B.Arch Syllabus
B.Arch Syllabus
B.Arch Syllabus
I (SEM - I)
Architectural Design I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University / Grand
Code Emphasis External Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A. Core Subjects
1 ARC-101 Architectural Architectural - 7 100 100 200 - 200 400
Design I Design Studio – 04
Basic Design and
Visual Skills – 03
Emphasis: Developing basic skill of expressions that involve the ability to perceive, abstract and
create the design of objects and spaces. Introduction to the principles and elements of
Projects: Space making and place making, theme based compositions, volumetric studies, area
studies, Literature Review
Emphasis: Developing visual literacy and basic expressional skills that involve the ability to
perceive, abstract and create as a process of the design of objects and spaces.
Projects: Compositions of positive and negative, 2D compositions based on geometrical forms and
other objects. Design exercises for developing abstract reasoning, model making and
volumetric compositions.
1. Ching, Francis D. K. – Form, Space and Order
2. Rasmussen, Stein Eiler – Experiencing Architecture
3. Berger, John – Ways of Seeing
4. Kamiya Takeo – A Guide to the Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent
5. Corbusier, Le – Towards New Architecture
6. Gill, Robert – Rendering with pen and ink
7. --- - Art in everyday life
8. Ruskin, Eugene – Architecture: Scale and proportion
9. Gill, Robert – Basic Rendering
10. Ching, Francis D. K. – Graphics in Architecture
11. De Bono, Edward – Lateral thinking
Architectural Graphics Skills I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content Teaching Internal Evaluation University / Grand
Code / Emphasis Scheme External Total
L (Hours) S/W Cont. End Sem Total Theory Jury / (8+9+10)
(Hours) Evaluation Evaluation (6+7) Exam Review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 ARC-104 Architectural Manual – 03 - 5 50 50 100 - 100 200
Graphics Skills Computer –
I 02
Emphasis: Developing skills for representation of geometric forms and compositions as a tool of
design. Developing skills for using Computer Aided Design Software’s as a tool for
design representation.
Contents: Manual
Familiarization with drawing materials and equipments.
Construction, use and composition of different types of lines in drawing
Lettering and architectural abbreviations
Basic principles of geometry and its construction.
Orthographic projections of points, lines, planes and solids.
Understanding of multi-view drawing system.
Sections of solids
Familiarization with different Computer Aided Design software’s, its use in
Architectural Representation.
Application of principles of technical representation and Construction of
Different types of lines, shapes, geometry & its compositions through software
like AutoCAD.
Introduction to Software’s like PowerPoint, Photoshop, Google Sketch up as
useful tool to develop presentation skills.
1. Leaseua, Paul: Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers
2. Ching, Francis D. K. – Graphics in Architecture
3. Ching Francis D.K. –Design Drawing
4. Rendow Yee- Architectural Drawing
5. Bhatt, N. D. – Engineering Drawing
6. Architectural Drafting & Design-Alan Jefferis & David A. Madsen
7. Software User’s Guide
Building Materials and Construction Technology I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University / Grand
Code Emphasis External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 ARC-102 Building Building 3 2 50 50 100 100 - 200
Materials and Construction –
Construction 03
Technology I Building
Materials and
Sciences -01
Workshop and
site exposure–
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, case studies & workshop based on the
application of theory to construction field.
1. Mackey W.L -Building Construction, Vol –I,II,III,
2. Arora S.P. & Bindra S.P. -Building Construction
3. Barry .R - The Construction of Building
4. Cowan Henry J -Handbook of Architectural Technology
5. Allen Edward -Fundamentals of Building Construction
Structural Design and Systems I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University / External Grand
Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 ARC-103 Structural 2 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
Design and
Systems I
Contents : 1. Introduction:
Introduction Fundamental principles of Engineering Mechanics, Newton’s laws
of motion, aw of parallelogram of forces, principle of transmissibility, concept
of rigid body, particle.
2. Natural forms :
Understanding Nature- a creative base for understanding structure, correlation
between natural & manmade structure.
3. Forces :
Introduction to types of forces, Static loading, Time dependent loading, Impact
loading, Cause & effect of various forces like Dead load, Imposed load, Wind
load, Earthquake load, Hydrostatic load, erection force etc on building. Effect of
physical form on load transfer i.e. Forces acting through point, distributed forces
on line, & area.
4. Force systems :
Free body diagram, Resolution of forces into components, Types of force
systems, concurrent, coplanar, nonconcurrent etc. forces in plane & space.
Calculation of resultant for coplanar parallel & coplanar concurrent force
system, calculation of moment.
5. Equilibrium:
Introduction to Equilibrium, Conditions of equilibrium for the coplanar parallel
& coplanar concurrent force system, Types of supports, Determinacy, &
Stability, Basic behaviour of elements in load transfer i.e. bending, torsion,
shear, tension, compression etc.
6. Beam :
Introduction as a flexural element, simply supported, overhanging & cantilever
beams, determinacy, calculation of Reaction at supports for beam, Application.
7. Truss :
Introduction, Types of truss, Analysis of a plane truss. Use of graphical method.
Introduction to space truss, Application.
History of Culture I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University / External Grand
Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
5 ARC-105 History of 1. History of 4 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
Culture I Human
Settlement &
Civilization -
(Sociology) -
Emphasis: Elementary concept of civilization, society, settlements, culture and its articulation in
Architecture and built form; Historical context of building forms.
A. World History
Prehistoric shelters – evolutionary stages of man. Early settlements and
Settlement patterns
Mesopotamian civilization
Minoan & Mycenaenian civilization
B. India
Indus valley civilization
Vedic period / Aryanisation of India
1. Kostof, Spiro, History of Architecture : Settings and Ritual , Oxford Press , N.Y. ,
2. Childe, Gordon, The Bronze Age, Past and Present, Penguin, 1942 (reprints
3. Frankfort, Henri, The Birth of Civilization in the Near East, Williams and Norgate,
4. Casson, Lionel, ( ed.), Ancient Egypt, Time Life Books, Amsterdam , 1987
5. Basham , A.L. , The Wonder that was India., Penguin, Delhi, 1992
6. Michell, George, Hindu Art & Architecture, Thames & Hudson, 2007
Humanities - Sociology
Basic concepts of sociology; Social institutions and their roles; some social theories and
perspectives on society
• Introduction, Scope and Approaches to Sociology and its models – Evolutionism,
Structural Functionalism, Conflict, Symbolic Interactionism
• The Family as a Social Unit
• Religion and Social Perspectives
• Urbanisation as A Social Phenomenon; development of cities, Impact, etc
• Social organizations - Typology, characteristics, structure, approaches like Classical,
Determinist, Human Relational
• Theories of Social change like Evolutionism, Diffusionism, Functionalism, Conflict
• Social Stratification
• References
• Social processes – C. H. Cooley
• The social construction of reality – Berger and Luckman
• Society and Knowledge – Garden Child
• Mind, Self and Society – Margaret Mead
• Social change- William Ogburn
Elements of Social Organization – R Firth
• Cities in Evolution – Patrick Geddes
Climatology and Environmental Studies
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University / Grand
Code Emphasis External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 ARC-106 Climatology 2 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
Communication Skills
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University / External Grand
Code Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
B. Group of Subjects
Development of listening, oral and written skills; Styles and formats of written
communication; introduction to alternative media like posters, collages; analyzing texts
• Effective communication of ideas
Elective I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University / External Grand
Code Name Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C. Electives
8 ARE-108 Elective I 1. Traditional 3 - 25 25 50 - 50 100
2. Sculpture &
Contents: There are a myriad of craft traditions in India, which depend on social, economic and
regional factors. The present status of craft in India owes much to the rich craft traditions
of the past. Most of the crafts from the past continue to flourish due to their utilitarian
nature, their availability to the common people and popularity in domestic and foreign
markets. The objective of the course is to introduce to the students to the traditional as
well as the evolution of contemporary crafts in India.
1. Painting
• Folk Art Paintings - Madhubani Paintings, Warli Paintings, Tribal Paintings,
Phad Paintings, Patachitra, etc.
• Miniature Paintings
• Glass Paintings
• Thangaka Paintings
• Batik Paintings
2. Textile
3. Gem & Jewellery
4. Metal, etc.
Emphasis: Introduction to hands-on working on Sculpture and Ceramics for developing skills for
handling various materials.
1. Introduction of various techniques for handling different materials
2. Sculpture making in various materials
3. Ceramic and Pottery making
General Note:
1. Elective will be offered based on the minimum no. Of students opting for a course
and availability of expertise for the subject.
2. The content of the course is suggestive and will be modified as per the requirement
and inclination of the group of students.
Architectural Design Studio II
Sr. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
no. Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A. Core Subjects
1 ARC-201 Architectural Architectural - 8 100 100 200 - 200 400
Design II Design Studio-
Basic Design
and Visual
Skills- 03
Theory of
Design - 01
Projects: Part 1
Detailed Study of Anthropometrics, Small scale Space / volume design exercise, Design
of small structures and spaces with specific functions, theme based compositions,
volumetric studies, area studies, Literature Review.
Part 2
Design of a small space of uni-functional nature e.g. Cafe, Display gallery, etc. With
relevant case studies, literature review, models as analytical tools.
Basic Design SEM II
Emphasis: Introduction to the principles design like function and form, scale and proportions,
colour and texture, materials and surfaces
Contents: Application of colour theories and cycles, Study of various textures and colours with its
inherent expressions and effects, Study of natural forms like leaf, shell, tomato etc.,
Application of various materials like Clay, Paper Mache, Timber, Steel etc, Application
of various graphic techniques and development of abstract reasoning
Architectural Graphics Skills II
Sr. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
no. Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 ARC-204 Architectural Manual – 03 - 5 50 50 100 - 100 200
Graphics Skills Computer – 02
Emphasis: Developing skills for preparing two dimensional drawing set as a tool to represent the
Developing skills for 3-dimensional visualization of objects/buildings & it’s
representation on 2-D media.
Developing model making techniques through principles of solid geometry
Contents: Manual
1. Leaseua, Paul: Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers
2. Ching, Francis D. K. – Graphics in Architecture
3. Ching Francis D.K. –Design Drawing
4. Rendow Yee- Architectural Drawing
5. Bhatt, N. D. – Engineering Drawing
6. Architectural Drafting & Design-Alan Jefferis & David A. Madsen
7. Software User’s Guide
Building Materials and Construction Technology II
Sr. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
no. Code Emphasis /External Total
L (Hours) S/W Cont. End Sem Total Theory Jury / (8+9+10)
(Hours) Evaluation Evaluation (6+7) Exam Review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 ARC-202 Building Building 4 2 50 50 100 100 - 200
Materials and Construction –
Construction 03
Technology II Building
Materials and
Workshop and
site exposure –
• Study of basic materials of construction such as wood, metal, glass & plastic etc.
their structural & physical behavior with respect to its properties & application in
• Types of footings and shallow foundations.
• Walls:
1. Different types of walls and their Construction details
2. Various types of wall finishes, like plastering, painting, cladding, jointing, &
pointing etc and their applications.
• Staircases:
1. Types & construction details of staircases in different materials.
• Openings:
1. Different types of doors, windows, ventilations and skylights in different
materials. and their operational and fixing details.
• Types & details of building elements like weather shed, balcony, canopy & pergolas.
• Study the various RCC construction equipment.
• Study of joinery in timber & metal.
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, case studies & workshop based on the
application of theory to construction field.
Structural Design and systems II
Sr. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
no. Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 ARC-203 Structural 2 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
Design and
systems II
Emphasis : Simple Stress – strain, Shear force & Bending moment diagram
3. Shear force & Bending moment diagram for Determinate & indeterminate
Plane Frame & Arches :
Behaviour of Statically determinate & Indeterminate plane frames subjected to
gravity & lateral load. Basic understanding of shear force & bending moment
diagram for the same. Behaviour of three hinges & two hinge Arch under point
load & uniformly distributed force. Understanding of Bending moment diagram
for Arches.
4. Distributed forces :
Determination of Centroid, Calculation of Centre of gravity for line & area
element, calculation of Moment of inertia of area element, use of parallel axis
Reference : 1. Junarkar & H.J. Shah, “Mechanics of structures, vol – I & II.”
2. E.P. Popov, “Mechanics of materials.”
3. R.K. Bansal, “A text book of strength of materials.”
4. R.S. Khurmi, “Strength of materials.”
5. S. Ramamrutham, “Strength of materials.”
6. Desai & Mistry, “Engineering Mechanics, statics & Dynamics.”
History of Culture – II
Sr. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
no. Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ARC-205 History of 1. History of
Culture – II Human
Settlement &
Civilization -
5 3 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
2. Humanities
(Psychology) -
Emphasis: Study of society, its historical, socio–institutional developments, settlements, public and
private spaces, symbols and meaning in built form and spatial structures.
A. World History:
Rise and decline of Greek city - states.
Republican Rome & Roman Empire
Chinese Civilization - Early and medieval periods
Japanese civilization and traditions
Civilizations of South America.- Inca & Aztec states
B. Indian History:
1. Mauryan Period.
C. Religion and its articulation in architecture and sacred building forms with special
emphasis on Buddhism & Hinduism.
1. Stierlin, Henri, Greece : From Mycenae to The Parthenon, Taschen , 1997
2. Stierlin, Henri, Roman Empire Vol - 1, Benedikt Taschen Verlag Gmbh, 1996
3. Marco, Bussagli, Rome: Art & Architecture , Konemann, 1999
4. Henderson, John, The World of Arcient Maya, 1981
5. Bethell, Leslie,(ed.), Cambridge History of Latin America Vol-1, 1984
6. Tomory, Edith, History of Fine Arts in India & the West, Orient Longman, 2004
7. Tadgell, Christopher, The History of Architecture in India, Phaidon Press, 1990.
8. Thapar, Romila, A History of India Vol. 1, Penguin Books, 1990
1. To introduce students to elementary & basic concepts in psychology.
2. To help develop an interest in understanding societal attitudes to art, architectural
3. To familiarize students with current theories of social behavior.
Conceptual approaches, Scope & Methods of psychology.
Perception, Perceptual constancies and Awareness
Personality, types and its Assessment
Human Motivation & Emotion
Conflict, Adjustment and Mental health
Attitude, Aptitude & Intelligence
Surveying & Leveling
Sr. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
no. Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ARC-206 Surveying &
Leveling 2 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
1. Introduction of subject, basic terms, definition and terminologies. Classification and
Division of survey, units of measurements.
2. Chain Surveying:
Linear measurement, principle of chain surveying, frame work, instruments used,
field work.
3. Compass Survey:
Introduction to traversing, principle used, types of meridian, WCB & RB system.
9. Introduction to GIS :
Introduction to various terminology & reading of map.
Introduction to various property documents like 7/12, 8/A, 6/A, city survey plan,
Land records, TP plan- FP no & RS no. etc.
Field Work:
1. Plotting of building, boundary and other physical details like trees, pole etc. by
chain survey, compass survey, plain table survey.
2. Area measurement by plannimeter & other methods.
3. Study of contour map and earth work calculation.
4. Site visit for setting out building on ground.
5. Study of property documents.
1. “Surveying- 1”, Dr. B. C. Punamia
2. “Surveying” , Kanetkar and Kulkarni
3. “Surveying”- Arora.
Sr. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand
no. Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
B. Group of Subjects
7 ARI-207 Photography
2 - 25 25 50 - 50 100
Elective I
Sr. Subject Subject Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand
no. Code Name Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C. Electives
ARE-208 Elective - 1.
II Communication
8 Skills 2 - 25 25 50 - 50 100
2. Performing
Communication Skills
Emphasis: This elective aims to equip students with communication skills based on modern
communicative methods. Situational practice will be given. A combination of faculty
lectures, situational practice, student presentations will comprise class activities.
• Technical Communication and General Communication.
Verbal and non-verbal communication (kinesics). Components of Non-verbal
Communication, Barriers to effective communication, (Noise in oral and written
communication) Communication across cultures.
• Effective presentation strategies.
Defining purpose, analysis of audience and locate, organizing contents. Preparing
an outline of the presentation. Visual aids, nuances of delivery, Body language
and effective presentation.
• Interviews
Introduction, General preparations for an interview, Types of questions generally
asked at the interviews. Types of interviews, Importance of nonverbal aspects.
• Group Discussions
Introduction, Group discussions as a part of the selection process, guidelines for
group discussion. Role functions in group discussion.
• Paragraph Development,
Introduction, Topic sentence and supporting sentences. Attributes of a good
paragraph. Types of paragraphs.
• Effective Reading Skills
Purpose of reading, skimming and scanning. Tips for improving comprehension
• Grammar and Vocabulary
Tense and the concept of Time. Passive Voice, Conditionals Prepositions,
Concord. Idioms, Confusables, one-word substitutes, homonyms, homophones
• Krishna Mohan and Meera Banerji, “Developing Communication skills”, Mc.Millan
Co., Publication. 1990
• N. Krishnaswami and T. Sriram, “creative English for Communication”, Mc.Millan
Co., Publication. 1992.
• Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication; Principles and
Practice, Oxford University Press.
Performing Arts
Emphasis: To develop a perceptive, sensitive and critical response to music, dance and drama in its
historical and cultural context.
1. Introduction to various forms of performing arts.
2. Relation of performing arts and space definition
1. Elective will be offered based on the minimum no. Of students opting for a course
and availability of expertise for the subject.
2. The content of the course is suggestive and will be modified as per the requirement
and inclination of the group of students.
Architectural Design III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
L S/W Cont. End Sem Total Theory Jury / (8+9+10)
(Hours) (Hours) Evaluation Evaluation (6+7) Exam Review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A. Core Subjects
1 ARC-301 Architectural Architectural - 8 100 100 200 - 200 400
Design III Design Studio
– 04
Basic Design
and Visual
Skills –02
Theory of
Design – 02
Contents: Program formulation on the basis of functional needs and users’ requirements,
understating site context, environmental conditions, social life and cultural values as
determinants of architectural design, developing conceptual positions based on the
interpretations of the program, developing systems of construction and material details
relevant to the conceptual positions, development of functional and aesthetical
construction details and fenestration design
Projects: Design of a dwelling unit based in a specific context, relevant case studies and their
analysis, area volume diagrams, literature review, exercises and time problem to develop
innovative thinking, exercises related to relevant or appropriate construction details and
Content: Study of natural form, learning abstraction and interpretation. Study of spatial planning.
Projects: Analysis of natural and manmade forms. Learning geometry, proportion and function.
Study of solid-void, light-texture and enclosure-openings.
Theory of Design
Content: Exploration and expression of ideas through increased awareness and acquisition of
Brief descriptions of the elements of design, such as line, shape, space, texture, value and
color, as well as describing the principles of design like movement, emphasis, balance,
unity etc.
Looking at historical masterpieces of architecture, and learning through the analysis of
the underlying principles.
1. Lieklider, Health – Architectural space
2. Analysis of the Precedents
3. Todd, Kim – Site, Space and Structure
4. Miers , Pierr Von – Elements of Architecture from form to place
5. Blaser, Werner – Tadao Ando: Architecture of silence
Architectural Graphics Skill III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 ARC-304 Architectural Manual – 02 - 6 50 50 100 - 100 200
Graphics Skills Computer – 02
III Computer
Appl. in
Architecture -
Contents: Manual
1. Leaseua, Paul: Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers
2. Ching, Francis D. K. – Graphics in Architecture
3. Ching Francis D.K. –Design Drawing
4. Rendow Yee- Architectural Drawing
5. Bhatt, N. D. – Engineering Drawing
6. Architectural Drafting & Design-Alan Jefferis & David A. Madsen
7. Software User’s Guide
Building Material And Construction Technology III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 ARC-302 Building Building 3 1 50 50 100 100 - 200
Materials and Construction –
Construction 02
Technology III Building
Materials and
Sciences – 02
• Introduction to R.C.C as material , their structural & physical behaviour with respect to
its properties & application in building
• Roofs:
- Introduction to basic types of roofs such as flat, pitched and curved.
- Basic understanding of flat roofs and its coverings.
- Construction details & materials involved in various types of pitched roof system.
- Types of roof coverings and their application.
- Basic understanding of curved roof structures.
• Floors:
- Construction details & materials (timber & R.C.C) involved in various types of floors
- Different floor finishes and their application.
• Study of various construction equipments and formwork relevant to the components.
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, case studies & workshop based on the
application of theory to construction field.
1. Mackey W.L -Building Construction, Vol –I,II,III,
2. Arora S.P. & Bindra S.P. -Building Construction
3. Barry .R - The Construction of Building
4. Cowan Henry J -Handbook of Architectural Technology
5. Allen Edward -Fundamentals of Building Construction
6. Roof construction Manual
Structural Design and systems III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 ARC-303 Structural 3 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
Design and
systems III
2. Shear stress :
Calculation of shear stress for simply supported & cantilever beams of various
cross sections like T, L, I, O, Rectangle, Hollow sections etc.
4. Analysis of Column :
Theory of column under axial loading, behaviour of column, Slenderness ratio,
short, medium & long column, buckling of column, effective length,Calculation
of load caring capacity using Euler’s & Rankine’s formulae.
6. Deflection of Beams:
Introduction to deflection, boundary condition, Deflection of beams for simple
cases like simply supported & cantilevers with full uniformly distributed load &
central point load.
Reference : 1. Junarkar & H.J. Shah, “ Mechanics of structures , vol – I & II.”
2. E.P. Popov, “ Mechanics of materials.”
3. R.K. Bansal, “ A text book of strength of materials.”
4. R.S. Khurmi, “ Strength of materials.”
5. S. Ramamrutham, “ Strength of materials.”
6. B.C.Punamia, “Analysis of structure.”
History of Culture – III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Emphasis: Study of social, political and religious orders; articulation in built forms, socio–cultural
milieu, development of thought and philosophy; introduction to art movements.
A. World History:
Medieval Period in Europe.
Rise and Spread of Renaissance.
Industrialization / imperialism and resultant upheavals in society and
Philosophies of Enlightenment thinkers, Romantics, modernists.
B. Indian History:
Gupta Period.
Delhi Sultanate.
Mughal period
Religion and its articulation in architecture and sacred building forms
with special emphasis on Christianity and Islam
1. Dunan, Marcel, (ed.),Larouse Encyclopedia of Ancient and Medieval History, Hamlyn,
2. Robinson, D.M., Domestic and Public Architecture of Italy, Baltimore, 1998
3. Hamerow, T. , The Birth of a New Europe : State and Society in the 19th century, Chapel
Hill & London,1983
4. Habib, Muhammad, A Comprehensive History of India, Vol 5, Part I
5. Richards, J.F. , The Mughal Empire - The New Cambridge History of India, Vol.1.5,
6. Gowing, Sir Lawrence, A History of Art, Grange Books, 2002
History of Architecture - I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand Total
Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 ARC- History of 2 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
306 Architecture -
Emphasis: Evolution of the built environment or human habitat as a complex and multilayered
synthesis of ‘culture, climate and construction’.
Contents: Study of spatial order, structure and materials, articulations, symbols and meanings in the
built forms at various scales of settlements, institutions and dwellings in the following
time period:
Ancient civilizations
• Indus Valley & Vedic settlements
• Mesopotamian, Egyptian etc.
• A History of Architecture – Sir Banister Fletcher
• A History of Architecture – David Watkin
• Early India: From the origins to AD 1300 – Romila Thapar
• House form and Culture – Amos Rapoport
• Ascent of Man – Bronowski
• Architecture without Architects: Short intro. to non-pedigreed arch.-Bernard
• Living Architecture Seriese – Architecture of world: Mayan, Egypt, Greece, Roman
• Elements of space making – Yatin Pandya
• Graphic History of Architecture. – John Mansbridge
Building Services & Equipments I
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code / Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
7 ARC- Building 2 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
307 Services &
Equipments I
Emphasis Introduction to all basic Building Electrification design, services and related
Contents: • Light and its sources, the visual field, day lighting and its types, day lighting
• Artificial lighting, kind of lighting, illumination, calculations for lighting
• Types of electricity, terminology, lighting accessories, protective devices
• Electric power supply system from generation to customer, single phase, three
phase, and electrical distribution in a building from main distribution board to
switch board.
• Lighting design of a residence
Elective -III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Name Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C. Electives
8 ARE-308 Elective - 1. History of Arts 2 - 25 25 50 - 50 100
III & literature
2. Advanced
Emphasis: This elective aims at helping to understand progressive development of art forms
including literary Works across time and space.
It seeks in a limited way to familiarise students with contribution of great masters. The
effort is to show how various works in European and Asian Art were shaped by the
dynamics of a number of forces – individuals, economic, social, and political and cross
cultural influences.
Art History: An introduction, its methodologies and schools
Medieval Art
Post Renaissance
Pre Modern
Islamic and Indian Art.
The course will be conducted using a mix of faculty presentations, library work, student
presentations, and film screenings
2. Advanced Graphics
Projects: working with various mediums to express simple concepts in graphical form. Analyzing
presentation techniques of master architects and incorporating them in design.
Architectural Design IV
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Name Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A. Core Subjects
1 ARC- Architectural Architectural Design - 10 100 100 200 - 200 400
401 Design IV Studio – 06
Basic Design and
Visual Skills-02
Building Bye laws &
Codes of Practice -02
Architectural Design IV
Emphasis: Determinants of space making on housing or house forms in rural and urban context and
their relevance
Contents: Identification of the cultural factors of space making such as notion of privacy and
territoriality, family structure and hierarchy, gender roles, occupational associations,
traditional values and their continuity etc., interpretations of socio-cultural factors in the
built form in terms of spatial organization, orientation, open, semi open and closed
spaces correlation, scales and proportions etc., climate and topography, local
construction system and use of materials, bye laws
Basic Design IV
Emphasis: Learning application of basic principles in architecture and other visual practices.
Projects: Analytical study of the sculptural building forms and its critical appraisal of visual
character. Analysis of other visual forms.
Emphasis: Develop understanding of building bye laws and its implementation in reference to
building design.
• Zoning of areas: residential, institutional, industrial agricultural entertainment etc
• Introduction to city, town and village bye laws,
• Evolution of GDCR (Mumbai municipal act, town planning act and GDCR)
• Need of bye laws
• Other prevailing laws ( environment law etc)
1. Rapoport, Amos: House Form and Culture
2. Rudofsky, Bernard: Architecture without Architects
3. Oliver, Paul: EVAW
4. Joglekar, M. N.: Contemporary Architecture in India
5. Mc Camant & Durrett: Co-housing
6. Bhatia, Gautam: Life, works and writings of Laurie Baker
Architectural Graphics Skills IV
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ARC-404 Architectural Manual – 02
2 Graphics Skills Computer – 03
IV - 5 50 50 - 100
100 200
Emphasis: Integrating use of all representation skills to prepare a complete set of drawing for
the purpose of interpretation and execution.
Contents: Manual
Reading, perceiving and drafting of ready drawing set for the purpose of
Preparing 3-D perspective drawings for the same.
Introduction to advanced presentation software like Revit
1. Leaseua, Paul: Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers
2. Ching, Francis D. K. – Graphics in Architecture
3. Ching Francis D.K. –Design Drawing
4. Rendow Yee- Architectural Drawing
5. Bhatt, N. D. – Engineering Drawing
6. Architectural Drafting & Design-Alan Jefferis & David A. Madsen
7. Software User’s Guide
Building Materials and Construction Technology IV
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1. Soil investigation, its properties & its application to foundation design.
2. Study of specialized deep foundation including raft, piles ,caissons & cofferdams
3. Study of retaining walls.
4. Study of Shoring, shuttering, scaffolding & underpinning.
5. In depth study of construction stages and application of technology as a whole for any
6. Detail Study of supporting temporary structure & stages.
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, case studies & workshop based on the
application of theory to construction field.
1. Mackey W.L -Building Construction, Vol –I,II,III,
2. Arora S.P. & Bindra S.P. -Building Construction
3. Barry .R - The Construction of Building
4. Cowan Henry J -Handbook of Architectural Technology
5. Allen Edward -Fundamentals of Building Construction
Structural Design and systems IV
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Emphasis : Analysis & Design of R.C.C. elements & Load bearing Structures.
History of Architecture - II
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Emphasis: Evolution of the built environment or human habitat as a complex and multilayered
synthesis of ‘culture, climate and construction’
Contents: Study of spatial order, structure and materials, articulations, symbols and meanings in the
built forms at various scales of settlements, institutions and dwellings in the following
time period:
• Byzantine
• Romanesque
• Gothic
• Buddhist Architecture
• Meaning in Western Architecture – Christian Norberg-Schulz
• A History of Architecture – Sir Banister Fletcher
• Architecture Through the Ages – Talbot Hamlin
• Architecture : From Prehistory to Post-Modernity – Trachtenberg and Hyman
• Early India: From the origins to AD 1300 – Romila Thapar
• The Hindu Temple (Vol 01 and 02) - Stella Kramrisch
• Hindu Architecture – Henri Sterlin
• Indian Architecture – Adam Hardy
• The History of Architecture in India - Christopher Tadgell
• Indian Architecture (Hindu and Buddhist) - Percy Brown
• Living Architecture Series – Architecture of the World: Hindu India, Romanesque,
• Graphic History of Architecture. – John Mansbridge
Building Services & Equipments II
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Emphasis Introduction to all basic building services with regards to Water supply, Sanitation, and
storm water drainage
1. Water Supply:
• Sources of water, Water treatment techniques,
• Requirements of water supply to different types of buildings,
• modes and methods of conveyance of water, fixtures and appurtenances,
distribution of water, methods of distribution, different distribution systems and
their principles of layout,
• design of municipal water distribution systems and at the project level
distribution system, underground and overhead water tanks.
• Brief description of rainwater harvesting and water table recharging techniques.
2. Sanitation and Drainage:
• Refuse, different form of refuse: garbage/solid waste, sullage, toilet waste, storm
water, their collection and disposal systems. General principles of drainage.
• Drainage layout for building premises, kitchen, utility and toilet layouts, fixtures
and fittings; W.C. flushing valves, flushing tanks, wash basins, bathing
• Types of traps: floor traps. Gully traps etc; manholes, grease chambers, curb inlets
and gutter inlets, inspection chambers, intercepting traps.
• Ventilation of drains and sewers, principles of design of sewer lines, longitudinal
sections of drains.
• Drainage in non municipal areas, soak wells, septic tanks
• Rain water drainage pipes, spouts, sizing of rain water pipes, storm water
drainage system.
• Sustainable techniques in storm water disposal planning: at the project level, at
the city level
• Eco friendly Sewage treatment techniques: biogas plants, sewage treatment
• Specialized water supply and drainage requirements: swimming pools, basement
level supply and disposal, terrace gardens supply and drainage etc.
Interior Design
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand
Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation Total
Emphasis • Effect of Built spaces on human psyche; visual aspects, visual control, visual
art appreciation.
• To bring out creativity, imagination, originality and innovations in design.
Contents • Understanding the need of Interior design. The relationship between Interior
design and Architecture. The effect of interior spaces: its quality, characters
and classification. Historical background and international perspective. Various
art movements and isms that have affected design.
• Understanding the client brief and formulating the program and requirements
• Elements of Interior space. The various planes defining the space like the floor,
ceiling, walls, partitions, etc. Enveloping space, contained space and residual
spaces? Space within space, furniture, fittings, color, texture, lighting, services,
accessories, etc.
• Colours in interiors; hue, chroma and tonal values. Effect of light on colour,
various colour schemes like monochromatic, complementary, triadic etc.
Colour symbolism
• Lighting in interiors; natural and artificial light, quality and quantity of light,
types of light fittings and commercial availability, lighting and function.
• Interior climate; orientation and location of activities, study of comfort
conditions, heating, cooling, direct and indirect lighting, location, types, quality
of lighting
• Interior landscaping; Plant species, specification, etc. texture, height grouping
and layout.
• Study of various types of interior design materials available in the market like
wood, plywood, laminate, veneer, glass, steel, aluminum etc.
Elective -IV
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand
Code Name Emphasis Evaluation Total
References: Manual on Solar Passive Architecture, Energy Systems Engineering, IIT Bombay,
Mumbai & Solar Energy Centre, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
Government of India, New Delhi.(1999)
Traditional Architecture
Emphasis: Study & overview the influence of cultural system & ethos in the evolution &
development of traditional architecture of a place & region
Content: Introduction to vernacular & traditional architecture. To understand & identify the
constants of a traditional building environment in today’s multi cultural society. Study
of cultural connotation & other determinants of traditional built form as, climate, site,
building material & technology along with behavioral studies. Understanding the
domestic architecture of a place & various typology of built form in a traditional
i. Oliver Paul: Encyclopedia of vernacular architecture , Vol I,II,III
ii. Rapoport Amos: House form & culture
iii. Criticism in Architrcture
iv. Jain Kulbhushan: Thematic Spaces
v. Jain Kulbhushan & Jain Minakshi: Mud Architecture of Indian Desert,
vi. Jain Kulbhushan & Jain Minakshi: Indian City in the Arid West
vii. Rudofsky Bernard: Architecture without Architects.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A. Core Subjects
1 ARC-501 Architectural Working - 6 125 125 250 - 250 500
Design V Drawing
Emphasis: Architectural working drawing as tool to communicate and execute architectural design,
construction details with the relevant specifications
Contents: Developing a set of working drawings for the purpose of execution and construction,
architectural detailing of building components, details and function of building services
like electrical, plumbing and drainage, back and forth design processes, exposure to
materials, products and assembly, methods of specifications writings in the drawings
Projects: Preparing the complete set of working drawings of an independent design projects from
the previous semesters
1. Architects working details – Vol. 1 to 5
2. Macay, W. B. – Building construction Vol. 1 to 4
3. Stitt – Architects detail library
4. Handisyde, Cicil – Everyday details
5. Styles, Keith – Working drawing hand book
6. Woodbridge, Joseph – Details: the architects’ art
Building Materials and Construction Technology V
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Name Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
• Understanding of Precast and Prestressed concrete components and their applications in
building /construction industry.
• Materials and Construction Technology for large span structures(Temporary/Permanent):
• Modular unit system
• Space frame system
• Tensile structures
• Shell structures
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, case studies & workshop based on the
application of theory to construction field.
Structural Design and systems V
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Content / /External Total
Emphasis Evaluation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ARC-503 Design and
4 systems V 3 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
7. Design of Footing :
• Analysis & Design & detailing of slab based footing.
• Study of behaviour & detailing of Gusseted based footings.
Project : 1. Analysis & design of a simple elements with detailing based on course content.
2. Site visits & case studies of steel structure.
Reference : 1. L.S.Negi, “ Design of steel structure.”
2. A.S. Arya & J.L. Ajamani, “Design of steel structure.”
3. Kazmi & Jindal, “Design of steel structure.”
4. INSDAG publication, “ Teaching resources for steel design.”
5. IS 800, “ Design of steel structure.”
6. IS 875 –1987, Part I to V.
Building Services & Equipments III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 ARC-504 Building Building Services 2 4 25 25 50 50 - 100
Services & & Equipments -
Equipments III 02
Design of
Services - 04
• Theory of combustion
• Spreading of fire within the building and surrounding premises
• Active and passive means to control fire
• Study of fire regulations
• Fire extinguishing systems
• Fire resistance of different building materials
• Fire escapes
3. Air conditioning
• Different systems in current use from chilled water cooling systems to air
handling package unit etc; their installations requirements and demand in
building layouts.
• Supply air, return air ducting systems, their layouts and requirements along
with building systems.
4. Acoustics
• Properties of sound, process of hearing, behavior of sound, acoustics for
various spaces/ functional areas, noise control, outdoor and indoor sound
input/output systems, noise control of building materials, prediction methods
and calculations, noise reduction, properties of materials for sound insulation,
testing, room acoustics, reverberation time in functional areas.
Projects: • Onsite study of cinema halls, auditoriums, recording studios, lecture halls
• Market survey of surfacing products and fixtures, acoustical building
materials, finishes.
• Case study of different buildings with reference to: fire protection measures,
vertical transportation and air-conditioning systems.
• Market survey of various fire fighting devices.
• Integrated application of services with respect to some project
History of Architecture - III
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Content / /External Total
Emphasis Evaluation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
History of
ARC-505 Architecture -
5 III 3 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
Emphasis: Evolution of the built environment or human habitat as a complex and multilayered
synthesis of ‘culture, climate and construction’
Contents: Study of spatial order, structure and materials, articulations, symbols and meanings in the
built forms at various scales of settlements, institutions and dwellings in the following
time period:
• Meaning in Western Architecture – Christian Norberg-Schulz
• A History of Architecture – Sir Banister Fletcher
• Bernini – Franco Borsi
• The Architecture of Michaelangelo – James S. Ackerman
• Baroque and Rococo – Sachervevell Sitwell
• The Four Books of Architecture – Andrea Palladio
• Architecture : From Prehistory to Post-Modernity – Trachtenberg and Hyman
• The History of Architecture in India - Christopher Tadgell
• Indian Architecture (Islamic Period) - Percy Brown.
• Living Architecture Series – Architecture of World: Islamic India, Renaissance,
• Graphic History of Architecture. – John Mansbridge
Estimation Costing & Specifications
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Content / /External Total
Emphasis Evaluation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ARC-506 Costing &
6 Specifications 4 - 25 25 50 50 - 100
Emphasis: To develop basic understanding the importance of estimate and designing of specification
to achieve the best in terms of cost efficiency and standards.
• Introduction to subject and its importance giving practical examples.
• Understanding of various types of estimation used in the profession.
• Understanding of different methods of calculating quantities, i.e. approximate and
detailed estimate.
• Understanding of various types of specification.
• Understanding of mode of measurement.
• Understanding of qualitative aspect in terms of material strength and workmanship.
• Understanding of importance of specification in contract document and execution
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, case studies, tutorial, study of BOQ &
workshop based on the application of theory to construction field.
1. B.N Dutta – Estimating and costing
2. Rangwala – estimating and costing
3. Roshan Nanavati - Professional Practice
Research Methodology
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand
Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
B. Group Of Subjects
ARI-507 Methodology
7 3 - 25 25 50 - 50 100
To generate awareness in research and meaning of systematic search with comprehensive
introduction of technical documentation.
• General understanding of what is research, its objectives, various methods of research
• Designing research, Defining the problem, approach to research
• Research questions, questionnaire design, Data collection and hypothesis
• Use of theory, Review of literature,
• Ethical consideration, Plagiarism
• Qualitative , quantities and mix methods
• Technical writing and documentation
• Format for research paper
• Reference and bibliography
1. Selecting an appropriate article and generate understanding through critical evaluation of
the particulars.
2. Introduction of selection of subject and writing a research paper on particular subject
• A Practical Guide To Graduate Research , Stock Molly, New York , NY ,Mc Grew-Hill
Book Company , 1985
• Environmental Design Research: How To Do It And How To Apply It ,Wehrli, Robert
New York, Wiley 1986
• Finding Facts Fast: How To Find Out What You Want And Need To Know, Todd,
Alden, Berkeley, Ten Speed Press
• Architectural Research , Snyder, James, New York , Van Nostrand Reinhold , 1984
• Inquiry By Design: Tool For Environment – Behaviour Research, Zeisel, John,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 1981
• Visual Research Methods In Design, Sandoff, Henry, Van Nostrand Reinhold , 1991
• Research Design: Quantitative And Qualitative Approaches, Creswell John, Thousand
Oaks, Calif: Sage Publication
• The Elements of Scientific Thinking. Hoover , Kennet R 1984new York Ny St.Martins
• Practical Research: Planning and Design, Leedy, Paul D. And Jeanne Ellis Ormrod 2004
, Upper Saddle River, Nj : Merril Prentice Hall ( Eight Edition)
• Chicago Manual of Style, (University of Chicago Press, 2003).
• MLA Hand Book for writers of research papers , Joseph Gibaldi, affiliated east-west
press pvt ltd new Delhi
Elective -V
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand
Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C. Electives
ARE-508 Elective - 1. Furniture
V & Product
2. Garden
Landscape &
8 Furniture 2 - 25 25 50 - 50 100
Emphasis Designing various products of day to day life, enhance its functional and aesthetic
values, i.e. chair, wardrobes, multipurpose cabinets etc.
Projects Case study of designer products in the market, visit to showrooms and manufacturers
Study of products designed by master Architects and product designers
Assignments and design exercise to cover the above theory
References • John Adkins Rickanson (1992) Art: The Way It Is, Harry N Abrams
• Crever, Manual of furniture design
• A to Z of product design
Architectural Design VI
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code / Emphasis /External Total
Contents: Developing institutional characteristics with spatial composition and designing of the
Part in relation to the ‘whole’, identity and nature of the institute, issues of ‘relevance’ in
architectural design, client-contact, land-building relationships, issues of hierarchy and
spatial order, efficiency of services and utilities, clarity of structural system,
environmental concerns, use of appropriate technology, application of development
control regulations, literature review
Projects: Buildings of an institutional scale e.g. library, court, cultural center, etc., case studies of
appropriate architectural vocabulary, exercises on detailing a part in correspondence of
the whole
1. High rise buildings of urban design
2. Jencks, Charles – Modern Architecture
3. North, Whitney – Small urban spaces
4. Ashuhano, Yoshinobu – Exterior design in architecture
Building Materials and Construction Technology VI
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code / Emphasis /External Total
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, & case studies
1. W.L. Mackey , “ Building Construction” Vol –I,II,III,
2. S.P. Arora & S.P. Bindra, “ Building Construction”
3. R. Barry, “The Construction of Building”
4. Henry J. Cowan, “Handbook of Architectural Technology”
5. Edward Allen, “Fundamentals of Building Construction”
6. Huntington , “ Building Construction”
Structural Design and systems VI
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code / Emphasis /External Total
Emphasis: Evolution of the built environment or human habitat as a complex and multilayered
synthesis of ‘culture, climate and construction’
Contents: Study of spatial order, structure and materials, articulations, symbols and meanings in the
built forms at various scales of settlements, institutions and dwellings in the following
time period:
• Meaning in Western Architecture – Christian Norberg-Schulz
• A History of Architecture – Sir Banister Fletcher
• Architecture Through the Ages – Talbot Hamlin
• Architecture : From Prehistory to Post-Modernity – Trachtenberg and Hyman
• Space, Time and Architecture – Sigfried Gideon
• Rethinking Architecture: a reader in cultural theory, Leach, Neil (Ed.)
• When was modernism in Indian art? - Geeta Kapur
• Architecture and Independence – Jon Lang, Miki and Madhavi Desai
• Graphic History of Architecture. – John Mansbridge
Landscape Design
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code / Emphasis /External Total
Basics of Construction Management
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Emphasis Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code /External Total
Emphasis : To Introduce the students with Construction Management problems & techniques in the
field and to briefly introduce an understanding regarding the economics of building
industry. To develop an understanding regarding the importance of resource management
in today’s context.
Housing & Community Planning
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Introduction to Housing Theories & Policies – Introduction to Concepts of Housing
Typologies; Introduction to Socio-political aspects of urbanism, urban growth and its
implication on housing and community development in India; Housing problems in
urban and rural sectors, impact of urbanization on housing need, demand and supply;
Cost Effective Housing – Socio-Economic Factors; Forms and Materials
Housing Legislation & Finance – Review of existing Housing Byelaws and their
impact on resultant residential environment within given contexts; Review of existing
systems of Housing Provisions and Policies; Housing Finance Agencies – their roles and
1. Rapoport, Amos – House, Form and Culture
2. Rapoport, Amos – Human Aspects of Built Form
3. Hall, Edward T. – Hidden Dimension
4. Bhatia, Gautam – Life, Works and Writings of Laurie Baker
5. Correa, Charles – Housing and Urbanisation
Elective -VI
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University /External Grand
Code Name / Emphasis Evaluation Total
1. Architectural Journalism
Emphasis • To create understanding and scope of professional use of subject and explore the
potential application in field of architecture
• Context and purpose of architectural journalism and criticism, relations between
practicing architects and journalists and critics and the role of media and
photography in the field of architecture
Contents • Essential skills of a news reporter: finding stories, interview and writing for
audiences, writing features, reviews and columns
• Architectural journalism; components, function in society, background research,
architectural photography
• Key texts concerning architectural journalism in particular, developing an
understanding of the work of architectural journalists
• Understanding the production of contemporary architectural journalism, to
develop an ability to critically appraise selected individual pieces of journalism.
• Research and involvement in the latest construction techniques, building
materials, services, analysis of building structures, etc.
• Attendance at theater and music performances, film screenings, museum and
gallery tours, architectural site visits, symposia, lectures, encounters with artists
• Research methodologies, academic writing; relevant sources, methods of
collecting and classifying data, developing critical thinking and generating
argument, writing conclusion and presentation of research outcomes
Book review
2. Art in Architecture
Emphasis: Study & overview the influence of cultural system & ethos in the evolution &
development of traditional architecture of a place & region
Introduction to vernacular & traditional architecture. To understand & identify the
constants of a traditional building environment in today’s multi cultural society. Study of
cultural connotation & other determinants of traditional built form as, climate, site,
building material & technology along with behavioral studies. Understanding the
domestic architecture of a place & various typology of built form in a traditional
1. Oliver Paul: Encyclopedia of vernacular architecture , Vol I,II,III
2. Rapoport Amos: House form & culture
3. Criticism in Architrcture
4. Jain Kulbhushan: Thematic Spaces
5. Jain Kulbhushan & Jain Minakshi: Mud Architecture of Indian Desert,
6. Jain Kulbhushan & Jain Minakshi: Indian City in the Arid West
7. Rudofsky Bernard: Architecture without Architects.
Architectural Design VII
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
A. Study of Town / City
• Study of History & Evolution of Town
• Study of Natural elements like Climate, Topography, etc. for understanding the
settlement pattern
• Study of Demographic profile, Occupational Pattern, etc. for understanding its
impact on the development trends.
• Study of Regional Connectivity, City Structure, Urban Infrastructure (Physical &
Social), Administrative Setup, Development Control Mechanism etc. for
understanding the functioning and regulation of the city.
• Detailed Study of Settlement Pattern including Blocks, Cluster, House form and their
Typology, Important institutions and market places, Local material and construction
technology, etc.
• Identification of relevant site and project for Design Exercise
B. Design Exercise
• Site Analysis and Programmatic Case Study
• Study of various alternatives for approach towards design
• Architectural Design of a public purpose building keeping ‘context’ as the central
Projects: Design of a Public Purpose Building with the context: Selection of a Town / City and
comprehensive study of the same with a view of identifying the need of the city with
respect to the aspirations of the people.
1. High rise buildings of urban design
2. Jencks, Charles – Modern Architecture
3. North, Whitney – Small urban spaces
4. Ashuhano, Yoshinobu – Exterior design in architecture
Building Materials and Construction Technology VII
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Emphasis: - Detail study to understand Sustainable Architectural Building material Science and
exploration of modern materials and technology.
• Understanding the concepts of sustainability and eco friendly materials.
• To explore hi-tech building construction technology (cable stress structures, turning
torso, suspension bridges etc.)
• To explore new and hi tech building materials(titanium sheets etc)
• Introduction to requirements of building for LEED rating
Projects: Study through practical site visits, presentations, & case studies
1. W.L. Mackey , “ Building Construction” Vol –I,II,III,
2. S.P. Arora & S.P. Bindra, “ Building Construction”
3. R. Barry, “The Construction of Building”
4. Henry J. Cowan, “Handbook of Architectural Technology”
5. Edward Allen, “Fundamentals of Building Construction”
6. Huntington , “ Building Construction”
Advanced Structural Design and systems
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
2. Tensile structure :
Introduction to Tensile structure, spanning, application, classification,
material, stability against wind, various types of tensile structure- cable
stayed, suspension cable, cable nets, membrane , Details of Connection for
tensile structure, construction technique. Case studies.
3. Space Frame:
Introduction to space frame, behaviour under loading , application,
connection & case studies.
Project : 1. World famous Case studies of various structures based on course content.
Advanced Services
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Projects: • Project/studio work to focus upon energy efficient, energy saving and environment
friendly techniques/materials/systems to be used with practical consideration for
implementation/installation of the required devices and methods.
• Introduction to requirement of security and surveillance for protective and defensive
purposes. Regulations/protocol/legal aspects (international and national) followed
for installations of the same.
• Onsite study of shopping malls, multiplexes, multiple facility recreation centres,
banks, museums, airports, railway stations etc to understand the integration and
execution of all services with above mentioned aspects.
• Market survey of Products related to above discussed safety and surveillance
• Study of innovative/intelligent/automated devices as part of architectural
fittings/furnishings/furniture/services provided which help in the better integration of
the services and functional requirements of planned and unplanned areas.
References: 1. Fire safety in buildings by V.K.Jain
2. Mechanical and electrical equipments for buildings: Stein/Reynolds/Mc Guiness
3. Internet sources
Research Skills & Project Introduction
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Understanding the need for scientific research in fundamental Architectural Design
thoughts and methods and applied fields to architecture and built environment.
• Exploration of research topic
• Selection of subjects and researching
• Initiation of case studies, Methods of study
• Preparation of Thesis Proposal based on research exploration
• Application of components of Research Methodology
• Submitting draft and working process
• Structuring the project, writing proposals
• Presentation – project and report
• A Practical Guide To Graduate Research , Stock Molly, New York , NY ,Mc Grew-Hill
Book Company , 1985
• Environmental Design Research: How To Do It And How To Apply It ,Wehrli, Robert
New York, Wiley 1986
• Finding Facts Fast: How To Find Out What You Want And Need To Know, Todd,
Alden, Berkeley, Ten Speed Press
• Architectural Research , Snyder, James, New York , Van Nostrand Reinhold , 1984
• Inquiry By Design: Tool For Environment – Behaviour Research, Zeisel, John,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 1981
• Visual Research Methods In Design, Sandoff, Henry, Van Nostrand Reinhold , 1991
• Research Design: Quantitative And Qualitative Approaches, Creswell John, Thousand
Oaks, Calif: Sage Publication
• The Elements Of Scientific Thinking. Hoover , Kennet R 1984new York Ny St.Martins
• Practical Research: Planning And Design, Leedy, Paul D. And Jeanne Ellis Ormrod 2004
, Upper Saddle River, Nj : Merril Prentice Hall ( Eight Edition)
• Chicago Manual of Style, (University of Chicago Press, 2003).
• MLA Hand Book for writers of research papers , Joseph Gibaldi, affiliated east-west
press pvt ltd new Delhi
Urban & Regional Planning
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
Emphasis: Developing an understanding of urban context with its schematic abstraction and
contemporary manifestations
Projects: Various Site Studies for Appreciation of Changing City Form as a palimpsest of
changing political, social and anthropological events
1. Kevin Lynch, Image of the City
2. Kevin Lynch, Good City Form
3. Christopher Alexander, Timeless Way of Building
4. Christopher Alexander, Pattern Language
5. Amos Rapoport, Human Aspects of Urban Form
6. Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities,
7. Spiro Kostof, A History of Architecture – Settings and Rituals
8. Paul D Spreiregin, The Architecture of Towns and Cities
9. Paul D Spreiregin, On the Art of Designing Cities
10. Aldo Rossi, The Architecture of the City
11. Edmund N Bacon, Design of Cities
12. Geoffrey Broadbent, Emerging concepts in Urban Space Design
13. Gordon Cullen, Townscape
Elective -VII
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1. Disaster Management
Emphasis • Probable disasters, Disaster management: general approach at
society/community, city level, urban planning strategies & habitat design
strategies for disaster mitigation , resource management during disasters,
strategies for recovery
Contents • The Contemporary world and the probable disaster risks
1. Global/ national/ regional disaster risk situation
2. Evolution of disaster risk management
3. Disaster management models and approaches for different emergencies.
• Disaster Risk Management Process
1. Vulnerability factors (includes Residential as well as Industry and Commerce)
2. Coping capacities (at different levels, and of different agencies)
3. Outputs from risk assessment and capacity building framework from the same
• Prevention / Mitigation
1. Framework for prevention and mitigation with focus upon between
2. Structural mitigation
3. Community based disaster management (including specialized measures for
different set of industrial set-ups and surrounding settlements)
4. Institutional and legal mechanisms
5. Role of public awareness
6. Preparation of prevention and mitigation by urban planning strategies &
conducive habitat design.
• Preparedness Planning
1. Key preparedness considerations:
2. Coordination and the emergency coordination center
3. Probable damage assessment and needs analysis, with special focus upon
between environments.
• Emergency Response
1. Activating and managing the emergency coordination centers (all levels)
2. Damage assessment and needs analysis
3. Resource management at different levels
• Recovery and Reconstruction
1. Principles and concepts of recovery
2. Community involvement & Rehab designs.
3. Concluding recovery interventions
Projects: 1. Case studies of different examples, lessons learnt
2. Intelligent Buildings
Emphasis • BAS (Building automation systems) and devices for optimizing energy,
security, surveillance, fire safety etc.
• Smart buildings, its components current practices, and relevant
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Thesis
2. Submission
of a Complete
(CWP) is
mandatory as
1 ARC-801 Design VIII - 22 250 250 500 - 500 1000
a part of this
subject to get a
N.O.C. for
training in
9th & 10th
Emphasis: Design thesis to evaluate the student’s ability to explore in the field of architecture.
• In-depth investigation in the chosen area
• Analysis of investigation, influence to establish underlying principles.
• Evaluation of existing theory in Contemporary context.
• Establishment of hypothesis – design and its substantiation.
1. The area of work chosen by students with the guidance of a faculty member can be in
any of the following areas:
Architectural Theory, history, design determinants, design language, design
valuation, building types, urban design, housing, interior design, landscape design,
building technology, environmental science, professional practice or any other
related field accepted by the school as relevant to the field.
2. Submission of a Complete Work Portfolio(CWP) is a mandatory as a part of this
subject to get N.O.C for professional training in 9TH and 10TH sem
Professional Practice
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 ARC-802 4 - 50 50 100 100 - 200
• Role and responsibilities of a professional
• Prevailing pattern of professional practice
• Comparison and inter relationship with other professionals and professional
• Various professional associations and registering body; their responsibilities,
detail understanding of professional ethics; fee structure
• Understanding of various professional competition
• Office organization and management skills
• Detail understanding of office day to day responsibilities towards staff and other
government bodies
• Understanding of contract and its management, site supervision
• Role, responsibilities, liabilities and indemnity of client, contractor, sub
contractor and clerk of work.
Projects : Study of all aspects in reference to relevant core study; seminar related to
prevailing practice.
• Hand book on professional practice by council of architecture, New Delhi
• Hand book on professional practice by Indian Institute of Architecture
• BPMC Act
• GTP and GDCR rules
• Professional practice with Elements of Estimating, Valuation contract and
Arbitration By Dr. Roshan H. Namavati
• Estimating and costing in Civil Engineering Theory and Practice by B.N. Datta
Elective -VIII
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C. Electives
ARE-803 1. Architectural
3 Elective -VIII 4 - 25 25 50 - 50 100
2. Urban
Architectural Conservation
Introduction to Programming of Architectural Conservation Projects –
Appreciation and Identification of Values related to Heritage and Culture – their
Interpretation and Presentation; Concept of Ethics and Authenticity; Degrees of
Intervention; basic Principles of Conservation viz., Preservation, Restoration, Reuse,
Rehabilitation, Regeneration, Revitalisation, Up gradation, Redevelopment
Emergence of Conservation as a Subject and as a Profession – History of ASI;
History of Conservation Movement in UK, Italy; History of Conservation Movement in
Global and National Heritage Management Notions – Conservation Legislation in
India vis-à-vis that in Europe; World Heritage Sites – recognition criteria, status after
inscription; ICOMOS Charters e.g., Venice, Burra, Florence; Pilot Projects of
Architectural Conservation in India and Europe
History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture – Re-introduced as a view point to
understand built heritage of India
12. Chris Abel, The Language Analogy in Architectural Theory & Criticism
Urban Design
Architecture is not an isolated private statement. Rather, it is at once a public (urban) act
and a reflection of our understanding of the world at any given moment: i.e., what it
might be. Its formal order both reflects and promotes plausible ideas of social,
philosophical and urban order. Architecture is an art to be sure, but it is a social art, an
urban art.
It will operate on the premise that public spaces are important to the livability of a city.
The public realm quite literally provides the platform for its arts and culture to exist and
adds to the desirability of its inhabitants.
1. Understanding the term Urban: Definitions and Approaches, looking at how various
theorists have defined / understood the “urban” or the “city” as an object of investigation.
2. Urbanism & New Urbanism
3. Understanding the term Urban Design and inter-relation of Architecture and Urban
4. 'Urban Design' as a focus on physical improvement of the public environment.
5. Public Realm, definition and understanding the design of Public realm
6. City Scapes / Town Scapes, understanding and analysis
1. Literature and / or Live Case-studies in Urban Design
2. Book Review
Professional Training
Sr.No. Subject Subject Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Name Emphasis /External Total
1 ARC-901 100 100
Note A: For Semester IX compulsory training of 18 weeks will be required under a COA registered Architect in
India or equivalent in foreign countries. Submission of 18 weeks work in form of a Portfolio is mandatory along
with Architect's Certificate to continue the Xth Semester Training.
Professional Training
Sr.No. Subject Subject Name Sub Content / Teaching Scheme Internal Evaluation University Grand
Code Emphasis /External Total
ARC- Professional
1 100 100
1001 Training
Note A:
For Semester X, a compulsory training of 18 weeks will be required under a COA registered Architect in India or
equivalent in foreign countries. Submission of 18 x2 weeks work will be evaluated. It is mandatory for the
student to appear in the exam (viva/ jury/ review) and clear it for award of the degree.