Homeschool Life: Discovering God's Way To Family-Based Education

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that it discusses the foundation of Christian curriculum and teaching character through homeschooling.

Some of the quotes mentioned are from Martin Luther, Marva Collins, Anne Sullivan, C.S. Lewis and Beatrix Potter about education and schools.

Some of the topics discussed in the table of contents include acknowledgments, the Christian curriculum foundation, the homeschool life, teaching character, and responsibilities.

Chalcedon/Ross House Books

Va l l e c i t o, C a l i f o r n i a
Copyright 2008
Andrea G. Schwartz

Chalcedon / Ross House Books

PO Box 158
Vallecito, CA 95251

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic,
mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—except for brief
quotations for the purpose of review or comment, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2008902221

ISBN: 978-1-891375-50-7

Printed in the United States of America

For Owen,
the son of my first graduate
Quotes I Love

I am much afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell,
unless they diligently labour in explaining the Holy Scriptures,
and engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place
his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every
institution in which means are not unceasingly occupied with the
Word of God must be corrupt.
- Martin Luther
There is a brilliant child locked inside every student.
- Marva Collins
My heart is singing for joy this morning! A miracle has happened!
The light of understanding has shone upon my little pupil’s mind,
and behold, all things are changed!
- Anne Sullivan
I learned most, not from those who taught me but from those who
talked with me.
- St. Augustine
Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make
man a more clever devil.
- C. S. Lewis
Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed
off some of the originality.
- Beatrix Potter
Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. The Foundation of the Christian Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . 3


2. A Quiet Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3. Lessons from the Cuckoo Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4. A Small Town in a Big City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5. The Homeschool Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6. Giants in the Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7. Speaking into Their Lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8. Rethinking Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9. Recovery Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10. I’d Be Lyin’ If I Didn’t Tell You about the Lion . . . . . . . 33
11. Guilt by Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
12. Fathers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
13. Filling the Gap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
14. Faithful Are the Words of My Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
15. Experts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
16. ... And On Those Bad Days? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
17. This Wasn’t on My Agenda Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

18. Standing on Your Own Two Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
19. Recipe for Failure ∼ Sin in the Camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
20. Questions I Can’t Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
21. Products of Our Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
22. Out of the Closet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
23. On Your Mark, Get Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
24. Oh, How I Love Thy Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
25. Lost in Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
26. Fifth Monarchy Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
27. Correcting Your Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
28. Call Waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
29. As Unto the Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
30. You Get What You Expect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

31. Some Funny Things Happen
on the Way to Homeschooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
32. Setting Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
33. Redeeming the Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
34. Public Speaking and Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
35. Incentives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
36. Combating the Humanistic Inquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
37. Why Write? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

38. Building a Homeschool Lending Library . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
39. Homeschooling Through High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
40. Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
41. A Happy Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
42. Recruiting Your Homeschool Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

43. Preparing for School:
Homeschool or Christian Academy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Appendix: The Mother’s War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

∼ to Susan Burns who graciously and kindly goes over my

essays, making the necessary grammatical revisions and offering
sound suggestions so that my words make sense and my meaning
is clear. What would I do without you?
∼ to Kathy Leonard whose efforts on behalf of this book have
improved me as a writer. Someday, Kathy, I hope to meet you in
∼ to Mark Rushdoony and Chris Ortiz of the Chalcedon
Foundation who provide me with a platform to share my passion
for Christian education while continuing to uphold the mission
and goals of Chalcedon’s founder, R.J. Rushdoony. Rush would be
∼ to those who read Lessons Learned from Years of Home-
schooling and let me know how it encouraged them to “take the
plunge” and begin the adventure that has changed the course of
their lives. It is my sincerest hope that as they continue to home-
school that they keep their eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of
our faith.
∼ to my husband, Ford, and daughter Dorothy who provide
me with great joy as I live out my calling as wife and mother.
To God be the glory!

T his book, like my previous one Lessons Learned from Years of

Homeschooling, consists of essays that first appeared as blog
entries at or as articles in Faith
for All of Life (the magazine of the Chalcedon Foundation) and is
offered to encourage and instruct those considering homeschooling
or who are currently undertaking the education of their children in
a homeschool setting. The essays are not presented in the order in
which they were written, but have been grouped into four basic cat-
egories: Help for Parents, Teaching Character, Teaching Curric-
ulum, Curriculum.
The need for Christian education has never been more
apparent than it is in our time. Assaults on the family—the primary
institution ordained by God—have multiplied at an exponential
rate. Whether they are spiritual, moral, economic, educational, or
in countless other areas, these attacks can only be challenged and
faced with the weapons of warfare that the Bible outlines. The
problem is compounded because many professing Christians have
little to no idea of exactly how those weapons are to be utilized. In
fact, too few Christians really comprehend the nature and extent of
the war in which we are already engaged. Many still talk about the


possibility of tribulation in the future, without recognizing that the

enemy has been at our door for quite some time.
But this volume is not intended to address the reasons why
Christians fail to live up to their God-given duty to raise their chil-
dren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Rather, it is
designed to encourage parents and families to embrace the victory
we have in Jesus Christ and to fully embrace their part in the
battle(s) before us. The song entitled “The Battle Belongs to the
Lord”1 says it quite well:
In heavenly armor we'll enter the land,
The battle belongs to the Lord.
No weapon that's fashioned against us will stand,
The battle belongs to the Lord.
And we sing glory, honor, power and strength to the Lord,
We sing glory, honor, power and strength to the Lord.
When the power of darkness comes in like a flood,
The battle belongs to the Lord.
He'll raise up a standard, the power of His blood,
The battle belongs to the Lord.
When your enemy presses in hard, do not fear,
The battle belongs to the Lord.
Take courage, my friend, your redemption is near,
The battle belongs to the Lord.

1. ©1985, Fairhill Music, Words and Music by Jamie Owens Collins.


The Foundation of the

Christian Curriculum

L et’s say you wanted to prepare an ambassador for diplomatic

service. What would be involved?
For starters, you would ensure that the candidate was well
versed in the ideology and practices of your country and was pre-
pared to discuss, defend, and promote your nation’s interests in the
country where he was going to serve. Selections would be made on
the basis of those who were in wholehearted agreement with your
country’s goals and purposes, and verified so as to ensure loyalty
when living in that foreign culture. You would make sure that
anyone sent out was additionally versed in the culture and perspec-
tives of the destination country to be able to conduct the duties and
responsibilities of the calling effectively and productively.
Aren’t Christian parents charged with the same responsibility
as they train their children to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ
according to the Great Commission? Before we would consider
sending them on such a mission, would we not need to be certain
that they were well schooled in the particulars of the Christian faith
as it applied to daily situations? Wouldn’t we want them to be able
to articulate in a coherent way what makes Jesus Christ the Way, the
Truth, and the Life?


In other words, what would a Christian curriculum look

like—one designed to impart a truly Biblical world and life view?
I’ve irritated more than a few people by challenging the
enrollment of their children in the public school system. In fact,
I’m repeatedly told by Christian pastors and elders that it is impor-
tant not to be divisive on this issue. To many, it is an issue that is
summed up in agreeing to disagree.
Their underlying presupposition is that education is a subject
that the Lord has no definite opinion about. To them, attendance
at church on Sundays and further participation at Sunday school or
Awana clubs is all the requisite Christian education that children
need: religious training is best handled at church, with there being
no need to examine all disciplines (history, science, literature, etc.)
from the Word of God.
I often challenge such folks and ask them this: as Christians,
why wouldn’t you send your children to a Muslim school? A
Hindu school? A Mormon school? The answer: because as Chris-
tians they wouldn’t want their children to be influenced against
their religious beliefs! My next question: as a Christian, why are you
sending your children to a missionary school that teaches, preaches,
and mandates the state religion of humanism? As Rushdoony so
ably puts it,
A state curriculum to be true to itself must teach statism. A
Christian curriculum to be true to itself must be in every respect
Many professing Christians continue to enroll their children
in state-run schools, thereby setting up a schizophrenic situation:
Jesus Christ is professed King of kings and Lord of Lords on Sun-
days (and in church), but Monday through Friday, His name is for-
bidden to be acknowledged or even prayed to inside the walls of the
state-run school where they go to be educated. In fact, often the
only acceptable way to mention the name of the Lord in a public
school is to take His name in vain!

1. R. J. Rushdoony, The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum (Vallecito, CA: Ross

House Books, 1981), 12.

That said, there is much more to the primary and secondary

curriculum than just including the name of Jesus prior to or during
the school day. Christ must be the root and branch of every sub-
ject—diffused throughout the entire course of study of history, sci-
ence, literature, language, and mathematics. Children must
understand that they cannot adequately comprehend the world in
which they live and move apart from the Word of God as con-
tained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Again
quoting Rushdoony:
The sound curriculum will be the relevant curriculum, and
relevancy requires two factors, a world of absolutes, and a world of
change. It is not enough to hold to God’s absolutes: they must be
continually and freshly related to the changing times.2
Rushdoony used to come and lecture at my home back in the
early nineties and would repeat again and again the necessity for us
to view all areas of life and thought through the glasses of Scripture.
For without this vision correction, we are doomed to both the near-
sighted and farsighted distortions brought on by sin and disobedi-
ence. Through the impetus of his teaching, I came to understand
that I was personally responsible to understand the implications of
my faith in order to adequately teach and prepare my children for
Therein lies the rub. Too many Christian parents have abdi-
cated this role of being the primary educators of their children,
passing the baton to a school system to take care of preparing their
children for life and the world as adults—apart from submission to
the law-word of God. In many cases, these same parents have little
to no interest in becoming educated themselves with a Biblical
worldview. They profess with their lips that they want children
who will live and act as Christians, but with the jello-like standards
of the world, almost anything qualifies. What we get is a church full
of “baby Christians,” at best (Heb. 5:13), and hypocrites, at worst
(Matt. 7:21).
Parents must be able to discern all current events and issues
of the day from a Biblical perspective. Then, should they decide

2. Ibid., 14.

that the best method of education is a day school rather than home-
schooling their children themselves, their quest should be for a
school that is committed to teaching ALL subjects from a Biblical
perspective. What’s more, regular “dinnertime” and “in the car”
discussions should be maintained in order to evaluate the fruits of
the school’s teaching, not to mention the effect the values and stan-
dards of fellow students have on their children.
What follows is a non-exhaustive analysis of some of the fun-
damental differences between Christianity and humanism as they
affect education, excerpted from Rushdoony’s Philosophy of the
Christian Curriculum.3

Christianity Humanism

1. The sovereignty of the triune God is the starting 1. The sovereignty of man and the state is the
point, and this God speaks through His infallible starting point, and it is the word of scientific, elite
Word. man which we must heed.

2. We must accept God as God. He is alone Lord. 2. Man is his own god, choosing or determining for
himself what constitutes good and evil (Gen. 3:5).

3. God’s Word and Person is the Truth. 3. Truth is pragmatic and existential: it is what we
find works and is helpful to us.

4. Education is into God’s truth in every realm. 4. Education is the self-realization and self-
development of the child.

5. Education is discipline under a body of truth. 5. Education is freedom from restraint and from any
This body of truth grows with research and study, idea of truth outside of us. We are the standard, not
but truth is objective and God-given. We begin by something outside of man.
presupposing God and His Word.

6. Godly standards grade us. We must measure up to 6. The school and the world must measure up to the
them. The teacher grades the pupil. pupil’s needs. The pupil grades the teacher.

7. Man’s will and the child’s will must be broken to 7. Society must be broken and remade to man’s will,
God’s purpose. Man must be remade, reborn by and the child’s will is sacred.
God’s grace.

8. Man’s problem is sin. Man must be recreated by 8. Man’s problem is society. Society must be
God. recreated by man.

9. The family is God’s basic institution. 9. The family is obsolete. The individual or the state
is basic.

3. Ibid., 172–173.

As is apparent from this comparison, the products (gradu-

ates) of a secular education and those of a deliberately Christian
education will be radically different. What’s more, these same indi-
viduals will perceive issues and ethical choices quite differently.
Why should we expect the conversion of the nonbeliever when
those who profess the faith more often than not share with him the
same economic, political, and social premises?
We must always remember that there is a war that has been
raging since the Fall of Man. Again to quote Rushdoony,
Education is thus the power area in the modern world and the
arena for the struggle between Christianity and humanism. If
humanism can retain control of the schools, the logic of education
will then create more and more modernism, because modernism is
simply humanism in charge of the church. It will turn evangelicals
into neo-evangelicals and neo-fundamentalists. It will produce, in
the supposedly Bible-believing churches, a faith having the form of
godliness but lacking the power thereof (2 Tim. 3:5).
The recovery of the power of godliness requires a radical break
therefore with humanism and humanistic education. It means that
a thoroughly Biblical doctrine of education must govern the
Christian school. Our hope then is not in externals and methods
but in that meaning and truth which is incarnate in Jesus Christ.4
There is too much at stake for this continual disobedience
among professing Christians to continue. All the considerations
that have been used to justify and baptize the sacrificing of our chil-
dren on the modern altars of Baal must be confessed and repented
of. We should encourage Christian education in both the home-
school and day school. If we truly want to see disciples made of all
nations, we must begin in our own homes and churches.

4. Ibid., 161.

A Quiet Revolution

T his past Saturday I participated in a homeschool forum in a

nearby county. There homeschooling moms and dads spent
four hours displaying textbooks and other curriculum choices
they’ve used so they could help other families make decisions for
the following school year, and answering questions about particular
subjects. Unlike homeschooling conventions, there were no sales or
sales pitches. The sole purpose of this gathering was for Christian
homeschooling families to help one another by means of encour-
agement and sharing information. A number of visitors were
present who were just “checking out” what this homeschooling
business was all about.
Although I was the “veteran” with the longest years of service
(twenty-five), there were others who displayed signs indicating
nineteen, fifteen, and twelve years of homeschooling. In addition,
there were those who had just begun in September of 2006. Once
again I was struck with the level of commitment and congeniality
that marks most homeschool gatherings. An unknowing onlooker
would most likely be dumbfounded and ask questions like “What
makes these people tick?” or “What’s in it for them?” Of course,
these are the wrong questions. The question is “Who is in them?”
and the answer—the Holy Spirit.


I participated in a question and answer session over lunch. As

I gazed at the faces of those in attendance, I realized just how “dan-
gerous” a bunch we homeschoolers are! The major threat we pose
to the humanistic secularism of our day is that we realize how pre-
cious a gift the fruit of the womb is—the reward we’ve been
given—and we are actively obedient to the Giver of this gift by
raising and training our children according to His holy directions.
The gates of hell will never be able to defend itself against this
sort of quiet revolution. Moreover, as those of us who are veterans
in this battle for the hearts and minds of our children share our
experiences, insights, and lessons learned with those still educating
their own children and encouraging other interested families to do
the same, we’ll be setting the stage for reclaiming our culture for the
Lord Jesus Christ.
From my perspective, the day was a raving success, and I
hope I get additional opportunities to attend other homeschooling
forums. My biggest encouragement came from the dads who
thanked me for the solidly Biblical perspective I expressed and my
“unbridled passion” (as one man put it) for Christian education. I
left richer—not in dollars and cents—but in the knowledge that
there are multitudes of “quivers” out there across our land and the
world that are being stocked by those who are learning to obey,
love, and trust the Lord Jesus Christ. As a hymn we used to sing
weekly during worship service renders 2 Corinthians 10:4-5,
For the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but mighty through
God, to the pulling down of strongholds and casting down imaginations
of every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

from the Cuckoo Clock

I love clocks. If you were to visit my home, you’d see all sorts of
clocks in almost every room of the house. Some of these clocks
chime, others ding, some play music, others have a swinging pen-
dulum, while still others display the barometric pressure and
humidity levels. The latest addition to my clock menagerie is a
cuckoo clock, something I’ve wanted for quite some time.
Now cuckoo clocks defy modernity. This one is many years
old and doesn’t need batteries or electricity. Imagine that! It runs
on the principle of two weights attached to a chain that allow the
clock to keep time and make its cuckoo sound on the hour and half
hour so long as you keep the chains pulled. One pull on each chain
should keep the clock running for days.
This vintage clock was an auction item I won at the local
Community Pregnancy Center fundraising dinner. It had been
donated by one CPC supporter. So, when we had some difficulty
making it operate correctly, we didn’t have the benefit of a store to
call for assistance in setting it up. Through trial and error, it even-
tually worked, but not before I was sure I permanently ruined it six
or seven times!


The lesson here: this clock was so well made that despite my
ineptitude and impatience, it works as its designer intended. A cor-
ollary lesson for homeschooling parents: your children are so well
made that, despite your initial ineptitude and impatience, they can
thrive and learn in the homeschooling environment, even if you are
a rookie.
Many homeschooling parents feel that they might damage
their children irrevocably or mar them in such a way that their
futures will be forever compromised. Some even keep them in a
public school setting for fear of “doing damage.” However, viewed
from a Biblical perspective, just the opposite is the case. Keeping
them in an environment where the holy fear of the Lord is not the
basis and emphasis of all subjects taught is among the most
deceitful and harmful of situations thrust upon children.
Like the craftsman who produced my prize cuckoo clock, the
Creator, Designer, Sustainer, and Redeemer of your children con-
structed His creatures (your children among them) with the
capacity to withstand the bumps and mishaps from operator error!

A Small Town in a Big City

T he other night as I was an audience member for a homeschool

theater production of the musical Annie, I was once again
struck by how unique Christian homeschooling is as a cultural
trend. What begins as a desire to provide a distinctively Christian
education to children under the hands-on guidance and direction
of the parents evolves (yes, I use that word intentionally) into a
community of caring and productive families eager to serve the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Guests who are not accustomed to homeschooling circles
almost always remark on how well-behaved and orderly the chil-
dren are, and how readily they take direction and show respect for
those in authority. If you, like me, are used to such things, it
doesn’t seem like such a big deal. One woman, who had been a
teacher in public schools and Sunday schools for over forty years,
was dumbfounded that eighty plus children under the direction of
about five to seven moms could be so cooperative.
After the show, people hung around to talk for twice as long
as the show itself. One homeschooling mom commented, “You
know, being part of the homeschooling community is like living in
a small town in the midst of a big city.” I was struck as to the accu-
racy and insight of that statement. I’ve been part of many groups,

both Christian and secular, and nothing compares to the dynamics

of homeschooling families interacting with one another.
The following day I received an email that went out to the
Coram Deo Chorus email list. Here is the text:
Hello Dear Coram Deo Parents,
As we are new this year to the choir, I wanted to thank everyone for
your gracious inclusion of me and my four children into your circle. My
kids are thrilled to have new friends, and a place where they can grow
and laugh and learn together with other homeschooled families (this is
the first year I have homeschooled them). It is challenging for me at
times to be the only single parent among you, but I have experienced
friendship and acceptance, for which I am grateful.
To most of the students in the Annie production, it is a cute and
amusing story of “rags to riches.” To our family, this particular play is
very close to home, since some of you know that as a single mother, I
have recently adopted all four siblings. The pain of loss, the desperate
desire to be loved by birth parents, the mixed blessing of adoption, the
stigma of being “orphaned,” and the longing to be wanted, are all
realities that my children have LIVED, not just performed on a stage.
It is recent pain for them, and yet they live in joy and gratitude, which
is the truest miracle of God's amazing grace over them.
God bless you all for your efforts with your kids (and mine!). They will
carry these memories forever, I am sure.
Isn’t it amazing that when parents whose primary goal and
desire is to provide a daily context where their professed faith par-
allels their confessed faith that they that sow in tears shall reap in
joy? May God be pleased to strengthen the bonds and resolve of
Christian homeschooling families everywhere.

The Homeschool Life

M uch has been written about the spiritual and academic ben-
efits of homeschooling. However, one of the most signifi-
cant assets of a homeschooling situation is the benefit to family life.
Children often find that their best friends end up being brothers or
sisters, and there is much less of a peer-group emphasis, as children
of differing ages make friends with each other readily. Moreover,
family outings and vacations can take place according to the
family’s schedule, rather than only certain periods of time during a
ten-month school year.
A while back, I wrote a parody of the song from the musical
Annie. Instead of “It’s the Hard Knock Life,” I changed the words
to “It’s the Homeschool Life.” Here is my humble rendition:
It's the homeschool life for us!
It's the homeschool life for us!
In the kitchen we learn math
While the baby gets a bath.
It's the homeschool life.
Siblings we always see;
They are classmates perpetually.
Who knows what grade we're in?
We're always with the next of kin.
It's the homeschool life.


Our moms are more than just our teachers;

They pile us into vans and SUVs.
In between the grammar, math, and science,
They take us to all activities.
No one cares that you finished all your schoolwork;
There is always more for you to do.
No relief from a parent-teacher conference,
Because the people who show up are you know who!
Oh, socialized we may not be.
Socialized—what's that, MTV?
Dad and Mom, it's thanks to you;
We appreciate all you do.
It's the homeschool life (Yes it is)
It's the homeschool life (Yes it is)
It's the homeschool life!
All humor aside, there is an additional benefit to the home-
school life apart from academic and social aspects, and it becomes
evident when there is a prolonged illness or a medical emergency in
the family. These times of stress and struggle, can provide oppor-
tunities for the family to function more as God intended. Rather
than become fragmented and going their separate ways, families are
readily available to support and bolster each other.
I know of numerous homeschooling families in my geo-
graphical area who have had to face such medical situations. In one
case, the mother of the family, after weeks of thinking she was expe-
riencing asthma, heard the diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma. The
family of six children, the youngest eighteen months old at the
time, was able to come together and act as a unit as the chemo-
therapy and radiation became a part of their lives for the ten week
period of treatment. Did all academic subjects get covered every
day? Of course not. But, now, six years later, the mom (and cancer
survivor) calls the entire episode one of the great blessings in her
family’s life. Her children’s relationship with each other and their
responsibility level in the home increased greatly, as they all relied
on the Lord’s provision together. Academic work that was missed
was made up, and if someone didn’t point out this part of their his-
tory to you, you would think them an average, everyday family.

Another family is currently dealing with a father who is rap-

idly deteriorating from ALS—Lou Gehrig's disease. With the help of
their church and greater homeschool community, the family has
been graced to continue homeschooling, thereby giving the daugh-
ters more time with their dad to encourage him and to be around
to help their mom. But, you may ask, aren't their academics suf-
fering? I submit that what they are learning in a “real life” setting
about illness, medical care, compassion, and God’s provision, along
with the studies that they are able to keep up with, will serve them
profitably in the days and years ahead. They are definitely not
missing out, when you consider that their appreciation for even the
small blessings in life are marks of their greater maturity. Plus, they
are seeing firsthand the committed bond of love between their par-
ents—even in the face of such a brutal disease.
Yes, the homeschool life is a working model of the Biblical
family. It allows families to live, learn, and work together in a full-
orbed, non-compartmentalized existence. Isn’t it just like our God
to reward Biblical responsibility in such a beautiful way!

Giants in the Land

O ne of the continuing benefits of being a homeschooling

parent is that you get to relearn things you should know over
and over again as you introduce new subjects to your students. This
is especially true of the excellent practice of reading passages from
Scripture aloud to your children. Presenting the text with expres-
sion, thereby making its meaning come alive, followed with discus-
sion about how the attitudes and perspectives of the people toward
God affected their situation, reinforces the truths of Scripture to
the one reading as much as to those listening. However, I’ve found
that I can be quite uppity at times regarding my “ancestors in the
faith” as I critique their moves and motives as though I would have
done a better job! How many times have I screamed at the patriarch
Isaac about choosing the ungodly son over the one God had told
Rebekah would rule over the older? I hate to see him make that
error time and again! And what about David? I mean, doesn’t he
see what effect his heinous sin is going to have on his descendants?
Reading these “family histories” can act as a valuable reminder that
we are very much like (if not worse) than those who’ve come before
Numbers 13 and 14 is another good case in point. In that
account, Moses had sent twelve spies into Canaan to spy out the


land that the Lord had promised them for a possession. Ten of the
twelve came back having drawn the conclusion that they wouldn’t
be able to prevail against the giants in the land. Their solution was
to walk by sight, not by faith. In a similar way, many Christian par-
ents today, when they are plotting a course of action for their chil-
dren’s “higher education,” have their gaze more fixed on the giants
in the land than on the provisions and promises of the God of
Scripture. In fact, they believe that if they don’t have enough “AP”
(Advanced Placement) courses, or letters of recommendation, or a
high enough GPA from an “accredited” school, that they won’t be
able to get into the “best” colleges. Since their focus is on the wrong
things, instead of making sure their children are strongly grounded
in a Biblical world and life view and are living out the implications
of their faith, they are busy spending oodles of time and money
trying to get the best situation that the “giants in the land” will
deem worthy.
Need I remind all of those who have bought into this philos-
ophy that for the Children of Israel, this resulted in a total of forty
years of wilderness wanderings? Come to think of it, I can’t think
of a better way to describe many professing Christians I know who,
after having graduated from those “best” schools, end up thinking
and acting much like the heathens who run them, while wandering
in a wilderness of their own making. When they “mature” into
adulthood, their decisions and perspectives are more “Canaanite”
than they are Christian.
I am truly saddened that there is no quick fix for this attitu-
dinal malaise. However, I am encouraged that there are many who
correctly discern the war raging against the Christian faith all
around them, and yet continue to persevere in the process of raising
warriors obedient to the law-word of Jesus Christ. Our victorious
hope lies in the reality that by focusing on the promises rather than
the problems, the land will be ours!

Speaking into Their Lives

T here is a time in everyone’s life when the realization comes

into full view that one’s parents are not without flaw. It is
unnerving to learn that those people who you were sure knew
everything and could make all boo-boos better had shortcomings
and areas of sin in their own lives. The next shock comes when after
years of dismissing their concerns and admonitions, and you
become a parent yourself, that you realize that your mom and dad
were wiser than you imagined when it came to the important issues
of life. Then, you get a little break from reality as you bask in the
glow of having a little one who is sure you know everything about
everything and can make all things better, only to be rudely awak-
ened when those same fans turn into critics, pointing out your fail-
ings and limitations.
The reality of living out these various stages in family life can
be exhausting and anxiety-filled as children grow into young
adults—testing the boundaries of acceptable behavior, while
reminding parents of their observable deficiencies and inadequacies.
Having experienced all this firsthand (both as a child and parent),
and witnessing this phenomenon in the lives of other home-
schooling families, I’ve come to the conclusion that we don’t have
enough aunts and uncles in the Body of Christ. I see a tremendous


need for the greater body to establish the sort of relationships that
develop in extended families. I’m suggesting that rather than being
uninvolved spectators when we see Satan and worldly allurements
wreaking havoc in the homes of Christian families we know, that we
become active participants, walking alongside both parents and
children, offering them support and encouragement. Providing an
“outside” voice, which reaffirms the Word of God, is a practical out-
working of St. Paul’s instruction in the book of Galatians to “bear
one another’s burdens” and “to do good unto all men especially unto
those of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:1–2, 10).
For example, let’s say you become aware that a family in your
Christian circle is dealing with dress issues regarding their daugh-
ters. Rather than merely sitting back and remembering the bad old
days when you had those makeup, fashion, or dating struggles your-
self, you make it a point to caringly insert yourself into the life of
that family, relating to the girls by demonstrating real interest in
their lives. Just as a biological aunt wouldn’t be put off by a less-
than-smooth initial contact, neither should the spiritual aunt if this
relationship takes time to develop. Once it has been established,
you can courageously speak into the lives of these young women,
imparting the wisdom that you’ve acquired from your own Chris-
tian walk and lifetime of experience. Sharing stories from your own
past, while refraining from lecturing, along with ongoing informal
discussions, lends support to whatever their folks are trying to
address with them (James 5:19–20). It also lets them know that
whatever struggles they are experiencing aren’t unique to them.
My point is that often young people will “hear it” from an
outsider—someone not actively engaged in the struggle—rather
than from their parents, and will hopefully take to heart what
you’ve shared. By upholding the standards they’re being taught at
home, you’ll find sincere gratitude from their folks for your
“bearing this burden” with them. What’s more, a little love and
encouragement from others can do a world of good and help pre-
vent situations from developing into crises.
I intentionally used the word courageous earlier because there
is that distinct possibility that your efforts won’t be welcomed or
received in the spirit in which you offered them. But, like all other

commands in Scripture, it is more important to obey God than

worry about being personally rejected. Invest in a young person
today; the Body of Christ will be stronger for it.

Rethinking Education

S hould the process of becoming an educated person be stressful?

Should students feel “pressure” when it comes to learning? By
what standard should graduates be deemed ready for the adult
Having been a home educator for almost half of my life, I
have had the benefit of selecting my own curriculum and setting
my own time schedule for learning. I knew, through research,
what was ahead for my children and organized my course of study
for them so that they would be ready for entrance into the next
stage of their education. Sometimes the journey was smoother
than others. As time went on, I made it a policy and priority of our
homeschool that moving on to the next level of a subject would
occur only when the previous level had been mastered. This some-
times meant that my student was still doing fifth-grade-level math
when she was in her seventh grade. So what? What mattered was
that she understood and could apply the material, not how long or
exactly when she understood it. Our culture puts a greater
emphasis on when something is grasped, rather than if it is truly
comprehended. (I often make the analogous observation that most
adults when they interact with each other don’t really care at what
age the other was toilet trained; they are just gratified that they are!


Yet, mothers “stress” over this milestone, as though any delay will
have catastrophic consequences. I wonder how often this is fueled
by the desire to enroll their little ones into a daycare situation.)
It is not unusual to see high school students develop ulcers
because of all their homework, AP classes, and the “need” to suc-
ceed. Many become obsessed in their quest to achieve high SAT
scores and gain acceptance into the “best” universities. However,
they often don’t have a clue as to how to offer a good apologetic for
their Christian faith, and they are altogether ignorant of church
history. This isn’t that surprising because their parents usually are
in the same boat. What we end up with are Christian people who
know much more about the world than they do about their faith.
It should come as no surprise then, when faced with decisions of
whom to elect to political office or which policies should be imple-
mented and those that should be countered, that they don’t have a
Biblical orientation point from which to proceed. Thus, we get
“business as usual,” despite the fact that we live in a country with
so many professing Christians who claim to believe the Bible from
cover to cover!
Why have we allowed learning to be hijacked by the human-
istic concept that grades determine a person’s capabilities and that
getting into the “right” school serves as a measure of personal
worth? The Scriptures instruct us to seek first God’s Kingdom and
righteousness, and then all that we require will be added unto us.
It would appear that many have accepted a counterfeit answer to
the question, What should I do with my life?
The missing ingredient in all this is a lack of understanding
of calling. What exactly is calling? Simply put, one’s calling is the
particular way the Lord has chosen for each individual to personally
glorify and enjoy Him forever. In that vein, it is vital that young
people get a chance to develop according to their giftings and incli-
nations within a context of self-conscious Christian education. In
the process of becoming educated, stress and anxiety need not be
the norm, nor sleepless nights and caffeine-filled days.

Psalm 127:1–2 asserts:

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of
sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.
What would a society look like where the focus of young
people wasn’t centered in their school, but in and with their family
as they make their preparation for usefulness as adults? Home-
schooling gives us a microcosmic glimpse. Even so, isn’t it time that
we RETHINK the particulars of education?

Recovery Mode

O ne of the best parts about being really sick is the opportunity

to reevaluate “health” from the perspective of its opposite.
This past week, I had this chance as my body succumbed to “that
flu that is going around,” and my days involved periods of being
asleep and periods of wishing I was asleep. During this time, unable
to proceed with all the things that “had to get done,” I realized
afresh that the world continues to spin without me watching over
it. Additionally, the care and concern of my husband was decidedly
evident, as was the flexibility that home education allows under
such circumstances.
My homeschooling student graciously caught the flu at the
same time I did, and we were both “sickies” together. “Oh,” you
say, “you must have lost a lot of school time.” But the truth of the
matter is that we were able to shift our focus from our normal rou-
tine and found opportunities to use the faculties we had at our dis-
posal (ability to watch and hear things) and used the DVDs
graciously brought in by my husband/nurse. Whether we were
viewing a documentary, an educational video, or just a movie, each
gave us the opportunity to discuss things like Biblical worldviews
in modern depictions of life and living.


With chicken soup in hand, vaporizers going, and tissue

boxes strewn throughout the room, we were able to discuss things
like, What perspective do the main characters have regarding God
and law? How do the characters identify and solve their problems?
Was the truth about sin revealed or were transgressions white-
washed, or worse, exalted? Although no threat of testing or papers
to write accompanied these excursions into learning, learning was
indeed taking place.
I cannot stress enough the necessity for the homeschool cur-
riculum to be infused and saturated with a thoroughly Biblical
worldview that instills the premise that God’s Word speaks to every
area of life and thought. Then, even when a “break” from the
normal is necessary, the time can still be redeemed in a God-hon-
oring and productive fashion.

I’d Be Lyin’ If I Didn’t

Tell You about the Lion

I t is easy to assume that if you homeschool your kids, teaching

them all things from a faithfully Biblical point of view, everyone
will live happily ever after and they will grow up actively serving
and praising the Lord. As many who’ve traveled this path before
can tell you, that just isn’t always the case. Sometimes they stray
from the path you’ve guided them on and there is much heartache
that ensues. God instructs us, though, to be faithful and states that
He will determine the results. That’s why homeschooling would be
an impossibly insane activity without receiving and living by the
doctrine of the Sovereignty of God. Not only does the Lord
promise that His purposes will be accomplished, He walks beside
us to comfort us on our journey.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and
lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is
easy, and my burden is light. (Matt. 11:28–30)
Without this undergirding, I seriously doubt that I would be
an active home educator after twenty-five years and still eager and
ready to help those just starting out.


Along with this portion of Scripture, there is a warning in

1 Peter 5:8 that we need to heed for ourselves and alert our chil-
dren about: the ever-present reality of the battle for their souls.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
This enemy waits for openings, and if the homeschooling parent
allows ungodly, disrespectful attitudes to go by unchallenged, that
roaring lion is ever-ready to come in and encourage these and other
sins against God. But, even if all things are done by the Book, there
is still the reality that some children consummately reject the
teachings of their parents and walk in paths they’ve been warned
against. However difficult it is to accept, we don’t make Christians;
the Holy Spirit does.
Lest anyone be faint of heart and determine that this home-
schooling task is beyond his capabilities, let me remind you of
another Lion referenced in Revelation 5:5. This is He who is the
King of kings and Lord of lords. The same One who came to earth
to do for us what we were unable to do for ourselves. If He was
capable and ready to redeem us from sin, will He not also be with
us as we labor for the hearts and souls of our children? You see, I’d
be lyin’ if I didn’t tell you about this other Lion!

Guilt by Association

I ’m not much for network TV. In fact, I avoid it at all opportu-

nities. However, recently I overheard a segment of a “lawyer
show.” In it a “well-meaning” aunt was trying to get legal custody
of her two nieces who, in her opinion, were not being raised and
reared properly. The major problem was that the children were
homeschooled and very much influenced by their parents’ prejudi-
cial views.
Interestingly enough, the show was not unwilling to extol the
academic benefits and opportunities available to homeschooled
children. One portion had one of the two girls pointing out how
academically challenging her course work was. She was adamant
that she loved being taught by her folks and appreciated being able
to move at an accelerated pace. But, by making this unsympathetic,
white-supremist family the representative of all those who home-
school, they were in effect nullifying these well-documented bene-
fits, by demonstrating the “heinous cost” of allowing parents to
make educational decisions without government supervision. The
audience was to conclude that there is a huge cost to a society that
allows parents to have such a major input into their children’s lives.
In the end, the parents retained custody of their children.
However, not unlike the skewed account of the Scopes Trial in the

movie Inherit the Wind, the audience was supposed to be repulsed

by the fact that homeschooled children were systematically pre-
vented from learning tolerance and an acceptance of all people—
attitudes that would be cultivated under the auspices of state-con-
trolled education.
How should we respond to such a smear campaign masquer-
ading as drama? Should we protest? Boycott sponsors? No, I submit
that we should keep doing what we have been doing and are com-
manded to do: Train up our children in the nurture and admonition
of the Lord. That is what has got these folks bothered in the first
place—the fact that our children are learning the Word of God and
applying it to all aspects of their lives, emulating the Savior Jesus
Christ. Recall that He has always been the most offensive part of
Christianity! But, those that hate Christ know they cannot accom-
plish their desired ends by launching a blatant, frontal attack. So,
instead, they malign thousands of homeschooling families by asso-
ciating them with white supremists—clearly a propaganda ploy—
setting up convenient straw men of Hollywood’s fabrication.
Taking a look at the big picture, it tells me that our enemies
are scared. After all, as my husband likes to say, No one kicks a dead
dog. I guess the life that is exuding out of the homeschooling move-
ment alarms them. We must take comfort in the words of Scripture
that tell us that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!
And, as we go about living our lives and interacting with the culture
around us—shining our light before men and pointing them to our
Father in heaven—we will be able to convey an accurate picture of
what Christian homeschooling is all about and the good citizens it


I suspect that if most homeschools are like mine, the mother in

the household is responsible for most of the actual teaching.
There are exceptions, of course, but I would say that this is true
most of the time, especially because homeschooling families with
stay-at-home moms often rely primarily on one income. So, it
would be easy to suppose that fathers are by-and-large irrelevant
when it comes to the day-in and day-out success of academic work.
Wrong conclusion. Without the father’s role being filled (either by
the dad himself, or a godly substitute in the case of widowhood or
divorce), the result looks more like a tug-of-war than education.
To make an architectural analogy: in the structure of the
homeschool, the Word of God is the foundation, the father
assumes the role of the roof and walls, and the mother handles most
of the interior decoration and arrangement. Without the covering
of the father/husband there isn’t much to decorate or arrange. The
storms of life (nicely provided by the world, the flesh, and the devil,
not to mention those problems sent by God to further our sanctification)
are weathered by a strong outer structure so that those in the inte-
rior stay dry and safe.
To be sure, when it comes to the academic or business success
of my older children, I am often credited with having given them a

good foundation. And this is true. But, what remains largely unher-
alded and overlooked is that without my husband supporting and
encouraging the entire enterprise, the fruit wouldn’t be as good,
and I would most likely be called a “former homeschooling mom”
rather than the active one I am today.
All this being said, it is vital for the husband/father in the
homeschool to be an expert when it comes to God’s law-word and
its application to his family. Over the years, many a dispute that has
arisen between my children/students and me has been astutely han-
dled by my husband’s patient listening, followed by insightful
comments that, more often than not, open the door to resolution.
These were not whimsical solutions, but ones where God’s enscrip-
tured Word was given prominence and authority.
Lastly, I would be remiss in failing to acknowledge a bit of
envy that often permeates my soul when it comes to my husband
dealing with our children. From the time they were very little, the
deep sound of Daddy’s voice was something that produced imme-
diate change that mine never seemed to accomplish. I’ve always
wanted that deep, male voice when it comes to getting results or
altered behavior in the kids. And this phenomenon didn’t change
when they got older. Even as some were feeling their oats, nothing
brought them back down to earth faster than the God-given
authority of their earthly father using his “get your attention”
So, here’s a round of applause for all the thousands of home-
schooling dads who propel one of the most significant movements
in our time—one that is sure to realize the furtherance of the
Kingdom of God on earth!

Filling the Gap

I n an earlier essay, I spoke about the vital function that fathers

play in the success of homeschooling. I knew that I would need
to address the concept of selecting a godly “substitute” in the case
of women who were widowed, divorced, or who had never been
married. Here are my thoughts on this subject.
First of all, the role that is to be replaced as far as the home-
school is concerned is father, not husband. This is an important dis-
tinction. I’m not saying that a woman cannot successfully
homeschool if she is not married. Sure, a two-parent household is
ideal, but just as a person can continue to live a productive life with
one kidney, one leg, or one eye, etc., so too can a homeschool suc-
ceed with just one parent. As the person who has lost a vital part of
his anatomy needs to make adjustments or get aids to help in
dealing with the loss, so too does the homeschooling mother need
some assistance when dealing with the discipline of her children.
Grandfathers, uncles, and older adult brothers can function
in this capacity. There must be a consensus of what the standards
and rules are, and an agreement that the surrogate will act in accor-
dance with, not in opposition to, the mother. In the absence of
blood relatives, an elder, deacon, or member of the church might
be willing to take on such a commitment. And a commitment it is.

For this is a role that will continue until the homeschooled child
reaches a point where he is ready to make significant lifetime
choices and live them out.
The covering and protection of the father-figure can be aided
by members of his immediate family. In the case of a nonfamily
member taking on this responsibility, he must have the support
and assistance of his wife in making this a family ministry. Showing
up for important events and providing encouragement for the
milestones of life can be a shared activity with his own family. Care
must be taken that no improper bond or relationship develops
between the father figure and the mother without a husband. The
man’s role in this is to fill the “father gap,” not to become a substi-
tute for the love and care the single, divorced, or widowed woman
may desire.
The Body of Christ is a family. Galatians tells us to “Do good
unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of
faith.” This is a tangible way for church members to make a huge
difference in the lives of fatherless children.

Faithful Are the Words

of My Friend

I have a most faithful friend whom I have known for over twenty
years. During that time, I have only had the pleasure of sharing
time with her in person on two occasions. Yet, this friend has been
there for me in some of the most intense and important experiences
of my life, not to mention times of sweet fellowship that I have
enjoyed with other believers. Most recently her words provided the
very real comfort I needed during an episode of sorrow. Words I
have listened to for over fifteen years were used by God to convict
and encourage me during a moment of overwhelming doubt. And
yet, this friend is not very original in what she has to say. In fact,
she constantly uses Another’s ideas and words to make her point.
You might say that she rarely has an original thought.
If you haven’t already heard of her, I would like to introduce
you to my very good friend. Her name is Judy Rogers, and she is a
songwriter who has produced a body of musical work that is geared
to support and encourage the Christian individual and family to
stand firm in the faith of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You can
get a great sampling of her CD offerings by visiting her website
( Here is some background on this godly


Judy was born and raised in the Appalachian Mountains of

southwestern Virginia. Her parents are dedicated Christians who
taught their children the love and fear of our great God. Her dad is
blessed to be very musical, and her mom is a wonderful writer of
stories, poems, and songs. These gifts were present in all four of
their children, and they have all sought to use them for the
Kingdom of Christ.
Judy has been married to Wayne Rogers, a pastor, for thirty-
eight years. Their three children were the greatest reasons Judy
began writing songs in the early 1980s. Believing that music is pow-
erful and that children can learn much more than we often give
them credit for, Judy began writing songs that were distinctively
Biblical, thought provoking, and melodically addicting! Wayne sug-
gested that Judy write songs for the major themes of the Westmin-
ster Children’s and Shorter Catechisms and, as they say, the rest is
Judy’s music continues to minister to me even after years and
years of having it accompany me in my car, at the gym, and even
through my twenty-five years of homeschooling. In fact, my two
youngest children could sing the Ten Commandments and the
Lord’s Prayer long before they could recite them, thanks to her first
recording Why Can't I See God? And this is a great comfort to me,
knowing that the Word of God was planted and watered within
them with the help of resources like Judy’s music.
No, Christian education (whether through homeschooling
or Christian schools) doesn’t guarantee that there are no bumps,
bruises, and detours along the way for our children. But, with a
firm foundation laid in God’s law-word and with the help of moms
like Judy Rogers, God has given us the weapons of our warfare!


W hat exactly makes someone an expert? Are the criteria objec-

tive or subjective? By what standard does someone earn this
This past weekend while participating in a gathering of
homeschooling families, I was deemed an expert because of my
“twenty-five years of service.” Another woman who had been
homeschooling for almost two decades told me, “You’re one of the
sage women like me.” We both agreed that we had earned every
one of the gray hairs on our heads! To these homeschooling fami-
lies, my longevity at this particular endeavor meant that they
should give attention to what I had to say.
Today, while at the athletic club, I overheard two women dis-
cussing another woman who was a gifted musician and worship
leader at their church. They each couldn’t say enough good things
about her, with one exception. They were dismayed because she
hadn’t finished her degree. One added, “If she would just go back
and get her degree, she could be a wonderful music therapist.” The
other agreed that this would complete the package for this gal.
Forget the fact that each of them had firsthand experience of her
capabilities both with music and with children. For them, she
needed to get credentials.

Too many parents who wish to provide a Christian education

and establish homeschools are “put off” by similar considerations.
They are sure that they don’t have the ability to educate their chil-
dren. This would be understandable if they weren’t educated
people—but many of them are. They have a strong commitment
to the Bible and its application in their lives. But, they have been
duped into thinking that it takes an “expert” to teach a child to read
and compute.
I maintain that anyone who can read or compute, with a bit
of encouragement and orientation to correct methods (phonics for
reading and memorized and practiced drills for arithmetic), can
produce students with high levels of achievement. How do I know
this? Because I’ve done it with my own children and have witnessed
it with countless others. Surely there are those who choose to dele-
gate this responsibility to others, but it is a ridiculous statement to
assert that it takes twelve years of high school, four years of college,
and another year or two for a master’s degree in order to teach one’s
own language to a young person. Anyone interested in purchasing
some swampland, too?
Make no mistake about it: homeschooling isn’t a mindless
activity that anyone can undertake. In fact, if it is not pursued in a
godly, systematic fashion, homeschooling can end up being just
another way to be irresponsible. Homeschooling parents need to be
pursuing a study of the Word of God with an eye to its authority
over and application to all disciplines: academics, the arts, and even
choices of athletics and recreation. The good news is that it doesn’t
take years and years of training before one can begin. On-the-job
training is a very workable system, especially with all the mentoring
and guidance help of curriculum publishers and other veteran
“experts” like me.
I submit that homeschooling moms are among the most edu-
cated (in the truest meaning of the word) of teachers. How many
other “professionals” take students from beginning to end and are
versed in all the subjects in between? So, rather than deferring to
so-called experts, I challenge any who are being led by the Holy
Spirit to provide a home education for their children, to become an
expert in the eyes of the Lord.

... And On Those Bad Days?

Y es, we all have them. Those days when we’re sure that nothing
else could possibly go wrong, and then we surprise ourselves.
Expressions like throwing in the towel, bailing out, and running
away from home all float through one’s mind. What to do on such
Within the ranks of Christian women I know, there are those
I can call upon in such times of distress who “won’t let me off the
hook.” These are women whom I trust to be real with me when I
am in a state of frustration and despair. Why have these women
earned my trust? Well, for starters, they don’t have me up on a ped-
estal. To them, I’m just who I am, and they don’t have some unre-
alistic expectation that says, “Nothing must ever go wrong at her
house!” Moreover, they know the details of my life and situation
and aren’t reluctant to point out that I’m whining or rehashing
issues that I need to turn over to the Lord. Some of these “counse-
lors” of mine don’t even live in my state, nor do we get to see each
other in person very often due to the distance between our homes.
That said, they are among my dearest and closest sisters in Christ.
I recommend that all homeschooling moms have a “short
list” of other women to whom they can repair and grant permission
to speak directly into their lives. But these selections should not be

made frivolously. Make sure that the person you summon for help
will be the sort of person who uses the Word of God to counsel and
uses it in an orthodox way. She should be ready and willing to
exhort you rather than merely commiserate with you. If she is a
decade or two older, that is a bonus! Most likely she’ll have the ben-
efit of a long-range perspective that gives her insight as to how dire
your circumstance actually is. Chances are you’ll leave these con-
versations with a smile, having reevaluated your problem with a
plan to work out whatever the difficulty was. Additionally, you’ll
have another opportunity to praise God for the sister He has pro-
vided for you!

This Wasn’t
on My Agenda Today

I t’s a funny thing that circumstances you deem problematic at

one point in your life turn out to be among the most helpful.
Take for example the common circumstance within a homeschool
setting whereby “things happen” that aren’t on your agenda for a
particular day, forcing an upheaval in the daily schedule. For me,
yesterday counted as one of those days.
It was midmorning, and we had already covered our Bible
study, learned and went over thirteen new vocabulary words (SAT
type prep), and were well into the math portion of our morning.
While my student was tackling some algebra problems, I thought I
would finish up some laundry that I had begun the day before.
Little did I know that since the last time I was in the laundry room,
the liquid soap container had fallen and broken. So as I made my
way to “make good use of my time,” I encountered a very slippery,
soapy floor, nearly falling down.
Now I mention all this because this mini-crisis needed imme-
diate attention, and I needed the help of my daughter. Thus,
algebra stopped for a while, and she got me some towels so that I
could clean up the spill and not injure myself in the process. Years
ago, circumstances like this brought on tremendous anxiety. “But
I can’t handle this now! This is school time. If my kids were in a

regular day school, they wouldn’t be called upon to help clean up

messes!” Yes, I was guilty of trying to make my homeschool just like
a day school. Either I’d handle these sorts of problems myself while
my children “kept working on their studies,” or I’d feel as though
I was breaking some cardinal rule or law by having them stop and
help me.
What’s changed? For one thing, I’ve traveled this road before
with two older children and I’m better aware of where I’m headed.
But mostly, I’ve learned that it is in the midst of the unplanned sit-
uations and problems of life that much learning and discipling
opportunities occur. My daughter had to learn yesterday that some
things take priority over others. Her math lesson would keep, but
an unsafe situation in the laundry room had to be taken care of. She
also learned that part and parcel of keeping and managing a house-
hold involves being flexible and solution-oriented despite how
trivial or unpleasant an issue appears. I think the reason that moms
in general and homeschool moms in particular can multitask as
well as anyone is because they have to stay on target throughout the
day in the midst of changing circumstances.
By the end of the day my laundry room floor was pristine, the
algebra problems were corrected, and only one subject needed to be
rescheduled for the following day. But, the piano lesson still took
place, I made it to my board meeting on time, and dinner made it
onto the table (albeit a bit late). And, as it turns out, we’ll have
more time today, because the homeschool mom who helps my
daughter with her biology lab called needing to reschedule their
weekly time together because of a necessary, unexpected change in
her agenda.
I’m hoping that no matter what academic credentials my
daughter acquires at the end of her name after she’s completed her
education, that she will also have the confidence that she can
manage a household and deal with the little things of life and take
them in stride. The words of Jesus come to mind, “Well done, good
and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will
make thee ruler over many things” (Matt. 25:23).

Standing on
Your Own Two Feet

I s the goal of homeschooling to produce graduates who are self-

sufficient and able to independently stand on their own two feet?
I must confess that there was a time when I held that position and
worked toward that end as a homeschooling parent/teacher. How-
ever, I have come to the conclusion that this sort of thinking is
unbiblical and very humanistic.
The problem that Adam and Eve had in the garden was their
delusional assumption that they COULD be self-sufficient and act
independently from God. Not only were they disabused of this
wrong notion when they were escorted out of Eden, but they con-
veyed this aberration to their posterity in the form of original sin.
All successive generations have been born laboring under the delu-
sion that they can be as God, determining for themselves what is
right and what is wrong.
Our humanistic culture exalts the self-made man, the inde-
pendent thinker, the “I can do it all by myself ” attitude. Our fic-
tional heroes are those who excel by lifting themselves out of the
mire of common life, taking on the world single-handedly against
all odds, thereby becoming heroes to those around them.


Jesus told his disciples that they needed to receive the

Kingdom as a child. As any parent knows, children come out of the
shoot very dependent individuals who need constant care and
direction. As we apply outside discipline to their lives, we should
be training them to be self-disciplined—not self-sufficient. As they
mature under our care and upbringing, they should transfer the
obedience to our instruction to the Lord Jesus Christ and His law-
word. It is when we’ve conveyed this important truth and seen the
evidence that they have embraced it that our full-time parenting
responsibilities are complete and a mature Christian man or
woman is ready to face adulthood with complete reliance on
The goal of the Christian life is one of dominion under and
through the Lord Jesus Christ in concert with the community of
fellow believers, not as “Lone Rangers.”

Recipe for Failure ~

Sin in the Camp

T he most important aspect of Christian homeschooling is the

ability to infuse all subjects with a Biblical worldview in order
to provide a personal and cultural relevancy for the students. This
requires a dedication to godliness that must place the love of God
(the Great Commandment) above all other issues and concerns in
order to have an orientation that pleases the Lord. Another benefi-
cial aspect of the homeschooling experience is the ability for par-
ents to focus on those areas where God has gifted or talented
particular children. Whether it is in academics, athletics, the arts,
or some combination thereof, special attention and suitable
instruction can be tailored for the individual student. This makes
the pursuit of excellence all the more possible.
Pursuing excellence and achieving excellence are two dif-
ferent things. For example, in cooking, one can have all the correct
ingredients and the recipe still might fail if any of those ingredients
are spoiled or rotten. Likewise, parents need to identify and con-
front the more subtle areas of sin in their children (spoiled or rotten
ingredients) such as pride, ingratitude, impatience, arrogance, self-
ishness, insubordination, despair, laziness, rage, and blasphemy.
Failing to do so may well produce a champion or an expert


according to the world’s standards, but hardly a suitable or accept-

able ambassador for Jesus Christ.
Catechizing and instructing children from a very young age
allows for easier times of correction when these attitudes and char-
acter flaws manifest themselves. Parents need to be honest with
themselves and deal with their own sins in these areas by means of
confession and repentance before they tackle them with their child.
How blessed we are to be loved and covered by a Savior who knows
our infirmities and has already paid the price. Nonetheless, we
must be diligent in weeding out those aspects of striving for excel-
lence that are self-centered and self-serving, so that we (along with
our children) can fulfill our chief purpose of glorifying God and
enjoying Him forever.

Questions I Can’t Answer

I think the aspect I enjoy the most as a homeschooling parent is

teaching the Bible, along with Christian doctrine and church
history. Sure, I’ve always attempted to present each and every sub-
ject from a Biblical perspective, but when it comes to teaching the
basic creeds, confessions, and essentials of the faith or going
through particular books of the Bible, I find that my own under-
standing and commitment to orthodoxy grows.
I’ve especially been challenged when my children have asked
questions that I could not answer. Not wanting to fudge an answer
that I am unsure about, I do some research to provide a good
response. When Dr. Rushdoony was alive, these circumstances
proved to be good excuses to phone him and chat. In fact, when his
health was failing and he acknowledged that it wouldn’t be long
until he was in heaven, I lamented that he wouldn’t be around to
answer my difficult questions. He laughed, “Yes, even your long
distance plan won’t reach that far!” These days, I call upon the men
of Chalcedon and pose my questions to them.
I’ve noted the wisdom in the statement, “You know how well
a student is learning by the questions he asks rather than the
answers he gives.” In fact, I would go so far as to say that as
someone is learning any subject (the Bible in particular) there

should be a host of questions that arise. Correctly applying the

Scripture to life is a fundamental aspect of taking dominion in
Jesus’ name, and there can be no effective apologetic without it.
When receiving and digesting any portion of Scripture, the obvious
questions that should arise are, “How exactly does this apply to
me?” and “What are the implications of this doctrine?”
Just this week my daughter posed a question that I could not
easily answer. The very nature of it demonstrated to me that she is
thinking through the implications of the Incarnation of Christ and
His being fully God and fully man. I went to my “answer men,” and
they admitted that they had never considered that particular issue
before. Her question got us all thinking, and the fruit of the research
has given us all food for thought. How blessed I am that in the pro-
cess of teaching my daughter, I am learning so very much myself!

Products of Our Culture

T here is a huge difference between those raised in the faith and

those who have not had the benefit of Christian teaching from
the time they are very young. I’m reminded of a song Judy Rogers
wrote, Why Can’t I See God? The refrain goes like this:
Teach me while my heart is tender;
Tell me all that I should know;
And through the years I will remember,
Wherever I may go.
Since culture is religion externalized, there are many manifes-
tations in our lives that reflect the culture in which we were raised.
If we came to faith after childhood, there are a number of things
that need to be re-thought. Often we don’t think about these
things until some event or circumstance brings them to our atten-
tion. For example, there are movies I loved before my conversion
that, when I went to show them to my children, I discovered were
not only inappropriate for them, but for me as well! It took
encountering the message of the movie in real time before I had a
chance to reevaluate it.
Once, while reading to my five-year-old daughter, this lesson
was cemented. We were going through the science volume of a
child’s encyclopedia that I had used with her brother six years ear-


lier, a time prior to my embracing the Reformed faith. We loved

these volumes, and I couldn’t wait to share them with Rachel. As I
read to her from the book, we came to a section that I dutifully read
in its entirety. The only problem was that the text was giving the
earth’s formation as having occurred millions and millions of years
prior as the result of a “Big Bang.” When we got to the end of the
section, I dutifully informed her that as Christians we take the Bib-
lical account of origins as correct and that this section was wrong.
I then turned the page and began to read the next section. She
stopped me dead in my tracks and asked in her “Rachel” style,
“How do you know this page is right, when the other one was
wrong?” She got me.
Why was I teaching her from a book that had incorrect, anti-
Biblical presuppositions and therefore incorrect conclusions?
That’s when I began my “obsession” with building a homeschool
library. From then on, I resolved never to use materials that weren’t
consistent with our Biblical faith if there were other alternatives.
Where there weren’t, I would teach the subject without the use of
texts or books that taught lies, and present the information to my
children only after I had “taught” myself.
Just the other day, I was talking with a woman who told me
a story that demonstrates the sometimes unexpected benefits of
raising children in the culture of the Christian homeschool. She
had been reading a storybook to her five-year-old son, which
began, On Monday morning it was raining and ... Before she could
finish the sentence, he protested,
“Oh, no, Mommy! That’s wrong!”
She was surprised. “What’s wrong?”
“It isn’t raining, Mommy! God makes it rain!”
She corrected herself, but was laughing inside. This was no small
insight on the part of her Christian child—one that she had missed
entirely. She realized that in this homeschooling adventure, she
could expect to learn as much from her children as she would ever

Homeschooling parents are positioned to raise their children

with solid Biblical training. When the Word of God is presented
and faithfully taught, children will reach conclusions consistent
with their faith. As the Bible informs us,
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will
not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)
Despite the mounting opposition we face from the human-
istic culture around us the future will be bright indeed, as covenant
children make their mark on the surrounding culture in Jesus’
name. All the more reason for the church to support and encourage
Christian homeschooling!

Out of the Closet

N ot sure what it is about young people and the messy room. Or,
better put, why is it that it takes me so long to do something
about the hamper in my daughter’s room that resembles the Tower
of Babel and the “stuff” strewn on the floor that looks like the
Slough of Despond? You’d think by this time I would have come
up with a system to make this sort of question unnecessary.
But, you see, I thought I had. From the time my children
were young, their own laundry was their responsibility, along with
their own ironing. This means, of course, that they were in terrible
straits when they ran out of clean or ironed clothing that was suit-
able for wearing. They were also responsible for seeing to it that
their beds were changed regularly and that their room was dusted
and vacuumed. As a homeschooling mom, I didn’t have the time
or energy to handle these tasks for them. Besides, I always figured
it was a necessary part of growing up, to learn to take care of your
own stuff. To this day, I believe my daughter-in-law appreciates
that my son handles his own laundry.
In any case, this past weekend, my remaining child living at
home announced to me that she was “fed up” with the condition
of her room and that she was going to clean it. Now, you must
understand that it isn’t that big of a room. However, it has been her

domain for the past fourteen and a half years and exclusively hers
since 1999. Her biggest challenge was her closet, which for the past
I-don’t-know-how-long has teetered on an avalanche whenever
she’s opened the doors. It’s not that she hasn’t cleaned her room in
years and years, but that the closet has been the recipient of any-
thing she didn’t quite know whether to save or relinquish.
Throughout the day, as I was working on a number of writing
projects, I was continually interrupted with yelps that went some-
thing like:
“I can't believe I forgot I had this doll! Remember her? I always
LOVED her.”
“Look, this is my baseball glove that I got as a present when I was seven.
It no longer fits! I should have used it more.”
“Can you believe this has been sitting in my closet for five years? I could
still wear this hat!”
“I think we need to give away these six pairs of shoes. I tried, but I can't
even get my foot all the way in any of them.”
Periodically, I would stick my head in her room (or try to,
since at times it was hard to get the door opened at all) and
encourage her to shorten this stroll down memory lane and get her
room to resemble more of a pleasant place to sleep than a declared
disaster area. Repeatedly I needed to bring her back to the task at
hand as she would bump into a memory long forgotten.
I must admit, I was extremely amused and encouraged by her
response to all this. Here was my young lady enjoying the memo-
ries of her past—cherished treasures, prized gifts, trophies won, and
clothes she loved. By the end of the day, many of these memories
were packed up and placed for another day and time when she
would revisit them. Others were put in a pile to share with others.
It was as though she was identifying that childhood was a
memory—a good one—but that her life now involved things more
in line with her age and maturity level.
As she made her twenty or so trips to the garbage and recy-
cling bins, she informed me that she thought she got her “pack rat”
mentality from me. She kept blaming it on genetics or environ-
mental causes. “I just find it so hard to throw anything away,” she
pined. Then, she came with a box and asked me what to do with

some rocks. “Let me see them,” I responded, figuring they were

something of value that she’d been given as a present. Instead, they
looked like the millions of other rocks and stones one would find
in our backyard. “Why did you save these?” I asked her. “I haven’t
the faintest idea,” she laughed back.
These are the kinds of important moments that a mother rel-
ishes spending with her daughter. In years to come, I’m sure she
may not even recall this day or its events. But for me, I’m storing
them in the closet of my mind where I’ll be able to “dig out” mem-
ories of a day when my daughter took another full step toward

On Your Mark, Get Set ...

H ow early is too early to begin homeschooling? I guess I would

have to say in utero. After that, it is safe to get started. Seri-
ously, people (and often medical professionals) underestimate the
cognizance and awareness of infants. How often has a mom and
dad glowed over the fact that their child is smiling, only to be told,
“No, that’s just gas.” Well, I don’t buy it. It’s like the issue of when
life begins. Any answer other than conception is grossly inadequate
and flagrantly flawed. Life begins at conception, and teaching/
learning begins at birth.
Children are not blank slates. They are human beings who
inherit their genes from their biological parents and their sin
natures from Adam. What’s more, every interaction they have from
the time they are born becomes a learning experience of some sort
or another. Christian parents don’t serve their children in good
stead when they operate as though sin isn’t a real factor—one that
needs to be recognized and dealt with from the outset.
Let me illustrate with two examples from my own family life:
Case #1
When my son was not quite a month old, we moved him out
of our bedroom to sleep in his own room. He didn’t like that very


much and would cry and cry. Even after I did all the things a mother
knows how to do, the crying wouldn’t stop. This went on for some
time. One night my husband had had enough of this and came into
the nursery where I was leaning over the crib trying to figure out
what to do. In his deep, male voice he said to our child, “Turn over
and go to sleep. Your mother needs her rest.” I thought to myself,
he's GOT to be kidding. This baby doesn't have the faintest idea what
he is talking about. However, I turned out to be the one who didn’t
have the faintest idea of what I was thinking about. Our son stopped
crying immediately and went to sleep. I was dumbfounded, and my
husband just trotted off to bed and went back to sleep. I had grossly
underestimated the reality of a father’s authority with an infant.
How he knew, I can’t exactly explain, but our son knew that his dad
meant business.
Case #2
My youngest daughter is fourteen years younger than her
brother and seven years younger than her sister. (I jokingly used to tell
people I took a sabbatical every seven years and had a baby!) Anyway,
once when she was almost two years old, all three of the children and
I were in the living room. The youngest gave her older sister a big
smack in the face. I immediately slapped her hand and told her that
what she had done was wrong. I then instructed her to apologize to
her sister. Nothing. So, I slapped her hand again and told her she had
done a naughty thing and needed to let her sister know that she was
sorry. Nothing. This happened two more times. Then my son, with
all the wisdom he had acquired in his sixteen years, corrected me,
sure that his sister couldn’t and didn’t understand what I was talking
about. He felt it was ridiculous for me to even imagine she could. I
told him I knew she understood perfectly well, and that she was just
being defiant. He rolled his eyes, certain that he was right. I
reproved her again and told her to let her sister know she was sorry.
Nothing. Again she got a hand slap. Now her sister was assuring me
that the smack hadn’t really hurt that badly and that Dorothy just
“didn’t understand.” She, like her brother, wanted me to drop the
whole thing. Just at that moment, my husband (ignorant of all that
had transpired) walked out of our bedroom and was making his way
down the hall. Dorothy didn’t even see his face, just heard his steps,

and very rapidly declared in a loud voice, “Sorry, Rachel!” The

power of the presence of daddy had both older brother and sister
dumbfounded. She really had understood!
I cite these examples because in each case, there was the readi-
ness to underestimate the capacity of an infant and baby to discern
right from wrong. Since the learning process has to start sometime,
it might as well start immediately. So here’s my short list of sugges-
tions to begin the “pre-homeschooling” process with babies:
1. Make sure you set up a schedule that both parent and child can
live with, and attempt to follow it. This applies to feeding, bathing,
sleeping, and play time. Work to have relatives and friends adhere
to your preferences.
2. When faced with the impatient cries of a child to be fed or
changed, parents should instruct the child to calm down and then
he’ll be taken care of. No, it won’t work immediately, but the
pattern of patience will have been introduced. Parents should be
consistent with this.
3. When a child is about to have a meal (nursing included) grace
should be said asking the Lord to bless the food to his body.
4. When a child begins to throw a tantrum, the child should be
instructed to control himself. Again, the desired response won’t
happen immediately, but the pattern of requiring it will be
established. The child should not get what he’s crying for until the
tantrum is over.
5. When it is time for nap time or bedtime, the parents should
vocalize to the child what they want the child to do. “It’s now time
to go to sleep. When you wake up, I will feed you again.” Then,
they should pray aloud over the child for God to bless his rest.
Immediately, they should walk out of the room, close the door,
and allow the child a chance to go to sleep. Again, I’m not
promising immediate results, but a pattern is being laid down, that
the child is expected to respect the authority of his parents.
Now, I realize that this goes against much “conventional”
wisdom. I maintain that this process is actually more important for
the parents than it is for the children, as the parents are the ones in
charge. Holding to high standards will allow infants to grow into
babies who will grow into toddlers who will grow into little boys
and girls who will be able to move into an academic environment
much more easily, as obedience and self-discipline have been their
context from the beginning.

Oh, How I Love

Thy Law

L ife appears to be full of unanswerable questions: Why would a

person go on a rampage and kill people he didn’t know? Why
do apparently rational people continue to pursue behaviors that are
detrimental to themselves and their families? Why do people raised
in the faith turn from it after years of evidence of God’s blessings
for obedience? And the list could go on and on.
Psalm 119 (the longest psalm in the Bible) gives us the proper
focus and foundation as we face these unanswerables: the law of
God. God’s law is to be our starting point as we ponder the whys
and wherefores of unexplainable events and behaviors. If God’s law
is not our starting point, we will be as unstable and doubleminded
as unbelievers. In fact, it is safe to say that this psalm makes the
benchmark of faithfulness to God synonymous with faithfulness to
His law-word. An honest, careful study of this psalm establishes
that the law of God is the delight of the believer and that he medi-
tates in it day and night. Thus, the major emphasis of every Chris-
tian homeschool should be knowing, learning, and meditating on
God’s law and judging all things in terms of it. This constitutes the
“righteous judgments” we are told to exercise in John 7:24:
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.


By the time a person is ready to assume his role as an adult,

the law of God should be so hidden in his heart that his actions,
decisions, and perspectives reflect faithfulness to God’s holy Word.
Moreover, when called upon to give a reason for the hope that is
within him, he should be able to render an answer in terms of the
law-word of God. This includes being able to comment on and
judge any situation or circumstance with Thus saith the Lord ....
Be wary of persons or teachings that elevate man’s law above
God’s law where the two are in disagreement (capital punishment,
abortion, human sexuality). Likewise, be wary of those who place
their own personal opinions—their likes and dislikes—above the
clear pronouncements of Scripture and justify their positions based
on an “everybody knows” mentality. For example, homeschooling
parents often outsource music and art instruction, along with ath-
letic training. In cases where the parent isn’t present for the lesson,
it is important to “debrief” the child so that any subversive attitude
or perspective does not enter in to your family unawares. Switching
instructors might be in order should it become obvious that God’s
ways are despised or disdained.
By what standard should a godly education be judged? By
ensuring that learning is taking place under the instruction of per-
sons or a curriculum that reveres, respects, and obeys God’s law and
teaches others to follow it in all areas of life and thought. Of course,
this means that homeschooling parents need to steep themselves in
the Scriptures so that they are qualified to impart a Biblical world
and life view and be able to confidently counter other perspectives
that attempt to supplant and replace it. Then, when conflicts arise
with modern cultural ways of thinking (and they will), and clear
doctrines of the Bible are challenged by secular “truths,” the words
of Romans 3:3–4 will be in the forefront:
For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of
God without effect?
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written,
That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome
when thou art judged.

Lost in Space

T he year was 1984, the place was San Jose, California, and the
excursion was to purchase one of those newfangled computers
everyone was talking about. The unfortunate young man who was
the designated salesman that night at the computer store had no
idea what he was in for. The following is an accurate rendering of
our dialogue:
Salesman: May I help you?
Me: Yes, I’m looking to buy a computer.
Salesman: Great! What brand were you interested in?
Me: I don’t know.
Salesman: Well, what are you going to use it for?
Me: I don’t know. What do you think I should use it for?
Salesman: (blank stare)
Me: Well, what do other people buy computers for?
Salesman: Hmmmmm. I guess it depends on how they plan to use
it and what features they are looking for.
Me: That makes sense.
Salesman: Is there something particular you want the computer to
help you do?
Me: Well, I want one of those that talks to you.
Salesman: (blank stare)
Me: You know, like they used to do on Star Trek? Where he would
ask the computer questions, and things like that.
Salesman: (realizing I was serious) Huh?


Me: Didn’t you ever watch Star Trek?

Salesman: (speechless and wishing his shift was over)
Me: Well, I guess I’m not really ready to buy one.
Salesman: I think you’re right. Excuse me for a bit, will you? (never
to return, and hopefully not to quit!)
How many people approach education the same way? They
know they want an education, but have no idea how they would
use it. Parents can tell their children over and over again that they
need to achieve good grades so that they can get into a good college,
but if the student doesn’t have a vision for the future, then much
of the talk can fall on deaf ears.
From the time children are old enough to teach, the idea of
calling should be a regular topic of discussion. They should under-
stand that part and parcel of what they will end up doing with their
lives will spring from where their interests lie and in what areas they
demonstrate promise. Having a good idea of how they will use the
acquired knowledge of studying math, history, and science should
help them pursue their studies in a more purposeful way.
The first question and answer in the Westminster Shorter
Catechism reads: Q.What is the chief end of man? A. Man's chief end
is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Children should be taught
that while they are young, the calling of student is the way in which
they can glorify and enjoy their Creator. For the time spent
learning of His creation, His immutable laws (both spiritual and
physical), along with how He has operated throughout history will
prepare the students for useful lives as adults.
The Scripture instructs us that without vision the people perish,
but happy are they which keep the law. It is important to instill in our
children the need for godly vision as they spend time preparing for
the Lord’s service.
(Note: I did eventually figure out what to do with a computer!)

Fifth Monarchy Men

R ecently I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a

young law student who is an avid Rushdoony fan and who is
ready, eager, and willing to disseminate the perspectives of Chris-
tian Reconstruction. He wrote to me about the exploits he has
shared with three fellow students as they unashamedly proclaim the
crown rights of Jesus Christ:
There is a very interesting story about N.D. Last semester N.D.
took an appellate advocacy course in which he had to argue the
Pledge of Allegiance case in front of a panel of professors. I was
there for a first year review and had the opportunity to sit in on
many of the sessions. Student after student provided the same
historical/democratic (humanist) argument that was presented in
the Pledge case. When N.D. argued the case, he challenged the
court by forcing the biblical antithesis. The panel of professors was
taken aback. They insisted that while his argumentation was
correct from a legal and biblical perspective, he couldn’t argue like
that because he would only offend the Justices. N.D. pressed them
to show him where his legal analysis was flawed, but they could
not. In the end he was told that if he wanted to speak like the
prophets of old, he would have to learn to suffer like the prophets
of old. In effect he was told that the humanist sets the
presupposition in the courtroom and he had been wrong for
violating it. He received a much lower grade even though he had a


far superior presentation and case from a legal and biblical

We are all committed to forcing the antitheses in the legal
profession and in the world. When it comes to Crown Rights of
King Jesus we are all loyalists. We love to meditate on the Law of
the Lord and are dedicated to seeing it lifted up as the standard in
our legal system.
Here is a young man, steeped in the Biblically orthodox
teaching of R. J. Rushdoony, who is willing to take a stand regard-
less of the consequences of those who suppose they have the power
to determine his future. How prophetic were those professors com-
paring him to the prophets of old! As Rushdoony describes in his
commentary Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Daniel and Revelation,
these four are Fifth Monarchy men (Daniel 2:34–35)—those who,
like Daniel and his three friends, are unwilling to bow the knee to
any other than the triune God of Scripture. I have run into many
such young men—those ready and eager to understand how their
faith translates to all areas of thinking and living. A number of
them are graduating from high school this year. My present of
choice: the three-volume set of Institutes of Biblical Law by Rush-
doony. I figure it is a sound investment for the future and the Fifth

Your Children

I ’m often in mentoring situations with mothers who are eager to

raise godly children, and who struggle with how well they are
accomplishing this task. The question of discipline comes up regu-
larly, and their concerns are whether they are being too strict or too
lenient with their children. Over the years I’ve struggled with this
myself, and like all other parenting issues, this is best dealt with by
applying the Word of God to the issue of correction.
Everyone is born into the world with a sin nature. It is impor-
tant to remember that those with a sin nature commit sins. This is
where the law-word of God acts as a tutor for the child. He needs
to be taught and reminded of the reality that he “naturally” is at war
with God and needs a Savior so that he can come to peace with
Him. Early on, children need to be taught that sin is any want of
conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.
This sin nature can only be changed by an act of God through
the redemption purchased by Jesus Christ and applied to an indi-
vidual through the work of the Holy Spirit. We call this act of grace
regeneration. However, those whose natures have been transformed
through rebirth also commit sins. As parents, it is important to distin-
guish between those transgressions that are attempts to be obedient


and miss the mark, and those that are deliberate actions carried out in
defiance and/or rebellion.
When my children were young, I used the example of playing
darts. The person who tries to hit the bull’s-eye and misses and
accidentally hits the dog is like the person who misses the mark. In
the Greek, that sort of sin is hamartia. However, the person who is
not aiming at the bull’s-eye—but is rather seeing if he can hit his
dog—is not missing the mark, but is aiming to miss. In the Greek,
that sort of sin is anomia. In both cases, the dog has been hit (sin
has occurred), but the motive and circumstances dictate the appro-
priate correction.
The analogy can help you understand which category your
child’s transgression falls into. The first requires that the child take
responsibility for his actions by administering first aid to the dog.
It also involves a time of instruction, along with establishing certain
rules and procedures when dealing with sharp objects, so some-
thing like this (or worse) doesn’t happen again.
In the case of the child taking sport in hurting the animal,
one is dealing with a sadistic act, and discipline in the way of pun-
ishment is in order. Only after the child sees his act as sin can
repentance and instruction take root.
Of course, in order to adequately apply this principle, one
must not be harsher with one’s children than one is with oneself. In
more colloquial terms, parents need to practice what they preach. They
cannot hold their children to a higher standard than they hold
themselves. Additionally, these everyday occurrences are appro-
priate opportunities to share the gospel with your children as you
identify where in Scripture a particular transgression is addressed
(either explicitly or implicitly) and how through the blood of Jesus,
one’s sins are forgiven. I sometimes required an informal essay in
order to cement the point with my children.
Will your emotions or personal shortcomings sometimes
contribute to you applying the incorrect punishment to a given sit-
uation? Sure. What then? Well, once you assess and confess your
own sin to the Lord, it is the responsible and godly thing to make
things right with your children asking them for their forgiveness if

you were overly harsh or overly lenient. That is why a systematic

application of the law-word of God to every area of life and thought
is so very important. Without such a standard, parents may be
tempted to set up mini-dictatorships where their children have to
learn how to appease the tyrant. The Biblical model is to teach chil-
dren the law-word of God and make sure they understand that par-
ents are not exempt from faithful obedience. Together, these daily
course corrections will be instrumental in preparing one’s children
for the time they will assume responsibility for themselves and their
future families.

Call Waiting

T oday I was helping a friend—a homeschooling dad of four

daughters whose speech is impaired due to ALS—make
phone calls to handle financial matters and set up doctor appoint-
ments. The two hours we spent were enjoyable because Jay is one
of those people to whom God has given an extra dose of funny.
Sure his condition sometimes gets the better of him emotionally,
but his faith in the Lord and his ability to turn the somber into
laughter is something this devastating illness has not been able to
When I arrived at his home, I watched his wife adroitly
transfer him from his hospital bed to his wheelchair so we could get
to work. We called his doctors’ offices, a medical supply company,
and the company that handles his employee investments. Each
time I was greeted by a recorded voice directing me to punch all
sorts of numbers and giving me instructions about the information
needed in order to connect me to the proper person, only to have
to repeat all the information over and over again. What’s more,
because I was acting as “Jay’s mouthpiece,” new permission had to
be given by Jay authorizing me to speak for him to each new person
who came on the line. With his diminished lung capacity, this
wasn’t always easy.


During the many long waits on hold listening to selections

from Handel and Mozart, Jay and I commented how grateful we
are that we don’t have to approach the Lord this way. Just imagine
how humanistic man would make the process of prayer more effi-
cient. We figured it would go something like this:
Hello, you have reached heaven.
Your call is important to us, so stay on the line and someone will be
with you shortly.
For praises, press one.
For confession, press two.
For thanksgiving, press three.
For healing, press four.
For all other petitions, please stay on the line for the next available
Please be sure to have all identifying numbers ready when your call is
For quality purposes, this prayer may be monitored.
Due to heavy calling volume, there will be a significant wait. Your
prayer will be answered in the order received.
(Muzak streams a synthesized version of Amazing Wait.)
Someone will be with you shortly. Did you know that you can bypass
this call by going to our website and leaving your prayer item? Most
prayers are responded to within 48 hours.
(The lovely tones of Amazing Wait continue!)
Eventually, real people came on the line to handle my requests for
Jay, but often determined that our particular issue was not
something handled by their department. I had to rehash the same
account numbers and information so many times, I ended up
knowing them all by heart! The entire process was mind-numbing.
(My guess is that the real intent behind this bureaucratic
ordeal is that callers will hang up, forego the purpose of their call,
and learn to live without their questions being answered or their
problems resolved, despite being assured that their call was impor-
tant and that customer satisfaction a priority!)
But, praise God, we have direct access to the throne of grace
thanks to the mediating atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. Not only do we have free access to the Father because of our
Advocate who sits at His right hand, we are instructed to pray using

His name when we do. Moreover, we have a Comforter and Coun-

selor who knows our groanings better than we do and prays on our
behalf. Even when, in His good pleasure, God delays responding
(thereby working patience in us), our waiting on the Lord is never
in vain. He who answers our call is not some impersonal represen-
tative, ill-equipped to handle our particular need. As we’re told in
Isaiah 40:31,
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.

As Unto the Lord

E XCELLENCE is a word that is thrown around quite readily these

days. Yet, like so many other words in our vocabulary, it has
lost much of its punch because of the all-too-many counterfeits
posing as the real thing. Likewise, there are too many examples in
daily life that constitute assaults on excellence. Just visit your local
mall and you will discover how difficult it is to find someone who
works at a store, let alone someone to help you. And then there are
those instances when you call in to your insurance company, bank,
or technical support plan, and the “helpful” automated voice oper-
ator directs you to punch a series of numbers on your phone, which
often ends up at a dead-end or a prompt that alerts you that the
mailbox you wish to reach is full! Whatever happened to customer
One need not look too far from the pages of the Bible to dis-
cover that, rather than living out the idea that those who wish to be
great should serve others, our culture has deteriorated into a
mindset that seeks to get the greatest possible gain from the least
amount of (and often slipshod) effort. Whatever happened to
doing all things excellently as unto the Lord?
Proverbs 22:29 reads: You see a man skillful at his work? He
shall enter the service of kings, not the service of obscure men.

The word skillful can also be translated as diligent. In other

words, those who do what they are supposed to do, the way it is
supposed to be done, and do so to the best of their abilities, are
those who will be rewarded with the greatest opportunities.
Homeschooling parents have the utmost occasion and con-
text to make this concept a hallmark of their children's education.
It is not that Christian schools can't emphasize excellence; they
most certainly can and in many cases do. However, the one-on-one
attention a homeschooling parent/teacher can direct to her stu-
dents not only enables excellence to be stressed, but also to be
attained. This close-up and personal concentration allows for the
Biblical standard of excellence to be applied without the constraints
of a regular classroom setting.
Just because the current humanistic, academic models say
that 70 percent of something constitutes a passing grade is no
reason for a homeschool to accept such a substandard. Does anyone
reading this really want to be operated on by a surgeon who only
learned 70 percent of what was being taught while in medical
school or during his internship? When the emphasis is not serving
before kings, then how good, good enough is becomes a currency that
can be inflated and devalued. A good, Biblical answer is in order:
As unto the Lord.
Rather than codify what this means in every imaginable situ-
ation, I will give you an example from my own experience. I've
always asked my students (my own children and others I've tutored
or taught) to present me with only their best work. How did I
define best work? Simply put, I instructed them to submit an
assignment that they had worked and reworked until they felt there
was nothing more that they could add or delete to improve it. Any-
thing less wasn't their best work. If our standard is 100 percent in
all we do, any grade we get that is less than what we want will reflect
areas needing improvement, rather than be evidence of halfhearted,
apathetic efforts.
Proverbs 22:29 speaks of earthly kings and people of influ-
ence. But, lest we forget, our primary audience in all we do, think,

and say is the triune God of Scripture, in whose presence we all will
stand for judgment.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be
good, or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:14)

You Get What You Expect

O h that children would stay little! That is the lament I used to

hear over and over as relatives or friends who hadn’t seen my
children for some time commented on how much they had grown.
The “enjoy them now” perspective indicated that there would be a
time when I wouldn’t be enjoying them all that much.
Is this a twentieth to twenty-first century cultural thing, or is
it something that the Scripture tells us to expect? Is the normal and
expected condition realized by parents and their older children (say
fifteen and up) one of conflict over what is right and what is wrong?
Should we gear up for these stressful battles the way we anticipate
the removal of wisdom teeth? Is it a given that children will reject
the teachings of their parents?
I guess it boils down to you get what you expect. If you expect
your children to rebel and challenge the standards you’ve estab-
lished as the for-me-and-my-house rules, then I submit that any
defiance on the part of your children will be considered normal
rather than abnormal. After all, isn’t this the message we get from
all the “experts” and people in the know? Don’t teenagers need to
be approached on their own wavelength with their own music and
culture and their own identities? Are defiance and rejection of


God’s law inevitable? Is this how the Scripture instructs us to view

these matters?
I submit that the Word of God is quite clear that parents
need to continually and repeatedly lay out God’s standards for
living (His commandments) and continually and repeatedly dem-
onstrate the application of them to the lives of their children. In
the process, sin needs to be identified for what it is: a failure to do
those things commanded in Scripture or doing those things that
the Scripture prohibits. The desire to be “nice” or lenient on the
part of the parents needs to be viewed for what it is—disobedience
to God’s clear commands to train up children in the way they
should go. This most certainly includes, although it is not limited
to, providing a thoroughly Christian education.
For those parents who were raised outside the context of a
covenant household and who came to faith as adults (like me), the
initial step in being able to help steward the lives of your children
involves reevaluating all that you think and have learned through
the lens of the Bible. I began such a trek twenty-two years ago when
I had the benefit of being mentored from a perspective that began
with the authority and sufficiency of the Word of God and never
wavered from it. As a result of reading, digesting, and applying the
material in Rushdoony’s works, such as his Biblical law trilogy, his
systematic theology, and his material on Christian education, cou-
pled with the opportunity to have one-on-one contact with him
and his wife, I have been able to withstand the darts of the enemy
while receiving the correction that the Word of God brings to my
own life. No, this journey did not mean there were no conflicts,
crises, or disagreements in my own family. Rather, Rush’s teaching
gave us a context to wade through the mire and confusion that were
the result of sins we all brought to the situations of family life.
When we lose God’s standard, we lose our way. If we fail to
put on the full armor of God, we will be defeated at every turn. Par-
ents, we have been entrusted with a very important responsibility
and charge: to bring up our children in the nurture and admoni-
tion of the Lord. When we equip ourselves to do this faithfully,
we are in a position to provide the kind of hands-on training and

guidance that will understand the nature of rebellion, but at the

same time, give it no quarter.

Some Funny Things Happen on

the Way to Homeschooling

O ne of the mistakes that is commonly made in a homeschool

setting is to assume that all children will learn the same way
or at the same pace. Additionally, not all curriculum choices will
work equally well for all students. It is important to figure out your
children’s learning styles and then find books and materials that
will ensure the best possible learning experience. Hand-me-downs
aren’t a bad thing, so long as when it comes to using them, they fit.
I have homeschooled my three children, all with different ori-
entations to learning. The flexibility that homeschooling allowed
made it so I could encourage them to independently explore sub-
jects that strongly interested them (literature, history, etc.), while
being able to be more hands-on with those subjects that proved dif-
ficult and uninviting. By the time I came to my third student, I had
plenty of curriculum on hand and was ready to go. But, I discov-
ered that much of what had accumulated and had worked so well
for my older two, just wasn’t a good fit for her. It was then that I
made my greatest improvements as a teacher, by finding innovative
ways to bring about understanding and explain the relevance of
what she was studying.
I won’t lie to you: sometimes this can be frustrating and
downright difficult. But that’s never been a good reason to quit at

anything worthwhile. I’ve had many opportunities to praise God

for giving me insight as to how to “unlock” the door to under-

Child #1
The first real challenge in his academic life occurred with
fractions. For some reason, this concept completely eluded him.
That is, until I put a dollar sign in front of any math problem he
faced. He was always eager to have and earn money, so this proved
a surefire way to keep him involved. All I needed to do was put the
question in terms of money, and what had previously been an
obstacle became an area he looked forward to, and often wanted to
tackle first each school day.

Child #3
This one had a hard time with numbers early on. The ques-
tion What is 13 minus 3? would stump her. It didn’t seem to help
to use pencils, or paper clips, or other physical objects to commu-
nicate the concept of subtraction. Finally I got creative and made
use of the fact that she had been golfing since she was three years
old. When I posed the question like this: Let's say you are on hole #3
and Daddy is on hole #13. How many holes will it take you to catch
up with him? The answer “10” was out of her mouth almost before
I finished asking my question. After that, I would tell her to think
in golf terms.
But there are upsides to struggling students. Sometimes they
come up with creative explanations for their setbacks. The
daughter whose favorite subject is NOT math is now working on
algebraic word problems. She often comes up with some great one-
liners. For example, we recently had this interchange during an
algebra lesson. The problem stated:
Let's say your brother has been visiting you for the weekend from
college. Five minutes after he leaves to go back to college, you discover
that he forgot his books. So you get in your car and drive to catch up to
him. If your average speed is 10 mph faster than your brother's speed,
and you catch him in 25 minutes, how fast did you drive?

My student didn't waste any time with this one. “Hasn't

anyone ever heard of cell phones!” In her mind, the problem did
not qualify as a real problem. “I would just call him and tell him to
get his own books!”

Child #2
This child (now about to start law school) demonstrated early
on her proclivity for persuading a jury. She had just received a grade
of 37 percent on her fourth grade science test. I pointed out that
she hadn’t prepared very well, leaving many answers blank. She
immediately challenged my grade and told me she should be eli-
gible for partial credit. “Really?” I retorted. “And how do you figure
that?” She replied without even stopping for a breath, “I should get
partial credit for the ones I left blank. That showed I knew I didn’t
know the answer!”
Home teaching moms, don’t despair when one of your stu-
dents struggles. It will serve as a character building experience for
him and the opportunity for you to become a better teacher. And,
you might get some good laughs along the way!

Setting Goals

I have always liked the idea of setting homeschooling goals

around the time of the New Year rather than just at the begin-
ning of the school year in September. It gives us a chance to tweak
our earlier decisions and make necessary scheduling revisions where
indicated, and adjust our priorities. We’re in the process of doing
just that with our homeschooled student in a number of areas: dis-
cipleship, academics, athletics, and other spheres of personal and
spiritual growth.
Giving focused attention to these areas gives us a better
chance of realizing success. Additionally, it allows us to reassign
proper accountability to our daughter in working out the plan that
she has helped to formulate. By outlining those things that are
important to her, she is establishing a blueprint for her time and
resource allocation. Of course, without submission to the King of
kings and Lord of lords according to His Word, our efforts are
futile and destined to burnout or eventual failure.


Redeeming the Time

W hether you are homeschooling one child or a number of

them, it is important for the homeschooling parent/teacher
to use her time and her children’s time wisely. There are some basic
principles that will help make the homeschool experience a more
successful and productive one.
1. Have a designated place where teaching takes place and a
separate space where your student(s) can do independent
2. Get Caller ID and an answering machine so that you can
decide which calls to take and those to ignore.
3. If you are interrupted, have your students be prepared to
switch to “independent work” until you are ready to resume
working with them. These could include reading, musical
instrument practice, finishing up a previous assignment, or
going ahead in the lesson independently. Being prepared for
these inevitable times (e.g., having to schedule a repair visit
for an impaired washing machine) makes it so your student
is not sitting idly waiting for your return.
4. When you are driving to sport activities or doctor’s
appointments, have a tape or CD series that you listen to only
in the car. (We’ve listened to history tapes, biographies, and
sermons while driving on short and extended trips at what I


call our auto university.) You can also use car trips to have
your student read aloud and discuss a lesson or assignment.
5. Make use of the various activities of the family and turn
them into educational lessons. Visits to the vet and
pediatrician can give your students a chance to get questions
answered and see how these professionals conduct their
business. Make sure your students are always ready to “grab
some reading material” for stints in the waiting room. Better
to have them get some schoolwork done than just browse
through mindless magazines.
6. Be ready to have to change plans on short notice.
Sometimes a great opportunity will arise that requires you to
alter your schedule for the day. A free ticket to a show or
museum and/or an unexpected visit from a relative or family
friend is a good reason to reschedule academics to later in the
evening or the weekend.
Homeschooling is different than day school and some
advance planning can allow for learning to take place in many ways
and venues. I’m sure there are plenty of other sound practices that
are implemented every day by homeschooling moms across the
country. Feel free to share some.

Public Speaking
and Leadership

A friend of mine, who happens to be a lawyer, told me years ago

that if he had to do it all over again, he would have spent
much more time in speech, debate, or drama classes. His reason
was simple: lawyers who are well accustomed to speaking publicly
are much more at ease in trial situations. Others who didn’t work
on their public speaking skills from an early age were more apt to
push papers or have to settle cases out of court.
I’ve noticed over the years that those of us who are willing to
get up and speak in front of an audience (either small or large) are
more apt to be those in leadership positions. I’ve always been sur-
prised at how many folks find speaking in front of a group intimi-
For the reasons stated above, I have made public speaking a
focal point in my homeschool curriculum. From the time my chil-
dren were young, they were memorizing large portions of Scrip-
ture. By the time my son was about seven years old, he had
memorized the first six chapters of the book of Proverbs. He would
compete in homeschool fairs in recitation competitions and even-
tually competed in speech contests. My daughters have, from the
time they were quite young, performed in front of audiences of var-
ious sizes. The pieces I selected for them to present inspired and

encouraged those in their audience. This was not so that mama and
papa could show off our little darlings. No, it was practice for the
leadership roles we wanted them to assume as they got older.
My advice to parents is to NOT underestimate the ability of
their children to memorize lengthy pieces and present them dra-
matically—in other words with an understanding of what they are
reciting. Even if parents find they aren’t capable themselves, they
should NOT prejudge their own children’s abilities. Take a stab at
it and find out just how amazing your young children are.


M any times during my tenure as a home educating parent, I’ve

run into the situation where my child just wasn’t “getting” a
particular subject, despite the fact that I had good curriculum, a
good personal grasp of the material, and had attempted many dif-
ferent approaches to the subject matter. More than once I almost
succumbed to the idea that I just wasn’t qualified to deal with this
learning issue. I thought that maybe an “expert” needed to be called
in. So, I’d make phone calls and talk to those who taught profes-
sionally. I soon discovered that they didn’t have any easy fixes or
answers. In fact, much of their advice included avenues I had
already explored, and they were impressed with things I had tried
that they’d never considered. But before too long, I had a break-
through that enabled me to help my students over seemingly
impossible hurdles.
Scripture tells us that the worker is worthy of his hire. I have
applied this principle in my homeschool by incentivizing subject
areas in which I want to see positive results. No, I’m not talking
about bribery. I’m talking about demonstrating to my children that
I’m willing to reward them for accomplishing a significant task and
that there is an immediate good reason for them to try harder.
Let me give some illustrations:

Each of my children has been expected to learn the

Westminster Shorter Catechism. We used it as opportunity
for writing drills and memorization work. When my son was
in high school, I taught church history at a homeschool co-
op. I put a sizable chunk of prize money up for first, second,
and third place for a “catechism bee.” In the process, my
students learned the essential doctrines of the faith and got to
pocket some cash at the same time.
When my youngest was learning to read, she would often get
frustrated and want to abandon our phonics lesson. I needed
to incentivize this subject area. I used stickers and stars, but
realized quickly that she could take or leave this reward and
would still want to give up. So, I did a little research and
found out that she really wanted a “grown-up” golf bag like
her sister had. I promised her that whenever she reached
lesson sixty and could read any page prior without a mistake,
she would earn her bag. It didn’t happen overnight, but she
was committed to the activity and was toting a “real bag” just
like the big girls carried before too long.
Many times when I’m out with my youngest as she’s prac-
ticing golf, I can see that the routine is becoming monotonous. I
often put up a challenge such as, “If you can hit that barrel out at
one hundred yards, I’ll let you decide what we have for dinner
tonight.” Suddenly, her focus gets very pronounced and she’s
working at winning this contest. Keep in mind that it isn’t an easy
task I’ve laid before her. But, as she pursues it, she’s honing her
skills and improving her results. Often, bystanders and spectators
marvel at what they interpret as her desire for perfection. When I
inform them what the reward is, they scratch their heads finding it
hard to believe that someone would work that hard for such an
inconsequential reward.
As children get older, the nature of the incentive needs to
change as what thrills one child often leaves another cold. So, the
rewards need to be tailored to the individual and need not be
expensive—just creative. Before too long, the student’s personal
desire for excellence kicks in (whether in academics, athletics, or
the arts) and he begins to create internal, personal incentives in the
specific endeavor.

Combating the
Humanistic Inquisition

M y daughter and I are currently in the midst of a study of idol-

atry. Sound funny? Well, since one of the major themes of
the Bible is to abstain from worshipping idols, it is incumbent
upon me, the Christian homeschool teacher, to make sure that the
subject is thoroughly covered and properly understood. Unfortu-
nately, most parents spend more time on “Look both ways before
crossing the street” and “Have you cleaned your room?” than
giving their children a strong foundational understanding of this
topic. Since the first two of the Ten Commandments deal with
idolatry, and do so in very strong language, it is a subject that
should not be taken lightly.
We are currently going through the second volume of the
Institutes of Biblical Law by R. J. Rushdoony. We read a chapter a
day and discuss it together. Sometimes the discussions are so far-
reaching that an hour and a half has gone by before we realize it
because we’ve examined the implications of a particular concept
across many disciplines.
A recent chapter dealt with idolatry and the law. Dr. Rush-
doony has many insightful points. For example, he describes the
dedicated assault on Christianity in our culture as the Humanist
Inquisition in action, because the humanistic state won’t tolerate

dissent from its stated theological position and persecutes those

who deviate from it. No wonder Christian homeschoolers are often
in the bull’s-eye of state and federal legislators and regulators who
try to gain access and control over those they wish to proselytize.
Later in the chapter, Dr. Rushdoony makes the following
statement, having previously expounded on the Biblical definition
of idolatry and its manifestations:
All who are content with a humanistic law system and do not strive
to replace it with Biblical law are guilty of idolatry. They have
forsaken the covenant of their God, and they are asking us to serve
other gods. They are thus idolaters, and are, in our generation,
when our world is idolatrous and our states also, to be objects of
missionary activity. They must be called out of their idolatry into
the service of the living God. (p. 468)
For those who have already taken the obedient step of
teaching and nurturing their children in terms of God’s Word, this
perspective is probably not new to you. However, its implications
are enormous. Among other things, it means that it is time for
homeschooling families to stop apologizing for their decisions to
obey God, feeling the need to justify their course of action to those
who have chosen the path of compromise. It is time to stand firm
on God’s command to make disciples of ALL nations, starting with
our own families. Quoting Rushdoony again:
It is our duty to evangelize, to work for the conversion of men and
nations to Christ as Lord and Savior. At the same time, as part of
our evangelism, we witness to the meaning of covenant law, and,
in our own personal dealings, we live by it: we practice the tithe,
restitution, debt-free living, and much, much more. Only as God’s
law is made the practice of man can it become the practice of
nations. Only those laws are enforceable which virtually all men are
already enforcing in their own lives. (p. 468)
Therefore, among the greatest tools of evangelism remains
our faithful application of God’s law-word to every area of life and
thought. When we do so, we are acting as a beacon of light to a dark
and hopeless world and are boldly manifesting the position that,
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” What better way
to combat those who seek to destroy our faith, our families, and our

Why Write?

I am repeatedly asked for my advice regarding how to teach

writing to grammar-school age children. Not only have I taught
my own children how to write, but I have taught in co-op settings
and privately tutored other homeschooled students. To fully
answer the question, I will begin by repeating my opening remarks
to each class or initial one-on-one tutoring session I’ve ever taught.
Here goes:
There are four kinds of people:
Those who have something of value to say and say it well.
Those who have something of value to say and say it poorly.
Those who have nothing of value to say and say it well.
Those who have nothing of value to say and say it poorly.
I then let my students know that I have no interest in helping
people who have nothing of value to say. From my point of view if
they have nothing of value to say, I certainly don’t want to help
them say it better—whichever category (three or four) they fall
What do I mean by something of value to say? Simply put,
the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most valuable piece of information
that can be imparted. Admittedly, not everything one is called to

write will include the gospel message, but ultimately, those with a
Biblical worldview, who understand that the law-word of God
speaks to every area of life and thought, are those who have some-
thing of value to say. By implication, this means that if someone is
going to communicate (either orally or by the written word), what
they have to say, how they say it, why they say it, and when and
where they choose to say it are all relevant questions needing to be
Now, back to the question of teaching writing. As children
learn to read phonetically, writing out the words they learn and
saying them aloud cements new words into their vocabulary. Like-
wise, as they are provided with challenging and worthwhile reading
material, their vocabulary will increase. It is my opinion that young
grammar-school age children should spend the majority of their
time acquiring knowledge by being given a steady diet of “nutri-
tious” books with ideas meant to stretch their understanding of the
world in which God has placed them. In essence, this is increasing
their arsenal of having something of value to say.
Initially, evidence of concepts and ideas being absorbed will
come in the form of comments, questions, or discussion. It is only
when someone has something of value to say that being able to
articulate those ideas with the written word makes any sense at all.
Otherwise, it just becomes an exercise in putting words on paper
without the intent to communicate something of value. The home-
schooling parent can assist by acting as a secretary taking dicta-
tion—writing what the child says orally—thereby helping the child
see that writing is merely taking what one says and committing it
to paper. Then, the parent can interject suggestions by applying the
rules of grammar and syntax in order to have the child’s ideas put
forth in a clearer and more coherent fashion. This helps the child
see that writing is just another way to communicate. Once the
parent has completed the dictation and suggested rephrasing and
grammatical corrections, the child should take the paper and pre-
pare a final copy in his best handwriting. Now he has produced
something worth reading, and you should seek a greater audience
for it than just you and your child.

A couple of things will become apparent with this exercise:

good writing takes effort, practice, and time. Finding the correct
words (a dictionary or thesaurus helps) and arranging them in such a
way as to make their meaning clear is an activity that in the end
produces a product worthy of someone’s attention and time invest-
No one who enjoys talking should hate writing. If a child has
been taught that he has been put in this world to glorify God and
enjoy Him forever (answer to the first question of the Westminster
Shorter Catechism), and additionally knows that he has been privi-
leged to take part in the Great Commission to share the good news
of Jesus Christ with those he comes in contact, it follows that he
should strive to fulfill that commission the best way possible.
Writing will then be an opportunity to let others know what he
believes, rather than just an assignment that has to get done.
If you find that your child has difficulty with dictating to you
(can't really think of anything to say on any topic), then I suggest you
have him copy portions of good literature or Bible passages as a way
to train his ear how to write well. Afterwards, you can dictate the
portion or passage back to him and have him write it as you say it.
This process helps create a pathway that enables the student to
realize that writing is what the authors of his favorite books did in
order for him to have the opportunity to receive and appreciate
their ideas.
There are many opportunities in life for kids to write: letters
to family and friends, “reviews” of books or movies they’ve
enjoyed, and summaries of topics learned in history or literature.
Or, for those who need a little more incentive: if your student seeks
permission to buy something or go somewhere, inform him that he
needs to put the request in writing in a clear manner before you will
even entertain the idea at all. This might spur a reluctant writer to
overcome the hurdles to acquire a greater proficiency in persuasive
writing, in order to get what he wants!
The homeschooling teacher need not stress over this process.
Some children will take to this sooner than others. It’s like walking
and potty training: we care more that it happens rather than when

it happens, just so long as it eventually happens. The important part

is to continually provide material that enables your student to have
more to talk and think about. Help him get to the point where he
knows he is able to bring ideas and opinions to the conversations
of life—something of value to say, and with your help, the ability to
say it well.

Building a Homeschool
Lending Library

O ver the years I have used a wide variety of curricula and audio/
video resources to help me in the home education of my chil-
dren. Some of these were used by all three children; others were
acquired to suit the particular needs of one child’s individual
learning style. In the process, I was building quite a good library
and a body of knowledge of the various publishers. Then, I began
to purchase resources (both new and used) that I felt would be
helpful to me to further educate myself to be the best teacher pos-
sible for my kids. In time, I needed more and more bookcases to
house what would become useful tools for my own children, those
I tutored or taught, and eventually to become part of our home-
school lending library. This has been a great outreach for my family
as the library continues to loan out materials for review or a year’s
worth of use to new homeschoolers and veterans alike.
Homeschool families, co-ops, and homeschool-friendly
churches should make a concerted effort to establish libraries to
serve their local cities and communities. With the increasing
number of families making the choice to provide a distinctively
Christian education to their children, being ready to help is a very
proactive and godly endeavor.


Our library required families to sign up to participate and fill

out a lending agreement. It included the following:
There is no fee to borrow materials. However, library materials
undergo normal wear and tear, so we encourage donations to help
us replace worn-out materials and to expand the library.
Lending period is for two weeks unless special arrangements are
Books and other materials are to be returned in the condition they
are received.
In the event library materials are not returned in usable condition,
we require that the borrower pay replacement costs in addition to
a service fee of $10.
Any problem with library materials should be brought to our
attention immediately.
Materials are lent to you and your family and should not be lent to
other individuals or families. If other families wish to borrow
materials, they need to fill out an agreement in order to borrow
directly from us.
It is the responsibility of the borrower to return library materials as
agreed and not the responsibility of the library to call and pick
them up. However, convenient arrangements can be made for
pickup and delivery.
Lending privileges may be revoked at the discretion of the library
Since we are now expanding the lending privileges, other
conditions may be added to this agreement as experience dictates.
In that case, you will be notified in writing of such changes, if and
when they occur.

Through High School

F requently Asked Questions:

Why would I want to homeschool through high school?

The book of Proverbs stresses the importance of wisdom,
knowledge, and discretion. Throughout a young person’s life, it is
important that the primary influences be godly individuals who
know the young person’s strengths and weaknesses and can provide
hands-on support in helping him maneuver through the many
deceptions and lures of our modern humanistic culture. Home-
schooling provides such a situation.

Aren't high school subjects harder to teach?

That depends. With a myriad of curriculum choices available
(complete with teacher’s editions and answer keys) much of the
learning experience can be tailored to meet individual academic
needs. Many families make use of co-ops where parents divide up
subject matter according to their area of expertise or experience.


What about athletic opportunities and activities?

A number of private Christian schools allow homeschooled
students to participate in athletic activities. Also, drama, speech,
and other programs may be available, either through a school or by
way of a homeschooling co-op. Of course, if there is something that
parents want that doesn’t exist, they can always start a project

What about socialization?

This is a nonissue. In our current society, no one who attends
church, goes to the grocery store, or is involved with extended
family has any difficulty in socializing if they have been taught the
rules of godly living from the time they were little. The entire
socialization issue is a humanistic construct. Surely we can’t say
that the students who are graduates of public school settings are
systematically socialized in ways that most people would consider

Will homeschooling through high school hamper my child's

chances of getting into college?
Not according to the experience of homeschooling families
around the country. Many have attained very high SAT/ACT
scores. Moreover, many college professors actually prefer home-
school graduates because they tend to be self-starters and ready for
serious self-disciplined study. It is not unusual for homeschooled
graduates to finish college in less than four years.

What should I be looking to achieve in my homeschool?

The most important result of successful homeschooling will
be the production of godly individuals who look to the Word of
God to provide a perspective and standard for what is right and
true and honorable. With this orientation, all areas of life and
thought can be groomed and educated to the glory of God.

Can I tailor educational opportunities for my high-school age

Most definitely. The major advantage of homeschooling is
that it allows you to spend extra time on those areas that need more
personalized attention. Moreover, if your student has special gifts
or talents, the flexibility of the schedule allows for greater concen-
tration on the pursuit of excellence in that particular area.

How will I evaluate our progress?

Many homeschool publishers include tests as part of their
curriculum choices. Standardized tests are available to monitor
progress. However, the best indication of how well a student is
learning is not in the answers they give, but in the questions they

Are there people to help me as I get started?

Yes, there are a multitude of resources. A good place to start
is Home School Legal Defense Association (
Spending time at this website will give you many resources to check
out and many links to pursue.

Where can I go for instruction as to how to be a good teacher?

There are a number of good resources for this. Much can be
accomplished by making use of the teacher editions and guides that
come with many courses. There are many homeschooling maga-
zines and websites and support groups that offer seminars and
newsletters to help you.

What resources are available?

Go to the Internet and type in homeschooling and you will
have many days of reading material. Videos are also available, as are
books that can be found online and at many Christian bookstores
and booksellers.

What are my options in setting a course of study?

Depending on what your student is interested in pursuing,
you can make use of online courses, community college courses,
DVD courses, audio CD courses, and many computer-based ones.
If your school will be college prep, you can find out what require-
ments have to be met (subjects covered) and tailor your curriculum

Where does a Biblical worldview enter the picture when it

comes to homeschooling through high school?
This is probably the most important question. Since there is
no neutrality when in comes to ethics and morality, it is vital that
a Biblical worldview is presented in every subject taught. Jesus
Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and His law-word must
be the standard by which all areas of life and thought are judged.
Browsing through the offerings at is a
good place to find helpful materials and resources.


P eople often homeschool because they desire to provide their

children with a distinctively Christian education. This is a
good thing. Although proper curriculum and a balanced schedule
are a big piece of the puzzle, parents often fail to pay enough atten-
tion to girding themselves with a strong theological and philosoph-
ical base. Consequently, they may overlook areas or subjects in
their own background and experience that aren’t Biblical in orien-
tation. It is important to reevaluate the categories in which you
think, ensuring that they are Biblical categories and not humanistic
Let me give you an example. This past week I purchased a sup-
plemental biology program called Biology 101: Biology According to
the Days of Creation. Here is a brief description:
Biology 101 is a complete overview of the world of biology from a
Biblical perspective, in a set of 4 DVDs. Their short film “From
Genesis to Genes” was the first-place winner in the “Creation
Category” at the 2004 San Antonio Independent Christian Film
Festival, sponsored by Vision Forum Ministries. The film
generated a lot of excitement at the Festival, and their much-
anticipated full version (over 4 hours) is now available, entitled
“Biology 101.”


Taking God’s word as the starting point, this DVD course divides
all life according to the days of creation. An exciting, visually rich
experience, it is designed specifically for ages 15 years old and up.
Filmed in locations throughout America’s beautiful Northwest,
Biology 101 is full of accurate and fascinating information
supported by hundreds of captivating visuals and graphics. The 4
DVD set is accompanied by a printable (pdf ) guidebook, allowing
the student to easily review all the information covered in the film.
Each guidebook segment includes a multiple choice quiz and
discussion questions. A 12-page “Course Accreditation Program”
booklet is included for those families who want a year-long biology
Biology 101 was developed and hosted by Wes Olson, Multnomah
Bible College graduate, veteran filmmaker of 15 years, and
homeschooling father. Wes guides you through the world of
“biological science,” unraveling and decoding terms and ideas.
This DVD course of study will help you fully integrate the world
of biology into an accurate Biblical worldview.
This new program challenged and corrected me in the very
first segment. Keep in mind that I’ve been homeschooling for
twenty-five years and have never embraced the evolutionary
mindset in teaching science; yet, this product quickly unearthed a
premise I hadn’t challenged in all those years. Simply put, it is erro-
neous to classify human beings in the same taxonomic “kingdom”
as the animals. By subconsciously accepting this, I had given cre-
dence to the false teaching man is just an “advanced” animal. In
teaching my older two children, I never fully challenged the taxo-
nomic classification that I had been taught during my years in
school. Genesis clearly states that man is categorically different from
the animals, however similar some structures may be. I had failed to
filter biological classifications through the lens of Scripture.
Homeschooling parents should make a concentrated effort to
examine ALL the presuppositions that they hold in all areas to see
if they inadvertently hold a view that doesn’t have agreement with
the Holy Word of God. Not sure where to start? Well, Chalcedon’s
materials, including its bimonthly magazine Faith for All of Life is
a good place to start, as are the Biblical worldview materials from
American Vision and Vision Forum.
Don’t put off or abandon homeschooling until you are
totally in line with the Bible in all areas. Learn alongside your chil-

dren, and take advantage of the head start you have on them, as you
organize their education in a categorically Biblical fashion. As Prov-
erbs 3:5–6 promises:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
And lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and He shall direct your paths.

A Happy Alliance

R ousas John Rushdoony was a strong voice in the twentieth

century for Christian education. He made himself available as
an expert witness in court cases to Christian schools and home-
schooling families alike when attempts were made to usurp the pri-
mary role of parents in the education of their children. That is why
Rushdoony is often referred to as the father of the Christian school
and homeschooling movements.
Note that he receives credit for fathering both movements.
Good fathers delight when their children cooperate and act sup-
portively of one another. Likewise, the Chalcedon Foundation,
with its faith for all of life message, is eager for these two orienta-
tions to Christian education to promote and encourage each other,
as its founder envisioned.
An important aspect of this cooperation does not involve one
trying to remake the other in its own image. In so many ways, the
Christian day school and the homeschool need to operate differ-
ently. However, rather than viewing each other as competing enti-
ties, deliberate teamwork can provide a much more productive and
scriptural means by which to support and further their mutually
shared goals.


Two years ago, I was asked by a newly formed Christian

junior and senior high school to sit on their board of directors. At
first, even I was surprised—a homeschooling mother sitting on the
board of a day school? Very quickly I could see the Lord’s hand in
this offer and, with my husband’s approval, accepted it. Since my
passion has been and continues to be the Christian education of
Christian youth, lending my talents and efforts to the school was
consistent with this calling.
So, here’s my challenge. If you are a homeschooling family,
find ways that you can participate and support Christian schools in
your locale that are faithful to the Word of God and self-con-
sciously teach their students to do the same. If you are part of a
Christian school, encourage the participation in athletics, the arts,
and even some elective classes for homeschooling families—offered
at times they will be likely to attend and at a cost they are likely to
be able to afford. And, on a bigger scale, what if someone with an
abundance of God-given resources were to set up regional centers
where joint activities in athletics, drama, and music were accessible
to both small Christian schools and homeschoolers alike? Maybe
that would act as an effective magnet drawing those interested in
providing a Christian education for their children to “check out”
what Christian education is all about. To quote a line from a well-
known baseball movie, “If we build it, they will come!”
I’m thinking that maybe they will! What do you think?

Recruiting Your
Homeschool Faculty

I ’m sure you are thinking that I made a mistake in my title.

You’re saying to yourself, I thought homeschooling was about par-
ents teaching their children.
Over my twenty-five years as a home educator, I have been
the primary teacher for my children/students. Having had the ben-
efit of a good private school education myself, I have been able to
handle the subjects of English grammar, mathematics, and history
quite well. However, there were subjects (specifically foreign lan-
guage, science, and music) that I was not as proficient in, although
I had received good grades when I was in school. In those cases, I
delegated my teaching responsibilities to other people, either
through private lessons or co-op group settings.
With each successive child, I’ve improved upon my methods
and streamlined the process. I have gotten rid of much of the “busy
work” assignments that some textbooks recommend, knowing that
they were often there for the teacher handling twenty plus students.
Since I didn’t have that situation, I had the luxury of making my
assignments interesting or, at least, practical. However, one-on-one
with Mom could and did sometimes become tedious both from the
teacher’s and the student’s perspectives. In order to combat this, I


“got creative” and found a variety of sources to supplement my

There are a number of publishers that cater to home schools
and produce DVDs and CD-ROM courses for the computer.
With the current technology available, it is very possible to get an
entire faculty of excellent teachers to work with your students, right
from your own television set. The fact that the presentations can be
viewed repeatedly, if need be, coupled with the fact that the pro-
duction values are usually quite good, makes this learning environ-
ment one that surpasses many fine academic institutions. Some
publishers even allow you to call and get assistance with any por-
tion of the subject that is not understood. We have used this
method for chemistry, algebra, general science, biology, world his-
tory, American history, physics, anatomy and physiology, Spanish,
Shakespeare’s plays, geometry, and English literature. To be sure,
not all of these resources come from a self-conscious Christian per-
spective, but many aren’t inconsistent with our faith. And, with
those that spout the “religion of evolution,” the pause button is lib-
erally used for me to clarify and/or instruct on particular points.
My children look back fondly on many of these teachers as
though they had actually physically been in the same classroom
with them. An interesting aside: when my youngest, (who had the
benefit of watching some of these courses alongside her older sister
of seven years), took these courses herself, she remembered so much
in detail that she could often say what the instructor was going to
say before he even said it!
For those whose budgets make it difficult to purchase all
these series for your own personal library, I recommend that fami-
lies consider purchasing and sharing with other homeschoolers. Or
better yet, see if you can get your church or co-op to invest in a
lending library so that homeschooling families can make use of
these materials. A regular monthly subscription fee could purchase
a considerable amount. And, of course, you can make use of eBay
and HSLDA’s resale sites to save some dollars as you do. I think
you will find this is an excellent way to broaden the scope of your

Preparing for School:

Homeschool or Christian Academy?

W orldviews are like belly buttons—everybody has one. How-

ever, if one is truly viewing the world from a Christian per-
spective (a Christian/Biblical worldview), then every area of life
and thought needs to be filtered through the lens of God’s Word.
This is not a weekend undertaking capable of being crammed into
someone’s spare time. Nor will you likely find reading A Biblical
Worldview for Dummies particularly gratifying. No, short gimmicks
or patches won’t do the trick.
The answer is immersion. Saturate your children, in all sub-
jects and activities, with Scripture as the foundation and faith in
Jesus Christ as the impetus and object of the undertaking. That’s
how parents can hope to inculcate a Christian world and life view
in their children.
So, the question becomes, where is the best place to achieve
this goal? Certainly not in the state education system or secular pri-
vate schools. However academically elite these may seem, they are
specifically geared NOT to impart a practical Christianity, pro-
claiming the faith for all of life. The Christian academy is a good
choice for parents whose background, circumstance, or inclination
makes homeschooling unrealistic or unworkable. However, this
option involves more, not less, work on the part of the parents.

They need to oversee the educational process, filling in any gaps or

discrepancies with a full-orbed Biblical faith. The following is a list
of good questions to answer before taking this step:
What is the school’s definition of education, educator, educated?
What place does the school give to parents and their preferences?
What are the priorities: Academic? Social? Character building?
What role do the teachers assume in the character building of
What is the school’s mission statement?
What is the dress code, code of behavior?
How are infractions of rules and policies dealt with?
Is observation of classroom activities by outsiders welcome?
Is the school for Christian students or to create Christian students?
What is the view of the authority of family, church, school, state?
Is the curriculum deliberately and self-consciously Christian?
Is this school only for the college-bound student? Vocational
student? To prepare for the workforce? To be ready to start a
Do students, parents, and teachers all give similar answers to these
What is the school’s philosophy of education? Is it compatible with
These questions presuppose that the parents have a framework to
judge the answers given. Also, careful consideration needs to be
made in taking this step as you will be submitting to the authority
of the school and will be directing your children (and yourselves)
to respect, honor, and obey those you place in authority over them.
When organized and run properly, the Christian academy is a
tremendous support to the family.
Homeschooling is an option that I have exercised for the past
twenty-five years and with which I have the most familiarity and
practice. However, like enrolling in a day school, this option needs
to be carefully planned out. Rushdoony says it well in his book The
Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum:

The teacher who does not grow in his knowledge of his subject, in
methodology and content, is a very limited teacher, and his pupils
are “under-privileged” learners. (133)
The teacher as student is, above all else, a student of God’s word.
To be a student means to advance and grow. (134)
Our growth in teaching requires our growth through and under the
teaching of the Holy Spirit. We must become good learners as a
step towards becoming good teachers. Our profession is a very
great one in Scripture: our Lord was a Teacher, and the Holy Spirit
is our continuing Teacher. We cannot treat our calling lightly, nor
grieve the Spirit by abusing our calling. (135)
The homeschooling parent needs to be prepared to be the
source and conduit of what students need to learn, and to create a
syllabus that includes subjects that demonstrate the truth of God’s
Word in all subject areas. Even though I used much curricula that
wasn’t 100 percent to my satisfaction at all times, I was able to sup-
plement and round out important areas as a result of my own study
and application of the Word of God to my life. The resources avail-
able from Chalcedon helped me tremendously and made it so that
our homeschool life was consistent with our church life, our sports
life, and our professional life.
In the end, it’s not only about cost or logistics when choosing
between homeschool and a Christian academy. It’s about what is
the best way to train your children to be ambassadors for the Chris-
tian world and life view. There is no more important responsibility
than this one that the Lord has entrusted to us.

The Mother’s War

By Vox Day

M other’s Day is, to be honest, somewhat of an annoyance. It’s

manifestly one of those tedious Hallmark holidays wherein
everyone is supposed to run out and support the revenue stream of
cardboard manufacturers in the name of expressing gratitude to
mothers, fathers, grandparents and anyone else to whom we might
be related.
I imagine it won’t be long until September 18 is declared
Anonymous Sperm Donor’s Day, which will probably be cele-
brated by giving matching card sets to one’s two mommies and
lighting a candle for dear old anonymous sperm donor, whoever he
might be.
Mothers are not only important, they are absolutely vital due
to their position as frontline shock troops in the ongoing, centu-
ries-long struggle for the survival of Western civilization. Despite
the fact that their maternal instinct has been harassed, criticized,
mocked, belittled, and subjected to a forty-year effort to indoctri-
nate it out of existence, our mothers stubbornly continue doing the
only thing we actually need women to do in order for our civiliza-
tion to survive, bearing and raising children.


We don’t need female doctors. We don’t need female scien-

tists. We don’t need female entrepreneurs. We don’t need female
producers of PowerPoint presentations. And we really don’t need
female politicians.
While we can argue about whether such luxuries are benefi-
cial or detrimental to society, there is no arguing the empirical evi-
dence which proves that civilization has survived without them
before and could easily do so again.
But without mothers, there is no civilization. Without
mothers, there is no future for the civilized.
Europe is in the process of discovering what a world without
mothers is like. It is an ugly picture, a brutal picture. It is a probable
future that promises to be much worse than the most exaggerated
images of past patriarchal oppression ever painted by Betty Friedan
or Gloria Steinhem. Without mothers, there is only barbarism and
the choice between the brothel and the burqa.
Motherhood is a sacrifice. It may mean putting off a college
education and a career, or even giving them up entirely. It may
mean sacrificing a flawless figure. It may mean sacrificing dreams.
It definitely means putting two, three, four, or more lives ahead of
your own. But motherhood is also an expression of hope. Mother-
hood is a vote of confidence in the future of mankind. Motherhood
is the brave voice of a woman saying, “I will not live life for today.
I will create life for many tomorrows.”
Cards, gifts and flowers are no adequate expressions of grati-
tude for this living statement of faith.
In the ongoing war against Christian civilization, it is the
mothers who matter most. The sterile secularists don’t fear Chris-
tian intellectuals or Christian pastors, they regard the former as
petty annoyances and there’s little need to worry about one weekly
hour of Christian teaching on Sundays overcoming forty hours of
secular reprogramming from Monday to Friday. But they fear our
mothers who can create children faster than they can manage to
indoctrinate them. And they are downright terrified of our home-
schooling mothers who rob them of their primary means of cre-
ating a new generation of secular barbarians.

Every time a woman says “I do,” every time a wife turns to

her husband and says “let’s have another baby,” every time a
mother hugs her child and says “how would you like me to be your
teacher?” she is striking a powerful blow in defense of her faith, her
family, her church, and God. We should celebrate these bold deci-
sions —these audacious acts—as victories, not just for the family
and the faith, but for civilization and mankind.
It is not enough to thank our mothers. We owe them a debt
that cannot be repaid. But we can, and we must, love them, honor
them, support them and sustain them as they faithfully continue to
wage their mother’s war.1

1. Vox Day, “The mother’s war,” WorldNetDaily, May 14, 2007. Reprint permis-
sion granted.
abilities to homeschool, 43–44 Biblical worldview. See also
ACT test, 116. See also testing God’s law-word
American Vision, 120 comparison to humanism,
answers for difficult questions,
55–56 in curriculum, 31–32, 44, 53–
54, 69–70, 118–121
anxieties about homeschooling,
21–22, 116 immersion in God’s Word,
athletic opportunities, 116, 124
writing skills and, 108
babies, 65–67 Biology 101: Biology According
to the Days of Creation,
“The Battle Belongs to the
Lord” (Collins), 2
Biblical references
Daniel 2:34–35, 74 calling from God, 28, 72, 124,
Ecclesiastes 12:14, 85 131
First Peter 5:8, 34 Canaan, 21–22
Galatians 6:1–2, 10, 24 catechisms, 42, 54, 72, 104, 109
Hebrews 5:13, 5
Chalcedon Foundation, 1, 55,
Isaiah 40:31, 81
118, 120, 123, 131
James 5:19-20, 24
John 7:24, 69, 118
Matthew 11:28-30, 33 challenges for parents, 23–25,
Matthew 25:23, 48 45–46, 87–89
Matthew 7:21, 5 Christ, Jesus. See Jesus Christ
Numbers 13 and 14, 21 Christian doctrine, teaching,
Proverbs 22:29, 83–84 55–56, 104. See also Biblical
Proverbs 22:6, 59 worldview; God’s law-
Proverbs 3:5-6, 121 word
Psalm 119, 69
Christian Reconstruction, 73
Psalm 127:1-2, 29
Revelation 5:5, 34 Christian schools, 7, 42, 84, 116,
Romans 3:3-4, 70 123–124
Second Corinthians 10:4-5, Christian worldview.See
12 Biblical worldview

Christianity, comparison to finding resources, 11, 125–

humanism, 6–7. See also 126
Biblical worldview high school, 115–118
college, 22, 28, 44, 72, 116, 118, homeschool library, 58, 113–
130 114, 126
Collins, Jamie Owens, 2 resources, how to find, 117–
communication skills, 101–102, 118
107–110 curriculum, teaching. See also
community of believers, 15–16, God’s law-word
23–25, 39–40, 52 communication skills, 101–
conflicts with children. See 102, 107–110
discipline doctrine, 55–56
co-ops, 113, 115, 125–126 goals, setting, 97
Coram Deo Chorus, 16 learning styles and, 93–95
Corinthians, Second Book of, 12 public speaking, 101–102
correction. See discipline, 54 time, using wisely, 99–100
counsel, wise, 45–46, 55–56. See
also encouragement to Daniel, Book of, 74
homeschoolers debate classes, 101–102
culture defiance. See discipline
of Christian
homeschooling, 15–16
discipline, concept of, 87–89 conflicts with teenagers, 87–
excellence, concept of, 83
independence, concept of, confronting sin, 53–54, 65–
51–52 67, 75–77
influence of, 21–22, 57–59 development of self-
curriculum. See also God’s law- discipline, 51–52
word fathers’ responsibilities, 37–
Biblical worldview, 3–7, 31– 38
32, 44, 53–54, 69–70, 119– spiritual warfare, 34
121 discouragement, dealing with,
calling of God and, 72 45–46. See also
Christian schools and, 123– encouragement to
124, 130–131 homeschoolers
Index 139

doctrine, 55–56, 104. See also fathers

Biblical worldview; God’s responsibilities of, 37–38
law-word substitutes for, 39–40
drama classes, 101 fears about homeschooling, 21–
22, 116
Ecclesiastes, Book of, 85 Fifth Monarchy, 73–74
encouragement to First Peter, Book of, 34
homeschoolers. See also
counsel, seeking wise, 45–46, Galatians, Book of, 24, 40
55–56 goals, setting, 97
family of believers, 15–16, God’s law-word. See also
23–25, 39–40, 52 Biblical worldview
music, 41–42 application of discipline, 75–
resources, 117 77, 87–89
responsibility of church, 59 fathers’ responsibilities
evolution, 35–36, 58, 120, 126 regarding, 38
excellence, encouragement of, as foundation for
53–54, 83–85, 104, 117 combatting humanism,
Faith for All of Life, 1, 120 as foundation for
families. See also parental curriculum, 3–7, 118
responsibilities as foundation for life, 32, 42,
assaults on, 1–2 69–70, 72, 108
bonds with other victory in obedience to, 22,
homeschoolers, 15–16 52
challenges for parents, 23– vs humanism as standard for
25, 45–46, 87–89 legal system, 73–74
fathers, substitutes for, 39– grades, 84
40 grades. See also testing
fathers’ responsibilities, 37–
grammar, 108
impact of homeschooling Great Commandment, 53
on, 17–19 Great Commission, 3, 109
family of believers, 15–16, 23–25,
39–40, 52 Hebrews, Book of, 5

high school, 22, 28, 44, 74, 115– interruptions in

118 homeschooling, 18–19, 31–
Holy Spirit, 11–12, 34, 41, 44, 75, 32, 47–48
131 Isaiah, Book of, 81
Home School Legal Defense “It’s the Homeschool Life”
Association (HSLDA), (Schwartz), 17–18
117, 126, 117 James, Book of, 24
humanism Jesus Christ
comparison to Biblical becoming an ambassador of,
worldview, 6–7 54
comparison to idolatry, 105– communication of gospel,
106 107–108
in curriculum, 4–6, 120 and community of believers,
grading, concept of, 28, 84 15–16, 52
homeschool as means to conversion to as Lord and
combat, 12, 58–59, 115 Savior, 106
independence, concept of, crown rights of, 73–74
51–52 foundation of curriculum,
socialization, concept of, 116 3–7, 118, 129
vs God’s law as standard for Incarnation of, 56
legal system, 73–74 as our Advocate, 80–81
quotations by, 33, 48, 69
idolatry and humanism, 105– redemption, 75–76
106 victory in, 2, 12, 22, 34, 36, 59
illnesses and homeschooling, John, Book of, 69
18–19, 31–32, 41
incentives for students, 103–104
independence, 51–52 law-word, God’s. See God’s
infants, 65–67 law-word
Inherit the Wind (movie), 36 leadership, 101–102
Institutes of Biblical Law learning styles, 93–95
(Rushdoony), 74, 105–106 legal system, 73–74
Index 141

Lessons Learned from Years of The Philosophy of the Christian

Homeschooling (Schwartz), Curriculum (Rushdoony),
1 4–7, 130–131
library, homeschool, 58, 113– Pledge of Allegiance, 73–74
114, 126 prayer, 79–81
problems for parents. See
Matthew, Book of, 5, 33, 48 discipline
maturity, 51, 62 Proverbs, Book of, 59, 83–84, 101,
media’s perception of 115
homeschooling, 35–36 Psalms, Book of, 29, 69
medical emergencies and public perception of
homeschooling, 18–19, 31– homeschooling, 35–36
public schools
memorization of Scripture,
comparison to homeschool,
101–102, 104
4–5, 14
mentors, 44–46, 55–56. See also comparison to
encouragement to homeschools, 35–36
socialization in, 116
motivation for students, 103– worldviews and, 129
public speaking, 101–102
music, 41–42
punishment. See discipline
Numbers, Book of, 21–22
qualifications for
homeschooling, 43–44
Olson, Wes, 120
questions, answering difficult,
parental challenges, 23–25, 39–
40, 45–46, 87–89. See also
discipline reasons for homeschooling, 4,
11–12, 115
parental responsibilities. See
also families rebellion. See discipline
education, 5–7, 131 resources, how to find, 11, 117–
fathers, 37–38 118, 125–126
mistakes, 13–14 responsibilities, parental. See
Peter, First, Book of, 34 parental responsibilities

responsibilities, teaching of, 51– siblings, impact of

52 homeschooling on, 17–19
Revelation, Book of, 34 sickness and homeschooling,
rewards for students, 103–104 18–19, 31–32
Rogers, Judy, 41–42, 57 sin
Romans, Book of, 70 areas of, 53–54
Rushdoony, R. J. as cause of distortions in
thinking, 5
as father of the Christian
school and hamartia vs anomia, 76
homeschooling man’s problem, 6
movement, 123 need for identification, 88
influence of, 55, 73, 88 original, 51–52
Institutes of Biblical Law, 74, redemption from, 34
105–106 sin nature, 65–67, 75–77
The Philosophy of the single parents, 39–40
Christian Curriculum, 4–
7, 130–131
socialization, 116
Thy Kingdom Come: Studies society, influence of. See
in Daniel and Revelation, culture
74 songs
“It’s the Homeschool Life”
San Antonio Independent (Schwartz), 17
Christian Film Festival, 119 “The Battle Belongs to the
SAT test, 28, 116 Lord” (Collins), 2
See also testing “Why Can’t I See God?”
Scopes Trial, 35–36 (Rogers), 42, 57
Scriptural references. See speech classes, 101–102
Biblical references spiritual warfare, 1–2, 11–12, 34,
Scripture, teaching, 55–56. See 42, 105–106
also Biblical worldview standards in schooling, 27–29
Scripture memorization, 102,, 1
104 state-controlled education. See
Second Corinthians, Book of, 12 public schools
self-discipline, 51–52 statism, 4. See also humanism
Index 143

support in homeschooling. See training for homeschooling,

encouragement to 43–44
homeschoolers tutors, 125–126
syntax, 108
Vision Forum Ministries, 119–
teachers, outside, 125–126
teaching. See curriculum, websites
teaching, 118
teenagers, 22, 87–89, 115–118. See, 117
also college; high school, 41
Ten Commandments, 42, 105
testing, 22, 28, 116–117
Westminster Children’s and
Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Shorter Catechisms, 42, 72,
Daniel and Revelation 104, 109
(Rushdoony), 74 Why Can’t I See God? (Rogers),
time 42, 57
dealing with interruptions, worldviews. See Biblical
47–48 worldview; humanism
wise use of, 99–100 writing skills, 107–110

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