Tech Spec Generator 151-200 KVA

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IecHrrilcnl gP
To be filled uP bY
Se; Description
the Manufacturer/

(c)- gL--
C.enerator 151- 200 KVA
i Name of manufacturer/Maker To be mentioned
wrth full address
Name of PrinciPalwith full To be mentioned
add ress
4 Name of Local Agent witfr futt To be mentioned
5. Brand and lVodel Tn he mentioned
6 Country of Origin AGtralta,ALlstria, Belg ium, Braztl' Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, lndonesia,
lreland, Japan, Luxemburg, Netherlands,Norway,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,

Country of Manufacturer and A[siraha,,qustria, Belgium , Brazll, Canada,

Assembly Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, lndonesia,
lreland, Japan, Luxemburg, Netherlands,Norway,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
UK and USA
Year of Production Not ead'Er than the Calendalyegl eltqnqec!
Overall Length, Width & To be mentioned

Overall wei To be mentioned

aPrime Minimum 175 KVA

a Operation Cenerator set to be able to sustain 12 hours
continuous operation per day at prime load'
Overload of 10% to be sustain for t hour in every
12 hours operation. Standby (maximum) power to
be available at variable load in the event of main

b Noise Tfre* generator must have noise suppression

system and able to operate in the open and in all
weather condition
c Canopy Should be m-dde of anticorrosive steel sheet and
fireproof painting. Should be able to attenuate
sound up to (maximum) db 90 at 1 meter having
lockable louvers, doors. Glass windows for
monitoring the meters to be provided' Fire
retardantluperior quality foam to be paste-d inside
the canopy. Color: White with UN writing (Black)
d 1 ransportation The bffirovisions
by vehicle, transporter and trailer'
transp6rting it
Required iumner of hooks to be provided in
required points of the frame of generator so that it
can be titteO Oy crane. Number of hooks to be

- adi-
e. Mounting @unted on its base with
anti-vibration Eou!ti!9,
f Startrng SYstem Self starter with auto Provision.

g Safety Feature @hutdown with sound

warning against over voltage. over current, over
load, Low/high oil
h Overall Efftciency To be mentioned (To be compatible between
ine and alternator
The Generator fo be trailer mounted and suitable
1 l
1 rvouitty
for road and cross count

a Name of Manufacturer/Make1
b Model To be mentioned
c Country of Ortgin nustratia, nustria, Belgium, Brazll, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany' lndonesia,
lreland, Japan, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Nonruay,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
UK and USA.
d Country of Manufacturer and nustratia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
Assembly Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, lndonesia,
lreland, Japan, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey'
UK and USA.
e Year of Production Not earlter than the Calendar year of contract
fTvpe of Enqine 4 stroke Diesel E
g Number of C inders To be mentioned.
h llorelStroke To be mentioned.
I Capabrlity nrinre power available at variable load with a
load factor not exceeding 80% of prime power
rating. Overload of 10% is permitted for t hour in
everv 12 hours operation
k triston Dis
l Compresslon Ratto lo be mentioned
m Out put with RPM To be mentioned
n Cooli
p Tulbq clPl if available To be mentioned
q Specific Fuel ConsumPtion To be mentioned
Liters/hour at full load
r Starting Voltage 12124 volt DC, AH of starting batterY, minimum

s f ngine Alternator Capac*y to be mentioned (Volt, Amp, and KW)'

Self-battery cha
i Enqine Efftcienc To be mentioned
ht of Enqine Ip Up mentioneO
.' l uei Tank CaPacttY T'G -
hours continuous oPerations
Battery Chargrng Factlities Seii-Oattery charging by engine driven dynamo/

x Self Starter Volt & KW to be mentioned.

a Name of Manufactureri Maker To be mentioned
b Model To be mentioned
C Country of Origin Austiatia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, lndonesia,
lreland, Japan, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Nonivay,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
d Country of Manufacturer and Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
Assembly Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, lndonesia'
lreland, Japan, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway,
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
UK and USA.

(b) (c) (d)

c Year of Production Not earlier than the vear of contract.
f Type To be mentioned
g Rated prime oui put ikvnx To be mentioned
h Itated out put voltage 220V Single phase and 380-440 VAC (Specific
Voltaqe) to be mentioned
I requenc 50Hz
k Number of Phases & Wires 3 Phases 4 Wires.
I Power Factor (Cos O Not less than 0.8.
m [-nclosure SPDP
rr Ventilation Self-ventilated air cooled
p lnsulation class To be mentioned
q Voltaoe Regulation Minimum t1.5%
r RPM To be mentioned
s Efficiency 85% (Minimum)
t AVR To be available
u. Weight of Alternator To be mentioned
'15 Conttol Panel
Metcr & Gauges Facility for displaying Volt, Ampere, Frequency,
Fuel in tank, Oil pressure, Running/ Operating
hour, Water Temperature, KVA, KW, RPM,
Power factor (pf) etc to be provided in digital
system and Must be easily visible by the
operator. All alarm and data logging system
should be available.
Switches Start & Stop keyipush button with auto starter
to Power output Cable 4 x 25 = 100 Meter single core per Generator
flexible type standard / adequate size (RM to be
mentioned), 3 phases with neutral power cable
to be provided with each Generator with cable
plugs/ lugs at the delivery end & adequate size
power oluos/luos at ihe qenerator end/Out let.
17. I ool Kits A complete set of tool kits to be provided with
each set of Generator (List to be submitted).
'18. Books and Publications
a Operational Manual in English I To be provided
Doo( type
: Ileoair Manual in English book
:. oc
: ",OA}L Parts Catalogue in l

' .r s1 oook type

; ' lC Price lrst of Catalogue in To be provided
i j,,.^ oook type I

e ,sr of fast and slow moving I

sIares rw,th unit price of 5% of

I OI3 value) in English I

19. Sprc,al Servrce lools tSSi tand i

Specrar Service Materials (SSM)
20. [)rovision of spare supply for 15 ] To be confirmed by the
21. After Sale Service (Repair and Minimum 10 (ten) years {One year I

Mar nienance facrlitres) warranty/ guarantee and another 09 (nine) year


aa Any other I tf any item not specified in the above mentioned

I technical specification but required for the full
I range of operation, The bidder should specify

I and quote such item in their offer. ln case of

I failure to specify and quote, the bidder must
]_pfgylgjych items free of cost.
l-qt "Inhp

DGDP TENDER NO-221-.296 19



Remarks aqainst Column-04

As per principal's original proforma invoice and original catalogue basis

Remarks aqainst Column-1 0

Terms and Conditions Must be filled uP

by the PrinciPal/
(h) (c)
1. Source of.-Supply Foretgn
2 Fral!{ -,
Countrv of Oriqin To be mentioned.
5. nHSel: Chief lnspector (Cl), lnspectorate of
Elantrnniac .Q. lnetrt tmonfc /ltr,R l\
tl. lnspecting Authority: Chief lnspector (Cl) of lnspectorate ot tslecuonlcs 6 lnslrurlrel
/lFQ.l\ nr hic arrfhnrized rcnrccentafive
7 Elagg-gilnspection
Name and address of factory- To be mentioned.

b. Post-shipment lnspection. central ordnance Deport (coDy lnspectorate _ of

Electronics a tnstrunr6@, Dhaka CantonmenU at the place selected by ITD Dte

j re!!a!fp!,q!! ltot allowed (if direct flighVship is avai.lgble)'
I Dn# Qhinmant hlni rllnrlrarl

10 Pre-Shipment lnspection (PSl).

a and Mffipection (PSl) will be done by 02 (Two)
of Bangladesh Army. However, the composition of the pre-shipment inspection team
duratioi may be changed by Bangladesh Army if desired. The supplier should inform the
date of pre-shipment inspeciion at least '12 (twelve) to 15 (fifteen) weeks prior to the exact
b. lnspection- P rocedu-r-e.
itrrougfr DGDp according to technical specification and terms & condition of the
contract. The PSI inspection criteria for the item concerned will be fonrvarded on
receipt of inspection schedule from the supplier.

(ii). Coord conference and discussion on the PSI with manufacturer, principal,
local agent will be held on first day before PSI starts'
(iii). The team will carry out PSI at the Manufacturer factory premises.
(iv). pSl ieam will carry out '100% visual inspection of all item as per contract.
(v) parameters will be checked one by one as mentioned in the
All technical
euality assurance cert will be provided by the manufacturer for the
parameters whjch will not be shown to PSI team (if accepted by PSI team).
(vi) pSl team will confirm country of Origin, Manufacturer and assembly
inciuding the year of production of item/assembly through physical inspection,
checkinI of reiated documents and functional test. Manufacturer will assist in all
asnect ,<affinllnix
ol* A
It &

to.carry out some test

ivirL SupOiela,lrconfirmffiuirement facility with address must be
in some other testing lon.,puny The details of the
rnformed while submitting PSI schedule'
(viil) The team will check the functional ability as per technical specification'
for those items which
1ix) The Princrpal/supplier will arrange visit to other factories
are out sourced within the same visited country'
and publications
(x) PSI team will check the spares, ssT ssM, tools, accessories
as per contract.
and manufacturer, .n-ipping O;cuments including invoice.and bill of lading in
support of importedtouiioirceo items.
psl team will also check any other
in all aspect'
documents if felt necessary. Supplier must assist
by Quality
(xii).For items could not be shown during PSI will be supported
to principal and will be
Assurance Certificate (OAC) by manufalturers
handed over to the inspection team during PSI'

edule with detatl

lo 12
weeks prior to ttre exaci Jate of commencem"nl oltl:,t11]lil,l,?.!l?^ar ero
"tiliriti"i needed for inspection and operational test are
to be
arranged bY the suPPlier.
of the PSI team within the
(iii). All types of movemenu transportation (airlsea/rail)
also to be arranged by the supplier'
country/conc"rn"O ,r"a tor the inspection aie
to interpret or make the
(iv). lnterpreter support to be provided to the PSI team,
(as applicable)'
team unOerstand about the technical terms

ii io Ue arranged by the supplier for the preparation of report'

(vi). Supplier will provided emergency medical support

to any member of the team
(if reqr) free of cost.

(vii). A PSI Report will be prepared .and will be signed by the competent
and buyer'
rJprlsentative of Manufacturer, Principle, Local agent

1fthe pre-shipment inspectLon G not caried out by Banglades

lh ArmY then QualrtY
/nac\ to be
t-a;iitircta (OAC) he provided uv tre Ouitlty
orovialo by ouitlty control
Control Department of
^^^,,-^^^^ Certrfrcate
Assurance from suppliers
manufacturer for equrpment'and for spares, the
same to be provided
submitted by the
supplier tn
p.ncipal/ manufacturer Fol information/documents are to be
the QAC

procurement of items
.. for the
Headquarters/organization) Contract No.,.,..... ..Dated
concerned involved from seller are:
mentioned rn paragraph 2 below, the

O*lity Control Department of

Principal SuPPlier:
(As mentioned in the contract with address Manufacturer:
(Address and other contact information)
and other contract information)

Manufacturer Local Agent:

(As mentioned in the contract with address
(As mentioned in the contract with address
and other contract information)
and other contact information)

C -2 of7 *\

b $tAIeS. (List of stores to be provided for which QAC is submitted as mentioned in the contract
including following information, separate sheets may be enclosed, if required):

Nomenclature/Bran Physically Found during
d/Model/Part lnspection by the Quality
Number/Factory Control Department of
Oode/Lot Number/ OEM
Year of Production

It is to certify that the equipment/stores are found correct and all the quantity found as per contract

Sign by I)rincipal Sign by Manufacturer

Name. Quality Control Department
Designation: Name:

c. lnspection qf Leqhnical Specification (As per contract). The Quality Control Department of
Manufacturer will check the functionality of the stores. All Technical parameters to be checked one by
one as mentioned in the contract. lf any reason cannot be checked, it will be mentioned in the remarks
column as under:

Ser Description as Technical Physically Found during Remark

per Contract specifications lnspection by the Quality
as per Contract Control Department of OEM
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

It is to cerlify that the technical specifications are functionally found correct as per contract

Sign by lrrincipal Sign by Manufacturer

Namc. Quality Control Department
l)csignation Name:

d QAC should be verified by local agent

Sign by local agent

;)csig nation
llirc ai Seal

e lr..C llclated Documents /Certificates: Following documents/ certificates are to be furnished with the
Qi'C ii
tesVlnspection resulVresults whrch was/were conducted by the quality control department of
manLrfacturer to be furnished:

( I Certiflcate of Country of origrn

tii) Cedificate of Country of manufacture/assembly.
(iii) Cedificate of year of production.
(iv). Certificate of Military standard or any other as per (as if) specified in the contract.
(v). Certificate of Warranty/guaranty as per (as if) specified in the contract.
(vi). Certificate of quality assurance and genuineness.
(vii) t3y back Certificate as per (as if; specified in the contract.
(viii) Guarantee certificate for availability of spares as per (as if; specified in the
(ix). Cerlificate of after sales service as per (as ifl specified in the contract.
(x). Functionality test (s) certificate (s) for fulfillment the technical specification as per contract.
(xi) l'- nvi ron mental suitabi lity certifi cate.
(xrr) Any other certiflcate as mentioned in the contract or deemed necessary.


Joint Post-Shipment lnspection (JPSI).

gerercL b'
66ioffignee (COD/AEU). Date of JPSI (Visual and operational/Field Test) will be decided
by ITD Die after necessary coordination with lE&;, Local agent, User Dte
(if required) and
manufacturer. ln this connection the local agenUmanufacturer will intimate the actual date of
arrival of stores to lE&l & ITD just after the Lommencement of shipment. Fol Representative
will be present and carr out JPSI:

(a) Rep of lE&1.

(b) Rep of PSI team (if detail).
(c) Rep of User unit (if detail)
(d) Rep of EME Dte (if detail)
ie) t-ocat agent and manufacturers expert(if any)'
(f) Consignee
Shadharan Bima
The inspection will be conducted in 3 phases duration of the inspection will be fixed
by the purchaser
(a) Vrsual insPection
(b) Funciional TesUField Test
c) Environ mental TesUla.Porqto Test
Visual inspection.
V"uaf;rpe"t'om 100% stores (Main Equipment along with all associated tools, accessones
anJ publication) witl be carried out at COD/EU premises. During visual insp fol parameters
will be checked:

(a) Brand & Model

(b) Country of origin and Manufacture.
(c) Year of production
(d) Part no/ Serial No
(e) Any damagel crack etc.
(f) All certificates
(g) Measurement and weight etc (if applicable)
(h) Shape and size etc.
ilt Packrng and marking as per contract.
(k) Qty as Per contract.
(l) Marking/sign of Sl/PSl team.
m other if deemed team.

f illfrEfoiif agert io coorOrna1g witn nO Otelo start the process of clearance for
their foreign expert (if required) well in advance

tb) All parameters of contracted technicalspecification will be

checked one by one

rc) The supplier will provide necessary facilities, tools &

gauge, any others items and
(lab, field and
transport support required to show the parameters during various test
(a) and 12
technrcal test) of the equipment's free of cost as per terms of clause 12
(b) of DP 35.

Note (l/Note)after being

1d)This inspectorate (lE&l)will issue final inspection
successful completion of inspection and supply of all contracted stores as specified
in the contract

(e) lf any rtem found defective and not in accordance with contracted speciftcation
as per
during post shipment inspection, the supplier/ manufacturer will replace
DGDP lnstruction

(f) JPSI report to be srgned by rep of allconcerned (Consignee' lE&l'

pSl team, user unit. rHif Ote, Shadharan Bima Corporation and supplier expert)'

C-4of7 (.



srgned by the representatives of all concerned.

(h) Final lnsp Note (l/Note)will be issued by lE&l on completion of the fol:
(i) Supply of all contracted store.
(ii) Completion of Foreign and local trg (if applicable)
(iii) Successful completion of functional test.

Functional/ Field Test

However, above percentage (%) m,ay be varied depending on test result and further test
may be carrred as deemed necessary by Chief lnspector (Cl). Functional test will be carried
out at the place selected by ITD Dte with coord of User Dte. ln this purpose all requirement will
be set by ITD Dte with ioord of user Dte. AII the technical parameters as applicable and
desrred by the purchaser will be tested during functional tes!
Environme Test
Enwonmentr/lanoratory test Gs appti-able) of Maximum 20% total quantity (randomly
selected) will be carried at lE&l facitities. However, above percentage (%) may be varied
depending on test result and further test may be carried as deemed necessary by Chief
tnspector (Cl). During test, rep of user (if detailed), PSI team, foreign expert (if aval) and
local aqent mav be Present.
Packinq.& Markinq.

a. As per international standard trade packing and marking. The stores are to be securely
packed with sea wofthy packing for safe transit by Airlsea/Railway/ Road. The packing will be
done by the supplier Lo that ihe stores will not be affected by sea water, rain and damp
weatheiduring transportation. Preservative material (anti saline/anti rust) such as wax, grease
etc as requirei must be coated on the surface of the equipmenUitems (as applicable). Marking
must be done clea4y in English Language in each container/packages for easy identification of
the stores. Container/boxeJ must be strong enough to bear or withstand the load of contained
materials d uring transportation.

b. Contract number, date and name of the consignee should be stenciled on the front side of

; Authorizatron certrticate (Onginit) in favour of Principal by the original Equtpment

manufacturer to be submitted along with offer.
U Autfrorriiiiorrcertiircate tOnginai) in favour of local agent by the Principal to be submitted
with Offer
c fonowing certifrcate must be provided by the manufacturer, Principal and local agent
ry1!! l!_e offer
'1) Manufacturer's certificate confirming country q!!g1
tit fvl;nufacturefb-cGrtliicate confirming country of manufacture with year of
'10 years (Ceftificate by
iji Sime/simitar model of equipment will be available for next

4) Spares wril be availabte for at least next '10 years (Certificate by malqlqclqrg0.
(5) urgenfi spare parts tc be made available by the principal to user within 30 days of
placing the demand subject to stock holding. ln case stock is not readily available
immediate action will be taken on priority to manufacture/procure the same and will be
ied at the earliest (Certificate
1Oy nfter iales service should be available with the
local agent of the supplier and is to
be provided as and when required for indefinite period (Free of change up to
antee period and there after with
the specifications will be
item/items found defective and not in accordance with
free of cost".
(al nfa.rta"tr*fs certiticate showing year of production to be submitted during pre-
shipment inspection/post-shipment inspection and manufacturer is also confirmed that,
all components of the equipment must be Brand new and Equipment manufactured
not before th9 cgltracled cqlenda1y99!


upplier/manufacturer along with the offer
confirminq MTBF (Mean time between failures)and climati
15 Reiected items must be replaced free of cost at the suppl@
Itl lacklist)againstsupplierwhofailstosupplystores
within delivery schedule of contract.
17 if,r
to fvt pment
19 iible) required for
each set of main equipment must be submitted with offer.
20 glnin'vaY Bill, Commercial lnvoice'
packing list, Certificate of Origin from the competent authority of exporting co-untry'
ManufJcturer lnspection and Wairanty certificate, Freight voucher etc) must be submitted
lE&land DGDP.
ZI, Warrantv/Gua!'antee bv Manufact
ed for the equipment's/items for a trouble
free service of '12 months. The warranty period to be counted from the date of receipt of
equipment's/items by the consignee after-acceptance by lE&l and issuance of lnspection
the respective equipment's/stores within
warranty/guarantee period after receipt by consigneeluser unit, that must be repairi replaced
/ee annii..rhla\ free of cost (CFR/CPT/FOB Dhaka as the case may be).
-" entioning as "lf the spares are not fitted tn
+L^ .^^naariri^ anr rinmant ihan fha en4rAq rvill he renlaced freg Of COSI".

d The firms supplying equipment's/items on warranty will identlty tnese Oy aracnrng a

items as
warranty tabel/disc oistJnciling this by indelible (permanent) paints on the equipmenU

Contract No & Date:

Supplier's Name, Address and Tq! No,
e A Vvarra
22 of manufacturer/principal duly signed
and sealed at every pages. Name, designation, telephone No, Fax No E-mail address'
website and mailinq address of signatory qust be mentio _--
O OiiginT brochure/ catabgue of offered model with proper marking and signed must be
submitted alonq with the offer.
Offered technical speciticatlons-mult Oe conformed to the specifications mentioned in
c - and
submitted brochure/catalogue. Fax/photocopy/hand written offer/ catalogue/ brochure
neirrnnue r,virhnr rt markino/iionino will not be considered durinq technical vetting.
::_-.::v-.: aa-.-:---
d Hand written ofer anO any f,anO wrrtten Clarification will be directly rejected. lt must be typed(As
cr computer printout in original letter head pad of the manufacturer/ principal/local agent
'ramnared nffer urill he directlv raiected
' I ne format mGiOe titieO up without changing any word/serial as given in Tender
llcc; nrents
Anv offer mav be acceoted/reiected without askinq any clarrfication
fr n son copy-oftnffirir to Ue submitted in CD in Microsoft word documents for lE&l
Flowever hard coov rs the final authorrtv for cffer vetting.
Internatronal Atrpod)
24 A al of Forrinment at Sea oorUAiroort
stores shipped by air), Supplier and Sadharan Bima
rf,ipp"O Oy seayCOD (ln case of the
(lornoration t SLrrvevor).
local agent in case of
the item (cost involveOioritearing &iorwarding will be borne by the
CpT/CFR Chittagong contract). F& any major damage/missing, insurance claim
will be made
bv Armv Embarkation uniUConsignee, Dhaka Cantonment' -
stores alonq with iupply of spare parts must be provided in English language'
C-6of7 }GDP

a. The supplier/local agent shall pav all costs y]fh,]T^ i:ti:*"^:'1"i?:::#
au materiar, tools, instru ments, transport,
il.j|ff Hi;ffi il, 1;;"i0"'*iti'J Jii,.,
"nag", may consider necessary for the
labour & assistance etc of every kind which thjinspector
provide and deliver free of charge at such place
inspection. Supplier a oiaf ageni shall also

of any laboratory
required for. test' Cost
the inspector may Oireci suJh materials as he may
by the supplier/ local ageni ri
fur. terms of clause 12(a) and 12(b) of DP-
tests shal be borne

Engine oil, Grease etc) required for

b. supplier will provide necessary facilities (lncl fuel, pb:t-shipnert rllspqc-ti'oi'
technical tesuload test Jr irre equipinent rree oi cost ouring - -" ---
filled uP bY the
nd conditions with tender tro
p"1- guiil line/instruction against each annex) and
local agent, principal & manufacturer (as
must be submitted with the offer' ill be accePtable
s & conditions and anY t

discrePancies ffiation will be

. er-"-'
bv the
reoaired/fulfilled uy
reDalrgol!ullllleu supplier/local
tlrE euyPrrvr''vvvr
changes list for the matn
Supplier to give unoe
Equipmenvitems in q;ffio'i;;"dt;" {?;'.:
"i;fili:",iirriL,l"""i.i*rt" llln:,^:::'?T:ll"yli"::*il"?,;""i"[
E]|$I"*',;'ilHr *"rr'in ,ou"n"" if further production of the item
o'="u"t"''"t '''; i; tn; ;o;iiia[io;; o'i i;o''i;o ioi [n" i''*nne of operation' the
is discontinued
lff J,':ffi :' :5ff ','i" il : ff# H"il:Hfree;i',]":;

il;;;ii;s :'F, Ili{:: :*[f

of cqst if c-ontract is awarded'
to pec irv d
s an

C-7 of7

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