body and E 9
the velocity of the body F to the velocity of the body
G in tfie fubduplicate ratio of the force T to the force
V: the refiftance of th^body D to the refiftance of the
body £, and the refiftance of the body F to the refif*
tance of the body G will be in the duplicate ratio
of the
velocities ; and therefore the refiftance of the body D
will be to the refiftance of the body as the refiftance
of the body £ to the refiftance of the body G. Let
the bodies D and F be equally fwift, as alfo the bodies
E and G; and augmenting the velocities of the bodies
D and Fin any and diminifhing the forces of the
7ides of the medium B in the duplicate of the fame
I z
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Scd. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. 117
the fame denfity, the bodies move with extreme
fwiftnefs, their refiftances are nearly equal ; whether
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then bH will be to
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Sc&. VII. of Natural Thilofophf. 1 1 >
and it is known that a paraboloid is half its circum-
feribed cylinder. Therefore the whole force of the
medium upon the globe is half of the entire force of
the fame upon the cylinder. And therefore if the par-
ticlesof the medium are at reft, and the cylinder and
globe move with equal velocities, the refiftance of the
globe will be half the refiftance of the cylinder. O. E. D.
By the fame method other figures may be compared to-
gether as to their refiftance; and thofe may be found
which aremoft apt to continue their motions in refifting
mediums. As if upon the circular bafe {Pi 6. CEBH
Fig. j.) from the centre O, with the radius 9 and OC
the altitude OD, one would conftrufl: a fruftum CB G B
of a cone, which fhould meet with lefs refiftance than
any other fruftum conftrufted with the fame bafe and
altitude, and going forwards towards in thedireftion D
of its axis : bifeft the altitude OD
in 0, and produce
O to fo that <2S may be equal to <2 C, and S will
be the vertex of the cone whofe fruftum is fought.
Whence by the bye, fince the angle CSB is always
acute, it follows, that if the folid AD B E (PL 6. Fig. 4.)
be generated by the convolution of an elliptical or oval
figure AD B E about its axe AB> and the generating
figure be touched by three right lines in FG, GH> HI
the points F, B, and /, fo that GH
be perpendi- (hall
cular to the axe in the point of con tad B> and FG, HI
may he inclined to GH in the angles FGB, BHI of
1 j 5 degrees ; the folid arifing from the convolution of
the figure AD FG HIE about the fame axe AS, will
be le(s refifted than the former folid; if fo be that both
move forward in the direftion of their axe B> and A
that the extremity B of each go foremoft. Which
propofition I conceive may be ot ufc in the building of
i 4
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120 Mathematical "Principles Book II.
If the figure DNF
G be fuch a curve, that if from any
point thereof as N
the perpendicular NMbe
let fall on
the axe AB, and from the given point G
there be drawn
the right line GR parallel to a right line touching the
figure in N, and
cutting the axe produced in R, Ad JV
becomes to GR
as G 3
to + BR x G % ; the folid de-
scribed by the revolution of this figure about its axe
AB) moving in thebeforementioned rare medium from
A towards B, will be lefs refilled than any other circular
folid whatfoever,defcribedof the fame length and breadth.
The demon/!ration of tbefe curious Theorems being omitted by the
author y the analyfis thereof communicated by a friend, is
added at the end if this volume.
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Plate VUM.TL.P. HO .
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Seft, VII. of Natural Thilofophy. 12
as the denfity of the medium to the denfity of the cy-
linder and that the globe, in the time it defcribes one
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Sea. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. 121
fame time r with the uniform motion M, as the loga-
2, 302.^850925)5)4 is to the number— , becaufe the
I have exhibited in this Propofition the refiftance
and retardation of fphaerical projefhles in mediums that
are not continued, and fhewn that this refiftance is to
the force by which the whole motion of the globe
may be deftroyed or produced in the time in which the
globe can defcribe two thirds of its diameter* with a
velocity uniformly continued, as the denfity of the
medium to the denfity of the globe, if fobe the globe
and the particles of the medium be perfeftly elaftic,
and are indued with the utmoft force of reflexion : and
that this force, where the globe and particles of the
medium are infinitely hard and void of any reflefting
force, is diminiftied one half. But in continued me-
diums, as water, hot oil, and quickfilver, the globe
as it palTes thro them does not immediately ftrike againft
made to it, but prefTes only the particles that lie next
to it, which prefs the particles beyond, which prefs
other particles, and fo on; and in thefe mediums the re-
fiftance is diminilhed one other half. A globe in thefe
extremely fluid mediums meets with a refiftance that is
to the force by which its whole motion may be de-
ftroyed or generated in the time wherein it can defcribe,
with that motion uniformly continued, eight third
parts of its diameter, as the denfity of the medium to
the denfity of the globe. This I Hull endeavour to
fliew in what follows. " Pro-
1 24. Mathematical Principles Book II.
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Sccl. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. 1 27
city, would run out in the fame time, thro* another cir-
cular hole, whofe diameter is to the diameter of the
former as 21 to if. And therefore that running water
in paflingthro' the hole itfelf has a velocity downwards
equal to that whichheavy body would acquire
a in fal-
ling thro* half the height of the ftagnant water in the
veflel, nearly. But then after it has run out, it is ftili
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125 Mathematical Principles Book II.
of the veffel thro' that hole when the water in the vet
fel is all fluid. And let EF
be the diameter of the
hole which the ftream, in falling thro', exa&ly fills up,
whether the water runs out of the veffel by that upper
hole ST> or flows thro the middle of the ice in the
veffel, as thro* a funnel. And let the diameter of the
upper hole ST be to the diameter of the lower as EF
about 25 to 21, and let the perpendicular diftance be-
tween rhe planes of the holes be equal to the diameter
of the leffer hole E F.. Then the velocity of the water
downwards in running out of the veffel thro' the
hole ST^ will be in that hole the fame that a body
may acquire by falling from half the height IZ : and
the velocity of both the falling ftreams will be, in the
hole EF, the fame which a body would acquire by fal-
ling from the whole height IG.
Case 2. If the hole EF
be not in the middle of the
bottom of the veffel, but in fome other part thereof,
the water will Hill run out with the fame velocity as
before* if the magnitude of the hole be the fame. For
tho an heavy body takes a longer time in defcending
to the fame depth, by an oblique line, than by a per-
pendicular line ; yet in both cafes it acquires in its
defcent the fame velocity, as Galileo has demonftra-
Case 3. The ve'ocity of the water is the fame
when it runs out thro* a hole in the fide of the vef-
fel. For if the hole be fmall, fo that the interval
between the fuperficies and AB KL
may vanifh as
to fenfe, and the ftream of water horizontally if-
fuing out may form a parabolic figure : from the
Utus reftum of this parabola may be collefted, that
the velocity of the effluent water is that which a bo-
dy may acquire by falling the height IG or HG of
the ftagnant water in the veffel. For by making an
experiment, I found that if the height of the ftag-
nant water above the hole were zo inches, and the
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i j i Mathematkal Principles Book II-
and EF to the fum of the fame circles, (by Cor. 4*>
and the weight of the whole water in the velTel is to
the weight of the whole water perpendicularly incum-
bent on the bottom as the circle AB
to the difference
of the circles AB
and£F. Therefore, ex aqno per—
turbatiy that part of the weight which prefles upon the
bottom is to the weight of the whole water perpendi-
cularly incumbent thereon as the circle A
B to the Anns
of the circles AB
and EF> or the excefs of twice the
circle AB
above the bottom.
Cor. 7. If in the middle of the hole EF
there be
placed the little circle /> defcribed about the centre
<7, and parallel to the horizon ; the weight of water
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Sea. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. 135
that is, a weight greater than the weight of the cone or
a third part of the cylinder.
Cor. 8. The weight of water which the circle P O,
when very fmall, fuftains, feems to be lefs than the
weight of two thirds of a cylinder of water whole bale
is that little circle, and its altitude HG. For, things
ftandingas above fuppofed, imagine the half of a fpha>
roid defcribed whole bafe is that little circle, and its
femi-axis or alitude HG. This figure will be equal to
two thirds of that cylinder, and will comprehend with-
in it the column of congealed water P H
the weight
of which is fuftained by that little circle. For tho* the
motion of the water tends directly downwards, the ex-
ternal fuperficies of that column muft yet meet the
bafe P Q^in an angle fomewhat acute, becaufe the water
in its fall is perpetually accelerated, and by realbn of that
acceleration becomes narrower. Therefore, fince that
angle is lefs than a right one, this column in the lower
partsthereof will lie within thehemi-lphaeroid. In the
upper parts alio it will be aaute or pointed ; becaufe,
to make it otherwife, the horizontal motion of the wa-
ter muft be at the vertex infinitely more fwift than its
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1 3 4. Mathematical Principles Book It
an arithmetical mean between the weights of the cone
and the hemi-fphaeroid abovementioned. But if that
little circle be not very fmall, but on the contrary in-
Lemma IV.
J[f a cylinder move uniformly forwards in the
of its length, the rejtftance made
thereto is not at all changed by augmenting
or diminijhing that lengthand is therefore 5
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Scft. VII. of Natural Thilofofhy. i i7
and its altitude half the altitude /(?, from which the
cylinder muft fall to acquire the velocity of the amend-
ing circle. And with this velocity the cylinder in the
time of its fall will defcribe four times its length. But
the refiftance of the cylinder moving forwards with
this velocity in the diredrion of its length, is the fame
with the refiftance of the little circle, (by Lem. 4.)
and is therefore nearly equal to the force by which its
motion may be generated while it defcribes four times
its length.
If the length of the cylinder be augmented or di-
minifhed, its morion, and the time in which it de-
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fj 8 Mathematical Principles Book II.
from the compreffion of the fluid, be it never fo forci-
be propagated in an inftant, generates no
ble, if it mo-
tion in the parts of a continued fluid, produces no
change at all of motion therein ; and therefore neither
augments nor lefTens the refiftance. This is certain, that
the aftion of the fluid arifing from the compreffion can-
not be ftronger on the hinder parts of the body moved
than on its fore parts, and therefore cannot lefTen the
refiftance defcribed in this Propofition. And if its
propagation be infinitely fwifter than the motion of the
body prcfTed, it will not be ftronger on the fore parts
than on the hinder parts. But that adtion will be in-
finitely fwifter and propagated in an inftant, if the fluid
ie continued and non-elaftic.
Cor. i. The refiftances made to cylinders going uni-
formly forwards in the direftion of their lengths thro*
continued infinite mediums, are in a ratio compounded
of the duplicate ratio of the velocities and the duplicate
ratio of the diameters, and the ratio of the denfity of
the mediums.
Cor. 2. If the breadth of the canal be not infinite-
ly increafed, but the cylinder go forwards in the direc-
tion of its length through an included quiefcent me-
dium, its axis all the while coinciding with the axis of
the canal ; its refiftance will be to the force by which
its whole motion in the time in which it defcribes four
times its length, may be generated or deftroyed, in a
ratio compounded of the ratio of EF 2 to EF 1 — iPQ^'
once, and the ratio of EF 2
to EF 2 — P (P twice, and
the ratio of the denfity of the medium to the denfity of
the cylinder.
Cor. 3. The fame things fuppofed, and that a length
L is to the quadruple of the length of the cylinder in
* ratio compounded of the ratio EF 2 — \P to EF
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Sett. VII. of Natural Vhilofiphy: i 39
the length L, may be deftroyed or generated, as the
denfity of the medium to the denfity of the cylinder.
In this propofition we have inveftigated that refif-
tance alone which arifes from the magnitude of the
tranfverfe fe&ion of the cylinder, neglefting that part
of the fame which may arife from the obliquity of the
motions, For as in Cafe i. of Prop. jtf. the obliquity
of the motions with which the parts of the water ii\
the vefTel converged on every fide to the hole 9 EF
hindered the efflux of the water thro* the hole ; fo in
this propofition, the obliquity of the motions, with
which tie parts of the water, prefTed by the antecedent
extremity of the cylinder, yield to the preffure and di-
verge on all fides, retards their paffage, thro* the places
that lie round that antecedent extremity, towards the
hinder parts of the cylinder, and caufes the fluid to be
moved to a greater diftance ; which increafes the refif-
tance, and that in the fame ratio almoft in which it di-
miniftied the efflux of the water out of the veffel, that
is, in the duplicate ratio of 25 to 21, nearly. And af
in Cafe 1 . of that Propofition, we made the parts of
the water pafs thro* the hole EF perpendicularly and
in the greateft plenty,by fuppofing all the water in the
veffel lying round the cataradt to be frozen, and that
part of the water whofe motion was oblique and ufe-
lefs to remain without motion ; fo in this propofition,
1 40 Mathematical Principles Book II.
are oblique and and produce refiftance, to be at
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Sea. VII. of Natural Vhilofophy. i 4t
/ Lemma V.
If a cylinderj a fphere,4ind a fphxroid, of equal
breadths be placed fuccejfively in the middle
of a cylindric canal, fo that their axes may
coincide with the axis of the canal $ thefe bo-
dies will equally hinder the paffage of the
water thro the canal.
For the
fpaces, lying between the fides of the canal,
and the cylinder, fphere, and fphaeroid, thro* which
the water pafles, are equal; and the water will pafs e-
qually thro* equal fpaces.
This is true upon the fuppofition that all the water
above the cylinder, fphere, or fphaeroid, whofe fluidity-
is not neceflary to make the paffage of the water the
quickeft poflible, is congealed, as was explained above
in Cor. 7. Prop. jtf.
Lemma VI.
The fame fuppofition remaining, the foremen*
tioned bodies are equally acted on by the wa-
ter flowing thro* the canal.
This appears by Lem. 5. and the third law. For
the water and the bodies aft upon each other mutually;
and equally.
Lemma VII.
// the water be at reft in the canal, and thefe
bodies move with equal velocity and the con-
trary waythro the canal, their refiflances
will be equal among themfelves.
This appears from the laft Lemma, for the relative
footions remain the fame among themfelves.
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The cafe is the fame of all convex and round bodies^
Scft. VH. of Natural Thilofophyl
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144 Mathematical Trinciples Book it
fpacc that will be to eight third parts of its diameter
as the denfity of the globe to the denfity of the fluid ;
and the force of its weight which generates this motion,
will be to the force that can generate the fame motion
in the time that the globe defcribes eight third parts of
its diameter, with the fame velocity as the denfity of
the fluid to the denfity of the globe; and therefore
(by this Propofition) the force of weight will be
equal to the force of refiftance, and therefore cannot
accelerate the globe.
Cor. 5. If there be given both the denfity of the
globe and its velocity at the beginning of the motion,
and the denfity of the comprefled quiefcent fluid in
which the globe moves ; there is given at any time
both the velocity of the globe and its refiftance, and
the fpace defcribed by it, (by Con 7. Prop. 55.)
Cor. 4. A globe moving in a compreffed quiefcent
fluid of the fame denfity with itfelf, will lofe half its
motion before it can defcribe the length of two of its
diameters, (by the fame Cor. 7.)
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StCt. VII. of Natural Wthfipif. i\i
This appears by cor. 2. prop. 37. and the demon-
ftration proceeds in the fame manner as in the foregoing
In the two laft propofitions we fuppofe fas was done
before in lem. f .) that all the warer which precedes
the globe, and whofe fluidity increafes the refinance of
the fame, is congealed. Now
if that water becomes
fluid, it will fomewhac increafe the refiftance. But
in thefe propofitions that increafe is fo fmall, that it
may be neglefted, becaufe the convex? fuperficies of the
globe produces the very fame effeft almoft as the con-
gelation of the water.
Let A
be the weight of the glpbe in vacuo, B its
weight in the refilling medium, D
the diameter of the
globe, F a fpace which is to f D
as the denfity of the
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I4<5 Mathematical Principles Book II.
is the refiftance that arifes from the inactivity
of the matter of the fluid. That refiftance which arifes
from the elafticity, tenacity, and fri&ion of its parts,
may be thus inveftigated.
Let the globe be let fall fo that it may d:fcend in the
fluid by the weight B ; and let P be the time of
falling, and let that time be ex pre (Ted in feconds, if the
time G be given in feconds. Find the abfolute Number
N agreeing to the logarithm 0,43429448 iq ana
Nil and the
let L be the logarithm of the number - *
N — - Hj and the
velocity acquired in falling will be ^
height defcribed will be ^— 1,386-20436*1 1 F +
4,6051701861^. If the fluid be of a fufficient
depth,we may negleft the term 4,60$ 170186LF ;
and _G 1,3862043611^ will be the altitude defcri-
bed, nearly. Thefe things appear by prop. 9. book 2.
and its corollaries, and are true upon this fuppofition,
that the globe meets with no other refiftance but that
which arifes from the inactivity of matter. Now if
it really meet with any refiftance of another kind, the
defcent will be flower, and from the quantity of that
retardation will be known the quantity of this new re-
That the velocity and defcent of a body falling in a
fluid might more eafily be known, I have compofed the
following table ; the hrft column of which denotes the
times of defcent, thelecond fliews the velocities acquir'd
in falling, the greateft velocity being 100000000,
the third exhibits the fpaces defcribed by falling in
thofe times, 2.F being the ipace which the body de.
fcribes in the time G with the greateft velocity,
z and
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Sea. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. 147
and the fourth gives the fpaces defcribed with the
greateft velocity in the fame times. The numbers
in the fourth column are -g , and by fubdu&ing the
number 1,58^2944 —4,605 1702L,
bers in tJjLC third column ; and thefe numbers muft be
are found the num-
1 The fpacts
The Timet
VeUcitiet of the] The fpaces defcri- defenhtd The fpacts dt-
boay falling m bed in falling im with the fa ib c aby falling
the finid. the finid. ereatffi Tno in iMiiro
L *— ScHof
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1 4* Mathematical Principles Book U
In order to inveftignte the refiftances of fluids from
experiments, 1 procured a fquare wooden vefTel, whofe
length and breadth on the infide was 9 inches EngliJJy
meafure, and its depth 9 foot \ this I filled with
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Scd. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. 149
time in the fubduplicare ratio of the fpace F, or of
2,2128 inches to 95,210 inches, will defcribe 2,2128
inches, and will acquire the greatcft velocity H with
which it is capable of defcending in water There-
fore the time G
is o,"i5244. AnJ in this time G
with that greateft velocity H, the globe will defcribe
the fpace 2F, which is 4,4256 inches; and therefore
in 4 feconds will defcribe a fpace of 116,1245 inches.
Subduft thefpace i > 38o'2044F or 3,0676 inches, and
there will remain a fpace of 113,0560 inches, which
the globe falling thro' water in a very wide veflel will
defcribe in 4 feconds. But this fpace, by reafon of
the narrow nefs of the wooden veflel beforementioned,
ought to be diminifhed in a ratio compounded of the
fubduplicate ratio of the orifice of the veflel to the
excefs of this orifice above half a great circle of the
globe, and of the fimple ratio of the fame orifice to its
excefs above a great circle of the globe, that is, in a
ratio of 1 to 0,9914. This done, we have a fpace of
112,08 inches, which a globe falling thro* the water
in this*wooden vefTel in 4 feconds of time ought nearly
to defcribe by this theory : but it defcribed 112 inches
by the experiment.
Exper. 2. Three equal globes, whofe weights were
feverally 76 j grains in air, and 5 grains in water,
were let fall fucceffively ; and every one fell thro* the
water in 1 5 feconds of time, defcribing in its fall a
height of 112 inches.
computation, the weight of each globe in vacuo
n 76 A
grains ; the excefs of this weight above the
weight in water, is 71 grains ; the diameter of the
g!obe 0,81296 of an inch : ^ parts of this diameter
^16789 inches 5 the fpace 2F
2,3217 inches; the
fpace which a globe of 5
weight would
grains in
defcribe in one fecond without refiftance, 12,808
inches, and the time G
o",joio56. Therefore the
globe with the greateft velocity it is capable of receiving
L 3 from
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t$o Mathematical Principles Book II.
from a weight of 5 ft
grains in its defcent thro* wa-
ter, will defcribe in the time o",30io56~ the fpace of
2,3217 inches; and in 15 feconds the fpace 11 5,678
inches. Subdue! the fpace i^S6i^^¥ or 1,609
inches, and there remains the fpace 114,069 inches;
which therefore the falling globe ought to defcribe in
the fame time, if the veffel were very wide. But be-
caufe our veflel was narrow, the fpace ought to be di-
minifhed by about 0,895 °f an ' ncn And fo the -
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- Mathematical ^Principle; Book II.
in fecond of time 9,88154 inches,
a and the time
Go",j75843. Therefore the globe with the greatefi
velocity with which it is capable of defcending thro*
the water by the force of a weight of 7 ^ grains will in
the time o", 3 76843 defcribe a fpace of 2,8066 inches,
and in one fecond of time a fpace of 7,44766 inches,
and in the time 25", or in 50 ofcillations the fpace
186,15)15 inches. Subduft the fpace 1,3 86294 F or
1.9454 inches, and therewill remain the fpace 184,246"!
inches, which the globe will defcribe in that time in a
very wide veflel. Becaufe our veffel was narrow, let
this fpace be diminiftied in a ratio compounded of the
fubduplicate ratio of the orifice of the vefTel to the ex-
cefsof this orifice above half a great circle of the globe,
and of the fimple ratio of the fame orifice to its excefs
above a great circle of the globe ; and we lhall have
the fpace of 18 1,86 inches, which the globe ought by
the theory to defcribe in this vefTel in the time of 50
ofcillations, nearly. But it defcribed the fpace of 182
inches, by experiment, in 49- or 50 ofcillations.
E::plr. 5. Four globes, weighing 154 grains in
sir, and 21^ grains in water, being let fall feveral
times, fell in the times of 28*, 29, 29 \, and 30,
and fometimes of 31, 32, and 33 ofcillations, defcri-
bing a height of 15 feet and 2 inches.
They ought by the theory to have fallen in the time
of 29 ofcillations, nearly.
Exper. 6. Five globes weighing 212 -|
grains in
air, and 79 f in water, being feveral times let fall, fell
and 35 g ains J in water, being let fall feveral
fimes, in the times of 29^, 30, 30^, J I, 32,
and * ^ ofcillations, defcribing a height of 1$ feet and
1 inch and },
"* *
' <
r •
> i - i t • • t \ \
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Sea. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. t 5l
By the theory they ought to have fallen in the time
of 28 ofcillations, nearly.
In fearching for the caufe that occafioned thefe globes
of the fame weight and magnitude to fall, fome Iwifter
and fome flower , I hit upon this ; that the globes,
when they were firft let go and began to fall, ofcillated
about their centres, that fide which chanced to be the
heavier defcending firft, and producing an ofcillating
motion. Now by ofcillating thus, the globe commu-
nicates motion to the water, than if it de-
a greater
scended without any ofcillations ; and by this commu-
nication lofes part of its own motion with which it
fhould defcend ; and therefore as this ofcillation is
greater or lefs it will be more or lefs retarded. Be-
iides the globe always recedes from that fide of itfelf
which js defcending in the ofcillation, and by fo re-
ceding comes nearer to the fides of the vcffel fo as even
to ftrike againft them fometimes. And the heavier
the globes are, the ftronger this ofcillation is ; and
the greater they are, the more is the water agitated
by it. Therefore to diminifti this ofcillation of the
globes, I made new ones of lead and wax, flicking
the lead in one fide of the globe very near its furface
and I let fall the globe in fuch a manner, that as near
as poflible, the heavier fide might be loweft at the be-
ginning of the defcent. By this means the ofcilla-
tions becarpe much lefs than before, and the times in
which the globes fell were not fo unequal : as in the
following experiments.
Exper.8. Four globes weighing 139 grains in air
and 6 ~ in water, were let fall feveral times, and fell
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1 5 6 Mathematical Trinciples Book II.
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Scft. VII. of Natural Thilofophy. i s7
The times of
The fpaces which the)
The weights The diame- falling fr»m
tumid defcribe by the Thi Exteffts.
tf the glebes. ters. a height ef
2ao fft.
642 7 42 230 9 10 9
599 7 42 227 10 7 10
5i5 5 7 57 224 5 4 5
483 8 12 225 5 5 5
641 ^2 1
7 4* 230 7 10 7
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i 5 8 Mathematical Principles Book II,
were let fall from the lantern on the top of the cupola
of the fame church; namely^ from a height of zyz
feet ; and at the fame moment of time there was let
fall a leaden globe whofe weight was about z pounds
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Sea. VII. of Natural Tbilofophy. j 59
diredtly down,
but fometimes fluttered a little in the
air, and waved
to and fro as they were defcending.
And by thefe motions the times of their falling were
prolonged, and increafed by half a fecond fometimes,
and fometimes by a whole fecond. The fecond and
fourth bladder fell moft diredly the firft time, and
the firft and third the fecond time. The fifth bladder
was wrinkled, and by its wrinkles was a little re-
tarded. I found their diameters by their circumfe-
rences meafured with a very fine thread wound about
them twice. In the following table I have compared
the experiments with the theory ; making the denfity
of air to be to the denfity of rain-water as i to8<5o,
and computing the fpaces which by the theory the
globes ought to defcribe in falling.
128 grams 5,28 >9 27 I I
iwhes 1
—— 0 foot \inck
272 7 +0 7
97- 5,26 22 2 77 4 +5 4
99i 5 282 0 + 10 0
160 Mathematical Principles Book II,
ways contrary to the motion^ of rhe pendulum in its
return ; and the refiftancc ariling from this motion, as
alfo the refiftance of the thread by which the pendu-
lum is fufpended, makes the whole refiftance of a pen-*
dulum greater than the refiftance deduced from the ex-
periments of falling bodies. For by the experiments of
pendulums defenbed in that fcholium, a globe of the
fame denficy as water in defcribing the length of its
femidiameter in air would lofe the— part of its mo-
tion. But by the theory delivered in this feventh
fefiion, and confirmed by experiments of falling bo-
dies, the fame globe in defcribing the fame kngth
would lofe only a part of its motion equal to -~
fuppofing the denfity of water to be to the denfity of
air as 860 to I. Therefore the refiftances were found
greater by the experiments of pendulums (for the rea-
sons juft mentioned) than by the experiments of fal-
ling globes ; and that in the ratio of about 4 to 5. But
yet fince the refiftances of pendulums ofcillating in air,
water, and quickfilver, are alike increafed by like
caufes, the proportion of the redftances hi thefe me-
diums will be rightly enough exhibited by the experi-
ments of pendulums, as well as by the experiments of
falling bodies. And from all this it may be concluded,
that the refiftances of bodies, moving in any fluids
whatfjever, tho* of the moft extreme fluidity, are,
cateris paribus, as the denfities of the fluids*
Thefe things being thus eftablifhed, we may now
determine what part of its motion any globe proje&ed
in any fluid whatfoever would nearly lofe in a given
time. Let D be the diameter of the globe, and V its
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Scd. VIL of Natural Thilofophf 1 61
t V
lofe the part jrj^} 9 the P art
t, remain *
ing ; and which may be to that
will defcribe a fpace,
defcribed the fame time in vacuo with the uni-
form velocity V, as the logarithm of the number
—^ 1 — multiplied by the number 2,3025 85095 is to
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1 6z Mathematical Principles Book HJ
with the utmoft freedom, and without the leaft fenfible
diminution of their motion, rhuft be utterly void of
any corporeal fluid, excepting perhaps fome extremely
rare vapours, and the rays of light.
Projectiles excite a motion in fluids as they pafs thro'
them ; and this motion arifes from the excefs of the
prelTure of the fluid at the fore -parts of the pro-
jectile above the preflure of the fame at the hinder
parts ; and cannot be lefs in mediums infinitely fluid,
than it is in air, water, and quickfilver, in proportion
to trie denfity of matter in each. Now this excefs of
prefTure does, in proportion to its quantity, not only
excite a motion in the but alfo acts upon the
projectile fo as to retard itsmotion : and therefore the
refiftance in every fluid is as the motion excited by the
projectile in the fluid ; and cannot be lefs in the mod
iubtile aether in proportion to the denfity of that aether,
than it is in air, water, and quickfilver, in proportion
to the denfities of thofe fluids.
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Seft. VIII. of Natural Thilofophy; i<j 3
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ScO:. VIII. of Natural Thilofophf. 16$
is propagated from the fuperficies fg towards PC
Q. E.D.
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Scd.VIII. of Natural Thilofophy. 167
refily propagated from the window, as far as our fenfe
can judge.
Case 3. laftly, that a motion of
Let us fuppofe
any kind ispropagated from A
thro' the hole B C.
Then fince tne caufe of this propagation is, that the
parts of medium that are near the centre
the difturb A
and agitate thofewhich lie farther from it ; and fince
the parts which are urged are fluid, and therefore re-
cede every way towards thofe fpaces where they are
lefs preffed, they will by confequence recede towards
all the parts of the quiefcent medium ; as well to the
parts on each hand, as KL and NO y as to thofe right
before as PQj and by this means all the motion, as
foon as it has parted thro' the hole B C, will begin to
dilate itfelf, and from thence, as from its principle
and centre, will be propagated dire&ly every way*
Q*E. Z).
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168 Mathematical Principles BookIL
will in their turn agitate others next to themfelves, and
thefe others agitated in like manner, will agitate thofe
that lie beyond them, and fo on in infinitum. And
in the fame manner as the firft parts of the medium
were condenfed in going, and relaxed in returning, fo
will the other parts be condenfed every time they go, and
expand themfelves every time they return. And there •
fore they will not be all going and all returning at the
fame inftant, (for in that cafe they would always pre-
ferve determined diftances from each other, and there
could be no alternate condenfation and rarefaction ;) but
fince in the places where they are condenfed, they ap-
proach to, and in the places where they are rarefied*
recede from, each other ; therefore fome of them will
be going while others are returning; and fo on in infi-
nitum. The parts fo going, and in their going con-
denfed, are pulfes, by leafon of the progreuive motion
with which they ftrike obftacles in their way ; and
therefore the fucceflive pulfes produced by a tremulous
body, will be propagated in rediiinear directions ; and
that at nearly equal diftances from each other, becaufe
of the equal intervals of time in which the body, by
its fevcral tremors, produces the feveral pulfes. And
*tho* the parts of the tremulous body go and return in
fome certain and determinate direction, yet the pulfes
propagated from thence thro' the medium, will dilate
themfelves towards the fides, by the foreeoing propo-
rtion ; and will be propagated on all fides from that
tremulous body, as from a common centre, in fupei ficies
nearly fphaerical and concentrical. An example of this
we have in waves excited by (baking a finger in water,
which proceed not only forwards and backwards agree-
ably to the motion of the finger, but fpread themfelves
in the manner of contentrical -circles all round the fin-
ger, and are propagated on every fide. For the gravity
pf the water fupplies the place of claftic force.
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Sea VIII. of Natural Thilofofhy. 159
Case 2. If the medium be not elaftic, then, be-
caufe its parts cannot be condenfed by the preflure ari-
fing from the vibrating parts of the tremulous body,
the motion will be propagated in an inftant towards the
parts where the medium yields moft eafily, that is, to
the parts which the tremulous body leaves for fome
time vacuous behind it. The cafe is the fame with
that of a body projected in any medium whatever. A
medium yielding to projectiles does not recede in infi-
nitum, but with a circular motion comes round to the
fpaces which the body leaves behind it. Therefore as
often as a tremulous body tends to any part, the me-
dium yielding to it comes round in a circle to the parts
which the body leaves ; and as often as the body re-
turns to the firfl: place, the medium will be driven from
the place it came round to, and return to its original
place. And tho' the tremulous body be not firm and
hard, but every way flexible ; yet if it continue of a
given magnitude, fince it cannot impel the medium by
its tremors any where without yielding to it fomewhere
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Sc(k. VIII of Natural Thilofophy. 17
ting the equal fpaces AE, PO^zn the weights to
be moved ; and therefore if the water and pendulum
are quiefcent at firft, thofe forces will move them in
equal times, and will caufe them to go and return to-
gether with a reciprocal motion. O. E.D.
Cor. i. Therefore the reciprocations of the water
in afcending and defcending, are all performed in equal
times, whether the motion be more or lefs intenfe or
Cor. 2. If the length of the whole water in the canal
be of 6f feet of French meafure, the water will dc-
fcend inonefecond of time, and will afcend in another
fccond, and fo on by turns in infinitum for a pendu- ;
Let a pendulum be conftru&ed, vhofe length be-
tween the point of fufpenfion and the centre of ofcil-
lation is equal to the breadth of the waves ; and in the
time that the pendulum will perform one fingle ofcil-
- *
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172 Mathematical 'Principles Book II.
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Sea. VIII. of Natural Thilofophy. i 7l
Thefe things are true upon the fuppofition, tbac
the parts of water afcend or defcend in a right line
but in truth, that afcent and defcent is rather performed
in a circle ; and therefore I propofe the time defined by
this proportion as only near the truth.
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Mathematical Trinciples Book II,
equal arcs HI, IK, or hi, il^ having the fame ratio
to the whole circumference as the equal right lines EF,
FG have to BC the whole interval of the pulfes. Let
fall the perpendiculars I Af,KN or im> kn ; then be-
caufe the points E F^G
y are fucceffively agitated with
like motions, and perform their entire vibrations com-
pofed of their going and return, while the pulfe is
rransferr'd from B to C, if PH
or PHSh be the time
elapfed fince the beginning of the motion of the point
E, then will PI or PHSibe the time elapfed fince the
beginning of the motion of the point F, and or PK
PHSl^thc time elapfed fince the beginning of the
motion of the point G ; and therefore JEi, F(f, Gy
will be refpeftively equal to PL, P M% P N> while
the points are going, and to PUPm+Pn, when the
points are returning. Therefore gy or EG-\-Gy —
Ei will, when the points are going, be equal to EG
— LAT9 and in their return equal to EG-\-ln. But
ty is the breadth or expanfion of the part E G of the
medium in the place ty ; and therefore the expanfion
of that part in its going, is to its mean expanfion as
EG — LN to EG
; and in its return as E
G -\-ln or
EG-\-LNto EG. Therefore fince LN
is to KH
as IMio the radius OP, and toKH EG as the cir-
cumference PHShP
toBC ; that is, if we put for V
the radius of a circle whole circumference is equal to
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Sfcft. VIII. of Natural Thilofdphj. i 7s
BC the interval of the pulfes, as OP to V
and, ex
— to 4rV * n lts return. And by
J the fame reafon-
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Se£h VII. of Natural Thilofbphy: 1 77
therefore this proportion may be confider'd phyfi*
cally exa<5t Now the motive elaftic forces are as the
contractions and dilatations ; and the velocities gene-
rated in the fame time in equal parts are as the forces*
Therefore equal and correfpondmg parts of correfpond-
ing pulfes will go and return together, thro* fpaces pro-
portional to their contractions and dilatations, with
velocities that are as thofe fpaces : and therefore th$
pulfes, which in the time of one going and returning
advance forwards a fpace equal to their breadth, and
arealways fucceeding into the places of the pulfes that
immediately go before them, will, by reafori of the
equality of the diftances, go forward in both mediums
with equal velocity.
Case 2. If the diftances of the 'pulfes or their
lengths are greater in one medium than in another; let
us fuppofe that the correfporident parts defcribe fpaces;
in going and returning, each time proportional to the
breadths of the pulfes : then will their contractions
and dilatations be equal. And therefore if the mediums
are homogeneous, the motive elaftic forces, which agi-
tate them with a reciprocal motion, will be equal alfo.
Now the matter to be moved by thefe forces is as the
breadth of the pulfes ; and the fpace thro' which they
move every time they go and return, is in the fame
ratio. And moreover, the time of one going and return-
ing, is in a ratio compounded of the fubduplicate ratio
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186 Mathematical Principles Bdok If*
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Sett. VIII. of Natural Thilofophy.
Scholium. t
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j8z Mathematical Principles Book II,
in that time a found will go right onwards 18676^8
feet, and therefore in one fecond P7P feet.
But in this computation we have made no allowance
for the craflkude of the tolid particles of the air, by
which the found is propagated inftantaneoufly. Be-
pufe the weight of air is to the weight of water as
1 to 870, and becaufe falts are almoft twice as denfe as
water ; if the particles of air are fuppofed to be of near
the fame denfity as thofe of water or fait, and the rarity
of the air arifes from the intervals of the particles; the
diameter of one particle of air will be to the interval
between the centres of the particles, as 1 to about p or
10, and to the interval between the particles themfelves
as 1 to 8 or p. Therefore to 079 feet, which, ac-
cording to the above cal«ulation, a found will advance
Jorward in one fecond of time, we may add or
about 1 op feet, to compenfate for the craflitude of the
particles of the air : ana then a found will go forward
about 1088 feet in one fecond of time.
Moreover, the vapors floating in the air, being of
another fpring, and a different tone, will hardly, if ac
all, partake of the motion of the true air in which the
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Sea. VIII. of Natural Thitofophy. Ui
comes fomewhat more intenfe. Dot in winter, when
the air condenfed by the cold, and its elaftic force is
N 4 SEC-
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j 84 Mathematical Principles Book II.
Of the circular motion of fluids.
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Seft. IX. of Natural Thilofophf. 185
fame thicknefi. Then, bccaufe the fluid is homoge-
neous, the impreflions which the contiguous orbs make
upon each other mutually, will be (by the hypothefis)
as their tranflations from each other, and as the conti-
guous fuperficies upon which the impreflions are made*
If the impreflion made upon any orb be greater or
on its concave, than on its convex fide, the ftronger
impreflion will prevail, and will either accelerate or re-
tard the motion of the orb, according as it agrees with,
or is contrary to the motion of the fame. Therefore,
that every orb may perfevere uniformly in its motion,
the impreflions made on both fides mud be equal, and
their directions contrary. Therefore fince the impref-
fions are as the contiguous fuperficies, and as their
tranflations from one another ; the tranflations will be
inverfely as the fuperficies, that is, inverfely as the dif-
tances of the fuperficies from the axis. But the diffe-
rences of the angular motions about the axis, are as thofe
tranflations applied to the diftances, or as the tranfla-
tions directly and the diftances inverfely ; that is, join-
ing thefe ratio's together, as the fquares of the diftances
inverfely. Therefore if there be erected the lines Aa %
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I $6 Mathematical Trincipks Book IK
appears from the known methods of quadratures of
curves) dire&ly as the diftance SD. Q.E. P.
Cor. i. Hence the angular motions of the particles
of the fluid are reciprocally as their diftaaces from the
axis of the cylinder, and the abfolute velocities are
Cor. 2. If be contained in a cylindric veflel
a fluid
of an and coptain another cylinder
infinite length, ith- w
?n, and both the cylinders revolve about one common
axis, and the times of their revolutions be as their fe-
midiameters, and every part of the fluid perfeveres in
its motion : the periodic times of the (eyeral parts will
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S£&. IX. of Natural Thilofophy. is?
be violently detained ; and accelerate its motion till the
periodic times of both cylinders become equal among
themfelves. But if the outward cylinder be violently
detained, it will make an effort to retard the motion of
ihe fluid j an4 unlefs the inward cylinder preferye that
motion by means of fome externaHorce impreJTcd there-
on, it will make it ceafe by degrees.
All thefe things will be found true, by making the
experiment in deep ftanding water f
mogeneous, the impreffions which the contiguous
will be (by the fuppofition)
make one upon another,
as their tranflations from
one another, and the conti-
guous upon which the impreffions are made.
If the impreffion upon any orb be greater or lefs upon
its convex fide ; the more
its concave than upon
either accelerate
cible impreffion will prevail, and
according as it is di-
or retard the velocity of the orb,
1 8 s Mathematical Trinciples Book II.
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19D ,
Mathematical "Principles Book If
remain the fame alfo ; that is, the proportion of the
motions and the periodic times. O.E. D. But now
as the circular motion, ancf the centrifugal force thence
arifing, is greater at the ecliptic than at the poles, there
rouft be fome caufe operating to retain the feveral par-
ticles otherwife the matter that is at
in their circles ;
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Scar. IX. of Natural Thitofophy: i $t
celerated ; becaufe that matter will be always transfer-
ring the motion it receives from the matter nearer the
centre to that matter which lies nearer the circumfe-
Cor. 4. Therefore in order to continue a vortex in
the fame of motion, fome aftive principle is requU
red, from which the globe may receive continually the
fame quantity of motion which it is always communi-
cating to the matter of the vortex, Without fuch a
principle it will undoubtedly come to pafs that the
globe and the inward parts of the vortex, being always
propagating their motion to the outward parts, and not
receiving any new motion, will gradually move flower
and flower, and at laft be carried round no longer.
Cor. 5. If another globe ftiould be fwimming in the
fame vortex at a certain diftance from its centre, and in
the mean time by fome force revolve conftantly about
an axis of a given inclination ; the motion of this
globe will drive the fluid round after the manner of a
vortex ; and at fir ft this new and fmall vortex will
revolve with its globe about the centre of the other ;
and in the mean time its motion will creep on, far-
ther and farther* and by degrees be propagated in infi-
nitum, after the manner of the firft vortex. And for
the fame reafon that the globe of the new vortex was
carried about before by the motion of the other vortex,
the globe of this other will be carried about by the mo-
tion of this new vortex, fo that the two globes will re-
volve about fome intermediate point, and by reafon of
that circular motion mutually fly from each other, un-
lefs fome force reftrains them. Afterwards, if the con-
ftantly imprefTed forces, by which the globes perfevere
in their motions, fhould ceafe, and every thing be left
to aft according to the laws of mechanics, the motion
of the globes will languifti by degrees, (for the rea-
fon affigned m cor. 3 and 4.) and the vortices at laft
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192 Mathematical Principles Book It.
Cor. 6. If feveral globes in given places fliould con-
ftantly revolve with determined velocities about axes
arife from them as many
given in pofition, there would
vortices goingon in infinitum. For upon the fame
account that any one globe propagates its motion in
infinitum, each globe apart will propagate its own mo-
tion in infinitum alfo; fo that every part of the infinite
fluid will be agitated with a motion refulting from the
actions of all Therefore the vortices will
the globes.
not be confined by any certain limits, but by degrees
run mutually into each other ; and by the mutual aftions
of the vortices on each other, the globes will be per-
petually moved from their places, as was (hewn in the
iaft corollary ; neither can they poffibly keep any cer-
tain pofition among themfelves, unlefs fome force re-
ftrains them. But if thofe forces, which are confhnt-
ly impreffed upon the globes to continue thefe motions,
inould ceafe ; the matter (for the reafon affigned in
cor. 5 and 4.) will gradually Hop, and ceafe to move in
Cor. 7. If a fimilar fluid be inclofed in a fphaerical
vefTel, and by the uniform rotation of a globe in its
centre, is driven round in a vortex; and the globe and
vefTel revolve the fame way about the fame axis, and
their periodical times be as the fquares of the femidia-
meters ; the parts of the fluid will not go on in their
motions without acceleration or retardation, till their
periodical times are as the fquares of their diftances from
the centre of the vortex. No conftitution of a vortex
can be permanent but this.
Cor. 8. If the vefTel, the inclofed fluid, and the
globe, retain this motion, and revolve befides with a
common angular motion about any given axis ; becaufe
the mutual attrition of the parts of the fluid is not
changed by this motion, the motions of the parts among
each other will not be changed. For the tranflations of
the parts among themfelves depend upon this attrition.
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Scft. IX. of Natural Thilofophy. 193
Any part will perfevere in that motion, in which its
attrition on one fide retards it juft as much as its at*
trition on the other fide accelerates it.
Cor. 9. Therefore if the veffel be quiefcent, and
the motion of the globe be given, the motion of the
fluid will be given. For conceive a plane to pafi thro*
the axis of the globe, and to revolve with a contrary
motion ; and fuppofe the fum of the time of this revolu-
tion and of the revolution of the globe to be to the time
of the revolution of the globe* as the fquare of the
femidiameter of the veiTel to the fquare of the femi-
diameter of the globe ; and the periodic times of the
parts of the fluid in refped of this plane will be as the
lquares of their diftances from the centre of the globe*
Cor. 10. Therefore if the veffel move about the fame
axis with the globe, or with a given velocity about a
different one, the motion of the fluid will be given*
For if from the whole fyftem we take away the angular
motion of the veffel, all the motions will remain the fame
among themfelves as before, by cor. 8. and thofe moti-
ons will be given by cor. p.
Cor. 11. If the vefTel and the fluid are quiefcent,
and the globe revolves with an uniform motion, that
motion will be propagated by degrees through the
whole fluid to the veffel, and the veffel will be carried
round by it, unlefs violently detained ; and the fluid
and the veffel will be continually accelerated till their
periodic times become equal to the periodic times of
the globe. If the veffel be either withheld by fome
force, or revolve with any conftant and uniform mo-
tion, the medium will come by little and little to the
flare of motion defined in cor. 8. p. io. nor will ic
ever perfevere in any other ftate. But if then the forces,
by which the globe and veffel revolve with certain
motions, fliould ceafe, and the whole fyftem be left to
aft according to the mechanical laws, the veffel and
by means of
globe, the intervening fluid, will aft upon
Vol. II. O-
194 Mathematical Principles Book IF.
Scholium. *
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Sc& IX. of Natural Thilofophyl t&J
cumference at all the more for their greater fwiftnefs.
tor they then defcribe arcs of lefs curvity, and the co-
natus of receding from the centre is as much diminiih-
ed by the diminution of this curvature, as it is aug-
mented by the increafe of the velocity. As they go
out of narrow into wide ("paces they recede a little far-
ther from the centre, but in doing fo are retarded i and
when they come out of wide into narrow fpaces they
are again accelerated; and fo each particle is retarded
and accelerated by turns for ever. Thefe things will
come to pafs in a rigid veflel. For the ftate of vor-
tices in an infinite fluid is known by cor. 6. of this
I have endeavoured in this propofition to invefti-
gate the properties of vortices, that I might findwhe-
ther the celeftial phenomena can be explained by them;
For the phenomenon is this, that the periodic tirnes of
the Wanets revolving about Jupiter, are in the fefqui-
plicate ratio of their diftances from Jupiter's centre; and
the fame rule obtains alfo among the Planets that re-
solve about the Sun. And thefe rules obtain alfo with
the greateft accuracy, as far as has been yet difcovered
by agronomical obfervation. Therefore, if thofe Pla-
nets are carried round about Ju-
in vortices revolving
piter and the Sun, the vortices mud revolve according
to that law. But here we found the periodic times of
the parts of the vortex to be in the duplicate rario of
the diftances from the centre of motion; and this ratio
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196 Mathematical Trinciples Book II.
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Sea. IX. of Natural Thilofophy. 197
tides among thcmfelves, as not at all concerning the
progreffive motion of the whole, and the motion of the
whole will be the fame as before. But this motion
will be the fame with the motion of other parts of the
vortex at equal from the centre; bec.uife the
di fiances
folid, now a fluid, is become perfeftly
refolved into
like to the other parrs of the vortex. Therefore a
folid, if it be of the. fame denfity with the matter of
the vortex, will moVe with the fame motion as the
parts thereof, being relatively at reft in the matter that
furrounds it. If it be more denfe, it will endeavour
more than before to recede from the centre; and there-
fore overcoming that force of the vortex, by which,
being as it were kept in equilibrio, it was retained in
its orbit, it will recede from the centre, and in its re-
Hence it is manifeft, that the Planets are not carried
round in corporeal vortices. For according to the G>-
fernican hypothefis, the Planets going round the Sun,
O 5 revolve
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jpS Mathematical Trinciplef Book II.
revolve in ellipfes, having the Sun in their coramon
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Sea. IX. of Natural Thilofofhy. 199
minutes. Whereas on the contrary that apparent moti-
on of the Sun is really greater at the beginning of Pifces
than at the beginning of Virgo, as experience teftifies
and therefore the earth is fwifter at the beginning of
Virgo than at the beginning of Pifces. So that the hy-
pothefis of vortices is utterly irreconcilably with agro-
nomical phaenoraena, and rather ferves to perplex than
explain the heavenly motions. How thefe motions arc
performed in free fpaces without vortices, may be un-
derftood by the firft bqok.j and I fliall now more fully
treat of it in the following k
book of the Sj/lcm of the
World, \ . - •
. 1 . I
• 1 *• -
O 4 OF
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Book IH Mathematical Trinciples, &c. 201
bodies, fpaces void of all bodies, and the motion of
It remains, that fom the fame prin-
light and founds. ' fr
books. Not that I would advife any one to the pre- v'^/ M
vious ftudy of every propohtion of thofe books. For
they ^abound with fuch as m^ht coft too much time,
even to rjti$m of good ma^ematicaUwrmng? It is ^ , a £
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202 Mathematical Principles Book III.
* »
Reasoning in Philosophy,
Rule II.
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* .
tf Natural Thilofophy. 2 ©j
Rule III. .
^ by i
ifuch as
^experiments, we are to hold for univerfal, all
univerfally agree with experiments; and fuch u<
nefs of the undivided particles notTonfy of the bodies
we jsgi but of all others. That all bodies are inn 1c**
penetrable, we gather not from reafon, but from fenfa-j r
tion. The bodies which we handle we find impene* ua( r< v •••
Digitized by Google
204 Mathematical "Principles Book III.
impenetrability, mobility, and wres
fion, hardnefs,
of the parts : and thence we conclude the leaft
particles of all bodies to be alfo all extended, and hard,
\* and impenetrable, and moveable, and endow 'd with their
proper vires inertia. And this is the foundation ofall
<\ if ans
philofophy. Moreover, thatt.he divided ^ut contiguous
> fi
* •*
Digitized by Google
of Natural Thilofophy. 205
is immutable. Their gravity is diminiflied as they re-, J/vu^y
cede from the Earth. — *
Rule IV.
In experimental thilofophy we are tovlook upon
proportions cmtBed by general induction from /c***^
phenomena as accurately or wry marly tzm, >m**<U*.i
notwithflandinz hn^contrary hypotfiefes that^.y^
may be imagined, till fuch time as other Wft^
phenomena occur, by which they may either be K**nM
made more accurate, or liable to exceptions.
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206 Mathematical Principles Book III.'
Phenomena or Appearances.
Phenomenon L
That the circumjovial planets, by radij drawn
to Jupiter's cerrter, defcribe areas proportio-
nal to the ttmes of defcription, and that
their periodic times y the fixed Stars being at
(\) refty are in the J*J^$ltiate proportion of
their diftances from tts center.
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• t
of Natural Thilofophy: . 307
lefs than 40", never lefs than 38", generally 39". This
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ao8 Mathematical "Principles Book III.
\ <.« < diftance from the Earth,/ came foith^ 7*", and from the
t ran fit gf the third 37^ . There was obferved alfo the
m ' ^
w ^ c h t 'ic ^iac ow °f e firft fatellite pafs'd o-
ver Jupiter's bodyrancfthence the diameter of Jupiter
at its mean diftance from the Earth came out about 37".
vXet us fuppofe its diameter to be 37^" very nearly, and
then the greateft elongations of the firft, fecond, third
and fourth fatellite will be rcfpeftively equal to 5,965,
9t494» ij»*4ij and 26,63 femidiameters of Jupiter.
Phenomenon. IL
That the circumfaturnalplanets, by radij drawn
to Saturn s center, deferibe areas proportional
to the times of defer ipt ion, and that their
periodic times, the fixed Stars being at reft, are
in the fefquiplicate proportion of tfievr dif-
tances from its centre.
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Book III. of Katural Tkikfipbf. 20jf
ly. But the greateft elongation of this fatellite from
Saturn's centre, when taken with an excellent micrometer
in M. Htsygem* telefcope of 123 feet, appeared to be
eight femidiameters and 20 of a femidiameter. , And
from this obfervation and the periodic times, the dis-
tances of the Satellites from Saturn's centre in femidia-
meters of the Ring are 2,1. 5,75. 8,7. and
Phenomenon III.
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2 id Mathematical ^Principles Book III.
£j4v>V^nv make it plain that the light they filing with, is not their
^ own, but borrowed from the Sun. /% v ^
Phenomenon IV*
That the fixed Stars being at reft y the peri-
tVwio odic times of the five primary TUnets, and
( whether of the Sun about the Earth\ or )
oflhe~Earth about the Sun, are in thefef-
implicate proportion of their mean diftances
rom the Sun.
This proportion, firft obferv'd by Kepler, is now r£*
by all aftronomers. For the periodic times are the
fame, and the dimenfions of the orbits are the lame,
- yhether the Sun revolves about the Earth, or the Earth
about the Sun. And as to the meafures of the perio-
die times, all aftronomers are agreed about them.
trvorV^ Nv /
for the dimenfions of the orbits, "Kepler and Bullialduj,
fx0 Vnv above all others, have determin'd them from obferva-
tions with the greateft accuracy : and the mean dif-
tances correfponding to the periodic times, differ but
infenfibly from thofe which they have aflign'd, and
for the moft part fall in between them ; as we may fet
from the following Table.
h X 0* 8 8
10759,275. 4332,514. 686,9785. 365,2565. 224,6176.
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» 1 ¥ •
ft V *
According to Kepler 5)51000. 519^50. 152550.
ToBull/aldns Pf4io8. 522520. 15*350.
To the periodic Times 054006.
8? 152360,
According to Kepler iocooo. 72400. 38806,
To BnUialdni 100000. 72398.
Tothe periodictimes 100000.
72.333. 38710.
As to Mercury and Venus, there can be no doubt £ vv A* V
about their diftances from the Sun ; for they areUeter-
min'd by the elongations of thofe Planets from the Sun.
And for the distances of the fuperior Planets, all dif.
puteis cut off by the eclipfes of the fatellites of Jupi-
ter. For, by thofe eclipfes, the polltion of the iha-
daw, which Jupiter proje&s, is dctermin'd ; whence
we have the heliocentric longitude of Jupiter. And
from its heliocentric and geocentric longitudes com-
par'd together, we determine its diftance.
Phenomenon V.
Then the primary Tlanets, by radij drawn to
the Earth deferibe areas (no wife proportion ^ ""J
from the Sun they are always feen direft, and to pro- ,
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211 Mathematical Principles Book III.
aphelion difhnces, fo as to maintain an equality in the
cMn*\ **r -
t defcription of the areas. This is a noted propoficion
among aftronomers, and particularly demonftrable in
^ "Jupiter, from the edipfes of his fatellites ; by the help
<**y*£ «- of which eclipfes, as we have faid, the heliocentriclon-
gitudes of that Planet, and its diftances from the Sun
are determined.
Phenomenon VI.
That the Moon by a radius drawn to the Earth**
centre, defcrtbes an area proportional to the
time of defcription.
* 1
^ adion of the Sun. But in (laying dow n^thefe phae-
nomena, I negleft thofe finall and inconfiderable errors*
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Book EI. of Natural Thilofofhf. iij
Proposition I. Theorem I.
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214 Mathematical Trinciples Book Hfc
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Book III. of Natural "Philofophf. 21 j
Earth, D to 1 ; the force, from which fuch a mo-
tion will refult, is reciprocally as D a T-* T 1, *• reci-
procally as the power of D, whofe exponent is 1 -;4 T ,
that is to fay, in the proportion of the diftance fome-pjKo
thing greater than reciprocally duplicate, but which
comes 59 4: times nearer to the duplicate than to the <v
triplicate proportion. But in regard that this motion „
is owing to the aftion of the Sun, (as we (1^11 aftcc- >^
wards ihewj it is here to be negle&ed. The action of n^^f
the Sun, attracting the Moon from the Earth, is near ly Ova
us the Moon's diftance from the Earth ; and therefore
(by what we have (hewed in con 2. pr. 45. book 1.)
is to the centripetal force of the Moon, as 1 to } 57*45,
or nearly fo; that is, as 1 to 178 And if
we negleft fo inconfiderable a force of the Sun, the re-
maining force, by which the Moon is retained in its ,
. ,^uU]^appear from comparing this force withthe force nfii*»*J<*f*<n
cTfgfavifyi as done in the next propofition.
is — r
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21 6 Mathematical Principles Book III.
ding to Ptolomy and mo ft Aftronomers, 50, according
to Vcndelin %v&Hstjgtn$6o 9 to Copernicus 60 j-, to St*"?**
60 f 9 and ro Tjcho 56" \. But Tjcho y and air that fol-
low his tables of refraction, making the refra&ions of
£ the Sun and Moon (altogether againft the nature of
, light) to exceed the refra&ions ot the fixt Stars, and
avVfv M ^at «ky ^Sur^or five minutes »ggr the Horizon,
thereby increafe the Moon's horizontal parallax
^fcvtt v*v^eto
alike number of minutes, that is, by a twelfth, or fi£-,
teent n P art °^ the whole parallax. Correal this error,
% I^u^X .
i ^ 1
we imagine the Moon, deprived of all motion, to be
let go, lb as to defcend towards the Earth with the
impulfe of all that force by which (by cor. prop. 3.}
it is retained in its orb; it will, in the fpace of one ,
to vvUi\«.i\f
"filingw »th that force, ought, in the fpace of one mi-
nute of time, to defcribe Co x o'o x 1 5 TV Paris fe?t,
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 217
and, in the fpace of one fecond of time, to dcfcribe
1 5 -rV of thofe feet ; or more accurately 1 5 feet, 1
inch, and 1 line f. And with this very force we actu-
ally find that bodies here upon Earth do really defcend. r <^
For a pendulum ofciKatlng feconds in the latitude o£
Paris, will be 3 Paris feet, and 8 lines J in length, as r%»v.4"{
Mr. Hujgens has obferved. And the fpacewHIch a
heavy body defcribes by falling in one fecond of time,
is to half the length of this pendulum, in the duplicate
ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter,
(as Mr. Hfijgens has alfo fhewn) and is therefore 1$
Paris feet, 1 inch, 1 line And therefore the force
by which the Moon is retained in its orbit becomes, at
the very furface of the Earth, equal to the force of
gravity which we obferve in heavy bodies there. And
therefore (by rule 1. & 2.) the force by which the
Moon is retained in its orbit, is that very fame force, ,
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%i s Mathematical Principles Book III;
Item of Jupiter or Saturn ; the periodic times of thefe
moons (by the argument of induction) would obfcrve
\^ the fame law which KepUr found to obtain among the
Planets ; and therefore their centripetal forces would be
reciprocally as the fquaro of the diflances from the
centre of the Earth, by prop. i. of this book. Now
tne ' owe ft °f tne ^e were vcry finally and were fo near
% f 'ie ^artrTas a I 0^ to toucr* the togs of the higheft
<wv!a J P
mountains; the ^centripetal force thereof, retaining it
M ^
| n ts or
wou ] (j b e very nearly equaTto the weights
of any terreflrial bodies that ftiould be found upon
the tops of thofe mountains, as may be known by the
j- ^ Uv
mull either be without gravity, or fall twice as
fwiftly as heavy bodies ufe to do.
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Eook III. of Natural Thilofophj. 219
Proposition V. Theorem V.
That the circumjovial Planets gravitate to-
uts ards Jupiter 5 the circumfatitrnal towards
Saturn ; the circumfolar towards the Sun\
and by the forces of their gravity are (drawn &y*\"
zpff)from refiilinear motions, and retained in
curvilinear orbits.
piter and Saturn. And fince all attraction (by law 3.)
is mutual, Jupiter will therefore gravitate towards all
his own fatellites, Saturn towards his, the Earth to- Am ^"J^
wards the Moon, and the Sun towards all the primary ^ 1
Cor. i. The force of gravity, which tends to any
one Planet, is reciprocally as the fquare of the difknce
of places from that Planet's centre.
Cor. 3. All the Planets do mutually gravitate
towards one another, by cor. j. and 2,. And hence
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220 Mathematical Trinciptes Book III.
it is, that Jupiter and Saturn, when near their
junction, by their mutual attractions fenfibly dii
each other's motions. So the Sun difturbs the motions
of the Moon ; and both Sun and Moon difturb our
Sea, as we (hall hereafter explains cyni^W
The force which retains the celeftial bodies in their
U! K ** r
.orbits, has been hitherto called centripetal force. Buc ic
^ being now made pTaln, that it can be no other than a
gravitating force, we (hall hereafter call it gravity.
t%U4uuiwc For the caufeof that centripetal force, which retains the
Moon in its orbit, will extend it fclf to all the Planets
by rule i. z. and 4.
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Book III. <?/ Natural Thilofophy. lit
qual. I filled the one with wood, and fufpended an
equal weight of gold (as exadly as I could) in the j^uXa
centre of ofcillation of the other. The boxes hanging
by equal threads of n
feet, made a coupjeof pendu-I^U\
lums perfe&ly equal in weight and figure? and equally
receiving the refiftance of the air. And placing the t*U^A< ^
one by the other, I obferved them to play together ^WUv
^^grwjr^ds and backwards, for a long time, with equal
vibrations. Ana therefore the quantity of matter itt
the gold (by cor. i. and 6. prop. 24. book 2.) was to
the quantity of matter in the wood, as the a&ion of
the motive force (or vis motrix) upon all the gold, to
the adion of tjie fame upon all the wood; that is, as
the weight of the one to the weight of the other. And , t >
the like happened in the other bodies. By thefe expe- m****-^
riments, in bocfies of the fame weight, I could mani-
festly have difcovered a difference of matter lefs than
the tbgufandth part of the whole, had any fuch been. .
ButT^itiTouYall doubt, the nature of gravity towards ^ 4A ***-
the Planets, is the fame as towards the Earth. For,
fliould we imagine our terreftrial bodies removed to the
orb of the Moon, and there, together with the Moon,
deprived of all motion, to be let go, fo as to fall to*
gethtr towards the Earth : it is certain, from what we
have demonftrated before, that, in equal times, they
would defcribe equal fpaces with the Moon, and of
confequence are to the Moon, in quantity of matter,
as their weights to its weight. Moreover, fince the uw ^/v***^
fatellites of Jupiter perform their revolutions in times x(***^*
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2zi Mathematical Trincipks Book III.
fame argument, if the circumfolar Planets were fup
fed to be let fall at equal diftances from the Sun, tl
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. aii
by a fifth part of the diflance of the utmoft fatellite 'vh^mW*
from the centre of Jupiter; an excentricity of the orbit,
which would be very fenfible. But the orbits of the
fatellitesare concentric to Jupiter, and therefore the
accelerative gravities of Jupiter, and of all its fatellites
towards the Sun, are equal among chemfelves. And by
the fame argument, of Saturn and of his
the weights
fatellites towards the Sun, at equal diftances from the
Sun, are as their feveral quantities of matter: and the
weights of the Moon and of the Earth towards theSun,
are either none, or accurately proportional to the maf-
fes of matter which they contain. But fome they are
by cor. i. and }. prop. 5.
But further, the weights of all the parts of every <*^ llv '* 1
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124- Mathematical Trinciples Book- III.
Cor. 2. Univerfally, all bodies about the EartH
gravitate towards the Earth ; and the weights of all, at
equal diftances from the Earth's centre, are as the quan-
titiesof matter which they feverally contain. This is
. the quality of all bodies, within the reach of our eac-
periments ; and therefore, (by rule $.) to be affir-
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Book III. cf Natural Thilofophy] 22 5
of the fame denfity, mdta thofe, whofe vim inert it
are in the proportion of their bulks.^^^ - f-^
Cor. 5. Xhe power of gravity is of a different na-
ture from the power of maMenfjn. For the magnetic
attraction is not as the/ matter attracted. Somebodies
are attracted more by the magnet, others lefs
; moft bo-
dies not at all. The power of magnetifm, in one and
the fame body, may be increafed and diminiflied ; and
is fometimes far ftronger, for the quantity of matter,
than the power of gravity ; and in receding from the
magnet, decreafes not in the duplicate, but almoft in
tVifc triplicate proportion of the diftance, as nearly as
I could, judge from fome rude obfervations. tfA '^
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2i6 Mathematical Principles Book III.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 227
the forces of gravity towards all its parts ; and towards
every one part, was in the reciprocal proportion of the
fquares of the diftances from the part : I was ^et in i>.w.^
doubt, whether that reciprocal duplicate proportion did
accurately^hold, or but nearly fo, in the total force com- \zM^ <nM
,o6 7
_I_ and
3 on> .6»S»*
Then becaufe as
% the
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ii8 Mathematical Principles Book III.
c \,.
J "
Cor. 2. Hence q&ntity of
iyce\v,if^we difcoverthe
matter in the feveral Planets. For their quantities of mat-
ter are as the forces of gravity at equal diftances from
in the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and
their centres, that
the Earth, asi,— I— ,
io6 7 7 3on
, and I
— refpe&ively.
r '
If the parallax of the Sun be taken greater or lefs than
10", 50'", the quantity of matter in the Earth muft be
augmented or diminiftied in the triplicate of that pro-
Cor. 3. Hence alfo we find the denfities of the Pla-
nets. For (by prop. 72. book 1.) the weights of equal
and fimilar bodies towards fimilar fpheres, are, at the
furfaces ofthofe fpheres, as the diameters of the fpheres.
And therefore the denfities of diffimilar fpheres are as
thofe weights applied to the diameters of the fpheres.
But the true diameters of the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and
the Earth, were one to another as 10000, 997, 791
and 109 ; and the weights towards the fame, as 10000,
943, 529, and 435 refpeftively ; and therefore their
denfities are as 100, 94 ±, 6j and 400. The denfity
of the Earth, which comes out by this computation,
does not depend upon the parallax of the Sun, but is
determined by the parallax of the Moon, and therefore
is here truly defin'd. The Sun therefore is a littlcuden-
fer than
p arid *the
Jupiter, than Saturn
Jupiter ,
Earth four times denfer than the Sun ; for the Sun, by
J[ t .\ U * ts g reat h eat * is kept in a fort of a rarefy *d ftate. The
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy, 229
Cor. 4. Thefmallcr the Planets are, they are, merit
paribus* of fo much the greater denfity. For fo the
powers of gravity on their ftveral furfaces, come nearer
to equality. They are likewife, ceteris paribus, of the
CI 5 P R °i
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zto Mathematical Principles Boole HI-
Proposition X. Theorem
That the motions of the Tlanets in the hedZjuer?s
° t
h*tf**M f
^^ v
thelpots of the Sun, which float upon the Jluofl mat-
^toL^ hat «*» An<C$
the Planets have been lorra'd, while they were yet in
1 ft
11 c
fluid maffes, all the heavier matter fubfided to the cen-
tre. Since therefore the common matter of our Earth
on the furface thereof, is about twice as heavy as wa-
ter, and a little lower, in mines, is found about three
VM ^ ^
*i or four, or even five times more heavy; it is probable,
that the quantity of the whole matter of the Earth may
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B o ok III. of Natural Thilofophy. 23
be five or fix times greater than if confided all of it
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232 Mathematical Principles Book III.
Hypothesis L
That the centre of the fyflem of the world
is immoveable.
but never r^cedesjarfrom the common centre
• ^o^gravity^of
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Book III of Natural Thilofophf. 23?
the diftance of Saturn from the Sun is to the femidi-
ameterof theSun in a proportion but a fmall matter lefs; r^^k
the common centre of gravity of~Saturn and the Sun
will fall upon a point a little within the lurface of the
Sun. And purfuing the principles of this computation,
we fhould find that tho' the Earth and all the Planets ttu^A^1 -
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234- Mathematical Principles Book
ran HI.
^ * (
i6x 10^7; or,as 1 to about 111. And hence arifcs a
perturbation of the orb of Saturn in every conjunction
of this Planet with Jupiter, fo fenfible that aftrono-
^ roers
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. z $s
mers are puzled with ir. As the Planet is differently ^f^*^
fituated conjun&ions, its excentricity is fome-
in thefe
times augmented, fometimes diminiih'd ; its aphelion is
fome times carry 'd forwards, fometimes backwards, and "fTa^nW r
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2} 6 'Mathematical Principles Book III:
nus, the Earth and Mars) are fo fmall that they can
avft but with little force upon each other ; therefore
their aphelions and nodes mud be fixt, excepting in fo
far/'as they are difturb'd by the a&ions of Jupiter and
Saturn, and other higher bodies. And hence we may
find, by the theory of gravity, that their aphelions
move a little in confequentia, in refpeft of the fixed
Stars, and that in the lefquiplkate proportion of their
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Book III. df natural tfhilofophy]
feveral diftances from the Sun. So that if the aphelion ,
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3 Mathematical ^Principles Book III.
\cU '
focus requires, will deviate a little, to one fide and to
the other, from the Earth in the lower focus; and this
Up js thelibration in longitude. ForHiT libration in lati-
tude arifes from the Moon's latitude, and the inclinati-
on of its axis to the plane of the ecliptic. This theory
of the libration of the Moon, Mr. N. Mercator in his 4*
aftronomy, beginning of the Year
publiftied at the
cv -.KW'.vCtt 1576, explained more fully out of the fetters I fent
The utmofL fatellite of Saturn feemi to revolve*
a c\ hitn *
about its axis witTi a motion like thi^oTlthe Moon,
refpefting Saturn continually with the fame face. For
t in its revolution round Saturn, as often as it comes to
the eaftern part of its orbit, it is fcarcely vifible, and
generally quite difappears ; which islike tobeoccafioned
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 239
by fomejgots in that part of its body, which is then *\.e*J>**\
turned toward the Earth, as M. Caffini has obferved*
So alfb the utmoft fatellitc of Jupiter teems to revolve U™*)k>j*"n
about its axis with a like motion, became^in that part
of its body which is turned from Jupiter, it has a fpor, v^o^cJUc
which always appears'as if it were in Jupiter's own bo- ^my**
dy , wheneve r the fatellitc pafles between Jupiter and A !
our eve. 77
the poles, and rifing towards the equator, would lay * - ^ " <
all things there under water. i
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*40 Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
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Book m. of Natural Thilofophf. z±i
from the Earth in the latitude of Paris 48 0 . 50'. 10"*
in the duplicate proportion of the radius to the co-
fine of
the latitude, that is, as 7,54064 to 3,267.
Add this force to the force with which bodies defcend
by their weight in the latitude of Paris, and a body,
in the latitude of Paris, falling by its whole undimi-
niftied force of gravity, in the time of one fecond, will
defcribe 2177,267 lines, or 15 Paris feet, 1 inch, and
5,267 lines. And the total force of gravity in that
latitude will be to the centrifugal force of bodies in
the equator of the Earth, as 2177,267 to 7,54064,
or as 289 to 1.
Wherefore if APBO^(Pl. 10. Fig. i.jreprefent the fi-
gure of the Earth, now~no longer fphaerical, but generated ^ '^ ^
by the rotation of an ellipfis about its lefler axe ; and
ACQjjca a canal jfulj of water, reaching from the ^U*^*"^
pole Ojj to the cefetre Cc, and ^tljence.rifing to the cix**^^*^
equator Aa: The weight of the water^in the Jeg of jvUv*^
the canal ACca, will be to the weight of water in the
other leg OCc^ as 289 to 288, becaufe the centri- ,
fugal forceT arifing from the circular motion, fuftains *'
Digitized by Google
242 Mathematical Principles Book 111.
Ll Jlvo on, is converted into the faid fphaeroid ; and the force
% of gravity in A, in either' cale, is diminiftVd nearly in
C£Mc t h e fafne proportion. Therefore the force of gravity
in A, towards the fphere defcrib'd about the centre C,
with the radius AC, is to the force of gravity in A%
towards the Earth, as 126 to And the force
of gravity in the place j?» towards the fphere defcrib'd
about the centre C withthe radius QC9 is to the force
4 to
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 2+3
^ to 505, fo that from the weight of every part, con-
ceived to be divided into 505 parrs, the centrifugal
force might ta ke offj four of thofe parts, the weightsXuiA ,Ki^
woulii Vemain equal in each leg, and therefore the fluid
would reft in an equilibrium. But the centrifugal
force of every part is to the weight of the fame pare
as x to 289; is, the centrifugal
that force which
£hoUld be of the weight, is only T-§-7 part
^ thereof. And therefore, I fay, by the rule of propor-
tion^ that if the centrifugal force -p^r make the height
of the water in the leg ACca to exceed the height
of the water in the leg QCcq by one T part of its
t ~
-whole height; the centrifugal force T-W will make
the excels of the height in the leg ACca, only T | T
part of the height of the water in the other leg
jDCcq* And therefore the diameter of the Earth at
the equator, is to its diameter from pole to pole, as
2.30 to 220. And lince the mean femidiameter of the
Earth, according to Picart's menfuration, is 106*15800 .
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> Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
'* u v
And Captti obferved in the year 16*91, that the diame-
k ter ofJupiter reaching from eaft to weft, is greater by a-
cluam/i*. (
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Book HI. of Natural Tbihfokyl 245
lbe times. Greatejldiam. Lejfer diam.VTbe diam. to each other.
4X i
9 9 12,32 11,48 I to
, 3
For the Planets are morelheated by the Sun's ravs to- f<jU^ - \
viY* Becaufe the weights of the unequal legs of the canal /a^A
of water ACQjjca, are equal; and the weights of the
parts proportional to the whole legs, and alike fituated !>y«£,,*,$.
in them, are one to another as of the
the weigKts
wholes, and therefore equal betwixt themfelves; the ^w*7^
weights of equal parts and alike fituated in the legs,
will be reciprocally as the legs, that is, reciprocally as
250 to 229. And the cafe is the fame in all homo-
geneous equal bodies alike fituated in the legs of the
canal. Their weights are reciprocally as the legs, that
R $
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2+6 Mathematical ^Principles Book III.
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Book IIL of Natural Thilofophy. 247
o 7>4<*8 5**37
5 7,481 56642
10 7>5*<* 56659
7>55>6 56687
20 56724
15 7,812 56769
3° 7>94 8 56823
35 8,099 5-6882
40 8,26l 5*94f
1 8,294 f*958
2 8,327 56971
3 8,361 56984
4 8,394 5-6997
45 8,428 57010
<5 8,461 5702*
8,494 57035
I 8,528 57048
9 8,561 57o6i
5o 8,594 57074
55 8,756 57M7
8,907 57196
*5 9*044 57250
7° 9,162 f7*5>5
75 9,258 5733*
80 9**9 57360
85 9>i7 z 57377
90 9>1&7 f7?8*
By this table therefore it appears, that the inequality
of degrees is fo finall, that the figure of the Earth, in
R 4 geogr*.
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*w ^
i r^
or tH a
clocks accordingly
move flower near the
And firft of alfmthe
. year i6ji, M. took
Richer notice of it in the ifland
^ For when,
Cayenne. in the month of Auguft, h& ju
was obferving of the fixt Stars over the
the tranfits
ineridian, he found his clock to_gg flower than it
vv^u^ 0^
^v*^ * v
SHfit * n
t re ^P e(^ °f tne mean m °tion of the Sun, at
the rate of 2'. 28''. a day, Therefore<fittingjjp a,
fimple pendulum to vibrate in feconds, which were
meafured by an excellent clock, he obferved the length
of that fimple pendulum^ and this he did (over and
over/every week for .ten months together. And upon a.
£ i0,a *
found the length of a fimple pendulum vibrating in
feconds at the royal obfervatory of Paris to be } feet
and 8£ lines. And by the fame method in the ifland
of Goree, they found the length of an ifochronal pendu-
lum to be 3 feet and 6% lines, differing from the for-
mer by two lines. And in the fame year, going to the
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 249
iflandsof Guadaloupe and Martinico, they found that the
length of an ifochronal pendulum in thofe iflands was
2 feet and 6i lines. 1 •
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2 so Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
St. Chriftophers and St. Domingo, are refpe&ively
55', 14
. 40", 14 0 . oo', 14 0 . 44, 12 0 . 06', 17°- I5>'.
and 19 0 . 48'j north. And the exceffes of the length
1 of the pendulum at Paris aboxe the lengths of the ifochro-
HvU ~
nalpendulums obferv'd in thofe latitudes,are a little grea-
terthan by the table of the lengths of the pendulum a-
bove computed. And therefore the Earth is a little
higher under the equator than by the preceding calcu-
* us > an( * a '* rt ' e ^enfer at centre than in mines near
C %aa
Jj thefurface, upjefs perhaps the heats oFthe torrid zone
>J X
* have a little Extended the length of the pendulums.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. z5 1
lefs than 1
J line, nor greater than 2 J lines. By the
obfervations of M. Richer in the iflandof Cajenne,thc dif-
ference was 1* line. That difference being corre&ed by
thofe of M. des Hayes becomes 1 \ line or 1 \ line.
By the lefs accurate obfervations of others the fame was
made about two lines. And this difagreement might
v< ^'
arife partly from the errors of the obfervations, partly^'
from the diflimilitude of the internal parts of the Earth,
and the height of mountains, partly from the different
heats of the air.
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252 Mathematical Principles Boole III.
wU"\ iH-\ That the greater Planets, while they are carried about
the Sun may, in the mean time, carry other le/Ter
Planets, revolving about them ; and that thofe lefTer
Planets muft move in which have their foci in
the centres of the greater, appears from prop. ^5. book
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 25*
the eccentricity is when the apogeon of the
Moon is in the fyzygies, and leaft when the fame is
in the quadratures ; and upon this account, the peri- j
geon Moon is fwifter, and nearer to us, but the apo-*™^
geon Moon flower?~and farther from us, in the fyzy-^^^tc 1 .
^'^ v> ^
been able^to bring them under any certain rule. For
the velocities or horary motions of the apogee
and nodes of the Moon, and their equations as well
as the difference betwixt the greateft eccentricity in
the fyzygies, and the leaft eccentricity in the quadra-
tures, and that inequality, which we call the variation,
are (by cor. 14. prop. 66. book 1.) in the courfe of
the year, augmented and diminiih'd, in the triplicate
proportion of the Sun's apparent diameter. And be- * Ai^^A
fides (by cor. 1 and 2. lem. 10. and cor. 16. prop.tftf.
book i.) the variation is augmented and diminiih'd,
nearly in the duplicate proportion of the time between
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254 Mathematical Principles Book III.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy* z;f
and apogee of our Moon refpe&ively, as the motions
of the nodes and a p fides of the farellites, in the time
of one revolution of the former equations, to the mo-
tions of the nodes and apogee of our Moon, in the
time of one revolution of the latter equations. The va-
riation of a fatellite, Jeen from Jupiter, is to the varia-
^*> '
in which the fatellite and our Moon, (after parting J.u)u*m
from) are revolv'd (again) to the Sun, by the fame <?i/* **t
corollary ; and therelore in the outmoft fatellite, the
variation does not exceed 5". n'".
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z$6 Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 257
Moon and by like intervals, the greateft tick will fol-/vwfcVe*-
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258 Mathematical Principles Book IlL
But, becaufe the Sun is lefs diftant from the Earth in
winter than in Cummer, it comes to pafs that the great-
, eft and leaft tides more frequently appear before than
after the vernal equinox, and more frequently after
than before the autumnal.
Moreover, the effeds of the luminaries depend upon
the latitudesof places. LetsipEP 2. repreftnc
the Earth cover'd with deep waters ; C its centre
P°' cs » tne equator ; F, any place without
( the equator 5 F/, the parallel of the place ; d the cor- D
refpondent parallel on the other fide of the equator ;
Li the place of the Moon three hours before; //, the
place of the Earth diredtly under i t ; h, the oppofite place ;
A', ^the places at 90 degrees diftance; CH, Ch, the
greateft heights of the feafrom the centre of the Earth;
and CK, cl^ its leaft heights: and if with the axes
Hb y Kkj an ellipfis isdefcrib'd, and by the revolution
of that ellipfis about its longer axe Hk> a fpha^roid HP
Kbpk* is form'd, this fphseroid will nearly reprefent
the figure of the lea; and CF, Cf, CD,Cd, will repre-
fent the heights of the fea in the places Ff, Dd. feut
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Book III. of Natural <Philofophy. iyg
theother intheoppofitehemifphere Khkjwhkh wemay
therefore call thejiwth^rn and "the fbuthern floods; ^^[L^^X
Thefe floods being always bppofite the one to the other,
come by turns to the meridians of all places, after an
intervalof iz lunar hours. And feeing the northern
countries partake more of the northern flood, and the jn*f««-*} tA "
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2 6o Mathematical Tr inciples Book III,
thofe ports are not the firft but the third after the fy-
abiks**4 zygies. And befides aHthe motions are retarded in their
paffage through fhallow channels, fo that the greateft
,<t>w*Vo t jj es Q f ajj j n fame {heights and mouths of rivers, arc
>%v\<«^~^ the fourth or even the fifth after the fyzygies.
* i *v<My JU Farther it may Jiap^that thejtide may be propagat-
^ lefs as was fajd. And from thence two greater and two
« would be alternately
leffer tides propagated towards that
port. But the two greater floods would make the
greateft height of the waters to fall out in the middle
time betwixt both ; and the greater and leffer floods
would make the waters to rife to a mean height in the
middle time between them, and in the middle time be-
tween the two leffer floods the waters would rife to
their leaft height. Thus in the fpace of 24 hours the
waters would come, not twice, as commonly, but once
only to their greateft, and once only to their leaft height;
and their greateft height, if the Moon declined to-
wards the elevated pole, would happen at the 6 or 3 0th
hour after the appulfe of the Moon to the meridian;
and when the Moon changed its declination this flood
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Book IIL of Natural Thilofophy. 261 7
l J
/ f
the neighbouringlhoars.', r • A
TKus TFave explain'd the caufes of the motions of .
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26* Mathematical Principles Book IIL
turbs the motions of the Moon. PI. 10. Fig. V
Let S reprefent the Sun, T the Earth, P the Moon,
CADB the Moon's orbit. In SP take SAT equal 10ST
and let S L be to SK, in the du plicat^ proportion of
SK to SP; draw LM parallell to PT; and if J7*or
SK fuppos'd to reprefent
is the accelerated force of
gravity of the Earth towards the Sun, S L will re-
prefent the accelerative force of gravity of the Moon
towards the Sun. But that force is compounded of the
partsS and L M M, of which the force LM, and that
part of SM which is reprefented by TM, difturb the
motion of the Moon, as we have fhew'd in prop. 66.
••;—.tt book i. and its corollaries. Forifmuch as the Earth and
Moon are revolv'd about their common centre of gra-
vity, the motion of the Earth about that centre will
be alfo difturb'd by the like forces, but we may con-
fider the fums both of the forces and of the motions
as in the Moon, and reprefent the fum of the forces
by the lines TM
and ML, which are analogous to
them both. The force ML
(in its mean quantity) is,
to the centripetal force by which the Moon may be re-
tained in its orbit revolving about the Earth at reft at
the difhnce PT, in the duplicate proportion of the
periodic time of the Moon about tne Earth, to the
periodic time of the Earth about the Sun (by cor. 17.
prop. 66. book 1.) that is in the duplicate proportion
of 27 a 7 h 43'. to 3^5 d 6\ p'; or as 1000 to
. . .
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 2(5$
the force, by which the Moon may be kept revolving yvxam^i*"
in itsorbit about the Earth in reft at thediftance PT
of 6o± femidiameters of the Earth, is to the force by
which it may be revolv'd in the fame time at the
diftance of 60 femidiameters, as 6o\- to 60 ; and this
force is to the force of gravity with us, very nearly ast^s^rvte
1 to o'o x 60. Therefore the mean force is to ML
the force of gravity on the furface of our Earth, as
1 x 60^ to 60 x 60 x 60 x 178TJ, oras 1 to 6"j8op2,
6. whence by the proportion of the lines TM> ML,
the force TM is alfo given ; and thefe are the forces
with which the Sun difturbs the motions of the
Moon. O E.I.
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26\. Mathematical Principles Book III.
S conftantly in the direction of the radius TP, neither
acce l era tes or retards the description of the area TP C,
made by that radius TP; but EL atting on the radius
TP in a perpendicular direftion, accelerates or retards
ct/»v the defiription of the area in proportion as it accelerates
or retards the Moon. That acceleration oT the Moon,
in its pafTage from thequadrature C, to the conjunction
A, is in every moment of time, as the£f»mir/»gaccele-
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Book III. of Natural Thilofopby. 26$
is moVd in its orbit. This appears from cor. 9. prop* 4.
book 1. But fince Kd, drawn perpendicular on TP y is
but a third part of E Lj and equal to the half of TP, or
ML-t in the oftants,the force EL in the o&ants, where .x*^<^ <.
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266 Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
^xv ^v ^ c
comes to the fame thing, as the fquare of the
PK to the fquare of the radius TP, (that as is,
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 267
l> "
Cor. i* Hence the apparent diameter of the Moon p***
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26S Mathematical Trinciples Book III,
*nA ^
2000 l 71<> '
at? + cjvn and —r~ + atx~n
near,y as -Zil I \
oras 178725 Nx CT — 2000 AT xCT, and 178725
2 2
N x AT*-\- 1000 2
xAT. For if the accelerative
gravity of the Moon towards the Earth be reprefented
by the number 17872^ the mean force which ML>
'^•oJu m *c quadratures is or 7X and draiws the Moon
towards the Earth, will be 1000 ; andlFe mean force
TM y in the fyzygies will be 3000; from which, if
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 269
Becaufe the figure of the Moon's orbit b unknown, let *M (
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270 Mathematical Principles Book III;
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 271
Earth in the fyzyeies, is to its diftance in the qua-
dratures ( fating ahde/the confideration of ecce^ricity>(M^i- A i*JL
as 6p 2 7 to 70/^5 or in round numbers as 69 to 70.
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27 z Mathematical Principles Book III.
0 27'. 28".
mean motion 45°, will be found 44 .
is which
fubftrafted from 45 . the angle of the mean motion,
x.^vs^v. leaves the greateft variation 32'. 31". Thus it would
be, if the Moon in palling from the quadrature to the
fyzygy, defcribed an angle CTAof 90 degrees only.
But becaufe of the motion of the Earth, by which
the Sun is apparently transferr'd in confeqnentia, the
JU*m v
Moon, before it overtakes the Sun, delcribes an angle
CTa, greater than a right angle, in the proportion of
the time of the fynodic revolution of the Moon, to
the time of its periodic revolution, that is, in the pro-
, k
jportion of i$ d . i2 h 44'. to ij d . j h . 43'. Whence
* 1
may arife from the ciifvatunT of the orbis magnusy and
^ I
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophf. 27$
thing than according to this rule.
lefs, But I leave the a Lj'^"
excefs or defect to the determination of aftronomers
from the phenomena.
Proposition 1
XXX. Problem XI.
To find the horary motion of the nodes of the
Moon in a circular orbit, PI. 1 1 Fig. i.
r v
thereof, and is upon that account to be neglected. |C *
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v -
1 -<
both thofe right lines Jye in one common plane LM
• ", '
caufed the Moon to move in the arc whofe chord is
LP; that is to fay, would have transferred the Moon
from the plane MPmT
into the plane LP IT; there-
fore the angular motion of the nodes generated by that
force, will be equal to the angle mTU But ml is
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophf. 27s
tangle AfLxmP, that is, as the re&angle ITxmP.
And, if Tml is a right angle, the angle mTl will be
as —r-
1 tn
and therefore as
that is, (becaufe
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276 Mathematicqlgrinciples Book III.
3J .
.iz v
the folid content of the fines of
the three angles TP I, PTN
and 577V (or of the
diftances of the Moon from the quadrature, of the
Moon from the node, and of the node from the Sun)
i to the^ube of the radius. And asjofren as the fine of
^ UiauC>
any angle is changed from pofitivelro negative, and
from negative to pofitive, fo often muft the regreffive
be changed into a progreflive, and the progreffive into
a regreflive motion. Whence it comes to pais, that
the nodes are progreflive, as often as the Moon hap.
wv^ ^yh* pens to be placed between either quadrature, and tne
node neareft to that quadrature^ In other cafes, they
• are regreffive, and by the excefs of the regrefs above
***** the progrefs, they are monthly transferred in antccc-
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Book HI. of Natural Thilofophy. 277
Cor. In any given pofition of the nodes, their
mean horary motion is half their horary motion in
the Moon's fyzygies; and therefore is to 16". 35'".
i6 lv z.6 v , as the fquare of the fine of the diflance of
arc P M into the radius PT; and the fum of all the
areas, every one equal to this area, in the time that the
Moon defcribes a complete circle is the reftangle of
the whole circumference into the radius of the circle;
and this reftangle, being double the area of the circle,
will be double the quantity of the former fum. If
therefore the nodes went on with that velocity uniform-
ly continued, which they acquire in the Moon's fyzy-
gies, they would defcribe a fpace double of that which
they defcribe in faS; and therefore the mean motion, v "
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27 1 Mathematical "Principles Book IIL
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 279
in the axe TO at T. And lec reprefent ML the fpace
which the Moon, by the impulfe of the abovementio-
ncd force 3 IT or 3 PAT, would defcribe with a tranf-
verfe motion, in the meantime while, revolving in Vaiu**.^
the circle it defcribes the arc P fluid m I denote the ^
fpace, which the Moon revolving in the ellipfe would
defcribe in the fame time by the impulfe of the fame
force 3 IT or $PK; and let LP and Ip be produ-
ced till they meet the plane of the ecliptic in G and
g, and FG and fg be joined, of which FG produced
may cut pfi pg, and 7*j9 in c> e and R refpe&ively
and fg produced may cut TO^ in r. Becaufe the force
3 IT or 3 PK in the circle, is to the force 3 or IT
$pK in the ellipfe, as PK to or as AT
to *!Tj
the fpace ML, generated by the former force, will be
to the fpace ml generated by the latter, as to y PK pK
that is, becaufe of the fimilar figures PTKp, and
FTRc, as FR to cR. But (becaufe of the fimilar
triangles PLM y PGF) ML is to FG> as PL to ,
as fT to y FT
and FG to cc conjunctly) becaufe
the ratio of FG to ce, expung'd on both fides, leaves
the ratios fg to FG and/T to FT, fg would {
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280 Mathematical Trinciples Book Ill-
in the circle, as thisfg or
CC * ^ y
to the former fg
, that is as fp x c TtofTx cp, or as//? to
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Book of Natural Thilofophy..
III. 2g x
But the Moon, by a radius drawn to the Earth, de-
fcribesthe area in the fyzygies with a greater velocity
than does that in the quadratures, and upon thatac-
count the time is contra&ed in the fyzygies, and pro-
longed in the quadratures ; and together with the time
the motion of the nodes like wife augmented or di-
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 28 j
If the
nodes are without the quadratures, and two fuA ^
places are confider'd, one on one fide, one on the o-
ther equally diftant from the fyzygies; the fumof the
motions of the nodes when the Moon is in thofe places,
will be to the fum of their motions, when the Moon
is in the fame and the nodes in the quadratures,
as AZ %
j . And the decrements of the
to l
motions, arifing from the caufes but now explained, /u(m >
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28* Mathematical Principles Book III.
mean horary motion what we have above fhew'd^
will be as ^Z 2
, and
that isTare pro
(becaufe AZ Z
portional) as the re&angle of into ZT, that is, AZ
as the area AZTa. And the Aim of all the mean horary
motions from the beginning will be as the fum of all
the areas aYZA* that is as the area AZ. But the N
greateft AZTa is equal to the re&angle of the arc Aa
into the radius of the circle; and therefore the fum of
all thefe re&anglfes in the whole circle, will be to the
like fum of all the greareft redhngles, as the area of the
whole circle to the rectangle of the whole circumference
into the radius, that is, as i to a. But the horary mo*
tion correfponding to that greateft redangle, was 16".
16"% ;7 iv 42 v . and this motion in the complete courfe
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 28s
ference N An of the whole circle to be divided into
little equal parts, fuch as Aa> the time in which the
Sun would defcribe the little arc Aa> if the circle
was quiefcent, will be to the time of which it would
defcribe the fame arc, fuppofing the circle together with
the nodes to be revolv'd about the centre 7, recipro-
cally as 9, 0827645 AT 1
109,0827546 AT* -|-
AZ*. For the time is reciprocally as the velocity
with which the little arc is defcrib'd, and this veloci-
ty is the (um of the velocities of both Sun and node.
Jf therefore the feftor NTA
reprefent the time in
which the Sun by it felf, without the motion of the
node, would defcribe the arc NA, and the indefinitely
fmallpart^7^i of the feftor reprefent the little mo-
ment of the time, in which it would defcribe the lead ,
AaTZ muft
bedimininYd in the fame proporti-
on. Which may be done by taking in the line AZ
eZ of fuch length, that it may be to the length of
jiZ, as AZ* to 9, 0827646 AT*-\- AZ*. For
fo the re&angle of e Z
into ZT> will be to the area
u4ZYa> as the decrement of the time in which the
arc A
a is defcrib'd, to the whole time in which it
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286 Mathematical Principles Book III.
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z Muthmatic&l Trlnciples Book III.
as wnoever will pleafe to examine and make the com-
putations will find. And this is the femi-menftrual
equation of the motion of the nodes. But there
is alfo a menftrual equation, but which is by no means
Mr. Machin A (Iron. Prof. Grelh. and Dr. Hcnrj
Pcmbcrton feparately found out the motion of the nodes
by a different method. Mention has been made of this
. j method in another place. Their feveral PJgen, both
which I have feen, contained two propohtioris, and
, exa&ly agreed with each other in both of them. Mr.
Machin '$ paper ,p>ming firft to my hands, I fliall here
infert it. Wto**E*
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i of Natural Thitofophy] 289
f the motion of the Moon's nodes.
Proposition I.
Nn> and the revolving line
efcent right line TA y
be always equal to the diftance ofjthe places of the
Sun and node. Now if any right line TK be divi-
" ded into parts, TS and SK, and thofe parts be taken
" as the mean horary motion of the Sun to the mean
u horary motion
of the node in the quadratures, and
" there be taken the right line TH, a mean proportio-
u nal between
the part TS
whole TK, this
and the
right line will be proportional to the Sun's mean mo-
tion from the node.
* For let there be defcribedthe circle NKnM from
" the centre T and with the radius TK, and about the
fame centre, with the femi-axes TH and 77V, let there
be defcribed anellipfis HnL. N And in the time in
which the Sun recedes from the node through the arc
u Na
y if there be dratfn the right line Tba.ihe area of
the fe&orj NT
a will be the exponent of the fum of
" the motions o£ the Sun and node in the fame time.
Let therefore the extremely fmall arc a be thatJ
" which the right line Tito, revolving according to the
" abovefaid law, will uniformly dttcribe in a given par-
Vol. II. .
U tide
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390 Mathematical Principles Book III.
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Book IE. of Natural Thilofophy. 29 V
*' AB (i to and therefore the little area ABb a in
B T*,
" the place A
is lefs than its cbrrefpondent little area in
M the quadratures, in the duplicate ratio of to BG BT
w that is, in the duplicate ratio of the fine of the Sun's
u diftance from the node. And therefore thefum of all .
Let the angle A
be the diftance of the Sufi from
the mean place of the node, or the Sun's mean motion
" from the node. Then if we take the angle B9 whofe u ^*~
* c tangent
is to the tangent of the angle A y as T H to
TK, that is, in the fubduplicate ratio of the mean ho-
xc rary motion of the Sun to the mean horary motion
xc of the Sun from the node, when the node is in the
** quadrature, that ^ngle B will be the diftance of the
tc Sun from the node's true place. For join FT, and by,
w the demonftration of the laft proportion, the angle
* FTN will be the diftance of the Suq fron> the mean
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29 z Mathematical Trhiciples Book III,
If the mean horary motion of the nodes in the qua-
" dratures be 16". 16"'. }7 iv . 42/. that is in a whole
« fidereal year 39°. 38'. 7". fo'". 77/ will be to
7" A' in the fub-duplicate ratio of the number
9,0827646 to the number 10, 827646, that is, as
18, 6524761 to 19, 6524761. And therefore 77?
" is to HK
as 18,6524761 to i,that is, asthemoti-
€C on of the Sun in a fidereal year to the mean motion
«« of the node 19 0 . 18'. 1". 23*".
*' But if the mean motion of the Moon's nodes in
c< 20 Julian years is 3 86°. 50'. 15". as is colle&ed from
^ " the oBIervations made ufe of in the theory of the
«c Moon, the mean motion of the nodes in one fidereal
" year will be 19°. 20'. 31". 58
And 77/jwill be.
" to HK as 360
to 19°. 20'. 31". 58". that is,
* •
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Let Amda,
(Pi. 13. Fig. 1 .) reprefent the fyzy-
gies Ojand q the quadratures; ./Vand n the nodes;
3 3
iv . as ITxAZxTG x ^ to AT 3
. O. E. I.
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^94 Mathematical Principles Book llh
of the ecliptic ; upon OT let fall the perpendiculars
pK> Mk, and produce them till they meet TF in H
and h; then /Twill be to AT, as Kk^ to Mp; and
TG to Hp as rz to AT; and therefore ITxTG
ynu be equal to , that is, equal to thi
2. And therefore, if the Earth and nodes were
every hour drawn back from their new, and in*
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Book HI of Natural Tbikfipbf, 29s
fine of the aforefaid inclination to the radius ; and cuvkA^
—ZAT— to 4
x TZ
. AT, as the fine of double the angle
U 4 Pro,
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29 6 Mathematical Trinciples Book Hi:
oJUccUJUh ^> and round the centre C, with the interval BC, de-
scribe tKc^ircle BGD. In take C£ in the fame AC
proportion ro EB as EB to twice /? ^. And if to
(W)^9um*\ the time giv'n we lfet off Iche angle AEG equal to dou-
ble the diftance of the nodes from the quadratures, and
upon AD H AH
let fall the perpendicular G ; will be
the fine of the inclination requir'd.
For GE equal to G H -\-HE* = B HD-\-
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophf. i 97
gle BEG reprefenting double the diftance of the nodes
from the quadratures, increafeth uniformly. For I
cannot defcend to ev'ry minute circumftance of inequa-
lity. Nowfuppofe that BEG
is a right angle, and «dur/^
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Mathematical Principles Book TTTJ
the Mooft is in the quadratures ; and increas'd by the
fame* becomes 17'. 45". when the Moon is in the
fyzygies. If therefore the Moon be in the fyzygies,
the whole variation in thepaffageof the nodes from the
riratures to the fyzygies will be 17'. 45". Arid
eforeif the inclination be 5 0 17'. zo". when the
» By thefe computations of the lunar motions, I was
i v. .*tvV: wjlling to (hew that by the theory of gravity the mo-
tions of the Moon
could be calculated from their phy-
By the fame theory I moreover found*
J Uu(i , fical caufes.
that the annual equation of the mean motion of the
Moon arifes from the various dilatation which the or-
bit of the Moon fuffers from the, a#ian of the Sun>
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Book III. of Natural *Philofophy\ 39*
According prop. 66. book 1. The force of this
a&ion is greater in the perigeon Sun, and dilates the
Moon's orbit; in the apogeon Sun it islefs, and per-
mits the orbit to be again contra&ed. The Moon
TO0ves A fl9)ivej in the dilated, andfafter in the contraft- lM ^
ed orbit"; and the annual equation, by which this in-
equality is regulated, vanifties in the apogee and peri-
gee of the Sun. In the mean diftance of the Sun
from the Earth it arifes to about 11' . 50". In other
diftances of the Sun, it is proportional to the equati-
on of the Sun's centre, and is added to the mean moti- , .
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joo Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
30". Arid therefore the greateft equations which the
inequalities of the motions of the Moon's apogee and
aiodes do generate, are to 2 54. 30". as the mean di-
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 30 1
lefs,and is to its greateft quantity, as the fine of double
the diftance of the Moon's apogee from the neareft
fyzygy > or quadrature to the radius.
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$oi Mathematical Trinciples Book lit
ly as I could colle6h from the
phenomena* Our
countryman Horrox was the firft^o advanced the
* tneory of the Moon's moving in an Ellipfe about the
awoucVo Earth placed in its lower focus. Dr. Hailej improved
the notion, by putting the centre of the ell^pfeln aa
TuIkJ -
€ [
CB, will be the epicycle (poke .of, in which the centre
of the Moon's orbit is placed^ and revolved according
i ,
to the order of the letters BDA* Set_ofFjthe angle
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophf. 3 04
its epicycle BDA, in the reciprocal duplicate propor-
tion of the Sun's diftance from the Earth. There-
fore that it may move yet fafter in the reciprocal fimpler
proportion of the diftance; fuppofe that from D
centre of the orbit a right line DE is drawn, tending
towards the Moon's apogee once equated, that is, pa-> i
u T ?
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Mathematical principles Book III.
u%% *™ of the'j^adpw_
diflipaled]light near the limits
dilates the fhadow. Upon which accounts, to the
diameter of the fhadow, as. it comes our by the parallax,
I add 1 or 1} minute in lunar eclipfes.
But the theory of the Moon ough t to be examine4
and proved from the phenomena, 'firft in the fyzygies j
then in the quadratures ; and laft of all in the octants
anc* wn °f° pleafes to undertake the work, will find ic
•*"i«uu '
not amifs to'affume tlie pm
wmg mean motions of the
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JBdolc III. of natural Vhilofophf. 305
S un and Moon, at the royal obfervatory of Greemvick
to the laft day of Decembers noon, anno 1700, O. S.
viz,. The mean motion of the Sun VS 20 . 43'. 40";
and of its apogee
7 . 44'. 30". the mean motion
of the Moonss 15 . 11. 00"; of its apogee, K 8°.
: the total force of the Sun to difturb the Sea, and will
have the fame efFeft as if the whole was employed in
.{tt^ttV railing theSea in the places dire&ly under and dire&ly
oppos'd to the Sun, and ^id not aft at all in the places
jyhich are po degrees removed from the Sun.
And this is the force of the Sun to difturb the Sea
in any given place, where the Sun is at the fame time
both vertical, and in its mean diftance from the Earth.
In other pofitions of the Sun, its force to raife the Sea
is as the verfed fine of double its altitude above the
horizon of the place diredtly, and the cube of the di-
ftance from the Earth reciprocally.
Cor. Since the centrifugal force of the parts of the
Earth, arifing from the Earth's diurnal motion, which
is to the force of gravity as i to 289, raifes the wa-
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy: 307
the water, in the vernal and autumnal fyzygies of the
luminaries, (by the obfervations of Samuel Sturmj) a-
mounts to about 45 feet, but in the quadratures to 2
fc>nly. The
former of thofe heights arifes from the
fum of the forelaid forces, the latter from their dif- Jfuw*
ference. If therefore S and L are fuppofed to repre-
fent refpe<5Hvely the forces of the Sun and Moon,
while they are in the equator, as well as in theirmean
diftances from the Earth, we ftiall have L-f-S to L —
as 45 to 25, or as 9 to 5.
At Plymouth (by the obfervations of Samuel Coleprefs)
the tide in its mean height riles to about 16 feet, and
in the Ipring and autumn the height thereof in the
fyzygies may exceed that in the quadratures by more
than 7 or 8 feet. Suppofe the greateft difference of
thofe heights to be 9 feer, and L-|-S will be to S, L—
as 20j to 11*, or as 41 to 23 ; a proportion that , , .
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308 Mathematical Principles Book III;
Book III.
4>f Natural Thilofophy. 309
paribus, 69 as to 70. And its diftances, when 18 J ,
excite all the motions of the Sea, and agrees well with the c*\\*^*«»
proportion of thofe motions. For in lucli Seas as lye free ;< *• x
^ s
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'316 Mathematical Trinciples Book III*
becaufe of the narrownefs of the Sea between Africa
vanu^cu»4and the fquthern parts of America* In the middle of
V *~^ e w ^ers without JfaUjng, to-
t 'ie 2E£n S e cannot rife
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Book III. of Natural Thtlofophf. 3 1 r
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3 1 % Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. , x 3
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314 Mathematical Principles Book III.
L E M-
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Book III. of Natural Thilofoph/. 3 1 s
Lemma *
h* ^v
infifts at right angles, and farther fuppofe, that
the federal particles of the whole exterior Earth
Pap APepE, without the height of the faid A***
fphere, endeavour to recede towards this fide and
that fidejrom the plane OR, every particle bya
force proportional to its diftance from that plane ;
Ifay in the firfi place, that the whole force and
efficacy of all the particles, that are fituate in
AE the circle of the equator, and difpofed uni-
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3i6 Mathematical Trincifles Book HE
rable equal parts, and from the feveral parts N to the
diameter IL let fall the fines NM. Then the fums
of the fquares of all the fines will be equal to NM
the fums of the fquares of the fines and both KM>
fums together will be equal to the fums of the fquares
of as many femidiameters KN;
and therefore the fum
of the fquares of all the fines will be but half JVM
fo great as the fum of the fquares of as many femi-
diameters KJV.
Suppole now the circumference of the circle to AE
be divided into the like number of little equal parts,
and from every fuch part F a perpendicular to be FG
let fall upon the plane jO R> as well as the perpendicu-
lar AH from the point A. Then the force by which
the particle F recedes from the plane OR, will (by
fuppofition) be as that perpendicular FG, and this
force multiplied by the diftance CG will reprefent
the power of the particle F to turn the Earth round
its centre. And therefore the power of a particle in
the place F 9 will be to the power of a particle in the
place A, as FGxGC to AHxHC; that is, as FC X
L E M-
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy: jit
Lemma II.
The fame things ftjU fuppofed, Ifay in the fiAo***3
cond place\ that the total force or power of all the
f articles fituated\every where) about the fphere to
turn the Earth about the faid axe, is to the
whole force of the like number of particles, uni-
formly difpos'd round the whole circumference of
the equator AE
in the fajhion of a ring, to turn
the whole Earth about with the like circular
motion, as z to y. PI. 14. Fig. 4.
For, let IK be
any lefTer circle parallel to the equa-
tor AE y andL>1 be any two equal particles i? this
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1 i s Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
A, as L X to AC
ated in And 2 2
. the negative part
NMxAlC-\-mC, otiXYxCYy is to lAHxHC,
the force of the fame two particles fituated in Af, as
CX 2
to 2
. AC
And therefore the difference of the
parts, that is, the force of the two particles L and /,
many IX 2
into AC 3
, that is, as all the AC —CX 2 l
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- t :
Lemma III.
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$20 Mathematical "Principles Book III.
bout the axe of the cylinder, is to the uniform motion
^c of the fame about its qwn diameter per form 'd in the
fame periodic time, as the circumference of a circle to
double its diameter.
Hypothesis EL
middle horary motion of the Moon's nodes,
in a when the nodes are in the quadra-
circular orbic
tures, was 1 6". iv 36" v the half of which
3f"'. itf . .
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. j ±\
as 2j
h the fidereal day, to 27*. 7 h 43'. the pe-
56'. .
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3 22 Mathematical Trinciples Book 111.
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Book of Natural Thilofophy.
III. 323 \
Lemma IV.
their defcending into the regions of the Planets. For all the
Comets which move in a direft courfe according to the , ,
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$2 + Mathematical Principles Book III>
pear retrograde ; L
and even
Earth is flower than
if the
'Avvt> v^
from the motion of the Earth, is juftly to be efteem/d
rtivvafto the parallax of the Comet neglefting, tp_ wit; fame
]i tt i e increment or decrement that may arife from the
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 3 2$
Let -S,(Pl. 1 5. Fig. 2.) reprefent theSun,*c:Tthe or bis mag-
nusy a the Earth's place in the firft obfervation,* the place
of the Earth in the third obfervation, T
the place of
the Earth in the laft obfervation, and TT a right line
drawn to the beginning of Aries, f Set o ff? the angle 4tf
V TP\ equal to the angle T OF, that is, equal to the
longitude of the Comet at the time when the Earth is
in T*; join a c y and produce it to g, fo as a g may be
to ac, as AG
to AC
; and^ will be the place at which
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326 Mathematical Trinclples Book III.
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Book III. of Natural Tbilofophf. 327
The diameterof its head was about 6'. but the nu-
cleus, compared with the Planets by means of a tele- 1
through which the heads always ihcw duhVas through
a. cloud. For by^pw n^uch)the moreTbody is ob-^vVj"^
S *
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j 28 Mathematical Trincipks Book III.
tails, like beams or fire, as fometimes they do. For if
all that lighl was fuppofed to be gathered together into
u*t-*4*' one Star, it would fometimes exceed not one Venus only,
but a great many fuch united into one,
^uUvvtA*fci2%> the fame thing is infer'd from the light of
. the heads, which increafes in the recefs of the Comets
fromtKe Earth towards the Sun; anddecreafes in their
return from the Sun towards the Earth. For fo the
Comet of the year 1665 (by the obfervations of Hc-
velius) from the time that it was firft fcen, was always
, V. .
lofing of its apparent motion, and therefore had jalread y > y
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Book III. ,
of Natural Thilofophy. 329
5/.07". and therefore its head appeared far lefs about the
beginning, than towards the end of the motion :tho* about ^ w .
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3 30 Mathematical Principles BookHI,
bothintervals of time, was far, but tyet; equally, re-
/ ,i mov'd from the Earth, and (hould have therefore ftione
• /Ljf^h equal fplendor, appear'd brightgft on the fide of
U v
- < i«*L
w ^ en ^1^^ f5^W move ft^eft, and are therefore
i n their perigees /excepting in ToTar as it isincreafedby
their nearnefs to the Sun.
Jz i\ Cor. i. Therefore the Comets Jhine by the Sun's
light, which they reflcd.
Cor. 2. From what has been faid, we may likewife
underftand, why Comets are fo frequently feen in that
hemifphere in which the Sun is, and fo feldom in the
.^fevuM ^
otner . if t hey were vifible in the regions' far above
Saturn, they would appear more frequently in the parts
oppofite to the Sun. For fuch as were in thofe parts
would be nearer to the Earth, whereas the prefence of
7 **the Sun muft obfeure and hide thofe that appear
? t in the hemifphere in which ta^is. Yet looking over
* nchiftory of Comets, I finer that four or~rTve times
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 33c
Cor. Hence alfo it is evident, that the celeftial
fpaces are void of refiftance.
are carried in oblique pat hs;
For though the Comets ^^U(
Jupiter is hardly to be feen through them. And much^**/" ,
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3 3 z Mathematical principles Book III.
t . ,
Jenhblc error.
Cor. 3. And therefore by cor. 7. prop. 16. book 1.
the velocity of every Comet will always be to the ve-
locity of any Planet, fuppos'd to
be revolv'd at the
fame diftance about the Sun, nearly in the
in a circle
fubduplicate proportion of double the diftance of the
Planet from the centre of the Sun, to the diftance of
the Comet from the Sun's centre very nearly. Let us
fuppofe the radius of the orbis magnus, or the greateft
femidtameter of the ellipfe which the Earth defcribes,
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K }
Lemma V.
To find a curve line of the parabolic kind>^ Q
which fhall pafs through any given number of
points. PI. 15. Fig. 3.
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534 Mathematical Principles Book III.
lu«.\i - an<^ fo forth ; that is, in fuch manner, that b may be=
AH—BI lb=
then c=
-— zb zb— lb
zc= —— , y= —
zb—4b m
then d= - zd= *
&c. And thofe dif-
Jti L / A2
ferences being found, let AH be— 4, — HS=p 9
f into
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. j } s
f into— IS=<j, q into -}- SK = r> r into -|~ S
s into -\-SMznt; proceeding, to wit, to ME, the
laft 'perpendicular but one; and the ordinate RS will
Lemma VI.
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Mathematical Principles Book III.
33 <S
Lemma VII.
. £. Ft
Lemma VM.
Let ABC (PL t6. Pig- i ) be a paraboh,
A C btfetlti
having its focus in S. By the chord
fegment ABC
whofe 4* I
AH ,
0 in l/cutoffjthe
meter~irip, and vertex In If* produced
Join OS,
take u O
equal to one half of 1^.
/r«&« if to |,
2 SO.
<aJ S
I may
Now, fuppofing a Comet to
>be equal to
arc ABC
For, if we join£0, cutting the parabolic
in r. and draw f* X
touching the fame arc in the «P
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A E to A C.
as And therefore fince the triangle
AS E is ASC in the fame proportion,
to the triangle
the whole area ASEXuA will be to the whole area
ASCfyA, 2sAE to AC. But becaufe £0 is to
SO as j to 1, and EO to XO in the fame proportion,
SX will be parallel to EB: and therefore joining BX %
the triangle SEB will be equal to the triangle XEB.
Wherefore if to the area ASEXuA we add the tri-
angle EX By and from the fum fubdud the triangle
SEBy there will remain the area ASBXpA equal to
the area ASEXpA, and therefore in proportion to
the area A S CYpA as AE to AC. But the area
ASBYpA is nearly equal to the area ASBXpA,
and this area ASBTpA is to the area ASCfyA.
as the time of description of the arc AB to the time
of defcription of the whole arc AC. And therefore
AE is to AC nearly in the proportion of the times.
^Cor. When the point B falls upon the vertex p
of the parabola, AE is to AC accurately in the pro^
portion of the times.
If we join ju| cutting AC in <T, and in it take |»
in proportion to pBy as ijMI to \6Mp> and draw
Bn : tnis Bn will cut the chord A C in the proportion
of more accurately than before.
the times, But the , r
Z Lb mm
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Lemma IX.
Lemma X.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 339
fame in the height S/x 9 in the reciprocal fubduplicate
proportion of SP to s u> that is, in the proportion of
S^ to SN; the length defcrib'd with this velocity
will be to the length in the fame time defcrib'd in the
tangent, as S p to SJW. Wherefore iince AC, and the
length defcrib'd with this new velocity, are in the fame
proportion to the length defcrib'd in the tangent, they
muft be equal betwixt themfelves. £K E. D.
Cor. Therefore a Comer, with that velocity which
it hath in the height Sp -|~f /p, would, in the fame
time, defcribe the chord A
C nearly.
if » »
For in the fame time that the Comet would require * ,lv ^ *
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j^a Mathematical Trintiples Book III.
This being a problem of very great difficulty, I
y many methods of refolving it ; and feveral of thofe pro-
V cn fimple.
. , v .
t\ Seleft three obfervattons diftant one from another by
v 1
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34z Mathematical Principles Book III.
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L 4 a.
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j 44 Mathematical Principles Book III
Let the Comet of the year 1680 be proposed. The
following table fiiews the motion thereof, as obferv'd
by Flamjhady and calculated afterwards by hirmfrom
his oblervations, and corri&ecTby Dr Haliej from the
ame obfervations.
Ti me Sun's Comet's
Appar. Truc7 Longitude Longitude. Lit. N.
Ap. I
Time. 1
Longitude. Lat.North.
• #
27 8. 15 27 •
04 20 22 36 12
Mar. 1 11. o 27 .
52 .42 12 •
23 40
2 8. o . 28 - I 2 .
48 12 . P9 38
5 11 .30 29 . 18 . O 1 2 03 1 . .
7 9.30 XL c . 4 . . o 11.57- o
9 8.30 Q-43- 4 1 1.45-52
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 345
of the telefcope ; by which inftruments we
the pofitions both of the fixt Stars among themfelves t> wt/^
and of the Comet in refpeft of the" fixt Stars. Let
A (PL ij.) reprefent the Star of the fourth mag- ,
• *
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34<* Mathematical Principles Book III.
Their Latitude Latitude
nxea |
o '
" Q / /•
/i c 20.41 '5° 12. 0.30 L Z9-33-34 12. 7.48
15 28.40.23 1 1. 17. 54 M 29.18.54 12. 7.20
27.58.30 1 2.40.25 N 28.4^.29 12.31. 9
E in
1 T
*-/*•/ 12.52. 7 Z 29.44.48 II- 57.13
F 28.28.37 1 1.52.22 M 29.52. 3 U.55.48
G 26.56. 8 12. 4.58 H 0. 8. 23 I I .43.56
H 27.11.45 12. 2. 1 y 0.40.10 I I. 55- 18
I 27.25. 2 11-53. u 1. 3.20 I I -30.42
K 27.42. 7 11.53.26 J j
pofitionsof the Comet to thefe nVd Scars were
obferv'd to be as follows.
r ki' n \ Friday , ftfc 25. O. S. at %*\ P. M. the difhnce of
the Comet
p from the Star £, was lefs than \ AE,
in }
-vv r JSfl^yj
*7 8 4 p - * thc diftanceof the Co- M
met in O, from the Star O, was equal to the diftance
of the Stars O and H; and the right line pro- QO
duced pafs'd between the Stars JTand B. I could not,
by reafon of intervening clouds, determine the poiiti-
on 0 f t jj C 5 tar t0 g reatcr accuracy.
Tucfday, ^refc 1. h
P.M. the Comet in R> .
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Book HI. of Natural Thilofophyl 347
the part CR of the right line CRK, was a little greater
than \CK and a little lefs than K -\- \CR, and
therefore = f CiC-j- ?6 CR, or ^fCAT. \
Wedncfday, March 2. 8 h . P. M
the diftance of «n*i//co^
the Comet in £ from the Star C, was nearly fFC;
the diftance of the Star F from the right line C S pro-
duced was &FC ; and the diftance of the Star B from
the fame right line was five tinges greater than the di- ^- <<>
fiance of the Star F. And the right line NS pro-
duct pafs'd between the Stars H and /, five or fix
times nearer to the Star H than to the Star /.
Saturday, March 5. u£ h P. M. when the Comet j v)v^lo
was~TrT77 the right-line MT was equal to \ML>
and the right-line LT'produc'd pafs'd between B and F,
four or five times nearer to F than to ^cutting off from
BFz fifth orfixth part thereof towards F : and MTpro- V^**'-
due'd pafs'd on the (out- fide of the fpace BF, towards ^fcVKrV
the Star 2? 5 four times nearer to the Star B than to
the Star F. Mwas a very fmall Star fcarcely to be feen
by but the Star L was greater, and of
the telefcope, .
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54 8 Mathematical Principles Book III.
"Y*^ the Jbejl, yet the Errors in longitude and latitude ("as
^Jj^*/* derived from my obfervaf ionsj fcarcely exceed one
minute. The Comet (according to my obfervations^
about the end of its motion* began to decline fenfibly
yu*o towards the north, from the parallel which it defcrib'd
about the end of February. y
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ok III. of Natural Thilofophy. 34^
figns, and on Dec. 8 d . oo h . 04 P. M. was in the
vertex or perihelion of its orbir. All which I deter-
min'd by and compafs, and the chords of an-
gles, taken from the table of natural fines, in a pretty &*.>f m**i K
large figure, in which, to wit, the radius of the~JrJri
mttgnas (confiding of 10000 parts,) was equal to \6\
inches of an Englijh Foot.
Laftly^ in order to difcover whether the Comet did fv^*£^«>vA
truly move in the orbit fo deterrrim'd, I inveftigated
its places in this orbit partly by arithmetical operations,
and partly by fcale and compafs, to the times of fome
of the obfervations, as may be feen in the following
The Cornet's
Dift. Latitud.
Longitude Longitud. Latitude Dif. Dir.
from compu-
computed. obferv'd. obfervM. Lo. Lat.
Sun. ted.
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550 Mathematical Principles Book III.
t^OC KM N i^n O ^
^ O N t «- M W> ~ N H " M "
I + H-H +-H+-H- 1 -H-++
~ CON «- 1
O bO * to N cooo ON »ovO N O co O O ~ 0s V?
tJ- N lo t*- io co
^ to «
I I I I4- H-+-H-1 1111'
o V. n O OvO O O 0 O wN^rtO O
5° 8 £ « N - IA- Wlfl ~ ~
.s a,
5 E
° N N N N N N N N N - ~ ~ ~
•a S
o v^ 00 00 co t^OO 00 O vO On co »aO vO On
| |
is OovO WO - - Q Ov ^ O O co « NO O ^
wo^o - o wto on no
mo om oo w tJ-O 4g^
« 0 io uo O nO NO
•jr -is
HvO r^oo
- N
co O _ 0
O coNcOrl« ^
N to
On On
i 3
This Comet alfo appeared in the November before,
and Coburg
at in Saxony was obferved by Mr. Gottfried
Kirch on the qth of that Month, on the 6th and
i ith from its pofitions to the neareft fixed Start
0. if ;
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 3 5 1
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3$z Mathematical Principles Book III.
^ the inconvenient fituation of the Earth, the tail was
, not[fo confpicuous :
) fet himfelf to find out an elliptic
,t( wit** orbit whofe greater axis (hould be 1382957 parts, the
mean diftance of the Earth from the Sun containing
10000 fuch ; in which orbit a Comet might revolve
in 575 years. And placing the afcending node in ©
2°, i ; the inclination of the plane of the orbit to the
plane of the ecliptic in an angle of 6i°. 6'. 48"; the
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Lat. Nor.
True time Lo/tg.comp.
10 16. 18 15-32 o o . 27 . o 15 33 2 O . 21
16 17 . 00 & 8 16 45 0 - 53
18 21 .
34 - 18 52 15 1 . 2<
20 17 . o - 28 10 36
23 17- 5 m 13 22 42 2 . 21
Dec. 12 4. 46 Vf 6. 32 3° 8 .28 o yp 6 3
• 20 8 . 24
21 6. 37 5- 8 12 21 42 13 .
5 6 . •; 21 .
24 6 18 . 18. 49 23 25 23 5 18 47 . . 3°
26 5 21. 28 24 >3 27 o 52 28. 21 . . .
3 K 13- 10
29 8 . 4i 28 9 5« i3« 11 . . 14 28 . lUr^l
30 8 10. 17- 38 o 28 11 53 17- 38 . .
27 28 . I,
Jan". 5 6 i£ y* 8 48 53 26. 15
7 8 48 . .
51 26 • I^eU ,
* 18. 44 4 24 1 56 18 43 51 24
9 7 • . . . I
6. 6 20 40 5° 23-43 32
25 59.48 22 17 28
20 40
26 o
. 23 23
8 22
. 4r
7 9 . . .
25 9- 35. o 17 56 30 9- 34 1
. .
30 8 . 22 13 •
19. 51 1 6 42 . . 18 i3- 18 28 12 ;
Feb. 2 6 35 13-53 16 4 1 . . 11 59 16.
5 7
4 16
59. 6 15.27
18.35 12 46 46
3 . 16. 59
26 16. 59 12
17 15.2.
41 . . . .
Mar. 1 11 . 10 27- 52.42 12 23 .40 . 27. 5i * 47 12 . 2
5 11 .39 29 18. o 12 3.16 . 29 20 11 12 . .
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To face Page 35 2
Errors in
* m *
Long. hat.
r it
S. 54
3 35
9 . 0
6N —
4.42 — 1058 ++ «•2. 29*
— .
— 2.31 ++ 01.9 30
3 35 1 .
53 .
2 . 1
0 .
38 ho. 33 + 0 40 .
1 • 37 |-o. 7 — 0 16 .
4-57 -0 2 . — 0 10 .
2 .
17 ~ 0 13 + 0.21
3 • 25 0 . 27 — 0. 7
6 . 32, + 0 20 . — 0. 56
6. 6 — — 0 24
0. 5 — 0.49
23 1 . ~2
2- 7 "7 1
54 — .54I
7. 0 +
. 1 — 0. 3
5.22 1 . 36 — 24
1 1 .
2 . 28 "7°' 55 — 1.12
2 .
50 +0 2 11 — 0 26
. .
5-35 . 21 — 0.17
Book III. of Natural Vhilofophyl 35j
The obfervations of this Comet from the beginning
to the end agree perfe&ly with the motion of the
as frwv^
Comet now defcribed, as the motions
in the orbit juft
of the Planets do with the theories from whence they
are calculated, and by this agreement plainly evince that c ioV******
it was one and the lame Comet that appeared all that
time ; and alfo that the orbit of that Comet is here
rightly defined.
In the foregoing table we have omitted the obfervations yjvuLtJUx* t
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is4 Mtfhematical Principles Book IH>
in the morning, in *a 27 . 45-'. Montenarl in 27°. A
51'. The fame day in the ifland of Jamaica* it was
fecn near rhe beginning of n\ and of about the fame la-
zed by Google
S oofc III. of Natural Thilofophy. $sS
titude with Spica HP, that is, z°. z\ The fame day
at 5 h morning at Ballaforc in the Eafl-Indies (that is ac
ii h , 20' of the night preceding at London) the dif-
rance of the
Spica Comet from
was taken 7 0 . 35'. W
to the eaft. It was in a right line between the fpike
and theballance, and therefore was then in z6°. 58'. &
^with about i°. 11' lat. fouth;. and after 5\ 40'. (that
is at 5 morning at London) it was in (& z8°. 12'. with
i°. 16'. lat. fouth. Now by the theory the Comet
was then in 28
10'. 36" with i°.
f}'. 35'lat,
Nov. 22. The Comet was feen by Montcnari in ni
a°. 33'. But at Bofton in New-England, it was found
in about ni 3 0 , and with almoft the iame latitude as be-
fore, that is, i°. 30'. The fame day at 5 h morning
at BMafore the Comet was obferv'd in til i°. 50'; and
therefore at 5 morning at London the Comet was in ill
0 5' fame day
nearly. The at 6± h in the morning
3 .
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356 Mathematical ^Principles Book lit
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Book IIL of Natural Thik/bfifyl 3 57
by the theory, the Comet was at that time in nt
1 3°. zi'.42". ;
the blight Star in the right thigh of Virgo and the ^ita-^V.
foUsherpTcale of Libra; and tKis right line cuts the Vv-vvVr
Comet's way in m. i8°. i6\ And by the theory the~
^«SWu *
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15 8 Mathematical Trinciples Book III
defcrib'd near 5 day, till its motion began to be a*
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' .
tail arofe to io° above the rump of the fwan, and the ifj*^
fide thereof towards the weft and towards the norths f ;^
was 45' diftant from this ftar. But about that time :t/«t^
the tail was 3 0 broad towards the upper end; and there-
fore the middle thereof was 2 0 . 15 diftant from that ^3vo
4w tlN
ftar towards the fouth,and the upper end was H in iz° f**
with latitude tft° north. And thence the tail was about
70 0 long. Dec 2 1. it extended almoft to CoJJiopeiJs chair, 4 V 'IU
equally diftant from @ and from ScheMr, fo as its diTFance
from either of the two was equal to thediftanceof the
one from the other, and therefore did terminate in T
24 0 with latitude 47 7 . Dec. 29. it reach'd to a con- * I
taft with Scbeat on its left, and exactlyTflPd up the^^ex^
fpace between the two ftars in the northern foot of An-
dromeda, being 540 in length; and therefore terminated
in t5 i5>°with 35 of latitude. Jan. 5. it touch'd the
Star -k in the bread of Andromeda on its right fide,
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l6o Mathematical Principles Book III.
Pcrfem's fide. The diftance of the end of the tail from
the circle paffing through the Sun and the Comet, was
3 . £o'. And the inclination of the chord of the tail
tA^tf a night or two after when there was a very clear sky,,
it extended to the length of 1 r°, or fomething more,
a ''S^c c ^ at was ver y ^amt anc^ ver y jhardly to be
1 feen. But the axe thereof was exactly direfted to the
bright Star in the eaftern (houlderof Auriga and there-
Vsjwk/* fore deviated from the oppolTnon of the Sun towards
the north, by an angle of io°. Laftly, Feb. 10. with
•; a telefcope I obferv'd the tail i° long.For thatjaintei
lot ^S' 1C w ^ich
fpoH e of, did not appear through the
g] a (feS- g ut ponthtns writes that on Feb. 7. he Jaw
*&\Wo^ ^
la ji I2 o j on g # Feb.*%yTtht Comet was without a
tail, and fo continued till it difappeared.
- Now if one rejkfis uponjthe orbit defcrib'd, and
. .i^^^^duly confiders
. trieother^ppearances of this Comet, he
A V J^"
V ^ **^y 1 ' tS} sSy'&r ^ 3t trie bodies of Comets are
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 36c
about three or four times greater than the heat of boil-
ing water. And therefore the heat, which dry earth x .
ceived from the fays of the Sun, was about 2000 times
greater than the heat of red-hot iron. But by fo fierce w*fa*\o
a heat, vapours and exhalations, and every volatile mat-
ter muft have been immediately confunVd and difli-
This Comet therefore muft have conceived an im-
menfe heat from the Sun, and retain that heat for an ju>/m^**w
exceeding long time. For a globe of iron of an inch
in diameter, expos'd red-hot to to the open air, will
fcarcely jofe all its heat in an hour's time but a greater pArl&J
globe would retain its heat longer in the proportion ot
its diameter, becaufe the furface (in proportion to which
it iscooFd by the contact of the ambient air) is in that % ,
ter; and I ftiould be glad that the true proportion was *f
inveftigated by experiments.
It is further to be obferv'd, that the Comet in the oJk*****
month of December, juft after had been heated by
it t
it had not yet arriv'd at its perihelion. And univer-.t^f-^*
Tally, the greateft and mod .fulgent tails always arife 4r/ii<**^
fiom Comets, immediately after their pafling by the o£t»/v^i
neighbourhood of the Sun. Therefore the heat re- |*^v^<<«J
ceived by~tFe Comet conduces to the greatnefs of^'& vjlVu
the tail. From whence I think I may infer, TKat the r.^Wio
tail is nothing eljfe but a very fine vapour, which the *******
head or nucleus
— of
- .... emits by
the Comet »
heat, m/*^
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362 Mathematical Trinciples Book HI.
But we^tlave
three feveral opinions about the naci
For fome will have it, that they are
tails of Comets.
r/*4A ** ^nothing elfe^bat the beams of the Sun's light trust
<NtUi^ mitred through the Comet's heads, which they fup-
pofe to be tranfparent ; others IKat they proceed from
the refra&ion which light fuffers in paffing from the
Comet's head to the Earth: and laftly others, that they
are a fort of clouds or vapour conftantly rifing from
the Comet's heads, and tending towards the parts op-
The firft is the opinion of fuch,
pofite to the Sun.
• M'o vctw * unacquainted with optics.
are yet For the beam*
M(uVa<; of the ^
Sun are kenTrTa darknei room only in confe-
"-""quenceof the light that isTefle&ed from them by the
yV^* a
** tr ' e
P ar " c es °f duft and fmoak which are always Jly-
<c t
as to w -
c * $ alledg'd that the fixt Stars have been fome-
v times feen by the Egyptians, environ'd with a Com*,
or C*piilitwm y becaufe that has but rarely happen'd, it
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. jtfj
*s rather to be afcrib'd to a cafual refra&ion of cjouds; wMr/
ancffollie radiation and fcintillation of the fixt Stars; ^«-i
the refraflions both of the eyes and air. For upon
ing a telefcope to the eye thofe radiations and fcin- wrt**uUj
t illations immediately difappear. By the tremulous agi-
ration of the air and afcending vapours, it happens that
the rays of light are alternately turn'd afide from the * P** ,*
narro fpace of the pupil of the eye; but no luch fi->tVc^*^°
thingcan have place in the much wider aperture of the vvuth
objeft-glafs of a telefcope. And hence it is, that a fcin-
tillation is occafion'd in the former cafe, which ceafes
in the latter. And this cefTation in the latter cafe is a
demonftration of the regular tranfmiflion of light through
the heavens, without any fenfible refra&ion. But to
obviate an objection that may be made from the ap-
4 *
in the Comet of the year 1680, when in the montlxV**
of Dec. it was fcarcely equal in light to the Stars of
the fecond magnitude, and yet emitted a notable tail,
0 0 0
extending to the length of 40 , 50 , 6o° or 70 , and
^ upwards and afterwards on the 2,7 and 28 of January h**^**'*
whenthe head appear 3 but as a Star of the 7 h
nitude, yet the tail fas was faid abov'ej with a light
that was fenfible enough, though faint, was ftretcht ^h*^ '
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Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
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look III. of Natural Thilofophf. j$ 5
tearer to the Sun, efpecially if the angle of deviation is
>fH mated near the head of the Comet. That the taib
jvhich have no deviation appear ftraight, but the tails l*rfc*k~ |
which deviate are likewife ben&iTTnto a certain cur- inuun!** ^"
rature. That this curvature is greater when the deviation
is greater; and is more fenfible, when the tail, cateris pa-
ribus, is longer: for in the (horter tails the curvature t>\oa
is hardly to beperceiv'd. TKat the angle of deviation ju'Uut
is TeTs near the Comet's head, but greater towards the
other erid of the tail ; and that becaufe the convex fide
of the tail from which the deviation
regards the parts,
is made, and which lye in a right line drawn out in- Aia*i+
finitely from the Sunthrough the Comet's head. And .
that the tails that are long and broad, andJhine with a Am6w*a
ftronger light, appear more refplendent ana more exact-
ly defin'd on the convex than on the concave fide.
Upon which accounts, it is plain that the phenomena
of the tails of Comets, depend upon the motions of
their heads , and by no means upon the places of
the heavens in which their heads are feen, and that
therefore the tails of Comets do not proceed from the
refraftion of the heavens, but from their own J^ads.oJcK^^l
which furnifh the matter that forms the tail. For, as jOw^r/cu**.**
in our air, tHe fmoak of a heated body afcends, either j^ww^
perpendicularly ifThe body is at reft, or obliquely, if
the body is mov'd obliquely ; fo in the heavens, where JU**At
all bodies gravitate towards the Sun, fmoak and vapouc r Iaa/vv ^ j
pour afcends with moft velocity, (jo wit ?near the fmoak- ;.
ing body, when that is near the Sun.^ But becaufe the
obliquity varies, the column of vapSur will be incur-
vated; and becaufe the vapour in the preceding fide is
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366 Mathematical Principles EookUL
, fomething more reccnr, that is, has afcended fomething
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Book III. -
of K^ralThilofophy. l6?
nefs,was equally ranty'd with the air at the heighth of £>)^*V
one femi- diameter of the Earth from the Earth's fur-
face , it would fill all the regions of the Planets to
the orb of Saturn and farj^ond it. Wherefore fincc *a<m
the air at greater diftances is immenfely rarify'd, and * tU
the coma or atmofphere of Comets is ordinarily about
ten times higher, reckonin g from their centers, than cJtaJuu £ *
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36S Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
J ^ore>
aljout *ke beginning and in the neighbourhood of
r vijt^ v
t h c $un, rofewith the greateft velocity, and afterwards
"v 'u.^.. continu'd to afcend with a motion conftantly retarded
by its own gravity ; and the higher it afcended, the
A \ more lt acLdcd 10 tne length of the tail. And whilethe
r, v nv^a k
^.j cont j nu »j to jj e j-een> j c was macj e U
p 0 f aimoft a ]|
that vapour, which had rifen fince the time of the Co-
met's being in its perihelion; nor did that part of the
vapour which had rifen firft, and which form'd the
extremity of the tail, ceafe to appear, till its too great
diftance, as well from the Sun from which it receiv'd
its light, as from our eyes, render'd itinvifible. Whence
alfo it is, that the tails of other Comets which are
v'- ;
, fliorr, do not rife from their heads with a fwift and
continual motion, and( foon after) difappearl But are
permanent and lading columns of vapours and exhalari-
'fjfc*.^ ^ *'ons; which afcending from the heads with a flow mo-
tion of many days, and partaking of the motion of
y.«c-ftu'\)\«v>/vXo the
Book III. of Natural $>hilo[ophy\ 169
the heads which they had from the beginning, conti-
nue to go along together with them through the hea-
vens. From whence again we have another argument t^J^^U
proving the celeftiaf fpaces to be free and without re*
Mtihce, iince in them not only the folid bodies of
the Planets and Comets, but alfo the extremely rare
vapours of Comets tails, maintain their rapid motions
with great freedom , and for an exceeding long time. IaWT^A
Krpler afcribts the afcent of the tails of the Comets
to the atmofpheres of their heads; and their dire&ion
towards the parts oppofite to the Sun, to the aftion
of the rays of light carrying along with them the
matter of the Comet's tails. And without any great
incongruity we may ftippofe, that in fo free fpaces*
fo fine a matter as that of the aether may yield^to u ** A
the aftion of the rays of the Sun's light, though
thofe rays are not able fenfibly to move the grofs ^2?**
fubftances in our parts, which are clogg'd with fo.^^ tM : 0
palpable a refiftance. Another author thinks, that there
may be a fort of particles of matter endow'd with a' *Y**JUi
principle of levity, as well as others are with a power
of gravity; that the matter of the tails of Comets may
be of the former fort, and that its afcent from the
Sun, may be owing to its levity. But confidering
that the gravity of terreftrial bodies is as the matter
of the bodies, and therefore can be neither more nor
lefs in the fame quantity of matter, I am inclin'd to 4*y*>*™
believe that this afcent may ra ther proceed from the c>'«iy
rarelfa&ion of the matter of "the Comet's tails. The "^/' ^
afcent of fmoak in a chimney is owing to the im-
pulfe of the air, with which it is entangled. The [lM/%(
air rarefy'd by heat afcends, becaufe its Tpecific gra-
vity is diminilVd, ahd in its afcent carries along with
it the fmoak, with which it is engag'd. And why$ v *
may not the tail of a Comet rife from the Sun
after the fame manner ? For the Sun's rays do not aft
ppon the mediums which they pervade otherwife than
B b r 'w*v«o by
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'370 Mathematical Trinciples Book III
by refle&ion and refraftion. And thofc refte&ing par-
tides heated by this a&ion, heat the matter of the aether
which is involv'd with them. That matter is rarefied
by the heat which it acquires; and becaufe by this rare-
1 fadion the fpecific gravity with which it tended to-
wards the Sun before is diminifti'd, it will afcend there-
from) and carry along with it the reflecting particles,
of which the tail of the Comet is compos'd. But the
afcentof the vapours is further promoted by their cir-
cumgyration about the Sun, in confequence whereof
^L^ they endeavour to recede from the Sun, while the Sun's
atmofphere and the other matter of the heavens are
either altogether quiefcent, or are only mov'd with a
"vw j
' *
flower circumgyration deriv'd from the rotation of the
Sun. And thefe are the caufes of the afcent of the
tails of the Comets in the neighbourhood of the Sun, <*.n w
bcre their orbits are bent into a greater curvature, and
the Comets themfelves are plung'd into the denfer, and
.fuw*vyiT« therefore heavier parts of the Sun's atmofphere; upon
which account they do then emit tails of anJiuge length.
For the tails which then arife, retaining their own pro-
per motion, and in the mean time gravitating towards
the Sun, muft be revolv'd in ellipfes about the Sun in
like manner as the heads are, and by that motion muft
always accompany the heads, and freely adhere to them.
For the gravitation of the vapours towards the Sun can
no more force the tails to abandon the heads, and de-
fcend to the Sun, than the gravitation of the heads can
oblige them to fall from the tails. They muft by their
common gravity, either fall together towards the Sun,
or be retarded together in their common afcent there-
U »<t .
/rom. And therefore, (whether from the caufes jkeadjL
y delcrib'd, or from any others) the tails and heads of
Comets may eafily acquire, and freely retain any pofi-
tion one to the other, without difturbance or impedi-
ment from that common gravitation.
Book III. of Natural Thllofophf. 3 7
The tails therefore that rife in the perihelion pofitl-
oixs of the Comets
will go along with their heads into
far remote and together with the heads will either
return again from thence to us, afrer a long courfe of
years; or rather, will be there rarefied, and by degrees
quite vanifh away. For afterwards in the defcent of rj*1
the heads towards the Sun, new ftiort tails will be emit- r ^
ted from the heads with ajlow motion; and thofe tails 7^
by degrees will be augmented immenfly, efpecially in
fiich Comets as in their perihelion diftances defcend as
_ low as the Sun's atmofphere. For all vapour in thofe i><J Lv-
free fpaces is in a perpetual ftate of rarefadion and di-
latation. And from hence it is, that the tails of all
Comets are broader at their upper extremity, than near »^ N co I
for watering of the earth, and for' trie procfu&ion and ^ m.v ;
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* -
l ^ at
5|y efl y fr°
and quite fail at.laft. f I fufpeft mpreov ,
th c \ Comets that fbirrt comes,
p^'ry^which is inHeed the fmalleft,.>ut the molt fubtle andju|.(
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Book IIL of Natural Thilofophf. 371
and fplendor, the head was but fmall, and far lefs than
that which was feen in the month of November before
Sun-rifing ; and conje&uring at the caufe of the ap-
pearance, he judg'd it to proceed from there being a
greater quantity of matter in the head at firft, which
was afterwards gradually fpent.
And, which further makes for the fame purpofe, I
find, that the heads of other Comets, which did put
iorth tails of the greateft bulk and fplendor, have ap-
peared but obfcure and fmall. For in £rafile y March
5. 166%. 7 P. Af. St. JV. P. VaUntinus Eftancius faw
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174 Mathematical Principles Book III.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy: 375
bit. In the mean time, the following propofition. may
give fome light in that enquiry.
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$76 Mathematical Trinciples Book 111.
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mm, aS^&sk
To face Page 377
y 20
The obferid Places
Lflffg". £l 7°. O I OO .
72* places com-
putedin the orb.
^: 7
. 01 .29
z . 10 £«*/. 5. 21 .
39 OO .
21 .
38 .50
z .
45 £w/g\ £21 6 .
1 5 . OO 6 . 16 .
z .
40 Lat. S. 22 . 24 . 00 22 . 24 . 00
8 . 00 Long, £3 3 . 00 . 00 £s 3 .07 . 33
5 . 40 L*/. 5. 25 . 22 . 00 25 .21 .40
- —
Z/0/r^. fc^ 2 . 5& 00 SI 2 . . 56 . OO
k . 30 Lat. S. 49 . 25 00 49 . . 25 . 00
1 -
SO xn 28 • 40 .
30 II 28 .
43 . 00
! . OO Z,dA 5. 45 . 48 . OO 45 . 46 . 00
1 . OO Long, xt 1 3 • 03 . 00 n 13 05 00 . .
. • OO Lat. S. 39 .
54 . 00 39 -53-00
• 25 XI 2 . I O . OO n 2 . 18 .
. 00 Lat. S. 33 . 41 . 00 4o|
33 •
39 •
. 00 Z^flfg'. O 24 . 24 . OO b 24 . 27 . 00
30 Lat. S. 27 45. . 00 27 . 46 . 00
. 00 ^ 9 . 00 . 00 9 . 02 . 28
Lat. S.
7 •
. 36
b 7.08.4S
34. 13
I 00 Lat. S. 10 . 23 . 00
— —
1 .
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 377
which the Comet defcribes. And from the tranfverfe dia-
meter given the periodic rime of the Comet is alfo given.
Q. £. /. But the periodic times of the revolutions of
Comets, and the tranfverfe diameters of their orbits,
cannot be accurately enough determin'd, but by compar-
ing Comets together which appear at different times. If
after equal intervals of time, feveral Comets are found
to have defcrib'd the fame orbit, we may thence con-*
elude, that they are all but one and the fame Comet
revolv'd in the fame orbit. And then from the times
of of their or-
their revolutions, the tranfverfe diameters
bits will be given ; and from thofe diameters the ellip-
tic orbits themfelves will be determin'd.
To this purpofe, the trajeftories of many Comets
ought to be computed, fuppofing thofe trajectories to">ttce/n-K
~Ge parabolic. For fuch trajeftories will always nearly
agree with the phenomena, as appears not only from the
parabolic trajeftory of the Comet of the year 1680,
which Icompar'd above with the obfervations, but
likewife from that of the notable Comet, which ap-
pear'd in the years 1664, and \66<>, and was obferv'd
by Hevelins ; who, from his own obfervations, calcu-
iated the longitudes and latitudes thereof, though with
Jittle accuracy. But from the fame obfervations Dr.
//alley did again compute its places ; and from thofe new-
places determin'd its trajeftory; finding its afcending
node in H 21 0 . 13'. 55"; the inclination of the orbit
to the plane of the ecliptic 21 0 . 18'. 40"; the diftance
of its perihelion from the node, eftimated in the Co-
met's orbit 49°. 27'. 30". its perihelion in £1 8°. 40'. 30";
with heliocentric latitude fouth, 16 0 . 01 . 45"; the juw
Comet to have been in its perihelion Nov. iq. d 11K 52'; .
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37* Mathematical Principles Book III.
In FebrtMYj) the beginning of the year 1665. the ift
1 4. j Star of Aries, which I (hall hereafter call y9 was in ~Y
mU ,
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy *.
h r
Mar. i, 7 . o', at London, that is, iWiir. I. 8 h* i(5 ,
at DantzAckz the Comet was obferv'd near the 2d Star
in Aries, the difhnce between them being to the dif-
eance between the firft and lecond Stars in Aries, that
is, to i°. 33', as 4 to 4f according to Dr. Hook$ y or
as 2 to 23 according to M. Gottignics. And therefore
the difhnce of the Comet from the 2d Star in Aries
was 8'. 16", according to Dr. Hooke, or 8'. 5", accord-
ing to M. Gottigniesi or taking a mean between both
8'. 10". But according to M.
Gottignks, the Comet
had gone beyond of
or a 5th part of the fpace, that
the id Star Aries, about a
it commonly went
over in a day, to wit, about i\ 35"; (in which he
agrees very well with M. Auz,ota) or according to Du
Hookey not quite fo much, as perhaps only I • Where- tJl *t t.
fore if to the longitude of the lit Star in Aries, we
add 1', and 8'. 10", to its latitude, we ihall have the
longitude of the Comet Y 29 0 18', with 8°. 36'. z6\
north lat.
Mar. 7. yK 30', at Paris (that Mar. h
is, 7. 8 . 37V
at Dantztickj) from the obfervationsof M. Auz,om, the
difhnce of the Comet from the 2d Star in Aries, was
equal to the difhnce of that Star from the Star A, that
is, 52'. 29"; and the difference of the longitude of the
^^ "
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i$o Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
This Comet was alio feen Mar. 9, and at that time
its place muft have been in O o°. 18' with 9 0 . 3' £
north lat. nearly.
^ vt/)
This Comet appeared three months together, in which
fpace of time it travell'd over almoft fix figns, and
in one of the days thereof defcrib'd almoft 20 deg.
Its courfe did very much deviate from a great circle,
r ,
bending towards the north, and its motion towards the
retrograde became direct. And notwith-
*?**^S(fC end from,
ftanding its courfe wasTfo uncommon, yet by the ta-
^ ble it appears that the theory, frofn beginning to end,
agrees with the obfervations no Iefs accurately than
the theories of the Planets ufually do with the obfer-
vations of them. But we are to fubduft about 2'. when
v*^*^ Comet was fwifte ft, which we may effeft by ta-
i va«h
king off 12" from the angle between the afcending
node and the perihelion, or by making that angle 49 0 .
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look III. of Natural Thibfipky. 38t
O O ^ OnN 1^ Qs O O NN W + moo O
O O w O w to O O
; In.
• • •
£ i 6 »o 6 h o o o
+++ 1111 1 I I I 11 +
O i^iJ-WW^-'O U^n M O N GO N ~ i*
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o v s o6 -4-^6 tO N "4*r^N ONVO N rj- CTs ti so vd OO
° on 6\ o\o6 oo vo vo u^^n 6 ~ crv toco i^oo \6
O too
« N N N «* N ~ n ~
to rj- rj-
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OtoOi-iNU-kTi-N - "tO Mrf-u^ o o • •
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o ^-N N N to ~
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O t\ ••••••• tr» io
<*t-O to
nv6 6 no6 i>» • • •
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M »ONO N to lO
to to m
CO ON 6 to
d M m m m W M N N
^^ON O to
^ uvO
ON ONVO n O ^- ^- N N
• «
(O <ON tO tO M M
. r, ^SO ON tovO 0O N tovO
^~**,-itttttOtO W <S CN»
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3 82 Mathematical Trinciples Book III,
its orbit to the plane of the ecliptic 17 . 56'. 00"; its
perihelion in XZ 2 0 . 52'. 50"$ its perihelion diftance from
the Sun 58528 parti, of which the radius of theor-
bis magnus contains 100000; the equal time of the Co-
met's being in its perihelion Sept. 4 d . j . 39'. And its
Diff. Latitude
• •
• • • •
00© • • •
J—— —— J
I J1 1 L. 1 (_ 1 (_
X ••••••••••
«>- - 0 0
I + 1 1 +++++ 1
ir\ ret •« O — ur» N
o i^^o \© vo 06
i^N cKoo
9 *r>
*? *T **
N M N N h « m « -
Long.' -4-^0 OO (j OnOO -4-
*^ ^" N tr> rr> tJ- «-r»
1 o 00 4" dsvo 6 »^»v6
M H tl N N On
ri 6
— N N N
1 £N N WNg<{| M OOVO ET
, N O O OO
. .........
C TO M l^vO m
mvQ O ro
tovO NO NO 00 N N »-• Q\ 00
•J s I - ^vd cK r^vd d n 6
m "^T ^ r? tr>rr '?"9 1
06 4-
U *
3 1 a*
, N T'^O — ONOO OnOO On
O •'Vsd N OnNO O *^
fi fffl CO N £) 0
< ^ §.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 3 8 3
d h / //
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, 3«+ Mathematical Trinciples Book III.
fhall have the tranfverfe diameters of their elliptic or-
bits and their aphelion diftances.
That retrograde Comet which appear'd in the year
1607, defcrib'd an orbit whofe afcending node (accord-
ing to Dr. Halle]' s computation) was in b 20°. zi'
and the inclination of the plane of the orbit to the
plane of the ecliptic 17 0 . 2'; whofe perihelion was in
SS 2°. 16'; and its perihelion diftance from the Sun
58680 of fuch parts as the radius of the orbis magntts
contains 100000. And the Comet was in its perihe-
lion OB ober i6 . $ h jo'. Which orbit agrees very near-
But becaufe of the great number of Comets, of the
great diftance of their aphelions from the Sun, and of
M i the flownefs of their motions in the aphelions, they
* will,T>y7Fieir mutual gravitations, difturb each other:
fo that their eccentricities and the times of their re-
volutions will be fometimes a little increafed, and fome-
times diminilhed. Therefore we are not to expeft that
' the fame Comet will return exa&ly in the fame orbit,
and in the fame periodic times. It will be fufficient if we
find the changes no greater, than may arife from the
caufes juft fpoken of. •
trn And
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Book III. cf Natural Thilofophy. 385
And hence a reafon may be affign'd why Comets
are not comprehended within the limits of a zodiac
as the Planets are; but, being confined to no bounds, 1\,Ux\l/
are with various motions difpers'd
all over the heaven?;
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3 stf Mathematical Principles Book III.
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Book III. of Natural Vhtlofophy. 3S-7
different fides by turns. The vapours which arite
from the Sun, the fixed Stars, and the tails of the
Comets, may meet at laft with, and fall into, the at-
mofpheres of the Planets by their gravity ; and there
be condenfed and turned inrA. water and humid fpi-A*wA»x^
rits, and from thence by a flow heat pafs~gradually
into the form of falts, and'fulphurs, and tin&ures, and ,
mud, and clay, ancTland, and ftones, and coral, and other
terreftial fubftancesf
lVt " c
V* ^ i
General Scholium;
The hypothefis of Vortices is prefs'd with many
difficulties. That every Planet by a radius drawn to
the Sun may defcribe areas proportional to the times
of defcription, the periodic times of the feveral parts
of the Vortices mould obferve the duplicate propor-
tion of their diftances from the Sun. But that the
periodic times of the Planets may obtain the fefqui-
plicate proportion of their diftances from the Sun,
the periodic times of the parts of the Vortex ought
to be in the fefquiplicate proportion of their diftan-
ces. That the fmaller Vortices may maintain their lcfTer
revolutions about Saturn^ Jupiter, and other Planets,
and fwim quietly and undifturb'd in the greater Vor-
tex of the 'Sun, the periodic times of the parts of
the Sun's Vortex (hould be equal. But the rotation
of the Sun and Planets about their axes, which ought
to correfpond with the motions of their Vortice?, re-
cede far from all thefe proportions. The motions of
the Comets are exceeding regular, are governed by the
fame laws with the motions of the Planets, and can
by no means be accounted for by the hypothefis of
Vortices. For Comets are carry'd with very ec-
centric motions through all parts of the heavens in-
with a freedom that
differently, is incompatible with
the notion of a Vortex.
' '
c z Bodies
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3*s Mathematical "Principles Book ill.
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Book III. of Natural Wilofophy. 3 S 9
of One; ofthe fixed Scars is of
efpecially, fince the light
the fame nature with the light of the Sun, 'and from
every fyftem light pafles into all the other fyftems.
And left thefyftemsof the fixed Stars Ihould, by their
gravity, fall on each other mutually, he hath placed
Dr. Pocock derives the Latin word Deus from the Arabic du9
fin the oblique cafe di9 ) which fignifies Lord, And in this fenfe
Princes are called Gods, rjal. lxxxii. ver. 6. and John x. ver. 35.
And Mofes is called a God to his brother Aaron, and a God to Pha-
raoh (Exod. iv. ver. 16. and vii. ver. 8. And in the fame fenfe
the fouls of dead Princes were formerly, by the Heathens, called
gods, but falfly, becaufe of their want of dominion.
Cc 5 prefeacc
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390 Mathematical"Principles Book III.
prefence from Infinity to Infinity; hegovernsall things,
and knows all things that are or can be done. Fie isnoc
Eternity or Infinity, but Eternal and Infinite ; he is
not Duration or Space, but he endures and is prefenr.
He endures for ever, and is every where prefent ; and
by exifting always and every where, he conflitutes Du-
ration and Space. Since every particle of Space is 4/-
waySy and every indivifible moment of Duration is every
-where, certainly the Maker and Lord of all things can-
not be never and no where. Every foul tr>at has per-
ception is, though in different rimes and in different
organs of fenfe and motion, ftill the fame indivifible
perfon. There are given fucceflive parts in duration,
co-exiftent parts in fpace, but neither the one nor the
other in the perfon of a man, or his thinking principle;
and much lefs can they be found in the thinking fub-
ftancejof God. Every man,fo far as he is a thing that
has perception, one and the fame man during his
This was the opinion of the Ancients. So Pythagoras in C*eer*
ie Nat. Deor. lib. i. Tbales, Anaxagoras, Virgil* Georg. lib. iv.
ver. 220. and yEneid. lib. vi. ver. 721. Pbilo Al/egor. at the be-
ginning of lib. i. Aratus in his Phaenorn. at the beginning. So
alfo the facred Writers, as St. Paul* A3s xvii. ver. 27, 28. St.
Jobffi Gofp. chap. xiv. ver. 2. M:fes '% Deut. iv. ver. 39. and
x. ver. 14. David* Pfal. exxxix. ver. 7, 8, 9. Solomon* 1 Kings viii.
ver. 27. Job xxii. ver. 12, 13, 14. Jeremiah xxiii. ver. 23, 24.
The Idolaters fuppofed the Sun, Moon and Stars, the Souls of
Men, and other parts of the world, to be parts of the fupreme Goi.
and therefore to be worOiipped : but erroncoufly.
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Book III. of Natural Thilofophy. 591
always and every where. Whence alfo he is all fimilar,
all eye> all ear, all brain, all arm, allpower to perceive,
to underftand, and to aft ; but in a manner not at all
human, in a manner not at all corporeal, in manner ur-
392 Mu thematical "Principles Boot III.
courfe of whom from the appearances of things, does
certainly belong to Natural Philofophy.
Hitherto wc have explain'd the phenomena of the
heavens and of our fea, by the power of Gravity, but
have not yet aflign'd the caufe of this power. This
is certain, that it rauft proceed from a caufe that pene-
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Book III. of Natural Thibfophf. 39j
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The firjl number denotes the Volume, the ft-
cond the; *Page 5 nnlefs where a fettion is
referred to.
Sect. q. p. 177
Quinoxes, their prc- Areas whicn revolving bodies, by
ceffion radii drawn to the centre of
the caufe of that mo- force, defcribe,compared
tion fliewn II, 252 with the times of defcrip-
the quantity of that motion tion I, 57, 60, 62, 220,
computed from the caufes 231
II, 320 Attraction of all bodies demon-
Air, ftrated II, 225
its denfitv at any height, col- the certainty ot this demon-
lected by Prop. 22. Book. II. flration (hewn II, 203 ; the
and its denfity at the height caufe or manner thereof no
of one femidiameter of the where deiined by the Au-
Earth fhewn II, 366 thor II, 392
its elaftic force, what caufe it Js, the mathematical fignificati-
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I N *D EX.
the common centre of gravi- more of themobfervedin trie
any given point they may be the Sun defcribe areas pro-
defcribed by revolving bo- portional to the times.
dies I, 93 Move in ellipfes if they
the geometrical defcription of come round again in their
them when the foci are orbits, but thefe ellipfes
given I, Sect. 4. will be near to parabolas
when the foci are not given I, II, 332
Sea. 5. Comet's parabolic trajectory
when the centres or afymp- found from three obferva-
totcs are given 1, 132 tions given II, 340 1 cor-
Comets rected when found II, 375
of Planets, not meteors
a fort Comet's place in a parabola
11,331,360 found to a given time II,
higher than the Moon, and 333 j I, 143
in the planetary regions II, Comet's velocity compared witk
323 the velocity of the Planets
their diftance
very nearly bv
how collected A 332
Comets Tails
11,324 dircftcd from the Sun II, 364
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fcrighteft and largeft immedi- Cylinder, the attraction of a
ately after their paffage thro' Cylinder compofed of at-
the neighbourhood of the tracting particles , whofe
Sun Ii. 361 forces are reciprocally as
350 ; in an
rabolic orbit II, Sea. 7.
elliptic orbit II, 352 Defcent and afcent of bodies in
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1 N T> E X.
the annual motion thereof in the abfolute quantity of cen-
the orbis magnus demon- tripetal force defined I, 6
ftratedll, 380 the accclerative quantity of
the eccentricity thereof how the fame defined ik
much II, 299 the motive quantity of the
the motion of its aphelion fame defined I, 7
how much II, 237 the proportion thereof to any
Ellipiis, known force how collected
by what law of centripetal 1,66
force tending to the centre the invention of the centri-
of the figure it is defcribed petal forces, when a body
by a revolving body I, 75 is revolved in a non-refift-
by what law of centripetal fting fpace about an im-
force tending to the focus moveable centre, in any or-
of the figure it is defcribed bit I, Sea. 2. and 3.
by a revolving body 1, 79. the centripetal forces tending
to any point by which any
F. figure may be defcribed by
a revolving body, being gi-
Fluid, the definition thereof I, ven ; the centripetal forces
tending to any other point,
Fluids, the laws of their denfity by which the fame figure
and compreffion ftiewn II, may be defcribed in the
Sett. 5. fame periodic time, are alfo>
tkeir motion in running out given I, 72
at an hole in a veil el deter- the centripetal forces by which
mined II, 1
24 any figure is defcribed by
Forces a revolving body, being
their compofition and refolu- given ; there are given the
tion I, 22 forces by which a new
of fphaerical
attractive forces figure may be defcribed, if
bodies, compofed of parti- the ordinates are augment-
cles attracting according to ed or diminifhed in any
any law, determined I, Sect. given ratio, or the angle
12. of their inclination be any
attractive forces of bodies not how changed, the periodic
fphaerical compofed of par- time remaining the fame I,
ticles attracting according 77
to any law determined I, centripetal forces decreafing
Sea. 13. in the duplicate proportion
Force of thediftances, what figures
centrifugal force of bodies on may be defcribed by them
the Earth's scquator, how I, 8 c, 222
great II, 240 a centripetal force that is reci-
ccn&ipeul force defined 1, 4. procally a? the cube of the
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I N <D E X.
ordinate tending to a vaftly
remote centre of force will H.
caufc a body to move in
any given conic fe£Uon I, Heat, fin iron rod increafes in
length by heat II, 250
a centripetal force that is as of the Sun, how great at
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an incurvation of light about
the extremities of bodies
obferved by experiments I,
Jupiter, 316
its periodic time TI, z o 1
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2 4
/ N <D E X.
$f converging feries applied revolves more flowly, in J
to the folution of difficult dilated orbit, when the
problems I, 187,189,302, node is in the fyzygieswith
II, 32, 286 the Sun ; and more fwifdy,
00 n in a contracted orbit, when
the figure of body collect-
its the node is in the quadra-
ed by calculation U, 3 1 tures II, 301
its Iterations explained II, 23 8 moves flower in its quadra-
its mean apparent diameter tures with the Sun, fwifter
in the fyzygies ; and by a
n >3*3 its orbit is lefs curve, and
its force to move the Sea how comes nearer to the Earth
306 ; not percep-
great II, II, 252 ; the figure of this
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I N <D E X.
aphelion and more fwiftly the annual equation of the
in the perihelion II, 253, mean motion of its nodes
a 99 II, 290,
its nodes are at reft in their the femi-annual equation of
fyzygies with the Sun, and the fame II, 288
go back moft fwiftly in the the femi-annual equation of
quadratures II, 253 the inclination of the orbit
the motions of the nodes and to the ecliptic II, 298
the inequalities of its mo- the method of fixing the the-
tions computed from the - , ory of the Lunar motions
theory of gravity II, 273, from obfervations II, 304
278, 283, 287 ; the fame Motion, its quantity denned I, 2
from a different principle Motion abfolutc and relative I,
II, 2S9 10; ^the feparation of one
the inclination of its orbit to from the other poflible ; de-
the ecliptic greateft in the monflrated by an example
fyzygies of the node with
the Sun, and leaft in Motion, laws thereof 1, 19
the quadratures I, 245 Motions, compofition and refo-
the variations of the incline lution of them I, 22
tion computed from the Motion of concurring bodies
theory of gravity II, 293, after their reflexion, by
296 what experiments colletted
the equations of the Moon's l> 33
motions for aftronomical Motion of bodies.
ufes II, 299, cifr. in eccentric fettions Seel. 3.
the annual equation of the in moveable orbits Sett 9.
Moon's mean motion II, in given fuperficies, and of the
299 reciprocal motion of pen-
the firft femi-annual equation dulums Sett. 10.
of the fame II, 300 Motion of bodies tending to
the fecond femi-annual equa- each other with centripetal
tion of the fame II, 301 forces Sett. 1 1.
I N <D EX.
partly in the Ample, and part-
the fquare of the cttftanco
ly in the duplicate ratio of
and the abfolute quantity
the fame II, Sett. 3. of that force is known 1, 90
Motion of thofe which are defcribed
Ovals for optic ufes, the me- nic feaions found to any
thod of finding them, which afligned time I, Sea. 6.
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revolve in periodic times that Problem Keplerian, folved by
are in the fefquiplicate pro- the trochoid, and by ap-
portion of the diftanccs proximations I, 148 to
from the Sun II, 2 1 o
retained in their orbits by Problem of the ancients, of four
a force of gravity, which, lines, related by Pappus,
refpects the Sun, and is re- and attempted by Carteftus
ciprocally as the fquare of by an algebraic calculus,
the diftance from the Sun's folved by a geometrical
centre II, 214, 219 compofition I, 110
Planets fecondary, Projectilesmove in parabola's
move in ellipfes having their when the refinance of the
focus in the centre of the medium is taken away I, 32
primary II, 252 77, 310 II, 34
by radij drawn to their prima- Projectiles, their motions in re-
ry defer) be areas propoitio- filling mediums 28
II, 6,
nal to the times II, 206. Pulfes of the air, by which
208, 212 founds are propagated, their
revolve in periodic times intervals or breadths deter-
that are in the fefquiplicate mined II, 1 80, 1 83 ; thefe
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1 N <D E X.
Rtfiliances, the theory thereof Refinance, what kind of folid it
is in*the duplicate proportion the periodic times of Jupiter's
of the diameters of fphaerical Satellites, and their diftanccs
bodies refilled, ceteris pa- from his centre II, 206,
ribus II, 1 01, 103, 113, 207
143 the periodic times of Saturn's
Refiltonce of fluids threefold ; Satellites and their diftances
and arifes either from the from his centre II, 208,
inactivity of the fluid mat- 209
ter, or the tenacity of its the inequalities of the moti-
parts, or friction II, 54; ons of the Satellites of Ju-
the refinance found in fluids piter and Saturn derived
almoft all of the firft kind from the motions of the
1C9 and cannot be
II, 107, Moon II, 252
diminifhea by the fubtilty Saturn,
of the parts of the fluid, if its periodic time II, 2ro
the denfity remain II, 161 its diftance from the Sun IT,
Refinance of a globe what pro- 21
portion it bears to that of its apparent diameter II, 209
a cylinder, in mediums not its true diameter II, 228
continued II, 117 its attractive force how great
in comprefled mediums II, 227
141 the weight of bodies on its
Refinance of a globe in medi- fur face II, 228
ums not continued II, 120; its denfity ib.
in comprefled mediums II, its quantity of matter ib.
143; how found by expe- its perturbation by the ap-
riments II, 145 to 1 60 proach of Jupiter how great
Refinance to a frullum of a 11,235
cone, how made the leall the apparent diameter of its
poflible II, 1 ring II, 209
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I N 2) EX.
Sefquiplicate proportion defined Space,
L 52 abfolute and relative L 9> icv
Shadow of the Earth to be aug- 11
mented in lunar eclipfes, be- not equally full II, 224
caufe of the refraction of Spharroid, the attraction of the
the atmofphere IT, 304 fame when the forces of its
San, particles are reciprocally as
moves round the common the fquares of the diftances
centre of gravity of all the
. ^ 303
Planets II, 231. Spiral cutting all its radij in a
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A Vacuum proved, or that all
fpaces (if faid to be full) Waves, the velocity with which
are not equally full II, 224 they are propagated on the
Velocity, the greateft that a fupcrficiesof ftagnant wa-
globe falling in a refilling ter U, 1 7
medium can acquire II, 143 Weights of bodies towards the
Velocities of bodies moving in Sun, the Earth, or any Pla-
conic feetions where the net, are, at equal diftanccs
centripetal force tends to from the centre, as the
the focus I, 67, 88, 89 quantities of matter in the
Venus, bodies II, 220
its periodic time II, 210 they do not depend upon the
its diftancc from the Sun II, forms and textures of bo-
2ii • dies II, 223
the motion of its aphelion II, Weights of bodies in different
237 regions of the Eatth found
Vortices, their nature and con- out and compared together
lUtution exairined II, Sea. II,
9. 387
A P p E N-
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Among the Explications, {given by a Friend,)
of fome Tropojitions in this Book, not de-
monftrated by the Author, the Editor
finding thefe following, has thought it pro-
per to annex them. Thus,
And :
£E =d—x, AE =x — a, BE=a — x.
Now the force whereby the circle, whofe radius is
Prop, 90.) -x
a Aad
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ii A? <P E NT> I X.
And Ed* = (AExEB -Y^ —TE =rr— 2 z
dd -\-% dx—-XX
=) A*-\-zdx xx. Alfo?/ — —
=(£d*-\-EP = idx act, xx-\~xx = ) zdx
— —
— a*: Th. — = j
= =F • Therefore
or x =====
——</—a*-\-zdx is the flu.
— XX
^— a oc - i~
- zdx
— "h'^-V—
v 1
dx (by w
7*6. i. Form^. Cafiz. Qnadr. of Curv.)
Alfo let x=r#, theft area = (*— *^^v ~**+ k 2<
P is as B or as — j- =:)-==--
a 4 2. The
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AT <P E N<D I X. iii
2. The force whereby the fpheroid-^ DBG % attra&s
the body />, may, in the fame manner, be found thus.
Let S C zr c,
The force of a circle whofe radius is ED, to attraft
y is as i , (by Cor. i. Prop. 90. ) Now
£D ==*5
F5 *AEB =TT X— zdx—*x*
SA rr
%% %
(by the Conies; ) and TD = (FT = ED ^EP
= — axe c 4-
2 dc cx
— ccxx + XX ,
Z=Z )
rr 1
4 XC C — I— 2 dc C X
5 — -4r< TT
Therefore (i —
PE ~ 1-
PD /a jl ll ?. a r r r r
V rr rr 1
or) x — -===
/ axec .
zacc . rr — cc
rr 1
rr rr 1
x-\ 1
8dcc +dcc +axcc
S -4
XV if
rr rr rr
is ( ~~~
Ac**cc ^ rr (re +ddc*
rr rr T4
— idrrs + drrxv — accrrv '
— ids + dxv — axv *
daXcc — rr ddec
~ — a — ddA-rr
- =>
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ids-~dxv4-axv dxv — a*vu — ids
K r
n Therefore
z=z\ •
' cc-\-dd— rr cc
***C zdec —— *x
cc rr
Butv = PD = ER=f/
t>tsirn */
V rr
isan ordinate to a conic fe&ion, whofe abfcifla is x;
and Sy r. rhe areas NMB, NKA
9 adjacent to
the ordi-
nates BAf> AK : Put D~s — <r.
= or PE = PB ~ BM thenv — d,orPD
Let x a, ;
ids d4Ar—oLd/t-~~
= PB = BM and the = * + y
v 1
\-dd — cc rr
- 2r +
zddr-\- ir* — zdD ~ zrcc-\~zdxzdr — D
CC -\-dd—rr — — ;
ce-\-Jd rr
f e _^_^
^ 01
M ASxlc* == ;— — to
—as IPS
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To SchoL Trop. 34. Book 2. 1 1 9. /. 20.
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Now the
AT ¥ E N<D
number of particles ftriklng
U in a paral-
leldiredion on any furface, is as the area of a plane
figure perpendicular to that dire&ion, and that would
juft receive thofe ftrokes.
Therefore, the number of particles ftriking againft
the fruftum, that is, againft the furfaces defcrib'd by
the rotation of FD* and CF, each particle with the
forces mf> and mn refpe&ively, is as the circle de-
fcrib'd by (FD or) OH, and the annulus defcribed
or as) OH to.
tffxOg'+^xOC' whkh ^ s .
that ('putting OC=r, OD = zd, OS = y, then
=) zar —
and OH— ^
, rj z*r .
C//= (
(jj— , ,)
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A<P <P E N<D I X.
*r»jrj — +ar ) = 2
*-\-r 2 li But «.
is a minimum ; therefore rry—z arr =z,y ; confe-
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viii AT PEK DIX. C C
is a
J •
z* z*
BG . ,MN
XiWw =( X4—atztJ — x 2?£. Therefore
alfo ~ 2 ^jr*, and #
Gg* r= 4 y£ > then 4 yg :
: : G££: NMm; and fince <j£ is parallel to
;Vw> and BG, BR parallel to »v, iVv; alfo »v —gy
— yG; follows that (»v~yG—) Bb: (Nv~)
B Gx Mm
Mm :: BG BR; therefore Bb = —g— : ;
^4 J K
NMm * JlNxBR.
According to
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The Laws of the
N juftice to the editor of
; this tranflation of Sir Ifaac
Newton's Principia, it is pro-
per to acquaint the reader,
^swwt it Was with my confent,
he publiftiedan advertifement, at the end
of a volume of mifcellanies* concerning a
fmall trad: which I intended to add to his
book by way of appendix ; my defign in
which was to deliver fome general ele-
mentary propofitions, ferving, as I
thought, to explain and demonstrate the
truth of the rules in Sir Ifaac Newtoris
Theory of the Moon.
A 2
f 4]
*The occafion of the undertaking was
merely accidental; for he (hewing me
a paper which I communicated to the
author, in the year 17 17, relating to
the motion of the nodes of die Moon's
orbit ; I recollected, that the method
made ufe of in fettling the Equation
for that Was equally appli-
cable to any other motion of revoluti-
on. And therefore I thought that it
would not be Unacceptable to a reader
of tfie Principia, to fee the ufes of the
fa id method explained in the other E-
quations of the Moons ihotion : Efpe-
cially fince the greateft part of the
Theory of the Moon is laid down with-
out any proof; and fince thofe propofi-
tions relating to the Moon's motion,
which are demonftrated in the Principiay
do generally depend upon calculations
very intricate and abftrufe, the truth of
which is not cafily examined, even by
thofe that are moft skilful ; and which
however might be eafily deduced from
other principles.
. But in my progrefe in this defign,
happening to findfeveral general propo-
rtions relating to the Moon's motions,
which ferve to determine many things,
which have hitherto been taken from
the obfervations of Aftronomers: And
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Having reafon to think, that the Theory
of the Moon might by thefe means, be
made more perfect and compleat than
it is at prefent ; I retarded the publica-
tion of the book, 'till I could procure
due by examining obfervati-
ons on places of the Moon. But find-
ing this to be a work requiring a con-
iiderable time, not only in procuring
fuch places as are proper, but alfo in
performing calculations, upon a new me-
thod, not yet accommodated to pra-
dtife by convenient rules, or aflifted by
tables ; I thought it therefore more con-
venient for the Bookfeller, not to ftop the
publication of his impreffion any lon-
ger upon this account. I may in
But that
fome meafure, fatisfy thofe who are well
converfant in Sir Ifaac Newtoris Prin-
cipia, (and I could wifh that none but
fuch would look over thele papers,) that
the faid advertifement was not without
fome foundation ; and that I may remove
any fufpicion that the defign is entirely laid
^lide, I have put together, altho' in no or-
der, as being done upon a fudden refoluti*.
on, fome of the Propofitions, among
many others, that I have by me, which
feem chiefly to be wanting in a The^
ory of the Moon, as it is a fpeculation
A 3 founded
founded on 3 phyfical caufe ; and thofe
are what relate to the ftating of the
mean motions. For altho' it be of litr
tie or no ufe in Aftronomy to know the I
venture [
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venture to depart from it too far, in
cftaWifliiftg equations entirely new ; ftnee
X am upon the beft au-
well allured,
thority, that never found to err
it is
1 0*
ftion is monthly in-
that the Moon.*™
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the joint force of its gravity to the Sua
and Earth, thereby defcribing an orbit,
which inclofes not the Earth but the
Sun, is yet confidered as a compound
motion, made from two motions, one
about the Sun, and the other about
the Earth ; becaufe two fuch motions
are requifite to anfwer the two forces of
its gravity, if feparately confidered : For
the very fame reafon, the Moons mo-
tion ought to be refolved into a third
motion of revolution, fince there re-
mains a third force to be fatisfied, and
that is the force arifing from the alte^
ration of the Moon's gravity to the
Sun. And this when confidered, will
require a motion in a fmall ellipfis, in
the manner here defcribed.
The circle ADFH reprefents the Fig.
orbit of the Moon about the Earth in the
center 7*, as it would be at a mean
diftance, fuppofing the Moon had rfo
gravity to any other body but the
Earth. The diameter ATF divides
which is towards
that part of the orbit
the Earth A^
in the duplicate propor-
tion of the Moon's periodical time about
the Earth to the Sijn's periodical time;
Which proportion, if there be 2 139 re-
volutions of the Moon to the Stars in
1 60 fydercal years, is that of 47 to 8400.
The figure which is defcribed by this
compound motion of the Moon in the El-
liptic epicycle, whilft the center of it is
carried round the Earth, very nearly re-
prefcnts the form of the Lunar orbit; fup-
poling it without eccentricity, and that
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[ »
the plane was coincident with the plane of
the ecliptic, and that the Sun continu'd
in the fame place during the wjiole revo-
lution of the Moon about the Earth.
From the above conftru&ion i at*
pears, that the proportion between tfie
mean diftance of the Moon and its
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a£tion of the Sun, is to the fum of the faid
axes as %L >;
to 4DD SS. But
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t n )
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t *s]
figure, wherein equal areas aredefcribed
•about the center in equal times $ the pro-
perty of which figure is, that theraysfrotn
the center, are always reciprocally in the
fobduplicatc proportion of the hourly
motion or velocity about thfe center.
Thus in the figure defer ibed in my
conftrudion, where TN
is the line af
the nodes, $ A
the line drawn to the
Sun, is fuppofed to revolve *oand the
<*nter ST, with the velocity of die Suns
motion from the node \ and the ray
7*2?, which is taken always in-thefub-
du plicate proportion of that velocity,
will defcribe equal areas in equal times
fo that the fedtor NT'S will be the
mean motion of the Sun ; the fe&ar
NTA the motion of the Sun from
the node and confequeritly thfe area
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And as inevery revolution there is
a certain figure which is proper to fhew
this relation, fuch a figure may be calPd
an Equant for that motion or revolu-
And in every revolution where the
Equant is a figure of the fame property,
the inequalities or equations will alter
according to the fame rule.
Thus, if the Equant be an ellipfis
about the center, as in that for the mo*
tion of the Sun from the node,
Firfiy The mean motion in the whole
revolution, will be a geometrical mean
proportional, between the greateft mo-
tion in the extremity of the leflcr axis,
and the leaft motion in the extremity of
the longer axis For the radius ofthe cir-
Digitized by Google
to the radius, as half the film of the
axes to half their difference.
It is to be noted, that the equant is
an ellipfis about the center, in every
motion, where the excels of the veloci-
ty about the center above the leaft ve-
locity, is always in the duplicate pro-
portion of the fine of the angle of the
true motion, from the place where the
velocity about the center is leaft. From
which remark, upon examination it will
appear, that the following motions are
to be reduced to an Elliptic equant de-
fer bed about the center.
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[ »9 ]
oppofition, and in a quadrature with the
line of the nodes. According to Sir Ifaac
JSTewton's method, (explained at the end
of the thirtieth propofition of the third
book) the force of the Sun to produce
a motion in the node, at this time, is
equal to three times the mean Solar
force j that is, by the conftru&ion of
the elliptic epicycle, equal to a force,
which is- to the force of gravity, as
3 A 6^ to A or three times the letter jFig
iemiaxis of the ellipfis to the di-
ftance of its center from the center
of the Earth. But if the Moon re-
volve inthe elliptic epicycle as before
defcribed, the force to make a motion
in the node at the time mentioned, will
be to the force of gravity, as ifDL to
2)7*, or three times the longer femi-
axis to the diftance of the center;
which is the double of the former force.
But then, according to Sir IJaac's me-
thod, the motion of the node at this
time, is to the Moon's motion, as the
folar force to create a motion in the
node is to the force of gravity. But if
the Moon be conceived as revolving in
a circle, with the velocity of its motion
from the node at this time, when the
node m9ves fwifteft, and the plane of the
laid circle be fuppofed to have a rotation
B 2 upon
upon an axis perpendicular to the plane
of the ecliptic, and the contrary way to
the motion of the Moon, fo as to produce
the motion of the node, and leave the
Moon to move with its own motion
about the Earth ; the force to make a
motion in the node feems to be the
difference of the forces to retain it
with the velocity of its motion in the
moveable and immoveable planes But :
follows, that
The motion of the Moon from the node
at this time, when the node moves
fwifteft, is to the motion of the Moon,
in the fubduplicate proportion of the
fnm of the forces to the force of
gravityy or as the fum of TD and
3DL to TD.
And would be the greateft mo-
tion of the node, upon fuppofition that
the plane of the Moon's orbit was al-
moft co-incident with the plane of the
ecliptic ; but if the inclination be
confidered, the motive force for the
node muft be diminifhed, in the pro-
portion of the fine- complement of the
inclination to the radius. How much
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this motion is, will appear by the fol-
lowing fliort calculation.
The diftance TT> being as before
equal 8400, and ^DL being 281,
the inclination of the plane in this po-
fition is 4 . 59'. 35-"; the fine-comple.
ment of which isto the radius, as 5 2
to 5 2 7 nearly ; therefore the force of gra-
vity is to the motive force for the node
thus diminished, in the compound propor-
tion of 8400 to 282, and of 527 to 525,
that is, in the proportion of 4216 to 141.
So that the greateft motion of the Moon
from the node is to the motion of the
Moon, in the fubduplicate proportion of
4? 57 to 4 XI 6, that is, in the propor-
tion nearly of 61 } to 603. According
to which calculation, the greateft hour-
ly motion of the node ought to be 3 z".
47*\ By Sir Ifaac Newton's method,
it amounts to 33". io*j.
This is the fwifteft retrograde motion
of the node, when the line of the
nodes is in a quadrature with the Sun,
and the Moon is in its greateft latitude
in conjunftion or oppofition to the Sun.
But the equant for the motion of the
Moon from the node in this month,
when the line of the nodes is in qua-
drature with the Sun, is an ellipfis a-
bout the center; and therefore the
B 3 mean
t »
mean motion in this month will be
known by the following rule
The mean motion of the Moon from
the node> in that month when the line
of the nodes in a quadrature with
the Sun, is a geometrical mean fro-
portional, between the greatefl motion of
the Moon from the node and the motion
of the Moon.
And therefore this mean motion, will
be to the motion of the Moon, in the
fubduplicate proportion of 613 to 60 j,
that is, nearly in the proportion of 1221
to 1 2ii. So that the mean motion of
the node in this month, will be to the
motion of the Moon, as 10 to 12 11,
which makes the mean hourly motion
16 19"' ±of According to Sir Ifaac
Newton it amounts to 16". 35"'"; but, by
the corrections which he afterwards
ufes, reduced to i6
it is
16"' f.
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How near this rule agrees with the
obfervations, will appear by this cal-
Since the mean motion of the node
in that month, when the line of nodes
is in quadrature to the Sun, was before
fliewn to be to the Moon's mean motion,
as 10 to 121 1 ; and the motion of the
Sun is to the motion of the Moon, as
160 to 2139 it follows, that the mo-
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* "5 )
other month it is alfo an ellipfis the :
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( »«
the mean of the plane, or,
which is the fame thing, if it reprefent
the mean diftance between the pole of
the ecliptic and the pole of the Moon's
orbit, in that month when the Sun is in
the line of the nodes ; y
the femicon-
jugateaxis of the faid ellipfis, will defign
the mean inclination or mean diftance of
the poles in that month when the line of
nodes is in quadrature to the Sun ; and
TB, any other femidiametcr of the faid
ellipfis, will reprefent the mean diftance
between the faid poles, when the Sun is
in that alped: to the line of the nodes,
which is defigned by the angle A. NT
For example, if the leaft inclination,
defigned by the fhorter femiaxis TH
be 5 0 . oo'. oo" ; fince THis to as TK
the motion of the Sun to the mean mo-
tion of the Sun from the node, by
the property of this equant ; and fince
there are 98 revolutions of the Sun to
the node in 9 j revolutions of the Sun ;
it follows, that H the difference be-
tween the greateft and leaftof the mean
inclinations in thefeveral months of the
year, is to TH the leaft, as j to 95 ;
by which proportion, the faid difference
will amount to 16'. 10". According to
Sir Ifaac Newton's computation in the
55-th prop, of the third book, it is
( »7 )
16'. 23"|. But if the faid number be
leffen'd in the proportion of 69 to 70,
according to the author's note at the
end of the 34th prop, the faid diffe-
rence will become 16'. 9".
And in like manner, the inclinations
of the plane of the Moon's orbit, in
that month when the motion of the
node is fwifteft, (being fituated in the
line of quadratures with the Sun,)
are determined by the equant for the
motion of the Moon from the node, in
that month.
Thus, let THbc to TN'm the fub- Fig.i.
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C )
the proportion of 70 to 69, according
to his note at the end of the faid propo-
rtion^, it will become the fame precifely
as it is here dcriv'd from the equant.
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gree very nearly with Sir Ifaac New-
totfs computation, in the before-cited
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(3> )
to be no more than i°. 37'. 22', in
the revolution of the Moon from apo-
gee to apogee, which ( according to
the obfervations) ought to be 3 0 4'. .
So that it feems there is more force
necelTary to account fof the motion of
the Moon's apogee, than what arifes
from the variation of the Moon's gravi-
ty to the Sun, in its revolution about
the Earth.
But if the caufe of this motion be
fuppofed to arife from the variation of
the Moon's gravity to the Earth, as it
revolves round in the elliptic epicycle,
this difference of force, which is near
double the former, will be found to be
fufficient to account for the motion ; but
not with that exa&nefs as ought to be
expefted. Neither is there any method
that I have ever yet met with upon the
commonly received principles, which is
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[ M ]
portion, the mean motion ofthe apo- •
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[ 35 ]
exceeding fmall. There is another mle
derived from a different method, which
prefuppofes the knowledge of the quan-
tity of the mean eccentricity ; and
which will not only determine the vari-
ationof the eccentricity according to the
laws of gravity, with greater exa&nefs,
but ferve alfo to correct an hypothefis
in the modern theories of the Moon, in
which their greateft error leems to con-
lift; and that is, in placing the earth in
the focus of that ellipfis, which is defcri-
bed on the extreme diameters of the lunar
orbit j whereas it ought to be in a certain
point nearer the perigee, as I may have
occafion to explain more fully hereafter.
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For example, fince the difference is
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[ i7 ]
the great eft eccentricity TN to the leaft
TH, that is y as 1 6 5 to 1 07.
From what has been laid down con-
cerning the general property of an e-
quant, that it is a curve line defcribed
about the center, whofe rays are reci-
procally in the fubduplicate proportion
of the velocity at the center, or the ve-
locity of revolution, it will not be dif-
ficult to delcribe the proper curve for
any motion that is propofed ; and where
the inequality of the motion throughout
the revolution is but finall, there is no
need of any nice or fcrupulous exa&nels
in the quadrature of the curve for fliew-
ing what the equation is. Thus all the
finall annual equations of the Moon's
motion arifing from the different diftan-
ccs of the Sun, at different times of the
year, may be reduced to one rule exad
enough for the purpofe.
For fince the Sun's force to create
thefe annual alterations, is reciprocally
in the triplicate proportion of the di-
ftance ;the rays of the equant for fuch
a motion, will be in the fclquiplicate pro-
portion of the diftance. From whence it
will not be difficult to prove, that if the
revolution of the motion to be equated,
were performed in the time of the Sun's
revolution, the equation would be to the
C 3 equation
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[ J» ]
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Sun's period to the mean lynodical pe-
iiod of the Moon to the Sun, or of 99
to 8, will be the annual equation of the
Moons mean motion. According to this,
the equation, when greateft, will be
12'. 5".
What is faid may be fufficient for
the prelent purpofe, which is only to
lay down the principal laws and rules
of the feveral motions of the Moon,
according to gravity. Some other
propofitions, which feem no lcls necef.
lary than the former, for compleating
the theory of the Moon's motion, as to
itsaftronomical life, i refer ve to another
But to make fome amends for the
fhortneis and confuiednefs of the pre-
ceeding propofitions, I fhall add one
example to fhew the ufe of the equant
more at large, in what is commonly cal-
led the folution of the Ktplerian pro-
blem ; that being one of the things
which I propofed to explain, when the
elements for the theory of the Moon
were advertifed.
[ 40 ]
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[ 4> ]
catc proportion of thofc lines, that is, by
the conftrudion, in the proportion of the
perpendiculars on the tangents let fall
from S and the areas which the
body defcribes, in moving through the
arch A R about the points S and jF, are
in the proportion of the fame per-
pendiculars. And therefore the area
deicribed by the revolution of the line
Fp in the figure, will be equal to that
which is defcribed by the revolution of
the line R
S in the orbit. So that the
areas defcribed in the figure will be
equal in equal times, as they are in the
orbit. And confequently the rays Fp
of the figure will conftantly be in the
lubduplicate proportion of the velocity
of the motion, as it appears at the center
Fy which is the property of the equant.
From which conftrudion, it will be
eafy to lhew, that in the cafe where a bo-
dy defcribes equal areas in equal times
about a fixed point, there may be a place
found out within the orbit, about which
the body will appear to revolve with a
motion more uniform than about any
other place.
Thus fuppofe the orbit A^Dl? was
a figure, wherein the remoteft and nea-
reft apfis A and <P were diametrically op-
pofite, in a line palling through the point
5*,viz* the point about which the equal
areas are delcribed ; then if the point F
be taken at the fame diftance from the
remoteft apfis A, as the point S is from
the neareft apfis c?, the faid center F
will be the place, about which the body
will appear to have the moft uniform
motion. For in this cafe the point F
will be in the middle of the figure LpD/ y
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[ 4J ]
in equal times about one of the foci,
as the cafe of a planet about the Sun,
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[ 4J ]
in the duplicate proportion, as the rays
2. In any place of the orbit, luppofe
R, the velocity of the revolution about
the focus F, is in proportion to the mean
velocity, as the re&anglc of the femi-axes
of the orbit C*D and CJ, to the rectan-
gle of the focal diftances R F and R S.
For the equant and the orbit, being fi-
gures of the lame area, arc each equal
to a circle, whofe radius is a mean pro-
portional between the two femi-axes CD
and C
J. But the mean motion about
the focus y is in thofe places, where the
laid circle cuts the equant ; and in other
places, the velocity of the revolution is
reciprocally as the Iquare of the di-
ftance, that is, reciprocally as the rc&an-
gle of the focal diftances R F
and S. R
3. So that the planet is in its mean
velocity of revolution about the focus
F, in four places of the orbit, that is,,
where the re&angle of the focal difc
tances is equal to the redangle of the
femi-axes ; which places in orbits nearly
circular, fuch as thofe of the planets, arc
about 45 degrees from the aphelion or
. perihelion ; but may be afligned in general,
if need be, by taking a point in the orbit,
fuppofe R y
whofe neareft diftance from
the leffer axis of the orbit CD is to the
longer femi-axis CJ y
in the fubduplicate
proportion of the longer axis to the Turn of
the two axes ; as may be eafily proved.
has been laid, may be enough
to fhew the form of the equant, and
the manner of the motion about the
upper focus in general. But the pre-
cile determination of the inequality of
the motion, requires the knowledge of
the quadrature of the leveral fedors
of the equant, or at leaft y if any o-
ther method be taken, of that which
is equivalent to liich a quadrature.
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[ 47 ]
FN and FL contrarily pofited, that is$
B y
where the perpendicular FN
feds the orbit, and the other through
the focus f. Let the line FR, revol-
ving with the planet in the orbit, be in-
definitely produced, till it interled the
firft ellipfis LNl (which was fimilar
to the orbit) in the equant in />, and
the ellipfis LB
I (drawn through the
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[ 45> ]
cllipfis L NL For
a circle equal to
the ellipfis be defcribed upon the cen-
ter F y fince the radius (being a mean
proportional between the two femi-axes)
will fall without the ellipfis about the
line of apfides, and within it about the
middle diftances, the angle QFLy
which proportional to the area de-
fcribed in the circle, will therefore in-
creale fafter about the line of apfides,
and flower about the middle diftances,
in defcribing equal areas in the ellipfis,
than it ought to do in the hypothefis of
Bifhop Wardy who makes the planet re-
volve uniformly about the focus. The
equation to rectify this inequality is de-
termined by the following rule.
The tangent of the angle gjF L, is
to the tangent of the angle in the circle
including the fame area, as the longer
axis of the ellipfis to the fhorter axis
and the difference of the angles, whole
tangents are in this proportion, is the e-
quation ; as is manifeft from what was be-
fore faid on the properties of an ellip-
tic equant. From the fame it alfo fol-
lows, that
I . The greateft equation is an angle 7
whofe fine is to the radius as the difference
of the axes to their fum, or, which is the
fame thing, as the fquare of the diftance
D of
[ 50 ]
of the foci, to the fquare of half the fiim
of the axes. So that in ellipfis nearly
circular, of different eccentricities, this
grcatcft equation will vary nearly in
the duplicate proportion of the eccentri-
2. In ellipfis nearly circular, the
equation at any given angle {^jF L> is
to the greatcft equation, nearly as the
fine of the double of the given angle to the
radius ; which follows from hence, that the
equation is the difference of two angles,
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[ 5« ]
ih the the ordinates in the
ellipfis to
circle circumlcribed ; which in effeit is
the fame, as if he had made the true
equant for its motion about the focus F,
to be the ellipfis as above delcribed.
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[ 53 ]
nearly as three times the tranfverle axis,
to eight times the diftance of the foci.
Or, otherwile, the greateft equation is
III. Thi
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[ 55 ]
[ 5< ]
ratio. But this triangle OFK y
when at
a maximum, makes an angle of mean
motion, which is to the angle called R,
as BN, half the difference between the
latus re&um and tranfverfe axis, is to
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2. This equation , in different angles,
is as the content under the fine comple-
ment and the cube of the fine. For the
triangle OKF, is as the re&angle of the
fine and the fine complement.
3. It is at a maximum, at an angle
whole fine complement is to the radius,
as the fquare of the greater axis is to the
fum of the fquares of the two axes
which in orbits nearly circular, is about
60 degrees of mean anomaly.
4. In orbits of different eccentricities,
it increafes in the quadruplicate propor-
tion of the eccentricity.
5. It obfcrves the contrary figns to
that for the elliptic cquant, called Bul-
lialdus's equation ; iubdu&ing from the
mean motion in the firft and third qua-
drants, and adding in the fecond and
fourth, if the motion is reckoned from
the aphelion.
The ule of thefe equations, in find-
ing the place of a planet from the upper
focus, will appear from the following
rules, which are eafily proved from
what has been faid.
Let t be equal to CA the lemi-
tranfverfe, c equal to FC the diftance of
the center from the focus, b equal to
CD the femi-conjugate, and an R
angle fubtended by an arch equal to
[ JS ]
thp radius, viz. 57°. 17'- 44". 4*'", or
57, 2957795 degrees. Take an angle
ztt %t lb
angle 7" be will the greateft e-
quation for the triangle ; the an- OFK
gle S will be the greateft equation for
the fegment LMG ; and the angle E
will be the greateft equation for the area
OKFL. Which greateft equatiqns be-
ing found, the equations at any angle
of mean anomaly, will be determined by
the following rules.
Let M be the mean anomaly
and let r be to 7* as the fine of the
angle z M to the radius : In which pro-
portion, as alfo in the following,
there is need of any great ex-
a&neft, it being lufficient to take the
proportions in round numbers.
Take e to as the fine of 2 M+ir to
the radius ; and s to S as the cube of the
fine of M±t
to the cube of the radius.
Then the angle gFL is equal to
JM+e+s, in the firft quadrant LN y
M^e+Sy in the fecond quadrant 2V7,
or M+e— s in the third quadrant, or
M— — s in the fourth quadrant.
Note, That the fmall equation r is al-
ways of the fame fign with the equation e y
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[ J?]
and in the cafe of the planets, always
near the double of that equation.
The angle RFA
at the upper focus
F being known, the angle at the RSA
Sun in the other focus, is found by the
common rule of Bifhop Ward \ viz. the
tangent of half the angle RSA, is to be to
the tangent of half the angle y al- RFA
ways in the given proportion of the pe-
rihelion diftance ST to the aphelion di-
ftance SA. How thefe equations are in
the ieveral eccentricities of the Moon's
orbit, will appear by the following
* *
» •
t n
0.040 1.2 J 09
0.045 I.45 13
0.050 2. Op *7
0.055 2.36 23
0.060 3.06 3°
0.065 3.58 38
0.070 4.14 47
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[ «' ]
angle of the diftances from the foci.
But in orbits like thole of the planets,
the rules as they are delivered above
are fufficient of themfelves without fur-
ther corre&ion.
UPON reviewing thele few Iheets
they were printed off,
which happened a little fooner
than I expe&ed, I fear the apology I
have offered for delivering the proposi-
tions relating to the Moons motion, in
this rude manner, without giving any
• proof of them, or lb much as mention-
ing the fundamental principles of their
demonftration, will lcarcely pals as a la-
tisfaftory one ; elpecially fince there are
among thele propofitions, lome which, I
am apt to think, cannot eafily be proved
to be either true or falfe, by any methods
which are now in common ufe.
Wherefore to render fome fatisfa&i-
on in this article, I Ihall add a few words
concerning the principles from whence
thele propofitions, and others of the like
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[ «*I
nature are derived : and alfo take the op*
portunity to fubjoin a few remarks,
which ought to have been made in their
proper places.
Firft, There is a law of motion:,
which holds in the cafe where a body is
defle&cd by two forces, tending conftant-
Iy to two fixed points.
Which is, That the body, in fuch a
cafe, will defcribe, by lines drawn from
the tvjo fixt points, equal folids in equal
times, about the line joining the [aid
fxt points.
The law of Kepler, that bodies de-
fcribe equal areas in equal times, about
the center of their revolution, is the on-
ly general principle, in the modern do-
ftrine of centripetal forces.
But fince this law, as Sir lfadc New-
ton has proved, cannot hold, whenever •
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as moving in a plane paffing through
one of the fixt centers, the inclinati-
on of the laid plane, to the line join-
ing the centers, will vary according to
the area defcribed j that is, if the area
be greater, the inclination will be left
and if the area be left, the inclination
will be greater, in order to make the
lolids equal.
This corollary, when rightly applied,
will Jferve to explain the variation of the
inclination of the plane of the Moon's
orbit to the plane of the ecliptic.
And how extremely difficult it is to
compute the variation of the inclination
in any particular cafe, without the know-
ledge of fome fuch principle as this is, will
beft appear, if any one confider the in-
tricacy of the calculations, ufcd in the
corollaries to the 34 prop, of the third
book of the tPrincipia, in order to ftate
the greateft quantity of variation, in that
month, when the line of the nodes is in
quadrature with the Sun, and that only
in particular Numbers, whereby it is de-
termined to be 2 '.4 3".
Whereas, there is a plain and general
rule in this cafe, which follows from
what is laid down, though not immedi-
ately ; namely, that the greateft variation
in the faid pofition of the Moon's orbit, is
to the mean inclination of the plane as
the difference of the greateft and leaft
areas deicribed in the lame time by the
Moon about the earth, when in the con-
junction and in the quarters to the mean
Wherefore, if S be to Z,,as the Sun's
period to the Moon's period : The gre at-
eft area is to the leaft, as FSSTJTL to
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ft g
C 6$ 3
m •
t 66 ]
the circulatory motion. But the latter
is always under one rule : For in all re-
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fimiiar to the orbit, whofe longer axis it
the double of the eccentricity ; the center
of the libratory motion, that is the place
where it is fwifteft, will be in the focus
the time of the libration, through the
ieveral foaces, is to be meafured by
fedtors ot the faid ellipfis, fimiiar to thofe
defcribedby the body round the focus
of the and the period of the li-
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5 [68 ]
fug^l, it will contribute to
the fpace and time of the libration ; by
lengthening the ipace, it increafes the
eccentricity ; and by lengthening the time
of the libratipn, it prptra&s the time of
the revolution to the apfis, and capfts
what is improperly called a motion of
the apfis forward. But when the line
of apfides is moving to the quadratures,
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I 99 ]
If fliould have been faid, that when Fi 2-
the Mcx>n is in any place of its orbit,
fuppofe fomewhere at N, in that half
of the orbit which is next the Sun, it
then being nearer the Sun than the Earth,
has thereby a greater gravity to the Sun.
than the Earth which excefs of gravity*
according to Sir Ifaac Newton $ method,
confifts of two parts ; one adting in the
line NF, parallel to that which joins
the Earth and Sun ; and the other adting
in the line VB diredted to the Earth
and thefe two forces, being compounded
into one, make
a force directed in the
line NB
; which is in proportion to the
In the laft article on the fmaH annual
equations, (page 38.) thefe rules ought
to have been added.
Let M be
the equation of the Sun's
center; Pmean periodical time of
the node or apogee ; S the mean fynodi-
cal time of tne Sun's revolution tp the
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C 7* 3
It may be throughout obferved, that
t:l*e propositions are in general terms,
fo as to ferve, mutatis mutandisy for any
other fatellite, as well as the Moon.
£ R R ATV At.
ft** i
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or A*~~ h I 29. r.
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352. J.
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