Cyclone Deluxe Display Manual

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APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

Product Specification

Product TFT Display

Mode APT TFT 750C

Abbreviation 750C

Supplier APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3

Road, Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development
Zone, Tianjin, China
TEL:+86 22 83715556
Tel FAX:+86 22 83719955

Email [email protected]

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 1 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

1. Product Name
 TFT display

 Model : APT TFT 750C

2. Suppliers
 APT (Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

 Email : [email protected] [email protected]

3. Electrical Parameters
 3.2inch IPS screen

 24V/36V/48V/UBE battery supply

 Rated operating current : 40mA

 Off leakage current < 1uA

 Max output current to controller : 100mA

 Operating temperature : -20~70℃, Storage temperature : -30~80℃

4. Dimensions & Material

 Product shell is ABS; transparent window is made with high strength Acrylic.

 Dimensions : host/L110mm*W68.2mm*H68mm

5. Features
 Suitable for low temperature,Max -20℃.
1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 2 TEL: 86 22 26345859
Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

 High-contrast 3.2inch IPS colorful matrix screen.

 Ergonomic external button design, easy to operate.

 Speed display: AVG SPEED, MAX SPEED, SPEED (Real-time).

 Kilometer / Mile: Can be set according to customers’ habits.

 Smart battery indicator: Provide a reliable battery indicator.

 5-level Assist.

 Mileage indicator: Odometer/ Trip distance/ Clock/ Riding time/Range.

 Power indicator: real time power indicator.

 6km walking

 Error code indicator.

 Software upgraded: Software can be upgraded through UART.

6. TFT screen instructions

7. Functional Description




7.1 Power On/Off

Press and hold Power button for 2 second can turn on/off the display. The Display can
1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 3 TEL: 86 22 26345859
Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

automatically shut down when there is no operate & ride for X minutes(X could be

*If the display has been set password power on, you need to input the right password before start.

7.2 Assist level operating

Short press UP/DOWN button can change the assist level. Top assist level is 5, 0 for
neutral. Level quantities can be adjusted according to the customer requirements.

7.3 Speed mode switch

Short press MENU button can change the speed mode, Speed->AVG Speed->MAX

*If there is no operation for 5 seconds, display will return Speed (Real-Time) display automatically.

7.4 Mileage mode switch

Short press POWER button can change the mileage mode, Trip->ODO->Time.

7.5 Headlight/backlight On/Off

Press and hold UP button for 2 second can turn on/off the headlight, and the scree will
switch to the corresponding mode.

*The motor does not work when the battery voltage is low, Display still can keep the headlight on for a
while when E-bike is in riding.

Daytime mode night mode

7.6 Walking mode (6km)

Press and hold DOWN button for 2 second can get into walking mode, out of the mode
when release the button.

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 4 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

* This feature needs to be supported by controller.

7.7 Data cleanup

Press and hold UP & DOWN buttons together for 2 second can reset several temporary
data; temporary data include AVG Speed / MAX Speed / Trip / Time.

* These temporary data can’t be erased by power off.

8. Parameter setting
Double press MENU button (press interval less than 0.3 second) can get into setting menus,
press POWER button to change Display Setting / Basic setting, press UP/DOWN buttons to
change the parameter setting, press MENU button can switch to next item. Double press
MENU button will exit from menu.

* Display will automatically quit menu when there is no operation for 30 seconds.

* For safety reasons, display can’t get into MENU when riding.

* Display will quit MENU when start riding.

The order of parameters is as follow.

System Brightness Auto off

Clock Battery Ind Scenes

8.1 System: Press Up / Down button to switch between Metric / Imperial.

Display Setting Basic Setting Display Setting Basic Setting
System Metric System Imperial
Brightness ||||| Brightness |||||
Auto off 5min Auto off 5min
Scenes Analog Scenes Analog
Battery Ind Voltage Battery Ind Voltage
Clock > Clock >
1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2EXIT

8.2 Brightness : Press Up / Down button to change the brightness of the backlight, ‫ ׀‬is
1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 5 TEL: 86 22 26345859
Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

darkness,‫ ׀׀׀׀׀‬is brightness. The daytime mode defaults to ‫׀׀׀׀׀‬, and the night mode
defaults to ‫׀׀‬.

Display Setting Basic Setting Display Setting Basic Setting
System Metric System Metric
Brightness | Brightness |||||
Auto off 5min Auto off 5min
Scenes Analog Scenes Analog
Battery Ind Voltage Battery Ind Voltage
Clock > Clock >
1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2EXIT

8.3 Auto off : Press UP/DOWN button to change the auto power off time, from 1 to 9 or
OFF, the number represent time (minutes) to shutdown, default value is 5 minutes.


Display Setting Basic Setting Display Setting Basic Setting Display Setting Basic Setting
System Metric System Metric System Metric
Brightness ||||| Brightness ||||| Brightness |||||
Auto off 1min Auto off 9min Auto off OFF
Scenes Analog Scenes Analog Scenes Analog
Battery Ind Voltage Battery Ind Voltage Battery Ind Voltage
Clock > Clock > Clock >
1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2EXIT

8.4 Scenes:Press UP/DOWN button to change the Analog or Digital.

Display Setting Basic Setting Display Setting Basic Setting
System Metric System Metric
Brightness ||||| Brightness |||||
Auto off 5min Auto off 5min
Scenes Analog Scenes Digital
Battery Ind Voltage Battery Ind Voltage
Clock > Clock >
1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2EXIT

8.5 Battery Ind: Press UP/DOWN button to change the battery indicator, Voltage /
Percentage / Capacity/ OFF.

*Accurate percentage needs communication with battery.


Display Setting Basic Setting Display Setting Basic Setting Display Setting Basic Setting
System Metric System Metric System Metric
Brightness ||||| Brightness ||||| Brightness |||||
Auto off 5min Auto off 5min Auto off 5min
Scenes Analog Scenes Analog Scenes Analog
Battery Ind Voltage Battery Ind Percent Battery Ind OFF
Clock > Clock > Clock >
1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2EXIT

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 6 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

Voltage Percentage OFF

8.6 Clock: Clock setting, press MENU button get into the clock setting menu, press
UP/DOWN button to set Year/Month/Day/Hour/Min. Clock is off by default .

MENU Display Setting Display Setting

Display Setting Basic Setting Clock Clock
System Metric Year 2020 Year 2020
Brightness ||||| Month 01 Month 05
Auto off 5min Day 13 Day 13
Scenes Analog Hour 20 Hour 10
Battery Ind Voltage Minitue 45 Minitue 45
Clock > Clock OFF Clock OFF
1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 1 6 : 2BACK
3PM 1 6 : 2BACK

*If ON is selected, the meter screen will display the clock.

Basic Setting

Wheel Battery Start password

Information Factory setting Advance setting

8.7 Wheel: Press UP/DOWN can change the wheel setting, optional wheel diameter is
16/18/20/22/24/26/27.5/28 inch (this needs controller support).

8.8 Battery: Press UP/DOWN will change battery voltage setting, optional value is

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 7 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

8.9 Start password: Press MENU button get into the password setting menu. If you
had set Start input ON, you must input right password before power on, password is
accorded to your setting.

MENU Start Input

Display Setting Basic Setting Password
Wheel 27.5 inch BACK
Battery 36V
Start password > Start input OFF
Advance setting > Setting Password
Factory setting >
Information > 0 0 0 0
1 6 : 2EXIT
3PM 16:23PM

Start Input Start Input Start Input

Password Password Password


Start input ON Start input ON Start input ON

Setting Password Setting Password Setting Password

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4

You need to input the right password before start with 30 seconds, display will power
off automatically if the password was wrong three times.

8.10 Advance setting: Press MENU button can get into the advance setting menu,
default password is ‘1919’.

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 8 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

Speed limit Current limit Poles in motor Start after poles Clockwise Start

Key antijam Assist levels Start mode Throttle Level Throttle 6km

8.11 Speed limit: Press UP/DOWN will change speed limit, range 10km/h~40km/h.
Default value is 25km/h.

Advance Setting Advance Setting Advance Setting

Speed limit 10km/h Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 40km/h
Current limit 15A Current limit 15A Current limit 15A
Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1
Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3
Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y
Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N

*Speed limit and current limit are restricted by controller and motor.

8.12 Current limit: Press UP/DOWN will change current limit, range 6A~50A. Default
value is 15A.

Advance Setting Advance Setting Advance Setting

Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 25km/h
Current limit 06A Current limit 15A Current limit 50A
Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1
Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3
Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y
Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N

8.13 Poles in motor: Magnetic poles inside the motor, press UP/DOWN will change
pole number, range 0~10.

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 9 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

Advance Setting Advance Setting Advance Setting

Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 10km/h
Current limit 15A Current limit 15A Current limit 15A
Poles in motor 0 Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 10
Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3
Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y
Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N

8.14 Start after poles: How many poles (speed sensor) need to be detected by
controller before starting motor. Default value is 3.

Advance Setting Advance Setting Advance Setting

Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 25km/h
Current limit 15A Current limit 15A Current limit 15A
Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1
Start affter poles 1 Start affter poles 2 Start affter poles 3
Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y
Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N

8.15 Clockwise start: This parameter represent speed sensor turn direction, default
value is Y (forward).

Advance Setting Advance Setting

Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 25km/h
Current limit 15A Current limit 15A
Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1
Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3
Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start N
Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km N

8.16 Throttle 6km: this parameter can set the throttle function, N represents max
speed, and Y represents 6Km.

Advance Setting Advance Setting

Speed limit 25km/h Speed limit 25km/h
Current limit 15A Current limit 15A
Poles in motor 1 Poles in motor 1
Start affter poles 3 Start affter poles 3
Clockwise Start Y Clockwise Start Y
Throttle 6km N Throttle 6km Y

8.17 Throttle Level: This parameter is functional when Throttle 6KM set N, Press
UP/DOWN will change Y/N, N represent Throttle start max speed, Y represent
throttle’s speed is accorded to the assist level.

Advance Setting Advance Setting Advance Setting

Speed limit 25km/h Throttle Level N Throttle Level Y
Current limit 15A Start mode STD Start mode STD
Poles in motor 1 Assist levels 5 Assist levels 5
Start affter poles 3 Key antijam N Key antijam N
Throttle 6km N EXIT EXIT

8.18 Start mode: Pow/ECO/STD represents Power/ECO/Standard, STD (default).

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 10 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

Power mode means use maximum current when speed up, ECO mode means use
minimum current.

Advance Setting Advance Setting Advance Setting

Throttle Level N Throttle Level N Throttle Level N
Start mode STD Start mode Pow Start mode ECO
Assist levels 5 Assist levels 5 Assist levels 5
Key antijam N Key antijam N Key antijam N

*This function is optional, may not supported by each mode.

8.19 Assist levels: This parameter can customize assist levels, options are 3/5/9/UBE,
UBE represent factory default settings.
Advance Setting Advance Setting
Throttle Level N Throttle Level N
Start mode STD Start mode STD
Assist levels 3 Assist levels 5
Key antijam N Key antijam N

Advance Setting Advance Setting

Throttle Level N Throttle Level N
Start mode STD Start mode STD
Assist levels UBE Assist levels 9
Key antijam N Key antijam N

8.20 Key antijam: Press MENU button will change Y or N, default N.

Advance Setting Advance Setting

Throttle Level 16:23PM
N Throttle Level 16:23PM
Start mode STD Start mode STD
Assist levels 5 Assist levels 5
Key antijam N Key antijam Y

8.21 Factory setting: Press MENU button enter Restore Factory Settings item, set
YES will restore all parameter to factory settings.

Restore Restore
Factory Settings Factory Settings




8.22 Information: Show information of the E-bike.

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 11 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

8.23 Product info: Get into this item can show hardware version software version…

Information Product Information

AVG Speed 15.4Km/h Version
Max Speed 32.4Km/h Hardware Ver. H2.0
Trip 9999.9Km Software Ver. 1.0S-H1
ODO 99999.9Km
Product Information
Range - - Km
BACK Serial No
Product Infor
Battery Infor EXIT

8.24 Battery info: Get into this item can show all information of battery, including
Voltage, Capacity. Cycle times, Health, Temperature of battery, Remaining Capacity,
Full Charge Capacity.

*These information needs to be supported by battery communication.

Information Battery Information

AVG Speed 15.4Km/h Voltage 38.0V
Max Speed 32.4Km/h Capacity 90%
Trip 9999.9Km Cycle Times 278
ODO 99999.9Km Health 100%
Range - - Km Temperature 35.5℃
BACK Remaining Capacity 8192 mAh
Product Infor Full Charge Capacity 8192 mAh
Battery Infor

9. Error Code define

750C can show warning message, icon shows on the screen, and show error code at
the bottom of the screen, error code from 21~30, definition see the table below.

Error Code Error description Handle

21 Current protection Check controller.
22 Throttle error Check throttle and connection.
23 three-phase power error Check three-phase power line connection
24 Hall error Check the hall connection
25 Brake error Check the brake connection.
Please contact the controller’s manufacturer for error
26-99 Reserved
30 Communication Error Check the cable connection

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 12 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

10. Assembly instructions

Please pay attention to the screw’s torque value, damaged caused by excessive torque
is not within the scope of the warranty.

Clamps suit for 3 size of handlebar, 31.8mm, 25.4mm, 22.2mm, there are transfer rings for
25.4mm and 22.2mm(marked with L or R), transfer ring must be assembled with the special

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 13 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]
APT(Tianjin) Develop Co., Ltd.

directions, pay attention to the green arrow below.

22.2 L

Clamp L

11. Connector descriptions


1、 Red wire : Anode(24v/36v/48V/UBE)

2、 Blue wire : Power cord to the controller
3、 Black wire : GND
4、 Green wire : RxD (controller -> display)
5、 Yellow wire : TxD (display -> controller)

12. Certification
CE / IP65 (water proof) / ROHS.

1001, Building 5 HuaDing, No.1 HuaKe 3 Road, 14 TEL: 86 22 26345859

Binhai hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianjin, China FAX: 86 22 8371 9955
Email: [email protected]

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