Micro-Project: Government Polytechnic Osmanabad
Micro-Project: Government Polytechnic Osmanabad
Micro-Project: Government Polytechnic Osmanabad
Academic Year: 2021 -2022
Submitted by:
Shubham kale
Submitted to:
Prof. P.J. Bansode
Government Polytechnic Osmanabad (Code No. 0118) has completed the Micro-
Project work satisfactory in Operating System (22516) for the academic year 2021 - 2022
Seal of
Table of Contents Page No.
1 Project Proposal 4
2 Action plan 5
3 Resource required 5
4 Introduction 6
5 Actual Procedure 7
6 Output 14
7 Skill developed 17
8 Evaluation sheet 19
Annexure – I
Micro-Project Proposal
Shell-Script for online Banking/ATM System
1. To have a brain-storming session for the topic with group members, select one of the topics and
get it alloted from the respective teacher.
2. To prepare a proposed plan about the Micro-Project and inform about it to the respective teacher.
3. To manage the required resources like computer, printer, required softwares, etc. for project.
4. To discuss about the aim, outcomes, applications, outputs, etc. of the project in detail.
5. To divide the work responsibilities like collecting data, editing, code-desining, modifying,
report-writing, buying resources, etc. among the group members.
6. To do Research Analysis on the actual development of the Project.
7. Finally, to prepare a rough documentation on the assigned topic and show it to the teacher.
8. To design algorithm and flowchart for the given alloted topic.
9. To start working for the code by carrying out the activites as guided in the flowchart.
10. Fixing of the bugs in the code by the team and producing the correct output.
11. To demonstrate the results and explain about the functioning of the project in the class.
12. To prepare and submit the Full-Proof project report before the deadline to the respective subject
4.0 Action Plan:
Sr. Planned Planned Name of Team
No. Start date Finish date Members
1. Finalization of project Title and Scope 06-09-21 13-09-21 All members
2. Project Definition and design structure 14-09-21 21-09-21 All members
3. Design procedure (algorithm) 22-09-21 28-09-21 All members
4. Draw flowchart 29-09-21 05-10-21 All members
5. Coding 06-10-21 12-10-21 All members
6. Output 13-10-21 20-10-21 All members
7. Report writing 25-10-21 15-11-21 All members
8. Demonstration of project and final submission 16-11-21 06-12-21 All members
Sr. No. Name of Team Members Enrollment No. Seat No.
1. 51 Shubham Balaji Kale 1901180327
Teacher’s Signature
(Prof. P.J. Bansode)
Annexure – II
1.0 Rationale:
In this Project, we have developed an Online Banking/ATM application using shell-script in a Linux
based Operating System Environment. An Operating System is basically a system program that
controls the execution of programs and acts as an interface between applications and the computer
hardware. Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel.
It is one of the fastest, smoothest and oldest operating system used till date.
Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration
testing; that we used for the development of our application. Throgh this application, we have
demonstrated the use of varied linux commands & concept of function. The Application is divided
into 8 modules and thus we have a program with 8 functions each of them inter-related to the other.
Different modules of our online banking system are to open account, login, balance enquiry,
deposits, withdrawls consisting of a menu, sub-menu and an exit option.
Shell Script: A shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix shell, a command-
line interpreter. The file extension of shell script is .sh and the code can be written in text ediors like
Vi/VIM, Nano, etc available in linux. In order to execute the script, the file should be assigned with
execute permission. Then it can be execute by writing command $ ./filename.sh in the terminal.
function(): Functions enable you to break down the overall functionality of a script into smaller,
logical sub-sections, which can then be called upon to perform their individual tasks when needed.
Functions provide code reuseability, which is an important part of modern OOP principle.
Process Commands: Process is defined as a program in execution. We have used sleep and kill
process commands in our micro-project. Other process commands are ps, wait, exit & many more.
$ Sleep 5 - It is used to execute command after certain amount of time by sleeping for given seconds
(here 5seconds).
$ kill 0 $$ -Used to stop execution of all the processes by sending an interrupt signal to them.
The if...else statements: If else statements are useful decision-making statements which can be used
to select an option from a given set of options. The “fi” keyword is used to indicate the end of
if…else statements.
case: A “case...esac” statement construct helps us to simplify nested if statement. Each case is an
expression matching a certain pattern. The interpreter checks each case against the value of the
expression until a match is found. If nothing matches, a default condition will be used. It is always
ended with “esac” keyword.
Thus, this was all about the terminologies of our Project. The project Banking system developed
uses the function concept and thus code-reusability. The code is divided into 8 modules which can
be re-used again and again. This is a subtle Bank application with features of account opening and
online transactions.
1. We had a brain-storming session for the topic with group members & selected one of the topics.
2. The selected topic was alloted by the respective teacher.
3. Discussed about the aim, outcomes, applications, outputs, etc. of the project in detail.
4. Divided the project activities of Algorithm, Flowchart, Code & Report-making amongst the
four members.
5. Carried out background tasks like resource management which includes computer, printer,
required softwares, etc. for the project.
6. A group of two members designed the algorithm and Flowchart.
7. Another team developed a Code as guided in the algorithm by following the steps as mentioned
in flowchart.
8. Minor bugs were found by deep-analysis from each member which were later fixed on.
9. Final demonstration of the project was done in front of the whole class.
10.Finally, a full-proof project report was submitted before the deadline for the evaluation.
Step 1 : Start
Step 10 : Stop.
If acc_no.
& pin are
correct False
function Open_New_Account() {
echo "Enter your Name"
read name
echo "Enter your Pan Card No."
read pan_no
echo ""
echo "Good! Your Details are Verified!"
echo "Rs. 1000 deposited as Initial Opening Balance"
let balance="1000"
sleep 5;
let acc="$RANDOM"
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
echo "Your Account no. is " $acc
let paswd="$RANDOM"
echo "Your Secret Pin is " $paswd
sleep 5;
function Login() {
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
echo " XYZ Bank Login Portal"
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
echo "Enter your Account no."
read response1
echo "Enter your Secret Pin"
read response2
If [[ $response1 == "$acc" && $response2 == "$paswd" ]]
echo "Login Successful...!"
sleep 5;
elif [ $response1 -ne "$acc" ]
echo "**Invalid Account No.**"
sleep 5;
echo "**Invalid Pin**"
sleep 5;
function Menu() {
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
echo " **MENU**"
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
echo ""Press 1"" - "For Balance Enquiry"
echo ""Press 2"" - "To Deposit Cash"
echo ""Press 3"" - "To Withdraw Cash"
echo ""Press 4"" - "Main Menu"
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
read option
case $option in
"1") Balance_Enquiry
"2") Deposit_Money
"3") Withdraw_Money
"4") MainMenu
*) echo "Invalid Choice..!"
function Balance_Enquiry() {
echo "Your Available Balance is Rs. "$balance
echo ""
sleep 5;
function Deposit_Money() {
echo " Deposits"
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
echo "Enter the amount you want to Deposit:"
read dep_amt
echo ""
echo "Rs. $dep_amt Deposited Successfully in your Account."
echo ""
let balance=balance+$dep_amt
echo "Your Available Balance is Rs. "$balance
echo ""
sleep 5;
function Withdraw_Money () {
echo " Withdrawls"
echo "_________________________________________________________________"
echo "Enter the amount you want to Withdraw:"
read wdrw_amt
echo ""
if [ $wdrw_amt -lt $balance ]
echo "Rs. $wdrw_amt Withdrawn Successfully from your Account."
echo ""
let balance=$balance-$wdrw_amt
echo "Remaining Balance is Rs. "$balance
echo "**Low Balance !!**"
echo "Please enter lesser Amount."
echo ""
sleep 5;
6.0 Actual Resources Used:
Depositing of money-
Withdrawl of money-
Withdrawing amount greater than Balance amount-
1. Its useful for the individuals having their interest in areas of command line interface like Linux
operating systems.
2. Kali Linux is continuously being used as a key tool for hackers and CyberSecurity professionals
all over the world.
3. This project is also benificial for building secure and robust applications in Linux Environment.
4. Simple and Subtle softwares can be made very easily.
5. Android, which has emerged as an advanced OS, is based on the modified version of the Linux
kernel and other open source software. It is continuously being used in Mobile Phones and now
in TVs giving boost to the smarter technology.
Teacher’s Signature
(Mr.P.J. Bansode)
Annexure – III
22 Shubham Kale
Name and designation of the Faculty Member: Prof. P.J. Bansode Lecturer.
Dated Signature: .