Starts: Rules of The Game
Starts: Rules of The Game
Starts: Rules of The Game
Here are some of the basic swimming rules you should understand to help you
practice and compete properly to avoid disqualification.
1. Starts
The referee begins by signaling competing swimmers with several
short whistles. This lets them know it is time to begin the race.
Swimmers will remove all clothing except their legal swimwear at this
point. The referee then gives a long sound from their whistle to command
swimmers to assume their starting positions. This can either be the
starting platform, the deck or the water, depending on the race.
Once all officials and swimmers are ready for action, the referee
signals to the starter with an outstretched hand. This gives the starter
control over the swimmers. The starter will tell all swimmers to take their
marks, and they will assume their forward-start positions. Specific rules
for forward-start positions include:
Swimmers starting outside the water must have at least one foot
on the front of the starting platform or deck.
Swimmers already in the water must continuously contact the
starting platform or wall with one hand.
Once all swimmers are in their starting positions, the starter gives
the signal, and the race begins. If a swimmer doesn't immediately take
their mark, the starter will command the swimmers to "stand up."
Swimmers can disengage their starting position until they are once again
told to take their marks.
2. False starts
False starts usually result in a swimmer's disqualification. The
following are instances of false starts:
A swimmer starts the race before the signal. Referees can call this
before the signal is given or after the race has concluded.
A swimmer declares to the referee that they will not race. This is
considered a false start.
3. Disqualifications
As a competitive swimmer, you compete for the first-place prize.
Disqualifications remove any chance at achieving that goal for a given
race. Here are acts you should avoid so you can compete legally and
strive for the gold:
Committing a false start
Behaving in an unsportsmanlike or unsafe way
Grabbing or physically hindering another swimmer
Entering a pool before another race has been completed
Dipping your goggles in the pool before a race
Finishing the race in a different lane than you started
Grabbing lane dividers
Standing on the bottom of the pool, except during freestyle races
Rules for Freestyle
Freestyle rule and regulations are the most flexible of the different
swimming styles. Swimmers can use any type of stroke. Competitors will swim
face-down and use side breathing techniques.
Freestyle races begin with a forward-facing dive from a starting block or
the side of a pool. The only rules freestyle swimmers must account for are the
Freestyle swimmers may not push off the bottom of the pool.
Freestyle swimmers’ bodies must break the water’s surface throughout
the race.
Freestyle swimmers’ head must break the surface within 15 meters after
a turn.
Freestyle swimmers must touch the far wall with any part of their body.
Freestyle swimmers must finish by touching the wall with one hand.
Rules for breaststroke
The breaststroke begins with a forward start. Swimmers will swim with
their bodies on their breasts for the duration of the race, except during turns
after a wall touch. Then, they can make any type od turn they want. The
breaststroke is reminiscent of a frog swimming through the water and consists
of the following:
1. Stroke: Arm movements must occur simultaneously and stay horizontal.
Swimmers push their hands forward from the breast and must not pull
them past the hip line. A swimmer's head must break the water for every
2. Kick: Swimmers can perform a single butterfly kick at the start and after
each turn. Otherwise, both legs must kick simultaneously and on the
same horizontal plane. Feet must turn outwards during propulsion.
3. Finish: Both hands must touch simultaneously at any position under or
above the water.
Rules for backstroke
The backstroke is unique as swimmers start in the water with their
backs turned to the direction, they will be swimming. Their hands must grip
the edge of their launching point, and after pushing off, they must remain on
their backs for the entirety of the race.
Backstroke rules and regulations are lenient, with some swimmers
calling the backstroke the "upside-down freestyle." Swimmers use alternating
strokes and kicks throughout the race as long as part of the body consistently
breaks the water's surface. They must stay on their back for the entirety of the
race to avoid disqualification. Some turns allow the shoulders to move
vertically, but once the turn is complete, they must resume their position. To
finish, swimmers must touch the wall while still on their backs.
Rules for butterfly
The butterfly begins with a forward-facing dive. In addition to any kind of
turn, the swimmer will perform the following:
1. Stroke: Swimmers must bring their arms forward over the water and
pull them back under the water simultaneously. The head should
consistently break the water's surface for breaths. Shoulders should be
at or past the vertical position toward the breast.
2. Kick: Using a dolphin kick, feet and legs must move simultaneously in
an up and down motion.
3. Finish: The swimmer must make the touch with both hands
simultaneously at any position under or above the water.