Reflection 3
Reflection 3
Reflection 3
My third week of practicum has brough emotions of joy, excitement, and confidence. I
feel joy when I’ve taught lessons that resonate with my students. I feel excited to create lessons
for my students that I know they will enjoy. I am confident to stand up in front of the class to
give a lesson and I am starting to become more confident in my ability to become a teacher.
This past week my goal has been to try to change my tone when needed for situations
where students are not listening. Additionally, to use my “teacher voice” when teaching. During
my health lesson and gym lesson, I reminded myself to project my voice more and found
students paying more attention when this occurred. There was one situation when a student
was not listening to me, and I remember to change my tone of voice. When this happened, the
student listened, and I did not have to ask them again. I still have a lot of work to do, but I am
seeing improvements compared to last week. This relates to the TQS, Establishing Inclusive
Learning Environments, specifically, “employing classroom management strategies that
promote positive, engaging learning environments”.
This week I was extremely proud of the lessons I created for my grade one students. In
my art lesson, it began with a story called The Little White Owl by Tracy Corderoy to teach the
concept of not judging someone based on how they look and how when we get to know who
they are, we can become better friends. We then created cards for their parents with an owl
pun message on the inside and a painted owl with a branch on the outside. Students loved
painting this card as they had to scrape the paint with forks to make it look fluffy, create big
yellow eyes, and have a real-life branch hot glued to the outside. This lesson relates to the TQS,
Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge, specifically, “planning and designing learning
activities that reflect short range planning and communicate high expectations for all students”.
Due to some issues within the classroom regarding friendships, I wanted to create a
lesson on creating a welcoming space within the classroom where we are all kind and friends to
each other for my health lesson. The lesson started with the wonderful picture book, A Friend
Like You written by Frank Murphy and Charnaie Gordon. We had a great conversation about
what it looks like to be a good friend and how to treat others. I tied in the book we had
previously read as a class about The Little White Owl, and how we can become better friends to
others when we get to know them. I highlighted the importance of how we may have best
friends, long-term friends, and short-term friends; however, in the end, we are all friends.
Especially in our grade one classroom. Students were then paired and had to colour and write a
word on a printed cartoon person for their partner on how they are a good friend. I also wrote
one for each student on the classroom saying good characteristics about themselves. This
lesson and act of kindness relates to the TQS, Fostering Effective Relationships, specifically,
“demonstrating empathy and a genuine caring for others”. This lesson relates to the TQS,
Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge, specifically, “consider student variables,
Carly Spoulos
Reflection PS1 Week 1
November 29 – December 3, 2021
Grade 1
including relationship amongst students. Additionally, this lesson relates to the TQS,
Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments as it relates to “a teacher establishes, promotes
and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and every student is
welcomed, cared for, respected and safe”.