EPPA6214 Cost Concept
EPPA6214 Cost Concept
EPPA6214 Cost Concept
pan a h e h l e ot ent ol gonis nmilacturea
r p a e an inme statement.
cquivalent of T0,(000 units ar
ethat the cmany pmiuccd the prod
ii Yphted What was the ancage
cOst er ul
or direetmaterials 1CI d What wmg the ye
Y unt fw h d mamufacturing overhcad?
was the ave
15,O000 n i l s of product du
Asme that the conpan espects to pioduce during the co
wOud yoU expe
h a l average cost er unit and
what total cost xpect the con
fineet materals at this level of activity" FOr nxeu nlanacturing overhcad y Ioye
matenals is a vanable cost.
Assume that dire
costsS. expian to the president.
A the manager responsible for production any ditierence in
eTage costs per unit between (3) and (4)
Prepare an answer sheet with the column headings shown below. Enter each cost item on vou
sheet. placing the under the appropriate headings. As examples, this
been done already for the first two items in the list above. Note that each s t item is
in two ways: first. as variable or fixed with respect to the number
produced and of unts sold
as a selling and administrative
cost or a product cost. (If the it m is a product
if should also be classified as either direct or indirect as shown.)
Selling or
Cost Behavior Product Cost
Cost itern Variable Fixed Cost Direct Indirect
are necessary.
or remain unchanged? Explain. No colp
Reler to the
original data. The
president's brother-in-law has considered makine
patio set and has priced the necessary materials Hw
at a building
has asked the president if he
could supply store. I ne
any "at co
and the president agreed to let him purchase a patio set from the Dorilane Compa
do so.
1. Prepare an answer sheet with the following column headings:
Name Product Cost (Selling and
of the Variable Fixed Direct Direct Manufacturing Administrative) Opportunity Sunk
Cost Cost Cost Materials Labor Overhead Cost Cost Cost
List the different costs associaled with the new company down the extreme left column (under
Name of the Cost). Then pace an X under each heading that helps to describe the type of cost
involved. There may be s under several column headings for a single cost. (That is, a cost
may be a fixed cost. a puriond cost, and a sunk cost; you would place an X under each ofthese
column headings opoe the cOst.)
Under the Variable ost coiumn, iist only those costs that would be variable withrespeet
to the number of units of' otiery thai are produced and sold.
2. All of the costs you have listed above, except one, would be dilfierential costs between the
alternatives of Staci procucing poilery or staying with the aerospace company. Which cost is
not differential? Explain.
PROBLEM 2-21 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured; Income State ent; Cost Behavior [LO1,
LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5]
Selected account balances for theyear ended December 31 are provided below for Superior Company:
for each cost incumed at Northwest Hospital, indicale whether it would most 1
Wine Sales
MR24 each month, it would realize a
f Hoboken Industries continues to 30,000 units of part
if the supplier's unit price is
MR24 from an outside supplier only
net benefit by purchasing part
less than what amount?
2. Tf Hoboken Industries is able to obtain part MR24 from an outside supplier at a unit purchase price
of $12.875, what is the monthly usage at which it will be indifferent between purchasing and mak
(CMA, adapted)
CompTech, Inc. manufactures printers for use with home computing systems. The firm currently manu-
Case2-59 factures both the electronic components for its printers and the plastic cascs in which the devices are
Economic Characteristics of
enclosed. Jim Cassanitti, the production manager, recently received a propesal from Universal Plas-
Costs; Cl0Sing a Department,
tics Corporation to manufacture the cases for CompTech's printers. If the casest are purchased outside
CompTech will be able to close down its Printer Case Department. To help decide whether to accept the
(LO 2-1, 2-9, 2-10)
bid from Universal Plastics Corporation, Cassanitti asked CompTech's contr:or to prepare an analysis
of the costs that would be saved ifthe Printer Case Department were closed. Ewluded in the controller's
ist of annual cost savings were the following items:
In a lunchime conversalion with the controller, Cassanitti learned that CompTech was currently
renting space in a warehouse for $359,000. The space is used to store completed printers. If the Printer
Case Department were discontinued, the ent1re storage operation could be moved into the factory build
ing and occupy the space vacated by the closed department. Cassaniti also learned that the supervisor
of the Printer Case Department would be retained by CompTech even if the department were closea.
The supervisor would be assigned the job of managing the assembly department, whose supervisor
recently gave notice of his reirement. All oI Complech's department supervisors earn the same salary
1. You have been hired as a consultant by assanitti to advise him in his decision. Write a memo to
Cassanitti commenting on the costs of space and supervisory salaries included in the controller' s
cost analysis. Explain in your memo about the real" costs of the space occupied by the Printer
Case Department and the supervISOr s salary. What types of costs are these?
2. Independent of your response t0 reguirement (), suppose that
hed by his friend Jack Westtord, the assistant CompTech's controller had been
supervisor of the Printer Case Departmen
Chapter 2 Basic Cost Management Concepts 77
ard is worried that he will be laid off if the Printer Case Department is closed down. He has
his friend to understate the cost savings from closing the department, in order to slant the
tion manager's decision toward kceping the department in operation. Comment on the con-
producton manager
Copier Model
1024S 1024M 1024G
Annuai capaciy (copies)..
******************************************************************"****** * 100,000 350,000 800.000
Annual machine rental..
********************"*** **************** 8,000 $ 11,000 $ 20,000
Direct material and direct labor.
*********************""*********** ***** 02 02 02
Variable overnead costs..
********************************************************************* 12 07 03
a. Calculate the volume level in copies where FastQ Company would be indifferent to acquiring either
the small-volume model laser copier, 1024S, or the medium-volume model laser copier, 1024M.
b. The management of FastQ Company is able to estimate the number of copies to be sold at
each establishment. Present a decision rule that would enable FastQ Company to select the
most profitable machine without
having to make a separate cost calculation for each estab-
lishment. (Hint: To specify a decision rule, determine the volume at which FastQ would be
indifferent between the small and medium copiers. Then determine the volume at
which FastQ
would be indifferent between the medium and
large copiers.)
Alderon Enterprises is evaluating special order it has received for a
CMA, adapted)