Types of Forces

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Types of Forces

There are different types of forces.

Some types of forces are as follows:

1. A push or a Pull

These are forces exerted by animals and machines to move objects from one place
to another.

2. Gravity
Gravity is the force that causes all objects on Earth to fall to the ground, unless
they are held up in some way.

3. Friction
friction is a drag created when two surfaces rub against each other.
● It can slow down or cause a moving body to stop.
● Friction produces heat.
● The rougher the surface, the more friction is produced.
● Friction causes wear and tear of materials.
● Friction can be reduced by a lubricator (oil,water)
4. Magnetic force

● A magnetic force is the pull by a magnet or magnetic substance placed

near it.
● Magnets can either attract (pull) or repel (push).

● Unlike poles attract.

● Like poles repel.

5. Surface Tension

Surface tension is the force that pulls the surface of a liquid together as in a
drop of water or a bubble. This force allows mosquitoes to walk on water.
6. Upthrust

Upthrust is the force that holds up things which are floating or lifts planes off the


When you pull against an elastic material, (rubber band) the force that tries
to pull back to its starting length is called elasticity.

Note: Magnitude and Direction of Force

A force is a vector. A vector is represented by an arrow. The direction of the

arrowhead shows the direction of the force and the length shows the magnitude
of the force.

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