Lajos Egri's Character Bone Structure
Lajos Egri's Character Bone Structure
Lajos Egri's Character Bone Structure
Character Bone
Who is Lajos Egri?
• Born on June 04, 1888.
• An author, playwright, and a teacher
of playwriting.
• Wrote his first three-act play at the age
of 10.
• Died on February 07, 1967 (78).
The Art of Dramatic Writing
• Originally published titled ‘How to write a
play’ in 1942 but was revised and
published as the ‘The Art of Dramatic
Writing’ in 1946.
• Contradicts against Aristotle’s view of
character being secondary to plot.
• Regarded as one the best works and guides on
the subject of playwriting.
Character Design
To Egri, “It is not enough, in your study of a man, to
know if he is rude, polite, religious, atheistic… you
must know why?”