Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
IMP 2019
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
DC Developed Country
EUR Euro
IP Irrigation project
KUBK-ISFP Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakarm- Improved Seed for Farmers Program
Mil. Million
m metre
m2 Square metre
m3 Cubic metre
Table of Contents
ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Stocktaking of Key Achievements under Irrigation Master Plan 1990 .................. 1
1.2.1 Present irrigation coverage under different management systems ........................... 3
1.2.2 Irrigation Systems ................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 Irrigation Management ........................................................................................... 5
3.2 Goals and targets for Irrigation Master Plan 2019 ............................................... 41
3.2.1 Development Goals............................................................................................... 42
3.2.2 Pathways to Achieve IMP 2019 Goals .................................................................... 42
3.2.3 Potential Projects.................................................................................................. 43
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
1. Agriculture is an important part of the Nepali economy and social fabric, contributing an estimated
27% of the GDP in 2017 (source: indexmundi) and providing employment to more than 70% of the labour
force. Approximately 40% of the total agricultural areas are irrigated. Agriculture and particularly
irrigated agriculture is facing a number of challenges and have considerable potential for improvement
and expansion. While Nepal has ample water resources the challenge is how best to develop both
surface water and groundwater resources for intensification of existing irrigated lands and for
development of new lands, and to improve the performance and productivity of irrigation system more
generally through the adoption of modern infrastructure and management methods.
2. Nepal has goals for improvement and expansion of irrigated agriculture and will face increasing
demand for food over the next 25 years, the planning horizon of the IMP. Therefore, the challenge that
the IMP addresses is to provide an investment plan that will guide the development of investment and
management over this period to achieve these goals.
3. The report Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030 (NPC 2015) emphasizes the importance of
growth in per capita Gross National Income, improvement in human assets and reduced economic
vulnerability in order to raise Nepal from LDC to DC status by 2022. IMP will direct irrigation planning
and investment over the next 25 years to about 2044. The Plan will cover an important period in the
development of Nepal, as the country approaches its expected demographic maximum in 2055 (36 Mil.
people, up from about 29 Mil. in 2016). The urban population is projected to increase from 4.52 Mil. to
9.97 Mil. by 2031 (an increase of 120%) and the number of cities with population greater than 100,000
will increase from the present 23 to about 52. At least 30% of the population will be urban in 2031,
compared with 18% now. Because of the expected high level of rural to urban migration, the best
estimate of the increase in the rural population over the period 2011-2031 is 9% and it is likely that the
rural growth rate could be zero, or even negative.
4. In the context of an expanding economy, the quantity of food demanded increases with the
growth of population and the demand for food changes according to consumer preference with
increasing household consumption. Urban populations have different food consumption habits from
rural populations; urban consumers take in less kilocalories but eat a greater proportion of higher value,
seasonal and more perishable crops and livestock products. Rural households have diets that can deliver
the generally higher food energy required for rural lifestyles while relying on their land base for providing
a reliable supply of staple foods.
5. Further, and as identified in the National Planning Commission Report Demographic Changes of
Nepal: Trends and Policy Implications, (2017), Nepal faces not only the challenges of rapid urbanisation,
but also, within the next four decades, a progressive ageing of the population and the closure of the
"demographic window of opportunity" - to equip children and those children born in the future to
achieve the levels of productivity that an increased labour force dependency ratio will entail. The
window of opportunity, while the labour force is numerically maximized is calculated to be in the period
1992-2047. The time horizon of this Master Plan is to 2044. The Plan must contain initiatives to exploit
the opportunity. The NPC report concludes "the investments now that will reap most benefits in the
future are ones that strengthen the workforce of the future". In the agricultural sector irrigation is the
obvious target for investment. Investing "now" becomes even more critical given the extended time
scale required to develop the infrastructure required to manage water resources on a large scale.
6. The IMP needs to be developed in this economic context. Earlier irrigation planning emphasized
the importance of irrigation in achieving national food security but despite an increase in the irrigated
area from 0.933 million ha (IMP 1990) to about 1.435 million irrigated ha in 2019 (IMP estimates 2019)
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
the food produced and available for consumption in Nepal (i.e. total food available minus imports and
exports) provided only 2,106 kcals per capita per day in 2011, implying that 17% of the national food
energy requirement was satisfied by food imports. In 1988 Nepal was 90% food self-sufficient, so in 2011
with 83% food self-sufficiency the situation was markedly worse. Fuelled by increasing household
income from remittances, food import dependency rates are increasing, especially for non-cereals; so
as non-cereals increase as a proportion of the average diet, it can be expected that this trend will
continue, unless the agricultural sector can deliver a wider range of food crop diversity.
7. These trends have significance for the IMP. In order to plan for irrigation, it is necessary to quantify
the economic context through an estimate of future food requirements of a developing economy with
a growing population and an increasingly urban society. Trends in national food consumption are
identified from cited literature in the IMP Report Annex G, Part 2 (IMP Final July 2019), distinguishing
between urban and rural diets. In summary, in 2011, 564 kg per capita per annum of food was available
with characteristics 2,525 kcal/day, 64.4 gm per capita/day of protein, and 51.8 gm per capita/day of
fat. In 2031 the overall available diet of 650 kg per capita is expected to be 2,641 kcals/day, 72 gm per
capita/day of protein, and 64 gm per capita/day of fat. Overall, the share of cereals in the diet declines
from 33% to 27% by weight and from 64% to 57% by energy. The projected diet is the weighted
composite of urban and rural diets.
8. Scenarios about how the food requirement in 2011 is met from domestic production, food stocks
and trade, and how and over what time scale the future diet may be achieved are important, not for their
accuracy but to provide indicative results of a range of development options. IMP is concerned with
irrigation planning, so a key task described in this report required establishing an estimate of the
contribution of irrigation to agricultural productivity at national level. At the most optimistic level,
assuming a marked deterioration of the productivity of rainfed land (due to over expansion onto marginal
land in the early 2000s, followed by land abandonment and declining labour inputs due to out-migration
driving cropping intensity down to barely over 100% at present) cropping intensity on irrigated land
appears to have remained static at about 180% in the period 1999/2000 to present. Overall cropping
intensity has declined from 140% to 130% in the last 25 years.
9. Differential yields of irrigated and rainfed land were developed based on MoA estimates of overall
yields, suggesting that incremental yields on irrigated land are less than about 25% over rainfed yields.
The major benefit from irrigation is increased cropping intensity and not significant yields. A national
irrigated cropping pattern in 2011 was established, guided by MoA's annual estimates of the proportion
of cereal crops irrigated. The analysis suggests that low value cereals continue to dominate the irrigated
cropping pattern. The conclusion is that Nepal's agricultural sector has performed sluggishly over the
past two decades and fell short in meeting increasing demand for food and the different types of food
demanded. Two technical reasons for this are likely to be inadequate, un-timely and unreliable provision
of irrigation on the existing irrigation area and insufficient investment allocated to expanding irrigation
command area. A third, economic reason is that irrigation is not being developed in optimum locations
to give the maximum responsiveness to growing food markets.
10. The IMP follows on from the Irrigation Master Plan of 1990, which formed the basis for the
planning and implementation of development and management of the irrigation subsector over the
past 30 years.
11. The 1990 Master Plan set out a program for the irrigation development intended to fulfil three
principal objectives:
• To provide a long-term strategy for the development of the irrigation subsector that is
consistent with the availability of resources and with the development policies of Nepal.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
• To develop shorter term investment programs that are consistent with the long-term
strategy, based on the identification and ranking of investment opportunities, and an
assessment of urgent needs and implementation capabilities.
• To provide a sound database and planning methodology, to facilitate regular updating of
the Master Plan.
12. The 1990 Master Plan was a valuable instrument for irrigation planning but after nearly 30 years
since it has been established, it is outdated in many parts. However, review of the proposed projects
reveals many are achieved, with some still under construction, or consideration in this master plan.
13. The IMP was prepared within the context of the current national policy and strategic planning
documents generated during the 1990 Master Plan period for the development and management of
irrigated agriculture and land and water resource management, and where relevant the national
economy. In summary these include:
• Water Resources Strategy (WRS) (2002):1 the strategy set out a systematic framework for
water resources development in Nepal, included use for irrigation. Output 4 titled
'Appropriate and Efficient Irrigation Available to Support Optimal, Sustainable Use of Irrigated
Land' listed challenges faced by the subsector and a series of activities to be promoted to
address these challenges, including; improvement of system management, intensification
and diversification, capacity strengthening for planning and management, implementation of
new irrigation systems and improved groundwater development and management.
• National Water Plan (NWP) (2005):2 builds on the WRS, to 'operationalize the output of the
WRS'. It covers the whole water sector, inclusive of the irrigation subsector with a planning
horizon to the year 2027. The irrigation goals include 'irrigation systems planned, developed
and continued for sustainable management, reliable irrigation service expanded on the
basis of sustainability and wealth creation, and appropriate and efficient irrigation available
for the optimal use of irrigable land in a sustainable way'. The plan lists targets for
improvement in expansion of irrigated lands, cropping intensity, irrigation efficiency and
crop yields under irrigation.
• Irrigation Policy (2013):3 the policy document sets out the rationale for subsector
development and policy objectives and approach for project development, water user
associations, irrigation service charges and irrigation system operation and maintenance.
• Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030 (NPC 2015): emphasizes the importance of
growth in per capita Gross National Income, improvements in human assets and reducing
economic vulnerability in order to raise Nepal from the status of LDC to DC by 2020.
14. Over the past thirty years there have been twelve major irrigation development projects in Nepal at
a total cost of more than NPR 67 billion (approx. USD 800 million) and combined irrigated area of about
570,000 ha. Annex F presents detailed description of the development projects. The projects included both
agency and farmer managed irrigation systems. These projects have included investment in infrastructure
rehabilitation, command area development and IMT. The outcomes of these projects provide value
lessons for the planning and implementation of future projects to better achieve sustainable management
of systems and improvements in system performance.
15. The average cost per unit area for all 12 projects is about NPR 93,000 per ha (USD 1,000 per ha) but
range from less than NPR 18,000 to more than NPR 300,000 per ha (USD 300 to 4,440 per ha). The average
1Water Resource Strategy, 2002. Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Kathmandu
2National Water Plan , 2005. Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Kathmandu
3Irrigation Policy, 2060 (BS). Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Kathmandu
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
unit area costs are relatively modest for system development and possibly reflect the fact that the
investments were principally focused on large structures and main canal development.
17. AMISs and JMISs are almost exclusively medium to large scale systems which encompass multiple
communities. For these reasons they tend to have relatively large infrastructural works, often with river
barrages and large main canals which require high levels of capital investment, normally beyond the
capacity of local communities to operate and maintain. They are also complex in terms of developing
community participation in O&M activities due to both social diversity between communities and large
number of water users.
18. FMISs by contrast are generally smaller and more socially homogenous. They have been
developed as a result of community needs by community cooperation and participation therefore are
well established and mature in terms of organisation and O&M management.
4 The definitions of management system adopted for this report and the IMP are: Agency Managed Irrigation System (AMIS); systems principally
and largely operated by the Department of Irrigation (DoWRI), Farmer Managed Irrigation System (FMIS); systems solely developed and
operated by the beneficiary community, and Joint Managed Irrigation System (JMIS); systems developed by the DoWRI (or other government
agency) and partially handover to the beneficiary community.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Ecological Water
S.N. District System Name GCA NCA
Region Source
20. For these systems approximately a third are under Agency or Joint management of which the
majority are large systems, greater than 1,000 ha, on the Terai (covering 90% by area), though the
number of systems is relatively small (less than 2% of all systems). The balance of the systems under
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
farmer community management are generally small per unit and occur mainly in the Hill and Mountain
zones though they make up the majority by number (of the order of 98%).
21. While there is limited information on the category of small systems not included in the above-
mentioned irrigation inventory, it is estimated that there of the order of 12,000 systems with a combined
command area of up to 150,000 ha. These systems, while under local community management,
periodically receive assistance for repair and rehabilitation of canals and control structures and technical
assistance for capacity building on system operation and on improvements farming practices,
particularly related to productivity to improve household food security and income. This assistance is
provided by several government agencies or non-government agencies - international and national.
23. At the time of its preparation, the agriculture sector accounted for more than 50% of GDP and
majority of national employment. While up to this time Nepal had been self-sufficient in grains, demand
was increasing due to population growth and the country was moving out of self-sufficiency.
24. The IMP-1990 proposed short term investment program was focused on five areas: (i)
management improvements on existing irrigation projects, (ii) development of groundwater irrigation
in the Terai districts, (iii) development of small and medium surface irrigation projects (rehabilitation
and new) in Terai districts, (iv) development small surface irrigation projects (rehabilitation and new) in
Hill and Mountain districts, and (v) development of large irrigation project in Terai districts, both as single
and multi-purpose projects. The program set out a level of intervention (area) and rates of investment
per unit area. For the large projects on the Terai it specifically cited seven single projects with a
combined area of more than 115,000 ha, including the projects - Bagmati (37,000 ha), Sikta (36,070 ha)
and Babai (13,500 ha). The combined area for the seven multi-purpose projects was more than 570,000
ha, which included Karnali (173,950 ha), Bagmati (120,000 ha) and Sun Koshi-Kamala (175,100 ha).
25. While the short term program largely focused on irrigation development, the longer term strategy
was focused on the broader objectives of (i) increasing production and benefits through improved
agricultural and irrigation management, (ii) improving irrigation efficiency through improvements in
institutions and privatisation of management, (iii) development of small and medium irrigation projects,
and (iv) implementation of new large projects on the Terai (presumably in addition to those identified
under the short term program).
26. While IMP-1990 provided a good foundation for planning for the subsector particularly through to
the period of 1990s, it is now over 30 years old. It is estimated that 200,000 ha were implemented, as
indicated in, over this period representing 34% achieved.
27. There have also been significant policy developments in the planning and management of water
resources which include the adoption Water Resources Strategy (2002)6 and National Water Plan (2005).7
5 A Basic Needs Programme (BNP) was established in 1985, which included goals for production of grain and area of irrigation development.
6 Water Resources Strategy
7 National Water Plan
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
The National Water Plan goals include an increase in irrigated land (by about 30% by 2027) and a doubling
in the area with year-round irrigation (from 38% to 67% of irrigated land), and as a result an increase in
cropping intensity from 140% to 193%. In addition, since 1990 climate change has become an important
consideration in natural resource management in planning and management of the water sector, including
28. The plan recognized the high potential in terms of economic improvements and food production
benefits from improvements in irrigation management with several irrigation management investment
options. These included (i) turn-over management of DoWRI’s small projects to Water User Groups
(11,600 ha and 15,500 ha of Hill/Mountain and Terai system respectively), (ii) assistance to FMIGs
(50,000 ha and 140,000 ha in Hill/Mountain and Terai systems respectively, and (iii) improvement of
DoWRI’s large projects on the Terai.
29. From the perspective of general management arrangements, irrigation systems in Nepal are
categorized into two types namely the Agency Managed Irrigation Systems (AMISs) and Farmer
Managed Irrigation Systems (FMISs).
30. The AMISs are systems developed by the DoWRI in the interests of national food sufficiency and
poverty reduction. The GoN commitment to development of irrigation projects goes back nearly 100
years and since the 1980s there has been considerable interest and investment in the subsector. The
systems are generally medium to large scale mostly on the Terai, however also with several smaller scale
systems in the Hill zone. In some cases, they are the conversion of un-irrigated lands and in others
improvement and expansion of existing systems.
31. Over the past thirty years, there have been several projects for the development and
improvement of these systems often with support from development banks and agencies. The approach
to the project development is usually staged with initial development of the intake and main canals and
followed by progressive development of branch and secondary canals and expansion of the command
32. Ownership and O&M of the intake and main canal system constructed by the DoWRI are under
DoWRI management. For large projects there is typically a project office with project director and
technical and administrative staff. Canal operation is by local staff under contract to the DoWRI. The
tertiary system is left to the community to manage with periodic support of the DoWRI assistance for
repairs and maintenance.
33. Since the 1980s, Nepal followed a worldwide trend for irrigation management transfer to user
communities. The rationale being that community participation will lead to improved and sustained
system performance and agricultural productivity. Since then AMISs are also termed as joint managed
irrigation systems (JMIS). Figure 43 presents locations of key AMIS (or JMIS) in Nepal.
34. The JMISs are those irrigation systems developed by the DoWRI which have been or are in the
process of being transferred to user associations. The IMT and formation of WUAs has been part of the
on-going subsector development over the past thirty years. Typically, the process includes rehabilitation
and improvement of canals and control structures as pre-requisite and capacity building and support to
35. The level of joint management varies between systems dependent on the size and the transfer
processes. For large scale systems, the DoWRI typically retains management of the intake and large
canals, main and branch, and the community via WUAs and WUGs is responsible for secondary and
tertiary canals. For the smaller scale systems, the ultimate intent of IMT is full transfer to the community,
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
and on the large scale systems, due to the system scale and technical complexity DoWRI has a longer
term commitment to system O&M.
36. The FMIS are surface water irrigation systems developed and managed by the beneficiary farming
community. The vast majority of these systems (by number) are farmer managed and often been in
existence for many generations and as such form an essential part of the local infrastructure to sustain
household food production.
37. They are generally in the Hill zone, small scale systems constructed with local materials and labour
and operated and maintained with farmer contributions in kind and labour. However, they periodically
receive assistance particularly for rehabilitation and capital works from government agencies notably
the DoWRI and DoLIDAR as part of regular support programs or specific development projects such as
the SIP, CIP and MIP.
38. The FMIS are widely reported as performing better than AMIS8 in terms of productivity, water
delivery and physical condition. The reasons being related to better adherence to system O&M rules on
FMISs which in turn results in better system performance in terms of equity and adequacy of water
distribution. The better adherence to rules reflects a higher level of mutual trust and that under certain
conditions, local community groups are more able to craft optimal rules and enforce them at lower cost
than centrally governed irrigation systems.9
39. In addition to the community developed surface water systems there are also a large area of
irrigated lands supplied from groundwater (mostly from shallow tube wells), which are owned and
operated by farmers or local communities. These wells are predominately on the Terai and used for
irrigation where there is no surface water supply or where the surface water supply is seasonally
inadequate. Pumping and distribution systems are often potable and rented according to demand and
40. Based on the known distribution of the population (CBS Population Census 2011) and known
dietary consumption (FAO Food Balance 2011) the geographical food consumption pattern for 2011 has
been approximately established10 (see Annex G Part 3). Based on that, an attempt was made to calculate
what the incremental distribution of food consumption might be in 2031, based on the projected urban,
municipal and rural population and applying assumptions of the dietary trends applicable to a middle
income South Asian country. A very rough value could be put on this, expressing by District and cross
tabulating by region and basin, as shown in Error! Reference source not found..
41. The value of incremental food demand is expected to be greatest in the Terai part of the Koshi
basin: this is unsurprising given this area is expected to have the greatest absolute numbers of
incremental population of which a relatively higher proportion will be urban. Further, and important
because the Terai produces a marketable surplus for the Hill and Mountain regions, the Hill region of
the Koshi Basin has the highest incremental value of food demand of the Hill region by basin: it includes
the Kathmandu urban conurbation. Development of irrigation in the Koshi Terai would be expected to
benefit the population of its hinterland. It is likely that this population will not only be numerically larger
than the hinterlands of the Narayani and Karnali (see Error! Reference source not found.) but will also
8 Lam, W,F. 1998. Governing irrigation systems in Nepal: Institutions, infrastructure and collective action. ICS Press Oakland.
9 Regmi, A, R. 2007. Water Security and Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems of Nepal. Paper presented at the Nepal Water Security Forum,
Uppsala, Sweden.
10 Without allowing for different dietary consumption between Districts and regions: for example, Mountain and Hill Districts staples include a
larger proportion of “other grains”: for those Districts a shift in consumption from staples to other foods implies a reduction in consumption
of “other grains” rather than rice
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
consume the higher value type of diet that irrigated agriculture can provide more efficiently than
rainfed, through higher yields and longer seasons of production.
42. Given this demographic and economic context it is possible to quantify present agricultural
productivity and specify what productivity changes will be needed to meet these imminent demographic
and economic challenges.
43. The development of scenarios of national food consumption informs analysis of the present and
future performance of national irrigation systems by placing upper and lower boundaries on the
expectations for their productivity. There are three elements to scenario planning:
44. High, medium and low estimates of total population in 2031 have already been made by CBS. The
high and low estimates are +1.7% and -1.7% of the median estimate of the total population estimate of
33.7 mil. The stated uncertainty attached to total population growth is very small. CBS calculates only a
single rate of change for urbanization, but this can be compared with the UN estimate that uses a slightly
lower rate, which would result in an urban population of about 8.2 mil in 2031, compared with 9.97 mil
estimated by CBS. The uncertainty attached to the rate of urbanization is therefore relatively high,
though urbanization tends to drive economic change rather than the reverse.
45. The estimate of incremental per capita food demand in 2031 (see Table 11 and Table 12 in Annex
G, Part 2), if taken as a measure of the target for domestic production, assumes the national food deficit
(food imports) will not worsen, since it includes the nutritional value of imported food in 2011. But
because the food deficit is known by food group for 2011, food consumption can be expressed for both
total food consumption and domestically produced food consumption in kg per capita per annum. To
model incremental food consumption in the period 2011-2031 under the assumption that food imports
will be eliminated during the period requires increasing the increment by the difference between total
food consumption and domestically produced food.
46. There are two components to consider in developing scenarios for changes in the demand for food
and the quantity demanded; rate of change and degree of change. The food consumption estimates for
2031 assume Nepal achieves the diet of a “typical” South Asian MIC in 2031 (though no country is
“typical” and allowance had to be made for this). However, this may happen more quickly if the
remittances fuelling the demand for food imports continue to increase: evidence that the average Nepali
diet is converging to South Asian norms more rapidly in recent years is clear at least through gross
measures of consumption such as the adequacy of dietary energy sufficiency.
47. The second component is the change in composition of diet expected. In the “business as usual”
development trajectory less dietary change would be expected than on the “accelerated economic
growth” trajectory. This report adopts three scenarios for dietary change, (i) low change in diet (which
is a baseline that is intuitively understandable), (ii) medium dietary changes referred to above and
described in Annex G, Part 2, and (iii) a “high” dietary change. The characteristics of the three scenarios
are shown in Table.
Table 3: Characteristics of Low, Medium and High Diets for Scenario Analysis
Food demand Protein supply Fat supply
quantity Food supply quantity quantity
(kg/capita/year) (kcal/capita/day) (g/capita/day) (g/capita/day)
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
48. A summary of present (2015) and future District-wise yields, production and area is given by crop
group in Table, the purpose here being to confirm national level yields at present. The data is extracted
from present and future gross margins prepared for each crop group at District level. Monetary values
of the aggregated present crop gross margins have been compared to sectoral estimates of value added
and found to correspond reasonably well.
49. The table suggests that there is no available alternative to accelerated expansion of the irrigation
system to meet food demand in 2031 without substantially reducing food imports. The historical
irrigation area expansion from 2000 to present has been only 40%, an average of about 3% and 30,000
ha per annum. To expand irrigation from the present 1.4 Mil. ha to all suitable land in the present
agricultural area (i.e. to 2.3 Mil. ha) during the period 2018-2031 would require an annual rate of
expansion of 3.7%, or 65,000 ha per annum; a slightly faster rate but more than double the area opened
per annum.
50. Past performance suggests that improving irrigation efficiency will be a greater challenge than
accelerated construction. The cropping intensity on irrigated land has remained flat or even declined
over the last 15 years and is unlikely to be more than 180% now. This estimate is optimistic - any
relaxation of the assumptions of poor productivity on rainfed land would lower the estimate. Improving
cropping intensity significantly seems a remote hope. Nevertheless, cropping intensity is determined by
farmers, not planning. Given adequate, timely and reliable irrigation such an increase is achievable,
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
which would lower the rate at which new irrigation command should be opened to meet incremental
demand for food and the type of food demanded.
52. Below is a list (not necessarily exhaustive) of some most important legislations and regulations
being implemented over past years in Nepal in the area of water resources, including irrigation.
• Water Resources Act, 1992 (2049) and Water Resources Regulations, 1993
• Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2017
• Water Supply Act(s): Water Supply Management Board Act, 2006; the Water Supply Tariff
Fixation Commission Act, 2006; and the Nepal Water Supply Corporation Act (Amendment),
• Irrigation Regulations, 2003
• Irrigation Act (draft), 2015
53. The main policies already implemented in the water sector include the following:
54. As far as irrigation policy is concerned, it is very much tied with the agriculture sector and hence
for attaining the objectives and targets of the Agricultural Development Strategy 2015. The four
expected outcomes of this strategy are concerned with: improved governance; higher productivity;
profitable commercialization; and increased competitiveness. It seeks to increase coverage of year-
round irrigation from 18% (in 2010) to 30% in short term (5 years), 60% in medium term (10 years) and
80% in long term (20 years). Policy, legislation and regulations
55. It is important that a new Water Resource Policy, as briefly highlighted above, should be finalised
and formally adopted to provide a broader framework for managing water resource sector in an integrated
way by providing a basis for designing necessary policies and master plans and laws for its various sub-
sectors in line with the needs of execution of new federal and inclusive constitution of the country.
Likewise, as indicated earlier, the existing policies for irrigation and land use need to be updated to meet
the demands of agriculture modernization, proper use of land resources, including groundwater, water-
induced disaster management, climate change adaptation, environment conservation and federal
structure of governance.
56. As also envisaged in the draft of new Water Resource Policy, the following laws are to be in place
for regulating and managing irrigation sub-sector, either by designing new laws or making necessary
amendments in the existing ones:
57. New legislation relating to river basin planning and management based on IWRM principles is long
overdue. Several policies and regulations mentioned in the earlier sections have identified the need for
having a more integrated and sustainable IWRM framework, but an “umbrella law”, which can provide
a solid legal basis for future reforms in the development of the water resource sector, is still lacking. For
this, the Water Resource Act, which is reportedly in drafting process, should be designed as a substantive
or umbrella law in such a way that provides a broad framework to regulate water resource sector,
including irrigation, as a whole ensuring linkages among all its sub-sectors like energy, watershed
protection, both groundwater and surface water, disaster management, climate change, and financial
sustainability of the systems, through design of other related federal laws, provincial laws and local laws.
Specifically, this should take into consideration principles on issues such: (i) development of integrated
and multi-purpose projects; (ii) ensuring effective and efficient management, operation and
maintenance; (iii) allocation and protection of water entitlements; (iv) equitable water distribution and
minimization of conflicts; (v) water tariffs and cost recovery; and (vi) protection of biodiversity and the
environment in general.
58. It is important that all the suggested legal provisions for irrigation should allow irrigation sector to
be linked with integrated water resource management and river-basin management on one hand and
the mechanisms of harmony, partnership and coordination among three tiers of government on the
other. This should also facilitate public-private partnership keeping growth and development of the
agriculture sector in perspective. Likewise, it should provide a basis for regulation of collection of
irrigation service fees, their distribution and use for sustainability of operation and maintenance of
irrigation. New laws are also required to ensure proper use of groundwater for both drinking water and
irrigation from the perspective of climate change adaptation and watershed protection.
59. Moreover, all the existing acts related with other natural resources including agriculture, forest,
watershed, soil conservation, and so on, also need to be amended, so as to align with the envisioned
“umbrella law” for water resource. This is necessary in order to include sections on IWRM and river basin
development and management in it. Attention should be given to amend any sections that could
potentially contradict the spirit of the “umbrella law” and create barriers for its effective
60. It is imperative that political leadership at all three tiers of governments need to be fully aware of
and understand need for changes in the legal framework relating to water resources planning and
management. This will help mitigate any possible clash between legal frameworks emanating from
federal parliament and those from provincial legislature. The capacity development efforts at each level
need to encompass this very important issue.
61. Coordination among natural resources related ministries in Nepal has been less effective in the
past. Now, its importance is even more prominent in the light of the restructuring of governance into a
federal system and the alignment to IWRM and river basin planning and development principles. Not
only that, provincial and local governments should also become the party to this process. Clarity on
roles, responsibilities and accountabilities regarding “who is doing what” has to be clearly spelled out in
legislation and policies. Any new legislation and policies on water resources will have overarching
impacts on the management of other natural resources and vice versa. This fact has to be internalized
by all related ministries at concerned level of governance structure when they are engaged in reforming
policy, legal and organizational arrangements.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
63. The Government aimed for annual growth of agrarian sector of 4.7% in the period of 14th three-
year interim plan (2016/17 to 2018/19). There are opportunities both in export and domestic markets.
There is good potentiality for import substitution in cereals, vegetables, fruits, beverages, diary and
meat, if due attention is given for production and productivity increase.
64. Agriculture development has been the continuing priority of the GoN through its different policies,
plans and programmes in different time period. These includes Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP 1995-
2015), National Agriculture Policy-2004, Nepal Agricultural Extension Strategy 2007, Agriculture
Development Strategy (ADS 2015-2035), Fourteenth Plan (2016/17-2018/19), The Prime Minster
Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP).
65. Despite the planned development effort in agriculture sector, significant achievement has not
been achieved to increase production and productivity of agricultural commodities. Some of the reasons
behind it are poor delivery mechanism not effective and capable to fulfil the growing demands for
technologies and other support services, lack of desirable and quality inputs in required quantity, lack
of reliable irrigation facility inadequate agricultural infrastructures, weak linkages and coordination
among stakeholders and youth migration from rural areas leading agriculture to feminization.
1. National Agriculture Policy 2004: This policy envisions the sustainability in agricultural
production through commercial and competitive agricultural system contributing to food
security and poverty reduction. Three major objectives outlined for the agriculture sector
under the policy include:
- Increasing production and productivity to ensure food security and alleviate poverty
- Making agriculture competitive in the regional and world markets with the
development of prerequisites for agricultural commercialization and diversification
- Conserving and managing natural resources for environmental sustainability
2. Nepal Agricultural Extension Strategy 2007 (NAES): NAES primarily outlines the mechanism
to expedite the implementation envisioned by the Agriculture Perspective Plan (1995-2015)
and emphasizes efficient and effective services to agricultural producers through a
participatory process by enabling learning among them. The Strategy focuses primarily on
institutional pluralism, privatization and decentralization of extension services. The Strategy
is expected to contribute to improved food security, increased income, environmental
balance, inclusive agricultural development, commercialization, sustainable livelihoods,
value addition and quality control of agricultural products.
3. Agricultural Perspective Plan (APP): In 1995 the GoN had adopted a 20-year Agricultural
Perspective Plan (APP) intending to accelerate national growth through diversification and
commercialization of agriculture. The APP emphasizes realigning investments in selected
priority inputs, particularly: (i) shallow tube-well for irrigation in the Terai (ii) agricultural
roads (iii) fertilizer and(iv) technology development and delivery (research and extension).
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
The plan has also directed new investments to priority outputs, especially rice, citrus, apple,
vegetables, livestock, and forestry products and agribusiness was emphasized as part of a
commercialization strategy. However, the final results of APP were not satisfactory mainly
due to ambitious targets and huge investments. The performance of APP is found sub-
optimal due to a lack of investment and organizational weaknesses. Further, inadequate
growth of year-round irrigated areas and use of prioritized inputs and political instability also
caused the poor growth of the agricultural sector.
4. Agriculture Development Strategy (2015-2035): ADS is the long-term strategy of the
agricultural sector with twenty years vision and ten years action plan and strategy focusing
on governance, productivity, profitable commercialization and competitiveness. The vision
of the ADS has been stated as self-reliant, sustainable, competitive and inclusive agriculture
sector that contributes to economic growth, improved livelihood, and food and nutrition
security. ADS emphasizes to promote self-sufficiency in food grains and import substitution
in a number of commodities where the country has potential to growth.
66. To enhance the agricultural productivity, ADS has stressed: (i) effective agricultural research and
extension; (ii) efficient use of agricultural inputs; (iii) efficient and sustainable practices and use of
natural resources (land, water, soils, and forests); and (iv) increased resilience to climate change and
67. It also stresses on the need for “profitable commercialization” through transforming agricultural
sector as an important outcome and emphasizes the necessity to strengthen the capacity of service
providers (including technical services providers, financial service providers, insurance service providers
and business service providers) along with improvement of physical and institutional infrastructure to
promote commercial agriculture (agricultural roads, storage facility, market information system).
68. The ADS has targeted enhancing the average annual growth rate to 5% from the present 3% for
the agricultural sector, increase land productivity to USD 5,000 per hectare from the current USD 1,600
and reduce rural poverty from 27% to 10% by the year 2035. Realizing the importance of irrigation for
commercial agriculture the ADS has envisaged increasing round-the-year irrigation coverage areas to
80% from the current 18%. The details of ADS target with projected production and food availability are
presented in the following tables.
69. One critical limitation to rural and agricultural development in Nepal is the lack of modern skills in
farm production. In addition, the inadequate knowledge of farm planning and decision-making.
Agricultural research institutions and agricultural extension services are poorly equipped to fill the
knowledge gap of farmers. New technologies, in terms of varieties and practices, are available for food
crops to increase productivity, but limited availability of inputs, credit, and markets have constrained
full exploitation of technologies by agricultural producers. Likewise, the focus of research is primarily on
production aspects; post-harvest research, including on the value chain, is almost non-existent.
70. Nepal has pluralistic extension services. In addition to DoA many NGOs and CBOs offer education
and training to farmers. However, the existing public agricultural extension system has been inefficient,
stagnant and not able to cater the emerging needs of the farmers for diversified technologies, marketing
and agri-business, natural resource management and farm mechanization. Extension service suffers
from a lack of suitable technology to transfer to farmers and agribusiness operators. Agricultural
research and extension services are not linked well.
is still higher than urban Nepal, even though rural poverty is declining at a faster pace than urban
poverty. Major contributing factors for decline in poverty included growth in agricultural sector and rise
in farm income, increase in remittance, greater access to rural finance and increase in micro finance
institutions, creation of small-scale business and employment, increase in access to facilities such as
roads, education, health, markets etc.
72. In 2011, poverty in rural areas accounted for 27.4% compared to 15.5% among the urban
population. The low productivity of agriculture, lack of access to productive assets, infrastructure,
energy, land and water, technical and financial services are the major causes of rural poverty.
1.4.5 Gender
74. Women play an important role in agriculture. Women’s participation in agriculture labour force in
Nepal had increased from 36 percent in 1981 to 45% in 1991 and, by 2016, it had reached over 50%. The
decade long (1996 to 2006) armed conflicts and higher out-migration of men from rural areas of Nepal
have not only severely increased the burden on women but has also increased the feminization of
agriculture. Despite women’s increasing role in agriculture, traditional social norms and laws that are
biased in favour of men act as barriers to women’s equitable access to productive resources. Most
agricultural lands are still under the control of men due to the traditional Hindu law of succession,
whereby male offspring are entitled all the parental property including land. Women’s access to
extension services is also limited due to an inadequate number of women extension workers. Similarly,
women have limited access to institutional credit and other production inputs.
75. Most extension workers under DoA are male. Extension services have reached both male and
female farmers. They have formed farmers’ groups having only women farmers. However, there is a
need to improve extension services for women farmers by ensuring meaningful participation in the
agriculture value chain and by training rural women as extension workers.
77. Adaptation measures to climate-related threats include (i) improved water use efficiency and
enhanced irrigation/ optimized agronomic inputs; (ii) improved farm practices; with (iii) enhanced the
capacity of farmers to enable them to cope with the adversities of climate change.
78. Nepal is committed to ensuring broadest possible protections to ecology of surface water systems,
including rivers and streams. Regulations on environmental flows are founded typically on legislation,
policies, local needs (local water uses including religious needs) and river ecology with much debate
remaining on the different approaches and suited flow regimes. However, one of the main principles
that the different stakeholders agree is that the choice of environmental flow requirements should be
based on informed scientific decision and broad societal acceptance.
79. Typically, IEEs and EIAs both include some level of alternative analysis providing for (i) a zero
alternative for a scenario where the Project is not implemented, and (ii) alternatives in terms of sites,
technologies and scales of Project implementation. One of the most important environmental factors in
hydropower and other Projects using surface waters from rivers is defining environmental flows that
are the minimum ecological flows remaining downstream for social and ecological river functions after
water withdrawal or diversion by the Project.
80. In GoN legislation, Aquatic Animal Protection Act (AAPA 1961 and First Amendment 1998) has
been set for protecting aquatic animals in natural water bodies including rivers, reservoirs and lakes.
AAPA Section 5a defines pesticide use for catching aquatic life while Section 4a, 4b and 5 empower the
government to prohibit catching, killing and harming certain aquatic animals in different scenarios.
Section 5b requires building fish ladder not to affect movement of aquatic animals or where fish ladder
is not possible, the act suggest hatchery and nursery in such places or in an area in vicinity thereof for
the purpose of having artificial breeding of aquatic animals. The Act sets also a provision of minimum
5% of yearly minimum flow as environmental flow for water diversion points. In practice AAPA has
remained virtually a defunct law in Nepal due to lack of related bylaws, regulations and enforcement.
Since the year of its promulgation in 1961 there are no known cases of prosecution for breaching AAPA
in Nepal demonstrating a lack of monitoring and enforcement of conservation of aquatic life.
81. Nepal Hydropower Development Policy (2001) recommends 10% of the minimum monthly
average discharge of the river/stream or the minimum required quantum as identified in the EIA study
reports. By the amount of water volume, the provisions in the Hydropower Development Policy are
better than the AAPA although also the policy lacks scientific basis in setting environmental flow
requirements to sustain the natural social and ecological functions of rivers.
83. Accordingly, power devolution for irrigation sector constitute a framework for both planning,
execution and monitoring irrigation related activities in particular and water resource and agriculture in
general at all three levels of government. Moreover, such an allocation of power, along with unbundling
of these constitutionally devolved powers, have not only given clarity to powers of each tier of
governments in federal structure in as much exclusive term as possible but also offered a basis for
11 Institutions, Policy, Public Private Partnership, River Basin Planning, Financing Irrigation, Capacity Development, Research, Roles and
Responsibilities Report (April, 2019)
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
formulating related laws, policies and other institutional arrangements, including revenue collection,
resource allocation and organizational restructuring, staffing.
84. For smooth execution of the constitutional provisions, a number of important laws and policies
are introduced, and many are in their formulation process. The Inter-Government Financial
Management Act 2017 has provided a legislative and regulatory framework for exercising devolved
powers by three tiers of government in the matters relating to budgeting, revenue generation, resource
allocation across governments and other financial management functions. Moreover, the Local
Government Operation Act 2017, National Natural Resource and Financial Commission Act 2017 and
Financial Appropriation Act 2018 (annual budget) have also provided some broad frameworks for both
federal and sub-national governments to exercise their financial power and formed a basis for their
sectoral development planning and programming in their respective jurisdiction, including those related
to irrigation and water-induced disaster risk reduction. However, many of the issues related to revenue
generation and resource allocation remain to be resolved.
85. The GoN is also in the process of finalizing a new Water Resource Policy, which is expected to
replace the existing Water Resource Strategy 2002 and National Water Plan 2005. This will provide a
broader policy framework for utilizing and managing water resource in an integrated approach, pursuing
river basin-based approach for all water resource-related sub-sectors including irrigation, river control
and environmental diversity management. Moreover, GoN is also drafting Water Resource Act and
Irrigation Act to meet the needs of federal modes of governance as well as development goals envisaged
by the new constitution. These require design, construction, operation and maintenance, including
transfer of the irrigation projects/ systems to be in line with the constitutionally devolved powers to the
tree tiers of government. Also, these set standards for determining the size of large, medium and small-
scale irrigation project/system in Terai and hills, by which large means covering 2000-5,000 ha in Terai
and 300-1,000 ha in hills, whereas medium size means 100-2,000 ha in Terai and 10-300 ha in hills.
86. While the national policies and federal laws are in drafting process, the National Planning
Commission has recently set new standards of size of projects for carrying out the functions related to
design, construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation projects by three tiers of governments for
clarity of their respective roles. Accordingly, federal government would be looking after the irrigation
projects covering more than 5,000 in Terai, 300 ha in hills and 100 ha in mountain, while the provincial
government will be responsible for the irrigation projects covering 200-5,000 ha in Terai, 50-100 ha in hills
and 25-50 ha in mountain. All irrigation projects / schemes and systems covering areas less than what
federal and province are responsible for will be looked after by the local governments. The NPC standards
also clarify the following points: (i) federal government will look after all irrigation projects of national pride
and those projects covering more than one province; and (ii) provincial government will look after
irrigation projects covering geographic areas of the province exclusively and also coordinate irrigation
projects covering more than one local government’s jurisdiction. Nevertheless, provisions are also made
enabling both local governments and provincial governments to coordinate inter-province and inter-local
government projects by developing necessary mechanisms.
87. In response to the needs of federalization of public administration in the country, the GoN has
restructured the administrative organizations at all three levels of government, though sub-national
governments (province and local levels) can make necessary revisions in the centrally designed model
federal administrative structure for them as per their specific needs. Accordingly, for dealing with the
irrigation related functions, there is the MoEWRI at central level, which is the integrated structure of
the then two ministries dealing with energy and irrigation. Likewise, the Water and Energy Commission
(WEC) and its Secretariat continue to exist from earlier unitary set-up to extend technical support to the
government on the policy matters relating to water resources and energy. This is however going through
restructuring and strengthening processes.
88. The MoEWRI, effective from 16 July 2018, consists of 7 divisions as seen in Figure (details in Annex
E), along with two secretariats (dealing with water resource and energy separately - each led by a
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
secretary) to extend technical support to policy functions at national level. Its Water Resource Division
looks after irrigation matters.
Assistance and Hydrology,
Programme, Budget
Water Resource Provincial Meteorology and Administration Legal and Arbitration
and Monitoring Energy Division
Division Coordination (DAPC) Environment Division Division
Division Division
89. Under the MoEWRI, there are two departments, i.e., DoWRI and Department of Electricity
Development (DoED). The elaborated organization structure of DoWRI, which integrates the then
Department of Irrigation with the then Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention, is enclosed
in Figure 1. This is however summarized below in terms of five technical divisions indicating coverage of
major departmental functions and jurisdiction.
90. At the province level, the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development (MoPID) carries out
varied functions of physical infrastructure development relating to road, urban development and water
resource through its three divisions. The irrigation-related matters are looked after by the energy and
water resource division. Moreover, dozens of districts offices/division or field offices of central
government, which were carrying out infrastructure related functions (including irrigation) focusing on
certain geographic areas, are recently handed over to this ministry in each state as its their technical
hands. At local level, the urban municipality has physical infrastructure development division while the
rural municipality has a separate physical infrastructure development section; both look after irrigation
sector among others.
91. Though the Constitution provides powers to each of the three new levels, there is no clarity over
the division of roles and responsibilities for each and every sub-sector and the division of revenue
generation. For example, the disaster management is indicated as a power (or responsibility) at all three
levels, which risks of being left “between cracks.” Different functions relating to road, irrigation, water
supply, sewerage, energy, urban development etc., which are recently transferred to the newly created
the MoPID at province level, remain to be carried out smoothly for various reasons. Observations on
operation of a few provincial governments by the consulting team indicate that implementation wings
under the MoPID are still non-existent due to clarity in functions, delayed transfer of technical offices
and programs/projects and staff from the federal government, which has resulted in underutilization of
even allocated capital expenditure budget.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
92. The transfer of responsibilities and duties also obviously calls for substantial capacity
development, specifically at state and local government levels and this will not just be within the
irrigation sector, but on a much larger and broader scale.
93. The following is a brief review of the roles and responsibilities related to irrigation and other
relevant functional areas like water resource, water use, disaster management, watershed protection,
local services, etc., which are assigned to different levels of government under federal structure (as shown
in Error! Reference source not found.). This provides a basis on which to suggest any required institutional
arrangements, including policy, legal and organizational provisions, for IMP in relation to federalized
context of the country.
94. The Constitution mentions that the central government has the power and obligation to manage
international treaties or agreements, extradition, mutual legal assistance and international borders and
boundary rivers.
95. This is presently managed through the Nepal-India Joint Committee on Water Resources (JCWR)
and as the national custodian of the water resource, the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat is
placed and well equipped to support this task. Within the Law and Management Division, a specific
Treaty and Agreement Section has been proposed to deal with these international trans boundary
96. The Constitution clearly mandates “the central” to make policies relating to conservation and
multiple uses of water resources. Such multiple or inter-sectoral use (and conservation) is best managed
through river basin planning (RBP), which has been presented in some depth in Annex E. It refers to the
planning and management of water resources taking into account the competition and conflicts for
water among irrigated agriculture, hydropower, domestic water supply and sanitation, industry and so
on. Integrated planning in this sense leads to such things as multi-purpose storage reservoirs and other
projects, water allocation and licensing systems, and river operations which provide specifically for
navigation and other non-consumptive uses.
97. The responsibility for RBP in Nepal has been vested with WECS, which will promote and advance
river basin planning concepts to optimize water use benefits and minimize conflicts as well as to
coordinate relevant line ministries and departments to implement the concept of IWRM. This will be
done through the establishment of River Basin Offices in Western, Central and Eastern Nepal. These
RBOs will need to work closely together with the relevant divisions with the DoWRI and the technical
departments at state level.
98. Large-scale and technically superior irrigation schemes will need to be planned, designed,
implemented and possibly also eventually managed, operated and maintained by technically qualified
entities/divisions at central level. It is suggested and expected that the Multi-Purpose and Irrigation
Division and the Planning, Programming and Coordination Division – both within DoWRI – will have a
pivotal role in steering development of large-scale irrigation projects.
99. It should be emphasized that the major projects need to be aligned with the river basin planning
concepts administrated by WECS and the newly-established RBOs. A strong and close dialogue with the
state administration needs to be put in place for full cooperation.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
100. The administration in the new seven states is presently being established with a number of
ministries (initially seven as modelled by federal government), including the MoPID in each State, with
a provision of six divisions to look after roads, housing and urban development, energy and water
resource, including irrigation and water-induced disaster. The development plans for the use of water
resources within each state will however still need to be in compliance with the overall river basin plans
regarding water availability and allocation, and the priority investment regime as set out in these plans,
decided and governed under agreed decision criteria.12
101. The management of state boundary rivers, meaning rivers defining the administrative border
between two states and/or river basins shared between two states needs to be a joint effort by WECS,
RBOs and state administration. The scope of management also includes waterways, environmental
protection and biological diversity, which nonetheless needs to be co-ordinated with the Ministry of
Forest and Environment at central level, and designated relevant officials in state and local government
102. The Water Induced Disaster Division (the previous Department of Water Induced Disaster
Management) will still have a pivotal and strong role to play in vulnerability assessment, early
preparedness, rescue and relief management, as well as steering the rehabilitation and re-settlement
post water-induced natural calamities. It will be evident later that this responsibility for preparedness
will be supported by several other divisions at central level and the Consultant is strongly advocating for
the close coordination and synchronization of efforts and activities.
103. When implementing disaster reduction and/or mitigation measures, the state (and local level)
government staff need to be involved, as this also will include community awareness about disaster
management including preparedness, post-event planning and management of rehabilitation and
rebuilding efforts, and resettlement, where the local participation and involvement is paramount.
104. As per discussion with the WECS, the approach to river basin planning will be to involve the local
governments in a fully participatory manner to identify and plan for the development needs, which are
most urgent and prioritized at each level. The emphasis on stakeholder consultations is substantial and
this also will include public institutions, private sector operators, civil society organizations, local
communities, political parties, advocacy groups, media and relevant academicians and researchers.
105. Nonetheless, it needs to be pointed out that not all identified development needs can be attended
to – at least not immediately – and there will be a need to make some compromises among local bodies
(urban and rural municipalities) to comply with guiding principles of IWRM and river basin planning and
106. The Constitution provides a clear mandate for local government to fully manage, operate and
maintain infrastructure, including irrigation schemes, within their respective jurisdictions. Often this may
12It can be anticipated that the RBPs with tools for multi-criteria analysis and a decision matrix method enables the government to establish a
set of weighted criteria that can be used to score various investments for ranking.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
create a dilemma when local governments and WUAs are being handed over infrastructure of either
inferior quality, too expensive to operate or of no use. They are supposed to manage, operate and
maintain such infrastructure in a sustainable manner. This “paradox” therefore strongly encourages
decision-making and implementation, including supervision, at lowest possible level. This approach has
dramatically improved the quality of the completed infrastructures being taken over by the communities
as the appointed village QA controllers will ensure that simple but crucial QA measures are taken at each
stage of the implementation – for example, ensuring that the right amount of cement is being utilized
per unit, proper curing of concrete is being done and standards for proper depth for pipe-laying and
assembly of pipes are being observed.
107. The Constitution mentions that the local government has the power to collect local taxes such as
wealth tax, house rent tax, land and building, registration fee, motor vehicle tax and also service fees,
such as for irrigation. This will be appropriated when and if the service levels of local governments can
be established up to that level where such taxation can be justified. In the case of irrigation, imposing
irrigation service fees needs to be clearly though out, because the traditional approach until now in
Nepal has been that the government has planned and constructed irrigation without due consideration
to gaining economic efficiency in utilizing the available water resources and to improve water use
efficiency. Farmers simply do not see the benefits of irrigated water where it is supplied. This lack of
sense of the economic viability or simply common sense can be improved when and if local government
takes charge of irrigation investments, including planning and construction.
108. Managing and protecting local watersheds will be an absolute core function of local governments.
The central and state administration will be able to guide the local governments with respect to
watershed management practices and conservation and protection of soil and water, but it will be the
local governments that will be “on the front line” and directly involved in managing competing use of
limited resources, conflict resolution, ensuring sustainable forest management and implementing
various protection measures.
109. There needs to be a close alignment of the watershed development activities between the local
government “technical” staff involved in water resource management and agricultural services –
possible the same person. Support from state ministerial staff is expected to be required within the next
three to five years.
111. Undoubtedly, the proposed IMP requires suitable organizational arrangements, besides policy and
legal arrangements, to achieve its goals by getting all planned projects and activities, both on-going and
new ones, executed effectively and efficiently. It is important to acknowledge the fact that these
organizational arrangements are to be compatible with both federal mode of governance and policy and
legal arrangements, along with consideration principles, as suggested above.
112. Accordingly, though it is not practically feasible to suggested specific organizations in the absence of
finalised new water resource policy and revised irrigation policy, some generic forms of organizations are
suggested below considering particularly the envisaged goals, approaches and projects/activities to be
undertaken as part of IMP, federalised power structure of three tiers of government and the types of
irrigation projects and activities expected to be performed at different levels.
113. The existing MoEWRI should strengthen its existing organization set-up (wing or division) to lead,
coordinate and monitor irrigation sub-sector with IWRM approaches through national policies and
standards and to ensure close functional linkages of irrigation with other sectors/sub-sectors like
agriculture, soil conservation, watershed conservation, water-induced disaster management and
climate change adaptation. It also needs a strengthened a think-tank institution like WECS or lobby for
creating a high-level institution for natural resource management, covering more than water resource
114. DoWRI should also strengthen its present organization set-up (divisions/sections) through periodic
reviews to coordinate execution of national pride projects for irrigation as well as those related to water
induced disaster management. It should continue designing, constructing and executing irrigation
projects covering one province and other large scale irrigation projects (covering more than 5000 ha in
Terai, 300 ha in hills and 100 ha in mountain), but the functions related to such large scale projects falling
within one province should remain with federal government only for the time-being as these should be
handed over once the provincial governments are capable to do so. Nevertheless, DoWRI will require to
set-up one office in each of three major river basin areas (such as Koshi, Gandaki/ Narayani and Karnali),
i.e., in the east (Province 1), central (Province 3) and west (Province 5), to monitor water resource and
irrigation related activities, which can ensure undertaking of its activities in close coordination with
River-basin offices being envisaged under WECS.
115. Moreover, DoWRI will also need to reorganize its existing field offices (besides the district irrigation
offices transferred to provincial governments) like field offices of People’s Embankment Project (Janatako
Tatbandha), mechanical offices, district offices of some irrigation projects and river control projects by
creating a number of Water Resource Development Offices to work under its three-major river basin-
based monitoring offices. The number of such offices can be around 19 spread across all seven provinces
as being proposed by a technical team of MoEWRI. These offices, including river-based monitoring offices,
will help promote presence of federal government in different parts of the country to carry out its
constitutionally assigned roles (i.e., related to large scale projects, coordination of inter-provincial
irrigation / water induced disaster management projects, and so on) and ensure functional linkages with
the sub-national government agencies. However, these offices too will need periodic review to ascertain
whether these can be merged into provincial government agencies.
116. The five divisions in DoWRI should have an intrinsic relationship that makes the department much
more efficient. There is often doubt on which particular division has the mandate to lead the activities
and take the responsibility for the output and impact of the service provided. However, what might be
much less apparent is whether other divisions/sections within DoWRI could contribute and support to
any specific activities – simply to make the performance of the activity less time-consuming, increase
the level of any informed decision (through information sharing) and/or improve the sustainability of
outputs due to broad consensus and collaboration of given activities. WECS or similar institution in
outside MoEWRI needs to facilitate creating synergies among the DoWRI divisions.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
117. As stated earlier, the provincial Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development has been looking
after the irrigation sub-sector through irrigation and water induced disaster section under its water
resource division (which is one of its six divisions concerned with roads, transport, housing and urban
development, drinking water, etc) without having any separate entity like department dedicated to
design, construction, operation and monitoring of irrigation projects. At the policy level, it has to be clear
whether or not this ministry is a policy making body at provincial level and whether an implementing
unit (like a department in the central government hierarchy) needs to be established there. If provincial
level ministries should perform both policy and implementation functions, this has to be clear now at
policy level. In addition, human resources with adequate capacity have to be provided accordingly.
Generally speaking, the present work force in place at provincial level is considered to be significantly
below the requirements for undertaking the roles and responsibilities as envisaged by the new
118. In this context, it is highly desirable for provincial ministry to consider designing and executing
intra province large and medium irrigation projects by setting up separate project offices and
provisioning 2 to 3 provincial irrigation offices to monitor and coordinate execution of provincial level
irrigation activities as well as the irrigation activities undertaken jointly with other province or local
government or jointly by two or more local governments. Moreover, the provincial level organization
set-up should also have an unit to undertake necessary activities for capacity development of irrigation
related actors at both provincial and local levels as a matter of priority.
119. Like the provincial government, local government too do not have any separate organization set-
up devoted to irrigation function, which is looked after by its physical infrastructure development
division/section. In view of multi-task responsibility of local government, such as those related to design
and construction of small / local irrigation project, irrigation services, local disaster management,
regulating functioning of both system-level or canal level water user groups / associations, fixing and
sharing fees for irrigation services and so on, it is highly desirable that local governments, which requires
to develop and deliver irrigation services with wider geographic coverage, should create an extended
irrigation service unit within its either physical infrastructure section or agriculture section. This unit can
also coordinate and facilitate design, construction and monitor operation of inter-local government
irrigation projects. Moreover, this unit will also need to design and execute a robust financial
management system for regulating irrigation fees in transparent and accountable manner, which will be
executed mainly through water user associations at irrigation system level.
Mahakali Treaty (1920, 1991 and 1996), Gandak Treaty (1959 and 1964) and Koshi Treaty (1954 and
122. A version of the Mahakali Treaty was signed in 1920, and a more comprehensive treaty was
finalized in 1996. Initial agreement gives exact extraction quantities for two periods of the year, Kharif
28.35 m3/s(15-May to 15-Oct) and Rabi (16-Oct to 14-May) at 4.25 m3/s. In 1991 with the Tanakpur
Agreement allowed the additional extraction of 4.25 m3/s for the Rabi period, and 10 m3/s for Dodhara-
Chandani area. This has allowed Nepal to start construction of Mahakali Phase 3, upstream of the Sarada
Barrage, and irrigate the remaining part of Kanchanpur irrigable land. India and Nepal signed an
understanding regarding the construction of the Pancheshwar Multi-Purpose Project to build a 315
metre high rock fill dam, for flood control, hydro-power and irrigation. However, if the dam is built, it
could supply full year-round irrigation to all the irrigable land about 93,000 ha in Kanchanpur and Kailali
districts. The Pancheshwar MPP is not considered in the IMP scenarios as Mahakali phase 3 is already
under construction utilising the additional water from the Tanakpur agreement.
123. The Karnali Basin has not been subject to any treaty or agreement. There are a number of transfer
schemes and dams considered. The Karnali High Dam considers a 290 m high dam with 36,000 ha of
inundation. The installed hydropower would be 10,800 MW. The Rani-Jamara Kulariya irrigation scheme
currently being developed uses a free intake in the Karnali River downstream of the Chisapani Bridge
with enough water for year-round irrigation of 57,000 ha (gross). An additional project is the Karnali
Diversion project which would transfer 58 m3/s to irrigate 40,600 ha (gross) and generate 80 MW of
124. The Gandak Treaty signed originally in 1959, and amended in 1964 set out provisions for the
Gandak barrage in Nepal to extract water on a specified monthly schedule for India. The west canal pass
through Nepal before entering India while the east canal passes through India and then one branch
enters Nepal. The minimum canal extractions for the west canal is 163 m3/s in April and 104 m3/s in
March for the east canal. Nepal is entitled to extract 8.5 m3/s through Nepal West Canal and 24.1 m3/s
from the east canal. A key aspect of the agreement for Nepal is that any trans-valley use of water will
be the subject of a separate agreement. This means the Kaligandaki-Tinau diversion whose drainage
water does not re-enter the Gandak before the barrage is included in this trans-valley condition. Any
water diverted by Kaligandaki-Tinau will have to be compensated by supplementary flows from other
storage reservoirs (like Budhi-Gandaki MPP) when flows do not meet the agreed diversion schedule set
out in the 1959 agreement. Two other diversions have been considered in this basin, the Kaligandaki-
Nawalparasi diversion and the Trishuli-Shaktikhor Diversion, but both were found to be un-economical
at present. Both these projects are not trans-valley though.
125. The Koshi Agreement in 1954 and revised in 1976 allowed the construction of the Chatara Barrage
on the border with India. Nepal has the right to withdraw water as may be required from time to time.
Therefore, there is no limitation of extractions for irrigation. There are three transfer projects considered
in the IMP: i) Sunkoshi-Marin transfer to Bagmati irrigation project, ii) Sunkoshi-Kamala transfer to
Kamala irrigation project, and iii) Tamor-Morang transfer to new irrigation lands. These projects are
discussed in more detail below.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
126. For the purposes of description and planning (for the Master Plan), Nepal is divided into three main
river basins13 (Koshi, Narayani and Karnali). Table lists a summary of the basin by area, population,
administrative units (district), as well as number of sub-basins.
127. The table shows the relative distribution of land and population between the basins, with Koshi
having about one third of the land area and 50% of the population, largely due to the Kathmandu Valley
being located within the basin. The Narayani Basin is about 25% of land area and population, and Karnali
Basin about 42% of land area and 23% of population.
Note: These areas are based on District boundaries from DOS values, and not physical
128. For planning purposes three agro-ecological zones are identified (as listed in Table); Terai the
lowlands to the south and adjacent to the border with India, on which the large scale irrigation systems
are located, and about 80% of the total existing area, Hill being hill country running east to west, with a
large number of small farmer managed systems, and Mountain to the north and higher altitude with
small number of small farmer managed systems.
129. While the Terai is the smallest zone (23% of total area) it has the highest population (13 million
and nearly 50% of total), while the Mountain zone is relatively large (35% of area) however
understandably with low population (8%). It also shows that the Hill zone is more than 40% of total area
and is reasonably populous with about 40% of the population.
13Theriver basins are hydrological units, and in cases combination of adjacent basins (as is the case with the Karnali basin).
Areas are based on DOS data.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
130. The following mapping and assessment tools were used to analyse and identify optimal
approaches to irrigation in Nepal for the plan period:
131. Based on the information and data collected, soil order has been determined and Table presents
the ecological zone distribution of various soil order in Nepal.
132. Land use can be defined as the purpose for which a parcel of land is being used, e.g. agriculture,
fallow land or fruit tree cultivation whereas land cover refers to the physical appearance of the parcel
of land, e.g. forest, residential, grassland. Naturally, there is considerable overlap between the land use
and land cover categories. The actual cropping patterns that are recorded on any parcel of land
designated as ‘agricultural’ are a furthermore detailed level of land use classification. In this study “land
use” includes the term “land cover.”
133. Seven different classes of land use as shown in Table are based primarily on the classification
adopted by the Department of Survey, Nepal, to identify the land use of the area. For each of the
predetermined land cover/use types, training samples were selected by delimiting polygons around
representative sites. Spectral signatures for the respective land cover types derived from the satellite
imagery were recorded.
Figure 2: Soil data input: NARC digitized data, NLUP and field samples
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
134. District wise land use area as calculated above has been presented in Error! Not a valid bookmark
self-reference.. Spatial details of the land use are shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The
table shows that out of a total of 2,612,500 ha of land in Province 1, agriculture land occupies 773,500
ha and forest area occupies 1,103,000 ha. Similarly, residential area, river/water body, shrubland,
Barrenland, snow/glacier occupy 16,000 ha, 63,000 ha, 223,000 ha, 264,000 ha, and 168,500 ha
Level Terrace
Area (ha)
Total IMP-2018 (ha) 1,034,806 678,619 1,844,338 3,557,764 1,455,825 6,422,513 130,905 353,669 1,512,222 1,346,164 14,779,062
Total LRMP-1986 (ha) 1,213,860 914,940 1,863,477 3,992,277 1,950,381 5,646,411 12,059 228,295 2,412,844 536,796 14,779,062
Change (%) -15% -26% -1% -11% -25% 14% 986% 55% -37% 151%
135. Irrigable land is land initially classified as arable (potentially irrigable) that is subsequently found
to be economically justified (benefits exceed costs) under a specific plan of development which includes
the water and other facilities necessary for sustained irrigation [USBR Terminology]. The country falls
under five different ecological zones which consist of variability in elevation, soil type, soil texture and
irrigation potential. All these factors were considered in the irrigation suitability mapping process and
have come up with a model where we used soil depth and soil texture from soil maps, slope from DEM
and Land Use derived from the supervised classification of LANDSAT imagery.
136. There are seven criteria identified for the classification of irrigable land as shown in Table 8. The
approach used in this study was to apply Boolean logic based on the limiting factor. The land
characteristics are matched sequentially against the criteria for each class. No divergence from the class
membership is permitted.
137. Using the classification criteria, four different types of irrigation suitability were assessed.
• S1: Highly suitable for surface irrigation, deep soil > 90 cm, flat land <3% slope, medium
textured soils
• S2: moderately suitable for surface irrigation, medium depth, 60-90 cm, lighter soils, on
slopes 3-10%
• S3: marginally suitable for surface irrigation, shallow depth, but greater than 30 cm, light
soils on radical terrace, slopes 10-25%
• S4: this is a new category not used in the IMP-1990, to include those steep level terraces
that are irrigated for paddy. This was not identified as irrigable area in IMP 1990. Slopes up
to 60% are acceptable provided the land is identified as level terrace.
• NS: all sloping terraces we deemed unsuitable for surface irrigation, but was included in a
new suitability class for pumping (non-Conventional) irrigation. This is because mechanized
irrigation can be used to irrigate sloping terrace, and all classifications S1 to S3 are available
to be classified as pumping suitable provided it meets the requirements of less than 140
Mil. above the river source, and within the 3.0 km.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
139. Table presents the ecological zone wise distribution of various types of suitable area for irrigation.
Nepal has a total of 3,557,700 ha of agriculture land, of which 2,536,000 ha is suitable for irrigation. Out
of this irrigable land, type S1 to S3 occupies 1,691,800 ha and the remaining 844,500 ha is of type S4.
1 cm >90 60 – 90 30 – 60 >30 <30
SL, SiCl,
Textural Cv, Cm, SiCm,
2 Texture Sil, CL, L, SC, Si S, SiC, LS S1-S3
SCL gravel, G
3 Flooding None Exceptional S1-S3 Frequent/severe
Terrace 3 – 10 10 – 25
6 irrigation % <3 Progressive Radical 25-60 >25
(Slope) Terrace Terrace
Urban, river channels, permanently
7 Land Use Arable, flooded land, National Forest conservation
or protected areas, sloping terrace
Pumped A Special category
m above Meeting the above criteria, but located less
8 Irrigation
River bed than the economic pumping head
El < 140 m
140. The suitable irrigation area would further be restricted from the point of view of supply of
economically viable system of irrigation, especially when a suitable area is in mountain or hill ecological
zone where pumping would be needed to lift the water high above the water source. Considering this
fact, a pumping suitability analysis has been carried out.
141. There are two types of pumping: (i) groundwater pumping, and (ii) lift irrigation in the hills and
mountains. GW is mainly confined to the Terai and inner Terai. To determine the areas suitable for lift
irrigation, a GIS model was developed. The basis of this process was to start with a river flow
accumulation that would sustain irrigation in the minimum flow month. For this the specific unit
discharge was obtained from the new MIP-2019 regions. The minimum flow value chosen was 60 l/s,
with is roughly equivalent to a level 3 river.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
142. The second criteria in the model was the pumping head. Determination of the economical
pumping head was derived from the cost of energy, capital cost and the incremental net benefit of
irrigation. It is appreciated that these parameters are quite different around the country, but this is a
national study, and therefore average figures were used. A finer approach can be used on a local level,
but then more detailed feasibility would be undertaken in this situation.
143. A cropping pattern of maize, potato, vegetables and oilseed with a cropping intensity: 170%, an
irrigation efficiency: 80% was used to determine a unit CWR of 0.49 l/s/ha. The Annual Pumped Volume
comes to 4,125 m3/ha/y. Using figures from the Hills pre-feasibility report gives a Net Benefit of NPR
141,900 per ha/y. The Economical Pumping Head is therefore considered as 140 m.
144. Based on the above criteria, pumping suitability of the agricultural land in Nepal has been
determined and district wise distribution of the area has been presented in Table. In the hills and
mountains Nepal has pumping suitability of 92,796 ha of land of type S1 to S3 and 186,758 ha of type
S4 in Hill and Mountain districts. There is, however, a significant area of sloping terrace of 286,446 ha
which is categorized as suitable in pumping suitability criteria. This indicates that the productivity of this
area can also be increased with pumping associated with appropriate technology such as mechanical
irrigation and cropping under green houses.
Hills and
Mountains 286,446 34,185 58,611 186,758 566,000
145. The final result of the LRMA and the inventory of irrigation projects is to allocate all agricultural
land to a particular irrigation potential. By mapping all existing irrigation schemes alongside the irrigable
land, the remaining land can be identified, and suitable irrigation methods allocated. This gives rise to
potential irrigation domains. A domain is a sub-set of a land category with a common purpose. The
following domains have been selected:
146. The land resources mapping and classification systems used a high resolution digital elevation
model (DEM) derived from topographic maps and satellite images. The main satellite imagery used to
generate the DEM is CARTOSAT and 79 such images were processed for the country.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
147. The total area of land resources are approximately 14.7 Mil. ha14 (Table) of which 3.56 Mil. ha are
classified as agricultural. The balance of non-agricultural land (11.52 Mil. ha) includes forest (43%),
grasslands/scrubland (10%), barren lands (10%), and snow/glacier (9%) (residential lands is about 1%).
148. Table lists the summary of principal land use by river basin, of which 45% of agricultural land (1.62
Mil. ha) is located in Koshi and 27% and 28% respectively in Narayani and Karnali basins, with 0.96 and
1.00 Mil. ha, respectively.
150. For the purposes of assessment and planning of projects the key units (in addition to basin) are
the sub-basins (for assessment of water resources), agro-ecological zones (Terai, Hill and Mountain) (for
assessment and planning of project interventions) and administrative boundaries (district and state) (for
the planning of plan and project implementation). All boundaries given in this section are based on
physical hydrological catchments, and are therefore different to those presented in Table and Table. In
addition, these areas are only those within the national Nepal boundary, not the full hydrological
catchment, all of which extend into neighbouring countries.
151. The Karnali Basin is located in central Nepal bordering China and India to the north and south
respectively, and Narayani basin and India to the east and west respectively. It has a total area of about
63,700 km2 (about 43% of the total area of Nepal) and is principally the Karnali and, West Rapti, Babai
and Mahakali river basins (as shown in Figure 4).
153. The basin fully encompasses Provinces 6 and 7, and partially Provinces 4 and 5 which extend into
the Narayani Basin. There is a total of 24 districts within the basin of which 5 are on the Terai, and 11
and 8 in the Hill and Mountain zones respectively. Major population centres include cities like Dhangadi
(State 7 capital) and Nepalgunj on the Terai, and Birendranagar (State 6 capital) in the Hill zone.
154. Topography: the topography ranges from the lowland plains of the Terai with mean elevation of
400 masl to the Himalaya mountains of the upper basin (to the north) of more than 7,000 masl. The Hill
zone is an extensive area of hills intersected by river valleys with river terraces (referred to as Tar) and
with a mean elevation of 1,700 masl.
155. Precipitation: rainfall distribution within the basin ranges from about 300 to more than 2,700 mm
per annum. On the Terai and within the Hill zone the annual rainfall is approximately 1,900 mm on
average but locally can reach up to 2,700 mm per year. In the Mountain zone the annual rainfall is
generally less than 1,500 mm; however, is 2,700 mm on the north-western extreme. Furthermore, the
annual rainfall amount is substantially decreasing towards the Tibetan Plateau in the North, reaching a
minimum of only 285 mm per year close to Nepal’s border with China.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
156. Soil Suitability: approximately 10% of the basin is classified as having soils suitable for irrigation
(suitability classes S1 to S4) (approximately 0.62 Mil. ha). On the Terai 30% of land (0.35 Mil. ha) is suitable,
and in the Hill and Mountain zones 10% (0.21 Mil. ha) and 2% (0.06 Mil. ha), respectively.
157. Land Use: total land classed as agriculture use (level terrace, sloping terrace and valley/tar/Terai)
is 16% of the total (approx. 1 Mil. ha) and 46% as forests (2.9 Mil. ha). On the Terai agriculture use
accounts for about 31% lands and forests 56%, while in the Hill zone 20% is agriculture use (level and
sloping terrace, valley and tar) and forests 67%. In the Mountain zone agriculture land use is less than
6% of the total area.
158. Water Resources: the total annual surface water resources are approximately 60 Bm3 with the
volume per sub-basin ranging from less than 1,000 to more than 14,000 Mm3 per annum. Total annual
groundwater resources are approximately 3.4 Bm3, which is mainly located within the Terai districts.
159. The Narayani Basin is located in central Nepal bordering China and India to the north and south
respectively, and Koshi and Karnali basin to the east and west, respectively. It has a total area of about
36,400 km2 (about 25% of the total area of Nepal) and is principally the Narayani river basin and the West
Churia (as shown in Figure ).
160. Population and Administration: the basin has a total population of about 6.4 million (about 24%
of the national total) of which more than half (3.7 million) live in the Hill zone, and 2.6 million on the
Terai and less than 1% in the Mountain zone. Population density varies widely between the agro-
ecological zones with more than 360 per km2 on the Terai, and about 170 and 8 per km2 in the Hill and
Mountain zones respectively.
161. The basin almost fully encompasses Province 4 and partially Provinces 3 and 5 (which extend into
the Koshi and Karnali basins respectively). There are a total of 20 districts within the basin of which 4
are on the Terai, and 13 and 3 in the Hill and Mountain zones, respectively. The principal administrative
centres include cities on the Terai such as Hetauda (Province 3 capital) and Siddarthanagar, and Pokhara
(State 4 capital) in the Hill zone.
162. Topography: the topography ranges from the lowland plains of the Terai with mean elevation of
280 masl to the Himalaya mountains of the upper basin (to the north) of more than 8,000 masl. The Hill
zone is an extensive area of hills intersected by river valleys with river terraces (referred to as Tar) and
with a mean elevation of 1,900 masl.
163. Precipitation: rainfall distribution within the basin ranges from less than 200 mm to almost 5,000
mm per annum. On the Terai annual rainfall is about 2,200 mm and evenly distributed. Within the Hill
zone the annual rainfall varies widely and reaches a maximum of more than 4,900 mm in Kaski district.
In the Mountain zone mean rainfall is less than 1,000 mm and decreases towards the North and Nepal’s
border with China to less than 200 mm.
164. Soil Suitability: approximately 16% of the basin is classified as having soils suitable for irrigation
(suitability classes S1 to S4) (approximately 0.58 Mil. ha). On the Terai 43% of land (0.31 Mil. ha) is
suitable, and 12% (0.25 Mil. ha) in the Hill zone. In the Mountain zone less than 2% (0.02 Mil. ha) is
165. Land Use: total land classed as agriculture use (level terrace, sloping terrace and valley/tar/Terai)
is 26% of the total (approx. 0.95 Mil. ha) and 40% as forests (1.47 Mil. ha). On the Terai agriculture use
accounts for about 43% lands and forests 44%, while in the Hill zone 27% is agriculture use (level and
sloping terrace, valley and tar) and forests 49%. In the Mountain zone agriculture land use is less than
2% of the total area.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
166. Water Resources: the total annual surface water resources are approximately 57.6 Bm3 with the
volume per sub-basin ranging from less than 1,000 to more than 12,000 Mm3 per annum. Total annual
groundwater resources are approximately 2.8 Bm3 which is mainly located within the Terai districts.
167. The Koshi Basin is located in eastern Nepal bordering China and India to the north and south
respectively. It has a total area of about 47,500 km2 (about a third of the total area of Nepal) and
principally comprises of the Koshi and Kankai river basins, as well as a section of the East Churia (as
shown in Figure ).
168. Population and Administration: the basin has a total population of nearly 14 million (about half
of the national total) of which more than half (7.9 million) live on the Terai, and 5 million in the Hill zone
and less than one million in the Mountain zone. Population density varies widely between the agro-
ecological zones with more than 550 per km2 on the Terai, and less than 300 and 60 per km2 in the Hill
and Mountain zones, respectively.
169. The basin fully encompasses States 1 and 2 and partially State 3 (which extends into the Narayani
basin). There are a total of 31 districts within the basin of which 11 are on the Terai, and 15 and 5 in the
Hill and Mountain zones respectively. The principal administrative centres include Kathmandu (national
capital) within State 3, to the west, and seven major cities on the Terai including Janakpur (State 2
capital) and Biratnagar (State 1 capital).
170. Topography: the topography ranges from the lowland plains of the Terai with mean elevation of
160 masl to the Himalaya mountains of the upper basin (to the north) of up more than 8,000 masl. The
Hill zone is an extensive area of hills intersected by river valleys with river terraces (referred to as Tar)
and with a mean elevation of 1,200 masl.
171. Precipitation: rainfall distribution within the basin ranges from about 1,500 to more than 4,000
mm per annum. On the Terai annual rainfall is generally less than 2,000 mm however is 3,000 mm on
the eastern extreme. Within the Hill zone mean rainfall is about 1,900 mm and in the Mountain 2,400
but with maximum of more than 4,000 mm.
172. Soil Suitability: approximately 26% of the basin is classified as having soils suitable for irrigation
(suitability classes S1 to S4) (approximately 1.23 Mil. ha). On the Terai 63% of land (0.89 Mil. ha) is suitable,
and in the Hill and Mountain zones 12% (0.22 Mil. ha) and 7% (0.11 Mil. ha), respectively.
173. Land Use: total land classed as agriculture use (level terrace, sloping terrace and valley/tar/Terai)
is 35% of the total (approx. 1.66 Mil. ha) and 43% as forests (2.04 Mil. ha). On the Terai agriculture use
accounts for about 62% lands and forests 24%, while in the Hill zone 30% is agriculture use (level and
sloping terrace, valley and tar) and forests 62%. In the Mountain zone agriculture land use is less than
15% of the total area.
174. Water Resources: the total annual surface water resources are approximately 55.3 Bm3 with the
volume per sub-basin ranging from less than 1,000 to more than 20,000 Mm3 per annum. Total annual
groundwater resources are approximately 6.9 Bm3 which is mainly located within the Terai districts.
175. The primary purpose of the assessment was the determination of the surface water resources,
and in particular determination of availability for irrigation, as part of current and future irrigation water
demand, including the potential impacts of climate change on water resources.
176. The approach was based on two principal activities, first, the use of SWAT models to model surface
water run-off, and secondly MIKE HYDRO Basin model for determination of water availability taking into
consideration run-off and current and future water uses (consumptive and non-consumptive).
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
177. Figure 5 shows the specific discharge, in litres per second per square kilometres (l/s/km2), based
on the 80th percentile reliable flow for April (within 38 sub-basins). The Siwalik hill catchments have not
been calculated, although included in the SWAT model. The flows from these catchments are considered
less reliable because of the lack of calibration data. In addition, the water resources of these catchments
are considered in the groundwater resources assessment, prepared under a separate report. A slightly
different presentation of the water resources is done by the “blue water” map of the country, which
gives the volume of the water resource. This is done on an annual volume basis, see Figure 6. Note that
this annual volume is also based on the 80th percentile reliable volumes, as all water resources are with
specific reference to irrigation potential. Each value is determined from individual catchments and not
178. The estimated annual surface volume is 173,000 Mm3 and the annual groundwater volume is
estimated at 13,072 Mm3.
179. Table 15 lists a summary of the assessment of surface water showing the average annual volume
of run-off. The reliability level of surface flow (at 80th percentile level) is approximately 173 Bm3 per
annum. However, more than 70% of this resource occurs during the period from June to September, a
period of less irrigation demand.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
180. The available volume represents a huge potential, at an annual CWR of 25,000 m3/ha, this could
irrigate 6.9 mil. ha, way more than the potential irrigable land at 2.3 mil. ha. However, based on the
flows available in March, the dry season potential is only 0.75 mil. ha, less than the available irrigable
potential. To achieve the full potential, storage dams are required, or the use of groundwater is
Resource (Bm3)
60.0 57.6 55.3 173.0
80th Percentile
181. The objective of the groundwater resource assessment is to determine the available groundwater
resource in the alluvial plain of the Lower Terai.
182. The approach is based on a district basis, except for two districts, Rautahat and Sarlahi, which have
been subjected to detailed groundwater modelling. An overview of the model components, are as
• Three interconnected reservoirs are included, comprising from north to south the Bhabar
Zone, the Seepage Zone and the Terai Zone extending to the border with India. These
zones are based on the conceptual geological model (Error! Reference source not found.
and Error! Reference source not found.).
• Surface runoff from the Siwalik Hills is simulated and the resulting inflow into the Bhabar
Zone is allowed to infiltrate into this zone. The simulation of runoff is calculated in a
spreadsheet and results exported to a model input file.
• The calculation of recharge and groundwater demand for irrigation (if required) is
calculated in a separate spreadsheet. Potential recharge is derived based on a soil moisture
balance approach and is not constrained by groundwater table conditions. Recharge
includes natural recharge from precipitation and return flow from applied surface water
and groundwater irrigation (if included). The potential recharge as well as the derived gross
groundwater demand for irrigation is exported into model input files.
• Within the three zones, groundwater storage changes are simulated.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
184. Table 16 lists a summary of average annual renewable groundwater resources for the three main
basins; Koshi, Narayani and Karnali. The total annual volume is of the order of 13,072 Mm3, of which
about 6,945 Mm3 (more than 50%) are within the Koshi basin, and close to 2,768 Mm3 and 3,359 Mm3
in the Narayani and Karnali basins respectively.
185. This represents a significant potential for development for irrigation demand (both as conjunctive
use and primary source), which based on an average annual irrigation demand of 18,400 m3 per hectare,
would be an equivalent irrigated area of more than 725,000 ha.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
186. Given the developmental challenges discussed in Section I and recognizing that Nepal’s food
security, food sufficiency, alleviation of rural poverty, and employment generation challenges heavily
depend on how fast the country modernizes its agriculture, which in turn depends on how significantly
its irrigation infrastructure transforms itself in the coming years, the IMP 2019 has put forth an ambitious
plan to rapidly develop Nepal irrigation infrastructure. Key approaches to meet that challenge are:
Increase year-round irrigation across the country with a particular focus in the Terai. To get to this
objective, GoN plans to significantly increase investments on:
• Inter-basin transfers that bring adequate quantities of water to large pockets of drier lands in
the Terai in a cost-effective manner;
• Emphasize groundwater development, for either independent or conjunctive use, in the
shorter-term to off-set longer implementation periods required for large projects
In the hills and mountains, the focus will on development of new gravity systems. Concurrently, IMP
2019 also plans to develop non-conventional irrigation through electric and solar pumping wherever
A key focus of the IMP 2019 will also be on rehabilitation and modernization of existing
infrastructure with the objective of transferring management of irrigation systems to user groups,
sub-national bodies and, where appropriate, to the private sector under PPP schemes. The private
sector will also be encouraged to invest in irrigation systems through PPP arrangements, where such
arrangements are feasible.
The IMP 2019 will also promote improved environmental standards in water management and -
construction, while supporting programs that improve on-farm water management practices.
188. The Western Hills districts have a slightly higher expected incremental net value of production
than the Eastern. Both together, the return to irrigation investment might be only one third to one
quarter obtained on the Terai. The capacity for returns on irrigation investment is significantly lower in
the Hills.
189. The Mountain districts have very low incremental net value of production estimates, only about
one fifth of that of the Hills. Some districts have negative values, despite the application of economic
pricing which gives a proportionally higher value to crops to account for the opportunity cost of local
imports. One basic reason for this is projected depopulation in the more remote districts. Other reasons
include low land suitability, cropping intensities and yields. The potential economic return on irrigation
investment is therefore low. Nevertheless, some districts are expected to have better returns to
investment than others, there may be niche market opportunities not captured in this broad analysis
and there may also be pressing social reasons for irrigation investment.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Table 17: Explanatory Variables for Net Value of Production by District (NPR M)
Explanatory variable Model significance
description Coefficie
Description t stat R2 F F sig
The results give a moderately robust model that explains 68% of the variation of District NVP.15. The
model suggests that, under present conditions of productivity and prices:
• An additional ha of surface irrigation raises District NVP by only NPR 63,000 (USD 560), but
the coefficient is not significant
• An additional ha of groundwater or conjunctive use leads to an increase of NPR 220,500
(USD 2,044); the coefficient is highly significant
• An additional percent of S1 or S2 land raises NPV by NPR 7,240 (USD 67); the coefficient is
191. So, the present area and distribution of existing surface water irrigation schemes on the Terai only
partially and weakly explains the annual net value of production of Terai Districts. The contribution of
surface water irrigation to District NVP is only about 30% of that of groundwater and conjunctive use.
This is likely to be because the irrigation service surface schemes provide is insufficient, less timely and
less reliable. The incremental value of production from an additional hectare of surface irrigation would
only be associated with an increase in District net value of production of about US$ 560 per ha, and the
coefficient to derive this is not significant.
192. Under present conditions, expanding groundwater irrigation (including in existing surface schemes
as conjunctive use) appears to be a much better strategy. An additional hectare of groundwater opened
can be expected to be associated with an increase in net value of District production of around NPR
221,000 (USD 2,044). If the development cost of an additional hectare of groundwater irrigation is in the
region of US$ 2,000-3,000 per ha the pay-back potential is obvious, though the investment costs may
have to be associated with improved infrastructure, input supply etc.
15 The explanatory variables were tested for normal distribution using SPSS. Although the sample number is small (n=20) no serious issues were
detected with skewness and kurtosis of variables using a histogram plot against the normal curve. The model was tested for autocorrelation,
though this is normally used to test for correlation within a time series. The Durbin Watson statistic is 1.483, which indicates minimal concern
with autocorrelation of explanatory variables. VIF statistics testing for collinearity were estimated as less than 1.1. Therefore, the model
appears robust. Measurement of explanatory variables came from widely different sources, but there is always the possibility of correlated
explanatory variables – for example, irrigation is developed on areas of land relatively suitable for irrigation. In this model this type of bias
appears to be absent.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Table 18: Estimate of New Irrigated Areas Required in 2035 and 2041, ha
2015 2018-31 2031-43
194. Converting the gross ha estimated to be required by the food market demand estimates into net
irrigated ha is very sensitive to the cropping intensity expected to be achieved. The statistics suggest
irrigated cropping intensity has risen from a low of about 160% in 1999/2000 up to 2009/10 and
thereafter been variable around 180%. It has never been consistently above 200% since before the mid-
1990s. However, it will be apparent that unless crop intensification is achieved, it will be impossible to
demand targets.
195. The estimate of 880,000 new irrigated ha in 2043 is within the estimated 908,000 ha of suitable
land not yet irrigated, but 90% of the most suitable irrigable land (S1-S3) in Nepal is in the Terai and has
mostly been developed. The necessity to raise irrigation productivity from present levels is very clear,
because it will not be possible to reduce the food deficit, or to satisfy food market demand under
conditions of accelerated economic growth. To satisfy the estimated gross requirement of 6,277,000
gross ha in 2041 development of all remaining suitable land and a cropping intensity of 214% is needed.
197. The IMP will direct irrigation planning and investment for the next 25 years (to 2044) and covers
an important period in the development of Nepal. A period during which the country approaches its
expected demographic maximum (of 36 million in 2055, up from 29 million in 2016), and increasing
urbanisation. Consequently, food demand will increase over this period to meet population growth and
changing dietary habits for a more urban population. To meet this additional food demand it is
estimated that, in additional to improvements in cropping intensities, the irrigated lands need to expand
by more than 340,000 ha.
• Improvement of existing irrigated area (systems): there is potential to improve the performance of the
existing 1.435 Mil. ha of irrigated lands (improvement of irrigation systems), to increase cropping
intensities, conveyance efficiency, distribution equity and productivity. This requires investment to
increase water supply during the dry season (October to June), either from surface water and/or
groundwater sources, improvement in system performance through modernisation and improved on-
farm production. The options are grouped by principal water source, these are the following:
- Surface water systems: it is provisionally estimated (based on the current study) that
there is potential for large-scale projects for development of surface water, principally by
improved water transfer to supply about 0.341 Mil. ha of existing systems and
modernisation for 0.170 Mil. in the Terai.
- Groundwater systems: for existing areas irrigated from groundwater, mainly in the Terai,
there is potential for improvement through improvement of infrastructure and system
management, and on-farm improvements for 0.364 Mil. ha.
• Development of new irrigated lands: there is potential for further expansion of irrigated lands (of
the order of 1.189 Mil. ha). The options are categorised by agro-ecological zone;
- Terai: there is potential for expansion of the surface irrigated area in the Terai by about
0.305 Mil. ha (when considering 7 priority projects) and selected groundwater projects for
additional 0.318 Mil. ha.
- Hill and Mountain: there is potential for expansion of irrigated lands in the Hill and Mountain
zone (of more than 566,000 ha, principally from pumped water sources, of which about 0.467
Mil. ha is from pumping, and 0.098 Mil. ha from gravity feed.
199. While the above presents an assessment of the potential for the country as a whole, for the
identification of investment options for the IMP, the approach and presentation presented in this report
is focused on the assessment of projects for development of water resources for intensification of
existing systems and development of new irrigated lands.
200. The Plan aims to complete 100% irrigation of all Terai irrigable lands, 1.499 Mil. ha. For the Hill and
Mountains, there is 1.038 Mil. ha of suitable surface irrigation (out of 1.967 Mil. Agricultural land), but
not all of this will be irrigated in the Plan. The pumping and gravity irrigable assessment identified 0.566
Mil. ha as suitable for development, leaving 0.272 Mil. ha not irrigated (with 0.200 Mil. ha net existing
201. This section presents the development projects proposed as the core element of the IMP
investment plan, and as identified as contributing to the meeting national goals for the irrigation
subsector. These fall within four principal groups; multipurpose surface water development projects,
groundwater projects, hill and mountain irrigation projects and modernisation projects (for existing
surface water and groundwater irrigation systems).
202. The surface water development scenarios refer to a group of potential projects for the development
of surface water principally to increase water availability in the dry season for irrigated agriculture on the
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Terai. They are generally large scale, with high infrastructure and costs, and in most cases they include
hydropower generation, and therefore referred to as multipurpose projects. When delineating the
potential areas for development, the maximum area possible has been identified. This means that areas
proposed in the water availability study represent maximum areas, and do not reflect already selected
areas, like for the Sunkoshi-Marin diversion, which has used a command area of 122,000 ha. The
irrigable area identified for the study is 170,000 ha. Detailed design will be able to fine tune the areas to
what is technically and economically feasible.
203. There is a total of 11 projects of which 5 projects have alternative infrastructure options (variants)
to increase water supply and expand irrigated area, and in some cases generate power. Table 20 lists
the projects by location, west to east, and grouped by zone (west, central and east (more or less
corresponding to the Karnali, Narayani and Koshi Basins, respectively)).
204. Total command area for all projects is about 855,000 ha, of which about 405,000 ha are under
command of existing surface water irrigation systems and 305,000 ha is regarded as new irrigation. The
maximum potential area for the project should they all be implementable would be about 711,000 ha.
However, as shown in the cost-benefit analysis not all projects are economically feasible, and therefore
the actual number of projects and irrigated area is based on selected priority projects for 305,000 ha.
205. As mentioned above, the project includes hydropower generation, where possible, that there is
sufficient operating head. Nine of the projects include options for hydropower stations, in some cases
with the addition (variant) of a storage dam. The combined installed capacity of all stations (exclusive of
mutually exclusive variants) is approximately 730 MW, however, not all project are recommended for
inclusion in the IMP.
206. The project will divert water from the Bheri River to the Babai River via a transfer tunnel (12.3 km
length and design flow of 40.0 m3/s), which will increase flows for extraction for the Babai irrigation
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
system. It is also proposed to construct a hydropower plant (46 MW) at the tunnel outlet for power
generation. The project will supply an irrigated area of about 45,100 ha, of which 42,100 ha are currently
irrigated and about 3,000 ha would be new irrigated lands. This design considers potential maximum
water use of the river discharge according to water availability. The project is currently under
construction for a design discharge of 40 m³/s. With this design discharge, hydropower plant capacity
will be 46.8 MW and irrigation area development 51,000 ha. This development area includes about
10,000 ha of Sikta Irrigation commend area, which was not considered in the water available analysis.
207. There are three project variants: (i) transfer tunnel only, and two options for dams to increase
water supply, principally to increase hydropower production, the options for dams include; (ii) Nalsingad
and (iii) Uttar Ganga.
208. The project would divert water from the Karnali River to the Terai via a 19 km tunnel (design flow
59 m3/s) to supply an irrigated area of about 46,000 ha, of which 33,000 ha would be new irrigated lands
and 7,600 ha irrigated under the Khutia irrigation system. The project includes a hydropower plant of
approximately 80 MW. This system would infill the irrigable land between the end of the Mahakali III
project in the west, ending at the Mohana River to the Rani-Jamara-Kulariya project extending from the
east at Kandra River.
209. The proposed development is for the diversion of water from the Madi River to the Dang valley
via a 25 km tunnel (design flow of 24 m3/s), dam (on the Madi River) and hydropower plant (61 MW). It
would supply sufficient water for irrigation of about 17,000 ha, of which a significant proportion could
be to existing irrigation systems. This project was found to be uneconomical under the above design
parameters. However, the WECS RBP project is reviewing the dam location with additional storage and
alternative shorter tunnel, which may be more economical. This will have to be revised once the RBP is
210. The project would divert water from the West Rapti River to Kapilbastu for the irrigation of about
40,849 ha on the Terai (out of 51,000 ha available for irrigation, the remaining flow going downstream),
of which about 15,000 ha is under existing irrigation system command (Kapilbastu system) and the
balance new irrigated land. The infrastructure includes: Naumure storage dam (169 m), regulation dam
(13 m), hydropower station (approx. 100 MW) and transfer tunnels (23 km) (as shown in Error! Reference
source not found.). This project has been found economical and is recommended in the short list of the
plan. It is being studied by DoED and will be available for detailed design soon. The WECS RBP should
consider the Madi-Dang and Naumure Dam integrated projects for optimum water use and best economic
211. The project concept is transfer of water from the Kaligandaki River to Rupandehi District, via a
tunnel (25 km and design flow of 66 m3/s) (as shown in Error! Reference source not found.). There are
two project options: (i) transfer tunnel only, with an irrigated area of about 31,500 ha, and (ii) addition
of Andhikola storage dam ) with an irrigated area of 42,000 ha. There are five existing irrigation systems
(Banganga, Char Tapaha, Sorah Chattis Kulo, Marchawar and Nepal Gandak) with a combined area of
more than 62,000 ha within the project command, and which would benefit from the development.
212. This is a trans-valley project, and as such would require agreement with India. The diversion needs
to be compensated in the Narayani Valley by releases from the proposed Budhi-Gandaki HPP. The WECS
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
RBP should consider the integrated water resource to include the Uttar-Ganga Dam diverting to the
Gandak basin.
213. The project also would divert water by tunnel (approx. 6 km length and 17 m3/s design flow)) from
the Kaligandaki River for the irrigation use (approximately 11,500 ha) on Nawalparsi-East District (as
shown in Error! Reference source not found.). The project also includes a small hydropower station of
about 4 MW. This project is not trans-valley, so no extraction compensation is required under the
Gandak Agreement. However, it was found to be uneconomical, and not included in the short list of
projects. The area will be covered by groundwater irrigation or lift irrigation.
214. The project would divert water from the Trishuli River to Chitwan District (as shown in Error!
Reference source not found.), for which there are two options: (i) diversion tunnel only with an irrigated
command area of about 21,000 ha, and (ii) tunnel (18 km length and design flow of 51 m3/s) and storage
dam (Budhi-Gandaki) which would increase the irrigated area to nearly 35,000 ha. The project does not
include hydropower generation. The command area includes three existing irrigation systems; Khageri,
Narayani Lift and East Rapti systems, with a combined irrigated area of about 13,000 ha. This project
was found uneconomical and is not included in the plan.
215. The project concept is for the diversion of water from the Sunkoshi River to the Marin and Kamala
Rivers for the irrigation of up to 352,000 ha on the Terai. There are four project options Sunkoshi Marin;
diversion to the Marin River via tunnel (14 km and 77 m3/s), dam (16 m) and hydropower station (MW
41) for irrigation of about 55,000 ha, (the command area includes the existing irrigation systems of
Narayani and Bagmati) (as shown in Error! Reference source not found.); (ii) Sunkoshi Kamala; diversion
to the Kamala River via tunnel (17 km and 72 m3/s) for irrigation of about 129,000 ha, (the command
area includes the existing irrigation systems of Kamala D and Kamala S); (iii) Sunkoshi Marin + Kamala
(with Dudhkoshi dam); is a combination with the addition of a dam on the Dudhkoshi River to increase
water supply reliability, which increase the irrigated area to more than 236,000 ha; and (iv) Sunkoshi
Marin + Kamala (with Sunkoshi 3 dam); a combination with the addition of a dam on the Sunkoshi River,
resulting in an increase in irrigated area to about 352,000 ha.
216. The project concept is the diversion of water from the Tamor River to the Chisang River in Morang
District for irrigation. There are two project options; (i) tunnel only (31 km length) and hydropower
station, with an irrigated area of about 45,000 ha, and (ii) tunnel, hydropower station and storage dam,
for irrigation of about 114,000 ha (with installed capacity of 90 MW). The Tamor 3 HPP reservoir would
also provide power of 732 MW.
217. The project would irrigate an area of about 40,000 ha in Jhapa District (which includes the
command area of existing systems (Kankai and Jhapa). The infrastructure includes a dam on the
Kankaimai River, of 85 m height, and hydropower station (90 MW). This project was found to be
uneconomical and combined with social and environmental issues is not selected for priority. This area
will be irrigated by groundwater. The dam is a stand-alone project.
218. The project concept is the construction of a barrage on the Koshi River at Chatara to provide water
for irrigation of about 66,000 ha on Saptari District on the right bank. There is no development of
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
hydropower as part of the project. An additional benefit will be year-round supply to the existing system
of Sunsari-Morang for 68,000 ha on the east bank.
219. There is the Seti Diversion project within the Karnali Basin which would entail a tunnel of 42 km,
could generate 280 MW of power, and have a maximum potential irrigation area of 300,000 ha.
However, this area is already covered by existing project under construction, Mahakali III and Rani-
Jamara-Kulariya. This project has been found uneconomical at present because it is very expensive and
other cheaper alternatives are available, like the Karnali Diversion project, which fills the gap between
Mahakali III and Rani-Jamara-Kulariya project.
220. The results of the cost benefit analysis of the above projects is used for comparative purposes for
ranking of projects on economic feasibility. Calibrating Economic Viability of Large-scale Surface Water and Ground Water Projects
221. The alternative to multi-purpose projects and large-scale surface irrigation schemes, is
groundwater development. It is important to compare the costs and benefits of the two strategies to
determine the economic benefits of each.
222. Economic investment and MOM costs for each of the MPP and large-scale surface water schemes
recommended for implementation in IMP is compared with investment and MOM costs required for
development by ground water. In locations where the grid and distribution is less developed, investment
costs for groundwater development could be a considerable higher.
223. Another issue is the proportion of the command area which can be developed by groundwater.
The calculations assume that the whole command area can be developed, but this may not be so,
resulting in a smaller project (when measured by NPV) than the alternative surface water development.
In addition, a deep aquifer, more common in the upper Terai, will increase operational costs.
224. Even without taking into account these potential cost increases, the investment and replacement
costs of groundwater (about NPR 480,000/ha or USD 4,125/ha) compared with investment costs for the
irrigation component of MPP (i.e. excluding the investment costs for hydropower) are overall 170%
higher than surface water (about NPR 282,000/ha or USD 2,440/ha, though this estimate assumes that
upstream costs incurred for hydropower generation (dams, intakes, tunnels) are sunk). The estimated
investment cost of development by groundwater rather than surface water are consistently greater for
each proposed project area. One explanation for this is the significant replacement costs required for
tubewell components.
225. The MOM costs for groundwater (NPR 20,400/ha pa, or USD 175/ha pa), which are typically 50-
60% of undiscounted total costs, are also about 4.5 times greater than MOM costs for surface water
(NPR 4,550/ha pa or USD 40/ha pa); one explanation is the cost of energy for pumping.
226. Therefore, in respect of costs and comparing like with like (the costs attached to the irrigation
component of MPP, noting that Chatara Barrage would be developed strictly for irrigation, while
Naumure MPP has benefits from both irrigation and power generation) groundwater development is
without doubt the more expensive option.
227. If the same benefit stream is assumed for groundwater and surface water, it is clear that the
economic project indicators for groundwater development (represented by NPV and IRR in TBL) will be
reduced compared with those estimated for surface water. The issue is, will the benefit streams be the
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
228. One argument for maintaining a similar benefit stream for surface water and groundwater
development is that the surface water irrigation facilities proposed will provide full dry-season irrigation
and thus should offer a service (in terms of volume, timeliness and reliability) equivalent to sourcing
from tubewells. However, this is not the case at present. Under present conditions of productivity and
prices, an additional ha of surface irrigation raises Terai District net value of production by only NPR
63,000 (USD 560) while an additional ha of groundwater or conjunctive use leads to an increase of NPR
220,500 (USD 2,044). Benefits from groundwater irrigation are over three times greater. This is believed
to be because of maintenance and management issues, allied to the important point that existing
surface irrigation schemes were designed to provide supplementary irrigation only
229. The second argument is that future crop benefits were calculated on the basis of future consumer
demand over time at District level (based on projections of total population and urban and rural dietary
change as described in the IMP report.17 Thus, benefits are defined by future food market size and
relatively fixed. Nevertheless, the counter-argument is that given the improved timeliness and reliability
of groundwater irrigation over surface water (and with the diversification and increased value of
cropping these advantages will only increase), then groundwater will take an increased share of future
crop benefits
230. An account of the econometrics used to estimate this increased share is provided in this IMP
Report. Basically, the future net incremental value of production by District (based on estimated future
food demand generated by increased population, urbanization and disposable income) is raised by a
coefficient, also calculated at District level that reflects the present contribution of groundwater
irrigation in explaining districts’ net value of production. Calculating for all Terai districts, this
“groundwater premium” generates an incremental 30% of value.
231. Also, tube wells can access available benefits more rapidly than the proposed surface schemes,
because of the much shorter construction time: a tube well can be installed in a season and benefits
from tube well irrigation will be attained in the year after commissioning. A 40,000 ha field of tube wells
could be developed within about three or four years. In contrast, MPP have a lead time of up six to nine
years before the first year of irrigation benefit. This adjustment to the groundwater benefit stream
increases IRR by one or two percentage points. Nevertheless, this advantage is not sufficient to raise the
economic benefit above surface irrigation.
232. Despite these adjustments, groundwater irrigation remains the slightly less economic
development alternative compared to MPP for nearly all schemes analysed. If an MPP is congruent with
national level hydropower production planning, it is suggested that the surface irrigation “by-product”
of the MPP will be more economically attractive than groundwater irrigation. This argument is borne
out in the case of the proposed Chatara Barrage Project – constructed solely for irrigation use – where
IRR is estimated to be substantially lower than if the command area was developed by groundwater
233. Finally, it must be emphasized that the cost and benefit streams on which these comparative
calculations are based are at pre-feasibility level. Full feasibility study of each MPP, once carried out, will
provide a more definitive picture.
234. Groundwater is seen as an answer to quick solutions for increasing irrigation coverage in the short
term. This is because of its short construction time, small area command and relatively low energy
requirement. The key features of the project are:
17 Annex G: Investment and Economic Analysis; Part 2, Population and Food Demand for Irrigation Planning. April 2019
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
235. The advantages of the tube well irrigation against the surface water canal irrigation are:
• Water can be supplied on demand with high efficiently, using less water per crop.
• Time between requesting water and receiving is minutes as opposed to hours, or even
• With 10 ha command blocks, the WUA is small, with limited number of user per block
• With the pre-paid meter system, there is less potential of big farmers dominating the
water supply, all have to pay equally.
• Time between design and commissioning 3-4 years, is less than half the time as opposed
to 6-8 years for transfer surface irrigation.
• A new concept of pre-paid meters for full cost recovery could lead to sustainable
irrigation, which has not been seen in surface irrigation.
236. The disadvantage of the TW irrigation is that it costs 1.5 times more to construct, it needs
1.29MWh/year energy to operate, while surface can generate power. The MOM of groundwater is 4.5
times more expensive than surface water, due to the cost of energy and asset replacement.
237. Despite some drawbacks in the system, groundwater definitely has a large place in the future of
irrigation in Nepal. This is because:
• With the increase of surface water now providing year-round irrigation, there will be
considerable groundwater recharge and potential water logging, particularly in the
south. Flooding of the south of the Terai is therefore a serious potential, and high water
tables with raise with the increase in transfer schemes. Groundwater extraction in the
south is therefore essential to keep groundwater levels down and reduce the risk of
• With the introduction of the pre-paid meter in tube well irrigation, there is the potential
to create a sustainable system not seen in Nepal. The success of this system can be
replicated elsewhere in the Terai. Gravity and Pump Irrigation Projects for Hill and Mountain Areas
238. The LRMA study prepared a pumping suitability model originally for a head of 140 m with a radius
of 5.0 km and a stream discharge of 30 l/s (based on the cumulative flow in GIS). After feedback from
beneficiaries and DoWRI, this criteria was changed to a pumping head of 200 m, with a radius of 5.0 km,
and a stream discharge of 60 l/s. This was intersected with the identified agricultural land and then
classified according to the irrigable suitability.
239. For the hills and mountains, the total of 566,000 ha was identified as suitable for pumping.
Whatever is suitable for pumping is also suitable for surface gravity irrigation. The distribution by class
and ecological zone is given in Table 21.
240. The plan has divided the 566,000 ha into two categories:
241. The GIS identified areas of pumping suitability was used as a basis for visual identification of both
gravity and pumping systems. The areas were confirmed using satellite images, and determining the
pumping head, and command area. A total of 261 gravity schemes were identified covering an area of
93,847 ha and 93 pumping schemes for an area of 17,710 ha. The distribution by province is given in
Table 22.
2 45 29,951 45 29,951
242. The pumping suitability identifies all agricultural land within the parameters set. These areas will
include surface irrigation suitability, also classified into Class S1 to S4. The total suitable in the Hills and
Mountains is 566,000 ha. Deducting Category #1 from this total gives the remaining Category #2 land
Category #1 111,500 ha
Category #2 454,500 ha
Total Suitable: 566,000 ha
243. Therefore, the balance, Category #2 is 454,500 ha. At this stage, this is not differentiated into
gravity or pumping, but identifies the approximate location and area of land available for future
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
development. The development should include supporting and complementary components for
capacity building of stakeholders in conjunction with the infrastructure development.
245. Similarly, the Tamor-Morang transfer (E.5) gives only 45,500 ha of irrigable land with RoR;
however, adding the storage dam of Tamor 3 (E.6), the dry season irrigable area increases to 113,700 ha,
by 250%, and puts this MMP at the top of the ranking list.
246. The Kaligandaki-Tinau transfer (C.2) does not reach its full potential with the Andikhola storage
dam, with 42,000 ha only about 44% of potential. Other dam storage options, like the Kaligandaki-1
storage dam should be considered in future in more details in WECS RBP master plan.
247. The Naumure Dam MPP gives negative NPV and less than 9% IRR. This MPP project should be given
greater study to improve the economics and bring this promising project to fruition.
248. The Karnali transfer scheme can bring 40,600 ha under dry season irrigation, filling a useful gap
between the Mahakali Stage 3 in the west, and Rani-Jamara project in the east.
250. Table is not economical, and should not be considered further due to the social and environmental
issues. The land commanded by the project should be filled by the Tamor-Morang transfer (E.6) with
the addition of GW schemes in Jhapa District.
New Irrig
NPV IRR Irrig Cost
Project Score Area
(M NPV) (%) Areas (M
(ha) NPR/ha)
Bheri-Babai Transfer +
W2 48 41,974 16.7% 2,644 42,467 505.9
Nalsingad Dam
Note: Total New Irrigation Area is 305,000 ha (from E.6, E.4, C.2, W.6, W.4 and W.2)
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
252. The first two components of the proposed plan (irrigation modernization and management
improvement) need to be implemented in a combined and holistic approach. Their interventions in an
isolation will not be effective. However, the other two components (OFWM and maintenance support
of AMISs) that focus mainly on building institution and knowledge base, need to be implemented
separately as a stand along project (or program). If these components are merged with the
infrastructure development components, their significance could be diluted during implementation.
Paragraphs below describe the proposed development plan under above thematic areas.
253. The aim of the proposed irrigation system modernization is to enhance irrigation services for
achieving the desired operational objectives. This includes only the hardware aspect, which however
needs to be implemented in parallel (or jointly) with other aspects of irrigation management grouped
under other thematic areas.
254. In terms of targets for the IMP 2019, following objectives have been set:
• It is proposed to rehabilitate about 50% of the existing FMISs (covering about 261,960 ha) during
the IMP period, while the remaining 50% will be improved through bottleneck intervention. In
addition, about half of the FMISs that would be rehabilitated will also be modernized (130,960 ha)
with a focus to dry season irrigation.
• All exiting surface AMISs (341,500 ha), except those recently rehabilitated for management transfer
(33,900 ha) under component B of IWRMP that totals 225,310 ha will receive one time rehabilitation
during this IMP period.
• Main system management of about two third of the above areas (148,700 ha) will be transferred to
any of the four identified organizational entities. In addition, manager transfer of lower distribution
units (tertiary and below) will be transferred to respective WUGs (or WUA)
• Detailed cost estimations for different components of irrigation management improvement works
with total cost of about US$ 1,138.4 million.
Modernization of FMISs
255. This master plan proposes to categorize modernization of FMISs in following three categories,
which in turn will shape modalities to support them. The DoWRI in the coming period will develop their
support modalities.
256. Modernization of AMISs in Nepal will have following two principal sub-components
• Modernization of irrigation system to enhance irrigation delivery at all levels of irrigation system
and thereafter overall irrigation efficiency
257. As the deferred maintenance of AMISs can be undertaken through a normal maintenance /
rehabilitation procedure, it does not require any elaboration here. Table 24 presents 4 stepped process
of modernizing AMISs.
SN irrigation Description
19 Some such canal operation modality are: (a) traditional proportional (delivery varies as per incoming flows), (b) arranged
proportional: Intermittent full supply (Example: structured irrigation system in Sunsari Morang Irrigation System, stage II or warabundi in
India and Pakistan, (c) Demand based “on request”: variable delivery (highly flexible system), (d) Arranged rotation: Intermittent full
supply based on crop needs.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
• To enhance performance of irrigation system by involving irrigation users in managing their own
259. Recognizing the ongoing irrigation transformation worldwide and considering the outcomes of the
past irrigation management transfer projects in Nepal, the master plan aims to transfer management of
AMIS to two organizational entities. While doing so, management of lower level of AMISs (usually
tertiary canal and below) will invariably be transferred to the block level WUA, referred to as WUG.20
Thus, formation and strengthening of WUAs continue to be an important part of irrigation management
260. The management of the main system (main and branch canals) may be transferred to any of the
following organizational entities, with a view to enhance reliable bulk delivery of water to WUGs.
• Local government
261. It is to be noted that not all these organizational entities will be suitable for undertaking
management of all irrigation systems. Their suitability will be shaped by the characteristics of the
concerned irrigation systems and local contexts, which needs to be examined before proceeding on
management transfer. Paragraphs below outline likely model of irrigation management transfer to
above entities.
262. Considering the spirit of the constitution of Nepal, the public irrigation systems (or their sub-
systems) whose hydraulic boundary remain within the geographical jurisdiction of local government
may be transferred to them for continuing their management. Worldwide, there are examples of local
government managing irrigation system, especially the small-scale irrigation systems or sub-systems of
larger systems (FAO 58, 1999). Further, transfer of irrigation management to local government has been
successful in Turkey and many other countries.
263. In a situation, where the hydraulic boundary of an irrigation system falls within the geographical
jurisdiction of more than one local government, such system will be managed by coordinated approach
of the concerned local governments. Depending on the needs, provincial government may play a
coordinating role
264. Weaknesses of this model are of two folds. First, irrigation system often cross the administrative
boundaries of local government. Seconds, local governments have so many other responsibilities.
Despite these weaknesses, as local governments are more accountable to local water users, they can
20 Objective of this transfer is to enhance water management at block level and allow WUG collect ISF from farmers by creating
their sense of ownership over the system.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
ensure that the irrigation management practices are consistent with the aspirations of the general water
265. Further, transferring irrigation management to local government does not mean that the local
governments themselves need to deliver irrigation service. Considering their other responsibilities, local
governments will be free to decide management options on their own, which however need to be in
line with the management transfer framework to be provided by the Department of Irrigation at the
federal level. Another important aspect is that the fundamentals of the success of IMTP rests on the
establishment of practical arrangements for financing operation and maintenance of transferred
irrigation system. Local governments are in better position to meet this need.
267. Involvement of private sector in irrigation management, especially in the form of management
contract, is not new to Nepal. In many farmer managed irrigation systems, farmers have been awarding
management contract of their irrigation system to private party. The private party can be a group of
people either belonging to members of a household or a couple of likeminded people in the same village.
This group undertake regular maintenance of the canal, divert water from the source river to canal on
daily basis, and deliver waters to farmers’ field in agreed schedule and modalities21. This experience is,
however, not available in the case of Nepal’s large-scale public irrigation system.
268. Scope of works of management contract will be limited to operation and maintenance of the main
and secondary canal for a period of 3 to 4 years. In general, the private operator will keep the physical
system intact and will deliver irrigation water to WUGs at tertiary inlets in agreed schedule. As in the
case of other contract, the government will pay the agreed amount to the private operator for the
service rendered on monthly basis or as agreed. The contract and the process will be supervised jointly
by both the government (DoWRI) and the concerned WUA.
269. Presently, the department of irrigation is mobilizing civil work contractors for the annual
maintenance of the main and secondary canals. Similarly, a group of short-term operators are recruited
for operating the system during irrigation seasons. Theoretically, services for both the activities –
maintenance and operation – are being procured on contractual arrangement. However, there exist no
relationship between the two service providers. The maintenance contractor is not responsible for
operational difficulties due to poor maintenance. Similarly, operators do not care for likely increase in
maintenance needs due to poor operation. In any hydraulic system, as both these activities – operation
and maintenance – are interrelated, a private operator can come up with a cost-effective solutions.
Thus, in totality, the O&M cost is likely to be reduced with increased reliability of irrigation service
delivery in time and space.
270. Further, as delivery of water in time and space will be one of the scope of works of the private
operator, such deliveries will be systematically documented, mainly for contractual reasons. Certainly,
this will be an added benefit in irrigation management. Presently, in the existing DoWRI-WUA joint
management arrangements, such deliveries are not documented as there are no contractual or financial
obligations envisaged.
271. Management transfer to private operator requires that such operator (or company) exist in the
country. However, this is not the case. Although there are several professional (engineering) companies
21 Water users pay them in commodities, mainly food grains. Such operators in turn can maintain their livelihood with the food
grains they receive from the water users
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
and NGOs providing agriculture related services, such irrigation operators are presently not available.
Thus, private sector institution building will be one of the main component. Further, transferring
irrigation management to private operator will involve essential structural improvements to support the
management contract. As this is a new approach for Nepal, it may be implemented in trial basis in a
couple of medium scale irrigation systems.
272. Water users cooperative (WUC) is one of the documented organizational entity to whom irrigation
management can be transferred. FAO 58 (1999) notes that transfer of irrigation management to WUC
is most suitable for small-scale irrigation systems or sub-systems, where management requirements are
relatively simple and non-intensive.
273. In Nepal, as conventional mode of DoWRI-WUA joint management has not been that successful
compared to the designed expectation, irrigation management transfer to WUC is being advocated. This
advocacy is further supported by the provision made by the draft Irrigation Act (2015)22 that would allow
WUAs to transform themselves to irrigation water user cooperative under Cooperative Act. Its main
objectives were to ensure better access to government support and external donor funded assistance.
274. The said WUCs will be the general cooperatives of irrigation water users. Unlike WUAs, which tend
to be a semi-formal organization with no legal authority to apply sanctions and enforce rules, irrigation
cooperative will be a more formal organization that can perform both the governance and management
functions directly. Politically, such WUCs are said to be stronger compared to WUAs. It is believed that
WUAs often function weakly in the face of strong public bureaucracies and powerful village
governments compared to WUCs. Further, WUCs can by themselves explore the possibility of external
donor funded assistance.
275. If one look at the status of farmers’ cooperative in Nepal, they seem to be successful mainly for
production industries like dairy cooperative, vegetable cooperative and so on. Irrigation being service
industry, success of such cooperative in service sector is yet to be documented. This plan suggests that
irrigation cooperatives should not only look at irrigation management, it should rather have much
broader responsibilities to handle and manage crop production, coordination of the use of fertilizers,
marketing, transport of agricultural goods and selling to consumer. Such situation however may dilute
the function of irrigation services. Further, success stories of such multi-objectives cooperative in Nepal
is also yet to be documented.
276. As irrigation management transfer to WUCs is a new approach for Nepal, it may be implemented
in a trial basis in a couple of medium scale irrigation systems, also on mechanised irrigation like hill
pumping schemes. Further, management transfer to WUCs will be supported by modernization of
irrigation system, OFWM, and institutional capacity building of WUCs.
277. Most large scaled AMISs in Nepal are operating under the joint management model. In this model,
the IMD (as DoWRI representative) manages operation and maintenance of the main system in
coordination with the concerned WUA. The concerned WUA provides field level information on cropped
area, crop type and so on to the IMD for each irrigation season. The IMD prepares canal operation plan,
and operate the main system accordingly. The IMD is responsible for delivering water at each tertiary
inlet (management terminal point), which is to be monitored by WUA.
22 The draft Irrigation Act (2015) was prepared and approved by the then Ministry of Irrigation and was placed before Parliament
for its assent. This has not been enacted as of now and seemingly has become out of date in the context of new federated structure of
governance in Nepal.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
278. The WUA (or WUG) in turn take responsibility of managing irrigation within the tertiary command.
Management activities include water allocation and distribution; coordinate with concerned farmers;
maintain tertiary and field level canals; and collect ISF from farmers.
279. Unlike the irrigation management transfer to the first three organizational entities noted above,23
the DoWRI-WUA joint management mode of irrigation is considered to be very appropriate for
managing large-scaled irrigation systems mainly due to their technical complexity. However,
management of main system by IMD (or DoWRI) has not been that reliable and efficient due to several
reasons, which in turn is influencing performance of irrigation management by WUA at lower level. As
a result, sustainability of DoWRI-WUA joint management model is being questioned.
280. Despite the situation depicted above, this master plan proposes to continue irrigation
management transfer to the DoWRI-WUA joint management mode as one of the options. However,
management modality of the main system will follow a performance-oriented management with well-
defined performance indicators and regular monitoring systems. The management modality will also
include appropriate incentive systems for rewarding the outstanding services provided by IMD water
managers and members of WUA.
282. Irrespective of the organizational entities selected for management transfer of the main system
as outlined by the foregoing sections, management of lower level of distribution system (usually a block
of 100 ha or below irrigated by a tertiary canal), will invariably be continued by the concerned WUA (or
WUG). In this sense, as usual, formation and strengthening of WUA will receive adequate attention.
WUA is a community organization that brings together farmers for the purpose of managing a common
irrigation system. In Nepal, they are formed under society registration act, and they can be registered
with the government either at the office of Chief District Officer (CDO) or at concerned irrigation division.
283. The hierarchies of canal networks in any irrigation systems shape the tiers of water users
committee required to manage them. The committee at lower level of irrigation system – a block
consisting of 100 ha or below irrigated by a tertiary canal – is usually termed as WUG, while the
committee at the level of main system is termed as WUA. Depending on the hierarchies of canal
network, branch level WUA or sub-system level WUA also exist. the formation of WUA should start from
the lowest level to allow adequate representation of farmers at their higher level organization.
284. Functions of WUA and its subsidiary committees in any irrigation system are shaped by the
management transfer agreement of the concerned system. Below are some of the key functions of WUA
/ WUG in many IMT project:
285. WUG will be responsible for all water management activities on its own within the block. Some of
these activities include water allocation, water distribution, canal maintenance, collection of ISF,
resources mobilization for maintenance, and other organization activities. The WUG in turn is supposed
to receive irrigation water in agreed schedule and quantum at the respective terminal points by the
upper level service provided.
286. WUA and its subsidiary committees at higher level of canal system (above WUG) are responsible
for (a) providing basic information to the agency (DoWRI) in designing canal operation plan; (b) support
agency (DoWRI) in participatory irrigation management; (c) monitor canal operation and irrigation
management activities; (d) liaison with farmers; and (‘e) maintain closer linkage between irrigation and
agricultural development and value enhancement
Performance of WUAs
287. Recognising the fact that lack of legal authority is one of the main reasons why WUAs are not able
to collect ISF from farmers, though they are authorized to do so through IMT agreement, an irrigation
act was drafted in 2015, which was approved by the then Ministry of Irrigation and was placed before
Parliament for its assent. However, due to changed political context (federated structure of
governance), this act now needs reformulations and amendment.
The master plan proposes following strategies for enhancing performance of WUA and its subsidiary
• Empower WUA (WUG) legally: WUG should be the focal institution for exercising legal authority.
For this, WUGs may be registered with the local government for governance support.
Accordingly, local government should empower WUGs with required authority. One such
approach is to make WUG recommendation mandatory for any business transaction of
agricultural land (for taking loan against land, purchase / sell of lands, payment of land tax etc).
• Support WUAs for enhancing coordination between agriculture, irrigation and other value
enhancement sectors at local levels.
288. On Farm Water Management (OFWM) refers to management of water within a tertiary
command24 with an objective of enhancing its irrigation efficiency therein, and subsequently uplift
livelihood of rural community. It integrates management of main system (main and branch canals) with
in-field water management for crop production at farmers’ field. In a tertiary command, water users
collectively manage water up to farmers’ field; while management of water within farmers’ field (for
crop production) is shaped by individual’s interest. Thus, OFWM is shaped by both the collective and
individual actions and includes multiple activities.
289. Some of the common activities of the OFWM are: (i) water allocation and distribution within
tertiary command, (ii) maintenance of tertiary canal and below and upgrade to pre-caste parabolic
canals, (iii) agricultural practices and water uses for crops in farmers’ field, and (iv) several organizational
activities within tertiary command (decision-making, resources mobilization, dispute resolution etc).
290. OFWM is one of the most important components of irrigation development that links irrigation
with agriculture development. OFWM mainly focuses on building institution and knowledge base on
improved water management and agronomic techniques. This component should be implemented as a
standalone project (or program). If merged with the infrastructure development component, its
significance will be diluted during implementation due to several practical reasons.
291. OFWM needs to be implemented in all areas of irrigation development like AMISs, FMISs, tube
wells and even private irrigation. In any area, activities of OFWM should be started with diagnostic
24 Depending on the existing landscape, a tertiary canal usually commands an area between 30 and 100 ha or less.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
assessment25 of the concerned system or subsystem that helps determine its detailed activities. Program
on “On Farm Water Management” will includes following activities:
The proposed OFWM component helps developing a site-specific O&M plan for each tertiary canal in a
participatory approach. Such plan covers all cropping cycles of a complete calendar year. The O&M plan
usually includes:
• Calibration of tertiary inlet structure for time series measurement of incoming flows
• Design water distribution schedule and operationalize it within the tertiary command
• Proposal to monitor actual operation of water distribution within tertiary command
• Proposal for maintenance of tertiary canal and resources mobilization
Preparation of participatory O&M plan also helps in identifying essential structural improvement works
that are required for achieving equitable distribution of waters. Likely structural improvement works
may include:
292. Table 26 presents a plan of action for enhancing collection of ISF. The plan of action will be detailed
out by the DoWRI while implementing this master plan, which will be supported by a federal level
project for enhancing collection of ISF.
Causes of Poor
Plan of Actions
Collection of ISF
25 Diagnostic assessment is a process in which a set of PRA techniques are used to help understand the agronomic, engineering,
managerial, and socio-institutional aspects of an irrigation system or its parts with a view to design detailed activities of OFWM.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Lack of legal Register WUAs with local government for governance support
authorization to
Establish bye-laws and other supporting legislation/rules to preserve
WUA for enforcing
principles of payment for irrigation service, and support WUAs in
rules of irrigation
institutionalizing irrigation rules and concept of “service – for – fee”
management and
ISF collection
Inadequate capacity Enhance capacity of WUAs (or WUGs) for all aspects of ISF collection
of WUAs (or WUGs)
Define the legal basis of WUAs for setting fees in relation to service and
Payment avoidance its collection
by some influential
A graduated system of sanctions should be in place to oblige payments
Legal action to collect arrears
293. The master plan proposes to promote laser land leveller for levelling individual’s lands in irrigation
systems. Laser leveller is a one such proven technology that is highly useful in conservation of irrigation
water. In terms of its advantages, laser land levelling saves irrigation water by 25 to 30% and improves
crop establishment and uniformity of crop maturity, which in turn will increase crop yield by 10 to 20%.
294. Though the laser land levelling is a proven technology, individual farmers cannot afford to use this
technology for levelling their lands. Further, this activity provides benefits to individuals rather than the
community. Therefore, until the private sector become capable in providing land levelling services at
low costs, it is proposed to procure a couple of laser land leveller by the government and handover the
equipment to WUA for providing regular land levelling services to its users. The WUAs will then provide
such services to users at subsidized rate following a set of guidelines to be developed in coming days.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
295. Farmers commonly own two, there or more adjoining plots, but not at same levels. In such a
situation, as in the case of laser land levelling, adequate support needs to be provided to individual
farmers at subsidized rate for consolidating their lands into one larger plot for enabling them using farm
machinery for efficient uses of water. This activity also helps in increasing overall agricultural production.
As in the case of land levelling, certain level of subsidy needs to be provided for land consolidation
• Farm ponds
• Solar powered tube wells
• Semi mechanized drip irrigation, and other applied innovations in the field
298. As maintenance of such structures are beyond the technical and financial capacity of users, their
maintenance will be undertaken solely by utilizing the government funds. Concerned WUAs will
however be involved in their maintenance.
300. Maintenance planning (or asset management plan): Maintenance planning is a process that starts
from defect identification to pre-maintenance task. In recent year, aspects related maintenance
26 By definition, periodic maintenance works are those works which are not required to be done regularly, but needs to be
undertaken in a cyclic manner in an estimated schedule. Periodic maintenance encompasses those large and medium repair works that
requires greater resources. Thus, this type of works usually requires detail planning, engineering design, drawings, detail cost estimates,
and close supervision of maintenance execution. Some of the periodic maintenance works are: major repair of structures; replacement
and addition of structures; replacement of steel gate plates, spindle, and bushes.
27 Regular maintenance includes all works necessary to keep the infrastructure functioning satisfactorily. The work generally
involves greasing of gate spindles, removal of silt / debris from structures, small repairs, painting structural steel etc. Regular maintenance
is the most critical and cost effective of the maintenance activities, since small repairs identified and carried out at early stages would
prevent occurrence of major problems.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
planning of an irrigation system has grown into a thematic area of “asset management plan28 (AMP).”
Principle objectives of irrigation system maintenance (or asset management) are:
• To upkeep the system to allow optimal delivery of irrigation waters in time and space.
• To minimize deterioration of structures, canals, and their movable mechanical parts to the extent
that they last for their economic life.
Survey & design Detailed survey, design, and procurement of maintenance contractor
301. The maintenance planning (including budgeting) and execution procedures will be applicable to
all the AMISs or JMISs irrespective of their modes of management transfer. Its detailed guidelines and
28 Asset Management Plan (AMP) has its origin in finance and business sector, and it is now applied to irrigation sector as well. In
infrastructure sector, asset management comprises of several activities like regular maintenance, rehabilitation (upgrading),
modernization or replacement with new technologies, and disposal of assets. All these activities include costs, and its integrated activities
are termed as asset management plan
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
procedures will be developed by DoWRI, which will then be institutionalized throughout the country
through a federal level “irrigation maintenance improvement program (or project)”. A process of
technical audit of maintenance planning and execution will be established and made mandatory.
303. It is important to note that modern strategic river-basin planning needs to address increasingly
complex water challenges, which nowadays also include climate change adaptation and disaster risk
management. Hence, river basin plans need to recognize national water resource policies and, at the
same time, inform and incorporate local and state/provincial plans and policies to the possible extent.
Furthermore, river basin planning takes place in the context of a range of broader socio-economic and
environmental planning processes and therefore needs to consider them, in addition to the technical
aspects of water planning.
304. Since Nepal has been undergoing a phase of economic development, a substantial number of
water resources projects are being planned, constructed and executed. Unfortunately, it continues to
take a conventional sectoral project-by-project approach to development, which has limitations and
deficiencies. With a river basin approach, many sectors/ sub-sectors like hydrology, climate, ecosystem,
floods and droughts, erosion and sedimentation, hydropower production, irrigation, and upstream and
downstream linkages, among others, can be considered in their totality.
305. As the GoN explicitly states in its existing policies proper harnessing of available water resources
through a river basin planning and management approach could increase agricultural and hydropower
productivity and improve the economic status of the country. For such an approach to work, there is a
need for comprehensive and reliable scientific data/knowledge base of water resources in a given river
basin. Likewise, both current and future scenarios of the concerned basin need to be well understood.
If the basin’s future state can be projected to a reasonable degree of confidence, the drivers of such
changes can be identified and manipulated to bring about positive changes in the present development
307. The main purpose of capacity development as suggested under this IMP is to build capacity for
irrigation development and management and ensure the sustainability of its management and operation.
This should represent a more holistic approach to the sector, which will result in irrigation services being
more sustainable and cost-efficient. The focus has to be shifted towards such capacity development which
involves more than enhancing the knowledge and skills of individuals and also focuses crucially on the
quality of organizations - meaning that operations of particular organizations are influenced by the
enabling environment, the power structure, relationship management and the institutions in which they
are embedded. It is important to acknowledge that capacity development efforts generally have four main
problematic areas: most capacity development support remains fragmented and not harmonized; sector-
specific capacity development strategies need strengthening; tools and instruments are not effectively and
fully utilized, and quality assurance is inadequate.
308. Accordingly, future capacity development initiatives must incorporate those concepts and
approaches that are pursued by the IMP, including: (i) development of implementation capacities for
irrigation infrastructure at the most appropriate level; (ii) education and training on MOM of irrigation
infrastructures; (iii) disaster risk management (planning, response, and recovery) to better prepare for
and react to such climate change impacts; (iv) mainstreaming of climate change directly into irrigation
development initiatives; and (v) consolidate the irrigation results by empowering users through training
on business literacy, entrepreneurship and enterprise creation and possible formation of farmers’
cooperative to enhance their profit from irrigated agriculture.
309. This implies that future capacity-building initiatives under IMP should focus on MoEWRI and
DoWRI at federal level, MoPID at state level, local governments and WUAs at local level. These should
also include other sectoral agencies related agriculture, environment, forestry, and watershed and soil
conservation at national, state and local level.
310. There is a significant challenge to synchronize the river basin planning and management concepts
with the newly-implemented federated administrative arrangements. WECS, as the lead agency for
IWRM and river basin planning and management in Nepal, has an important role to play in bringing all
concerned units of the three tiers of government to accept the basic principles of integrated approach
to water resource sector development and to have RBOs in place as initial step in this direction. It is
most probable that WECS goes through a complete restructuring, with increased number of specialists
and regrouping of its divisions and sections. The capacity development of WECS and other relevant
agencies should include: (i) sector-wide capacity building in river basin planning and management in line
with IWRM principles; (ii) designing and implementing social, environmental and safeguards; (iii)
understanding and responding to the impacts of climate change and disaster risk management; (iv) driving
policy reforms to implement river basin plans; and (v) compiling and maintaining a comprehensive
database with a wide range of relevant data at state level.
311. The provinces are likely to take a some time to gain expertise in (i) river basin planning based on
the IWRM principles; (ii) social, environmental and safeguard management; (iii) responding to the
impacts of climate change and disaster risk management. This knowledge is essential for cohesion and
harmonization with river basin approach and overall national water resource planning and development
312. Two provinces sharing a given river basin need both to have a full understanding of the benefits
of shared planning and management of the water within a given basin and harmful effects in the absence
of such understanding and excessive competition for the use of water. It becomes the responsibility of the
provincial government to ensure that human resources having such understanding and competencies are
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
313. Since the investments made in irrigation infrastructures by the GoN so far focused primarily on
cost planning and construction with limited or no consideration to maintenance need and replacement
requirement, there is a capacity decline of a system to deliver water, requiring huge cost for major repair
and total replacement. Capacity at provincial level needs to be build-up for improvement of the
management of irrigation systems in terms of efficient and effective water delivery service through
improvements in both infrastructure and operational aspects and farm production and returns. State
ministry needs to have an assessment of required HR competencies in line with its set priority of
programs and projects. Some of the critical technical skills which may be required on an intermittent
basis need to be availed from the central agencies on deputation basis, without having a permanent
cadre at state level.
314. The provincial level Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development is yet to have meaningful
functional linkages with central agencies like MoEWRI, DoWRI and WECS. The proposed RBOs under
WECS need to play a technical back-up role for the concerned State ministry for having something like
‘regional water plan’ by providing necessary data and knowledge related to a particular river basin.
315. As observed during the field visit, there is a substantial void of capacities at local levels to plan and
perform their defined roles and responsibilities relating to services from systems. Since the deputed
staff in the local governments (LGs) need to cover several technical areas (roads, water supply,
agriculture, irrigation, etc.), it is difficult to expect irrigation related in-depth knowledge and skill on their
part. For planning and financing of irrigation within boundaries of local municipality the LG staff should
possess the ability to: (i) oversee the management of existing systems; (ii) plan for effective and efficient
rehabilitation, expansion and implementation of new systems; and (iii) more importantly, ensure
sustainability through efficient and effective cost recovery for management, operation and
316. Basically, staffs at municipality level need to have the capacity to facilitate and mobilize farmers
at distribution canal level. They need to have proper oversight of irrigation systems ensuring efficiency
and effectiveness in water delivery within their boundaries and, if need be, train staff and members of
WUAs in different technical and managerial aspect of system O&M. They also need to be able to assist
to prepare action plans of WUAs for equitable distribution of water and proper maintenance of
channels, with minimum irrigation service fees.
317. LGs needs to play an important role to encourage and facilitate private sector service providers to
acquire necessary knowledge and skills required for O&M of irrigation systems and increase in farmers’
production and returns from irrigated agriculture. The increased demand for such services from farmers
can encourage them to remain in these professions profitably.
318. It is essential that WUAs/WUGs are trained in: (i) basic organizational management issues such as
their roles in irrigation management; (ii) preparing action plans for O&M of irrigation and drainage
system; (iii) rules, regulations and bylaws of their WUA or WUG; (iv) provisions of the IMT agreement;
and (v) basic financial management, including maintenance of proper records including minutes book,
cash and receipt book and so on. One of the weakest parts in the O&M of farmer-managed irrigation
systems and agency- managed irrigation systems in Nepal is the lack of effective irrigation asset
management planning, resulting in a cycle of neglect of proper O&M and consequently, replacement at
a high cost.
319. Disputes in irrigation systems in Nepal generally arise due to water use activities, resource
mobilization and the dominance of influential members over economically and socially disadvantaged
members. Other major causes of disputes include the shifting of an upstream intake closer to a
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
downstream one, claiming the share of water, allowing water leakages from a diversion weir of an
upstream system and also some users’ reluctance to participate in maintenance and repair works,
together with some member defaulting on the irrigation service fee payments. Of late, over
politicization of WUA/WUG members due to their over enthusiastic affiliation with respective political
parties is posing a major threat to the very existence of association itself and is becoming a major source
of disputes. These are areas where conflict management capacity of WUAs/WUGS needs to be
significantly improved.
320. Taking cognizance of fact that prevailing practices on financial management at WUA level is poor,
the key members and staffs of WUG/WUA also need comprehensive trainings, including ToT, on basic
bookkeeping, basic financial management measures, planning and budgeting for small specific projects,
internal control, audit requirement, etc.
321. A supportive policy and legal environment is crucial to the sustainability of WUAs. Government’s
policies for administrative and financial decentralization have provided the impetus for many
management transfer programmes which diminish the role of the state and expand the role of WUAs,
but these policies remain to be well reflected in the policies and laws to be developed by governments
at state and local levels too.
323. The following are considered the four priority areas for research for improving irrigation and
agriculture practices in line with the demands of integrated water resource management, agricultural
development strategy and climate change adaptation. Each of these priority areas consists of a number
of sub-themes and problems or issues that are worth examining.
Integration of irrigation, agriculture and conservation: Irrigation is just one of several inputs in the
overall agricultural sector value chain. Close interaction is required to ensure sustainable development
and management of water resources and agriculture with cross-cutting environmental issues, as is well
recognized and established in many other countries. This has become more pertinent in the context of
federal mode of governance. A pilot intervention in a system with close integration of all above sectors
together and obtaining better result will establish a basis for this to be replicated and up- scaled in similar
settings in future.
Index-based crop insurance coverage: Crop failure has become one of the prominent socio-economic
and political problems in developing economies like Nepal, which is often attributed to man-made and
natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change impacts. More frequently than ever, farmers from
many parts of the country are made to suffer due to these reasons, resulting in their inability to pay back
loans and falling into “debt trap” over the years. A study can look into the possibility of institutionalizing
a mechanism by which the financing and administration of this insurance scheme can be tested in some
selected places.
Appropriate use of water, fertilizer, seeds and other agricultural inputs: For enhancing productivity from
irrigated agriculture, appropriate use of water together with timely provision of appropriate fertilizer,
improved seeds and other agricultural inputs are essential. The testing of soils and recommending
specific crop/seed, fertilizer and proper mix are not common in most of the irrigated agriculture areas
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
in Nepal. Experimental research on such an issue is necessary at various levels to articulate appropriate
policies and encourage farmers to derive better income from their irrigated agriculture.
Management of Irrigation
Pilot on functional “tar” irrigation system to benefit upland areas. The big terraces and plains land
developed in alluvial fans in the process of river changing its course in hills are called “tar” in local dialect
in Nepal. Provision of irrigation water in these pocket areas in hills can substantially improve food
security situation and enhance the socio-economic status of farmers in these areas. There could be some
piloting exercise for improving water efficiency and having better agricultural practices. These, if proved
successful, could be taken as role model for other existing “tar” irrigation system for replication and also
for new projects of similar nature to come in future.
Quality assurance and harmonization of irrigation system development and MOM: Quality assurance in
development and/or during construction of irrigation schemes is probably the weakest part in the
management of the entire project cycle in Nepal, in addition to inappropriate design in some cases. The
experiences show that a user group’s involvement from the early stage of the project cycle tends to help
mitigate some of these shortcomings. Establishment of community-based QA teams can also be
experimented in different settings.
Irrigation service fee system in irrigation for sustainable MOM: Irrigation water is an economic good that
needs to be purchased by users. In Nepal, irrigation service fees generally are fixed quite low and it is
even not sufficient for funding regular MOM of the system in most cases. As the fiscal situation of
governments (at all levels) is getting tighter, the use of the taxpayers’ money for subsidizing irrigation
will become harder to justify. For the sustainability of irrigation services, irrigation service fees need to
be reviewed periodically and properly applied, potentially with development of a model irrigation
service fee system.
Practical modality of sustainable MOM of irrigation systems: Most of the irrigation systems in Nepal are
built by the government through funds mobilized internally or through external sources, and most often
MOM is being carried out and paid for by the government. It is true even in the case of some transferred
systems. Piloting of a successfully sustaining MOM and possible full ownership of assets will pave the
way to replicate it in an extended manner and relieve the financial burden of governments at each level.
Exploring potential for private sector participation: As the governments are increasingly seeking to
address the complex issue of targeting investments and improving irrigation services for agriculture to
achieve growth and rural development, it is necessary to attract private sector participation in irrigation
sector by combining public and private sector expertise in order to improve sector management and
delivery of required irrigation services. Experimental research on certain PPP-based irrigation projects
can be value-adding exercises.
Effective participation of women and other disadvantaged users in MOM: The social status of women
and disadvantaged segments of population still needs a lot of positive discriminatory actions to improve
the situation to a desired level. Intending to ensure women’s participation in irrigation systems, some
existing regulations require a WUA to have at least 33% females among its members. However, in most
cases, it has been found that women’s role in planning and management, particularly in decision making,
is rather weak. A series of research work in this area will help generate new knowledge and validate the
existing one which can be fed to the future policy reform initiatives at all levels.
Maximization of returns from irrigated agriculture: For the irrigation sector to contribute towards
improved livelihoods and overall socio-economic development in Nepal, the farmers and other water
users need to enhance the income levels from irrigated agriculture. It will also enhance the possibility of
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
farmers bearing the responsibility of financing O&M of irrigation systems to a larger extent. Transforming
WUAs to water user cooperatives may help farmers to explore various ways for improving agricultural
practices through crop diversification, cropping intensity, better seeds and fertilizers, better harvesting,
storage techniques and swift access to markets. All these constitute a number of areas/ themes worth
researching and disseminating the generated knowledge for various reform purposes.
Rejuvenating irrigation: Nepal’s irrigation sector does not seem to have changed its basic developmental
paradigm for over 60 years – that is, public fund is used for capital investment, combined with public
management and supply of water resources to farmers at highly subsidized rates, whether this is
financially sound/viable or not. It is felt that it is not too late to re-think this general approach and
consider possible other and smarter options, in line with the concept of river basin planning with much
broader participation of all stakeholders in planning and decision process. Research on different possible
modes of irrigation is needed that can help change the stereotyped approach of policy makers as well
as irrigation practices in Nepal.
Healthy watersheds: In Nepal, as in most countries, watersheds are being threatened by haphazard
urbanization of settlement, unplanned set-up of industrial and processing activities, deforestation and
through other issues emanating from climate change. At present, the development of irrigation systems
and its interaction with watershed management is rather weak. It is time to develop some pilot projects
where these two interdependent sectors are closely interlinked and good results of which could be
replicated in other existing and future water resource projects in general, and irrigation projects in
Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in irrigation planning and management: The rapidly
retreating glaciers, rapid rise in temperature, erratic rainfalls and increase in incidence of extreme
events such as floods and droughts are some of the effects of climate change Nepal has been facing
during the last few years. Nepal must prepare itself to adapt to these changes and reduce their adverse
impacts on lives and livelihoods to the possible extent. Irrigation planning and management must
mainstream climate change adaptation and integrated flood management as a priority through
undertaking various research studies.
Sustainable storage development in the Greater Himalayan Region: It is possible to utilise the potential
of water storage capacity in the Greater Himalayan region for adaptation to climate change. It may be
possible to harness the natural systems in the biosphere through initiatives such as wetlands
conservation and improved watershed management in the hills and mountains, as well as groundwater
aquifer recharge in the foothills. Small ponds and tanks for rainwater harvesting could also be built on
hill farms and around hill communities. The construction of large dammed reservoirs on the
downstream plains is a further option and has been carefully considered in this Irrigation Master Plan.
The knowledge gap concerning such sustainable water storage will have to be addressed through fresh
research studies.
Water needs to protect the environment and bio-diversity: Water erosion and silting have a major impact
in the river basin, not only for downstream flows and the maintenance of biological balances and natural
ecosystems, but also for habitats and all socio-economic activities. These phenomena, amplified over
time with recurrent floods, have weakened the biodiversity and living conditions of the populations of
the river basins. Various adaptation actions might be required to increase the capacity to preserve and
ensure the sustainable management of natural resources, which can be supported by certain research
324. Each province expressed the desire to have their own irrigation master plan. This is very
understandable since each province is now responsible for their development. Subsequently, the
project has been extended to allow the preparation of independent provincial master plans, cutting up
the relevant information by province, and presenting this to each province. This is one major step in
getting the plan out to the provinces, and allowing them to have a say in their development.
325. As the implementation progresses there is a need to deepen the interaction between provinces,
particularly when inter—boundary transfer or projects are concerned. Provinces that are a source of
water or hydro-power will want a share of the benefits when irrigation projects benefit from these and
the source province does not. This is the case in the Sunkoshi-Marin diversion project, from province 3
to province 2. Also the case for the Kaligandaki-Tinau diversion, from province 4 to province 5, and to
some extent province 6 to province 7 for Karnali diversion. These type of inter-province interactions will
have to be solved in the coming years as the federal system evolves.
326. Based on economic analysis and ranking of all projects, 7 large-scale projects (6 MPPs and 1
Barrage Project) have been identified for financing priority. The implementation plan lays out the
timeline for the roll-out of these projects.
327. The ongoing project of Bheri-Babai will continue until 2024. The Sunkoshi MPP involving the
Sunkoshi 3 hydropower storage dam with 2 transfer tunnels, to Marin and Kamala is the next priority
project. Others will be developed concurrently in different stages as shown in the implementation plan.
Smaller projects and GW Schemes will continue to be developed and financed all along the plan period.
Total hydro + Total new
Irrigation Total, Total, MOM MOM Total Years of Total MOM
hydro, irrigation, and rehab
Developm 2018 2018 Hydro Irrigation MOM MOM Costs
2018 2018 irrigated
SN No. Project Name ent (Net Financial Financial (US$ m) (US$ m) (US$ m) Costs (US$ m)
Financial Financial area
Costs) (million
cost cost
( NPR m) (million (million
NPR m (ha) 1.5% 2.5% year
Tamor Morang Transfer with
1 E6 164,096 22,293 186,389 272,687 2,351 113,743 21.22 4.80 26.02 4 104.10
Tamor 3 Dam MPP
Sunkoshi Marin & Sunkoshi
2 E4 154,172 58,114 212,285 310,574 2,677 352,264 19.94 12.52 32.46 16 519.37
Kamala with Sunkoshi 3 Dam,
Kaligandaki-Tinau transfer for full
3 C2 irrigation in Rupandehi Andhi 125,460 8,109 133,569 195,411 1,685 41,953 16.22 1.75 17.97 1 17.97
Kkhola Dam, MPP
Naumure Dam, Rapti Kapilbastu
4 W6 130,647 9,046 139,694 204,372 1,762 51,256 16.89 1.95 18.84 10 188.44
Diversion, MPP
Karnali Transfer to Kailali
5 W4 37,726 9,818 47,545 69,558 600 40,628 4.88 2.12 6.99 9 62.95
Irrigation, MPP
Bheri-Babai Transfer + Nalsingad
6 W2 27,623 9,721 37,344 54,634 471 45,111 3.57 2.10 5.67 21 119.01
Dam, MPP
7 E8 Chatara Barrage 7,861 12,805 20,666 30,234 261 66,482 2.76 2.76 15 41.40
Total cost 647,585 129,906 777,492 1,137,470 9,806 711,437 1,053.22
329. The total capital investment for these major priority projects is $9,806 million over the 25-year
4.2 Groundwater Projects
330. These multipurpose projects will be supplemented by groundwater projects both within the
command areas of these MPP where there is a long time lag between now and implementation, and
standalone groundwater projects. The standalone groundwater projects are:
Sarlahi-Rautahat 2020-2023
Jhapa-(Morang) 2021-2024, and 2029-2033
Parsa-Chitwan 2023-2026
Dang 2032-2035
332. The total capital for a total of 358,000 ha of groundwater projects is $997 million over 25 years.
333. The two categories of Hills and Mountains projects are: (i) IMP-2018 GIS Identified, and (ii) IMP-
2018 GIS Classified. These are mostly mechanized irrigation.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
334. The IMP team used GIS results of the pumping suitability to identify 111,500 ha using GIS and
Google images to verify the project suitability. Both gravity and pumping were identified during this
process. Finally, in Category 2, are the remaining classified pumping suitability is left for future
verification and design. The area to identify is 454,500 ha.
335. The total cost of this program is $1,583.1 million over the 25-year period.
336. The DoWRI has two projects which can be either merged of rebranded under an umbrella of
Modernisation, Rehabilitation and MOM. These are CMIASP-AF and IWRMP. The rebranding would be
the inclusion of IMT, combined with ISF collection. The irrigation management transfer has basically
been a failure because the farmers have no confidence in the ability to draw water when needed. This
is because the management is not sufficiently enhanced to provide the adequate service, and the system
is not physically capable of supplying due to poor construction or lack of maintenance. Therefore, the
systems firstly need to be modernised or rehabilitated before the next steps can be achieved. While
completing this task, managers and farmers need to be trained in operating and maintaining the system
at all levels. A key component of this program will be concentration on improving efficiencies, at all
337. The program will continue for the whole 25 years, at an annual cost of $4.5 million with a total of
$1,069 million.
338. Some basins have no physical interventions, like East Rapti, with only installed FFEWS in the basin.
These consist of automatic rain gauge with telemetry and discharge measurement stations. Some basins
required a reduction of physical interventions to make the project economical. The following table lists
the lengths of embankments, revetments and spurs, the costs of physical interventions and the FFEWS.
The EIRR is also given.
340. The investment framework cost is shown in Figure 11. The total outlay is USD 14,447 million. There
are three peaks of investment: 2024 for USD 830.4 million, in 2037 for USD 691.4 million and 2039 for
USD 727.7 million.
341. Not included in this framework is the annual MOM costs of each project once they become
operational. However, the rate, years of operation, and cost of each major priority project is given Table.
342. To assist in the implementation of this plan, dissemination is required to all provinces. Previously,
all provinces were visited and consulted, and all requested their own plan. This IMP is being split into
each proving component according the 4 categories mentioned above.
343. Also, as part of the implementation must be a M&E program to keep track of progress, review
status and success of each program and recommend the way forward based on lessons learnt.
4.7 Targets for Year-Round Irrigation
344. There are two main national policies that are important to the IMP, which is the ADS (2015) and
the NWP (2005), both of which have given targets for water use, productivity, cropping intensities and
year-round irrigation. The IMP has considered these targets with a view to meeting them and
incorporating them into the plan, and also to be an essential part of the M&E plan.
345. This IMP has added a new date to these targets, which is the long term date of 2045, the end of
the plan. The cropping intensities are proposed to increase from the present of 132% to 182% by 2025,
205% in 2030 and finally reach 230% in 2045. The NWP target for CI is 193% in 2027, which fits between
the IMP proposed targets.
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
346. Year round (YR) irrigation is one of the main thrust of this IMP. The ADS proposed YR irrigation
targets of 60% in 2025 and 80% in 2030. The NWP aimed at 64% by 2017, and 67% by 2027. This IMP
has an ambitious plan of starting at the present estimated YR percentage of 39%, and reaching 55% by
2025, 66% by 2030 and 100% by 2045.
347. The proposed program for the MPP, groundwater and hills and mountain developments is given
in Figure 10. Using this data, the annual increment of surface irrigation and ground water development
is plotted. There will be a conversion of monsoon irrigation to YR with the implementation of the transfer
systems, groundwater is considered YR irrigation, so the percentage of YR irrigation can be determined.
This is plotted in Figure 9, and shows that by the end of the project, 2045, 100 % YR irrigation will be
achieved in the Terai and 74% in hills and mountains. By the short term, 2025, YR will have reached 56%,
by medium term 2030 the percentage will be 80 %. The above targets can be achieved if the plan is
Irrigation Development
2,000,000 1.20
Year Round (%)
1,000,000 0.60
- -
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Total surface water ha Surface water of which year round Groundwater ha
Total irrigation ha Year round irrigation %
348. Government of Nepal has enacted PPP Act 2019 to provide a framework of PPP in infrastructure
structure and services from both domestic and foreign private parties, particularly with the aim of
attracting foreign investment. This law is an integrated version of Private Investment in Construction and
Operation of Infrastructure Structure Act 2006 and Investment Board Act 2010, with provisions 10 PPP
modalities (each involving transfer), including: construction-transfer, construction- operation-transfer,
management-operation-transfer, maintenance/ rehabilitation-operation-transfer. It has designated the
Investment Board of Nepal (IBN) as a PPP knowledge centre and facilitating body for regulating PPP,
though all related federal agencies (e.g., ministries) and provincial and local governments have roles in
approving, regulating and promoting PPP in their respective fields according to the volume of investment
required. The law does not make specific arrangements for irrigation-specific PPP, but it provides a basis
on which to choose any form of PPP even in irrigation sector. However, there might be substantial legal
challenges to be overcome, when project initiatives are taken.
349. A number of options exist for PPP. The most commonly used contractual forms of PPP in the
irrigation sector are: (i) management, performance-based and Design-Build-Operate Contracting (DBO);
(ii) private sector infrastructure Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO); (iii) farm (non-irrigation)
service agreement; (iv) hub farm agreement; and (v) farmers’ participation in the PPP contract (details in
Annex E).29 In irrigation PPP, farmers will be the recipients of irrigation services, and in some cases the
farmers will be forming WUAs to support management, operation and maintenance of PPP undertaking.
In order to attain sustainability, farmers’ active involvement can generate the links which are missing
between the public and private partners. Farmers’ active participation often brings certainty to the stable
demand for irrigation services.
350. Various types or categories of irrigation schemes have been identified for possible inclusion in the
proposed IMP. As the exact funding mechanism is still to be decided, it can be expected that financing
of some large, medium and special types of project is to involve a mix of funding through government,
donor, NGO, cooperatives and farmers and hence is open up for adopting some PPP options, including
private financing. Based upon the characteristics of the PPP structures and the considerations as
suggested above, the PPP options for various irrigation projects of IMP have been provisionally proposed
in Table 31.
Table 31: PPP options for the irrigation schemes to be included in the IMP
No. Description Financing Possible PPP structure
DBO (for 3-5 years) – and possible subsequently leasing
1 Large Scale IS GoN
DBO (for 3-5 years) – and possible subsequently leasing
2 Medium Sized IS GoN
(LC) or management or performance based contract
DBO (for 3-5 years) – and possible subsequently leasing
3 Rehabilitation of IS (LC) or management or performance based contract
Private DBFO, Concession or BOOT/BOO
DBO (for 3-5 years) – and possible subsequently leasing
4 Small Scale IS (LC) or management or performance based contract
Private DBFO, Concession or BOOT/BOO
DBO (for 3-5 years) – and possible subsequently a
5 Transfer IS GoN
performance based contract
Groundwater DBO (for 3-5 years) – and possible subsequently leasing
6 GoN
Irrigation (LC) or management or performance based contract
Pumped Hill DBO (for 3-5 years) – and possible subsequently leasing
7 GoN
Irrigation (LC) or mgt. or performance based contract
29 Annex E: Institutions, Policy, Public Private Partnership, River Basin Planning, Financing Irrigation, Capacity Development, Research, Roles and
Responsibilities Report
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Irrigation Master Plan 2019
E.4 Sunkoshi Marin and Sunkoshi Kamala with Sunkoshi 3 HPP 170,000 674.0
E.4 Sunkoshi Marin and Sunkoshi Kamala with Sunkoshi 3 HPP 182,000 2,022.0
C.2 Kaligandaki Tinau transfer. Rupandehi Irrigation and Andikhola Dam 42,000 1,684.0
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Irrigation management Modernisation and Rehabilitation 152,000 222.7 152,000 222.7 152,000 623.5
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Rehab Irrg
New Irrig
c IRR (re-
9%, NPR
c NPV,
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043
Tamor Morang (Chisang) with Tamor
1 E.6 113 12.9% 85,142 43,743 70,000 113,743 6 2033 2041
Sunkoshi Marin and Sunkoshi Kamala
2 E.4 108 15.3% 182,652 171,500 169,889 341,389 10 2020 2030
with Sunkoshi 3 HPP
Kaligandaki Tinau transfer. Rupandehi
3 C.2 88.2 14.0% 85,477 41,953 41,953 6 2037 2043
Irrigation and Andikhola Dam
Naumure Dam, Regulation Dam, Rapti
4 W.6 Kapilbastu Tunnel, Powerhouse and 59.3 11.4% 36,778 10,407 40,849 51,256 6 2030 2036
Irrigation Area
5 W.4 Karnali Diversion Tunnel Project 50.2 14.0% 32,579 32,996 7,632 40,628 7 2029 2036
6 W.2 Bheri-Babai transfer and Nalsingad Dam 48.3 16.7% 41,974 2,644 42,467 45,111 5 2019 2024
7 E.8 Chatara Barrage 44.6 11.0% 4,749 18,489 47,993 66,482 5 2024 2029
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352. The existing development projects need to be monitored on an annual basis, and reported in the
annual year book. This annual year book is an excellent location for reporting on the master plan
implementation progress. There are five transfer projects proposed in the plan, which should be monitored
in the three time steps. Ground water development and hills and mountains gravity and pumping schemes
should be monitored annually and reported in the year book. In addition, the inventory needs to be updated
annually as well.
353. Finally, there are performance indicators such as the following: modernisation area, efficiency,
cropping intensity, equity, productivity, crop water productivity and O&M funding should also be reported
in the annual year book. All these O&M tasks are shown in Table 6.
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Irrigation Master Plan 2019
Frequency Responsible
Goal Indicator Current Baseline Target When Reporting
How Measured
Measured How?
Surface 165,000 ha
Modernisation Ha modernised 0 Annual Annual year book
GW 400,000 ha
2025, 2030, 2045
Efficiency Percentage About 25% Annual Annual year book
29% 35% 40%
2025, 2030, 2045
Cropping Intensity Percentage 132% Annual Annual year book
182% 205% 230%
Equity: Va
Management and Delivery Performance DPR = Relative Water
50% Annual Annual year book
Efficiency Ratio Vi (m3 ) Supply Ratio
Productivity LP = Actual yield/intended
yield or area
80% Annual Annual year book
Yc (kg )
Crop Water WP = Yield kg / water
Annual Annual year book
Productivity Va (m3 ) volume m3
Co & m
O&M fraction O&M = Cost of O&M/ Budget
for sustainable MOM
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