Laboratory Results Date: 09/03/2021 Test Results Normal Values Interpretation Justification
Laboratory Results Date: 09/03/2021 Test Results Normal Values Interpretation Justification
Laboratory Results Date: 09/03/2021 Test Results Normal Values Interpretation Justification
Date: 09/03/2021
Test Results Interpretation Justification
FBS 39.1 70 to 100 HIGH Fasting blood sugar test,
mmol/L mg/dL (3.9 measures the levels of glucose
to 5.6 (sugar) in the blood. Used to
mmol/L) screen for diabetes, it is a
relatively simple, accurate, and
inexpensive test that exposes
problems with insulin
functioning. High blood sugar,
often known as hyperglycemia,
indicates that the patient has
diabetes. According to
Manzella (2021), FBS levels will
remain high if your body
cannot produce enough insulin
or responds to it properly.
Date: 09/04/2021
Test Results Interpretation Justification
Creatinin 169. 1 0.74 to 1.35 HIGH Elevated creatinine level
e mmol/L mg/dL (65.4 signifies impaired kidney
to 119.3 function or kidney disease. As
mmol/L the kidneys become impaired
for any reason, the creatinine
level in the blood will rise
due to poor clearance of
creatinine by the kidneys.
Abnormally high levels of
creatinine thus warn of
possible malfunction or
failure of the kidneys. It is for
this reason that standard
blood tests routinely check
the amount of creatinine in
the blood (Davis, 2021).
Date: 09/05/2021
FIO2 pH pCO2 pO2 O2 Sat HCO3- HCO TCO2 B.E B.E.
% 3std ecf (B)
7.35 17.90 152.70 99.34 10.04 14.97 10.59 -15.72 -12.84
Date: 09/05/2021
Test Results Interpretation Justification
pH 7.35 7.35-7.45 NORMAL Arterial blood pH, which
indicates the amount of
hydrogen ions in blood is
within normal range (Lou,
pCO2 17.90 35-45 mmHg LOW The pCO2 gives an indication
of the respiratory component
of the blood gas results. Which
the patient has low PaCO2
points to respiratory alkalosis
(Dadelszen, 2018).
pO2 152.70 80-100 mmHg HIGH PO2 (partial pressure of
oxygen) reflects the amount of
oxygen gas dissolved in the
blood. It primarily measures
the effectiveness of the lungs
in pulling oxygen into the
blood stream from the
atmosphere. Elevated pO2
levels are associated with an
increased oxygen levels in the
inhaled air ((Dadelszen, 2018).
O2 Sat% 99.34 90-100 % NORMAL Oxygen saturation (SO2)
measures the percentage of
hemoglobin which is fully
combined with oxygen. Which
the results show the
oxygenation of the patient is
within normal range
(Dadelszen, 2018).
HCO3- 10.04 22-26 mmol/L LOW Low bicarbonate levels in the
blood are a sign of metabolic
acidosis. It keeps our blood
from becoming too acidic and
can also cause kidney disease
to get worse (National Kidney
Foundation, 2021).
HCO3std 14.97 22-26 mmol/L LOW The ABG value for standard
bicarbonate is lower than the
normal range, indicating
metabolic acidosis. HCO3std
is the concentration of
bicarbonate in the plasma
from blood which is
equilibrated with a normal
PaCO2 (40 mmHg) and a
normal pO2 (over 100 mmHg)
at a normal temperature
(National Kidney Foundation,
TCO2 10.59 22-29 mmol/L LOW TCO2 test measure the
amount of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the blood serum,
which is the liquid part of
blood. The result is lower than
normal which indicate a low
CO2 level can be a sign of
several conditions, including:
kidney disease. Diabetic
ketoacidosis, which happens
when your body's blood acid
level goes up because it
doesn't have enough insulin to
digest sugars. Metabolic
acidosis, which means your
body makes too much acid
(Smith, 2020).
B.E ecf -15.72 (-)2 - (+)2 LOW By standardizing for the
effects of the respiratory
component, the base excess of
the extracellular fluid (BEecf)
is representative of all the
metabolic acid-base
disturbances in a patient. The
results for BEecf is lower than
normal range which indicate
metabolic acidosis (Irizarry &
Reiss, 2019).
B.E. (B) -12.84 (-)2 - (+)2 LOW A low base excess (<
-2mmol/L) indicates that
there is a lower-than-normal
amount of HCO3– in the
blood, suggesting either a
primary metabolic acidosis or
a compensated respiratory
alkalosis (Irizarry &
Reiss, 2019).
Date: 09/03/2021
Specimen: Nasopharyngeal Swab
Exam Desired: SARS-COV-2 Antigen Test
Valid until 10 Sep 2021
Date: 09/03/2021
Heart size is within normal limits. Its configuration is unremarkable. Hili are not
enlarged. Pulmonary vascularity is normal. Both lungs are clear. The lateral
costophrenic sinuses are sharp. Visualized osseous structures are unremarkable.
Date: 09/03/2021
Result Normal Interpretatio
Test Justification
s Values n
S. SODIUM 119 136.00- LOW Insufficient sodium in your
145.00 blood is also known as
mmol/L hyponatremia. It occurs when
water and sodium are out of
balance. Many factors can
cause low blood sodium.
Your sodium levels may get
too low if your body loses too
much water and electrolytes.
Hyponatremia may also be a
symptom of certain medical
conditions (Arquilla, 2020).
S. POTASSIUM 5.27 3.50- HIGH Hyperkalemia occurs when
5.0000 potassium levels in your
mmol/L blood get too high. Potassium
is especially important for
your nerves and muscles,
including your heart. But too
much potassium in your
blood can damage your heart
and cause a heart attack.
Several things can cause
hyperkalemia, including
health problems and use of
certain medications. Kidney
failure is the most common
cause of high potassium
(Cherney, 2019).
S. CALCIUM 1.18 1.12- NORMAL Calcium is the most abundant
(Ionized) 1.3200 and one of the most
mmol/L important minerals in the
body. It is essential for cell
signaling and the proper
functioning of muscles,
nerves, and the heart.
Calcium is needed for blood
clotting and is crucial for the
formation, density, and
maintenance of bones and
teeth. A normal total or
ionized calcium result
together with other normal
laboratory results generally
means that a person’s calcium
metabolism is normal and
blood levels are being
appropriately regulated
(Nowatzke, 2017).
S. CHLORIDE 106.0000
Date: 09/04/2021
Test Results Interpretation Justification
S. SODIUM 136.00-
S. POTASSIUM 3.52 3.50- NORMAL Potassium is an important
5.0000 mineral that functions as
mmol/L an electrolyte. It helps
regulate fluid balance,
nerve signals and muscle
contractions (Raman,
S. CALCIUM 1.12-
(Ionized) 1.3200
S. CHLORIDE 96.00-
S. 0.70-
S. 0.80-
Date: 09/05/2021
Test Results Interpretation Justification
S. SODIUM 136.00-
S. POTASSIUM 3.56 3.50- NORMAL Potassium is one mineral
5.0000 that plays an important
mmol/L role in controlling the
amount of fluid in the
body. Potassium balances
the effects of sodium and
helps keep fluid levels
within a certain range
(Felson, 2019).
S. CALCIUM 1.12-
(Ionized) 1.3200
S. CHLORIDE 96.00-
S. 0.70-
S. 0.80-
Date: 09/08/2021
Test Results Interpretation Justification
S. SODIUM 136.00-
S. POTASSIUM 3.33 3.50- LOW Potassium level becomes
5.0000 low because too much is
mmol/L lost from the digestive
tract due to vomiting,
diarrhea, or excessive
laxative use. Sometimes
too much potassium is
excreted in urine, usually
because of drugs that
cause the kidneys to
excrete excess sodium,
water, and potassium
(diuretics) (Lewis III,
S. CALCIUM 1.12-
(Ionized) 1.3200
S. CHLORIDE 96.00-
S. 0.70-
S. 0.80-
Date: 09/03/2021
Normal Interpretatio
Examination Results Justification
Values n
Hemoglobin 93 F: LOW A low level of hemoglobin
Conc. 120.00- in the blood relates directly
150.00 to a low level of oxygen.
g/L Low hemoglobin levels
usually indicate that a
person has anemia or the
person is described as being
anemic (Barrell, 2020).
Erythrocyte 3.06 4.00- LOW When a person has a lower
no. Conc. 4.50 x red blood count than is
10^12L normal, their body has to
work harder to get enough
oxygen to the cells. A low
red blood cell (RBC) count
can cause a variety of
symptoms and health
complications (Johnson,
Leucocyte No. 35.18 5.00- HIGH A high white blood cell
Conc. 10.00 x count usually indicates an
10 ^g/L increased production of
white blood cells to fight an
infection and also a reaction
to a drug that increases
white blood cell production
(Mayo Clinic, 2020).
Segmenters 0.93 0.40- HIGH Having a high percentage of
0.60 neutrophils in your blood is
called neutrophilia. This is a
sign that your body has an
infection. Neutrophilia can
point to a number of
underlying conditions and
factors, including: infection,
most likely bacterial
(Morris, 2018).
Lymphocytes 0.03 0.25- LOW When your lymphocyte
0.40 count in your bloodstream
is lower than usual, you
have lymphocytopenia, also
known as lymphopenia.
Severe or chronic low
counts can indicate a
possible infection or other
significant illness. It is cause
by viral, bacterial, parasitic,
and fungal infections
(Iftikhar, 2019).
Monocytes 0.03 0.01- NORMAL Monocytes is within normal
0.12 range. According to
Raymaakers (2020), a good
number of human
monocytes are believed to
migrate into tissues
throughout the body where
they may reside or give rise
to macrophages that
perform essential functions
to fight infection and clean
up dead cells.
Eosinophils 0.01 0.01- NORMAL Eosinophils is within
0.05 normal range therefore
there is no presence of
infections. According to
Yates (2020), eosinophils are
a type of white blood cells
that destroy substances in
the body like parasites and
participate in allergic
Thrombocytes 650 150.00- HIGH Thrombocytosis is a
440.00 x condition in which there are
10 ^9/L an excessive number of
platelets in the blood.
Infections are the most
common cause of an
elevated platelet count. In
some patients,
thrombocytosis may be a
rebound effect after having
thrombocytopenia (low
platelets) during initial
infection (Yates, 2021).
Hematocrit 0.28 0.36- LOW A low hematocrit can
0.45 indicate an insufficient
supply of healthy red blood
cells (anemia) and a large
number of white blood cells
due to long-term illness,
infection or a white blood
cell disorder (Mayo Clinic,
Reticulocyte 0.50-
count 1.50 %
Blood Type A If your blood is A positive
RH POSITIVE (A+), it means that your
blood contains type-A
antigens with the presence
of a protein called the
rhesus (Rh) factor. Antigens
are markers on the surface
of a blood cell
(Frothingham, 2019).
Bleeding Time 1.00-
Clotting Time 3.00-
Erythrocyte 0.00-
Sed. Rate 20.00
MCV 88 80-100 fl NORMAL Mean corpuscular volume
(MCV) is within normal
range. MCV is a number
that describes the average
size of red blood cells
circulating in the
bloodstream (Eldridge,
MCH 30 27-33 pg NORMAL Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin (MCH) is
within normal range. MCH
refers to the average
amount of hemoglobin in a
person's red blood cells.
Hemoglobin is a protein
that carries oxygen around
the human body (Eldridge,
MCHC 35 32-36 NORMAL Mean corpuscular
g/dl. hemoglobin concentration
(MCHC) is within normal
range. It means that the
oxygen-carrying capacity of
the red blood cells is
normal. MCHC describes
the average concentration of
hemoglobin in a given
volume of red blood cells
(Eldridge, 2021).
Date: 09/06/2021
Examination Results Normal
Interpretation Justification
Hemoglobin 97 F: LOW A low level of hemoglobin
120.00- in the blood relates directly
150.00 to a low level of oxygen.
M: Low hemoglobin levels
134.00- usually indicate that a
160.00 person has anemia or the
g/l person is described as being
anemic (Barrell, 2020).
Hematocrit 0.29 F: 0.36- LOW When a person has a lower
0.45/M: red blood count than is
0.40- normal, their body has to
0.54 work harder to get enough
oxygen to the cells. A low
red blood cell (RBC) count
can cause a variety of
symptoms and health
complications (Johnson,
Leucocyte No. 26. 57 5.00- HIGH A high white blood cell
Concentration 10.00 x count usually indicates an
10 ^9/L increased production of
white blood cells to fight an
infection and also a reaction
to a drug that increases
white blood cell production
(Mayo Clinic, 2020).
Segmenters 0.90 0.40- HIGH Having a high percentage of
0.60 neutrophils in your blood is
called neutrophilia. This is a
sign that your body has an
infection. Neutrophilia can
point to a number of
underlying conditions and
factors, including: infection,
most likely bacterial
(Morris, 2018).
Lymphocytes 0.05 0.25- LOW When your lymphocyte
0.40 count in your bloodstream
is lower than usual, you
have lymphocytopenia, also
known as lymphopenia.
Severe or chronic low
counts can indicate a
possible infection or other
significant illness. It is cause
by viral, bacterial, parasitic,
and fungal infections
(Iftikhar, 2019).
Monocytes 0.04 0.01- NORMAL Monocytes is within normal
0.12 range. According to
Raymaakers (2020), a good
number of human
monocytes are believed to
migrate into tissues
throughout the body where
they may reside or give rise
to macrophages that
perform essential functions
to fight infection and clean
up dead cells.
Eosinophils 0.01 0.01- NORMAL Eosinophils is within
0.05 normal range therefore
there is no presence of
infections. According to
Yates (2020), eosinophils are
a type of white blood cells
that destroy substances in
the body like parasites and
participate in allergic
Basophils 0.005
Stabs 0.01-
Atypical cells
Thrombocytes 580 150.00- HIGH Thrombocytosis is a
440.00 x condition in which there are
10 ^9/L an excessive number of
platelets in the blood.
Infections are the most
common cause of an
elevated platelet count. In
some patients,
thrombocytosis may be a
rebound effect after having
thrombocytopenia (low
platelets) during initial
infection (Yates, 2021).
Blood Type
Rh Type
Date: 09/13/2021
Examination Results Normal Interpretatio
Values n
Hemoglobin 74 F: 120.00- LOW A low level of hemoglobin in
150.00 the blood relates directly to a
M: 134.00- low level of oxygen. Low
160.00 g/l hemoglobin levels usually
indicate that a person has
anemia or the person is
described as being anemic
(Barrell, 2020).
Hematocrit 0.22 F: 0.36- LOW When a person has a lower
0.45/M: red blood count than is
0.40-0.54 normal, their body has to
work harder to get enough
oxygen to the cells. A low
red blood cell (RBC) count
can cause a variety of
symptoms and health
complications (Johnson,
Leucocyte No. 9.18 5.00-10.00 NORMAL The count of leucocytes has
Concentration x 10 ^9/L returned to normal,
indicating that the illness has
subsided. Inflammation is
reduced and infections are
fought by white blood cells
(Tresca, 2021).
Segmenters 0.81 0.40-0.60 HIGH Having a high percentage of
neutrophils in your blood is
called neutrophilia. This is a
sign that your body has an
infection. Neutrophilia can
point to a number of
underlying conditions and
factors, including: infection,
most likely bacterial (Morris,
Lymphocytes 0.15 0.25-0.40 LOW When your lymphocyte
count in your bloodstream is
lower than usual, you have
lymphocytopenia, also
known as lymphopenia.
Severe or chronic low counts
can indicate a possible
infection or other significant
illness. It is cause by viral,
bacterial, parasitic, and
fungal infections (Iftikhar,
Monocytes 0.02 0.01-0.12 NORMAL Monocytes is within normal
range. According to
Raymaakers (2020), a good
number of human
monocytes are believed to
migrate into tissues
throughout the body where
they may reside or give rise
to macrophages that perform
essential functions to fight
infection and clean up dead
Eosinophils 0.02 0.01-0.05 NORMAL Eosinophils is within normal
range therefore there is no
presence of infections.
According to Yates (2020),
eosinophils are a type of
white blood cells that
destroy substances in the
body like parasites and
participate in allergic
Basophils 0.005
Stabs 0.01-0.05
Atypical cells
Thrombocytes 435 150.00- NORMAL Platelets, or thrombocytes,
440.00 x 10 are blood cells that help
^9/L blood clot. The number of
thrombocytes in the blood
has returned to normal,
indicating that they can
assist wounds heal by
slowing or stopping
bleeding (Dixon, 2021).
Blood Type
Rh Type
Date: 09/16/2021
Examination Results Normal
Interpretation Justification
Hemoglobin 107 F: 120.00- LOW A low level of hemoglobin
150.00 in the blood relates directly
M: to a low level of oxygen.
134.00- Low hemoglobin levels
160.00 usually indicate that a
g/l person has anemia or the
person is described as being
anemic (Barrell, 2020).
Hematocrit 0.32 F: 0.36- LOW When a person has a lower
0.45/M: red blood count than is
0.40-0.54 normal, their body has to
work harder to get enough
oxygen to the cells. A low
red blood cell (RBC) count
can cause a variety of
symptoms and health
complications (Johnson,
Leucocyte No. 10.52 5.00-10.00 NORMAL The count of leucocytes has
Concentration x 10 ^9/L returned to normal,
indicating that the illness
has subsided. Inflammation
is reduced and infections
are fought by white blood
cells (Tresca, 2021).
Segmenters 0.81 0.40-0.60 HIGH Having a high percentage of
neutrophils in your blood is
called neutrophilia. This is a
sign that your body has an
infection. Neutrophilia can
point to a number of
underlying conditions and
factors, including: infection,
most likely bacterial
(Morris, 2018).
Lymphocytes 0.17 0.25-0.40 NORMAL
Monocytes 0.02 0.01-0.12 NORMAL Monocytes is within normal
range. According to
Raymaakers (2020), a good
number of human
monocytes are believed to
migrate into tissues
throughout the body where
they may reside or give rise
to macrophages that
perform essential functions
to fight infection and clean
up dead cells.
Eosinophils 0.01-0.05
Basophils 0.005
Stabs 0.01-0.05
Atypical cells
Thrombocytes 270 150.00- NORMAL Platelets, or thrombocytes,
440.00 x are blood cells that help
10 ^9/L blood clot. The number of
thrombocytes in the blood
has returned to normal,
indicating that they can
assist wounds heal by
slowing or stopping
bleeding (Dixon, 2021).
Blood Type
Rh Type