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Smart Parking System Based On Iot IJERTV9IS050041

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 9 Issue 05, May-2020

Smart Parking System based on IOT

Hardik Tanti1, Pratik Kasodariya2, Shikha Patel3, Dhaval H. Rangrej4
Assistant Professor Laxmi Institute Of Technology, Sarigam
Laxmi Institute Of Technology , Sarigam

Abstract— Today many metropolitan areas have seen parking lot would be equipped with a control system that enables
explosive growth in the number of visitors and patrons due to monitoring of the number of free and occupied parking places and
urban revitalization, extension of transit services into informing users about the parking lot status (open with/without
suburban areas, and the general trend toward increased free available parking spaces or closed) Additionally the
mobility of our society. As a result, there are too many application would display parking service payment according to
vehicles on the road and insufficient parking spaces. This has parking time duration. Also it will sense if a vehicle has arrived
led to the need for an efficient parking management system. on the gate for automated gate opening. This allows users to
With the help of a computerized system we can deliver a good check for available parking space online from anywhere for hassle
service to citizens who wants to park their vehicle into the any free parking. Thus, the system solves the parking issue.
organization’s premises using Internet of Things (IOT) based
on parking management system. In this context, Internet of II. LITERATURE SURVEY
Things (IOT) uses sensors to connect physical parking space
Aditya Basu [1] says that, Smart Parking systems typically
infrastructures with information and communication
obtains information about available parking spaces in a particular
technologies, where cloud-based smart management services
geographic area and process is real-time to place vehicles at
are provided. To implement this concept a mobile based
available positions. It involves using low-cost sensors, real-time
application would be developed. This mobile application will
data collection, and mobile-phone enabled automated payment
allow an end user to check the availability of parking space
systems that allow people to reserve parking in advance or very
and book a particular parking lot accordingly. Each parking
accurately predict where they will likely find a spot. When
lot would be equipped with a control system that enables
deployed as a system, smart parking thus reduces car emissions in
monitoring of the number of free and occupied parking places
urban centers by reducing the need for people to needlessly circle
and informing users about the parking lot status (open
city blocks searching for parking. It also permits cities to carefully
with/without free available parking spaces or closed)
manage their parking supply Smart parking helps one of the
Additionally the application would display parking service
biggest problems on driving in urban areas; finding empty parking
payment according to parking time duration. Also it will sense
spaces and controlling illegal parking. This implies M2M
if a vehicle has arrived on the gate for automated gate
technologies aims rightness/safety as well as convenience. The
opening. This allows users to check for available parking
Parking Assistance System includes three modules-Monitoring
space online from anywhere for hassle free parking. Thus, the
modules, Control module and a displaying unit. Along with above
system solves the parking issue.
three modules it will also have centralized supervisory system to
maintain a data base of parking space and will have a SMS
Keywords— Smart Parking, Internet of Things, Mobile
gateway. The monitoring module includes ultrasonic sensors/
Application, Show available parking lots as per location, Time
ambient light sensor which identifies the free parking spaces and
Duration, Online Payment.
transmits the Information to control unit through ZigBee. Apart
from detecting the car the sensor also provides additional
I. INTRODUCTION information like the stretch of time the car has been parked and
Due to the proliferation in the number of vehicles on the road, also its health status. The control units process the information
traffic problems are bound to exist. This is due to the fact that the and send the information to Centralized supervisory system.
current transportation infrastructure and car park facility Centralized supervisory system receives information of parking
developed are unable to cope with the influx of vehicles on the space from the controller through UDP. It then sends the
road. To alleviate the aforementioned problems, the smart parking information such as slot allotted, time parked, billing information
system has been developed. With the implementation of the smart and directional details to the user’s mobile phone.
parking system, patrons can easily locate and secure a vacant Limitation: The limitation of this paper is that it does not include
parking space at any car park deemed convenient to them. Vehicle payment system, so it is not applicable for payable parking.
ingress and egress are also made more convenient with the
implementation of hassle free Anusooya G, Christy Jackson J, Sathyarajasekaran K and
Kumar Kannan [2] says that, the main objective is to avoid the
payment mechanism. With the help of a computerized system we cramming in the car parking area by implementing an efficient car
can deliver a good service to citizens who want to park their parking system along with a user-friendly application for an ease
vehicle into the any organization’s premises using Internet of of use. Normally at public places such as multiplex theatres,
Things (IOT) based on parking management system. In this market areas, hospitals, function-halls, offices and shopping
context, Internet of Things (IOT) uses sensors to connect physical malls, one experiences the discomfort in looking out for a vacant
parking space infrastructures with information and parking slot, though it’s a paid facility with an attendant/ security
communication technologies, where cloud-based smart guard. The parking management system is proposed to
management services are provided. To implement this concept a demonstrate hazel free parking. The proposed system uses
mobile based application would be developed. This mobile infrared transmitter-receiver pairs that remotely communicate the
application will allow an end user to check the availability of status of parking occupancy to the raspberry pi and displays the
parking space and book a particular parking lot accordingly. Each vacant slots on the display at the entrance of the parking so that

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 9 Issue 05, May-2020

the user gets to know the availability /unavailability of parking Description: The above diagram describes the system flow of our
space prior to his/her entry into the parking place. Implementation project, i.e, at the login page, if the user is authenticated, then it
involves minimal human interaction and provides a seamless will move forward to the dashboard and if not authenticated, the
parking experience thereby reducing a lot of time wasted by the user will be redirected to the login page.
user in parking his/her vehicle.
Limitation: If card is lost, It can be misused by some unknown After that at the dashboard parking lot will be booked at the
person. desired location, online payment will be done through wallet, at
Karan Upendrabhai Vyas, Adarsh Kumar, Vadher Dhaval the parking lot, the user will be authenticated through the
Hareshkumar [3] says that, this project is about an automatic generated QR code and after leaving the spot, the user can logout
underground car parking system for residents. The aim of this from the app.
research is to develop & implement an automatic parking system
that will increase convenience & security of residential parking Circuit Diagram
system. The automatic parking system will be able to have less
interaction of humans. The economy analysis technique will help
in analyzing the project feasibility. Thus an efficient, reliable &
safe automatic underground parking system will increase
availability of space for car parking. In metropolitan cities,
vehicle parking has become a major concern in all busy areas and
a good traffic system needs a good parking system. Different
types of vehicle parking are applied worldwide namely Multi-
level Automated Car Parking, Automated Car Parking System,
Volkswagen Car Parking, etc. The present project work is aimed
to develop a reduced working model of a car parking system for
parking 6 to 24 cars within a parking area of 32.17 m². The chain
and sprocket mechanism is used for driving the parking platform.
This model will be further useful for different branches of
engineering in order to develop different types of automations like
PLC, Micro controller and computerization etc. Limitation: This
application is only used by malls which have underground
parking system.

Description: As show in diagram six infrared sensors are
connected with the Arduino pins 4 to 9. The infrared sensor VCC
pins are connected with the Arduino’s 5v. Grounds are connected
with the Arduino’s Ground while the out pins of all the infrared
sensors are connected with pin 4 to9. The Node mcu module tx
and Rx pins are connected with pin2 and pin3 of the Arduino.
while the Vin pin of the Node mcu module is connected with the
output of the voltage regulator. This is a regulated 5v power
supply based on the lm7805 voltage regulator. But you can also
power up the Node mcu module using your laptop USB port. Two
USB cables will be used, cable will be used for powering up the
arduino and the other usb cable will be used to power up the node

IR Sensor: This is the IR sensor which will be using for the cars
detection. As show in diagram the three male headers are clearly
labeled with the VCC, GND, and OUT. The VCC pin is
connected with the Arduino’s 5 volts. The ground is connected
with the Arduino’s ground. While the OUT pin is connected with
Arduino’s IO pins. which will explain in the circuit diagram.
While the black and white leds are the IR leds “one is the Tx
while the other one is the Rx”.

Nodemcu ESP8266: This is the Nodemcu ESP8266 wifi module,

with the help of this module we can monitor the car parking slots
from anywhere around the world. As you can see clearly all the
pins are clearly labeled. Never power up the Nodemcu esp8266
wifi module using the Arduino’s 5 volts. If you power up this
module using the arduino’s 5 volt then this wifi module we will
keep reseting. To solve this problem you can design a separate
power supply of this module using the LM7805 voltage regulator.

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 9 Issue 05, May-2020


Login Activity

Description: Here the user will login with his/her registered

mobile number and password.

Description: The model of Smart Parking system has 6 parking

lot and one entry and exit gate. For future maintenance, If any
sensor doesn’t work properly, an extra lot number 7 which is
been kept disconnected. Each parking lot has a sensor which
detects the object whenever any countable object passed around
the range. All the sensors are connected with the Arduino Uno kit
which supplies power. Arduino uno kit is connected with Node
Mcu ESP 8266. ESP 8266 has instructions for sensors which has
been imported from Arduino IDE. Arduino IDE is a software uesd
for coding.
Registration Activity

Description: The vehicle user will register with his/her


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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 9 Issue 05, May-2020

Authentication Activity Edit Profile Activity

Description: In this activity, one time password will be sent to Description: In this activity, the vehicle user can edit and update
their registered mobile number to check whether the user is their profile if they want to make any changes.
verified or not.

Home Page Activity Map Activity

Description: Here the user can book parking lot according to his Description: In this mapping activity, the user can find parking
nearby area and pay money online by adding money in wallet and lot according to his/her locality.
can generate QR code to verify themselves.

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 9 Issue 05, May-2020

Parking Lot Activity QR Code Activity

Description: Here the user will first check that the parking lot is Description: In this activity the watchman of the parking lot will
reserved or not, if not than he/she will proceed for further booking scan QR code generated by the vehicle user to verify that the user
details. is authenticated or not.


The system’s visual definition is to refrain from traffic and reduce
time. This system will help you to find nearby parking lot in your
area and you can book your parking lot. It also provides you
online payment. So hereby, we conclude that with the
implementation of the proposed system we will be able to reduce
the time and traffic. We have proposed this system with its
functional requirements.


[1] “Smart parking system happiest minds” Aditya Basu, 2014 Happiest
Minds https://www.happiestminds.com/Insights/smart-parking/
[2] “RFID based car parking system” Anusha ,September 1, 2016
[3] “Automated underground car parking system” Karan Upendrabhai
Vyas, Adarash Kumar, Vadher Dhaval Hareshkumar, December,
%20SYSTEM.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowe d=y
Wallet Activity [4] “Smart parking car ystem” Ali Abd Al-Zahra Jawad, Murtada Falah
Hassan, Zain Hussam Muhsen, Mohammed Azher Therib(28/7/19)
Description: Here the vehicle user adds money in wallet and pays https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320356747_Design_and_I
for the parking fees according to his/her time duration. mplementation_of_Smart_Car_Parking_System

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)

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