Section A: CLASS XII (2019-20) BIOLOGY (044) Sample Paper-3

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Biology XII Sample Paper 3 Solved


CLASS XII (2019-20)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions :
• There are a total of 27 questions and five sections in the question paper. All questions are
• Section A contains question numbers 1 to 5, multiple choice questions of one mark each.
• Section B contains question numbers 6 to 12, short answer type I questions of two marks each.
• Section C contains question numbers 13 to 21, short answer type II questions of three marks
• Section D contains question numbers 22 to 24, case-based short answer type questions of three
marks each.
• Section E contains question numbers 25 to 27, long answer type questions of five marks each.
• There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, internal choices are provided in two
questions of one mark, one question of two marks, two questions of three marks and all three
questions of five marks. An examinee is to attempt any one of the questions out of the two
given in the question paper with the same question number.

(iv) chemoautotrophs
Section A Choose the correct option.
1. Agarose extracted from sea weeds finds use (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv)
in [1] (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (ii)
(a) spectrophotometry Ans : (c) (ii) and (iii)
(b) tissue culture
3. Name the parts labelled ‘A’ and ‘B’ shown in
(b) PCR
a typical biogas plant. [1]
(d) gel electrophoresis
Ans : (d) gel electrophoresis
There is a restriction endonuclease called Eco
RI in which co part stands for
(a) colon (b) coelom
(c) coenzyme (d) coil
Ans : (d) coil (a) A-Gas holder; B-Sludge tank
(b) A-Sludge tank; B-Slurry container
2. According to Allen’s rule, the mammals from
(c) A-Slurry container; B-Sludge tank
colder climates have [1]
(a) shorter ears and longer limbs (d) A-Sludge tank; B-Gas holder
(b) longer ears and shorter limbs Ans : (b) A-Sludge tank; B-Slurry container
(c) longer ears and longer limbs 4. Which of the following statements is
(d) shorter ears and shorter limbs correct? [1]
Ans : (d) shorter ears and shorter limbs (a) Surgical methods of contraception do not
prevent gamete formation
(b) In embryo transfer technique, embryos
Decomposers like fungi and bacteria are are always transferred into the uterus
(i) autotrophs (c) Oral pills are very popular contraceptives
(ii) heterotrophs among the rural women
(iii) saprotrophs (d) All STDs are not completely curable

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Ans : (d) All STDs are not completely 9. Write your observations on the variations
curable seen in the Darwin’s finches shown below. [2]
5. Which gene was introduced in the first
transgenic cow? [1]
(a) Human alpha lactalbumin
(b) OC-1-antitrypsin
(c) P-1-antitrypsin How did Darwin explain the existence of
(d) cry-IAC different varieties of finches on Galapagos
Ans : (a) Human alpha lactalbumin islands?
Ans :
Section B Darwin’s finches show variations in beaks due
to adaptation to different food habits. The
6. List any two ways through which foreign original finches were seed-eating. From them,
DNA is inserted into the plant cell genome some arose as insectivorous and some as
to change its phenotypic expression. [2] vegetarian finches. This process of evolution
Ans : of different species in a given geographical
Insertion of a foreign DNA into the plant cell area, starting from a point and radiating to
genome to change its phenotypic expression other habitats is called adaptive radiation.
is done by the following two ways 10. A food web represents interlinking food chains
(i) Through a vector. of many consumers. Using this information,
(ii) Through direct introduction of DNA highlight the feeding relationship between
by using different methods, i.e. the main groups of organisms of your choice
microinjection, gene gun, etc. in a food web. Also, mention an advantage of
7. How does pistil recognise the pollen grain of the food webs existing in an ecosystem. [2]
the right type? [2] Ans :
Ans : A food web comprised of interlinked food
Pistil recognises the pollen grain of the right chains showing different feeding relationships
type by special proteins. If an unwanted pollen is as follows:
is encountered, the pistil rejects the pollen by
preventing pollen germination on the stigma
or pollen tube growth in the style which is
also determined by specific chemicals. This
continuous dialogue mediated by chemical
components between pollen and pistil is Due to interlinking of different food chains,
referred to as pollen-pistil interaction. organisms in a food web get benefits of
alternative food sources and can better
8. Radhika went on a school trip to the garden
compete with others.
and started sneezing on reaching there. In the
evening when she came back home, she was or
feeling all fine. Suggest a valid reason behind In a habitat with unlimited resources, which
her unique condition and also mention the type of population growth can be observed?
type of antibody produced by the body as a Support your answer with a graphical
response against this condition. [2] representation.
Ans : Ans :
Radhika must have suffered from some In a habitat where the resources needed
kind of allergy either from the dust or may for survival are unlimited, the population
be by the pollen grains of the flowers, etc. growth occurs at an exponential rate. This
Such substances causing allergy are called type of growth has two phases, i.e. lag (when
allergens. Our body eventually produces organisms are adapting to environment) and
IgE antibodies as a response against such exponential (rapid phase of reproduction).
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Finally, when the supply of resources Ans :

exhausts, causing growth to slow down. (i) Particulate air pollutants are added into
the air by industries, automobiles, etc.
They are differentiated into settable
particulate matter (diameter 10μm)
that settles out in less than one day and
suspended particulate matter (diameter
510 pm) that remains suspended in air
for weeks.
(ii) Particulate size 2.5 or less in
diameter are responsible for causing
Population growth curve when resources are
great harm to human health. These
not limiting the growth.
pollutants can be inhaled deep into the
The growth can be expressed as
respiratory tract (up to lungs) as they
dN = rN cannot be filtered out by our protective
dt barriers and cause respiratory problems
Where, N = Population size and may even lead to death.
t = Time A solution to particulate matter pollutant
is the use of electrostatic precipitators (in
r = Intrinsic rate of natural increases industries and thermal power plant), which
11. There is more species rich biodiversity in can remove particulate matter with 99%
the tropical latitude when compared to the efficiency.
temperate ones. Justify the statement giving
two reasons. [2] Section C
Ans :
13. Explain the structure of a typical
The reasons behind the fact that there is
microsporangium with the help of a well-
more species rich biodiversity in the tropical
labelled diagram. Also, highlight the major
latitude when compared to the temperate
roles performed by the innermost layer of the
ones are as follows
microsporangium. [3]
(i) Tropical environments are less seasonal,
more constant and predictable than Ans :
the temperate ones. This constant Microsporangium or Pollen sac is a cylindrical
environment promotes niche structure that produces numerous spores,
specialisation and leads to a greater which give rise to the male gametophyte. It
species biodiversity. consists of two parts, i.e. an outer wall and a
(ii) The availability of solar energy is much central sporogenous tissue. Microsporangial
more in the tropics that contribute to wall is made up of four different layers, i.e.
the higher productivity which inturn epidermis (also known as common anther
results in greater species diversity. covering), endothecium, 1-3 middle layers
12. Consider the following facts. and the tapetum (innermost layer).
(i) Particulate air pollutants can be
differentiated into settable and suspended
(ii) According to CPCB, particulate matter
of 2.5 1.1,m or less in size can cause
harm to human health.
Reconcile the above statements with (a) Transverse section of a young anther
respect to particulate pollutants and (b) Enlarged view of one microsporangium
suggest the harmful effects they can showing layers
cause on human health. Also, present Tapetum performs a number of functions as
a solution to remove these types of (i) Nourishment to the developing pollen
pollutants from the environment. [2] grains.

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(ii) Production of lipid rich Ubisch granules. (ii) the karyotype is 45 + XO.
(iii) Secretion of enzymes like callase, which Ans :
is responsible for the degradation of
(i) The genetic disorder is alpha (a)-
callose wall around pollen tetrad.
thalassemia, an autosomal-linked
14. Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disorder recessive disease, occurring due to either
of humans. The pedigree chart given below mutation or deletion of genes, resulting
shows the inheritance of haemophilia in a in reduced rate of synthesis of one of
family. Study the pattern of inheritance and the globin chains of haemoglobin. It is
answer the questions that follows. [3] controlled by closely linked genes HBA1
and HBA 2 on the chromosome 16.
(a) Anaemia
(b) Fatigue and weakness
(ii) Disease is Turner’s syndrome (45 + XO)
(a) Affected females are sterile because
(i) Give all the possible genotypes of the of rudimentary ovaries.
members 4, 5 and 6 in the pedigree (b) Short statured individuals with
chart. small uterus, puffy fingers and
(ii) A blood test shows that the individual 14 webbed neck.
is a carrier of haemophilia. The member
15. (i) Study the table given below and identify
numbered as 15 got recently married to
(a), (b), (c) and (d) [3]
number 14. What is the probability that
their first child will be a haemophilic male? Crop Variety Resistance to
Ans : disease
(i) Possible genotype of member 4 is XXh. (a) Himgiri Leaf rust
Possible genotype of member 5 is XhY. Cauliflower (b) Black rot
Possible genotype of member 6 is XY.
(ii) According to the given pedigree, if the Brassica Pusa Swarnim (c)
member 15 gets married to the member (d) Pusa Komal Bacterial
14 of this family, then the probability of blight
first child to be a haemophilic male will (ii) Plant breeding technique has helped
be 25% as follows sugar industry in North India.
(a) Between sugarcane variety of North
India and South India, which one
has higher sugar content?
(b) What attempt was made to increase
yield of sugarcane in North India?
Ans :
Thus, heterozygous female (carrier) for Crop Variety Resistance to
haemophilia may transmit the disease disease
to her sons.
Wheat Himgiri Leaf rust
Cauliflower Pusa Shubhra Black rot
Name the type of genetic disorder and its
two symptoms that will likely be observed in Brassica Pusa Swarnim White rust
an individual, if Cowpea Pusa Komal Bacterial
(i) the production of α -globin gene on blight
chromosome 16 is affected by mutation (ii) (a)Saccharum barberi originally of North
or deletion of one or more of its four India has poor sugar content, while
alleles. Saccharum officinarum of South
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India has thick stems and high sugar

(b) The sugarcane varieties of South
India and North India were crossed to
get the high yield hybrid variety. It
has thick stem and high sugar content
with the ability to grow in the areas of
North India.
16. Give reasons for the following. [3]
18. Biotechnologists identified the source and
(i) Some animals like frog, show hibernation.
isolated different types of cry genes from
(ii) Clownfish lives among the tentacles of
the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and
sea anemone.
incorporated them into many crops. Briefly
(iii) Desert plants bear thick cuticle on their
explain, how have these genes brought
leaf surfaces.
beneficial changes in the crops and the
Ans : mankind. [3]
(i) Some animals like frog hibernate. Ans :
Sometimes the unfavourable (stressful)
cry genes (Bt toxin genes) were isolated from
conditions are for a short duration and
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and were
if the animals are not able to migrate,
incorporated into several crops like cotton,
they hibernate to avoid the stress by
tomato, brinjal, etc.
escaping in time.
Some strains of B. thuringiensis
(ii) The interaction between a clownfish and
produce proteins that kill certain insects
a sea anemone is called commensalism.
such as lepidopterans (tobacco budworm,
As the sea anemone has stinging
armyworm), coleopterans (beetles) and
tentacles, the clownfish gets protection
dipterans (flies, mosquitoes).
from its predators as the tentacles
B.thuringiensis forms protein crystals
keep them away. Thus, the clownfish
during a particular phase of their growth
is benefitted, while on the other hand,
which contains a toxic insecticidal protein.
sea anemone is neither benefitted nor
This protein encoded by cry gene exists as
an inactive protoxin, but becomes active on
(iii) Desert plants have a thick cuticle on
ingestion by an insect. This happens because
their leaf surfaces and have their stomata
of the alkaline pH of the gut which solubilises
arranged in deep pits to minimise the
the crystals. This toxin creates pore, cell
water loss through transpiration. These
swelling, lysis and eventually leads to the
plants have special photosynthetic
death of an insect.
pathway (CAM) that enables their
The choice of the Bt toxin genes depends
stomata to remain closed during daytime
on the crops and targeted pest as most Bt
to minimise the rate of transpiration.
toxins are insect group specific. They have
17. In a cross between red and white flowers of helped in developing insect resistance. Bt
snapdragon, all pink flowers were produced. toxin gene has been cloned from the bacteria
Explain, why it is a case of incomplete and has been expressed in plants to provide
dominance and not of blending inheritance. [3] them resistance to the insects without the
Ans : need for insecticides, e.g. Bt cotton, Bt corn,
In incomplete dominance, the genes of an rice, etc. (3)
allelomorphic pair are not expressed as 19. Name the two different categories of microbes
dominant or recessive but they are expressed naturally occurring in sewage water . Explain
partially when present together in a hybrid. their role in cleaning sewage water into usable
As a result, an intermediate character water. [3]
is obtained. It is not a case of blending Ans :
inheritance because parental characters
Bacteria and fungi are two categories of
reappear in the F2-generation without any
naturally occurring microbes present in
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sewage. The bacteria along with the fungal Ans :

mycelia form flocs. These flocs are utilised There are certain features that are required
during the secondary treatment of sewage. to facilitate cloning into a vector during
The primary effluent after separation of the RDT. These are:
grit and debris is taken to the secondary (i) Origin of replication (ori) is a specific
treatment. Here, the effluent is passed to DNA sequence from where the process
an aeration tank, where it is constantly of replication begins. Thus, any piece
agitated and air is pumped into it. This of DNA when linked to this sequence
leads to vigorous growth of bacteria and can be made to replicate within the host
floc formation. The bacteria in these flocs cells. It also controls the copy number of
consume organic matter, thus decreasing the the linked DNA.
BOD of the sewage. (ii) Selectable markers are genes which
or impart unique characters to the vector.
The valuable services bees provide to local This helps in identifying or selecting
ecosystems make it possible for farms and the transformants and eliminating non-
cattle operations to succeed. Acknowledging transformants and hence, selectively
the above mentioned fact, how would you permits only the growth of the
explain and convince the farmers that transformants, e.g. antibiotic resistance.
apiculture is both an easy and economically (iii) Cloning sites are generally required
beneficial practice for them? to link foreign or alien DNA with the
vector DNA. For this, the vector requires
Ans :
very few or single recognition sites for
Bee-keeping can be practised in any area commonly used restriction enzymes, e.g.
where there are sufficient pastures of some restriction sites in E. coil cloning vector
wild shrubs, fruit orchards and cultivated PBR322 are Hind III, Eco RI, Barn HI,
crops are present. Beehives can be kept in Sal I, etc.
the courtyard or veranda or even on the roof
21. A paternity dispute case for a child has
of the house. Bee-keeping is not a labour
reached the court for which there is no
intensive work. Keeping beehives in the crop
definitive evidence. Propose an alternative
fields during flowering season increases honey
solution which can settle this dispute without
yield. Since, there is an increased demand for
any suspicion. [3]
honey, it is an income generating industry
both on small scale and large scale. Honeybees Ans :
are pollinators of many of our crop plants, DNA fingerprinting is the technique used
e.g. sunflower, apple, pear and mustard. in solving the paternity dispute for a
Hence, keeping beehives in crop areas during child. It is used to determine nucleotide
flowering period increases pollination and sequences of certain areas of DNA which
improves both crop and honey yield. are unique to each individual. The basis of
20. Consider the following statements. [3] DNA fingerprinting is DNA polymorphism.
(i) Origin of replication or on site is a Although the DNA from different individuals
specific sequence of DNA from where is more alike (99.9%) than different (0.1%),
replication initiates. there are many regions of the human
(ii) Selectable markers are genes which chromosomes that exhibit a great deal of
impart unique features to a vector, e.g. diversity. Such variable sequences are termed
antibiotic resistance. as ‘polymorphic’ (meaning many forms).
(iii) Cloning or Recognition sites are DNA fingerprinting is a special type of
short stretches of DNA which specific polymorph, called VNTR (Variable Number
restriction enzymes can identify and of Tandem Repeat), composed of repeated
bind to. copies of a DNA sequence that lie adjacent
Reconcile the above statements and explain to one another on the chromosome. These
why these features are considered essential to VNTRs of two persons may be of same length
facilitate cloning into a vector during RDT. and sequence at certain sites, but vary at
other sites. Therefore, it differs from person

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to person in a population. Hence, paternity

dispute can be settled out.
Section D
22. Observe the diagram of the factors influencing
population density and answer the questions
that follows. [3]

(i) Name the cells that divide by mitosis to

increase their number and the cells that
undergo meiosis-II.
(ii) Discuss about the hormones influencing
the process of gametogenesis in males.
Ans :
(i) Spermatogonia are the cells that divide
(i) Define immigration and emigration. by mitosis to increase their number.
(ii) Name the factors on which the size of a Secondary spermatocytes are the cells
population for any species depend? that undergo meiosis-II.
(iii) Give the expression for the change in (ii) Spermatogenesis (i.e. gametogenesis in
population size. males) is initiated due to an increase
Ans : in the secretion of Gonadotropin
(i) Immigration is the number of individuals Releasing Hormone (GnRH) by the
of the same species that have come into hypothalamus at the age of puberty.
the habitat from elsewhere during the This further stimulates the secretion of
time period under consideration. gonadotropins, i.e. Iuteinising hormone
Emigration is the number of individuals and follicle stimulating hormone. LH acts
of population who left the habitat and on Leydig cells to stimulate androgen
moved elsewhere during a given period secretion, which stimulates the process
of time. of spermatogenesis, while FSH acts on
(ii) The size of a population for any species Sertoli cells to secrete factors helpful in
is not a static parameter, it keeps spermiogenesis.
changing with time. It depends on the 24. The biogas plant shown below is used in rural
following factors areas for the production of biogas. [3]
(a) Food availability (i) Observe the figure and label the different
(b) Predation pressure parts marked as A and B.
(c) Weather
(ii) Explain the working of a biogas plant.
(iii) Expression for the change in population
Nt = N 0 + ^B + I h − ^D + E h
where, N 0 = Size of population at the
B = Birth rate
D = Death rate
I = Immigration Ans :

E = Emigration et. (i) The different parts of the biogas plant

marked as A and B are
23. With reference to the below diagrammatic A-Gas holder B-Digester
sectional view of seminiferous tubule, answer (ii) The biogas plant consists of a concrete
the following questions. [3] tank (10-15 feet deep) in which the
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biowastesare collected and a slurry of

dung is fed in which equal amount of
water and dung is mixed. A floating
cover is placed over the slurry, which
keeps on rising, as the gas is produced
in the tank due to the microbial activity
(methanogens like Methanobacterium).
Methanogens grow anaerobically on
cellulose present in the cow dung
producing large amount of methane
(CH4), hydrogen (H2) and carbon
dioxide (CO2). The biogas plant has
an outlet which is connected to a pipe
that supplies biogas. The spent slurry
is removed through another outlet and
can be used as manure. or
(i) With the help of a flowchart, explain
Section E the events that occur during fertilisation
25. (i) What is triple fusion? Where and how in humans. Also, mention the site of its
does it take place? Give the name of occurrence.
nuclei involved in triple fusion. What is (ii) Successful fertilisation leads to the absence
the product of this process? [5] of menstruation in females. Give reason.
Ans :
(ii) Which of the following, an endosperm
or an embryo, develops first in an (i)
Flowchart showing events of fertilisation
angiospermic seed? Give reason for the in humans is as follows
precedence. Discharge of semen in female vagina
(iii) State the role of endosperm in mature
Movement of sperms to reach at ampullary-
albuminous seed.
isthmus junction of the Fallopian tube
(iv) Draw a labelled diagram of a mature .
dicotyledonous embryo. Release and reach of ovum at the same
Ans : junction
(i) Triple fusion refers to the process of .
fusion of three haploid nuclei. It takes Contact of sperm with zona pellucida of the
place in embryo sac. The three nuclei ovum
that fuse together are nucleus of the .
male gamete and two polar nuclei of Secretion of acrosome makes a passage for
the central cell. They produce a triploid sperm into the ovum
primary endosperm nucleus. .
(ii) The development of endosperm is Initiation and completion of meiotic division
followed by the development of an of secondary oocyte and fusion of sperm
embryo in angiospermic seeds. It is with ovum
because the endosperm cells provide .
nutrition to the developing embryo. Formation of zygote
(iii) In mature albuminous seeds, endosperm The site of occurrence of fertilisation
exists as the storage tissue. It stores in humans is the ampullary-isthmic
starch and fat. junction of Fallopian tube.
(iv) Diagram showing mature dicot embryo (ii) Successful fertilisation leads to
is given below development of foetus, its implantation
and formation of placenta.
The developing placenta secretes the
hormone hCG, which maintains the
corpus luteum and stimulates it to
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secrete progesterone and oestrogen. In the phenotype of an organism, e.g.

turn, they suppress the gonadotropins, substitution, whereby one base is
which is required for the development substituted with another since only
of new follicles. Therefore, a new cycle one codon is changed, one amino acid
cannot be initiated and leads to the is substituted for another. If the new
absence of menstruation in females. amino acid is similar in its properties to
26. During the course of evolution DNA was the original one, no damage is expected
chosen over RNA as genetic material in to occur. If not, considerable harm can
most living organisms. Give reasons by first occur. For example, sickle-cell anaemia
discussing the desired criteria in a molecule in humans is caused by the substitution
that can act as genetic material and in the of the amino acid, valine, for the usual
light of biochemical differences between DNA amino acid, glutamine.
and RNA. [5] This is because the properties of valine
(which is hydrophobic) are significantly
Ans :
different from glutamine (which is
A molecule that can act as a genetic material
polar) so that a haemoglobin, which
must fulfil the following criteria
cannot adequately transport oxygen, is
(i) It should be able to generate its replica
produced instead of the normal oxygen-
carrying haemoglobin.
(ii) It should be chemically and structurally
(ii) The arrangement of the bases in the
nucleic acids is in the form of a ‘triplet
(iii) It should provide the scope for slow
code’ due to the higher number of possible
changes (mutation) that are required
codes that may be formed in order to
for evolution.
sufficiently fulfil the requirements of 20
(iv) It should be able to express itself in the
codes. As each of the 20 different amino
form of ‘Mendelian characters’.
acids is determined by one genetic code,
Biochemical differences between DNA and
there needs to be 20 different codes that
can be arranged. With four different
(i) Both nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) are
bases in DNA, there will be 64 possible
able to mutate. Since, RNA is unstable
combinations of the bases if a triplet
and mutates at a faster rate.
code of bases is used. This number is
(ii) RNA is reactive, it also acts as catalyst.
more than enough to be able to code for
Hence, DNA is less reactive and
20 amino acids.
structurally more stable than RNA.
(iii) The presence of thymine at the place of 27. (i) In an aquarium, two herbivorous species
uracil also confers additional stability to of fish are living together and feeding
DNA. on phytoplanktons. As per the Gause’s
principle, one of the species is to be
eliminated in due course of time, but
(i) Mutation occurs when there is a change
both are surviving well in the aquarium.
in the sequence of triplet codons which
Analyse the above situation and provide
may alter the phenotype of an organism.
valid reasons for the continued co-existence
One such mutation is substitution
of the two species. Give possible reasons.
whereby one base gets substituted with
(ii) Do you agree that the plants inhabiting
another. Using an example, explain how
a desert are not found in mangrove?
this substitution of one base in DNA
Present your opinion with proper
alters the phenotype of an organism.
reasons. [5]
(ii) According to you, why was the
arrangement of the bases in the nucleic Ans :
acids thought to be in the form of a (i) Competition is a type of relationship
triplet? between two or more organisms in
Ans : which both are harmed. A competition
between individuals of same species
(i) Mutation is a change in the sequence
(intraspecific) is more acute than the
of triplet codons which may alter
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competition between individuals of Ans :

different species as all the members in (i) ‘a’ represents conformer organisms.
an intraspecific competition have same (ii) The other line ‘b’ represents regulators.
basic requirements like food, water, (iii) The difference between conformers and
light, space, mating and shelter. regulators are as follows
But this is true only when resources are
limited. According to Gause’s principle, Conformers Regulators
in such a situation competitively inferior The organisms, The organisms
species gets eliminated. which cannot which maintain a
But studies recently have revealed that maintain a constant constant internal
species facing intraspecific competition internal environment environment despite
may evolve mechanism to encourage and change changes in the
co-existence rather exclusion. They according to the environment.
could avoid competition by choosing, ambient atmospheric
different times of feeding or foraging conditions.
patterns which is known as ‘resource
They show a narrow They show a much
range of distribution. wider range of
(ii) In xerophytic (desert) condition, plant
roots grow deeply to explore any
possibility of underground water and (iv) Human beings are regulators. They have
leaves are highly reduced (spine) to constant body temperature of 37°C. For
minimise transpiration. Leaves may have example, when external temperature
sunken stomata, stem has thick cuticle is more than our body’s temperature,
and are fleshy to preserve moisture. we sweat profusely which results in a
While, mangrove has salty condition so cooling effect and evaporation brings
that specialised root grows negatively down the temperature of the body to
geotropic and called pneumatophores, constant 37°C.
leaves are thin, small and green. Stems WWW.CBSE.ONLINE

are usually cuticularised. That is why

desert inhabited plants are not found in
a mangrove.
The graph given below represents the
response of different organisms to certain
environmental fluctuations
(e.g. temperature).
(i) Which are conformers out of a and b?
(ii) What does the other line in graph
(iii) Suggest how these organisms differ from
each other with reference to homeostasis.
(iv) Suggest the category to which humans
belong. Give an example to support
your answer. Download unsolved version of this paper from

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