Tikona FAQs
Tikona FAQs
Tikona FAQs
Service Availability &
General Product & Tariff Billing
1.1 About Tikona Digital Networks Ltd (TDN)
Tikona is an all‐India ISP (Internet Service Provider) specializing in wireless broadband
service. The service is powered by the 4th Generation OFDM & MIMO technologies.
1.2 What is Broadband?
It is an always on internet connection that can provide a download speed of >=256 kbps.
1.3 What is High Speed Internet?
It is an always on internet connection that can provide a download speed of up to 256 kbps.
1.4 What are the advantages of Broadband?
Broadband allows you to complete your task of downloading or uploading large sized files
or multimedia content web pages much faster than a dial up internet, thereby saving your
valuable time, and giving you a superior internet experience.
1.5 What are possible broadband applications?
One can use broadband for applications like travel ticketing, online banking, stock trading,
Voice over IP (VoIP), video chat over the Internet, or download multimedia content like
music, movies and games to name a few.
1.6 Can I access Tikona WI‐BRO while traveling or outside my home?
You cannot access this service while traveling. However, you may receive coverage outside
in common areas of your society such as lawns, club house and swimming pool; if your
society/building has enrolled into the WI‐BRO campus program of TDN.
1.7 What are the advantages of Tikona WI‐BRO service over other wired internet connection?
The service comes with many benefits however important being:
Tikona Diggital Networkks
• 2 Mbps plan
2 ns with Bill Liimit.
• N
No Spoiling oof Home/Office interiorss as no cabling required.
• A
All Home so lution to connnect multipple PCs wirellessly.
• G
Greater Secuurity: Freedo om from riskks associatedd with self in
nstalled Wi‐FFi routers.
• C
Click to conn
nect dialer foor easy yet ssecured acceess to the intternet servicce.
• E
Enhanced se ecurity of your PC as antti virus bundled with bassic service.
Servicce Availaability &
& Orderin
2.1 Wherre all is Tikonna’s WI‐BRO O service avaailable?
Tikonna WI‐BRO se ervice is avaailable in varrious metross and non‐metros acrosss India. We aare
consttantly addingg new cities to our service footprintt. To know m more, visit th
he Service
Availaability Sectio
on of our weebsite. For m more info pleease call 180
00 20 90044..
2.2 How can I find ou ut whether TTikona’s WI‐BRO servicee is available in my area??
Pleasse call Tikonaa Customer Care at 1800 0 20 94276 aand provide your area pincode &
building name alo ong with you ur contact details Our reepresentativve will get baack to you
regarrding the serrvice availabbility in your area.
2.3 Whatt is the delivvery time of yyour servicee?
If you
ur building iss Tikona WI‐BRO enabled, then we ccan deliver the service w within 3 dayss
from receipt of SRF and subm mission of all supportingg documentss.
In casse your buildding is Non RRFS then we shall be hap ppy to work with your building
authoorities to maake the build ding Tikona W WI‐BRO enabled in the sshortest posssible time.
2.4 Whatt set up do I need at my residence oor office in orrder to subscribe to Tiko
ona's WI‐BRO
Your PC/laptop should suppo ort the follow
• Intel P
P IV 2 GHz orr higher
• 512 MMB RAM
• Minimmum 2 GB freee HDD spacce at the timme of installaation
• OS: W
Win7, Win 2K K,Win XP, Win Vista
• Ethernnet LAN Card /Port (10/100Base T) w with TCP/IP support
• Browsser Options: IE 6.0 & abo
ove, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 && above, Op
pera, Googlee
Tikona Digital Networks
2.6 Are charges paid along with the SRF (Subscriber Registration Form) refundable incase I
cancel the order.
• You shall be entitled for a full refund if TDN is not able to deliver service within agreed
• However no refund is applicable subsequent to Service provisioning
2.7 Can I know the status (or progress) of my order?
Yes, you can request for the status of your Tikona WI‐BRO Service order at Tikona Customer
Care (1800 20 94276). The status update shall be provided by the concerned delivery
manager of your area.
2.8 What is the process of Service Delivery?
As a first step, we check the service availability then request for your SRF alongwith
necessary documents and the upfront payment. Your User name & Password is sent to your
mobile no through SMS & email once your SRF is successfully processed. Please do not loose
this information or share it with anybody including Tikona’s Installation executive or the
Tikona Care officer. Our Installation Engineer will visit your residence or office to complete
the installation, as per the appointment fixed with you.
2.9 Can I reuse the Password which is issued at the time of service delivery?
No, the Password is for one time use only, and allows you to access WI‐BRO service in
combination with the USER ID for the first time. It is mandatory to change the password at
the time of first log‐in.
2.10 What do I do incase I face any issue with my password?
Please call up at Tikona Customer Care & help us with the necessary information and we will
provide you a new password on your mobile number.
2.11 Is there any other charge besides installation charges that I need to pay?
A CAT 5 cable is provided at no extra cost if the subscriber needs to connect his PC on the
Ethernet interface. Cable laying through casing and capping will be charged @ 10Rs/Feet.
This will be over and above installation charges and need to be paid directly to Tikona
Authorized Partner’s installation executive.
Tikona Diggital Networkks
uct & Tarriff
3.1 Whatt speed is offfered by Tikona for the WI‐BRO inteernet connecction?
wing speed will be offerred under vaarious plans of Tikona W
Follow WI‐BRO servicce
• Fixed Monthly Charge plans
p with 2 Mbps
M downloa
ad speed
• Circuit Bre
eaker Plans with
w 2 Mbps do
ownload spee
• Premium unlimited
u usa
age plan with 2 Mbps down
nload speed.
• Annual pla
ans with spee
ed of 256 Kbpss & 512 Kbps download sp
3.2 Which plan from Tikona WI‐B BRO service is ideally suited for me??
Our wwebsite conssists of a plan selector wwhich helps d decide suitab
ble plans depending upo on
userss usage patte ern.
3.3 Whatt is the advantage of Fun n Unlimited Plan?
The FFun unlimited plans com me with bonu us bandwidth of 2 Mbps for first few w hundred M MBs .
3.4 Whatt is the advantage of a C Circuit Breaker (CB) Planss?
The CCB plans provides high d download speeds with biill limit featu ure.
3.5 Explaain the conce ept of Circuit Breaker (CB) plans?
In casse of circuit breaker plan maximum billl value, your
ns as soon as your bill reeaches the m
chargging stops. YYour service however, co ontinues to w work, althou
ugh at a redu
uced speed. The
nal speed is restored auttomatically u upon receipt of bill paymment. Altern
natively, you can
choose to make aan ad hoc paayment aheaad of your reegular bill paayment datee, to enjoy fu ull
speed d service. In circuit breaker plans ussage during tthe ‘reduced d speed’ period is not
3.6 Does WI‐BRO com me with valu ue added services?
WI‐BRO comes w with value addded service such as
Tikona Digital Networks
3.7 How does your service help me save money?
Antivirus bundled worth Rs.1,500 is provided with the service.
4.1 Do you have Pre‐paid or Post‐Paid plans?
Currently Tikona WI‐BRO service is available in Post‐paid plans only
4.2 Where and how can I pay my bill?
• Online Option ‐(Visit www.tikona.in >> Click on My Account>> Enter User Id and
Password >> Click on make payment >> Click on Payment >> Click on make payment).
o Net banking (14 Banks‐more being added)
o Credit Card/Debit Card (MasterCard, VISA)
• You can drop a cheque in any ICICI Bank ATM check drop box.
4.3 Can I view my bill online?
Yes, you can view the bill summary online on self care portal.
(Visit www.tikona.in >> Click on MyAccount>> Enter User Id and Password >> Click on Bill
4.4 What happens if I do not pay the bill by due date?
If the payment is not made by due date then you will be charged an interest on overdue
invoices from the Due Date until payment made @ 2 % per month, subject to a minimum
charge of Rs. 25.
4.5 How does the bill reach me?
• You get the Tikona WI‐BRO e‐bill on the email id registered with us.
• Physical copy of the bill to your registered billing address (likely to be discontinued in
4.6 I need to understand the various charges on my Tikona WI‐BRO service?
Please call up Tikona Customer Care on 1800 20 94276 for understanding the various
charges being charged to you.
4.7 Do we allow balance carry forward of bundled usage?
In current plans we do not allow carry forward of unused bundled usage.
4.8 I need a duplicate bill/I have not received my bill. How do I get it?
Tikona Digital Networks
For duplicate bill, please call up Tikona Customer Care & ask for a duplicate bill.
As a policy we don’t provide Duplicate Physical Bill copy.
Based on your request a duplicate bill will be forwarded to your email address as provided
in the SRF.
4.9. When do I pay the bill if I am on a long term (quarterly, half yearly or annual) plan?
You need to pay the plan charges, installation charges (if applicable) alongwith service tax in
advance. Service will be provided on realization of the cheque.
Service Usage
5.1 When can I start using my internet service?
We recommend that you use the service after our installation engineer visits your
home/office to complete the installation procedure & demonstrates how to use the service.
5.2 From which devices can I access WI‐BRO service?
You can access WI‐BRO service from a PC or a Laptop. (Refer the recommended
configuration in 2.4).
5.3 How do I access my WI‐BRO service?
For Windows Users
Launch Dialer > Select Profile > (Ethernet, All Home) > Enter Username & Password >
Launch Browser
For MAC Users
Launch Browser > Enter Username & Password
5.4 I have an @ll Home/Office solution, how many PC/Laptops can be used in this solution?
A subscriber can register maximum four PCs in CB49, CB299, CB499, FUL499, FUL599,
FUL799, FMC599, FMC799, QFUL1499, QFUL1799, QFUL2399 eight PCs in FUL1399,
FMC1499, FMC2499, HFUL2999, HFUL3599, HFUL4799, AUL5000, AUL6000 and ten PCs in
UL3499 in @ll home solution.Home » Product & Services » For Homes » FAQs » Billing
5.5 Will my bill be very high if I am connected for all the time?
No. You will be charged only for the upload/download of data transfer and not based on the
time for which you are connected to the net. However we recommend you to log out when
you do not want to use internet as activities such as streaming, flash, auto updates, virus on
your PC etc can result in unintended data transfers from your PC.
Tikona Digital Networks
5.6 Do you provide any online portal to manage my account?
Yes. Online Self Care Portal is available to manage your account & many more aspects of
WI‐BRO service. This portal is accessible after you log into WI‐BRO service. Or alternatively
you can access the same portal through our website (Visit www.tikona.in >> Click on My
Account >> Enter User Id and Password)
5.7 What are the things I can do from my Online Self Care portal?
Online Self care portal provides facilities, such as
Service Request
• Change password ‐ Option to Change password.
• Session History ‐ Check your internet session history on day to day basis.
• Anti‐Virus ‐ Gives the license key details along with activation details.
• MAC Addresses ‐ Gives the MAC ID’s registered against the User account.
Billing and Payments
• Invoice Summary ‐ Shows historical invoice summary details
• Payment List ‐ Shows historical payment details.
• Make Payment ‐ Option to make an online payment though Credit Card/Net banking.
Subscriber Profile
• Personal information ‐ Provides the user user's subscription details such as Username ,
address etc.
• Service Information ‐ See Plans Details along with any VAS that you have subscribed.
Ask for Help
• Email ‐ This section helps to write your feedback/concern to Tikona Customer Care.
5.8 How do I know what is the actual speed of my WI‐BRO service?
There is a facility to measure the speed at which your broadband connection is working.
Once you log in you can click on the speed test icon on the dialer (for windows user) or Go
to http://www.speedtest.tikona.in (for MAC users) to check the connection speed. The
speed is displayed up to Tikona’s ISP node.
5.9 Can I shift my connection from one location to another location (within city or across city)?
If the new location where you would like to shift does have adequate signal strength, then
you can shift the connection. We will need your new billing address proof.
Tikona Digital Networks
5.10 Can I change my tariff plan?
You are allowed to change your tariff plan to any other tariff plan of your choice as per
the terms & conditions of the plan. For changing the plan please contact Tikona Customer
Care (1800‐20‐94276) or write an email to [email protected]
5.11 Will I get signals in entire home?
If you have subscribed to a plan that provides bundled @ll home service, then you can get
• Wireless coverage (up to 1000 Sq. feet) in home area.
• For large homes (more than 1000 Sq. feet area), customized solution can be
extended as per your request.
5.12 How can I change my billing address?
• Please send an email to [email protected] from the email id registered with us.
Provide your subscriber id, subscriber name, present billing address and new billing
address. Attach a scanned copy of new billing address with the mail.
• Fill up the section for billing address change provided in the back of your bill statement.
Attach a photocopy of your new billing address proof and send it to our city office
(address to SA/SD Head).
Sub Accounts
6.1 What is the concept of Multiple Accounts?
• Multiple Accounts is a functionality that allows user to create multiple sub‐accounts for
the Main account.
• These Accounts can be used to access Internet simultaneously using multiple login IDs.
6.2 What do you mean by concurrency?
Concurrency is a feature by which multiple people are allowed to login on the same service.
6.3 What is regulation behind Concurrent Login?
As per the circular No. 820‐1/2008‐DS by the DoT dated 23.02.2009 stating Instructions to
the ISPs regarding provisions of Wi‐Fi Internet service under delicensed frequency band, it
has been made mandatory to have different username & password for accessing multiple
PCS simultaneously i.e for same user id & password concurrency shouldn’t be allowed.
Tikona Digital Networks
6.4 How many sub accounts will I get?
The number of Sub Accounts that can be created depends on the Rate Plan for which the
customer has subscribed.
6.5 Will I be charged separately for the sub account created as a part of multiple
account service?
• All the usage incurred by sub accounts is billed at main User ID.
• The charging of this usage happens as per the Rate Plan defined at User ID Level.
6.6 Do I need to pay for creation/request for sub accounts?
No separate charge will be incurred to the customer for creation/request of multiple
6.7 How can I create multiple sub accounts?
• Following steps are to be followed to create sub accounts:
• Login to Self Care Portal by Username‐>Go to Service Request‐>Click on Multiple
account Link.
• Enter the User Id and Password on the Login Page.
• Create sub accounts by adding new user on Login Page. (please refer to the user
manual attached herewith)
• Multiple Sub accounts can be created by entering unique User Id and Password.
6.8 Can I create multiple accounts with special characters?
• No special characters are allowed to create User Ids.
• Sub Account can be created with alphanumeric values (as per the availability)
6.9 Can I create an alias of my Master TDN User Id?
No, it’s a unique ID and alias of Master TDN User Id can not be created.
6.10 Where can I see the usage done by multiple accounts?
• Usage by multiple accounts can be viewed in Self care portal > Session History
• Session History and Usage Summary provides details of Usage done by individual
6.11 Can I delete multiple accounts?
Yes Multiple Accounts can be deleted by clicking on Delete Tab (Self Care Portal‐>Multiple
Tikona Digital Networks
6.12 Can I change the password of these accounts?
Password of the sub‐accounts can be changed by clicking on Modify Tab (Self Care‐
>Multiple Accounts‐>Modify)
6.13 Can I restrict my multiple account user to login?
No, for restricting the access you have to delete the user as a multiple login user.
6.14 Do Sub accounts have the admin rights to modify/add/delete any user from the
self Care portal or access the Self Care.
No only main user ID has the admin rights to perform various tasks on the self care.
6.15 Would subscriber be able to make his first login using sub accounts?
No, the first login has to be done with the User Name and Password given for accessing
Tikona Wi‐Bro Service.
6.16 Why do I get a message that User Id not available?
User Id won’t be available if duplicate entry with same user id is done.
Check for uniqueness after entering the User Id.
A user Id with a particular name once created cannot be used again.
6.17 I want to see the sub‐accounts which I created
Sub Accounts which are created can be viewed by clicking on the Reports tab on the Home
Page. (Self Care‐>Multiple Accounts‐>Reports)
6.18 Does accessing Tikona Wi‐Bro with multiple sub accounts divide the speed it gets?
Yes the speed gets divided when multiple accounts are logged in at the same time.
Tikona Diggital Networkks
CPE Related
7.1 Which CPE’s/mod dem do I need to accesss Tikona’s W WI‐BRO servicce?
Modeems for Tiko ona WI‐BRO service will be supplied by Tikona depending up pon the natuure
of insstallation and services suubscribed.
7.2 Do I oown the CPEE provided by Tikona?
No. TThe CPE is prrovided on a ‘Right to usse’ basis andd it is a propeerty of Tikon
na Digital
Netwworks Pvt. Ltd d. In case of service disccontinuation subscriber sshall return the
modeem/wireless USB adapto or in workingg condition. Rs.1500 perr CPE will be payable if
subsccriber retains or returns the modem m/wireless USSB adaptor iin non workiing/damaged
7.3 Whatt is ALL Hom me/Office solution; does Tikona provvide the Wireeless Wi‐Fi m modem/routter?
ALL HHome/Office e solution
• Exxtends WI‐B BRO service wwirelessly th
hroughout yo our home/offfice without spoiling yo
• Iss built using latest MIMOO technologyy that impro oves networkk coverage uup to two tim
over conventtional home Wi‐Fi.
• Iss enabled with highest leevel WPA2 security with h AEC encrypption techno
ology. This m
thhe entire sollution substaantially safer than self in
nstalled Wi‐FFi.
• The @ll home e solution/office solution is provided by Tikona as a part of @ll Home
seervice deliveery.
7.4 My laaptop/ PC do
oes not supp Can Tikona help me?
port Wi‐Fi; C
Yes, yyou can opt for Wirelesss USB adapteer available for a nominaal extra mon
nthly charge of
Rs. 500 or a Life tim
me rental off Rs.800/‐.
7.5 Will TTikona do the initial configuration off Tikona WI‐‐BRO servicee on my PC/LLaptop?
Yes, TTikona’s authorized instaallation execcutive will do
o the initial configuratio
on of Tikona WI‐
BRO sservice as a part of the iinstallation p
Tikona Diggital Networkks
8.1 Is Tikona’s WI‐BR
RO service seecure?
Tikonna WI‐BRO iss far more su
uperior to otther self insttalled Wi‐Fi sservices beccause of the
• Tikona WI‐BRRO uses statee‐of‐the‐art WPA2 encryyption stand dard (128 bitt key versus 40
bit key used in earlier staandards) for data transmmission and 8
802.1x autheentication foor
• Password is sset by the en nd user/subsscriber directly through aa Self Care P
• A
Access is perm
mitted only from devicees whose MA AC IDs are allowed by the end
• Compulsorilyy requires mo odem/dialerr for accessin
ng Tikona W
WI‐BRO servicce.
8.2 Whatt best practices need to be adopted by a user w while accessinng WI‐BRO sservice?
• Keep the Mod dem at optim mum signal strength.
• Ensure that the modem is never disp placed from tthe location where it waas installed tto
reeceive the optimal signaal strength.
• Ensure that the modem is powered O ON and the rrightmost LEED is steady green beforre
• Please ensure e that your laptop wireleess button iss switched O
ON, incase co
hrough @ll H Home service.
• Remove Prox xy settings
• Change your password re egularly.
• Never share y
N your passwo ord with anyone includin
ng any Tikona representative
• Loogout when you are nott expecting tto use the seervice for an extended duration.