Model Paper October.

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(36)Any organism is capable of responding to various stimuli found in the

environment .therefore irritability is considered as a living characteristic.

a. Name the five sensory organs.
b) Though there are various changes taking place in the environment, we do not respond to
all these changes .Explain the reason for this.
c) Define the term coordination
d)Coordination takes place by chemical means (hormonal coordination) and by electrical
means .(Nervous control)
Write two differences between these two.
Hormonal coordination Nervous coordination

e) Mention the direction of a nerve impulse along a neuron.

f) What is meant by ganglia? Mention where they are located.
g) Mention where the cell bodies are located in the following types of nerves.
Sensory neuron Interneuron Motor neuron
I) What are the main functions carried out by the following parts?
Part Function
Medulla oblongata
j) I. What is meant by cranial nerves and spinal nerves?
II.How many cranial nerves and spin al nerves arise from the central nervous system?
k) What is the specialty of the 10th cranial nerve?
l) Name the three types of neurons which make the reflex arch.
m) Define the term reflex action and give an example for a cranial reflex and a spinal reflex.
15.what is the functional unit of the nervous system?

16.Autonomus nervous system is divided into two main parts.What are they?


Sensory organs are essential for responding various stimuli of the environment. the sensory organ which perceives the impulses relevant to tlifhgt.

2.What is meant by stereoscopic vision? Explain the importance of it.

3.Name the parts show as A to ….


4.Whar ate the functions carried out by the following parts of the human eye?

Biconcave gelatinous lens.

Ciliary muscles



Optic nerve

Yellow spot (Fovea)

Blind spot



When a person is exposed to very bright light,he can't see any thing for a very short
time period.

1.What is this action called?

2.Write the path of the nerve impulse in this situation. thtree defects of vision.

4.Explain the two defectsin which a concave lens and a convex lens can be usesd to
correct the problem.


Skin is the largest organ of the body.It csrries out many functions.

1.Name the three layers that can be identifiesd in the skin.


Name all the parts of the skin.

2.Name the two types of glands found in skin and mention the4 functions carried
out by each of them.

3.In people living in very cold countries,the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer
is greater than people who are living in warmer countries.Explain this scientifically.

4.Explain how thw body temperature is refgulated if the temperature of the

external environment goes down considerably.

5.Name three places of the skin where a large number of sensory receptos are


Tongue is another sensory organ which gives us the perception of taste.It responds
for various chemical substances found in food.

1. *********** Duiagram

1.Name the senses that can be felt by each part of the tongue.

2.Where are the olfactory cells lovcated?Explain how they are stimulated.

3. name the nerve that carries the relevant nerve impulses to the brain from the
mentioned sensory organ.

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant interbnal environment of the body of

an organsism.

Hormones secreted by certain glandslocated in different parts of the body support

this process.
Name the two systems systems involved in this above mentioned process.

2.What is meant by the internal environment of an organicsm?

3.The composition of the above mentioned answer is equal to the conmposition of

another fluid found in the body.What is it?

4.Mention two differences between hormonal coordination and nervous


Hormaonal coordination Nervous coordination

5.Complete the following table.

Endocrine gland Hormone/s secreted Function/s




Langerhan islets of the Pancreas



6.Write three properties of hoermones.

7.the hormone Insulin is injected tio patients suffering from Diabetes.How is this
hormone extracted commercially?

8.mention the function carried out by Insulin.


In diabetic patients,blood blood glucose level is higher than the average blood
glucose level of a healthy person.

1.What is the average blood glucose level in a healthy person?

2.Glucose may be found in urine in diabetic patients.How is it confirmed?

3.Write two harmful effects of the disese condition Diabetes.

4.It is said that healing of wounds in diabetic patients is difficult.Explain this


The following diagram shows a certain pattern of cell dividsion.


Name the two patterns of cell division.

2.Mention two organs in whuich the above pattern of cell division takes place.

3.Explain the importance of the above method of cell dicvision.

4.What is the other method of cell dividsion?

5.Mention the type of cell dicvision takes place in the following instances.

a.healing of a wound


c.Producing new blod cells.

d.Regeneration of the lost trail of a gecko.

6.Write two differences between the two types of cell division.

7.Give one reason for the importance of sexual reproduction.

Page 10

Define the term critical angle.

Write two instances in which the above phenomenon is used in our day to day life?

Write two phenomena that occurs due to the aove process.

In diamonds and gems the refractive indices are high.,therefore what happens to
the value of the cricitical angle?

What is the purpose an endoscope?

What are the two phenomena responsible for forming a rainbpow?

Define the therm dispersion.


This is an experimental set up thart can be used to investigate ythe behavour of

light when passing from one transpatent medium to another transparent medium.

Page 51TIM
Practice pest

Page 5

Waves are formed due to vibrations of particles of a medium according to a

certain rhythm. waves can

be classified in several different watys.

1.What would happen to a helix spring when

a.its mass id pulled and released.

b.its mass is pulled aside

2.Name the two types of mechanuical waves and explain the difference between
them.Give one example for each type of wave.

3.Draw the type of wave form which contains crests amd troughs.

4.Define the term wave length *Symbol

5.Energy can be transmitted by means of wave motions.Suggest a simple acrtivity

to show this.

6.We do not hear almost all the sound waves formed in the environment.Explain
the statement scientifically.

1.Define the term electromagnetic waves.

2.Sound waves travel in different velocities in solids ,liquids and gases.Write the
three states according to the ascending order of velocity of sounds.

3.What happens to the velocity of water waves when the depth is increased?

4.What happens to the water waves when they reach the shore?


Page no.6
1.What are the three types of waves formwed when an earth quake takes place?
Mention whether they are longitududinal waves or tranverse waves.

The three types of waves Longitudinal/trancverse

2. What is the speciality of S-Waves?

3.Nwm the instrument used for revealing geo waves?

4.What are the properties of e;lectriomagenetic waves?

5.Explain vbriefly how an electromagnetic is made of .

6.What is meant by electromagnetic spectrerum?Write the various types of waves

that belong to the electromagnetic spectrum in order of their frequency?

7.Mention one use of UHF and VHF waves.


When a hacksaw blade is vibrated a sound can be produced.What would happen if

the vibrating length of the blade

grade 10

1.What is the relationship between heat and temperature?

2.Define the term absolute zero ans write down the value of it using Celcius and

3.What is the term used for thre liquids used in thermometers?

4.Write 2 reasosn for selecting mercury in thermometers.

5.Mention th SI unit formeasuring temperature.

6.Convert the following values for Celcius values.

7.Wirte two differences that can be obsetrved between a general lab

thermomerters and a clinical thermomerters.

8.Define the term specific heat capacity.Mention the ubnit used for it.
9.Give one reason for using water as a coolant in vehicle engines.

10.Text book Diagram 140 page

Mention the three methods by which heat transfer fron one place to another.

The following doiagram shows a vacuum flask.Waht are the methods used in it to




The refrigerator has asbestos fibres and fiberglass in between the outer and inner
cabinets to ptrevent the heat flowing in .nowadays polystyrene is sued instead of
the above mentioned sunbstances.

Mention one advantage and disadvantage of using polystyrene instead of the

above mentioned substances.

A student carried out an experiment using the following wxperimental setup to

investigate about a method of transferring heat.

1.A glass tube was used to introduce the potassoium permanganate crystals in to
the vessel.What is the reasom for it?

2.Name the vessel used in this experimental set up.

3.A student says that it is better to use a spirit lamp instead of a Bunsen burner to
heat the vessel.Give one reason for this.

4.What would be the observation you would make in this ecperiment when heated.

5.Writ ethree properties of heat radiation.

6.Explain wghy polished vessels are not suitable for cooking.

7.Name the type of waves used inremote controllers.


Static electricity.
1.Mention the law of electrical charges.

2.Explain how a capacitor is made .

3.What is meant by dielectric material used in capacitors?Nma e two such dielectric


General Certificate of Education(ordinary level) Exanmination

Pracrivce test.

Answer Guide


I.Wind Mill (01

II.Chemical Energy Heat Energy Kinetic Energy Elecrical Energy

III.Hydro Electricity.

IV.a.multiple cropping

b.Compost manure

c.Biologival control

V.Acid rains



VIII.reduction of the amount of solid wastematter ?Less cost for the raw materials?
Reduction of environmental pollution./reduction of the use of new matrials asraw
materials .One of these.


2.A)I.Carbon or C (No marks for carbon dioxide)

II.X- Phtotosynthesis


Z-Deconmposition by saprophytes.


IV.Application of nitrogenous artificial fertilizer/Diaposalm of organic substances

which do not undergo biodegradation or any other acceprtable answer.

V.N2(Nitrogen) ,O2(Oxygen),H2O(Water)

VI.Rise of the global temperature.

VII.Sedimaentation(Deposition ) of the organic substances on the bottom of oceans.

Decomposiotpn by bacteria under anaerobic conditions.Conversion of organisc

substances to hydrocarbons under high temperatures and pressures.


I.When all the communities found in a certain area are taken together with the
abiotic conmponent with which they interact .





Grass plant.



I.Position A

II. h1 h2 h3 /h1,h2,h3

III.ah1 ah2 ah3

π +W/a π π – W/a

IV.PV=K(constant) Give marks if this is written with words.


I.Showinh of a high reading by the thermometer found in the glass vessel

II.Green House effect.


IV.Global warming



II.Critical angle

III.Refractive index/Y

IV.Because light rays does not eneter inti air/because light rays undergo total
internal reflection.

The incident angle of the incident rays which incident on exceeds the critical angle.



II.A and C

III.Weight of the body and the upthrust.



Part B.

Essay Type


5)A)I. a-Sepwerior vena cava

B-Pulmonary veins
C _Inferuir vena cava

D- Right auricle

E – Right ventricle

F – Aorta

G-pulmonary artery

H-Left ventrical

II.A and C

III.a. F- Oxygen concentration is high.

G-oxygen concentration is low.

IV.H Left auricle Aorta Brain Superior vena cava D

B)I.a.Red blood corpuscles,White blood corpuscles

b.Red blood corpuscles-Transportation of oxygen

White blood corpuscles –Phagocytosis of microorgansism/Production of antibodies.

II.Blood cells/Plasma proterins.

III.To initiate the action of the heart valves

IV.Coronary artery.

6)A)I.Sexual reproduction-Gametes are important

Asexual reproduction-Gametes are not important.

II.By rooting stem cuttings/layering/grafing/tissue culture.

III.a.Breadfruit-roots b.Ginger - Underground stem

IV.a.Self pollination – Deposition of theb oillen grains prodused by a flower on the

stigma of a flower of another plant of the sane species.

b.Deposition of the pollem grains on the stigma of the same flower.

b.Presence of unisexual flowers,Maturation of the andriecium anfd the gynoecium at

two different times.Presence of the androecium and the gynoecium at two differne
tlevels/Self infertility

Protandry and Gynandry

c.generative nucleus/pollen nucleus/cytoplasm/thich outer wall(sculptures )/Thin

inner wall.
B)I.a.meiotic division (meiosis)-28chromosomes

b.Mititic division(Mitisis)-56chromosomes.

II.Equal in size and shape.


b.Rr and yellow.



7)A)I.The composition in small part of the solution is equal./Transparent/clear

solution/No separation of regions.

II.Presence of eqiual polar properties.

III.Yes.B and C are of different polat properties.


V.Evaporation./Removal of the solution by evaporation+++++++++++++++



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