This Study Resource Was: Unit 5 Job Satisfaction
This Study Resource Was: Unit 5 Job Satisfaction
This Study Resource Was: Unit 5 Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction
A. Which of these factors would motivate you to work harder? Choose your
top five and rank them in order of priority. Explain your priorities.
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1. Better working environment : Hire great team members (and don't be afraid to let
bad ones go), Improve the lighting, Make the office comfortable, Improve
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2. Working for a successful company : Allow the work to help you become who you
want to be and a step forward to success. When you have decided to do something,
don’t think about how difficult, frustrating, or impossible it might be; instead, think
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about how good or proud you would feel after you have accomplished it.
3. More flexible working hours : Because you need to Set a realistic quitting time for
yourself, and stick to it most days of the week. Stop answering emails after 8 PM, or
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4. Hard working boss : because by way of the boss exemplifying good things will affect
others and hard work can build character.
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Empower others, Ask for advice, Offer advice when asked, Identify the root cause.
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agree: Satisfaction comes from us, comes
c) Job satisfaction increases with age.
disagree : All the people can experience job satisfaction at any age. Because all the
people can do right their jobs and be successful people; all of this brings job
d) Improvements in technology lead to greater job satisfaction.
agree : technology make easier life for all of us; make everything more effective and
efficient; so more people will be happier working in their work places and being
involved in a satisfying work environment.
e) Job sharing and job rotation are not good for motivation.
disagree : because One of the most devastating disadvantages of job rotation is that
your business could take a hit. Because employees are learning new skills, there
could be some errors. Customers could become frustrated by confused employees
who make mistakes. If operations don't run smoothly, your bottom line could suffer.
C. Complete this extract with passive forms of the verbs in brackets.
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Over time, job satisfaction 1 (has been defined) in a number of ways. Edwin
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Locke said that job satisfaction 2 (is determined) by the difference between what
one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Herzberg states that satisfaction and
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dissatisfaction 3 (are driven ) by different things - motivation and 'hygiene' factors
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(such as pay), respectively . Motivation 4 ( can be seen) as an inner force that
drives people to perform. One of the most famous ways of measuring job
created) in 1963. Some researchers say that people who 6 ( are statisfied) with life
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a). The report says supervisors should be trained to manage telecommuters and should
define the hours and tasks expected of them. ( Modal verb with passives )
b). Those least happy with their work/life balance were the ones who felt they had been
forced to choose between work and home.( past perfect )
c). Campaigners for paternity leave say it is particularly needed in the UK where men work
the longest hours in the EU. ( present simple ) d). Half-term is being seen as an increasingly
attractive break by working parents in their late 30s and early 40s. ( present continuous )
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e). A survey of workers in 13 industrialized countries found the desire for a decent work/life
balance was rated more highly than a good salary. ( past simple )
f). It used to be argued that women had not achieved pay equality because discrimination
kept them in more junior jobs. ( passive infinitives )
g). Efforts to encourage more women to return to work after having children will be
hampered if employers force staff to stick to rigid hours and limit their time off. ( future
simple )
h). Some smaller businesses have been founded on the principle that work/life balance
makes for commercial success. ( present perfect )
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Karl Jansen, Managing Director at London based Crawford PLC, has always believed
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that employees perform better in a relaxed working atmosphere. The staff rule book is
slim and he’d like to keep it that way. However, recent events have made him wonder
whether the company culture has become a little too casual. It could be because staff
are working later at night and at weekends, or because fierce competition is causing
more stress. Whatever the reason, close relationships between colleagues are
definitely becoming more common.
Date 30 June
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Policy on office relationships
I’m extremely concerned about the growing number of close relationships between
members of staff. This is having a very bad effect on both performance and morale.
As you know, there have been three cases recently where employees have developed
personal relationships which seriously affected both their own performance and their
colleagues’. Furthermore, I’ve heard this morning that one of the individuals
concerned is threatening the company with legal action.
As a result, I’d like the Human Resources Department to review in detail each of the
three cases and advise how to proceed. These are:
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The details
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1. Appointment of Tania Jordan
A few month ago, Karl and two other directors, Marcus Ball and Julia Kovacs,
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appointed a new manager. There were three excellent candidates. Finally Tania
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Jordan was selected – mainly because Marcus had argued strongly in her
favour. Karl discovered later that she and Marcus started living together. When
Karl told him he should have withdrawn from the selection process, Marcus
said angrily, ‘Listen, I didn’t know her so well at the time. In any case, it’s my
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private life. I supported Tania because she was the best person for the job’.
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Karl discussed the matter with Jenny. They decided to take no further action.
2. Re-assignment of John Goodman
A few weeks later, a problem arose in the Finance Department. The Financial
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Director and her ambitions deputy, John Goodman, had formed a very close
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relationship. Unfortunately, the relationship went sour and they had bitter rows
in public. Because of these problems, serious mistakes were made in the
annual report and the morale of the whole department was affected.
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Karl and the other directors decided to move John to another department.
However, John’s new position is less challenging with little opportunity for
promotion. He believes he’s been very badly treated by the management and is
threatening to take his case to an industrial tribunal.
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Specific questions
Later on in his memo, Karl asked Jenny and her team to consider the following
1. Did we make the right decision concerning Marcus Ball and john Goodman?
What further action, if any, should we take in each case?
2. If the accusation against Derek Hartman is true, what action should we take?
3. Should the company have a written policy on close relationship at work? If so,
what should be the main guidelines for staff? What sanctions should there be
for staff who don’t follow the guidelines?
4. How can we avoid someone gaining an unfair advantage from having a close
relationship with another member of staff? Are there any specific examples of
bad practice that could be written into the policy document?
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You are members of the Human Resources Department at Crawford PLC. Discuss the
questions in Karl’s memo and agree what action to take. One of you should take the
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role of Jenny and chair the meeting.
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1. In regard to the case of marcus ball and john goodman, that should be several further
actions taken to prevent these issues or other similar related concerns to evolve. In terms of
marcus ball and john goodman cases, we have to arrange set of standards for acceptable
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behavior regarding relationship within collegues in our workplace. For an instance, we need
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2. Related to the accusation against Derek Hartman, we need to ensure that our workplace
values professional setting which our employees treat each orther with respect. We prohibit
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3. In order to prevent other similar related issues to occur in the future, we need to have
written policy on close relationship at work, the main guidelines would be providing
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attentive environment for our employees to report unwanted sexual advances. More details
would be featured in the anti-harassment policy. We also need to provide "code of conduct"
which includes set of acceptable behavior among the employees to prevent distraction from
their duties. Any employee who exhibit unacceptable behaviour would face progressive
disciplinary actions.
4. In order to avoid the unfair advantages from relationship. we need to strictly prohibit
supervisors from dating team members. The specific examples that could be written into
policy documents are badmouth former partner, sabotaging works, and revealing intimate
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As a member of the Human Resources Department, write a set of guidelines which
could be used as a discussion document at the next board meeting. (Writing file page
Due to the previous office regulations that were too relaxed, no regulations so that in the
future activities at Crawford can be be ones that we submit meeting guidelines: .
1. Call to order
2. Greetings/presence
Derek Hartman case
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4. Update on actions since the reports were achieved
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5. Further actions for the cases:
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Creating standards of acceptable behavior
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Prohibition against consensual relationship
Ensuring professional setting
8. Meeting close
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Case Study
Office attraction
A managing director is worried about close relationships between employees and their
effect on the company. Ss role play members of the Human Resources Department
and suggest what action the company should take.
Stage 1
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Working atmosphere Relaxed
preferred by
Karl Jansen, MD
Staff rule book Slim
Company culture Company Culture casual, maybe too casual
Working hours Long
Competition with other Competition with other fierce, causing stress companies
companies and its effect and its effect among employees
Close relationships Increasingly common
between members of
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Get the Ss to read the memo and meanwhile write the points on the left of the
table below on the board. When the Ss have finished reading, elicit
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information about the points on the left, and write them up
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No Benar Salah Paraf Paraf
Dosen/Asdos Mahasiswa/i
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Catatan Penilai :
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