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Turns Ratio Meter Pwr3A - : Transformer Measuring Devices

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TURNS RATIO METER PWR3A- (CVT) Transformer measuring

Full automated high precision transformers turns ratiometer devices

Can be expanded for Capacitive Voltage Transformers Tests.
Turns Ratio Meter

The great advantage of the PWR3A compared to many of the other

instruments on the market is its simple set-up.
In most cases the required parameters must be looked up in
tables on the basis of the vector group and the code number
of the transformer to be measured, and set up at the instru-
ment by means of rotary switches or keys. This often results
in a wrong set-up or uncertainty regarding the set-up since
some of the tables are confusing.
Such a manual set-up is not necessary with the PWR3A
transformation ratio measuring instrument. You simply
type in the vector group with the keys.
The only thing you have to do is to connect the transformer
being off-line to the device and release the measurement; all
three phases are measured consecutively, all connecting and
short circuited procedures at the primary and secondary volt-
age sides are performed automatically before each measure-
ment. Of course it is also possible to measure just one phase, former. A 3-phase line voltage is used for this purpose.
e g. H2. The PWR3A is supplied in a robust carrying case. All
An adjustable set value permits the display of an error or connections are provided at the front of the instrument
deviation of the measured transformation ratio. Further, an and are locked in order to avoid unplugging during a
automatic control of the tap changer is provided. In this case measurement. An alarm set (a red lamp is on during the
all phases and taps are measured consecutively, and all the measurement) can also be supplied.
results are stored inside the instrument (using the trans- The connecting cables and clamps are 4-pole (Kelvin) on
former specific memory), printed (if a printer is connected), the HV-winding to avoid errors due to cable resistance.
and transferred to the PC (if connected).
Using the internal memory all results for all taps are written to Features
a transformer specific area.
• Ratio range from 0.75 to 20,000 (higher ratios with CVT-Ext.)
Furthermore, the transformer specific set point values, the
• Fully automated measurement
vector group and additional information describing the trans-
former (e.g. serial number, location ...) are read from the • Features market unique Vector Group Detection
memory when selected and displayed on the LCD. If set point • Measuring voltage from 8 V to 230 V
values are present, an OK / NOT OK message with the • Measuring voltage up to 5 kV by CVT-Extension: PWR3A-CVT
corresponding information is displayed. • Using 3-phase voltage for phase angles other than 0°/180°
The transformer specific data can be easily programmed via • Easy to handle tap changer automatic
a connected personal computer but it is also possible to input • Internal memory stores all dates (Reading with PWR3A-XFER)
the transformer specific data via the internal keyboard. • LC display (256 x 128 pixel) with backlight
The PWR3A transformation ratio measuring instrument is • Easy input of vectorgroup and measuring conditions
connected to the H.V. and L.V. sides via four connections • USB/RS232C port to get full instrument control
each. It also powers the test object at selected voltage, • Centronics printer port or build in printer (optional)
supplied by an internal isolating transformer. However, an
• Robust mobile case for field use
external excitation using different voltages and frequencies is
• Factory Certificate
also possible.
A special feature is the possibility to use three phase measur-
ing voltage. Transformers have phase angles of n*30° where
n is the vector number 0 to 11. Because all measurements phone: +49 (0)3328 / 3179 - 0
are single phase all results will be 0° or 180° too together with fax: +49 (0)3328 / 3179 - 10
eventually phase errors. email: [email protected]
But there are some special transformers with phase angles of Here you will get technical assistance as well as
complete information regarding features, prices,
n*30° ± (0°..15°), e.g. 127.5°. To get this value (and not shipment and reselling.
0/180°) one need a three phase source to feed the trans-
SCHUETZ MESSTECHNIK GMBH, Rheinstrasse 7a, D-14513 Teltow
Edition November 2013. Changes are subject to change without notice!
TURNS RATIO METER PWR 3A- (CVT) Transformer measuring
Technical Data, Enhancements and Accessories
Turns ratio meter

Ratio measurement
Total Range 0.75 – 20,000 : 1
Max. errors (0.75 .. 2,500) ± 0.10 % ± 1d @ 8 V .. 230 V
Max. errors (2,501 .. 5,000) ± 0.10 % ± 1d @ 40 V .. 230 V
± 0.15 % ± 1d @ 8 V
Max. errors (5,001 .. 10,000) ± 0.10 % ± 1d @ 80 V .. 230 V
± 0.20 % ± 1d @ 8 V .. 40 V
Max. errors (10,001 .. 15,000) ± 0.15 % ± 1d @ 80 V .. 230 V
± 0.30 % ± 1d @ 8 V .. 40 V
Max. errors (15,001 .. 20,000) ± 0.30 % ± 2d @ 160 V .. 230 V
± 1.00 % ± 2d @ 40 V .. 80 V
Measuring voltage 8 V, 40 V, 80 V, 160 V , 230 V
or by external source (8V .. 240 V)
Measuring frequency 45 Hz – 65 Hz
Range selection full automatic

Phase angle measurement

Range (one phase) - 9.9 ° to + 9.9 ° Available Enhancements (Options)
Range (three phase) - 179.9 ° to + 180 °
• CVT Test Adapter
Max. error ± 0.1 ° ± 2 digit
The CVT Test Adapter increases the ratio by a
Mag.current measurement 1 mA – 2000 mA ± 1 mA a factor of max. 50 using high voltage up to 5kV.
The adapter will be connected with the HV- and LV-
Multiplexer winding terminals on the PWR3A and two highvolt
terminals to the Capacitive Voltage Transformer.
Connections HV 1U, 1V, 1W, 1N / H0,1,2,3 Amphenol The PWR3A must have the -CVT-Option installed:
Connections LV 2U, 2V, 2W, 2N / X0,1,2,3 Amphenol PWR3A-CVT
Connections ext. excitation 8 V – 240 V (1/3-phase) AC, STASEI 5 • Warning light:
The warning light flashs if voltage appears on the
test object during measurement.
Error detection Contact- and stability errors
• Software PWR3A-XFER
displays: HV / LV too low; bad line stability
The program PWR3A-XFER supports the transfer
Set point input using front panel, via RS232 or chipcard of stored measuring-data from the PWR3A-pa-
rameter card to a text editor or a spreadsheet
Deviances shown on display, via RS232 program.
Start of measurement using front panel, via RS232 or IEEE - 488
Display 256 x 128 pixel LC display, backlight
Result format vectorgroup, actual phase, actual tap-position,
ratio and deviation, phase angle and deviation,
exiting current, deviation ref. to setpoints
Measuring Time 5 ... 20 s depending on line noise/distortion
Measurement Storage ca. 2000 sets of data on internal memory
Available Accessories
Data Transfer direct or later on with PWR3A-XFER - Program
Correct Connections tested before each measurement • Cable HVK(AV) 4x4-pole, various length,
Ports USB, RS232C (full device control) amphenol jack and clamps (H0,1,2,3)
printer (parallel, ANSI standard, optional) • Cable LV(BV) 4x2-pole, various length,
amphenol jack and clamps (X0,1,2,3)
Temperature Operating: -10° .. 50°C
Storage: -20° ... 65°C Questions?
Humidity 0 ... 90% (Storage 95%) non condensing phone: +49 (0)3328 / 3179 - 0
EMC, Safety, Vibration CE , IEC61010-1 , ASTM D 999.75
fax: +49 (0)3328 / 3179 - 10
Dimensions, Weight 490 x 400 x 190 mm (WxDxH, mobile ABS
email: [email protected]
rugged case), approx. 10 kg without cables
Here you will get technical assistance as well as
Power Supply 230VAC +10% -15% (196 - 250VAC) / 48..62Hz complete information regarding features, prices,
shipment and reselling.

SCHUETZ MESSTECHNIK GMBH, Rheinstrasse 7a, D-14513 Teltow

Edition November 2013. Changes are subject to change without notice!

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