Science10 Q2 M6 ElectromagnetismInEverdayLife 3

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Quarter 2 – Module 6
Electromagnetism in Everyday Life
Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Science – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 7: Electromagnetism in Everyday Life
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Bukidnon

Schools Division Superintendent: Randolph B. Tortola, PhD, CESO IV

Development Team of the Module

Author/s Content Editor :Janmar D. Gomonan

Language Editor Reviewers :Mark Windel R. Doño, Margie B. Gonzales
Illustrator and Layout Artist :Marria Luisa M. Casiño
Management Team :Ellen A. Azuelo, PhD, Rejynne Mary L. Ruiz, PhD
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:Arturo B. Bayocot, PhD, CESO III

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:PhD, CESO IV Schools Division Superintendent
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:Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD
:Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS Bienvenido U.
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Quarter 2 – Module 7
Electromagnetism in
Everyday Life

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from public schools. We encourage teachers and other education
stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the
Department of Education at bukidnon@

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Table of Contents

Cover Page
Copyright Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
What This Module Is About
What I Need to Know
What I Know

Lesson 1: Basic Principles of Magnetism

What I Need to Know 1
What I Know 1
What’s In 4
What’s New 6
What Is It 7
What’s More 11
What I Have Learned 12
What I Can Do 13
Assessment 14
Additional Activities 16
Lesson 2: Electromagnetism
What I Need to Know 17
What I Know 17
What’s In 20
What’s New 20
What Is It 21
What’s More 25
What I Have Learned 27
What I Can Do 28
Assessment 29
Additional Activities 31
Lesson 3: Motors and Generators
What I Need to Know 32
What I Know 32
What’s In 34
What’s New 34
What Is It 38
What’s More
What I Have Learned 40
What I Can Do 40
Assessment 41
Additional Activities 43
Summary 43
Post-test 43
Answer Keys 46
References 49
What This Module Is About

Introductory Message:

Welcome to the Science 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Electromagnetism in Everyday Life!

To the Teachers:
This module was designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
schools to assist you, the teacher or facilitator, in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress and allow them to manage their
own learning for optimal development and understanding. Furthermore, you are
expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in this

To the Parents:
This module was designed to provide your children with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at their own pace and time.
As vital partners in education, your support to your children’s learning at home is a
great factor to ensure that they will become successful in what they do. As parents,
you are expected to monitor your children’s progress as they accomplish the tasks
presented in this module and ensure that they will practice learning independently.

To the Learners:
This learning resource hopes to engage you into guided and independent learning
activities at your own pace and time. This also aims to help you acquire the needed
21st century skills while taking into consideration your needs and circumstances.
It is our objective that you will have fun while going through this material. Take
charge of your learning pace and in no time, you will successfully meet the targets
and objectives set in this module which are intended for your ultimate development
as a learner and as a person.

- From the Science 10 Module Development Team

This module contains the following parts with their corresponding icons:

This gives you an idea on what skills or

What I Need to competencies you are expected to learn in
Know each lesson.

It includes an activity that aims to check your

prior knowledge on the lesson you are about
What I Know
to take. If you get all the answers correctly
(100%), you may decide to skip the lesson.

This serves as a brief drill or review to help

What’s In you link the current lesson with that to the
previous one.

It offers a new lesson by introducing it

interestingly through a story, a song, a poem,
What’s New a problem opener, an activity or a situation.

This provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
What Is It understand new concepts and skills.

This comprises activities for independent

What’s More practice to solidify your understanding and
skills on the current topic. You may check
the answers to the exercises using the
Answer Key found at the end of the module.

What I Have This includes questions or blank

Learned sentences/paragraphs to be filled in to
process what you have learned from the
It delivers an activity which will help you
What I Can Do transfer your new knowledge or skill into real
life situations or concerns.

This aims to evaluate your level of mastery in

achieving the learning competencies.

Additional This enriches your knowledge or skill of the

lesson learned. It also tends to the retention
Activities of the learned concepts.

This contains all of the answers to all

activities and exercises presented in this
Answer Key

At the end of this module, you will also find:

References This shows the list of all sources used in

developing this module.
Guidelines and Reminders
Before using this module, please take time to read the following guidelines and

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Do not forget to answer the What I Know section before moving on to the next
activities included in this module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and be
able to gain a deeper understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know

When this material was designed, your best interest as a learner was given
the highest attention. For this specific module, you are expected to master the
concepts on electricity and magnetism.

The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning

situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
Moreover, the lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.
But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.

The module is divided into three lessons, namely:

1. Lesson 1 – Basic Principles of Magnetism
2. Lesson 2 – Electromagnetism
3. Lesson 3 – Motors and Generators

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. describe the different kinds of magnets and their properties;
2. list some uses of permanent magnets;
3. explain what is meant by a magnetic field and how it is detected;
4. show how magnetic fields and electric currents are related;
5. describe the way how an electromagnet is made and the kind of
magnetic field it produces;
6. state the effect that a magnetic field has to an electric current;
7. recognize the conditions under which a magnetic field can be used to
produce an electric current;
8. explain how the interaction of magnetic fields produces movement in a
9. describe a generator and the way it produces electric energy; and
10. describe a transformer and explain how it works.

What I Know

Before you start studying this module, take this test first to find out what you
already know about the topic.

Direction: Choose the CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you call the ends of a magnet?

A. Magnetic Poles
B. Magnetic Compasses
C. Magnetic Fields
D. Magnetic

2. Which of the following best describe for the poles magnets that attract each other?
A. both poles are of the same kind
B. both poles must be N poles
C. both poles must be S poles
D. one pole is an S and the other is an N

3. Which of the following process occur when magnetizing a piece of iron?

A. each atom in the iron is converted into a magnet
B. existing atomic magnets are brought into line
C. magnetic atoms are added to the iron
D. magnetic lines of force are brought into line

4. Which of the following explains the rotation of needle when a compass is placed in a
magnetic field?
A. because the field attracts N poles
B. because the field is produced by a magnet
C. because the field comes from the center of the Earth
D. because the field exerts forces on the atomic currents in the compass needle

5. A primary solenoid connected to a battery is inside a secondary solenoid.

Which of the following explain why it is not possible to induce a current into
the secondary coil?
A. he primary current is off.
B. No movement of a core into the primary coil
C. The primary pulling out of the secondary coil
D. It is a direct/steady current through the primary coil

6. Which of the following justifies why a magnet will attract a wire?
A. The wire exerts an electric force.
B. The wire has a small mass.
C. The wire has current flowing through it.
D. The wire is long.

7. How will you describe the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying
A. The electromagnet is strongest near and around the wire.
B. The magnetic field consists of straight lines parallel to the wire.
C. The magnetic field does not vary with distance from the wire.
D. The magnetic field gets stronger with increasing distance from the

8. Which of the following explains why the iron atom acts as a magnet?
A. The iron has an equal number of protons and electrons
B. The electrons have a spinning motion
C. The electrons have negative charge
D. The neutrons have no charge

9. Which of the following act will make an iron needle into a magnet?
A. Bang it on a table
B. Soak it in mercury
C. Place it near a compass
D. Stroke it with a magnet in one direction only

10. Which of the following will make an electromagnet stronger?

A. increase the current in the coil
B. add an iron center in the coil
C. increase the number of loops in the wire
D. all of the above

11. Which of the following will happen if two unlike poles placed near each other?
A. The lines of force will curve away from each other
B. The lines of force will connect the poles
C. The lines of force will cancel each other
D. Nothing will happen.

12. Which of the following scientist discovered that an electric current affects
the action of a magnetic needle?

A. Ampere B. Oersted C. Faraday D. Gilbert

13. What basic principle enables all electric motors to operate?

A. A current-carrying conductor placed within a magnetic field will
experience a magnetic force.
B. A moving conductor within a magnetic field will experience an
electromotive force.
C. Iron is the only element that is magnetic.
D. Opposite electric charges attract and like charges repel.

14. Which of the following is refering to the energy transformation in an electric motor?
A. electrical and becomes chemical
B. mechanical and becomes electrical
C. electrical and becomes mechanical
D. mechanical and becomes chemical

15. What transformation takes place in an improvised generator?

A. Mechanical energy into electrical energy
B. Electrical energy into mechanical energy
C. Alternating current into direct current
D. Direct current into alternating current

Well, how was it? Do you think you scored well? Check your answers later
after you have gone through all the lessons.
If you think you have gotten all the answers right, very good! This shows that
you already know much about the topics prepared in this module. You may still
study the module though to review what you already know. Who knows, you
might still learn a few more new things as you go through the topics ahead.
If you think you got a low score, don’t feel bad because this module would be
of big help to you. It will help you understand some important concepts that you
can apply in your daily life. If you study this module carefully and diligently, you
will learn the answers to all the items in the test and you will discover a whole lot
more! Are you ready? Have fun!
Turn the page and get ready to explore the first lesson !
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Basic Principles of Magnetism

What I Need to Know

Have you ever seen or used magnets before? Have you witnessed other people
using magnetized scissors to locate a needle that fell on the floor? Or have you tried
using magnets to hold pieces of paper, pictures, decorations, toys or other steel surfaces
such as a refrigerator door? Well, probably you definitely have!

After studying this lesson, you should be able to:

1. describe the different kinds of magnets and their properties; and
2. list some uses of permanent magnets.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which parts of a magnet where the magnetic effects strongest?

A. Magnetic fields
B. Magnetite
C. Poles
D. Solenoids

2. Which of the following refers to the force between two magnets?

A. domain alignment
B. electromagnetic induction
C. electromagnetism
D. magnetic force

3. Which of the following refers to a tiny region on a magnet where all atoms
are grouped together and where the poles are aligned?
A. Commutator
B. Domain
C. North
D. South

4. Which of the following refers to a magnet made with iron, nickel or cobalt?
A. Electromagnet
B. Ferromagnet
C. Solenoid
D. Transformer

5. Scientists think that the Earth’s magnetic field is made by among of the following choices.
Which of these is TRUE?
A. the Earth’s attraction to the sun
B. enabled Wi-Fi
C. layers of the earth
D. movement of electric charges

6. Which of the following refers to the material that attracts iron or other materials containing
A. Compass
B. Filament
C. Generator
D. Magnet

7. Which of the following refers to a region around a magnet where a magnetic force act?
A. Domain
B. Magnetic field
C. Magnetic force
D. Perimeter

8. Where would be a magnet’s magnetic field exists?

A. around the entire magnet
B. on both poles
C. only on the north pole
D. only on the south pole

9. When a bar magnet is broken in half, which of the following will be the result?
A. the bar losing its magnetic properties
B. two north poles
C. two north poles and two south poles
D. two south poles

10. Which of the following defines magnetism?

A. Magnetism is a contact force
B. Magnetism is a force created by magnets
C. Magnetism is an invisible force that attracts electrically charged particles
D. Magnetism is energy created by magnets
11. Which of the following is TRUE for two opposite poles?
A. Two opposite poles are balanced
B. Two opposite poles attract
C. Two opposite poles push away
D. Two opposite poles transfer electrons

12. Why does a compass always point north?

A. The compass needle is a magnet and always aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic fields.
B. The Earth’s south pole does not have a magnetic pull.
C. The Earth is a magnet and it attracts all metallic object towards the north.
D. All magnets have north and south poles.

13. When two magnets attract, which of the following will most likely to occur?
A. change color
B. get colder
C. pull together
D. push apart

14. Which of the following refers to a nail that can pick up a paperclip because it
touches a magnet?
A. The nail is a detector
B. The nail has force
C. The nail has Poles
D. The nail became a temporary magnet

15. Which of the following refers to a magnet having a north and a south?
A. color
B. pole
C. region
D. shape

What’s In

Do you know what is a compass? Have you tried using it to find directions? If you
have, then you’ve done something that was first discovered by the Chinese people in the
twelfth century. Historians believe that the Chinese were the first to build compasses to
help them navigate. They made use of an important property found in certain materials
that had been discovered centuries before – magnetism.
To know more about how magnetism was discovered, read the selection below. For
this activity, read the history of magnetism and answer the questions that follow.



Magnetism, the natural force that causes magnets to function as they do, became
known to people many centuries ago. They knew that the black metallic ore called
lodestone has a property of drawing iron particles into it.

The Greek philosopher named Thales, who lived during the sixth century B.C., is
said to have been the first to observe this property. After his time, the lodestone was often
mentioned in ancient writings. It was given the name “magnet” after Magnesia, a district in
the Asia Minor where large magnetic deposits were found. Years later, they found out that

the thing they called magnet does not only attract iron rings but also attracted other types
of rings suspended from one another forming a long chain.

The Roman Lucretius, who lived in the first century B.C., who is known to have
written about magnetism in the early times tried to explain magnetism in terms of his
Atomic Theory. There are also many legendary accounts of the properties of the magnet.
The Arabian Nights is one example. It contains the story of a ship that approached an
island made out of a magnetic rock. The ship fell completely to pieces because all the iron
nails were pulled out of it through the attraction of the rock.

Another tale was based on the story of a shepherd named Magnes. One day when
he was tending his flock of sheep on the slopes of Mount Ida in Asia Minor, he noticed
that the iron tip of his staff was being pulled toward the ground. He dug up the ground
and found out that the large deposit of lodestone was attracting his staff. Thereafter the
lodestone was called magnet in honor of the shepherd who had discovered it, and later
was called magnetite. Scholars have pointed out that this story originated long after the
word “magnet” was first commonly used.

Test your understanding by completing the blanks.

1. The black metallic ore that has the property of attracting pieces of iron is
called .
2. The natural force of attracting pieces of iron is called .
3. The word magnet was believed to have been derived from the name of a shepherd
named .
4. Lodestone was later called for its magnetic property.
5. _______________was a Greek philosopher who first discovered the magnetic property of

What’s New Activity 1.2


Instruction: Perform the experiment below to know more about how magnets work.
Answer the questions that follow.

- a bar magnet
- a pencil
- a piece of paper
- paper clips
- a plastic bag
- a needle
- a piece of glass
- nails
- pieces of wire

1. Prepare the objects that you will need. Draw a table similar to the one found
2. Using the bar magnet, let all the other objects come in contact with one end
of the magnet. Determine which objects are attracted to it and which are
not. Record your observations in the table.
3. Repeat step 2 using the other end of the magnet and write what you have

The object is attracted

OBJECT by one end of the by the other end of

magnet the magnet

plastic bag
piece of paper
piece of glass
pieces of wire
paper clips
Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Which materials were attracted by the magnet? What are they made of?

2. Was using one end of the magnet different from using the other end?

3. Give one practical use of a magnet at home.

What is It

Magnets and Magnetic Fields

Over the course of centuries, much of the mystery that once surrounded magnetism
has been dispelled. Today, the lodestone or the natural magnet is no longer familiar in the
study of magnetism because practically all magnets nowadays are artificial. This lesson
discusses the different types of magnets, their properties and also about magnetic fields.

A. Magnetic Substances
A substance that possesses magnetic properties is
a magnet. It attracts iron and faces the same direction
when moving freely. All materials have the property of
being attracted or repelled. Substances like iron and

steel are strongly attracted to magnets. These
substances are called ferromagnetic. Nickel and cobalt
are also ferromagnetic. These materials are also often
called magnetic materials.

Some substances, such as wood, aluminum,

platinum and oxygen, are just slightly attracted by strong
magnets. These substances are called paramagnetic.
Meanwhile, substances that are slightly repelled by
magnets are called diamagnetic. Table salt, mercury,
zinc and gold are diamagnetic substances.

Substances that are already magnetized are called magnetite. These are called
natural or permanent magnets. Lodestones are permanent magnets. An ALNICO magnet
is a permanent magnet containing aluminum, nickel and cobalt. Permanent magnets are
used in radio speakers, audio-video devices and other electrical appliances.

On the other hand, materials that can be made into magnets are called artificial
magnets. Artificial magnets are made by induced magnetism. This is done by stroking
ferromagnetic materials in the same direction several times with a magnet. This process is
called magnetization. Temporary magnets are those of soft iron that are easy to
magnetize and they lose their magnetic property very easily. Electromagnet is an example
of a temporary magnet. It is a magnet that can be switched on and off. It is also used to lift
heavy objects in industrial sites and in forwarding businesses.

B. Magnets and Magnetic Forces

Study Figure 1.4 above. What have you observed? As you can see, every
magnet has two poles. You cannot produce a magnet with only one pole. The areas of
greatest magnetic force are called magnetic poles. The end of the magnet that
points north is
called the north magnetic pole (N pole) and the end that points south is the
south magnetic pole (S pole).
Rules of Magnets

You were right with your observations regarding magnets, about some materials
that magnets can attract and some that repel. The diagrams below illustrate the rules of

Uses of Magnets
There are five elements that can be made into magnets: iron, cobalt, nickel,
aluminum, gadolinium and dysprosium. None of these elements can be magnetized
permanently. To make a permanent magnet, you need an alloy. An alloy is a mixture of
two or more metals. The classic material for making a permanent magnet is steel, an
alloy of carbon and iron. The best material for a permanent magnet is magnequench,
which was invented in 1985. This material is mostly iron, with a little neodymium and
boron added.

Ships use compasses to find the correct course through vast areas of oceans
where no land is in sight. A ship’s compass is a permanent magnet attached to a card
marked in degrees that float in alcohol.

Since magnets are flexible, they can be made into many sizes and shapes. There
are several magnets hidden inside your house. Electric clocks, motors, stereos,
loudspeakers and television sets all contain magnets. One magnet that is easy to detect
is the magnet found on the door of your refrigerator.

C. Magnetic Domains, Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Lines of Force

Although most materials cannot be magnetized, iron and a few others such as
steel, nickel and cobalt can be made so. These materials have regions called magnetic
domains. Magnetic domains, which are clusters of many atoms, can be thought of as
tiny magnets.

Look at this!

Substances that can be magnetized can be thought of as consisting of many

tiny magnets. How does the arrangement of the “tiny magnets” differ between the
unmagnetized and magnetized substances?

BEFORE: When the material is unmagnetized, the domains are not lined up in a definite way. In
other words, they are randomly arranged.

AFTER: When the material is magnetized, the domains line up in a definite pattern. All
the north poles point in one direction, and the south poles in the other.

So, if you cut a magnet in half, the cut ends become poles. You then have two
similar magnets, each with an N pole and an S pole. Breaking a magnet does not
greatly affect the alignment of domains in the pieces, so each piece is still a magnet.

The closer you bring two magnets together, the stronger the force between them
becomes. Move them apart and the force gets weaker. If you move them farther from
each other, you will eventually feel no force. The force changes strength as you move
within the magnet’s magnetic field. A magnetic field is the space around a magnet in
which its force affects objects. A good picture of a magnetic field can be made by
sprinkling iron filings around a magnet. (See Figure 1.10 below.)

What’s More



Problem : How to make an artificial magnet?

Materials: screw driver magnet (circular magnet from a defective radio speaker)
pins clips nails

1. Gather all the materials needed.
2. Stroke the end of a screwdriver with the magnet. Do it in one direction only.

Write your observations here.

3. Place the screwdriver near the pieces of paper clips, pins or nails. Observe what

What I Have Learned

The diagram below illustrates a bar magnet that is suspended by a string.

Another bar magnet is brought near it. Study the arrows in the diagram and
answer the questions below.

The N pole of a The S pole of a The S pole of a The N pole of a

magnet is brought magnet is magnet is brought magnet is brought
near the S pole of brought near the near the N pole of near the N pole of
the suspended S pole of the the suspended the suspended
magnet suspended magnet magnet

1. What happens to the suspended magnet when the S pole of the other
magnet is brought near its N pole?

2. What happens to the suspended magnet when the N pole of the other
magnet is brought near its N pole?

3. What happens to the suspended magnet when the N pole of the other
magnet is brought near its S pole?

4. What happens to the suspended magnet when the S pole of the other
magnet is brought near its S pole?

What I Can Do


bar magnets (2) iron filings, plain sheet of paper

1. Place two bar magnets flat on the table with the N poles about 2 centimeters
2. Cover the magnets with a thin sheet of plain paper.
3. Sprinkle the iron filings on the paper gently until the filings line up.
4. Make a sketch showing how the magnetic lines of force are arranged.
5. Observe where the magnetic field is strongest.

If the materials are not available at home, refer to the following figures:
Figure A: Figure B:

1. Trace the path of the iron filings in each figure.

2. Write your observations.


The magnetic field changes the filings into little magnets that attract one
another. This makes the filings form long and thin chains. The chains line up
following the shape of the magnetic field.
Figure 1.11 shows the magnetic field around a bar
magnet. The arrowheads show the direction of the magnetic
lines of force, which come out of the N pole and enter the S
pole. The concentration of the lines of force at the poles
shows that the field is strongest there.

Figure 1.12 shows the magnetic field around a

U-shaped magnet. The shape crowds the lines of force
together in between the two poles. This means that the
magnetic force between the poles becomes very strong.
This is also the reason why a horseshoe magnet can lift
greater weights than a bar magnet.

When studying magnets during the 1820s, Michael Faraday described magnetic
fields through magnetic lines of force (see Fig. 1.13).

(a) (b)
Fig. 1.13 Magnetic Lines of Force
(a) between two unlike poles (b)between two like poles

Magnetic lines of force never overlap even when the poles of the two
magnets are brought close to one another.


Directions: Choose the CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following refers to the force between two magnets?

A. domain alignment
B. electromagnetic induction
C. electromagnetism
D. magnetic force

2. Which part of a magnet where the magnetic effects are found to be the strongest.
A. Magnetic fields
B. Magnetite
C. Poles
D. Solenoids

3. Which of the following refers to a magnet made with iron, nickel or cobalt.
A. Electromagnet
B. Ferromagnet
C. Solenoid
D. Transformer

4. Which of the following refers to a tiny region on a magnet where all atoms are
grouped together and where the poles are aligned?
A. Commutator
B. Domain
C. North
D. South

5. Which of the following refers to a region around a magnet in which a magnetic force act?
A. Domain
B. Magnetic field
C. Magnetic force
D. Perimeter

6. Which of the following materials attracts iron or other materials containing iron?
A. Compass
B. Filament
C. Generator
D. Magnet

7. Which of the following was the idea of scientists about an Earth’s magnetic field
made of?
A. the Earth’s attraction to the sun
B. enabled Wi-Fi
C. layers of the earth
D. movement of electric charges

8. Which of the following is TRUE about a bar magnet is broken into half?
A. the bar losing its magnetic properties
B. two north poles
C. two north poles and two south poles
D. two south poles

9. Which of the following refers to where the magnet’s magnetic field exist?
A. around the entire magnet
B. on both poles
C. only on the north pole
D. only on the south pole

10. Which of the following is the effect of two opposite poles?

A. The two opposite poles are balanced
B. The two opposite poles will attract each other
C. The two opposite poles will push away
D. The two opposite poles transfer electrons

11. Which of the following refers to what magnetism is?

A. It is a contact force
B. It is a force created by magnets
C. It is an invisible force that attracts electrically charged particles
D. It is an energy created by magnets

12. Which of the following holds TRUE for two magnets that attract?
A. Both will change in color
B. Both will get colder
C. Both will pull together
D. Both will push apart

13. Which of the following refers to the north and south of a magnet?
A. color
B. pole
C. region
D. shape

14. Which of the following refers to a nail that can pick up a paperclip after it
touches a magnet?
A. Detector
B. Force
C. Poles
D. Temporary Magnet

15. Why does a compass always point north?

A. The needle is a magnet and it aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic fields.
B. The Earth’s south pole does not have a magnetic pull.
C. The Earth is a magnet and it attracts all metallic object towards the north.
D. All magnets have north and south poles.

Additional Activities


● Make a reflection by watching the clip The Science Behind Magnets: How Do
They Work?

● Use this link to access the clip.



What I Need to Know

In the preceding lesson, you have learned about the many uses of magnets
including the so-called electromagnets. This lesson will now focus on these
electromagnets and on electromagnetism.

After studying this lesson, you should be able to:

1. explain what is meant by a magnetic field and how it is detected;

2. show how magnetic fields and electric currents are related;
3. describe the way how an electromagnet is made and the kind of magnetic field it
4. state the effect that a magnetic field has to an electric current; and
5. recognize the conditions under which a magnetic field can be used to produce an
electric current.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the CAPITAL LETTER
only on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following statement shows the difference of electromagnets from magnets?
A. Magnets can be turned on/off.
B. You can turn an electromagnet on/off.
C. Magnets are more powerful.
D. Magnets have both North and South pole.

2. Which of the following will make an electromagnet stronger?

A. Add more coils of wire to the nail.
B. Use a smaller battery.
C. Reverse the poles of the magnet.

D. Remove all the coils and the nail.

3. In a wire electric current flows through a wire, which of the choices below surrounds the
A. a magnetic field
B. a glowing light
C. neutrons
D. protons

4. Complete the following statement with words below. In order for an electromagnet
to be formed, a/an current passes through a coil
of_ wrapped around a/an core.
A. wire, iron, electric
B. electric, wire, iron
C. iron, electric, wire
D. wire, electric, iron

5. Which refers to the metal center of an electromagnet called?

A. The Current
B. The Wire
C. The Coil
D. The Ferromagnetic Core

6. Which of the following will make an electromagnet stronger?

A. Increasing the amount of current flowing through the wire.
B. Inserting a wooden core inside the coil.
C. Changing the direction of the current.
D. Decreasing the number of coils of wire.

7. If a bar magnet is pushed into a coil, it will induce voltage across the coil. If the same
bar magnet is pushed into a coil of wire with twice the
number of loops, which of the following holds true?
A. one-half as much voltage is induced
B. the same voltage is induced
C. twice as much voltage is induced
D. four times as much voltage is induced

8. Which of the following moves induced voltage can be in a wire by .

A. moving the wire near a magnet
B. moving a magnet near the wire
C. changing the current in a nearby wire
D. all of these

9. Which of the following happens when there is a change in the magnetic field in a closed loop
of wire?
A. a voltage is induced in the wire
B. current will flow in the loop of wire
C. electromagnetic induction occurs
D. all of these

10. Which of the following conditions necessary for an electric charge to have a
magnetic field around it?
A. It must be a copper wire.
B. It must be away from the opposite charge.
C. It must be moving.
D. It must be motionless.

11. Which of the following advantage if an iron core is in an electromagnet?

A. It makes a strong magnet weaker.
B. It makes a weak magnet stronger.
C. There is no benefit at all.
D. It allows currents to interact with each other.

12. Which of the following is one way to increase the current in a wire?
A. Decrease the number of coils.
B. Increase the number of coils.
C. Move the magnet slower.
D. Take the wire off of the magnet.

13. Consider a magnet is moved in and out of a coil of wire connected to a high-
resistance voltmeter. Which of the following is the effect if voltage is induced with
the twice number of coils?
A. quadruples
B. doubles
C. is the same
D. halves

14. What would happen if one will move a bar magnet in and out of a coil of copper wire?
A. The electric current would disappear.
B. The magnet would explode.
C. The electric current flow through the wire.
D. It would produce a gravitational field.

15. Which of the following is generated in an electromagnetic induction?
A. Magnetism
B. Electrical Energy
C. Mechanical Energy
D. Chemical Energy

What’s In

What did you do today? Did you listen to a recorder?

Did you use or hear a motor at work in a mixer, blender,

refrigerator, washing machine, hair dryer, fan, or a vacuum
cleaner? Or were you able to hear the sound of a buzzer, a
doorbell or perhaps a cellular phone?

If you have observed any of these devices or machines,

you have just witnessed the combined effects of electricity and magnetism at work.
Scientists have learned how to use the relationship between electricity and
magnetism to produce electric currents and to make machines that would make
these devices function. These scientists and inventors have made amazing and
tremendous changes in the way you live day by day.

What’s New



Large nail Copper wire Dry cell Paper clips

1. Gather all the materials needed.
2. Wrap the copper wire around the large nail.
3. Connect the free ends of the wire to a dry cell.
4. Place the iron nail coil near pieces of nail, paper clips and pins .

5. Observe what happens and jot down your observations.

6. Now, disconnect the wire from the dry cell. What happened next?

What Is It

Electricity Makes Magnetism

In the morning of February 16, 1820, an important discovery was made by

accident. Professor Hans Christian Oersted in Denmark was giving a lecture on
electricity to his students. He closed a switch to demonstrate the flow of current.
There happened to be a compass nearby. Every time the professor closed the
switch, the compass needle turned. Oersted had then
discovered that an electric current is surrounded by a magnetic field.

His discovery made him conclude that a current- carrying wire produces a magnetic field.
This discovery led to the principle of electromagnet.

Now then, what is an electromagnet? An electromagnet is a

magnet that can be switched on and off. It is a solenoid with a core.
The strength of an electromagnet can be made stronger by
increasing the number of turns on the core.

Uses of Electromagnets

1. Electromagnets are used for hauling large pieces of

iron and steel in a steel mill and for other lifting
purposes. These magnets can lift several tons of
scrap iron or steel. Powerful electromagnets can even
lift automobiles. They are most often used to move
heavy pieces of metal around junkyards as well.

2. These are also used when removing steel splinters and

shrapnel from the delicate parts of the body such as the
eyes and other internal organs.

3. To make the following devices work:

. Galvanometer— An instrument used for detecting or measuring small electric
currents by measuring the mechanical movements that result from the
electromagnetic forces produced by the current. A common galvanometer design
consists of a moving coil of wire and a stationary magnet. The coil turns against a
spring so that the greater the current in the coil, the greater its deflection. A
galvanometer for measuring electric current in a circuit, usually in amperes, is called
an ammeter. If it measures electric current in volts, it is called a voltmeter.

scale pointer

permanent magnet i

Electric Bell—Another popular device operated by an electromagnet.



To ring the bell, one presses the button. This completes the circuit, allowing
electric current to flow through. The electric magnet is magnetized and attracts the
soft iron armature. Then the hammer attached to the armature strikes the gong. As
long as the button is pressed, there is a constant “flow and break” in the current.
This action results in the vibration of the armature and the hammer, producing a
continuous ringing sound.

C. Electric Buzzer— It is similar in construction to the electric bell. However, it has

no hammer or gong. The buzzing sound is produced by the vibration of the armature
as it is attracted and sent back to the contact screw.

A. Magnetic Field and Electric Current

Shortly after Oersted’s discovery that electricity

produces magnetic field, scientists experimented with the
opposite possibility. In 1831, Michael Faraday, an English
scientist, discovered that a moving wire through a
magnetic field could produce an electric current. At about
the same time, an American scientist named Joseph Henry
made a similar discovery. A current produced by a magnetic
field is an induced current.

Michael Faraday concluded that when a wire is moved through a magnetic field,
a current is generated in the wire. This process of generating current by the relative
motion between a wire and magnetic field is called electromagnetic induction.

What’s More

The set up shows a wire that is bent and the ends were attached to a

Diagram A
Shows a magnet that is moved in and out of a stationary coil of wire.

Diagram B Diagram C
Keeping the magnet at rest while moving Keeping both the magnet and the coil
the coil of wire toward and away from the of wire at rest.
1.In diagram A, the magnet is moved in and out of the coil of wire (see the arrow).
What happens to the galvanometer needle?

2. In diagram B, the coil is moved in and out (see the arrow) on a stationary
magnet. What happens to the galvanometer needle?

3.In Diagram C, the coil of wire and the magnet are both at rest. What happens to
the galvanometer needle in this situation?

4.If a galvanometer is an instrument used to measure very small electric currents,

what is produced by the coil of wire being inserted between the poles of the

This experiment showed that electricity is produced in a wire as it moves
through a magnetic field. It also shows that the direction in which the coil moves
affects the direction of the current. The conducting material like the coil cuts the
magnetic lines of force that produce the electric current.
Now, if we moved the magnet in and out of the magnetic field, is there a
current being produced? Yes, the effect is the same, but if the magnet does not move,
no current is produced, because no magnetic lines of force exist.

What I Have Learned

Direction: Match the phrase from COLUMN A with the term being described in


9. discovered that a moving wire through a

Check your answers later. If you got all the correct answers, that’s good. If you
didn’t, don’t worry. Just review the parts of the lesson you made mistakes in before
moving on to the next part.

What I Can Do

From the electromagnet that you have used in Activity 2.1, this time, design,
construct and test an electromagnet that picks up at least ten (10) small nails.

Initial Design Analysis

1. What worked well in the design?

2. What variables can you manipulate to improve the strength of the electromagnet?

3. Choose one variable to change. Build a new electromagnet incorporating this variable
and retest. (Example: length of the wire, diameter of the wire, number of turns,
increase power supply)
Improved Design Analysis
1. Compare the initial and improved data.

2. What effects have you observed in the design after changing one variable? Explain.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the CAPITAL LETTER only
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following can make an electromagnet stronger?

A. Add more coils of wire to the nail.
B. Use a smaller battery.
C. Reverse the poles of the magnet.
D. Remove all the coils and the nail.

2. Which of the following differ an electromagnets from a magnets?

A. Magnets can be turned on/off.
B. You can turn an electromagnet on/off.
C. Magnets are more powerful.
D. Magnets have both North and South pole.

3. In making an electromagnet, which of the words below will make the

following statement complete? A/An current passes through
a coil of wrapped around a/an core.
A. wire, iron, electric
B. electric, wire, iron
C. iron, electric, wire
D. wire, electric, iron

4. Which of the following surrounds in a current carrying wire?

A. a magnetic field
B. a glowing light
C. neutrons
D. protons

5. Which of the following will make an electromagnet stronger?

A. Increasing the amount of current flowing through the wire.
B. Inserting a wooden core inside the coil .
C. Changing the direction of the current.
D. Decreasing the number of coils of wire.

6. Which of the following describes the metal center of an electromagnet?

A. The Current
B. The Wire
C. The Coil
D. The Ferromagnetic Core

7. Which of the following will induced voltage in a wire?
A. moving the wire near a magnet
B. moving a magnet near the wire
C. changing the current in a nearby wire
D. all of these

8. Consider a magnet moved into a coil of wire. Which of the following describes the
voltage induced using the same magnet with a coil twice the number of loops?
A. one-half as much voltage is induced
B. the same voltage is induced
C. twice as much voltage is induced
D. four times as much voltage is induced

9. Which of the following must be the condition for an electric charge to have a
magnetic field around it?
A. It must be a copper wire.
B. It must be away from the opposite charge.
C. It must be moving.
D. It must be motionless.

10. Which of the follwoing is the effect if there is change of magnetic field in a closed
loop of wire?
A. a voltage is induced in the wire
B. current is made to flow in the loop of wire
C. electromagnetic induction occurs
D. all of these

11. Whiich of the follwing is the advantage if an iron core is added in an electromagnet?
A. It makes a strong magnet weaker.
B. It makes a weak magnet stronger.
C. There is no benefit at all.
D. It allows currents interact with each other.

12. Which of the follwing is a way to increase the current in a wire?

A. Decrease the number of coils.
B. Increase the number of coils.
C. Move the magnet slower.
D. Take the wire off of the magnet.

13. A magnet is moved in and out of a coil of wire connected to a high-resistance
voltmeter. What will be the induced voltage if the number of coil is doubled?
A. quadrupled
B. doubled
C. the same
D. halved

14. What will happen if a bar magnet is moved in and out of a coil of copper wire?
A. The electric current would disappear.
B. The magnet would explode.
C. The electric current flow through the wire.
D. It would produce a gravitational field.

15.Which of the following is created In electromagnetic induction?

A. Magnetism
B. Electrical Energy
C. Mechanical Energy
D. Chemical Energy

Additional Activities


Motors & Generators

What I Need to Know

From the previous lesson, you have learned how Oersted established the
relationship between magnetism and electricity. Specifically, he was able to discover
that a conductor carrying an electric current develops a magnetic field around it.
When electrons is moved through a conductor, an electric current is produced;
therefore, an electric current is the cause of the formation of a magnetic field and
magnetic forces are related to charges in motion. Thus, they conducted several
experiments to determine if it is possible to produce an electric current from a
magnetic field in a process called electromagnetic induction.

For this new lesson, the focus is specified on the concept of Faraday’s Law of
Electromagnetic Induction and its important application on devices such as electric
generators and motors.

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following shows the energy transformation in an electric motor?

A. electrical and becomes chemical
B. mechanical and becomes electrical
C. electrical and becomes mechanical
D. mechanical and becomes chemical

2. What two forces are required for generators and electric motors to work?
A. magnetism and thermal
B. electricity and thermal
C. electricity and magnetism
D. magnetism and radiant
3. Which of the following rotates inside a coil of wire to produce an electric current in
a large generators in power plants,
A. wind
B. water
C. magnet
D. circuit

4. An electric motor contains a/an that rotates between the poles of a

A. electromagnet
B. wire
C. battery
D. circuit

5. Which part of an electric motor changes the current direction every half-turn?
A. Split Ring B. Slip Rings C. Brushes D. Battery

6. Which parts of the DC motor connect the power supply to the split-ring coil?
A. Carbon Brushes
B. Magnets
C. Commutator
D. Slip Rings

7. Which of the following do an AC generators have?

A. 2 slip rings B. 1 slip ring C. 3 slip rings D. 4 slip rings

8. Which of the follwing decribes the phenoena caused by the wire when it is moved
across a magnetic field?
A. Induced Magnetism
B. Electromagnetic Induction
C. Electromagnetism
D. Turning Effect of Coil

9. A generator produces an electric current when a coil of wire wrapped around an

iron core rotated near in which of the following?
A. magnet B. circuit C. motor D. machine

10. Which of th following is a device that converts electricity into mechanical energy is a/an .
A. generator
B. electromagnet
C. solenoid
D. electric motor

What’s In

Check which of the following common appliances at home make use of an

electric motor.
Appliance Uses an Electric Motor
1. Refrigerator
2. Air Conditioner
3. Fan
4. CD Player
5. Washing Machine
6. Mixer
7. Food Blender
8. Electric Drill
9. Hair Dryer (blower)
10. Electric Sewing Machine
11. Light Bulb
12. Electric Stove
13. Flat Iron
14. Cellphone Charger
15. Electric Heater


What’s New

A loop of wire becomes an electromagnet when electric current passes
through it. Electromagnet interacts with a permanent magnet, which cause the
coil to spin. Voila! You have just created an electric motor.


Make it sure that you have all the parts needed to build the motor by
checking off each item in the materials' list.

a. 5 small disks or rectangular ceramic magnets

b. 2 large paper clips
c. 1 plastic, paper, or Styrofoam cup or a small piece of wood
d. V-nails and hammer (if you are using a piece of wood instead of a cup)
e. solid (not stranded or braided) enameled or insulated 20-gauge copper wire,
about 2 feet (60 cm) long
• Masking tape

• Batteries or a power supply

NOTE: Motors have been successfully run on one 1.5-volt D cell; an

additional batteries to make it easier for electric motor to run. You may try 6-volt
lantern batteries. With the use a power supply (battery eliminator) set to about 4
volts also yields excellent results. What is good about the power supply is that it
can supply a substantial current for a long time. While batteries or dry cells, need
to be replaced every now and then. Do the experiment with what you have and
use whatever works!

● Battery holders or a small piece of wood

● 4 nails per battery (if batteries are used)
● 2 alligator clip leads
● Wire strippers (ifinsulated wire)
● Sandpaper (if you are using enameled wire)
● Black, waterproof, felt-tipped marker
● Ruler with 1/16-inch markings on it



Refer to the diagram below in assembling the electric motor.

1) Do the winding of the copper wire into a coil in 1 inch (2.5 cm) diameter. Make
four or five loops. Wrap the ends of the wire around the coil a couple of times on
opposite sides to hold the coil together. Leave 2 inches (5 cm) projecting from
each side of the coil and cut off any extra wire.

2) If insulated wire, use the wire strippers to strip the insulation off the ends of the
wire projecting from the coil. If you are using an enameled wire, use the
sandpaper to remove the enamel.

3) Color one side of one of the projecting ends black with the felt-tipped pen.
NOTE: It is necessary that the orientation of the painted side corresponds to the
orientation shown in the figure. If the coil is in a vertical plane, paint the top half
of one of the wires black.
4) Turn the cup upside down and place two magnets on top in the center. Attach
three more magnets inside the cup directly beneath the original two magnets.
This will create a stronger magnetic field as well as hold the top magnets in place.
You might find using a piece of wood sturdier than the cup. If you use the wood,
place two magnets on top of the wood. Hammer the paper clips in place using V-

5) Unfold one end of both paper clips and tape them to the opposite sides of the cup
with their unfolded ends down (see the diagram). Put the ends of the coil in the
container formed by the paper clips. Make adjustments in the height of the paper
clips so that if the coil spins, then it clears the magnets at about 1/16 inch (16
cm). Do adjust the coil and the clips until the coil stays balanced and centered
while spinning on the clips. Good balance is important in getting the motor to
operate well.

6) Once you have determined how long the projecting ends of the coil must be to
rest in the paper- clip cradles, you may trim off any excess wire. (The length of
the projecting ends depends on the separation of the paper-clip cradles, which in
turn depends on the width of the base of the cup you are using. See the diagram
as a guide.)

7) If you are not using a power supply or battery holders for the batteries, you may
want to build a simple but effective battery holder to hold the batteries. All you
need is a small piece of wood and four nails for each battery (see the diagram).

8) Use the alligator clip leads to connect the battery or power supply to the paper
clips, connecting one terminal of the battery to one paper clip and the other
terminal to the other paper clip.

Operating the Motor

1. Give the coil a spin to start it turning. If it doesn’t keep spinning on its own, check
to make sure that:

• the coil assembly is well balanced when spinning;

• the enamel has been thoroughly scraped off if enameled wire has been used;
• one projecting end has been painted with felt pen as noted; and
• the coil and the magnet are close to but do not hit each other. You might also try
adjusting the distance separating the cradles. This may affect the quality of the
contact between the coil and the cradles.
2. If the motor will still not spin, check to make sure that good contacts have been
made with the alligator clips, battery holder and battery, or power supply.

3. Keep making adjustments until the motor works. Have patience! The success
rate with this design has been exceptionally good.


1. Is the coil an electromagnet?

2. What force makes the coil spin?

3. Can you make the motor turn to the opposite direction? If so, how?

4. What type of energy is the input to the motor? What type of energy is the output
from the motor?

What Is It

What is a generator?
A generator operates on the principle of
electromagnetic induction. A
generator is a device that
converts mechanical energy to
electrical energy. It consists of
a U-shaped magnet that
produces a magnetic field, and
an insulated loop of wire. The
wire loop is attached to a power
source placed between the
magnetic poles. The power
source slowly begins to rotate
the wire clockwise.
As the wire loop moves, it cuts through the magnetic lines of force that induce
current. As the rotation of the wire loop continues, it moves parallel to the

magnetic lines of force. When the wire is in this position, no lines of force are cut,
therefore, there is no electricity. As it moves further clockwise, the lines of force are
cut again producing electricity. The alternate movement of the wire causes
alternating current. A rectifier changes alternating current into direct current. A
moving loop cuts through a magnetic field, which generates current in the wire.

Types of Generators

• An a.c. generator is a rotating loop in a magnetic field which generates current that
fluctuates in value and changes direction every half-rotation of the loop. The current
produced is called alternating current (a.c.).

• A simple d.c. generator is a rotating loop in a magnetic field which generates current
that fluctuates in value but does not change direction.

• The only difference between the simple a.c. and simple d.c. generator is the
commutator used. An a.c. generator makes use of two slip rings while a d.c.
generator makes use of a split ring commutator.

What is a motor?

One of the most important uses of electromagnetism is in the electric motor.

An electric motor is a device that converts electrical energy to mechanical
energy. A motor contains a movable electromagnet. If an alternating current is
supplied to the electromagnet, its poles are reversed. Where it was once attracted
by the opposite pole of fixed magnet, it will next be repelled. This process is
repeated many times each second.

There are many types of electric motors. Each is designed for a particular
purpose or use. They all operate on the principle of electromagnetism.

What I Have Learned


Basis Electric Motor Generator

Driven element

What I Can Do


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What two forces are required for generators and electric motors to work?
A. magnetism and thermal
B. electricity and thermal
C. electricity and magnetism
D. magnetism and radiant

2. In an electric motor, the energy transformation begins as .

A. electrical and becomes chemical
B. mechanical and becomes electrical
C. electrical and becomes mechanical
D. mechanical and becomes chemical

3. An electric motor contains a/an that rotates between the poles of a

A. electromagnet
B. wire
C. battery
D. circuit

4. In large generators in power plants, rotates inside a coil of wire to produce

an electric current.
A. wind
B. water
C. magnet
D. circuit

5. Which parts of the DC motor connect the power supply to the split-ring coil?
A. Carbon Brushes
B. Magnets
C. Commutator
D. Slip Rings

6. Which part of an electric motor changes the current direction every half-turn?
A. Split Ring
B. Slip Rings
C. Brushes
D. Battery

7. Which of the following describes the effect caused by the wire when it is moved
across a magnetic field?
A. Induced Magnetism
B. Electromagnetic Induction
C. Electromagnetism
D. Turning Effect of Coil

8. Which of the following do AC generators have?

A. 2 slip rings
B. 1 slip ring
C. 3 slip rings
D. 4 slip rings

9. Which device converts electricity into mechanical energy is a/an .

A. generator
B. electromagnet
C. solenoid
D. electric motor

10. Consider a generator produces an electric current when a coil of wire wrapped
around an iron core is rotated near a .
A. magnet
B. circuit
C. motor
D. machine

Check your answers using the Answer Key found at the end of this module. Did
you get all the correct answers? If you did, that’s good. If you didn’t, don’t worry.
Just a little review to be done and then you are good to go!

Additional Activities


Direction: Choose the CAPITAL LETTER of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is TRUE if the poles of two magnets attract each other?
A. both poles are of the same kind
B. both poles must be N poles
C. both poles must be S poles
D. one pole is an S and the other is an N

2. Which of the following refers to ends of a magnet?

A. Magnetic Poles
B. Magnetic Compasses
C. Magnetic Fields
D. Magnetic

3. A magnetic field can make a compass needle t o turn. Which of the following holds
A. The magnetic field attracts N poles
B. The magnetic field is produced by a magnet
C. The magnetic field comes from the center of the Earth
D. The magnetic field exerts forces on the atomic currents in the compass needle

4. Which of the following effect is caused by magnetizing a piece of iron?

A. each atom in the iron is converted into a magnet
B. existing atomic magnets are brought into line
C. magnetic atoms are added to the iron
D. magnetic lines of force are brought into line

5. Which of the following reason why a magnet will attract a wire?

A. Because the wire exerts an electric force
B. Because the wire has a small mass
C. Because the wire has current flowing through it
D. Because the wire is long

6. A primary solenoid connected to a battery is inside a secondary solenoid. Which
of the following reasons why it is NOT possible to induce a current into the
secondary coil?
A. If turning on and off the primary current.
B. If moving a core into the primary coil
C. If pulling the primary out of the secondary coil
D. If steady current is running through the primary coil

7. Which of the following reasons why an iron atom acts as a magnet?

A. it has an equal number of protons and electrons
B. the electrons have a spinning motion
C. the electrons have negative charge
D. the neutrons have no charge

8. How will you describe the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying
A. The electromagnet is strongest near and around the wire.
B. The magnetic field consists of straight lines parallel to the wire.
C. The magnetic field does not vary with distance from the wire.
D. The magnetic field gets stronger with increasing distance from the wire.

9. Which of the following will increase the strength of an electromagnet?

A. increase the current in the coil
B. add an iron center in the coil
C. increase the number of loops in the wire
D. all of the above

10. Which of the following action will make steel sewing needle into a magnet?
A. banging it on a table
B. soaking it in mercury
C. placing it near a compass
D. stroking it with a magnet in one direction

11. Which of the following scientist who discovered that an electric current can
affect the action of a magnetic needle?
A. Ampere
B. Oersted
C. Faraday
D. Gilbert

12. Which of the following refers to the lines of force of unlike poles placed near
each other?
A. curve away from each other
B. connect the poles
C. cancel each other
D. none of these

13. In an electric motor, the energy transformation begins as .

A. electrical and becomes chemical
B. mechanical and becomes electrical
C. electrical and becomes mechanical
D. mechanical and becomes chemical

14. What basic principle enables all electric motors to operate?

A. A current-carrying conductor placed within a magnetic field will experience a
magnetic force.
B. A moving conductor within a magnetic field will experience an electromotive
C. Iron is the only element that is magnetic.
D. Opposite electric charges attract and like charges repel.

15. What transformation takes place in an improvised generator?

A. Mechanical energy into electrical energy
B. Electrical energy into mechanical energy
C. Alternating current into direct current
D. Direct current into alternating current


Answer Key Lesson 2

Herma D. Acosta, 2015. Science Learners Materials. Pasig City: Department of
Madamba, Jason S. 2016. Experiencing Science: An Activity-based Worktext for
Grade 10. Manila: Innovative Educational Materials, Inc.
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