Chapter 1 Research
Chapter 1 Research
Chapter 1 Research
A Research Topic Outline Presented to the Faculty of HUMSS of Don Bosco Canlubang In Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1
Acosta, Chris Andrei S.
Alarcon, Maria Lizabeth A.
Cabali, Kevin A.
Elona, James Russell M.
Latayan Josiah Imiel B.
HUMSS Strand has always been conceptualized as the easiest strand in Senior High School. It is to be
said as the strand wherein students who don't like mathematics are there. The faulty thinking about this
strand has affected the students who want to pursue different courses in college. Many believed that
studying Humanities is a way of escaping other strands like STEM and ABM. They see Humanities as an
easy strand because this strand focuses on oral communication, media and information, and enhances
your reading and writing skills. There is no way there will be no faulty thinking in any course or strand.
Generalizing a strand as it has no significance into the “real world” can really be upsetting to some
students. Also, HUMSS have the most diverse group of students who have different fields of interest.
From a bookworm to a debater, a poet to a future diplomat, a writer to an aspiring leader or a person who
wants to understand and make the world better. This is where introverts and extroverts collide.
Statement of the Problem
2. What are the struggles that HUMSS student who experienced being misconceived?
3. How do HUMSS student cope up with the struggles when they have been misconceived?
4. What are the motivations they use to keep going even they have been misconceived?
5. what is the perception of a HUMSS student in terms of influencing and advising on how to strengthen
or minimize the misconceptions in studying Humanities?
Conceptual Framework
Perception of Don Bosco
This conceptual framework shows the interaction between the experience, struggles, coping, motivation,
and perception of HUMSS students under misconceptions about the HUMSS strand. Stereotypes are the
ones who initiate the action behind the misconceptions while the HUMSS student are the receivers. The
researchers’ aim is to study the impact of stereotyping and misconceptions to HUMSS student. The
participants should be a Gr. 12 student studying Humanities and Social Sciences in Don Bosco Canlubang
S.Y. 2020 -2021The participant should have at least experience “stereotyping” or “misconceived.” This
will be the basis to seek information and answers for this study.
Significance of the Study
This study will be undertaken to find out the effects of the misconceptions in the HUMSS strand to
HUMSS students in Don Bosco College Canlubang and to assess the misunderstanding when it comes to
the HUMMS strand.
The Students
The direct recipients of the output of this research is the students from HUMSS strand. Any
improvements from the stereotypes or misconceptions about the HUMSS strand can pave the way of
producing better learning and discipline to survive and thrive in the class.
The Parents The research benefits the parents of the children enrolled in a HUMSS strand class. As
parents apply their children in a institution it will require them to have the self-assurance that their
children are given the right education as a HUMSS student that would make them a functional individual
in the society.
The Teachers
This study will be very beneficial to the teachers and general education teachers, especially to the
teachers who are still newbie in the teaching profession. Through this research, teachers may purposefully
discover different tactics or ways in teaching in HUMSS class and how they will associate with the
students in it.
The School
The study will also have a big benefit to the school for they will know through this research what are
the needs, and things to do in a HUMSS class before having the course in the institution or developing or
making major changes in the HUMSS strand.
The Researcher
The researcher can also gain significance in this study for they will benefit the experience in making
this research that will help them improve their strategy, skill and knowledge in making research, so that if
they are going to engage into a new study they already have a guide to look to.