Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date I. Lesson Title Ii. Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs) Iii. Content/Core Content
Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date I. Lesson Title Ii. Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs) Iii. Content/Core Content
Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date I. Lesson Title Ii. Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs) Iii. Content/Core Content
Quarter 3/4 Date Week 1
I. LESSON TITLE Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect Data
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • Chooses appropriate quantitative research design
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) • Describes sampling procedure and sample
• Constructs an instrument and establishes its validity and reliability
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Quantitative research design
• Sampling Procedure and Sample
• Establishing Validity and Reliability in Constructed Instrument
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 60 minutes)
Research design is defined as the logical and coherent overall strategy that the researcher uses to integrate all the
components of the research study (Barrot, 2017, p 102). In order to find meaning in the overall process of doing your research
study, a step-by-step process will be helpful to you.
In quantitative research, you are going to have a great deal of abstraction and numerical analysis. Hence having an
appropriate research design in quantitative research, the researcher will have a clearer comprehension of what he is trying to
analyze and interpret.
Slovin’s Formula. 𝑛 = 1+𝑁𝑒 2 where: n is the sample size
N is the population size
e is the desired margin of error
Semantic Differential. In this scale, a series of bipolar adjectives will be rated by the respondents. This scale seems to be more
advantageous since it is more flexible and easier to construct.
Example: On a description of an active student in school activities.
Pleasant 5 4 3 2 1 Unpleasant
Enthusiastic 5 4 3 2 1 Not Enthusiastic
Competent 5 4 3 2 1 Incompetent
Another important consideration in constructing a research instrument is how to establish its validity and reliability.
A research instrument is considered valid if it measures what it supposed to measure. When measuring oral
communication proficiency level of students, speech performance using rubric or rating scale is more valid than students are
given multiple choice tests. Validity also has several types: face, content, construct, concurrent, and predictive validity.
Face Validity. It is also known as “logical validity.” It calls for an initiative judgment of the instruments as it “appear.” Just
by looking at the instrument, the researcher decides if it is valid.
Content Validity. An instrument that is judged with content validity meets the objectives of the study. It is done by
checking the statements or questions if this elicits the needed information. Experts in the field of interest can also provide specific
elements that should be measured by the instrument.
Construct Validity. It refers to the validity of instruments as it corresponds to the theoretical construct of the study. It is
concerning if a specific measure relates to other measures.
Concurrent Validity. When the instrument can predict results similar to those similar tests already validated, it has
concurrent validity.
Predictive Validity. When the instrument is able to produce results similar to those similar tests that will be employed in
the future, it has predictive validity. This is particularly useful for the aptitude test.
Reliability of Instrument
Reliability refers to the consistency of the measures or results of the instrument.
Test-retest Reliability. It is achieved by giving the same test to the same group of respondents twice. The consistency of
the two scores will be checked.
Equivalent Forms Reliability. It is established by administering two identical tests except for wordings to the same group
of respondents.
Internal Consistency Reliability. It determines how well the items measure the same construct. It is reasonable that when
a respondent gets a high score in one item, he will also get one in similar items. There are three ways to measure the internal
consistency; through the split-half coefficient, Cronbach’s alpha, and Kuder-Richardson formula.
1. Mr. Dela Cruz would like to know further the type of social media used between the male and female SHS students of
Calamba City Senior High School. What is the appropriate research design to be used in his study?
A. Correlational B. Quasi-Experimental C. Experimental D. Descriptive
2. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal chance to the member
of the accessible population being selected as part of the study?
A. Simple Random Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Systematic Sampling D. Cluster Sampling
3. What is the type of validity when an instrument produces results similar to those of another instrument that will be
employed in the future?
A. Predictive Validity B. Criterion Validity C. Content Validity D. Face Validity
4. What is the type of reliability when measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects except the actual
wording of items?
A. Internal Consistency Reliability C. Equivalent Forms Reliability
B. Test-retest reliability D. Inter-rater Reliability
5. What common scaling technique consists of several declarative statements that express viewpoint on a topic?
A. Semantic Differential Scale B. Completion Type C. Observation Checklist D. Likert Scale
VII. REFERENCES Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E
Publishing, Inc., 2017.
Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.
CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of
Quantitative Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020.
"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed June 1, 2020.
Prepared by: Rico A. Herrero/Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Dr. Isabelita R. Hizon
Raul B. Chua Jr.