Presentation Report: Topic: Future of Banking 5.0 in The World and Vietnam
Presentation Report: Topic: Future of Banking 5.0 in The World and Vietnam
Presentation Report: Topic: Future of Banking 5.0 in The World and Vietnam
Against the background of an economy with low growth, epidemics and growing
nationalism in some countries, The examination of what could happen to banking
5.0, is fascinating,referring to the classic four Ps of the marketing mix: product,
price,promotion or advertisement, and place or location.
From the price perspective, the trend will include in the economic
balance of a product or service factors not connected with the price but
with the general’s financial gains.
The place and the help in selling and delivery of banking will expand
through online and mobile channels with a push to an omnniaccess
2. Proposition of value
There are several reasons to consider blockchain solutions and deep learning
together :
• It appears that there is the emergence of a new class of global network computing
• Blockchain solutions and deep learning are both necessary to ease the
development of the other solution. This solution includes using deep learning
algorithms for setting fees and detecting fraudulent activity. Blockchain peer-to-
peer nodes might supply deep learning services as they already supply transaction
hosting and confirmation, news hosting, and banking (payment, credit flow-
through) services.
3. Proximity
Some financial institutions are trying to first change the customers’ attitude
about the customer proximity centers: from the “welfare” approach (the
center is necessary to solve problems, and at any cost) to cooperating,
proactively and more demanding from the center.
Some financial institutions are already moving in this direction due to the exciting
revenue and cost savings that it brings. The tools that can help are self-diagnosis
technologies, automatic identification of failure, the connection with monitoring
and control systems, and databases of statistical information of the non-quality
made available to the customers. These new tools focus less on accessing a
customer proximity center and more on perfecting the system and preventing
The CPC should look increasingly to improve the efficiency of the customers’ use
of banking services. All this implies that it is necessary:
• Change processes.
• Supply suggestions for the optimization of the services,
• Assure the customers with the continuity in their use of the services
without harm.
• Change completely the characteristics of the CPC to be much more
proactive and “outbound.”
4. Partition
1. AI, robots, and sustain- ability has been mostly limited to retail banking.
Wholesale banking is essential. In the future, the solutions for retail banking
will be applied to wholesale banking.
2. Mobile banking was initially introduced in retail banking. Now, there are
solutions for corporate and small- and medium-sized financial institutions. It
is now time to rethink this approach and understand how to use fintech
organization initiatives for wholesale banking services
What: Big data analytics can help to improve the analysis of the risks.
It is helpful for capital markets, security, customer insight, channel
marketing, and new data sets for risk-based pricing and assets
checking and tracking.
When: Mobile technologies can help reduce the time to decide and
especially make decisions also when the operator works remotely.
5. Place
Chart 1. First-time users of online banking for different services during the
Proportion of all respondents reporting that they used the following services online
for the first time during the pandemic; results of the 2020 and 2021 surveys.
The pandemic has therefore accelerated the shift to online banking, advancing the
existing trend by several years. Moreover, this was not just a one-off impact but is
continuing. Many of those switching and using online services for the first time
intend to continue doing so – and in greater numbers than in the 2020 survey. 59%
of respondents now report that they plan to use both online and in-branch
services after the pandemic (8 percentage points up on the 2020 survey), while
18% say they will prefer online services (4 percentage points up). The growing
number of customers who say they will continue using online services at least
some of the time after a lengthy period of use during the pandemic suggests that
online banking is likely to become a permanent fixture in the range of services
banks offer. Overall, younger people are more open to online solutions, but
there has been a significant increase in the proportion of over-50 year-olds
who bank online. This group also shows above-average interest in hybrid
solutions, with almost two-thirds (65%) reporting that they plan to make use
of both online and in-branch services post-pandemic.
6. Platforms
AI and blockchain solutions are still at an early stage. Financial institutions are
examining the areas in which they can apply these solutions. These tools will
become more complex.
Platforms Development
From a technical and business model point of view, and following some
researches, it is reasonable to think of a future in which scientific and technological
works focus on some of the following aspects:
Emergence of specific hardware for the implementation of AI solutions.
Standardization of the internal structures of neural networks that make up
the deep learning algorithms.
Development of realistic simulations of behaviors and attitudes considered
to be human to improve the perception of AI applications in the interaction
with the customers.
In terms of economic activity, AI is a disruptive process, both in the
financial institutions’ activity and in their different departments’ secondary
Incorporation of AI-based services in more functions.
Improvement of the relations of all the departments with the finance
departments and with other organizations in the exchange of information
Incorporation of AI in decision-making at the highest level, such as the
board of directors and auditing.
Multi-Sided Platforms
Financial institutions have not yet made full use of innovative models and
tools to streamline their value networks, increase transparency and speed, and
reduce administrative costs and contract prices. In connection with AI and
Business process intelligence (BPI), these solutions can support significant
improvements to cope with the banking’s strategic and tactical challenges.
One exciting development is the increasing diffusion of innovative
Multi-sided platforms (MSP). A multi-sided platform is a business
model that allows multiple participants (producers and customers) to
connect and interact with one another and create and exchange value. Two critical
functions that platform leaders aim to deliver are:
(1) bringing together disparate resources and knowledge from different
(2) matching and connecting users with producers of products and services.
Multi-Sided Platforms Architecture
Multi-sided platforms are telematics platforms that allow the matching of
four Ps (Fig. 15.2):
The Proprietor of the platforms is the one that has founded and funded this
type of online information system.
The Provider of the platforms supplies the infrastructure, the service, and the
software supporting the platform.
The Producers supply the products and the services made available on the
The Purchasers buy the products or the services on the platform.
Fig. 15.2 Multi-sided platforms
MSPs have two critical features beyond any other characteristics (such
as indirect network effects or non-neutrality of fees):
They enable direct interactions between two or more distinct sides. The
interactions involve trading.
Each side has an association with the platform. Users on each side
consciously take platform-specific actions necessary for them to interact
with each other directly.
There are two economic theories at the base of a platform business model that are
crucial. They are the main reasons that platforms thrive over traditional “pipeline”
business strategies. These are the transaction costs and network effects theories:
Transaction costs are the search, the coordination, the negotiation, and the
information asymmetry cost an organization faces while choosing its
processes. If the total costs are lower externally, the organization sources
production outside in the market.
Network externalities or network effects describe the impact the number of
network adopters has on each user’s utility on a platform. In other words, the
marginal benefit (or cost reduction) that platform users gain increases as the
number of users on the platform increases.
7. Processes
Processes will become increasingly integrated. For too long, financial
institutions have leaned processes only with organizational or logistic
measures. The lean and digitize method will become more used to make
processes thinner and integrated into an increasingly digital world.
8. Persons
Data analysis, customer relationship management, and the production
processes of certain financial services will be highly conditioned applying
an autonomous AI to make decisions. This situation has implications both
in the labor relations and in the legal frameworks.
AI will need new job profiles: data scientists and, machine learning
engineers, AI behavior analysts, and so on. There will be fewer persons
in financial institutions. They will work more as consultants for customers
or other organization functions rather than on operational tasks. Signifi-
cant roadblocks for financial institutions include talent management and
inadequacy in talent strategy. Many traditional financial institutions
organizations lack the proper competencies to upgrade their banking
business model to banking 5.0.
AI is a disruptive solution, as were the other technologies at the base
of the other industrial revolutions. Financial institutions should be aware
of the value of the human workforce in solving unexpected problems and
their ad hoc solutions situations in which automation of any kind cannot
be able to cope.
One of the most important aspects is how people’s civil rights can be
preserved when AI systems manage certain activities. The preservation of
the right to privacy, the responsible management of personal data, and
the right to anonymity can be violated when AI applies analysis to the
data. AI feeds on specific information.
Remote work will become very diffused, especially after the pandemic
outbreak.50 Financial institutions should ensure that employees can access
the necessary files and conduct business from remote locations securely.
Chief information security officers (CISOs) need to set up new cyber
security policies and tools to support the secure exchange of confidential
information among employees connecting from outside the office.
9. Partnerships
Four big tech companies, Big Four, Gang of Four, GAFA, Big Five, GAFAM, or
Bigtech are names used to describe four or five multinational online services or
companies. Computers and software dominated the cyberspace in the 2010s:
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and sometimes Microsoft.The best known
bigtech organizations in the Western world are GAFA: Google, Amazon,
Facebook, Apple
As Covid-19 raged around the world, Big Tech played the hero in the public eye.
In 2020, Amazon recruits half a million new workers to provide non-stop goods to
every corner of the world despite the epidemic.
Amazon's business, already strong compared to its e-commerce and cloud-
computing rivals, has become even more important to businesses and households.
Its stock is up more than 50% from its pre-pandemic peak, showing how confident
investors are about Amazon's pandemic benefits.
Google and Facebook quickly built maps and official information pages about
Covid-19, removing billions of fake news related to viruses and vaccines.
Bigtech also contribute to the anti-epidemic achievements through frontline
support, donating vaccine research funds, donating money to non-profit
organizations or donating materials and machines, building mining applications.
Medical report/vaccine passport…
The gross profit of the Bigtech group in 2020 is 244 billion USD, both increasing
compared to 2019 despite the global situation of the Covid-19 epidemic.
Apple has launched Apple Pay in several countries that let users pay for customer
products with their Apple device.
Apple Pay is a wireless payment service and e-wallet introduced by Apple on
October 20, 2014. Apple Pay allows transactions without a card (via NFC),
minimizing the risk of revealing bank card information and customer personal
information. With quality service and high security, Apple Pay is predicted to
account for more than 10% of all global cash transactions by 2025.
Area Country
Capgemini’s World Retail Banking Report 2019 shows the public’s acceptance of
fintech and bigtech organizations instead of traditional banks:
• 75% of tech-savvy customers use at least one financial product from a bigtech
• Customers choose non-traditional options for lower fees (70%), user experience
(68%), and speed (54%);
• Over 80% of customers that would switch financial services providers in the next
three years, use a banking service from a bigtech organization or a digital bank.
Bigtech Organizations Architecture
Bigtech organizations present a distinctive business model due to the combination
of two key features:
• Network effects (generated by e-commerce platforms, messaging applications,
search engines, and so on).
• Solutions (for example, AI and big data analytics).
Because of their dimensions and digital nature, bigtech organizations could supply
their services at almost zero marginal cost. The provision of credit lines and other
services to small vendors could be made without human intervention through a
combination of AI and robotic process automation, in the spirit of banking 5.0.
Bigtech Organizations and Banking 5.0
The financial services activities of bigtech organizations have snowballed in some
countries, particularly in payments, lending to small and medium enterprises
(SMEs), and other specific market segments, such as unbanked. Most bigtech
organizations start in payments. There is considerable diversity in the sequencing
of banking areas attacked and how bigtech organizations conduct payments
services. Available data shows that China is the largest market, with bigtech
organization mobile payments for consumption reaching CNY 14.5 trillion in
2017, or 16% of Gross domestic product (GDP).
The drivers of bigtech organization activity in finance, significantly beyond
payments, may be like fintech organizational activities. In some cases, there might
be unique drivers. There is a growing body of research in the past few years
considering why investments in fintech organizations or fintech credit have grown
more in some jurisdictions than others. Broadly, these drivers can be broken down
into demand and supply factors.
On the demand side, crucial factors are:
• Where organizations or customers are underserved by financial institutions, as
shown by a low share of the population with a financial institution account or
credit card, there may be an opportunity for the more rapid growth of lending by
bigtech organizations.
• Customers and small businesses are more likely to use the financial offerings of
bigtech organizations when they are broadly comfortable with innovative
solutions, significantly if financial institutions do not change their provision of
financial services.
• Traditional financial institutions with no innovation or entrepreneurial spirit. •
Customers might prefer to use tools that they often use, like Google or Amazon.
On the supply side, the principal factors are:
• Bigtech organizations have access to a wide range of customer data, which may
supply them superior information to assess the potential customers’ habits and
solvency, leading either to correct credit and insurance assessments or to lower
costs of the intermediation process.
• Due to their extensive use of innovative solutions like AI and robot process
• Securing adequate funding could be one limitation for bigtech organizations in
expanding lending, even if they tend to be rich in cash thanks to their core
By entering a widening range of financial services, bigtech organizations are
increasingly competing with traditional financial institutions. There are other forms
of interactions. For example, bigtech organizations are relevant third-party service
providers to financial institutions. Amazon Web Services is the largest vendor of
cloud services in the world, including many financial institutions. Microsoft and
Google are large cloud services providers. Ali Cloud (an affiliated organization of
Ant Financial in the Ali Group) is a dominant player in Asia. Many bigtech
organizations offer specific tools supported by AI and machine learning to
corporate customers, including financial institutions. The activity of bigtech
organizations as both vendors and competitors with financial institutions, raises
several potential conflicts of interest. On the other side, their dominant market
power in some markets is coming under greater scrutiny
Benefits and Challenges of Bigtech Organizations
The rapid growth of bigtech services in finance will bring both benefits, challenges,
and risks to the financial system. Bigtech organizations may enhance competition
and financial inclusion, particularly in emerging markets and economies. They can
contribute to the overall efficiency of financial services. On the other side, such
organizations may further concentrate market power or even give rise to new
systemic risks. It is essential to understand how bigtech organizations fit within
current financial regulation frameworks and under which principles regulation
should be organized.
Given significant network effects and economies of scale and scope, bigtech
organizations could lead to greater concentration also in banking. With a deep
reliance on third-party service providers, especially for data storage, transmission,
and analytics, operational failure or cyber events can more easily lead to systemic
The banking industry should come together as a consortium to share the AI system.
By this, the co-operative and regional banks will get the chance to experience AI at
a combined cost and security. The future of the developing AI in the banking
sector is the evolving customer-based humanoid robots that could take its role to
guide through the customers in the banking process. The world is fast evolving to
the AI concept and the banking industry is looking forward to a positive and
helpful growth through AI mechanism.
11. Banking 5.0 in Vietnam
Banking landscape in Vietnam: Recent developments and trends
A win-win manner
- Apply and update modern technologies without spending too much on
basic investment costs in original infrastructure
- Meet the higher requirements of customers in terms of quality, price and
Fintech companies:
- Exploit the customer network, data and capital of the bank to provide
products and services to meet the needs of the market.
VPBank has actively cooperated with large and reputable fintech partners in
Vietnam such as VnPay, Napas, Payoo , Bankplus, Momo... to deploy online
banking and payment solutions
Collaborations between banks and Bigtech organizations in Vietnam
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Australian government (2020), Digital Banking In Vietnam Report: A Guide
To Market
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upskilling for the Financial services sector?
Stock investment magazine (2020), Big tech and cashless payment society
Financial magazine (2019), Cooperation between banks and Fintech
companies in Vietnam: Some problems raised
Government magazine (2021), Fair competition helps convert Vietnamese
banks to be the fastest in the region
Phiên An (2020) Sự thống trị của Big Tech trong kinh tế Mỹ
Trọng Đạt (2021) Big Tech lỗi thời và cơ hội cho mạng xã hội thế hệ mới
Phương Nguyễn (2021) Khi quyền kiểm soát thế giới nằm trong tay Big Tech