An Analysis of Prepositional Phrase Used in Thesis at Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang
An Analysis of Prepositional Phrase Used in Thesis at Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang
An Analysis of Prepositional Phrase Used in Thesis at Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Padang
The principal purpose of this article was to present the types of prepositional phrase structure are mostly
found on students’ Thesis in Graduate Program at Universitas Negeri Padang. The method used in this
research was descriptive. The source of the data for this research was the review of related literature of thesis
written by English Education students. The researcher used sampling technique, the researcher was taken 10
Thesis as a sample in this research. The data were collected through coding sheet. The findings indicate that
(1) the writers have used prepositional phrase in Thesis writing, (2) the writers have used several structure of
prepositional phrases, however in the thesis writing, they still tend to use one of the prepositional phrase’
structure, meanwhile there are other types of prepositional phrase structure.
preposition which is complemented by noun phrase. noun that were found in the review of related literature chapter
phrases are syntactic structures with a head noun (HN) or of students’ thesis and classified them into types of
its complements as its focus. Downing and Locke prepositional phrases’ structure. At last, the researcher
(2006:536) classified the prepositional complements displayed the data and drawn the conclusion on the most
include Noun Phrases (NP), Noun Phrase (Wh-Clauses), dominant and secondary structures of prepositional phrase
Noun phrase (Ing-Clauses). Furthermore, prepositional found in the review of related literature chapter on
phrases mostly consist of a preposition followed by a noun students’ thesis based on the documents.
phrase, known as prepositional complement. The
preposition can be thought of as a link relating the noun 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
phrase to preceding structures. As the prepositional Based on the data analysis, it was found that all
complement, noun phrase is a head complement relation. It of the 10 documents state this first indicator. According to
is supported by Burton (2011: 146) states that noun phrase Downing and Locke’s theory all of them used
is a head – complement relation which is linked by a prepositional phrase as one of important aspect in
preposition. connecting their ideas into statements at the concluding
Based on the explanation above, it can be paragraph in the review of related literature chapter. The
concluded that prepositional phrases are cohesive word structures of prepositional phrase that were found in the
groups forming syntactic units, consisting of a preposition documents included structure of the prepositional phrase.
plus a noun phrase as complemented of the preposition. The first one is sub indicator 1.a structure of preposition in
Although of a prepositional phrases are more significant which the writer used simple preposition and complex
than the preposition that introduces it, which generally has preposition. The second one is 1.b the structure of its noun
little meaning. A preposition cannot normally occur phrase in which the structure of noun phrase that has been
without a nominal unit, and a nominal unit is not part of a followed by a preposition which is called as prepositional
prepositional phrase if there is no preposition. Both of phrase. in this case, the structure of its noun phrase
them are equally necessary to form the phrase; both have include into three forms such as preposition +noun,
equal grammatical status. Moreover, prepositional phrase preposition +wh-clause, and preposition + ing clause.
is a group of words which consists of two or more words The data show that all of the writer used
but does not have a subject or predicate and functions to prepositional phrase in concluding their ideas. The first
take a complete add the meaning or information of the structure of prepositional phrase found in the data is the
sentences. The words in a prepositional phrase act together structure of preposition (S.1.a). It found that all the
so that the phrase itself functions as a single part of writers used sub indicator 1. a structure of preposition in
speech. making sentences for all of the concluding paragraphs at
the review of related literature chapter.
2. METHOD For instance, a statement of “Based on the
The type of this research was a qualitative experts’ definition above......” was found in the beginning
research since it was going to seek deep discussion about of introduction in concluding paragraph Document 1
the prepositional phrase used in the review of related (D1). The phrase above obviously shows the prepositional
literature of students’ Thesis. The research was conducted phrase in expressing the writers’ idea. The prepositional
at Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang Sumatera Barat. The phrase included simple preposition on and above. There
source of the data for this research was the review of were some prepositions that were identified on and above
related literature of thesis written by English Education in which both of them belongs to simple preposition. The
students. The instruments that used in this research were structure of preposition S1.a(a) was also found in the
coding sheet and coding sheet notes. The coding sheet beginning of the introduction section of concluding
made in terms of code followed by the information about paragraph in Document 2 (D2) stating “ from the table
the content and function words as well as the structure of above....” like the first example, the statement of the topic
prepositional phrase based on the theory suggested by in Document 25 is begun by a prepositional phrase in
Downing and Locke (2006:536). Then, it was analyzed by which the structure was simple preposition initially. From
using the technique suggested by Gay and Airasian the prepositional phrase above from belongs to simple
(2000:240). preposition
The data analysis in this research was begun by The two samples above indicate the importance
analyzing the data from the documents; coding sheet and of prepositional phrase in expressing the writers’ idea and
coding sheet notes. In analyzing the data from document also to connect each phrase into a sentence in concluding
the researcher begun by observing the students’ review of paragraph. On the other hand, the following are the
related literature chapter. After that, the researcher coded examples of phenonena prepositional phrase that include
those structures of prepositional phrase that used by simple preposition:
writers. The researchers observed the structure of
prepositional phrase used in the review of related literature “......of reading comprehension” (Document 3)
chapter. After observing the differentiation, the researcher “ the process of teaching speaking.....” (document 4)
marked the types of prepositionla phrase structures into “...about the authentic assessment....” (Document 5)
coding sheet notes. In the next process, the researcher “....with affective component...” (Document 6)
typed all the types of structures of prepositional phrase “....on the explanation...” (Document 8)
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 463
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 463
and then it is followed by a noun phrase (noun) students’ concluding paragraph . This type of prepositional phrase
knowledge. The last one is in a real world, it is classified with this structure can be seen on all of the documents
in as preposition and a real world as noun phrase. Document 1, Document 2 Document 3, Document 4,
similarly, wiith document 3. It is found that there are two Document 5, Document 6, Document, Document 8,
prepositional phrases. In this research is a prepositional Document 9, Document 10. the representative example is
phrase that has structured by preposition in and the it is taken from Document 7, Document 8, as follow (see
followed by a noun phrase this research. Of the students Appendix ...):
belongs to prepositional phrase in which of as the
preposition and then the students as the noun phrase. “ doing the process... (S. 1.b (c), paragraph 1
Moreover, there is a strong tendency for the Document 8)
writers to use this prepositional structure “.. of reading comprehension test.... (S. 1.b (c), paragraph
(Preposition+noun phrase) in the concluding paragraph. It 2 Document 8)
found that all of the documents stated this structure. All of “...of teaching reading...” (S. 1.b(c), paragraph 3
them use the prepositional phrase structure S.1b(a) as the Document 8)
current needs in creating sentences in expressing their “ using anticipation...” S. 1.b(c), paragraph 6
ideas in the review of related literature chapter. The Document 8)
repetition is found mostly in all of the concluding “... about reading comprehension... (S. 1.b(c), paragraph
paragraphs. As displayed in the Appendix ..., it can be 11 Document 8)
seen that almost all of the documents contain more than “ expressing... (S. 1.b(c), paragraph 1 Document 9)
one Step 1.a. The enormous repetition of Step 1.b (a) can
be found in Document 10. The demand of using it... (S. 1.b(c), paragraph 3
Then, the writer continues to describe the Document 9)
preliminary study result (structure of prepositional phrase
in which structure of its noun phrase which belong to “...of improving learning...” (S. 1.b(c), paragraph 9
S.1.b. Meanwhile, the prepositional structure which Document 9)
contain the noun phrase structured (Preposition+ wh- “...on analyzing the validity... (S. 1.b(c), paragraph 11
clause) S.1b (b). Typically, it can be found only in these Document 9)
two documents 8 and document 9. It is stated in
concluding paragraph no 3 and paragraph 5. It can be seen Both of the samples are the structure of its noun
in Document 3. Besides, for prepositional phrase with this phrase in a prepositional phrase above shows that the
structure can be found in the paragraph 1, 6, and 7 in the writers use S.1. b(c) (Preposition+ Ing-clause) recurrently.
document 9 (see appendix ...). It is written either in series of concluding paragraph in
Document 8 or Document 9. The repetition of Step 1.a can
“...indeed in all subject that needing to find out the be found in most of concluding paragraph in the review of
students’ comprehending about what they learn.... related literature chapter in these documents. The sample
(concluding paragraph 3) document 8 above shows that the writer has established the structure of
“...students comprehend about what they teach...” its noun phrase (Ing- clause) in a prepositional phrase
(concluding paragraph paragraph 2) document 8 S.1.b (c) in in the concluding paragraph in te review of
“...a way of how humans interact....” (concluding related literature chapter. Nevertheless, the writer restates
paragraph 1) document 9 S.1.b after the gap has been described. In other words, for
“...of question about how the assessment task...” the first indicator structure that prepositional phrase
paragraph 6) document 9 mostly used in the review of related literature chapter has
“...about how performance on the assessment accurately...” beed indicated.
paragraph 7) document 9 To conclude, establishing the structure of
prepositional phrase (S.1) has already been stated in all of
The samples above shows that the writer states the documents analyzed. It was found that from all 10
the prepositional phrase with the structure of its noun documents found of structure of prepositional phrase in
phrase (Preosition +Wh-clause). For example, about what their review of related literature on their Thesis. This
they learn (concluding paragraph 3) in document 8. It can indicator is established two steps; they are Step 1.a
be identified about is the preposition and then it is folloed (structure of preposition) and Step 1.b (structure of its
by a noun phrase with the structure (Wh-clause) what they noun phrase). The data show that almost all of the writers
learn. Next, about what they teach is a prepositional state Step 1.a and Step 1.b, however, only one of them
phrase contains about as preposition and then what they who does not find complex preposition in the document.
teach is identified as noun phrase (Wh-clause). Thus, it can be said that almost all of the documents’ is
Furthermore, the third structure of its noun written by providing the writers’ statement by stating
phrase of a prepositional phrase is (preposition + Ing- prepositional phrase structure. The data shown that the
clause) S.1 b (c). Prepositional phrase contain with a writer tend to use simple preposition S.1a (a) , largely
preposition and the its noun phrase structure in which the more than complex preposition S.1a( b) . Besides, for the
noun phrase form(ing clause). For example, the writer noun phrase structure in prepositional phrase, it found that
states S. 1.b (c) ( preposition +Ing-clause) firstly in first all of the structure of its noun phrase is found in all of the
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 463
document although there are some of documents that do language. As the consequences, the writers write some
not find the structure of its noun phrase S. 1.b (b) extra paragraphs to narrow down the ideas before they
preposition+ Wh clause. this structure is stated in two indicate the research problem.
documents only;they are document 8 and document 9 . Among the structures at the concluding paragraph of
Furthermore, it was found that indicator for structure of review of related literature chapter, it found that
prepositional phrase that has structured of its noun phrase prepositional phrase has stated as the part of writers’
S. 1.b (c) Preposition+ ing caluse. It is stated recurrently opinion in stating their own opinions. It found that 765
in almost all of the documents. It is repeated either in words are simple prepositions, thus representing almost
series of concluding paragraph for more than 5 96,3 percent of all the words in the corpus. Then, 29 words
prepositional phrase in a paragraph. as complex preposition thus representing 3,65 percent.
Furthermore, All the writers apply both of types This result supports the claim held by Mindt and Weber
structure of prepositional phrase in which, structure of (1989) that every eighth word in English is a preposition,
preposition and the structure of its noun phrase. and therefore, they can be thought of as important
Furthermore, prepositional phrase contains by preposition categories as far as the English language is concerned.
and its followed by noun phrase, so that the structure of While, the other of structures of prepositional phrase is the
prepositional phrase is divided into structure of preposition structure if its noun phrase. It found 630 words as
and structure of its noun phrase. Thus, structure of prepositional phrase that has noun structure
preposition include simple preposition ( S.1a (a)) and (Preposition+noun phrase) thus representing 3,65 percent.
complex preposition (s.1.b (b)).Referring to the data Then, it followed by the second structure that is
analysis, it found that all of the writers used both of these prepositional phrase (preposition+ Wh clause) 12 words in
structure on their concluding paragraph in the review of which presenting 1,39 percent. The last structure of the
related literature chapter. The writers used prepositional noun phrase structure in prepositional phrase is
phrase in expressing their opinion or when they restate the (preposition + ing clause) 218 words that represents 25,3
previous studies or theory and then replace with their own percent.
statement in which they used prepositional phrase as the This result can be seen as a “global probability”, that
part of their sentences in the concluding paragraph. is “pertaining to the language as a whole, in all contexts
Based on data analysis, most of step 1.a (a out of and registers” Halliday and Webster (2009:252) which
the 16 documents) is written too general or too broad area means that they can be revealing of general characteristics
( see appendix..). As indicated in some samples in the data of the English Language. However, these prepositions do
description above, most of writers tend to begin writing not seem to be equally distributed in all of the documents,
the introduction by claiming the importance of language in as shown in the following table
society or the need to learn English as international
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 463
this case can be seen as the most structured of chapter. Syntactically speaking, the moments of choice
prepositional phrase to express meaning and the opinion linked to the use of prepositions are related to the type
of the writer at concluding paragraph, while for the of the preposition, the structure and the function of the
noun phrase structures is the first sub indicator that is whole phrase. The following section starts with simple
prepositional phrase that included preposition+noun and complex prepositions.
phrase (noun). Furthermore, table 4.2 shows that 96 percent of the
Besides, the structure of prepositional phrase, prepositional phrase structure in the Thesis are simple
presented in table 4.2, do not have equal frequencies, as prepositions (765 cases), while only 3,65 percent are
certain structures of prepositional phrase for each complex (29 cases). This result can be compared to the
documents, prepositional phrase structure like simple each documents of structure of prepositional phrase in
preposition and complex preposition, in which simple each document (figure 4.1) where the structure of
preposition is more frequent than others. In fact, prepositional phrase ‘simple preposition is classified
according to the documents, prepositional phrases’ among the most frequent prepositions in the Thesis.
structures vary in terms of their relative frequencies in This shows a tendency of the writers to use simple
the documents, as summarised in the following figure. preposition towards using prepositional phrase in
stating their own ideas or statement at concluding
paragraph in review of related literature chapter.
According to Downing and Locke (2006:536),
120 simple preposition is divided into two groups. 1) Simple
100 preposition preposition. Preposition consists of a single
80 prepositional particle. Here are the word lists as single
complex prepositional particles.2) Complex preposition.
preposition Preposition which is combined of two or three
20 preposition+no prepositional particle. Based on the findings, all of the
0 un phrase structures of this theory has stated in all of the
documents. It means that all of the all the writers used
document 1
document 3
document 5
document 7
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 463
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who have given valuable ideas, guidance, correction, Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied
suggestion, beneficial opinion and encouragement in Linguistics. Rout ledge: Pearson Longman.
the process of accomplishing this thesis. It is a pleasure
to pay tribute also to my contributors, Prof. Dr. Jufrizal,
M.Hum., Desvalini Anwar, S.S, M.Hum, Ph.D. for their
suggestions, comments, time, contribution of thoughts
and ideas toward the development and accomplishment
of this thesis.
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