Highway Failure and Their Maintenance

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

7, Issue 03, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

A Review Paper on Highway Pavement Failure and Their Maintenance

Kota - Borkhera Road
Kunj Bihari Verma1 Mr. Manish Kesharwani2
PG Student 2Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Career point university, Kota, Rajasthan, India
Abstract— As we know that about 35% of total road in kota bridges minor irregularities in sub grade, sub base. Semi rigid
city are in very bad conditions the types of failures on the road pavement represents an intermediate position between
such as water bleeding, edge cracking, rutting extra and some flexible and hard pavement. It is much less flexible than a
others also such as over loading of vehicles, traffic jam, concrete slab.
accident of vehicles and many bad drainage systems. which
C. Highway maintenance: -
make dis comfortable for the passengers in travel time. for
maintenance use of the appropriate design structure of the The purpose of highway maintenance is to improve the
highway. we have to avoid unnecessary congestion which defects and preserve the pavement. Deteriorated through the
make the road to damage. The highway maintenance include physical inspection of the affected highway stretch,
surface maintenance, traffic service, bridge maintenance and maintenance activities were classified under three operations-
drainage maintenance extra. Today we are not using the new regular maintenance, periodic maintenance, and special
ideas for a maintenance of road for giving more strength, we repairs.
are using low quality materials for maintenance in pavement Deteriorating the pavement is a process by which the
road that in case more failure in road. The purpose of this crisis in the pavement develops as a result of traffic load and
study is to identify common defects of cracks and defects in environment conditions.
kota city road and use good suitable maintenance process. I D. Objectives: -
selected 10km of road for study. This survey has been
1) Identify the type of common defects in flexible
explored for several reasons of cracking and the failure of
many different types of pavement.
Keywords: Pavement failure, Defects, Highway maintenance 2) Identifying the causes of highway failures and effects of
highway failures.
3) Identifying recommendations for measures and highway
The process of dipping the pavement starts immediately after 4) To identifying the unique qualities of flexible pavement.
the traffic is open, this process starts very slow conditions so 5) To identifying the factors affecting the performance of
that it is not noticeable and over time it gets faster at faster the pavement.
rates. Maintenance of road network involves many types of
operations such as detection of short comings of road, II. METHODOLOGY
planning, programming, and scheduling for real
implementation and monitoring in the field. The main Types of common defects of pavement with repair method
purpose should be to keep the road surface and apprehensions A. Cracking
B. Surface deformation
in good condition and extend of the road life. Engineers have
C. Disintegration
been always with open mind so that any material can be
D. Surface defects
adopted for its use for the purpose of construction and
maintenance. A. Cracking
A. Types of highway construction: - Common types of cracking are: -
1) Earth road and gravel roads 1) Fatigue(Alligator) cracking
2) Transverse cracking
2) Soil stable road
3) Slippage cracking
3) Bituminous roads
4) Reflective cracking
4) Cement concrete roads
5) Longitudinal cracking
B. Types of pavements: - 1) Fatigue cracking: -
Can be classified from the perspective of structural Fatigue cracking fails due to flexible base. Fatigue cracking
performance is connect with drainage system. Initially a longitudinal crack
1) Flexible pavement: - is visible. Measurement of unit in sq.m of surface area at
A flexible pavement structure is usually made up of several different critical levels.
layers of materials. Each layers receive load from the upper
layer and spreads them or crosses these loads on the next layer
below. Thus the stress will be reduced. A flexible pavement
will bend under the load of a tire.
2) Rigid pavement: -
The hard pavement provides the ability to with stand the
power of flexible power or beam strength, allowing slab to

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A Review Paper on Highway Pavement Failure and Their Maintenance Kota - Borkhera Road
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 03/2019/259)

a) Repairs method: -
Fill the cracks with bituminous binder and hail seal or sand
bituminous premix patching for wide, center cracks. Fur
seals, if cracks are found and spread to large areas.
3) Slippage cracking: -
Slippage cracks are half-moon shaped cracks, whose to end
point to incoming vehicles. They are created by traffic from
horizontal forces. They are usually the result of bad
relationship between asphalt surface layer and bottom layer.
a) Repairs method: -
Fatigue repair usually occurs in one of two categories
 For small area - Remove the torn pavement area and then
excavate and change the area of the poor subgrade, and
if necessary, improve the drainage of the area. Patches on
repaired subgrade.
 For large area – Place an HMA overlay on the surface of
the entire pavement. This overlay should be strong
enough to carry structuredly anticipated loading because
the underlying fatigue crack pavement contributes to the
most likely or any power.
2) Transverse cracking:-
Transverse cracks are formed on the right angles at the center
of the road. They are on a regular distance and there are some
of the reasons for longitudinal cracks. Transverse cracks will
spread widely in the beginning. reflection of shrinkage crack
and due to transverse cracking or repairs are similar to
longitudinal cracks.

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a) Repairs method: -
The only proper way to fix slippage cleavage is to remove the
surface layer around the crack from the point where the good
bond is found between the layers. Be sure to use a bargain
coat in the new pavement.
4) Reflective cracking: -
Reflective cracking occurs when the pavement hot mix is
inserted with asphalt concrete and the cracks are visible
through the new surface.

a) Repairs method: -
They can repair the above mentioned techniques in other
a) Repairs method: -
cracking techniques. Must be repaired properly before
Remove and replace the torn pavement layer with an overlay.
placing any overlay or wear cracks of course.
5) Longitudinal cracking:- This phenomenon, which is known as a decline, is usually an
Longitudinal cracks are long cracks that move parallel to the indication that repair of crack is not a proper solution.
center of the center of the road. B. Surface deformation:-
Surface distortions can be threatened by traffic. Can be
distortions with cracking.
Types of surface deformation-
1) Rutting
2) Shoving
3) Corrugations
4) Swell
5) Depressions
1) Rutting:-
Longitudinal surface depression, which deviates from the
flexible pavement’s wheel paths.
2) Shoving:-
Shoving is also a form of plastic which makes plastic
movement in the layer of asphalt surface which localize the
pavement. Minor shoving repair by remove and changing. An
overlay may be required for large fields joining the surface.
3) Corrugations:-
Corridors are usually located in areas where the vehicles is
fast or sluggish. Minor corrugation repair can be done with
overlay or surface milling.
4) Swell: -
The bottom of the hinge or beneath the layers is due to the
extension of the supportive layers. Swell extension is usually
due to frost or due to moisture.
5) Depression:-
Depression is small, localized bowl-shaped areas, which can
be include cracking. Repairs by digging and reconstruction of
local sediments.
C. Disintegration:-
The progressive breakdown of the pavement in small, loose
pieces is called dissolution (disintegration).
Two common types are: -

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A Review Paper on Highway Pavement Failure and Their Maintenance Kota - Borkhera Road
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 03/2019/259)

1) Pot holes
2) Patches
1) Pot holes:-
These surface layers contain bowl-shaped holes of different
sizes or expand in the base course. Pot holes are come often
there are located bad drainage system. Fill the pot holes by
patch work after cleaning and repairs.

D. Surface defects:-
The surface defect are related to the problem of layer in
surface. Common types of surface defects are-
1) Revelling
2) Bleeding
3) Polishing
4) Delamination
1) Revelling:-
2) Patches:- Revelling problem’s come when the loss of material from the
Patch work are start there some replacement bituminous, surface of pavement. Some revelations in chip seals are due
damage area, pot holes etc. patch is usually used to fix defects to improper manufacturing techniques.
in a pavement or to cover utility gap. Patch failure can cause 2) Bleeding:-
more widespread failure of the surrounding pavement. A film of asphalt on the surface of the pavement. It usually
creates a bright, glass like surface that can be quite sticky,
sometimes known as “flushing”.
The bleeding can often be cured by putting thick
sands to burn more asphalt binder. Major bleeding can be
cured by cutting excess asphalt with a motor grader or by
removing it with a heater planner.
3) Polishing:-
Due to traffic, the coating is polished on the surface of the
pavement. This can be a dangerous consequence.

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A Review Paper on Highway Pavement Failure and Their Maintenance Kota - Borkhera Road
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 03/2019/259)

a) Due to highway failures  Lack of skilled labour, updation guidelines for the lack
 Most common highway failure reasons are: - of modern technology and maintenance of roads
 Bad design and manufacturing. standards and non- existence of norms.
 Heavy traffic and loading.  Insufficient thickness of poor quality control and
 Bad maintenance culture system. pavement during initial blocking phase.
 All types bad highway facilities. g) Routine maintenance:-
 Bad condition laboratory and dead test on soil.  Regular(routine) maintenance can be defined as those
 Using low qualities material in construction. treatments that apply on the pavement so that the
 Bad workmanship and method of construction. pavement can work properly.
 Wrong supervision.  While repairing small carriageways, there are many tools
 Low knowledge base standard. that are suitable for maintenance engineers. In the main,
repair will be done by repairing permanent repairs from
 Local construction process.
the pots and usually as conventional patching methods or
 Insufficient restriction for highway failure.
by the use of proper asphalt repair techniques.
 Environmental variation.
h) Periodic maintenance:-
 Expansive subgrade soil.
 The purpose of these treatments is to restore the life of a
 Poor drainage system. pavement by restoring desirable properties, while such
b) Impact of highway failures measures are still cost-effective.
 Accidents ratio. i) Future scope the work:-
 Increase the defective vehicle.  Maintenance effectiveness is developing a data base that
 Waste of travel time. will allow a growing understanding of selected treatment
 Increase traffic congestion. in expanding pavement service life or reducing the
 Increase crime rate. development of pavement crisis.
 Reasons for soil erosion.  It includes the study or the effectiveness of pavement
 Unfavourable to economic development. maintenance treatments and the establishment of the
c) Measures for advertising highway failures study method, which can be followed by highway
 Provision of adequate and reasonable design. agencies to develop other maintenance therapies.
 Decomposition of the road.
 Road maintenance. III. CONCLUSIONS
 Provision of highway facilities. The pavement maintenance and management system will be
 Adequate soil testing in road construction. more efficient if all possible and possible maintenance works
 Suitable road construction material. including redistribution works are considered.
 Well trained road engineer. Classification of all kinds of crisis has been
 Suitable restrictions for highway failures. identified. Reasons and treatments are different for different
 Increased use of other means of transportation. severity levels of each crisis.
d) The unique qualities of flexible pavement In this study it is believed that the parameters
 Fat decline over time. affecting are cracks and cracks, roughness, rough depth, pot
 Loads frequently. hole and deflection. It was told that understanding the reasons
 Variable weight volume. for the deterioration of the pavement, effective maintenance
 Increase in traffic. techniques in important savings for the long term life of the
 Change in physical properties with environmental roads and the government will make significant contribution
conditions. in the proper selection of results.
Combined method with the experience of highway
 Multi-layer system.
engineer and adequate material testing will help ensure that
e) Factors affecting the performance of the pavement
the reason for the failure of the pavement can be determined
 Traffic
 Moisture
 Subgrade type IV. REFERENCE
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 Efficient drainage is very important for any highway and Maintenance (Case Study)," M.Sc. Thesis,
system, particularly in high hills and low lying areas. University of Sudan, 2008.

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A Review Paper on Highway Pavement Failure and Their Maintenance Kota - Borkhera Road
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 03/2019/259)

[4] Praveen Kumar (2004), Case Study on Failure

Bituminous pavement. Pre-papers International
conference on the pavement Protection (Paper 52). Pp-1-

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