Aajonus Chocolate
Aajonus Chocolate
Aajonus Chocolate
I struggled for four decades to recover from multiple "incurable" diseases and death-cap mushroom-
poisoning. My work and Primal Diet focus on helping bodies detoxify from pollutants that cause disease,
whether from cooking or industrial toxins, and helping bodies heal themselves. Stored pollutants in our
bodies can raise their toxic heads at any time in our lives and cause serious problems from infancy to
elderly, including cancer. Also, I work to avoid and prevent pollutants from entering the body. My bi-
monthly newsletters focus on issues that show the problem and solutions/remedies. All issues require
subscription for reading at www.WeWant2Live.com. Thank you for your interest in and appreciation for
my work. I continue to wish all of you wonderfully healthy futures!
Is Raw Chocolate Made From Whole Raw Cocoa Beans Addictive Or Harmful?
by aajonus vonderplanitz, phd nutrition
(Chocolate recipes at end of this article.)
Very recently, I received an email condemning processes. Whole raw cocoa beans used to make raw
cooked, processed or raw cocoa beans as dangerous. chocolate recipes are not intrinsically problematic
The email claimed that it "greatly shortens [animals'] when eaten in moderation.
life span if it doesn't kill them immediately" when The email claimed that raw cocoa caused the most
forced fed cocoa beans. All of that information was problems and was extremely addictive. When I was a
exaggerated and seems made-up according to my cooked-food consumer, I was addicted to chocolate,
research. What animals were forced to eat raw cocoa cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, and speed
beans that it "greatly" shortened their lives or (methamphetamines). Because I was so ill with
immediately killed them? chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, angina and diabetes, I
Humans are animals. I know thousands of people consumed chocolate, coffee and amphetamines and
who eat raw cocoa and not one has died or gotten smoked cigarettes to produce energy. From all of
sick from it thus far. The email claimed that no tribal that, by evening I was so jittery and nervous that I
people eat it yet Kuna Indians of Panama consume had to drink about a bottle of gin or bourbon nightly
about 3 cups of cocoa brew daily. The email also to sleep. On SAD (Standard American Diet), I had a
claimed that aflatoxins (byproducts of molds), hair very addicted personality and bodily need for all of
and rodent feces found in chocolate were highly toxic those products in order for me to function.
and would add to disease and early death. Aflatoxins Since I have been on my Primal Diet for many
are lowest in beans and highest in grains such as years, I have no addictions. I had many strong
wheat, rye, corn, and peanuts. Therefore, it would be cravings because my body was deficient in many
much more dangerous to eat breads, pastas, cereals, nutrients but I could eat several foods on my Primal
peanut butters and any manufactured grain product. Diet to satisfy those deficiencies. Since I have been
The feces and hair issue is true of all almost all making my homemade chocolate from whole raw
processed foods. Cooked and processed chocolate cocoa beans blenderized with raw egg, raw fat
products are subject to industrial cooking and (mostly unsalted raw butter and a little raw cream)
The Primal Diet Newsletter - page
and unheated honey, I have not experienced any cup or more daily for several days of the chocolate
addiction to it. I have eaten the mixture about 10 mixture, undiluted in milk, cheesecake or other
times yearly for 2 years. That certainly could not be recipe. Some people who over-ate raw chocolate
called an addiction. Usually, I eat it only when people became immune to those side effects and continued
make it for me as a gift. Even though I enjoy it to overeat it, asymptomatically.
immensely, I have not craved it but once. Most people on a raw diet could consume safely
I remember when, 38 years ago, I first began about 2 tablespoons of pure cocoa beans weekly
eating the same combination made with raw carob blenderized with raw egg, 6 tablespoons of raw fat
pods instead of raw cocoa beans. I craved it to the and some unheated honey without any harm. Eating it
point that someone could have called it an addiction. only occasionally, they might benefit with increased
However, since carob does not have any addictive energy, mental activity and creativity as well as the
chemicals in it, it could not have been an addiction. physical benefits mentioned earlier.
Consider instead that my body craved all of that
butter mixed with some cream, protein in eggs and AAJONUS’ NATURAL BITTER-
digestive enzymes in honey. When my body had had CHOCOLATE RECIPE
certain deficiencies satisfied intensely and repeatedly Makes 1 cup to be used in many recipes
for about 3 months, the craving subsided. My skin,
nerves and entire body were much healthier. • 1/3 cup whole raw cocoa beans (peeled) (not
I discovered many times that when deficiencies dried or dehydrated)
are satisfied, intense cravings vanish. Most people
• 1 whole raw egg
who crave raw chocolate to the point of wanting it
• 3 tablespoons unheated honey
daily are people who are very deficient in raw fats
and the egg-proteins and honey enzymes help to • 3 tablespoons unsalted raw butter (room tem-
digest those needed fats. perature)
Most beans are not directly physical health-giving • 2 tablespoons raw cream (optional: replace
substances for humans. The caster (from which caster 1 tablespoon cream with 1 tablespoon
oil derives) and soy are health-damaging, especially raw coconut cream)
in their raw state. Even cooked, caster beans may • ½” vanilla bean
cause death from eating them. Commercially, soy Blenderize cocoa beans in an 8-ounces jelly jar until
must be chemically processed and heat-treated to they become powder. Add butter, honey and egg and
prevent sickness and/or death. Fermented raw soy blenderize until smooth but do not let it get hot. If
products are not likely to kill anyone but they are you would like a slightly rum-tasting chocolate, let
cumulatively toxic to most people when mixed with stand at room temperature in a warm dark cupboard
salt. Raw cocoa contains flavonoids (antioxidants), for 5-7 days with lid on tightly.
strengthens blood pressure, heart and vascular system
improving circulation, glucose metabolism and eye AAJONUS’ RAW ORANGE
The email claimed that theobromine, caffeine and SERVES 8 TO 10
theophyline, raw, processed or cooked were "known Very lightly butter the bottom and sides of an 8 x 6 x
to produce permanent degenerative alterations in 2½” Pyrex baking dish. Place in the freezer while
cellular protoplasm." In micro amounts, raw making Crust.
theobromine, caffeine and theophyline stimulate
creative thought processes and do not cause diseases. CRUST
The only safe bean from which to get those are the • 1 cup raw walnuts halves
cocoa when it is raw. Cocoa beans eaten excessively • 4 large raw Medjool dates, stones removed
may cause hunger or nausea, demineralization that and dates chopped (room temperature)
sometimes results in loosened teeth and pain in jaw • 2 tablespoons unsalted raw butter (room tem-
and around teeth, acidic and sore tongue, headaches, perature)
hyperactivity, lack of focus and clarity plus insomnia.
I have only seen those symptoms when people ate ½
The Primal Diet Newsletter - page
Place all ingredients in food-processor and blend
until ingredients begin to clump into a ball. Spread TOPPING
and press that mixture evenly into the bottom of the 12 ounces raw cream
baking dish. Place in freezer to stiffen while making 4 tablespoons NATURAL BITTER CHOCOLATE
the filling. (recipe above)
3 tablespoons unheated honey
¾ cup no-salt-added hard raw cheese (room Whip all ingredients together with an electric mixer
temperature) in a mixing bowl until extremely firm. Spread and
16 tablespoons unsalted raw butter (room swirl whipped cream on top of Filling (after Filling is
temperature) firmly chilled, not frozen). Place in freezer for
2 tablespoons unheated honey several minutes while making orange topping.
Slice cheese into 1/8th” slices. Place all ingredients in TOPPING FINISH
a 16-ounces jelly jar and blenderize until smooth. If 1 medium sized orange
ingredients do not blenderize smoothly, place jar in a
bowl of warm water (not hotter than a finger can Squeeze orange and pour juice evenly over whipped
stand when immersed for 4 seconds); allow it to cream topping. Cover and store in refrigeration for
warm for 3-5 minutes. Pour and spread the mixture several hours.
over the chilled (not frozen) crust. Place in freezer
while making the topping.
Over the last decade, investigational studies effects on pregnant women who stopped taking the
found that doctors who participated in antidepressant. The lead author received funding
pharmaceutical-company-sponsored drug trials more from at least eight pharma companies. That was just
often prescribed that company's drugs, and that one of many conflicts of interest that had been an
clinical trials funded by pharma companies more issue for articles in JAMA.
often reported favorably for the drug. Many Considering that all drugs are non-biochemical
“scientists” failed to disclose their financial ties to the constructions of laboratory chemicals, they all create
pharmaceutical industry and wrote biased and/or junk side effects, usually long-term as well as short.
scientific determinations of trials that were published. Consider that all hormone and hormone replacement
In an attempt to harness such corruption, the Journal drugs are made of laboratory chemicals. The so-
of the American Medical Association (JAMA) made called natural hormones are not natural at all. They
its conflict-of-interest policy more stringent. (Journal have no relationship to hormones in our bodies. At
of the American Medical Association July 12, 2006; best, the so-called natural hormones are made from
296(2): 220-221.) However, with the many ways to hydrogenated vegetable oils that have the same
hide financial transactions, it is not likely to stop molecular structure as plastic, and from chemically
much of the medical/pharma corruption. treated proteins, such as from soy. The only thing that
JAMA’s tougher policy seems to be a responsive was natural about them is that some of the ingredients
twitch to the news that 13 authors of a published were derived from food. However, after processing,
scientific paper about an antidepressant were paid by they are far from natural and nothing is left but
the manufacturer. The article stressed adverse health chemicals of varying toxicity.
The Primal Diet Newsletter - page
If we intend to remain as naturally healthy with maintained itself for most of the last 4 millions years
optimal functions until natural death, theoretically, by eating raw, without industrial chemicals.
the only way is to treat the body the way that it has
I endured 3 months of chemotherapy that was the had been treated with chemotherapy. Thirteen control
final straw that crippled me for many years. The 10- subjects without breast cancer or chemotherapy were
weeks radiation therapy cauterized my spine and scanned. Scans were performed during short-term
caused Multiple Myeloma as well as spinal and back memory exercises, and while they rested. Since the
pain for about 25 years until I perfected my diet and study only focused on women who had had
was on it long enough to detoxify and heal chemotherapy at a maximum of 10 years earlier, the
sufficiently. As I have reported many times since the study does not reveal that chemotherapy lingers for
treatments nearly 40 years ago, I continued many decades after treatment, as in my case.
intermittently to detoxify chemo and radiation Rapid jumps in activity in the frontal cortexes and
damage. Several times after tasting the chemotherapy cerebellums of the chemotherapy patients indicated
during detoxifications, I had my saliva, vomit and that they worked harder than the control patients to
diarrhea examined for the chemotherapy I was recall the same information. Also revealed in the
administered, AZT. All tests were positive for many study, women who underwent hormonal therapy as
of the compounds that constitute AZT. Those tests well as chemotherapy showed changes to their basal
proved that my body still harbored chemo that was ganglia, where brain function bridges thought and
etched, burned and/or absorbed into cells within my action.
body. Many doctors refuted my claims. Also note If considering chemotherapy, consider that science
that a year after I received AZT, it was discontinued has not proved chemotherapy any more effective than
because it was determined to be too dangerous for doing nothing for cancer. Also, consider that the
cancer patients. long-term effects from “trying” chemotherapy reduce
Finally, a UCLA study (Breast Cancer Research the quality of life mentally, physically, emotionally
and Treatment September 29, 2006) showed that and possibly spiritually.
chemotherapy changes blood flow and metabolism in Alternative therapies for cancer can be found in
the brain. Positron emission tomography scanned my books and in the article following about mice
brains of 21 women who had undergone breast spermatogonial stem cells.
cancer surgery 5-10 years earlier. Sixteen of the 21
Science has taken about 20 years since Playboy For those who may not understand what stem cells
magazine issued its report on nutritional value and can do, I will give you a crash explanation. Stem
benefits of sperm to drop its public moral block and cells are basically growth cells. Embryonic and adult
explore semen. At Howard Hughes Medical spermatogonial and marrow stem cells can morph
Research, scientists have been experimenting with stem into any cellular structure within our bodies, from toe
cells from mice sperm. They found that those adult stem nails to heart cells, from bone to brain. Normally,
cells can morph like embryonic stem cells. adult stem cells cannot morph into any other cellular
The Primal Diet Newsletter - page
type than those to which they are RNA/DNA-specific cells was from sperm. Twice weekly, I used my
but spermatogonial (ScienceDaily – Howard Hughes sperm on the tumor and it shrunk by 3-5% with each
Medical Research) and some marrow adult stem cells application. Those results indicate to me that the
can with a little help, scientists say. sperm is unusually therapeutic. As nerve cells
Occasionally, I experimented with sperm as a reproduce on the PD but not the SAD, I could
remedy for various skin maladies. Applied directly to reasonably conjecture that sperm developed on the
skin, I have seen sperm revitalize skin, follicles, eyes PD may be exceptionally therapeutic.
and lips; I have seen it remove wrinkles slowly when I supposed that the quality of my sperm was
applied once or twice weekly. excellent since I have been eating 99,9999% raw for
About a year ago, I was exposed to rat poison for 35 years and eating raw meat for 31 years. However,
several weeks without realizing it. I developed a I do not know scientifically if the quality of
tumor on the back of my left hand under the skin that spermatogonial cells is significantly improved by diet
grew rapidly to 1.6” diameter. I applied the following except that in a Petri dish, my sperm lived 1-5 days
individually or in combination with 1-2% shrinkage rather than 0-3 days. Ova may have the same
of tumor with daily application: coconut cream, properties but they would be difficult to extract.
honey, lime and/or lemon juices, papaya and A caution must be considered. Sperm may
pineapple. I thought that since I consumed my Primal contain toxins, especially caustic metals that stored in
Diet for over 24 years, it should be dissolving the testes because testes are fat-rich. Our bodies
quicker. I thought about all of the amazing changes normally store toxins in fat, wherever it may be
that occur in stem-cell research and I wanted to try it found. If sperm smells metallic or like a hot old
with cancer. The only place for me to get fresh stem steam iron, I suggest that it not be used for therapy.
To help change food policy and allow raw food, Right To Choose Healthy Food
including raw dairy, to be commercially available P.O. Box 176
nationally please send donations to: Santa Monica, CA 90406-0176.