Anchors of Organizational Behavior Knowledge CHP1
Anchors of Organizational Behavior Knowledge CHP1
Anchors of Organizational Behavior Knowledge CHP1
Firstly, multidisciplinary anchor. Organizational behavior is anchored around the idea that
the field should develop from knowledge in other disciplines not just its own isolated research
base. For example, psychological research has aided our understanding of individual and
interpersonal behavior. Sociologist has contributed to our knowledge of team dynamics,
organizational socialization, organizational power and other aspects of the social system. OB
knowledge has also benefited from knowledge in emerging fields such as communications,
marketing and information systems.
Thirdly, contingency anchor. People and their work environment is complex and the fields
of organizational behavior recognize this by stating that a particular action may have different
situations. In other words, no single solution is best in all circumstances. Contingency anchor is
a particular action may have different situations and it also need to diagnose the situation and
select best strategy under those conditions.
Fourthly, multiple level of analysis anchor. OB knowledge is divided into three levels of
analysis which are individual, team and organization. The individual level includes the
characteristics and behavior of employees as well as the thought process that are attributed to
them such as motivation, perceptions, personalities, attitudes and values. The team level is the
analysis looks at the way people interact. It includes team dynamics, communication, power,
conflict and leaderships. The organizational level is focus on how people structure their working
relationships and on how organization interacts with their environments.