Mock AIME I 2015 Solutions Packet: X 20 13 3x 2 3 3x A B
Mock AIME I 2015 Solutions Packet: X 20 13 3x 2 3 3x A B
Mock AIME I 2015 Solutions Packet: X 20 13 3x 2 3 3x A B
Solution. Associative Property! Note that the product of all four numbers can be written in two different
ways, (AB)(CD) and (AD)(BC). Setting these equal to each other gives
(AB)(CD) 14 × 18 65
k = AD = = = =⇒ 20k = 315 .
BC 16 4
2. Suppose that x and y are real numbers such that logx 3y = 13 and log3x y = 23 . The value of log3x 3y can be
expressed in the form b where a and b are positive relatively prime integers. Find a + b.
Solution. Let X = log3 x and Y = log3 y. Remark that by Change of Base we have
log3 3y 1 + log3 y 1+Y
logx 3y = = = .
log3 x log3 x X
Similarly, log3x y = 1+X . Clearing denominators yields the system
13 + 13Y = 20X,
3Y = 2 + 2X.
3. Let A, B, C be points in the plane such that AB = 25, AC = 29, and ∠BAC < 90◦ . Semicircles with diameters
AB and AC intersect at a point P with AP = 20. Find the length of line segment BC.
Solution. The key in this problem is to note that B, P, and C are collinear. To prove this, remark that
∠AP B = ∠AP C = 90◦ , so ∠BP C√= 90◦ + 90◦ = 180◦ , implying
√ the claim. From there, the problem is easy: by
the Pythagorean Theorem, BP = 252 − 202 = 15 and CP = 292 − 202 = 21, so BC = 15 + 21 = 036 .
4. At the AoPS Carnival, there is a “Weighted Dice” game show. This game features two identical looking weighted
6 sided dice. For each integer 1 ≤ i ≤ 6, Die A has 21 probability of rolling the number i, while Die B has a 7−i
probability of rolling i. During one session, the host randomly chooses a die, rolls it twice, and announces that
the sum of the numbers on the two rolls is 10. Let P be the probability that the die chosen was Die A. When P
is written as a fraction in lowest terms, find the sum of the numerator and denominator.
Solution. Let P (A) be the probability that the sum of the two rolls is 10 and the die chosen is die A and
P (A)
P (B) be the same for die B. The desired probability is then P (A)+P (B) . Notice that for us to get a sum of 10,
we must have the rolls be (4, 6), (5, 5), or (6, 4). Remembering how each die is weighted, we have
4×6+5×5+6×4 1×3+2×2+3×1
P (A) = and P (B) = .
212 212
P (A) 4×6+5×5+6×4 73
= =
P (A) + P (B) (4 × 6 + 5 × 5 + 6 × 4) + (1 × 3 + 2 × 2 + 3 × 1) 83
for an answer of 73 + 83 = 156 .
Solutions Packet Mock AIME I 2015 Page 2
5. In an urn there are a certain number (at least two) of black marbles and a certain number of white marbles.
Steven blindfolds himself and chooses two marbles from the urn at random. Suppose the probability that the
two marbles are of opposite color is 12 . Let k1 < k2 < · · · < k100 be the 100 smallest possible values for the total
number of marbles in the urn. Compute the remainder when
k1 + k2 + k3 + · · · + k100
is divided by 1000.
Solution. Define b and w to be the number of black and white marbles respectively. Then the probability of
two distinct colors being picked is
b w w b 2bw
· + · = .
b+w b+w−1 b+w b+w−1 (b + w)(b + w − 1)
Setting this equal to 2 and cross multiplying gives
4bw = (b + w)(b + w − 1)
= b2 + 2bw + w2 − b − w
=⇒ b + w = b2 − 2bw + w2 = (b − w)2 .
It is easy to see that since b − w and b + w are of the same parity, for any value of b − w there will exist an
integer pair (b, w). The only exception to this is b − w = 1, as this gives (b, w) = (1, 0) which is bad.1 Hence
ki = (i + 1)2 , so
100 101
X X 101 × 102 × 203
ki ≡ i2 − 1 ≡ − 1 ≡ 101 × 17 × 203 − 1 ≡ 550 (mod 1000).
i=1 i=1
6. Find the number of 5 digit numbers using only the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 such that every pair of adjacent digits
are no more than 1 apart. For instance, 12345 and 33234 are acceptable numbers, while 13333 and 56789 are
Solution 1. Define an to be the number of 5 digit acceptable numbers with first digit 1, bn have first digit 2,
cn have first digit 3, dn have first digit 4, en have first digit 5, fn have first digit 6, gn have first digit 7, and hn
have first digit 8. Notice that by symmetry, an = hn , bn = gn , cn = fn , dn = en . The desired answer is
a5 + b5 + c5 + d5 + e5 + f5 + g5 + h5 = 2 (a5 + b5 + c5 + d5 ) .
Notice that if the first digit is 1, then the second digit must be 1 or 2, so an = an−1 + bn−1 . If the first digit is 2,
then the second digit must be 2 or 3, so bn = an−1 + bn−1 + cn−1 . Proceeding in this manner gives us the four
an = an−1 + bn−1 ,
b = a
n n−1 + bn−1 + cn−1 ,
cn = bn−1 + cn−1 + dn−1 ,
dn = 2dn−1 + cn−1 .
n an bn cn dn
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 3 3 3
3 5 8 9 9
4 13 22 26 27
5 35 61 75 80
Solution 2 (Dylan Hildebrand). Let the 5 digit number be x = 104 a4 + 103 a3 + 102 a2 + 101 a1 + 100 a0 . We do
casework on a2 .
Case 1: a2 = 3, 4, 5, 6. Since a4 , a2 6= 1, 8, for each value of a2 , we have three choices for each of the remaining
4 digits, for a total of 4 × 34 = 324 options.
Case 2: a2 = 2, 7. We find the number of pairs (a1 , a0 ) then square that, since, by symmetry, the numbers of
pairs (a1 , a0 ) is the same as the number of pairs (a4 , a3 ). Lets say, WLOG, that a2 = 2. Then, if a1 = 1, we have
2 choices for a0 , if a1 = 2, we have 3 choices for a0 , and if a1 = 3, we have 3 choices for a0 . Therefore, we have 8
choices for (a1 , a0 ), and a total of 82 = 64 choices for (a4 , a3 , a1 , a0 ). Since we have two choices for a2 , we have a
total of 2 × 64 = 128 for this case.
Case 3: a2 = 1, 8. Again, we find the number of pairs (a1 , a0 ) then square that to account for (a4 , a3 ). WLOG
assume that a2 = 2. a1 = 0 is impossible, if a1 = 1 then we have 2 choices for a0 , and if a1 = 2 then we have 3
choices for a0 . Therefore, we have 5 choices for (a1 , a0 ) and a total of 52 = 25 choices for (a4 , a3 , a1 , a0 ). Since
we have two choices for a2 , we have a total of 2 × 25 = 50 for this case.
7. For all points P in the coordinate plane, let P 0 denote the reflection of P across the line y = x. For example,
if P = (3, 1), then P 0 = (1, 3). Define a function f such that for all points P , f (P ) denotes the area of the
triangle with vertices (0, 0), P , and P 0 . Determine the number of lattice points Q in the first quadrant such that
f (Q) = 8!.
Solution. First, it suffices to derive a formula for f (P ). Let P = (x, y) for positive integers x and y, and
WLOG let x > y. Enclosing a box around the triangle gives that the area is
2 1 1 1 1
A=x −2 xy − (x − y)2 = x2 − xy − (x2 − 2xy + y 2 ) = (x2 − y 2 ).
2 2 2 2
Therefore there is a bijection between the number of lattice points below the line y = x that satisfy the condition
and the number of positive integer solutions to the equation x2 − y 2 = 2 · 8! = 28 · 32 · 5 · 7. Let a = x − y and
b = x + y. Note that a and b both have to be of the same parity, and thus both are even. Setting a = 2a0 and
b = 2b0 and simplifying yields
(2a0 )(2b0 ) = 28 · 32 · 5 · 7 =⇒ a0 b0 = 26 · 32 · 5 · 7.
For any a0 < b0 that divides this large number, there exists a unique b0 and therefore unique x and y that satisfy
this equation. Hence the total number of solutions in this case is equal to half the number of positive divisors of
26 · 32 · 5 · 7, which evaluates to 21 (6 + 1)(2 + 1)(1 + 1)(1 + 1) = 42. Multiplying by 2 again to account for our
WLOG gives a total of 084 lattice points in the first quadrant.
8. Let a, b, c be consecutive terms (in that order) in an arithmetic sequence with common difference d. Suppose
cos b and cos d are roots of a monic quadratic p(x) with p(− 12 ) = 2014
. Then
| cos a + cos b + cos c + cos d | =
for positive relatively prime integers p and q. Find the remainder when p + q is divided by 1000.
1 1 4
Hence (2 cos b + 1) (2 cos d + 1) = 4 2 + cos b 2 + cos d = 2014 , so
2014 −1 1005
cos a + cos b + cos c + cos d = =− .
2 2014
The desired answer is thus 1005 + 2014 ≡ 019 (mod 1000).
9. Compute the number of positive integer triplets (a, b, c) with 1 ≤ a, b, c ≤ 500 that satisfy the following properties:
(a) abc is a perfect square,
(b) (a + 7b)c is a power of 2,
(c) a is a multiple of b.
Solution. The condition b divides a gives us a = kb. The third condition is now satisfied. Substituting a = kb
into both equations gives us that both abc = kb2 c must be a perfect square and that (a + 7b)c = bc(k + 7) must
be a power of two. The latter implies that
b = 2b1 , c = 2c1 , k + 7 = 2k1
for non-negative integers b1 , c1 , k1 . Additionally, in order for kb2 c to be a perfect square, we must also have kc
to be a perfect square. Since c = 2c1 , if c1 ≡ 0 (mod 2) then k must be a perfect square, and if c1 ≡ 1 (mod 2)
then k must be 2 times a perfect square. However, since k = 2k1 − 7, this is impossible and instead c1 ≡ 0
(mod 2) and k is a perfect square. Since 1 ≤ a, b, c ≤ 500, we must have 8 ≥ k1 ≥ 3, and testing all six cases
yields k = 1, 9, 25, 121.2 This gives a = b, a = 9b, a = 25b, a = 121b. Keeping in mind that b = 2b1 and a ≤ 500,
we have the following:
k b a total number
1 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256) a=b 9
9 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) a = 9b 6
25 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16) a = 25b 5
121 (1, 2, 4) a = 121b 3
Summing them up, we arrive at 23 total options for (a, b). Since we choose c independent to (a, b) and c = 4c1 ,
we must have c = 1, 4, 16, 64, 256 or 5 options for c, giving a final answer of 5 × 23 = 115 .
10. Let f be a function defined along the rational numbers such that f ( m n) =
n for all relatively prime positive
integers m and n. The product of all rational numbers 0 < x < 1 such that
x − f (x) 9
f = f (x) +
1 − f (x) 52
can be written in the form q for positive relatively prime integers p and q. Find p + q.
Solution. Let x = n, and define d = gcd(m − 1, n − 1). Then
x − f (x) m−1 d
f = f n 1n = f = .
1 − f (x) 1− n n−1 n−1
d 1 9
Hence the equation in question becomes n−1 = n + 52 . Multiplying through to clear denominators gives
11. Suppose α, β, and γ are complex numbers that satisfy the system of equations
α + β + γ = 6,
α + β 3 + γ 3 = 87,
1 1 1 αβ + αγ + βγ 69/7 69
+ + = = = =⇒ 69 + 113 = 182 .
α β γ αβγ 113/7 113
Note additionally that 33 = 1 + α + β + γ + αβ + αγ + βγ + αβγ from the third equality. Adding these two
equations together cancels out the αβγ terms and leaves us with
12. Alpha and Beta play a game on the number line below.
-2 -1 0 1 2
Both players start at 0. Each turn, Alpha has an equal chance of moving 1 unit in either the positive or negative
directions while Beta has a 23 chance of moving 1 unit in the positive direction and a 13 chance of moving 1 unit
in the negative direction. The two alternate turns with Alpha going first. If a player reaches 2 at any point in
the game, he wins; however, if a player reaches −2, he loses and the other player wins. If pq is the probability
that Alpha beats Beta, where p and q are relatively prime positive integers, find p + q.
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Solution. Define one turn to be after David and Justin have both moved. Then, the possible positions are
a = (0, 0), b = (1, 1), c = (1, −1), d = (−1, 1), e = (−1, −1). Let A be the probability that David wins from
position a, etc. The desired probability is then A. From point A, we have a 12 × 23 = 13 chance to get to B or D
and a 21 × 13 = 16 to get to C or E. Therefore
1 1 1 1
A= B + D + C + E.
3 3 6 6
• From position b, there is a 12 chance that David wins, a 1
2 × 23 = 1
3 chance that Justin wins, and a 1
2 × 13 = 1
chance that we return to position a. So B = 21 + 16 A.
• From position c, there is a 12 chance that David wins, a 1
2 × 13 = 1
6 chance that Justin loses, and a 1
2 × 23 = 1
chance that we return to position a. So C = 23 + 13 A.
• From position d, there is a 21 chance that David loses, a 1
2 × 23 = 1
3 chance that Justin wins, and a 1
2 × 13 = 1
chance that we return to position a. So D = 16 A.
• From position e, there is a 12 chance that David loses, a 1
2 × 13 = 1
6 chance that Justin loses, and a 1
2 × 23 = 1
chance that we return to position a. So E = 61 + 13 A.
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 11
A= + A + A + + A + + A =⇒ A =
3 2 6 3 6 6 3 3 6 6 3 28
and the requested answer is 039 .
13. Let A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 be a hexagon inscribed inside a circle of radius r. Furthermore, for each positive integer 1 ≤
i ≤ 6 let Mi be the midpoint of the segment Ai Ai+1 , where A7 ≡ A1 . Suppose that hexagon M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
can also be inscribed inside a circle. If A1 A2 = A3 A4 = 5 and A5 A6 = 23, then r2 can be written in the form m n
where m and n are positive relatively prime integers. Find m + n.
LEMMA: Suppose ABCDEF is a cyclic hexagon. Then ∠ABC + ∠CDE + ∠EF A = 2π.
∠Ai+1 Mi Mi+1 = ∠Ai+1 Ai Ai+2 = ∠Ai+1 Ai+3 Ai+2 = ∠Mi+1 Mi+2 Ai+1 ,
where indeces are taken modulo six. In particular, let ∠A1 M6 M1 = ∠A2 M2 M1 = α, ∠A3 M2 M3 = ∠A4 M4 M3 =
β, and ∠A5 M4 M5 = ∠A6 M6 M5 = γ. Then through angle chasing and our lemma we have
Finally, rearrange the sides so that an isosceles trapezoid of side legnths 5, 23, 5 is inscribed inside a semicircle,
and let the diameter of this semicircle be d. Then by Ptolemy’s Theorem
p 2
23d + 52 = d2 − 52 =⇒ d = 25.
Therefore r2 = ( d2 )2 = 625
4 and the requested answer is 625 + 4 = 629 .
3 However, unlike the condition for quadrilaterals, the converse is not true! (That’s the main reason why there is no diagram to accompany
this solution - we know a valid hexagon exists (because the problem author has gotten close to constructing the configuration in Geometer’s
Sketchpad), but we can’t construct it explicitly.)
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Let Sn be the minimum number of pennies for which this can be done in terms of n. Find S50 .
Solution. First note that for all n > 2 the intersection of the two equilateral triangles is a (possibly degenerate)
equiangular hexagon. Next note that when the two triangles are placed on top of each other, six smaller equilateral
triangles are created (again possibly degenerate), and opposite pairs of these triangles are congruent. Let the
side length of each of these equilateral triangles be a, b, and c, with a ≤ b ≤ c. Then a + b + c = n − 1. The total
number of coins inside these three triangles is thus
Remark. By maximizing the area of intersection as opposed to minimizing the number of moved pennies, one
can come up with the different expression S = b n(n+1)
6 c. These two different expressions turn out to be equal for
all positive integers n. (As an exercise to the reader, prove this statement!)
15. Let 4ABC be a triangle with AB = 13, BC = 14, and CA = 15. Let O denote its circumcenter and H its
orthocenter. The circumcircle of 4AOH intersects AB and AC at D and E respectively. Suppose AD m
AE = n
where m and n are positive relatively prime integers. Find m − n.
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First, since AH and AO are isogonal conjugates (i.e. reflections across the angle bisector of ∠A), arcs HD
d and
d have the same measure. It follows that DE k OH. Therefore, if OH intersects AB and AC at X and Y
respectively, it suffices to find the ratio AX
AY . We can simplify measures further: since OH is the Euler Line of
4ABC, it also passes through the centroid G. Hence get rid of point O and focus on point G.4
Let AG and AH intersect BC at M and N respectively, and let R be the circumradius of 4ABC. First, remark
that it is easy to deduce BN = 5, N M = 2, and M C = 7. Additionally, note that from [ABC] = 84 we obtain
R = 4[ABC] = 65 33 65 33 33
8 . Finally, by Law of Cosines cos ∠BAC = 65 , so AH = 2R cos A = 2( 8 )( 65 ) = 4 =⇒ HN =
4 . (These values can also be calculated by utilizing the fact that the reflection of H across BC lies on the
circumcircle of 4ABC.)
We now use mass points to find AX and AY . First examine 4ABM . Assign masses of 2 and 5 to B and M
respectively so that N has a mass of 7. Since AG : GM = 2 : 1, the contribution of the mass at A from point M
is 52 , while the contribution from N is 7 · 15 35 35 5 15
33 = 11 . Hence the contribution of the mass at A from B is 11 − 2 = 22 .
AX 44 13·44 15·44
Therefore XB = 15 and some simple algebra gives AX = 59 . Similar work on 4AN C gives AY = 73 . Thus
AX 13 · 44 73 949
= =
AY 59 15 · 44 885
Authors of Problems
4 It is technically possible to do the calculations entirely with AO. If AO intersects BC pat Z, then it can be shown that
BZ/ZC = (N C/N B)(AB/AC)2 , which in this case gives BZ = 169/21, CZ = 125/21. Hence AZ = AH 2 + (BZ − BN )2 = 260/21 =⇒
(AO, OZ) = (65/8, 715/168). However, for sanity-keeping purposes it’s more fruitful to mass-point with the median instead.
5 AoPS user Wolstenholme has said to me that the general answer to this problem for a triangle of side lengths a, b, c is
c SC (SB − SA ) + SA (SB − SC )
b SB (SC − SA ) + SA (SC − SB )
b2 +c2 −a2
where SA = 2
and cyclic permutations is Conway’s notation.