How To Make Paintball Gun and Other Homemade Tips (Ebook, 12 Pages)
How To Make Paintball Gun and Other Homemade Tips (Ebook, 12 Pages)
How To Make Paintball Gun and Other Homemade Tips (Ebook, 12 Pages)
These plans are for informational purposes only. I cannot guarantee that they will all
work. Feel free to change them in any way if you think it will work better, but no mat-
ter what, by building or trying to build any of these projects, I am not responsible for
any injury to anyone or damage to anything. Some of these projects may be harmful so
use extreme caution with everything.
• Hacksaw
• Drill
• File
First make sure all pieces are clean for gluing. Take one of the 3" couplings and apply PVC
cement all around one of the inside ends and insert the 3" threaded endcap adapter. Let dry.
With the other coupling, glue the 3"x1 1/2" adapter. Let dry. Cut a section of the 3" PVC
long enough to insert between the coupling assemblies with about 2" showing between the
two. Screw endcap into the endcap adapter. Drill a small hole in the pipe showing between
the couplings. Drill a small hole in the center of the endcap. The expansion/combustion
chamber is complete. Apply PVC cement to the inside of the 1 1/2" adapter. Insert the sec-
tion of 1 1/2" pipe to be used for your barrel. I recommend at least 40". Take a gas grill igni-
ter and tape the two wires together about 10' long. Insert through the hole in endcap, with the
button to the outside. On the other end strip 1/4" off the ends of both wires and form a gap
between the two wires so that when you push the button a spark jumps between the 2 wires.
Pull excess slack out so that the wires do not touch the sides of the chamber. THE CANNON
This turned out to be a really fun project. It was very inexpensive, easy to build, and very
simple. It's a ported barrel plug made from a 5/8" dowel rod and some o-rings.
• Dremel
• Drill
• 1/4" drill bit (as well as some smaller ones)
• Sandpaper
Start with a 3" section of the dowel rod. Drill a small pilot hole and screw in the screw eye.
Using a 1/4-inch drill bit, drill two perpendicular holes through the sides of the dowel 1" from
the end where the screw eye is attached. Then drill up from the opposite side of the dowel to
form a channel to the ports. This is the touchy part of the project. Using a knife, chisel, Dre-
mel, saw, or some other cutting tool, etch three grooves in the dowel 1/4", 1 1/4", and 1 3/4"
from the end opposite the screw eye. Don't etch them too deep, but make sure there deep
enough to hold the o-rings in place. Make a ring with the wire and wrap it tightly around the
slit next to the ports or use an o-ring the same diameter as a #35 but much thicker. Slide the
o-rings in place. Now all that is left is to do a little touch up with some sandpaper. Make sure
there are no burrs or splinters.
Have a bunch of drill bits handy. When you are drilling take your time and start with a small
bit and work your way up making the whole larger. Take your time etching the slots for the
retaining wire and o-rings. You can cut away too much wood and ruin it. But if you are
cautious, you can always cut away more wood. The retaining wire keeps the plug from
sliding down into the barrel. The #35 o-rings in my project don't hold the barrel plug tight in
the barrel. Using a thicker o-ring will accomplish that. The screw-eye is for tying on a string
to hang the plug around your neck or attach to your gun so that you don't lose it.
First take the syringe and fill it, either using the paint from the paintballs by heating them in
the pot, or just by making your own. Take the tube and seal off one end, by melting it
together. Then fold the tube in half and tie the string tightly around it, so that it holds each
part of the tube together, just like the squadbuster kind, and insert the ball bearing into the
other side, you can dip the unsealed end of the tube in very hot water, to expand it, so the ball
bearing will go in nice and snug, poke the pin through the tube, right next to the ball bearing,
so that it holds it in place. Dip the end of the syringe in water, inject it into the tube, and
insert the paint. When it is all the way full, it will pressurize the grenade just enough, so that
when it is struck against something hard, it will spray all over the enemy. To use it, pull the
pin out of the grenade, and simply throw at something hard, i.e. a tree, a rock, etc.
Goggles and eyeglasses have a horrible habit of fogging up. Especially after you've saturated
the foam with sweat. Even thermal goggles fog up too under hot, humid conditions. I recom-
mend that everyone build a fan to defog their goggles. But that costs about $25 and there are
a lot of cheapskates out there in paintball land. So try this home made no-fog spray.
• Spray bottle
• Baby Shampoo (tear free stuff like Johnson's)
• Water
Mix a solution of water and shampoo. I recommend anywhere from 5:1 to 10:1 (water:
shampoo) in the spray bottle. You can experiment with different strengths of the solution for
best results. Spray the solution on your goggles or eyeglasses and wipe off any excess.
I provide no guarantee of success. Success is up to you. This no-fog spray is used by
SCUBA divers around the world, but even under extreme conditions (high heat and humidity)
even this will fail. So don't count on it as being a fix-all solution because there is none when
it comes to keeping goggles fog-free. Except using a combination, fan, spray, and thermal
lenses. Even then you still run into the occasional foggy lens.
These instructions are for a fairly large silencer, but you can trim length to suit your tastes. I
have found this large silencer to be the quietest I have ever seen. First apply PVC cement to
the inside diameter to one side of both 1 1/4" couplings. Tap the 1 1/4" reducers into the
glued side of couplings. Take the round file and sandpaper and ream out the reducers so that
the 3/4" pipe will go ALL THE WAY THROUGH THEM, BUT FIT TIGHT. Take your time
and check size often to make it tight. Glue the 12" 1-1/4" pipe into ONE of the couplings,
leave the other side un-glued. That part is now complete.
We'll refer to that as the "cover". Measure own approx. 2" from end of 3/4" pipe and 6"
from the other end, and start drilling holes all through the middle of the marks. Take your
time and make holes clean. Run sandpaper down the inside to clear any burrs. Glue the other
reducer/coupling assembly to the 2" side of the barrel, leaving 1" extending out of the reducer.
Here is where you have to determine what size coupling to fit your gun. The 3/4" straight
coupling can be sanded to fit 13/16" barrels, or use a 1"x 3/4" reducer to attach gun to
silencer. You may have to "custom fit" your silencer to the barrel you have. Just make sure
that a paintball can slide through silencer easily. Wrap the now vented barrel with steel wool
and slide into the cover assembly with end of the barrel through the opening.
The 2 pieces should fit together nicely in the couplings and allow you to take cover off
for cleaning and changing steel wool. Do not pack steel wool too tight, because you want
some air space inside for absorbing sound and expanding air.
• Sugar
• Saltpeter (usually found in a Large Drug Store)
Ok, take 4 parts sugar and 6 parts saltpeter and put them in a pot. Heat them over a LOW
flame, stirring constantly, until it is liquid. Pour it into a container, add a fuse, and let it
harden. You can put it into a paper cup, and just light the cup, or you could pour it into a
mold. Take some sturdy string and dip it in wax. You now have a fuse suitable for a smoke
WARNING: If you put the contents in a paper cup, the cup will burn also, so don't put the
smoke bomb in an area with dry grass or anything else that will burn.
The Super Squeegee is a barrel cleaner that you would use between games that thoroughly
cleans your paintgun barrel.
• Screwdriver
• Drill and small bits
• Tape measure/ruler
Cut 2" PVC to a length of 13". Cut dowel rod to 12". Drill a 2" deel hole in one end of the
dowel rod. Drill 2 holes through the side of the opposite end of the dowel rod 1" apart. Drill
a hole in the top of both PVC caps. Take some yarn and wrap it around the dowel rod bet-
ween the holes in drilled in the side of the dowel rod. Then run 1-2 loops of yarn around the
wrapped yarn perpendicular to the direction the wraps run through the holes. Using the wood
screw, attach the dowel rod to PVC end cap. Then seal it with the caulk inside. Cement the
PVC cap to the 12-inch PVC section. Drill a hole 1½" from the open end of the PVC section
and fasten a screw and wing nut in that place. Also put a screw and wing nut on the other
PVC cap. Tie a loop in each end of a piece of twine and slip the loops under the wing nuts
and tighten. Seal the inside of the PVC cap and PVC pipe section with caulk.
Instruction For Use
Fill the SuperSqueegee with water that has a little dish detergent in it. After games remove
the barrel of your gun and use the dowel rod inside to clean it. The PVC cap with the wing
nut is for closing the squeegee to keep the water inside.
After you clean your barrel, run a commercial squeegee, paper towel or Kleenex through
it to dry the water out. I know this seems like a waste of time, but it completely cleans your
barrel of paint including any ports or suppressor.
WARNING: Doing this modification could damage you bolt, valve, and gas chamber if done
incorrectly or overly used. This upgrade is not recommended.
Cut the nail point and head off. You must make it 1/4". Unscrew the left side of the lower
receiver. Make sure to leave all the roll pins in the right half of the receiver along with the
screws, springs, trigger, and sear. Cock the gun carefully. (make sure nothing flies out)
Notice the small gap between the sear and receiver roll pin that it swivels on. Put the
modified nail there. It should fit snuggly but not restrict the movement of the sear. Keep the
gun cocked. Replace the left half of the receiver and screw it into place. You can now dry
fire the gun. See how the sear constantly engages the trigger? This is what allows it to be full
auto. Connect your CO2 and hold down the trigger for an amazing display of firepower. You
would probably want to get a motorized hopper to keep up with the rate of fire. I noticed that
a VL-200 jams up and the gun shoots air. I don't believe that this is because of the quick
cycle rate of the gun (stock prolite is 300 rpm) but rather from the fact that most hoppers jam
up often if not jiggled. You probably would want to limit your rate of fire to three or four
shot bursts, as I've found it chops up balls if you don't have a constant feed of paint.
WARNING: The tippmann may fire faster than you think. An agitated hopper may not be
able to keep up with the amount of firing coming from the prolite/carbine. I must say this is
the problem they had with the tippmann F/A. You will have full auto, but may chop a lot of
PLEASE READ: It is not recommend to make any semi auto marker into an automatic. It
can damage your internals of your marker and replacing the parts may be expensive. The best
thing to do if you want to shoot faster is to reduce the trigger pull. This way you can launch
more in a shorter period of time.
WARNING: The Spyder is not made to go full auto. If you do this you will probably chop
balls and you may risk damaging the valve.
This is probably the best method that I have seen so far. What you will want to do first is
remove the trigger frame. Once the frame has been removed figure out how the trigger
works. You will notice that the sear can be pushed forward. When the sear is in the forward
position it is engaged with the trigger and when you decrease the pressure on the sear it is
disengaged with the trigger. The idea behind this is to keep the sear constantly engaged with
the trigger. That way the sear cannot go back to its original position and reengage the striker
making you pull the trigger again.
Once you understand how the trigger and sear work remove the pin that holds the sear in
place. When the sear is removed you will notice the hole that the pin goes through has room
for about 2 pins. What you want to do now is place a piece of metal in the front part of that
hole. However make sure that the metal pin will still fit. Now reattach the sear to the frame
making sure that the sear will still move up and down when the trigger is pulled, only this
time the sear should stay down for as long as you have the trigger pulled. This should render
the gun full auto, one word of advice you will probably not want to shoot long strings of paint
because the valve will need time to recharge.
PLEASE READ: It is not recommend to make any semi auto marker into an automatic. It
can damage your internals of your marker and replacing the parts may be expensive. The best
thing to do if you want to shoot faster is to reduce the trigger pull. This way you can launch
more in a shorter period of time.
Get a 486 CPU fan (or a Pentium - these are usually heavy though). Make sure it is plastic
only. Get a 9 volt battery. Get a 9 volt battery cap/attachment that has two wires still connec-
ted to it. Get a small switch - plunger,lever whatever... (old lamp switches which are a part
of the cord are perfect for this - small!) If you have a surplus electronics store around you, the
most expensive thing you will have to buy is the battery.
There are two wires that come out of the fan: red and black (most likely). You will attach
these to the two connection on one side of the switch. The leads from the battery cap you
will attach to the two connections on the other side of the switch. To see which wire goes
where experiment by leaving the wires on right side and trading the wires on the left side of
the switch. Just hold them there at first. Find someone with a soldering iron - perhaps your
dad, your shop teacher, the guy at the surplus electronics store, someone in a computer or
hardware store, Tv/radio repair man Etc... Now that you know where the wires go you can
solder them in place. Make sure that the length of the wire is enough to reach both the battery
and the fan in their proper places on your mask.
This really works well with masks that have visors because the fan has protection - so JTs
are ideal. My friend placed the battery in the loop of the elastic band just by his right ear on
his Spectra. The fan he mounted directly on the top where the Crosswind would go. He
found that the screws that came with the CPU fan he got were pretty much the same size as
the holes on top of the lens. Unfortunately the screws came loose after a day of play. Other
possible ways of mounting (these are guesses) are:
Hot melt glue - could break off in the end, but just might work.
Tie the fan down with wire.
Bigger screws, but there would be a problem with the holes in the CPU fan.
This worked wonders for my friend. He turned it on when he needed it. It performed just
like the Crosswind, quiet and quick.