Feb2020 IJSTR Garcia
Feb2020 IJSTR Garcia
Feb2020 IJSTR Garcia
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Abstract: Computer vision and image processing have attracted more and more interest of researchers because of its wide applications in many fields.
With this in consideration, this paper conducted a study comparison and identification of two vegetable seeds through fuzzy logic and image processing.
Images taken were processed and three morphological features were used as rules for the fuzzy inference system. The result was that the fuzzy
inference system worked as expected even if there are only two true values for each characteristic.
Index Terms: Fuzzy Logic, Image Processing, Morphological Feature, Vegetable Seeds
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this paper: 60 pechay and 60 cauliflower seeds as training seed, depending on the morphological data and the rules.
data and 20 for each seed too were used as test samples. The Sugeno type of inference system was used since the outputs
images for the samples were taken using a Canon PowerShot were constant.
SD1300IS at 12M (4000x3000) resolution with a tripod to
prevent unnecessary movements or shaking while taking the 3 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
images. The flash of the camera was turned on for every
image to ensure proper lighting for the samples. The seeds 3.1 Image Processing
were placed in a way that it won't touch each so that the image The image taken in RGB format shown in figure 2 underwent
will give accurate data for processing. The lenses of the several processes. The first process was to format the raw
camera have a distance of 8cm for every sample image for image into a grayscale format. The image was then
uniformity. Since the images were taken uniformly, resizing of complemented and converted into a black and white format in
images is not required anymore. The images of the samples figure 3. This turns the white areas unoccupied by the seeds
taken were processed using MATLAB R2015a installed in into while the seeds itself becomes white. This makes it easier
Lenovo G41 Laptop with a processor of AMD A8 quad-core for the special function vislabels to label the seeds that were
with speeds up to 2.1GHz and has a RAM of 4GB. This laptop identified in the image.
uses Windows 10 SL operating at x64 platform. The
percentage amongst image sections and diversities of
dissimilar shades RGB histogram are then considered [16].
This paper proved that the use of image processing and fuzzy
logic to determine the type of seed is effective and has much
fewer errors. Although the use of traditional methods of ision based Q uality A nalysis of R ice G rains,‖ 2017
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