Materials Chemistry and Physics, 14 (1986) 259-261: in The Netherlands
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 14 (1986) 259-261: in The Netherlands
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 14 (1986) 259-261: in The Netherlands
Cell Design
Cell Material
Impure gold
Anode chamber/cathode
sic 45 84
c 30
A1203 4 5
SiO2 32 9 99.3
Fe203 3 0.1 0.07
Ti02 0.1 0.17
CaO/MgO 0.3 0.18
Na20/K20 0.9 0.01
Unknown 6* 0.6 0.02**
* **
mainly Cu, MO and alkali metals '2'3
Generally the fused salt in the cell is expected to be a salt
of the metal to be refined. But it was considered that the refining
kinetics at a high temperature such as 1170°C would be fast enough
not to require any salt of the precious metals. A most commonly
available inexpensive salt such as sodium chloride was used which
is highly conducting and has a decomposition potential not low
enough to interfere with the refining process.
The cell was heated under vacuum to 800°C, when the salt was
added under an argon blanket. Beating was continued under argon
until the anode chamber reached 1170°C. A rod (0.003 m diameter)
of Au-2OAg alloy was pushed into the cell at lOg/min througha
neoprene-sealed single-orifice entry mechanism. Electrolysis Was
carried out at a constant current for 15 minutes using a Farnell
rectifier (H30/100 model). The reason for keeping the current and
not the voltage cnstant ,is that the latter is a function of variab-
les such as anode-cathode spacing which may alter from cell to
cell. At the end of the test, the furnace was switched off to cool
down the cell, in order to recover the metals for analysis.
Theoretical Consideration
Polarisation Effect
An initial experiment was performed using graphite granules in
the anode chamber only. It was noticed that the applied voltage
increased faster during electrolysis than expected, with a
consequent joule heating and a rapid rise in temperature from
117O'C to l25O*C in IO min of electrolysis. The sharp rise in cell
voltage could originate from poor electrical contacts and/or
electrochemical effects due to electrode polarisation. Since the
electrical connections were checked, the voltage rise is considere-
d to be due to polarisation. Any anodic polarisation due to
chlorine gas evolution at the anode is considered negligible,
because based on thermodynamics, chlorine gas cannot liberate
without any anodic dissolution of gold, and there was no detection
of gold loss or chlorine gas from the anode chamber. The cathodic
polarisation, on the other hand, can originate from a formation of
a sodium vapour blanket at the cathode. In the absence of any other
salt in the molten electrolyte of sodium chloride, Naf ions are
formed in the cathode chamber at the start of eleCtrOlYSiS and are
discharged at the cathode before my Ag’ ions could arrive from the
anode. The time lag between the arrival of silver ions and the
discharge of sodium ions at the cathode is believed to be long
enough to allow some deposition of sodium on the cathode. Since
the operating temperature of 1170°C is too high for sodium to stay
in liquid state, a vapour blanket of sodium is formed on the cath-
ode resulting in cathodic polarisation, hence an increase in voltage.
This effect would predominate as the applied current is raised.
Such a phenomenon was observed in the present work with a sharp
1 J.H.Clelend and D.J.Fray, in M.Jones (ed.) Advances in Extracti-
ve Metallurgy, Inst.Min.Met., London, 1977, p.141.
2 D.J.Fray and J.H.Cleland, British Patent 1,515,216 (1978).
3 J.H.Cleland and D.J.Fray, Trans.Inst.Min.Met., 88C (1979) Cl911
4 W.J.Hamer, M.S.Malmberg end B.Rubin, J.Electrochem.Soc., 103
(1956) 8.
5 G.Grube and P.Hentelmann, Z.Elektrochem., 56 (1952) 1.
6 G.J.Janz, Molten Salts Handbook, Academic Press, London, 1967.
7 R.Hultgren, p.D,Desai, D.T.Hawkins, M.Gleiser, K.K.Kelley and
D.D.Wagman, Selected Values of the Thermodynamic Properties of
Binary Alloys, Am.Soc.Met.,Metals Park, Ohio, 1973 op