1638366605-EASE 2 Pointers - Grade 8

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EASE Topic Subtopic

Structure & function of reproductive


Menstrual cycle - ovulation, uterus

lining thickening
Reproduction & Growth
Fertilization, Cell divison, implantation,

Effect of cigarette, alcohol & drugs on


Child growth chart

Changes during puberty

Growth & health Unbalanced diet


Disease prevalence

Structure & function of flower

Mode of pollination

Sexual reproduction in
flowering plants Fertilization & seeds
Sexual reproduction in
flowering plants

Seed dispersals

Big picture of sexual reproduction in

flowering plant

Total Number of Questions

Percentage of Dif. Level Distrubution

Level Difficulties

Indicators Total

Easy Med Hard

Define and describe structure and function of the

major parts of the human reproductive system.
2 2 1 5
Differentiate the organs of the male and female
reproductive system.

Explain the process of menstrual cycle - ovulation

2 1 0 3
and uterus lining thickening.

Describe the process of fertilization, cell division,

3 1 1 5
implantation and placenta formation.

Explain how conception, growth, development,

behaviour and health can be affected by diet, drugs 2 1 1 4
and disease.

Explain growth, development, behaviour and health

2 0 0 2

Describe the physical and emotional changes that

2 1 0 3
take place during adolescence.

Explain how behaviour and health can be affected

1 1 1 3
by unbalanced diet.

Define drugs.
Explain how behaviour and health can be affected 2 0 0 2
by drugs.

Explain how behaviour and health can be affected

2 0 0 2
by disease.

Describe sexual reproduction in flowering plants

including pollination, fertilisation, seed formation and 1 1 1 3

Describe modes of pollination.

1 1 0 2

Describe fertilisation & seed formation.

1 1 0 2
Describe seed dispersal.
1 1 0 2

Understand sexual reproduction in flowering plants

including pollination, fertilisation, seed formation and 1 1 0 2
23 12 5 40

72% 48% 24%

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