SurgicalTipsandTricksDuringUrethroplastyforBulbarUrethralStricturesFocusingonAccurateLocalisationoftheStricture ResultsfromaTertiaryCentre
SurgicalTipsandTricksDuringUrethroplastyforBulbarUrethralStricturesFocusingonAccurateLocalisationoftheStricture ResultsfromaTertiaryCentre
SurgicalTipsandTricksDuringUrethroplastyforBulbarUrethralStricturesFocusingonAccurateLocalisationoftheStricture ResultsfromaTertiaryCentre
Surgical Tips and Tricks During Urethroplasty for Bulbar Urethral Strictures
Focusing on Accurate Localisation of the Stricture: Results from a Tertiary
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Surgery in Motion
Article history: Background: There are several techniques for characterising and localising an anterior
Accepted December 13, 2014 urethral stricture, such as preoperative retrograde urethrography, ultrasonography, and
endoscopy. However, these techniques have some limitations. The final determinant is
intraoperative assessment, as this yields the most information and defines what surgical
Keywords: procedure is undertaken.
Urethral stricture Objective: We present our intraoperative approach for localising and operating on a
Operative technique urethral stricture, with assessment of outcomes.
Design, setting, and participants: A retrospective review of urethral strictures operated
was carried out. All patients had a bulbar or bulbomembranous urethroplasty. All
patients were referred to a tertiary centre and operated on by two urethral reconstruc-
Please visit tive surgeons.
Surgical procedure: Intraoperative identification of the stricture was performed by and cystoscopy. The location of the stricture is demonstrated externally on the urethra to view the by external transillumination of the urethra and comparison with the endoscopic
accompanying video. picture. This is combined with accurate placement of a suture through the urethra,
at the distal extremity of the stricture, verified precisely by endoscopy.
Outcome measures and statistical analysis: Clinical data were collected in a dedicated
database. Intraoperative details and postoperative follow-up data for each patient were
recorded and analysed. A descriptive data analysis was performed.
Results and limitations: A representative group of 35 male patients who had surgery
for bulbar stricture was randomly selected from January 2010 to December
2013. Mean follow-up was 13.8 mo (range 2–43 mo). Mean age was 46.5 yr (range
17–70 yr). Three patients had undergone previous urethroplasty and 26 patients had
previous urethrotomy or dilatation. All patients had preoperative retrograde ure-
thrography and most (85.7%) had endoscopic assessment. The majority of patients
(48.6%) had a stricture length of >2–7 cm and 45.7% of patients required a buccal
mucosa graft. There were no intraoperative complications. Postoperatively, two
patients had a urinary tract infection. All patients were assessed postoperatively
via flexible cystoscopy. Only one patient required subsequent optical urethrotomy
for recurrence.
Conclusions: Our intraoperative strategy for anterior urethral stricture assessment
provides a clear stepwise approach, regardless of the type of urethroplasty eventually
chosen (anastomotic disconnected or Heineke-Mikulicz) or augmentation (dorsal, ven-
tral, or augmented roof strip). It is useful in all cases by allowing precise localisation of
the incision in the urethra, whether the stricture is simple or complex.
0302-2838/# 2014 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
EUROPEAN UROLOGY 67 (2015) 764–770 765
Patient summary: We studied the treatment of bulbar urethral strictures with different
types of urethroplasty, using a specific technique to identify and characterise the length of
the stricture. This technique is effective, precise, and applicable to all patients undergoing
urethroplasty for bulbar urethral stricture.
# 2014 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
3-o’clock positions where the corpus spongiosum is thinnest. This
2.2.7. Dressings and securing the catheters
The layers of the perineal wound are closed carefully to eliminate any
dead space and prevent haematomas. We do not routinely place a drain.
A compression dressing is applied with wool and molyknickers. Finally,
both catheters are taped to the anterior abdominal wall to prevent
dislodgement and pulling on the wound during recovery.
Fig. 3 – (A) Stay sutures visualised endoscopically after (B) placement at the distal end of the stricture. (C) Transillumination of the urethra to show the
site of the stricture (yellow arrow).
and the SPC is closed with a spigot. Once the patient is voiding well with for recurrence. On follow-up with flexible urethroscopy,
acceptable residual volumes, the SPC is removed. three patients had a paper-thin diaphragm or web at the
Subsequent follow-up is conducted at 6 wk, 3 mo, 6 mo and 1 yr anastomotic junction. This was not a recurrence or
postoperatively and involves flexible urethroscopy.
restricture and was easily treated with either dilatation
under local anaesthesia or endoscopic incision under
2.5. Data analysis general anaesthesia if the patient could not tolerate the
discomfort. These diaphragms or webs did not recur
Clinical data were collected in a dedicated database. Intraoperative subsequently and were most likely due to local healing.
details and postoperative follow-up data for each patient were recorded
and analysed. A descriptive data analysis was performed.
4. Discussion
noted during the course of the operation. This is the so- and voiding cystourethrogram should also be carried out,
called TITBAPIT principle of reconstructive surgery—take it the latter to better define the proximal limit of the stricture
to bits and put it together [4]. and assess the external sphincter complex and bladder
A RUG is the standard preoperative investigation for neck. However, it is well known that these radiographic
further delineation of a stricture. A consecutive ascending studies often underestimate stricture length because they
EUROPEAN UROLOGY 67 (2015) 764–770 769
are performed in an oblique position in relation to the We acknowledge that our review is retrospective.
anteroposterior x-ray beam, resulting in a shorter projected However, it is difficult to carry out randomised controlled
view of the stricture [5,6]. In addition, in the case of very trials in a heterogeneous clinical group of patients. Our
tight strictures, chronic high-pressure voiding results in main intent in this paper was to focus on the surgical
dilatation of the proximal segment. This segment is technique. Equipment and facilities may be an issue in some
therefore also abnormal, so the stricture appears to be centres, and this is a caveat to our technique.
shorter than it really is. Hence, RUG is limited in its ability to Terminology and standardisation previously agreed and
accurately reveal urethral stricture length, and the location published as a consensus statement [14] and as guidelines
or extent of periurethral disease [5–7]. by the International Consultation on Urological Diseases
In view of the limitations of radiological evaluation, some after the Société Internationale d’Urologie meeting in
have proposed ultrasonographic evaluation. In addition to October 2010 were adhered to in this article [15].
ascertaining the stricture length and location, ultrasound can Reconstructive urology requires application of a set of
also provide information regarding the degree of spongiofi- well-defined techniques used in an appropriate sequence
brosis and concomitant pathology, such as diverticulae, depending on findings at the time of surgery. The sequence
fistulae, stones, false passages, and periurethral abscesses used will depend on what is found after the urethral
[5,6,8]. Retrospective reviews have shown that intraopera- stricture has been clearly characterised.
tive ultrasound changed the surgical approach in 19% of
cases, and was integral in deciding between two possible 5. Conclusions
approaches for 26% of patients [9]. However, interpretation of
ultrasonography of the urethra is also operator-dependent In summary, our intraoperative approach and strategy for
and results may vary between individuals. Therefore, anterior urethral stricture assessment provide a clear
ultrasonography should be an adjunct investigational tool stepwise guide, regardless of which type of urethroplasty
and cannot replace a formal intraoperative assessment. is eventually chosen (anastomotic or augmentation, dorsal
The feasibility of performing Heineke-Mikulicz or discon- or ventral, or augmented roof strip). In this paper and video,
nected primary anastomosis versus augmentation urethro- we clearly identify the steps to characterise a stricture and
plasty depends on the stricture characteristics. Hence, subsequently reconstruct it.
precise anatomic knowledge of the stricture is essential,
and is critical in allowing a borderline length stricture of
<2.3–3.0 cm to be treated anastomotically rather than by Author contributions: Tricia L.C. Kuo had full access to all the data in the
augmentation, as the latter has a lower long-term success study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
rate. Ideally, the feasibility is assessed and predicted accuracy of the data analysis.
preoperatively as far as possible, but this is often not possible Study concept and design: Kuo, Venugopal, Inman, Chapple.
because of the limitations of radiological investigations. In all Acquisition of data: Kuo, Venugopal.
cases, intraoperative assessment and localisation are the final Analysis and interpretation of data: Kuo, Venugopal, Inman, Chapple.
determinants of how a stricture is reconstructed. Drafting of the manuscript: Kuo, Venugopal, Inman, Chapple.
An alternative and ingenious method of delineating the Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Kuo,
proximal extent of a stricture is the use of a small 4–5F Venugopal, Inman, Chapple.
Fogarty vascular catheter as an alternative to a guide wire. Statistical analysis: Kuo, Venugopal, Inman, Chapple.
The balloon catheter acts as an intraluminal guide and can Obtaining funding: None.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Kuo, Venugopal, Inman,
be inflated to the desired balloon size (eg, 30F) in the
proximal lumen [10].
Supervision: Kuo, Venugopal, Inman, Chapple.
The surgical tips and tricks described here using a
Other: None.
consecutive approach have several advantages compared
to existing strategies of cutting down on a sound. There is Financial disclosures: Tricia L.C. Kuo certifies that all conflicts of interest,
precise visual demarcation of the junction between including specific financial interests and relationships and affiliations
abnormal and normal mucosa. This is particularly applica- relevant to the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript
(eg, employment/affiliation, grants or funding, consultancies, honoraria,
ble to treatment of recurrent strictures. Multiple previous
stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, or patents filed,
endoscopic manipulations and treatment are associated
received, or pending), are the following: None.
with a more difficult definitive open repair and a
potentially poorer outcome [11]. Other authors suggest Funding/Support and role of the sponsor: None.
that the failure rate is not significantly higher for patients
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the Department of Medical
with previous endoscopic treatments undergoing open
Illustrations, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK.
surgical repairs, but the urethroplasty may be more
complex [12,13] and certainly the success rate is better
for anastomotic than for augmentation procedures. Some- Appendix A. Supplementary data
times the reason for failure of the first urethroplasty is
technical, as the surgeon does not get sufficiently proximal. The Surgery in Motion video accompanying this article can
Evidence of this can be seen in patients with recurrence at be found in the online version at
the proximal anastomotic ring. eururo.2014.12.029 and via
770 EUROPEAN UROLOGY 67 (2015) 764–770
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