While it is recommended that you play at least one of the Fire Emblem games to fully understand and
respect this system, it is not a prerequisite. Fire Emblem, as well as this system, uses a turn-based, grid
battle system, and plays somewhat similarly to other strategic board games, such as Risk, but on a
smaller scale. As you continue your adventure, like in other TTRPG's, your character will gain
experience, level up, and become a much more formidable force to reckon with.
The Basics
This game operates under the same general idea as most other TTRPG's, but is designed to be a little
more basic and friendly to new players. There is a Game-Master (or GM) who narrates most of the
story and determines the final word on any rulings. The GM may fudge a rule if they feel it it more
conducive to the entertainment of the players. The game can handle as many players as the group feels
comfortable with, but the most manageable and fun number tends to be around four players ( not
including the GM).
Most of the time you will be journeying with a group of mercenaries, soldiers, or adventurers across
one of the various continents. Thanks to the ability to promote out of or reclass into other classes, along
with the multiple playable races, your options are near limitless for character customization!
Every character has a class, a race, attributes, growth rates, abilities, and skills. We’ll delve into each
separately, starting with Attributes.
Many choices and interactions in this game will require rolling dice to determine the outcome. This
includes rolling to see if an attack hits, seeing what stats increase when you level up, etc. The number
after “d” indicates the number of sides on the die that you need to roll. The number before the “d”
indicated how many of those dice to roll. You may also be required to add (or subtract) other dice or
flat numbers from the roll. For example:
Growth Rates
Each statistic (other than Weapon Rank and Movement) has a growth rate associated with it. These
growth rates govern the progression of your character's statistics as it levels up. The overall growth rate
is a combination of the class's growth rate for the stat as well as the player's personal growth rate for
that stat.
Whenever you level up, you'll roll 1d% (otherwise known as a percentile die or a d100) per statistic
that has a growth rate to see if that stat increases. The easiest, and most common, way to roll 1d% is to
roll 2d10. Designate one die as the tens digit and the other die as the ones digit. If both dice come up
zeroes, the result is 100. Compare your roll to the growth rate for the stat you're rolling for. If you roll
less than the growth rate, that stat increases by 1. For example, if your growth rate for Strength is 58
and you roll a 43, your Strength score permanently increases by 1.
It is possible to have a growth rate higher than 100%. In that case, the character gets a guaranteed +1 to
the appropriate stat. In addition, roll as normal. Compare the result of the roll to the (growth rate –
100). For example, if a character has a growth rate of 125% for Skill, you get +1 to Skill and then must
roll. If you roll a 25 or less, you get another +1 to the stat.
Characters also have abilities made available to them through their classes. These abilities are
additional special things that units can use to change the flow of battle. In the Fire Emblem games,
these are traditionally called “Skills”, but we will refer to them as “Abilities” to avoid confusion for
more seasoned TTRPG players. There are three type of abilities:
• Combat Abilities: Combat abilities have a chance of activating when you enter combat, as
typically governed by a percent chance based off of one of your character's stats. (e.g. Mage's
Fortune, Swordmaster's Astra)
• Command Abilities: Command abilities are actions that you can make instead of attacking,
using items, trading, etc. You may still move before using a Command abilities. (e.g. Cleric's
Rally Luck)
• Passive Abilities: Passive abilities are always active and apply their effects whenever
applicable. (e.g. Dark Mage's Hex)
Skills are things like a character's ability to hide, convince others of something, and use mundane
medicine to heal. These are often called “skills” in most tabletop games, which can get confusing with
what the Fire Emblem games call skills.
There are a few races available to play in this game. There are humans (known as Beorc in some Fire
Emblem games), manakete, and taguel. Each race confers some modifications to your growth rates.
Your class determines which abilities you can learn, which weapons you are proficient with, and even
part of your growth rates, so choose carefully! After a character reaches level 10, they can promote to a
new class of a higher tier or reclass into a different class. There is a choice in the matter, giving you
some control over your character.
Character Creation
Character creation is an involved as fun process that takes you through putting your mental conception
of your character and putting them into the game's mechanics. This guide will take you step-by-step in
creating a character to play in this TTRPG.
Humans are the most common race of the world of Fire Emblem. They inhabit every continent and
time period, and they are easily the most versatile of any race. Humans are usually accepted in any
culture, save some extremely prejudiced areas dominated by other races, like the taguel. Humans can
vary in skin tone and hair. Their skin tones can range from dark chocolate to lily white, similar to real
life. However, their hair can be classic colors, like brown, black, and blonde, to vibrant and bright
colors like blue, pink, and red. Blue hair tends to be rare and signifies blood from the bloodline of the
legendary King Marth. Cyan tends to be a hair color of nobility, such as Prince Ephraim, Princess
Eirika, and Princess Azura.
The Kitsune are a tribe native to Hoshido. They prefer to keep to their hamlet, one that is located deep
within Hoshido's southern mountains, and generally avoid humans due to a deep-seated distrust that
they harbour against them, stemming from a cautionary tale that suggests that humans are known to kill
Kitsune for their fur after having first gained their trust. This has in turn led to the enacting of a rule
that all human trespassers of the hamlet are to be killed on sight. Kitsune look just like humans except
for the fact that they have fox ears atop their head and a large, fluffy fox tail. The color of their fur
matches the hair on their head. Both tend to be extremely soft and silky. With the power of a
beaststone, they can transform into a large, magical fox form that has red eyes and blue flames dancing
Notes: Kitsune units always count as Beast Units no matter what class they are.
Kitsune gain +20% Luck; +10% Strength, Speed, and Resistance; but-10% to Defense and -15%
Manaketes are a legendary humanoid species recurring in the Fire Emblem series. Manaketes are
dragons that use a humanoid form conserve their strength and survive in a world which no longer
permits their full existence. Although in some cultures in the series the manakete race is regarded as
legendary and worthy of worship, in others they have a long history of bitter conflict with humanity.
In their humanoid forms, they are indistinguishable from humans aside from three recurring
characteristics: green hair, sharp fangs, and pointed, elf-like ears. Their hair can be almost any shade or
tint of green, but they tend to be a lighter tint. The human body of a manakete is much weaker than that
of natural humans, making a severely exploitable weakness that humanity has exploited before. The use
of Dragonstones improves a manakete's power, Manaketes also have extraordinary lifespans, lasting
over several millennia. Manaketes age slowly, as shown with Tiki first appearing with the appearance
of a young girl during Marth's time, 1000 years after her birth, and having the appearance of a young
adult by the time Chrom is born, 2000 years later.
This longevity comes at a price: due to this long life, they will lose many of their human friends due to
their shorter lifespans. Additionally, manaketes have an extremely low birth rate and infertility is a
problem. However, the most severe problem the manaketes constantly face is the threat of degradation.
The longer they live in their dragon forms, the more likely they will go mad, thus some of the dragons
have had to turn into Manaketes in order to avoid this. Their dragon forms can vary from pretty,
rainbow-hued wyverns to black-and-white, four-legged dragons.
Notes: Manakete units always count as Dragon Units no matter what class they are.
Manakete gain +20% to HP and Luck; +10% to Strength, and Defense; but -10% to Magic, Skill, and
The taguel inhabit a human-like body and temporarily transform into a giant beast in battle using the
power of their beaststones. The taguel race has been long persecuted and abused by humans and driven
to the brink of extinction. Their existence would be considered rare and many humans may not even
know of them. However, the taguel have not forgotten. They tend to be prideful warriors and wary of
human contact.
In their humanoid forms, the rabbit taguel are distinguished by their large, low-drooping rabbit ears,
and their thick body hair in unusual places such as their necks. Typically most of their hair is brown
with some parts of white being possible. They often wear their hair long and weave it around their ears.
They have four pairs of markings on their cheeks and corners of their foreheads, similar to thin tattoos.
They often favor wearing a small collection of scraps of armor protecting more vital areas, so as to
allow themselves to transform without destroying a bulkier set of armor.
The beast forms of rabbit taguel resemble giant rabbits with glowing purple eyes. The taguel often
times have custom armor made to expand to fit the his beast form. While the only taguel encountered in
the course of the games are of the rabbit variety, Panne, the last taguel, states that others do or did exist
in distant lands who can transform into other animals, including cats, lions, wolves and a number of
bird species, such as herons and falcons. The player can choose any animal they like; it will not change
in game mechanics for balance purposes.
Notes: Taguel units always count as Beast Units no matter what class they are.
Taguel gain +15% to HP; +10% to Strength, Skill, and Speed; and -10% to Magic and Resistance.
The Wolfskin are a tribe native to Nohr. Their village on Mount Garou is visited only rarely by
outsiders, due to the difficulty of traversing the mountain as opposed to other, more direct routes
through Nohr, as well as the Wolfskin's reputation for hostility. The Wolfskin are, however,
occasionally targeted by poachers for their rare fur, and encounters with these poachers have caused the
Wolfskin to view other outsiders with suspicion. Wolfskin tend, similar to the Kitsune, to have ears on
their heads and wolfs tails. The color of the hair on their heads, which is often brown or black, matches
the fur on their tails. Their hair and fur both tend to be shaggy and wild. Their wolf forms stand upright
on two legs, similar to a werewolf, have extremely muscular bodies and have glowing red eyes.
Notes: Wolfskin units always count as Beast Units no matter what class they are.
Wolfskin gain +25% to HP, +20% to Strength, +10% to Defense, but -5% to Skill and Resistance and
-20% to Magic.
Half-Human Hybrids
It is entirely possible in the Fire Emblem universe for someone to be a mixture of human and one of the
other four races. Most commonly, this results in offspring looking mostly like the race of the non-
human parent. For gameplay purposes, it is simpler for the player to determine if their non-human
heritage is strong enough to manifest. If it is, then just pick that race for gameplay purposes and say for
fluff purposes that the other parent is a human. The difference in physical descriptions of typical half-
human pairings from their non-human parents are below:
• Half-Kitsune have their kitsune parent's fur color with a small section or streak of their human
parent's hair color.
• Half-Manakete can have the hair color of their human parent, but still retain their pointy, elf-
like ears.
• Half-Taguel have slightly less exaggerated animal characteristics, like slightly shorter ears, but
are otherwise indistinguishable from full-blooded taguel.
• Half-Wolfskin have less fur and more human-looking hair on their heads. Their ears tend to be
less furry as well.
Base Classes
Classes in this category are considered to be "base", "basic", or "first-tier" classes in at least one Fire
Emblem series game in which they appear. These classes are lower-end classes in which most units
start out, possessing lower stats and lesser abilities. These classes can promote into advanced classes to
gain more power once they have gained enough experience and levels. Units in basic classes tend to
gain experience at a quicker rate than advanced classes.
Base classes can be chosen by a character as their starting class. Some may have options that need to be
chosen at the start of taking the class, such as a weapon choice or a skill choice. Each class lists what
weapons that it is proficient with. Using a weapon that your current class is not proficient with incurs a
penalty to hit.
Most classes also provide two promotion options and two reclass options that can be chosen once the
character reaches at least level 10 in their class. The class change does take place after the character hits
level 10, so the character may always add the appropriate level 10 class skill (if available) to their
repertoire first, before changing.
Usable Weapon Types: Bows
Notes: Able to use Longbow, Towering Bow, and Double
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth,
Archers are foot soldiers carrying Bows who can deal with
enemies from range. Notably, Archers cannot attack adjacent
enemies (1 space away) under normal circumstances. While
low in defense and health, Archers attack from a space or more away to handle melee enemies without
fear of immediate counterattack. Archers need cover and support. While they can attack Sword, Lance,
or Axe users without being counterattacked, any enemy in range can easily move in and fearlessly
attack the archer afterward, and not being able to counterattack at melee range is an inherent downside
of the class. Any type of ground unit, preferably one with at least moderate defense, such as the Knight,
will make for suitable cover. However, Archers are strong against flying units such as Pegasus Knights,
so drawing these enemies into their firing range will prove advantageous in battle.
Archers can promote into the more powerful Sniper class, enhancing their strengths and often rounding
out their weak points (such as low HP/Defense). Alternatively, they can promote into the Bow Knight
class, a mounted, sword-toting archer class that slightly forgoes some bow use to be a bit more well-
rounded. A third option available for Archers is the Kinshi Knight, a flying class capable of wielding
bows. Compared to the Falcon Knight, it has less speed, strength, and defense in exchange for greater
skill, making its attacks more accurate.
Reclass Options
Archers can reclass into either the Mage or the Wyvern Rider. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
abilities HP 45% 17 60
• Level 1) Skill +2: +2 Skill, as the name implies.
Str 15% 5 26
• Level 10) Prescience: (Combat) When user triggers the
battle, +15 Hit and Avoid. Mag 0% 0 20
◦ OR Prescient Victory (Combat): When user Skl 30% 7 29
triggers the battle, damage +4.
Spd 15% 5 25
Lck 5% 2 30
Def 10% 4 25
Res 5% 1 21
Mov – 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Bow
Class Skills (choose three): Athletics, Insight, Medicine,
Nature Perception, Persuasion, Religion, Survival
The Apothecary can promote into either the Merchant or Mechanist classes. The Merchant is a
practitioner of both lances and bows. It has relatively average stats, with good strength, defense, and
resistance. The class's unique abilities, Profiteer and Spendthrift, allow Merchants to generate Gold
Bars and either hold onto them to sell, or use them to increase their damage output. Mechanists can
defend themselves with bows and shurikens. In general, Mechanists have average stats all-around with
no particular strengths or weaknesses, but they have high movement as a mounted class. Their Replica
ability also allows them to do more damage and control the battlefield.
Reclass Options
The Apothecary can reclass into either the Archer or the Ninja.
• Level 1) Potent Potion: Increases the effect of HP-restoration items and tonic items by ×1.5.
• Level 10) Quick Salve: After consuming an item that restores HP or a tonic, user can perform
another action.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 18 60
Str 20% 6 29
Mag 0% 0 20
Skl 10% 4 24
Spd 10% 4 24
Lck 5% 2 26
Def 10% 6 28
Res 5% 2 25
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Lances, Swords
Notes: Beast Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose three): Animal Handling, Athletics,
Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion
Cavaliers can promote into the Paladin class or the Great Knight class. While their stats are boosted
when upgrading into a Paladin, the largest new found advantage is the slight increase of movement,
increasing the already large area the Cavalier could already cover in one turn. The Great Knight allows
the cavalier to add axes to its arsenal, allowing them to have the advantage against any melee
combatant. The Great Knight sacrifices some of the Speed and Skill of the Paladin to get more Health
and Defense.
Reclass Options
Cavaliers can reclass into either the Mercenary or the Myrmidon.
• Level 1) Discipline: Doubles the amount of Weapon
EXP gained by the user. Class Statistics
◦ OR Shelter (Command): Make an adjacent ally the
user’s support unit. GR% Base Max
• Level 10) Outdoor Fighter (Combat): Increases Avoid HP 45% 17 60
and Accuracy by 10 when battling on outdoor maps. Str 15% 6 26
◦ OR Elbow Room (Combat): When user fights in
terrain with no terrain effects, damage +3 during Mag 0% 0 20
battles. Skl 15% 5 25
Spd 15% 5 25
Lck 15% 3 30
Def 10% 5 26
Res 5% 3 26
Move N/A 7 9
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Staves
Class Skills (choose three): Athletics, Arcana, History,
Insight, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion, Religion
Clerics can promote to the War Cleric to give themselves some offensive ability on the battlefield. The
War Cleric can wield both axes and staves and focuses mainly on durability rather than healing
potency, giving them higher defensive caps rather than higher speed and skill to avoid damage
completely. Alternatively, the Cleric can promote into the Sage class for an even more offensive
promotion. Due to Sages' sky-high Magic cap, their tome strength and healing potency is unparalleled.
If they have high enough magic, their reach with Rescue or Fortify staffs can possibly cover the entire
map, making them excellent support units. A third option is the Great Master. A class that is both
physical and magical, it takes on both combat and support roles. It possesses great self-healing ability
and the ability to counter enemy magic users.
Reclass Options
Clerics can reclass into either the Mage or the Troubadour. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
Abilities HP 35% 16 60
• Innate) +10 dodge
Str 5% 0 22
• Level 1) Miracle (Combat): Allows the unit to survive
with 1 HP when attacked with a fatal strike. The chance Mag 15% 4 25
is (Luck)% if HP>1. Skl 0% 3 24
• Level 10) Healtouch: When the user is healing an ally,
Spd 15% 6 25
an extra 5 HP will be restored for that unit.
◦ OR Rally Luck (Command): Increase the Luck of Lck 15% 4 30
all allies within a 3 tile radius by 8 points for one Def 0% 1 22
Res 20% 6 27
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Dark Mage
Usable Weapon Types: Tomes
Notes: Can use Dark Magic
Class Skills (choose three): Arcana, Deception, History,
Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
Dark Mages can promote to the Sorcerer or the Dark Knight. The Sorcerer is effectively a stronger
version of the Dark Mage with higher stat caps. Promoting into the Dark Knight causes the Dark Mage
to gain a mount, access to swords, and a much higher Strength growth rate. Dark Knights are
interesting units as they perform well as a flexible offensive unit, allowing them to attack enemies
through their lower defensive stats. However, they lose the ability to use Dark Magic.
Reclass Options
Dark Mages can reclass into either the Archer or the Thief.
• Level 1) Hex: Avoid -15 to all adjacent enemies.
◦ OR Heartseeker: When fighting adjacent to an enemy, enemy’s Avoid -20.
• Level 10) Anathema: Avoid and Critical Avoid -10 to
all enemies within a 3 tile radius. Class Statistics
◦ OR Malefic Aura: Enemies within a 2 tile radius GR% Base Max
receive 2 extra damage from magical attacks.
HP 50% 16 60
Str 5% 0 20
Mag 15% 6 27
Skl 15% 3 25
Spd 15% 3 25
Lck 0% 1 30
Def 10% 3 25
Res 10% 5 27
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Axes
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival
The Fighter can promote into the Warrior class, offering access to the Bow in addition to the normal
stat boosts. Warriors, like Fighters, are characterized by high Strength and HP with moderate Speed,
while lacking in Skill and usually Defense. They do have the ability to return damage to an enemy that
has attacked them via the Counter skill. Alternatively, Fighters can become a Hero, offering access to
the Sword. The Hero has a slightly smaller Strength growth rate, but a higher Skill growth rate. Also,
they gain access to Sol, a skill that provides a chance to heal the Hero for the damage it inflicts. A
Fighter can also promote to the Berserker, an even more powerful axe-wielding class. They possess
high HP and Strength, but low Skill and resistance. Their abilities further a Fighter's ability to crit and
do high Axe damage.
Reclass Options
Fighters can reclass into either the Cavalier or the Thief.
Kitsune can promote into the powerful Nine-Tails class. The Nine-Tails gains heavily increased
survivability and damage through its two abilities: Even Better and Grisly Wound. Together, these
abilities heal the Kitsune for a 40% of its maximum health and deal 20% of the target's maximum
health in damage.
Reclass Options
Kitsune can reclass into either the Mage or Ninja.
• Level 1) Evenhanded: Increases user's damage output by 4 on even-numbered turns.
• Level 10) Beastbane (Combat): Deals effective damage to Beast and Horse Units. Only
equippable when the user is a Taguel, Wolfskin, or Kitsune racial class.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 40% 16 60
Str 10% 5 25
Mag 0% 1 23
Skl 15% 6 28
Spd 20% 8 29
Lck 10% 4 30
Def 0% 1 23
Res 20% 4 28
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Lances
Notes: Armor Unit
Class Skills (choose three): Animal Handling, Athletics,
History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion,
Knights are heavily armored foot units that are generally very
slow, but have very good physical stats. Knights are powerful
because their defense and HP is usually so high that it can
hold off a variety of attackers for a number of turns while
dealing out solid damage. Due to this, it is a good idea to put out your Knights to stall a strong
character or protect a weak one so they generally work best on the front lines. The main weakness of
Knights is that they have low Resistance, so Magic attacks can penetrate their defense without a lot of
Knights promote into Generals, which boosts the Knights stats and provides access to two good
defensive Abilities: Rally Defense and Great Shield. The General also gains access to axes, helping to
round out their ability to fight the melee weapon triangle. The other option is to promote into the Great
Knight class, which provides mobility on a mount in exchange for some defensive growth. Also, the
Great Knight provides access to axes and swords, allowing the Knight to be able to gain the advantage
on any melee foe.
Reclass Options
Knights can reclass into either the Cavalier or the Fighter.
Lords can promote to the Great Lord. The Great Lord gets a stat boost from the promotion, along with
access to very powerful abilities, arguably some of the most powerful in the game. This allows the Lord
to become a truly well-rounded and fearsome presence on the battlefield.
Reclass Options
Lord can reclass into either the Archer or the Cavalier.
Class Statistics
• Level 1) Dual Strike+ (Combat): Increases the chance GR% Base Max
for a Dual Strike occurring by 10% HP 40% 18 60
• Level 10) Charm: All units within a 3 square radius Str 20% 6 26
receive a +5 support bonus to Attack and Avoid from the
user. Mag 0% 0 20
Skl 20% 5 27
Spd 20% 7 29
Lck 0% 0 31
Def 10% 7 21
Res 5% 0 21
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Tomes
Class Skills (choose three): Arcana, History, Insight,
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion, Sleight of Hand
Mages can promote into either the Sage, the Dark Knight, or the Basara. Sages tend to possess the
highest Magic growths and caps of any class. They also gain access to the use of staves to heal allies.
This, coupled with their high Magic stat, allows the Sage to both deal high amounts of damage as well
as heal for more than any other class. If they have high enough magic, their reach with Rescue or
Fortify staves can possibly cover the entire map, making them excellent support units. The Dark Knight
allows the Mage to gain a mount, access to swords, and a much higher Strength growth rate. Dark
Knights are interesting units as they perform well as a flexible offensive unit, allowing them to attack
enemies through their lower defensive stats. Basara are flamboyant fighters who are armed with Lances
and Tomes as its weapons of choice, with which to perform flashy attacks. They make for are decent
fighters as their stats are relatively balanced to handle both physical and magic-oriented attacks.
Mercenaries can promote to either the Hero or the Bow Knight. The hero allows the Mercenary to gain
access to axes, providing a new melee option. Stat-wise, they are faster but have less defense than
Generals, as well as slower but better defense than Swordmasters. As a result, well-trained Heroes can
block attacks like Generals, but still have enough agility to dodge assaults like Swordmasters. Heroes
are typically set to be one of the "balanced" classes of the Fire Emblem series. The Bow Knight grants
access to bows and a mount. This class's mounted status improves their movement for almost all maps.
Their increased speed is handy for doubling enemies and Rally Skill is a fairly good ability to increase
the chance of their allies abilities activating. The usage of swords also doesn't make them totally
useless in close-ranged combat.
Reclass Options
Mercenaries can reclass into either the Fighter or the Myrmidon.
Many Myrmidons promote to the Swordmaster class, furthering their expertise with the sword. While
their defense rating has risen since the promotion from Myrmidon, the Swordmaster's defense is still
considered lighter than normal classes. With high speed and generally average strength, Swordmasters
deliver both strong and accurate attacks, and are swift dodgers, making their counterattacks equally as
formidable. The Assassin, another option, allows the Myrmidon to begin using a bow as well as
swords. Assassins have a slightly less Resistance growth than Swordmasters, but gain more Skill and
are capable of killing almost any target in one hit due to the Lethality skill. They may also promote into
the Master of Arms. The Master of Arms can use all three basic melee weapon groups: swords, axes,
and lances. This allows them great battlefield utility. It has relatively average stats, with good strength,
defense, and resistance. Their power and bulk also make them great front-line units.
Reclass Options
Myrmidons can reclass into either the Thief or the Oni Savage. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
Abilities HP 40% 16 60
• Level 1) Avoid +10: Increase Avoid by 10.
Str 20% 4 24
◦ OR Duelist's Blow (Combat): Increases the unit's
Avoid by 30 whenever the user initiates a battle. Mag 0% 1 22
• Level 10) Vantage (Combat): When the user's HP is Skl 15% 9 27
reduced to below half, he/she will always be able to
attack first during the enemy's turn. Spd 25% 10 28
Lck 15% 0 30
Def 5% 4 22
Res 5% 1 24
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Shuriken
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Stealth
Ninja are weak in direct combat, but they possess the ability
to pick open locks and chests. If challenged, they use shuriken
to defend themselves, but are generally best served avoiding
combat, owing to their low strength and defense. As their
main weapons are shuriken, weapons that decrease enemies'
stats, Ninjas also serve well as support units to weaken
opposing units to allow their allies to deal easier blows or decrease the damage they take.
The Ninja may promote to either Mechanists or Master Ninja. Mechanists can defend themselves
with bows and shuriken. In general, Mechanists have average stats all-around with no particular
strengths or weaknesses, but they have high movement as a mounted class. Their Replica ability also
allows them to do more damage and control the battlefield. The Master Ninja greatly resembles the
Assassin and plays a similar role as a swift killer with high skill and speed which, despite its frailty and
sub-par strength, has a chance to instantly kill its opponents with the Lethality skill. Master Ninjas
supplement their existing skill in shuriken with skill in the sword.
Reclass Options
Ninja may reclass into either the Myrmidon or the Mage.
• Level 1) Locktouch (Command): Opens doors and
chests without the use of a key. Always succeeds and Class Statistics
does not require a Disable Device check.
GR% Base Max
• Level 10) Poison Strike: If the user initiated the battle
and the enemy survives, enemy loses 20% current HP HP 35% 16 60
after the battle. Str 5% 3 22
Mag 0% 0 20
Other Class Abilties
• Fogsight: Ninja can see farther in fog than other classes Skl 20% 8 30
(up to 8 spaces). Spd 20% 8 30
Lck 0% 1 23
Def 5% 3 24
Res 15% 3 25
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Nohr Prince/Princess
Usable Weapon Types: Swords, Dragonstones
RESTRICTION: Must be a noble of manakete ancestry.
Notes: Dragon Unit
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Athletics,
Deception, History, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion,
The Nohr Prince can promote into either the Hoshido Noble or the Nohr Noble classes. The two
classes have the same usable weapons (swords, tomes, and staves), but have slightly different
maximum stat caps and growth rates and entirely different abilities. The Hoshido Noble has higher
Strength and Defense, as well as more overall well-rounded stats, while the Nohr version has higher
Magic, Speed, and Resistance. Each class has one skill that allows it to shine individually and one that
allows it to shine with allies, making them both versatile enough for most situations.
Reclass Options
Nohr Princes can reclass into the Myrmidon or the Manakete.
• Level 1) Nobility: Grants this unit a 20% bonus to EXP Class Statistics
• Level 10) Dragon Fang (Combat): Inflicts half of
GR% Base Max
damage as extra damage. Trigger % = (Skill stat x 0.75)
HP 40% 17 60
Str 15% 7 28
Mag 10% 3 23
Skl 10% 4 24
Spd 10% 5 26
Lck 10% 2 27
Def 10% 5 26
Res 5% 2 24
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Pegasus Knight
Usable Weapon Types: Lances
Notes: Flying Unit, Beast Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Persuasion
Many Pegasus Knights promote into Falcon Knights. A Falcon Knight can use lances and staves. After
upgrading from the Pegasus Knight, the Falcon Knight receives slight boosts to their defense and
constitution, but these stats can still be considered below average in comparison to other character
classes. Another option is the Dark Flier, which have the ability to utilize Lances and Tomes allowing
them to exploit enemy defenses properly. Their new stat caps favor their Magic stat and their Strength
stat now slightly trails behind meaning that they can use Tomes much more effectively than Lances. A
third option is the Kinshi Knight, a flying class capable of wielding bows. Compared to the Falcon
Knight, it has less speed, strength, and defense in exchange for greater skill, making its attacks more
accurate and requiring only Strength to deal damage.
Reclass Options
Pegasus Knights can reclass into either the Dark Mage or the Knight.
The Oni Savage may promote into either the Oni Chieftan or the Blacksmith. The Oni Chieftain adds
tomes to its repertoire of weapons and gains an increased Magic growth rate. They are also capable of
inflicting great damage and acting as a front-line unit with their use of their Death Blow and Counter
abilities. Blacksmiths have even more health than their Oni counterparts, and can wield swords in
addition to axes. Their abilities, however focus on gaining more equipment and making them more
deadly against lances.
Reclass Options
Oni Savages can reclass into the Ninja or the Fighter.
• Level 1) Seal Resistance: After combat, reduces enemy Res by 6. (recovers 1/turn)
• Level 10) Shove (Command): It allows the user to push another allied unit one square away.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 40% 18 60
Str 20% 6 29
Mag 10% 1 24
Skl 0% 2 21
Spd 10% 5 25
Lck 0% 0 22
Def 20% 7 28
Res 0% 1 23
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Spear Fighter
Usable Weapon Types: Lances
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival
The Spear Fighter may promote into the Spear Master, which acts as a direct improvement upon to the
Spear Fighter. Like their base form, Spear Masters have above-average stats in most categories and,
while not exceptional in any one category, are competent in all areas, giving them good all-around
performance. Alternatively, the Basara wields both lances and tomes. They possess average stats all-
around, but their natural access to the Rend Heaven skill allows them to potentially get in harder hits,
depending on the weapon they wield and the enemy they are facing.
Reclass Options
Spear Fighters can reclass into the Apothecary or the Myrmidon.
• Level 1) Seal Defense: -6 Defense to enemy at end of battle. Recovers by 1 each turn.
• Level 10) Swap (Command): Switches places with an
adjacent ally. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 17 60
Str 15% 6 27
Mag 0% 0 20
Skl 15% 6 28
Spd 15% 6 27
Lck 5% 2 26
Def 10% 5 28
Res 5% 2 27
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Swords, Tomes
SPECIAL: Any unit may reclass into Tactician as long as it
has at least rank “C” in swords or tomes, and a Magic score
of 10 or higher.
Class Skills (choose three): Arcana, Deception, History,
Investigation, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
The Tactician can promote into the Grandmaster. They are tacticians gifted with exceptional
commanding ability and pivotal units in any army. Grandmasters can fulfill almost any role. If properly
trained, Grandmasters are taskmasters, allowing them to easily switch from, for example, a supportive
unit to an offensive unit without much penalty. Given that they promote from the class that learns
Veteran, Grandmasters have little trouble leveling up so long as they are in a Pair Up.
Reclass Options
Tacticians can reclass into the Mage or the Myrmidon.
• Level 1) Veteran: Multiplies combat experience gained by 1.5 when Pair Up is in effect for the
user. (If using the TTRPG method or the Hybrid
method, only count this when the unit's Pair Up defeats Class Statistics
the unit.)
GR% Base Max
◦ OR Tactical Advice: If the unit is the support unit in
Guard Stance, the lead unit's hit rate increases by 10. HP 40% 16 60
• Level 10) Solidarity: +10 to critical rate and dodge for Str 15% 4 25
all adjacent allied units.
Mag 15% 3 25
Skl 15% 5 25
Spd 15% 5 25
Lck 0% 0 30
Def 10% 5 25
Res 10% 3 25
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Swords or Bows (pick one at Thief
level 1)
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
The Thief has a wide array of advanced classes available. The Assassin is considered to be a useful
class to have on the field, and if you face one, you'll fear it. On occasion, the Assassin will perform a
special lethal attack, in which they will defeat an enemy in a single attack, regardless of HP and
Defense. This skill is known as Lethality. The fragile Thief loses much of its weakness once promoted.
Although its defense and health is moderate at best, it's rare for an Assassin to fail to evade an attack
(unless they face an overwhelming enemy or tactical disadvantage). Tricksters are similar to Thieves
in that their strong point is high Skill. Now that they wield staves, they gain higher Magic and
Resistance growths but are slightly weaker and slower than before. Tricksters are still able to dodge and
crit well, but are not suited for heavy offense like Assassins. The Bow Knight is a horse-mounted
combat physical class that used both swords and bows. The Bow Knight provides more movement and
offensive utility, along with the ability to easily combat enemy ranged units via either Shurikenbreaker
or Bowbreaker.
Class Statistics
Reclass Options GR% Base Max
Thieves can reclass into the Apothecary or the Myrmidon.
HP 35% 16 60
Str 15% 3 22
• Level 1) Locktouch (Command): Opens doors and Mag 5% 0 20
chests without the use of a key. Always succeeds and Skl 25% 6 30
does not require a skill check.
• Level 10) Movement +1: +1 movement when equipped. Spd 25% 8 28
Lck 0% 0 30
Other Class Abilties Def 5% 2 21
• Fogsight: Thieves can see farther in fog than other Res 5% 0 20
classes (up to 8 spaces).
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Staves
Class Skills (choose three): Animal Handling, Arcana,
History, Insight, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion,
The Troubadour can promote into the Strategist, the War Cleric, or the Maid/Butler. Strategists
primarily use staves in addition to anima magic. Their strongest stat is their exceptionally high
resistance, and they also have high offensive stats to allow them to provide effective magical offense,
with particularly impressive speed. In addition, being a mounted class gives them high movement to
allow them to both attack and support their allies with staves with greater ease. The War Cleric can
wield both axes and staves and focuses mainly on durability rather than healing potency, giving them
higher defensive caps rather than higher speed and skill to avoid damage completely. However, they
lose the Troubadour's mount. The Maid takes on both combat and support roles. It is one of the
promoted forms of the Troubadour class, wielding Shuriken and Staves as its equipment of choice. It
has high Skill and Speed, making it good at avoiding attacks.
Reclass Options
Troubadours can reclass into the Mage or the Pegasus Knight.
Class Statistics
• Innate) dodge +10 GR% Base Max
• Level 1) Resistance +2: Increases the unit's Resistance HP 35% 15 60
by 2. Str 0% 0 20
• Level 10) Distinguished: All allied units of opposite
gender within a 2-tile radius of the user take 2 less Mag 10% 3 26
damage from attacks. Skl 20% 7 24
Spd 10% 5 26
Lck 15% 4 30
Def 0% 1 20
Res 15% 4 28
Move N/A 7 9
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Lances
Class Skills (choose three): Animal Handling, Athletics,
History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Survival
The Villager class can promote into either the Master of Arms class or the Merchant class. The
Master of Arms can use all three basic melee weapon groups: swords, axes, and lances. This allows
them great battlefield utility. It has relatively average stats, with good strength, defense, and resistance.
Their power and bulk also make them great front-line units. The Merchant is a practitioner of both
lances and bows. The class's unique abilities, Profiteer and Spendthrift, allow Merchants to generate
Gold Bars and either hold onto them to sell, or use them to increase their damage output.
Reclass Options
Villagers can reclass into the Archer or Fighter classes.
• Level 1) Aptitude: +20% to all growth rates.
• Level 10) Underdog (Combat): Hit/ Avoid +15 when
the enemy's level is higher than the user's level Class Statistics
(promoted units count as Level +20).
GR% Base Max
HP 35% 17 60
Str 10% 5 20
Mag 0% 0 20
Skl 10% 4 20
Spd 10% 5 20
Lck 20% 3 30
Def 10% 4 20
Res 5% 0 20
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Usable Weapon Types: Beaststone
Notes: Beast Unit
RESTRICTION: Must be a member of the wolfskin race.
Class Skills (choose three): Acrobatics, Athletics,
Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Nature, Survival
Wolfskin can promote into the powerful Wolfssegner class. Just like the Nine-Tails, it gains heavily
increased survivability and damage through its two abilities: Better Odds and Grisly Wound. Together,
these abilities heal the unit for a 40% of its maximum health and deal 20% of the target's maximum
health in damage.
Reclass Options
Wolfskin can reclass into either the Fighter or Mercenary.
• Level 1) Odd Shaped: Increases user's damage output by 4 on odd-numbered turns.
• Level 10) Beastbane (Combat): Deals effective damage to Beast and Horse Units. Only
equippable when the user is a Taguel, Wolfskin, or
Kitsune racial class. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 19 60
Str 20% 8 29
Mag 0% 0 20
Skl 5% 4 23
Spd 15% 6 27
Lck 5% 0 22
Def 10% 4 26
Res 0% 0 21
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Wyvern Rider
Usable Weapon Types: Axes
Notes: Flying Unit, Dragon Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose three): Animal Handling, Athletics,
History, Intimidation, Insight, Nature, Perception, Persuasion
The Wyvern Rider can promote into a Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, or Malig Knight. Wyvern Lords
act as a sort of statistical counterpart of Falcon Knights, trading their pegasus-mounted rival's great
skill and speed for fearsome bulk and power. Their HP, strength and defense are all very high, and
despite being below average their skill and speed are still decent. Griffon Riders possess more balanced
stats than those of the Wyvern Lord or the promoted Pegasus Knight classes, having more speed and
skill but less strength and defense than the Wyvern Lord. Because of this, they are better dodgers and
can perform critical and double attack more than Wyvern Lords. Malig Knights play much like Dark
Fliers, as the both ride black aerial mounts and possess physical and magical weapons. The main
differences between the two is that Malig Knights have greater Strength, HP and Defense, while Dark
Fliers have superior Magic, Speed, Luck, and Resistance,
though only by small margins. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
Reclass Options
Wyvern Riders can reclass into the Fighter or the Troubadour. HP 45% 19 60
Str 30% 7 28
Abilities Mag 0% 0 20
• Level 1) Strength +2: It increases Strength by 2 Skl 15% 6 24
• Level 10) Tantivy: Increase Hit Rate and Evade by 10 if
no allies within a 3 tile radius. Spd 15% 5 24
◦ OR Lunge (Command): Swap places with an Lck 0% 0 30
enemy after an attack Def 10% 8 28
Res 5% 0 20
Other Class Abilties
• Flight: This class can fly over terrain, providing a total Move N/A 7 9
immunity to terrain movement penalties. Wp. Rank N/A E B
Special Classes
Special classes differ from base classes slightly. Special classes fulfill the following criteria:
These classes tend to gain their class abilities at levels 1, 10, 25, and 35, as opposed to only 1
and 10. The following special classes in this book can be chosen as a character's starting class at
character creation: Dancer, Manakete, Taguel. Other special classes cannot be chosen as starting classes
and tend to require a special item in order to change into them.
Usable Weapon Types: Swords or Lances (choose one at
Dancer level 1)
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
History, Insight, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
A Dancer and its sister class, the Songstress, are classes which
can give another allied unit an extra turn to move. Dancers
overall tend to lack any sort of offensive presence in battle
with generally low base stats across the board, extremely low
offensive and defensive stat growths. To make up for their
general offensive shortcomings, their Dance command/skill allows them to reinvigorate troops to
perform a second turn of action in the same turn. This allows them to give the more offensively capable
an opportunity to attack in their stead.
The Dancer class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to level
much longer.
Reclass Options
Dancers can reclass into the Myrmidon or the Pegasus Knight.
• Level 1) Luck +4: It increases the unit's Luck by 4.
• Level 10) Inspiring Song: Increases the targeted ally's Skill, Speed, and Luck by 3 points each
for one turn.
• Level 25) Voice of Peace: Reduces damage output by 2
to all enemies within a two-square radius of user. Class Statistics
• Level 35) Foreign Princess: Reduces damage output by GR% Base Max
2 and increases damage taken by 2 to all enemies
associated with a foreign army within a two-square HP 35% 16 80
radius of user. Str 10% 3 30
Mag 0% 0 30
Other Class Abilties
Skl 20% 6 40
• Dance/Sing: This class can dance or sing, allowing one
adjacent ally to take a second turn. Spd 20% 5 40
Lck 20% 3 45
Def 0% 2 30
Res 0% 3 30
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E A
Usable Weapon Types: Dragonstone
RESTRICTION: Must be of the manakete race.
Notes: Dragon Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, History,
Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion, Religion, Survival
The Manakete class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to
level much longer.
Reclass Options
Manakete can reclass into the Mage or the Wyvern Rider.
• Level 1) Odd Rhythm (Combat): +10 Hit rate and Avoid on odd-numbered turns.
• Level 10) Wyrmsbane (Combat): Damage dealt by
manaketes to dragon units is now effective damage. Class Statistics
Only usable in the Manakete class.
GR% Base Max
• Level 25) Better Odds: Restores 40% maximum HP at
the start of an odd-numbered turn. HP 50% 18 80
• Level 35) Grisly Wound: Provided the user didn't Str 20% 2 40
already defeat the enemy, the enemy loses 20% of their
maximum HP at the end of the battle. Mag 5% 0 35
Skl 20% 1 35
Spd 20% 1 35
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 15% 2 40
Res 15% 2 40
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Usable Weapon Types: Beaststone
RESTRICTION: Must be of the taguel race.
Notes: Beast Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, History,
Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Stealth, Survival
Taguels are very agile and fast units with good Strength to hit
hard and fast and overall are similar to Assassins stat wise.
The Taguels's weapons of choice, the Beaststone and
Beaststone+, gives them large bonuses especially in the Skill
and Speed stats, giving them an edge against slower enemies and allows the wielder to use abilities that
requires a high Skill stat to be used more effectively, even Astra and Lethality who have very low
activation rates. Unfortunately, they are considered beast units and any taguel will carry that beast
status into other classes even if that class has no attached beast status. This means that they are
susceptible to Beast Killers and Beastbane wielding Taguels.
The Taguel class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to level
much longer.
Reclass Options
Taguel can reclass into the Thief or the Wyvern Rider.
• Level 1) Even Rhythm (Combat): +10 Hit rate and Avoid on even-numbered turns.
• Level 10) Beastbane (Combat): Damage dealt by
taguels to beast units is now effective damage. Only Class Statistics
usable in the Taguel class. GR% Base Max
• Level 25) Even Better: Restores 40% maximum HP at
the start of an even-numbered turn. HP 45% 18 80
• Level 35) Grisly Wound: Provided the user didn't Str 20% 2 35
already defeat the enemy, the enemy loses 20% of their
Mag 0% 0 30
maximum HP at the end of the battle.
Skl 15% 4 40
Spd 15% 5 40
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 15% 3 35
Res 15% 2 30
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Usable Weapon Types: Bows
RESTRICTION: Can only be promoted into via use of a
Sighting Lens.
SPECIAL: Gains innate access to a Ballista turret.
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, Intimidation, History,
Nature, Perception, Performance, Sleight of Hand, Survival
The Ballistician class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to
level much longer.
Reclass Options
Ballisticians can reclass into the classes their previous class could.
• Level 1) Survey: Increases turret hit rate by 10 while using the Turret command.
• Level 10) Opportunity Shot: May attack a random enemy within range at the start of the
player's turn. (Skill)%, if user is currently in the Ballistician class.
• Level 25) Rifled Barrel: Increases the turret's range by
1, but reduces inner/outer range by 1, while using the Class Statistics
Turret command.
GR% Base Max
• Level 35) Surefooted: Increases Movement by 1, and
all terrain costs 1 movement point to cross. Only while HP 40% 18 80
in Ballistician class. Str 25% 10 44
Mag 0% 0 30
Ballista Turret
A Ballistician may use his Ballista Turret via the Turret Skl 15% 7 36
command. The Ballista turret does damage in a cross-shaped, Spd 0% 2 30
radius 1 splash. It will always leave units with at least 1 HP Lck 10% 4 45
remaining. It has the following weapon profile:
• Might: 18 Def 5% 3 32
• Hit: 100 Res 5% 1 31
• Crit: 0 Move N/A 4 5
• Range: 3-10
Wp. Rank N/A E B
Dread Fighter
Usable Weapon Types: Axes & Swords, & Tomes or
Shuriken (pick one of the two at promotion)
RESTRICTION: Can only be promoted into via use of a
Dread Scroll.
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,
Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth
The Dread Fighter class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to
level much longer.
Reclass Options
Dread Fighters can reclass into the classes their previous class could.
• Level 1) Even Keel: Takes 4 less damage from a magical attack during even-numbered turns.
• Level 10) Iron Will: Takes 4 less damage from a
magical attack when the user initiates the battle. Class Statistics
• Level 25) Clarity: User recovers from status
reduction effects twice as fast as normal. GR% Base Max
• Level 35) Aggressor (Combat): +10 Damage HP 40% 22 80
during the unit's phase. Str 20% 8 42
Mag 10% 4 38
Skl 20% 7 40
Spd 20% 9 41
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 10% 7 39
Res 10% 10 43
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Swords
Notes: Able to use Rapiers and Noble Rapiers
RESTRICTION: Can only be promoted into via use of a
Hero's Brand.
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, History,
Insight, Investigation, Performance, Persuasion, Religion
The Lodestar class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to level
much longer.
Reclass Options
Lodestars can reclass into the classes their previous class could.
• Level 1) Dancing Blade: Speed +3, Defense -1
• Level 10) Charm (ver. 2): All allied units within a 2 Class Statistics
square radius receive +3 to damage dealt.
GR% Base Max
• Level 25) Dual Guard+: Adds 10% to the Dual Guard
rate HP 40% 19 80
• Level 35) Speedtaker: Every time the user defeats an Str 10% 7 41
enemy, they gain a +2 bonus to their speed up to a
maximum of +10. The skill does not overlap over other Mag 0% 0 30
Taker abilities and the bonuses wear off after the Skl 20% 10 43
encounter is completed. Spd 10% 9 43
Lck 25% 7 45
Def 5% 7 41
Res 5% 2 40
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Usable Weapon Types: Swords & Axes
RESTRICTION: Can only be promoted into via use of
a Vanguard Brand.
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, History, Insight,
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Survival
The Vanguard class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to
level much longer.
Reclass Options
Vanguards can reclass into the classes their previous class could.
Class Statistics
• Level 1) Heavy Blade: Strength +3, Speed -1. GR% Base Max
• Level 10) Veteran Intuition: Critical Evade +15 during HP 45% 21 80
battles. Str 20% 10 50
• Level 25) Aether (Combat): Use Sol and Luna in
succession. (It unleashes two consecutive blows; the first Mag 0% 0 30
restores HP equal to half the damage dealt, and the Skl 5% 6 36
second halves the enemy's defense and resistance.)
Spd 5% 7 37
• Level 35) Strengthtaker: When user defeats the enemy, Lck 10% 3 45
Strength +2 (up to 10). The skill does not overlap over Def 15% 9 44
other Taker abilities and the bonuses wear off after the
encounter is completed. Res 0% 1 32
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. N/A E
Rank A B
Usable Weapon Types: Tomes
RESTRICTION: Can only be promoted into via use of a
Witch's Mark.
Class Skills (choose four): Arcana, Deception, History,
Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
The Witch class cannot promote, but its max level is instead 40 instead of 20, allowing them to level
much longer.
Reclass Options
Witches can reclass into the classes their previous class could.
• Innate: +10 critical rate, +10 avoid
• Level 1) Shadowgift: Allows the unit to equip and use dark magic, if they can use tomes or
• Level 10) Witch's Brew: Obtain a potion item (e.g. Vulnerary) after moving during the first
seven turns (Luck %)
• Level 25) Warp: Allows the user to warp next to any Class Statistics
ally and take another action. The user is then allowed to
GR% Base Max
move again.
• Level 35) Toxic Brew: When user triggers the battle, HP 40% 17 80
Skill x 1.5% chance of reducing the enemy’s Movement Str 0% 0 30
to 0 and Avoid by 20 after the battle (until the next turn).
Mag 25% 10 41
Skl 5% 5 32
Spd 20% 9 39
Lck 5% 3 45
Def 0% 4 31
Res 10% 5 34
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Skills represent some of the most basic and yet most fundamental abilities your character possesses,
like the ability to convince others to do something (via Persuasion) or the ability to jump a gap (via
Athletics). Skills are each influenced by an attribute or two and the unit's Luck. Skills in Fire Emblem
will most likely be more commonly used outside of combat/battle situations and more commonly in
role-playing exercises. If battles are set up more like traditional Fire Emblem games, it will be
uncommon to create a spot where a unit needs to roll Acrobatics to move forward or a unit gets the
opportunity to forage for food.
Anything that isn't covered by this chapter is up to the GM and player to work out using the fluff
behind their characters and circumstances. A character is trained in a number of skills designated by
their class plus one that they always remain trained in.
Skill Checks
The formula for a unit's bonus in a skill is below. Each class allows you to count a few skills as trained
class skills. Units get an additional +5 bonus if the skill is one of their trained Class Skills. These skills
switch with every class change, based upon the new class.
When a unit needs to make a skill check, they roll 1d20 and add their skill bonus to the result. Compare
that result to the Difficulty Class (also abbreviated “DC”) of the skill check. If the unit matches or
exceeds the DC, they succeed. Some checks will be made against flat DC's, typically when making a
check against the environment, such as an Acrobatics check to walk on a narrow surface. Some checks
will be made against another unit's attributes or an active check of their own. Each skill should tell you
what kind of DC will be involved.
Sometimes one character’s or monster’s efforts are directly opposed to another. This can occur when
both of them are trying to do the same thing and only one can succeed, such as attempting to snatch up
a magic ring that has fallen on the floor. This situation also applies when one of them is trying to
prevent the other one from accomplishing a goal — for example, when a monster tries to force open a
door that an adventurer is holding closed. In situations like these, the outcome is determined by a
special form of ability check, called a contest.
Both participants in a contest make ability checks appropriate to their efforts. They apply all
appropriate bonuses and penalties, but instead of comparing the total to a DC, they compare the totals
of their two checks. The participant with the higher check total wins the contest. That character or
monster either succeeds at the action or prevents the other one from succeeding.
If the contest results in a tie, the situation remains the same as it was before the contest. Thus, one
contestant might win the contest by default. If two characters tie in a contest to snatch a ring off the
floor, neither character grabs it. In a contest between a monster trying to open a door and an adventurer
trying to keep the door closed, a tie means that the door remains shut.
Passive Checks
A passive check is a special kind of ability check that doesn’t involve any die rolls. Such a check can
represent the average result for a task done repeatedly, such as searching for secret doors over and over
again, or can be used when the DM wants to secretly determine whether the characters succeed at
something without rolling dice, such as noticing a hidden unit.
Passive Checks
Sometimes two or more characters team up to attempt a task. The character who’s leading the effort—
typically the one with the highest ability modifier—can make an ability check with an ally's help,
reflecting the help provided by the other characters. This is done via Pair Up and Support, with the ally
buffing the unit's ability scores, which should help on the ability checks.
Saving Throws
Some skills or circumstances will require a unit to defend itself based upon its natural abilities. A
disease will often force a unit to take Def throws, mental effect may require a Res throw, and dodging
something would likely be a Spd throw. This acts just like a check, but is defensive, and most systems
would call this a “saving throw”.
When a character or creature has plenty of time, and is not faced with threats or distractions, and the
skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, he/it can take 20. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the
check, just calculate the result as if the die had rolled a 20. Taking 20 means you continue trying until
you get it right, and assumes that you will fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes 20 times
as long as making a single check would take (usually 2 minutes for a skill that takes 1 round or less to
perform). Since taking 20 assumes that your character will fail many times before succeeding, your
character would automatically incur any penalties for failure before he or she could complete the task
(hence why it is generally not allowed with skills that carry such penalties).
A Strength check can model any attempt to lift, push, pull, or break something, to force your body
through a space, or to otherwise apply brute force to a situation. The Athletics skill reflects aptitude in
certain kinds of Strength checks.
Your Strength (Athletics) check covers difficult situations you encounter while climbing, jumping, or
swimming. Examples include the following activities:
• You attempt to climb a sheer or slippery cliff, avoid hazards while scaling a wall, or cling to a
surface while something is trying to knock you off.
• You try to jump an unusually long distance or pull off a stunt mid-jump.
• You struggle to swim or stay afloat in treacherous currents, storm-tossed waves, or areas of
thick seaweed. Or another creature tries to push or pull you underwater or otherwise interfere
with your swimming.
Your Arcana check measures your ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols,
magical traditions, alternate planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
Your History check measures your ability to recall lore about historical events, legendary people,
ancient kingdoms, past disputes, recent wars, and lost civilizations.
When you look around for clues and make deductions based on those clues, you make an Investigation
check. You might deduce the location of a hidden object, discern from the appearance of a wound what
kind of weapon dealt it, or determine the weakest point in a tunnel that could cause it to collapse.
Poring through ancient scrolls in search of a hidden fragment of knowledge might also call for an
Investigation check.
Your Nature check measures your ability to recall lore about terrain, plants and animals, the weather,
and natural cycles.
Your Religion check measures your ability to recall lore about deities, rites and prayers, religious
hierarchies, holy symbols, and the practices of secret cults.
Your Deception check determines whether you can convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or
through your actions. This deception can encompass everything from misleading others through
ambiguity to telling outright lies. Typical situations include trying to fast-talk a guard, con a merchant,
earn money through gambling, pass yourself off in a disguise, dull someone’s suspicions with false
assurances, or maintain a straight face while telling a blatant lie.
When you attempt to influence someone through overt threats, hostile actions, and physical violence,
the DM might ask you to make a Intimidation check. Examples include trying to pry information out of
a prisoner, convincing street thugs to back down from a confrontation, or using the edge of a broken
bottle to convince a sneering vizier to reconsider a decision.
Your Performance check determines how well you can delight an audience with music, dance, acting,
storytelling, or some other form of entertainment.
When you attempt to influence someone or a group of people with tact, social graces, or good nature,
the DM might ask you to make a Persuasion check. Typically, you use persuasion when acting in good
faith, to foster friendships, make cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette. Examples of persuading
others include convincing a chamberlain to let your party see the king, negotiating peace between
warring tribes, or inspiring a crowd o f townsfolk.
Your Acrobatics check covers your attempt to stay on your feet in a tricky situation, such as when
you’re trying to run across a sheet of ice, balance on a tightrope, or stay upright on a rocking ship’s
deck. The DM might also call for an Acrobatics check to see if you can perform acrobatic stunts,
including dives, rolls, somersaults, and flips.
Sleight of Hand
Whenever you attempt an act of legerdemain or manual trickery, such as planting something on
someone else or concealing an object on your person, make a Sleight of Hand check. The DM might
also call for a Sleight of Hand check to determine whether you can lift a coin purse off another person
or slip something out of another person’s pocket.
Make a Stealth check when you attempt to conceal yourself from enemies, slink past guards, slip away
without being noticed, or sneak up on someone without being seen or heard.
Animal Handling
When there is any question whether you can calm down a domesticated animal, keep a mount from
getting spooked, or intuit an animal’s intentions, the DM might call for a Animal Handling check. You
also make a Animal Handling check to control your mount when you attempt a risky maneuver.
Your Insight check decides whether you can determine the true intentions o f a creature, such as when
searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Doing so involves gleaning clues from body
language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms.
A Medicine check lets you try to stabilize a dying companion, diagnose an illness, or help an ally to
Your Perception check lets you spot, hear, or otherwise detect the presence of something. It measures
your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. For example, you might
try to hear a conversation through a closed door, eavesdrop under an open window, or hear monsters
moving stealthily in the forest. Or you might try to spot things that are obscured or easy to miss,
whether they are orc s lying in ambush on a road, thugs hiding in the shadows of an alley, or
candlelight under a closed secret door.
The DM might ask you to make a Survival check to follow tracks, hunt wild game, guide your group
through frozen wastelands, identify signs that animals live nearby, predict the weather, or avoid
quicksand and other natural hazards.
There are three methods to determining the turn order of an encounter: Classic, Initiative, and Hero.
The GM and players should agree upon a method before starting a campaign. The default choice is
• Classic: The Classic style of turn order is the most reminiscent of the Fire Emblem video
games. In short, the players' team goes before the enemy team(s). Players may act in any order
they want, but each player must complete their turn before handing it off to the next player.
Once all players have concluded their turns, the GM conducts the enemies' turns.
• Initiative: The Initiative style is much more similar to more well known TTRPG systems,
where you roll to determine turn order. Roll a d20 and add your unit's Speed score to the result.
That is your initiative value. All units (player and GM-controlled) act in order from highest
initiative to lowest. Ties are resolved by rolling off with 1d20.
• Hero: The Hero style is a slightly simpler version of the Initiative style. Merely compare the
speed of all units participating in the battle. The unit with the highest Speed acts first, going in
order to the unit with the lowest Speed. Ties are resolved by rolling off with 1d20.
Movement, as the name implies, is how you get units from Point A to Point B. In Fire Emblem, it is
handled on a grid. Any unit may move a number of squares (or “Tiles”) equal to its Movement
(commonly abbreviated as “Mov.”) value in one turn. The unit must move no more than that amount in
a single turn, and they cannot move after performing an action, such as attacking or trading. There is no
diagonal movement; all movement must be made in cardinal directions. Some terrain may slow down
the speed with which a unit can move, such as mountains or deserts. Many class changes can increase
the Movement value of a unit.
Actions / Commands
There are other Actions that a unit can perform besides movement, such as trading, attacking, and
Pairing Up. Attacking an enemy, using an item, and initiating or separating a Pair Up end a unit's turn.
Trading or using a convoy does not. Each is described below.
Attacking is the action you take if you wish to use one of your unit's weapons to deal damage to an
enemy, perhaps by slashing at them with a sword. You must be in range of the enemy (as indicated by
your weapon's Range stat) in order to attack them. Many, many things can affect your ability to hit an
enemy with an attack, but we'll start with the simpler formula. The simplified formula for determining
your unit's chances of hitting, known as the Hit Rate, an enemy is:
Where Skill is your unit's Skill score, Luck is your unit's Luck score, and Hit is the Hit rating of the
weapon being used. However, if your unit does not have a rank in that weapon family, he does not add
the Hit rating to the chance of hitting. That aside, this formula is only the attacker's input on this attack.
The defender subtracts his avoid rating from that Hit Rate calculated earlier. A defender's Avoid can be
simply calculated with the following formula:
(Speed x 3 + Luck) / 2
Where Speed is the defender's Speed score and Luck is his Luck score. Let's run through a full
example. In this example, you get to be the Myrmidon attacking a Thief.
136 – 17 = 119%
It is important to note that in Fire Emblem, unlike most games, if you attack an enemy, they get to
attack you back (assuming that they are able).
Calculating Damage
Now that you've hit your target, we need to calculate how much damage you've done to him. The
damage formula is simple.
Physical Attacks:
Attacker's Strength + Weapon's Might – Target's Defense
Magical Attacks:
Attacker's Magic + Weapon's Might – Target's Resistance
Critical Hits
Occasionally, your weapon will strike a weak point in the enemy's armor or perhaps a vital organ.
These hits are represented by critical hits. After you've rolled an attack that hits, before rolling damage,
roll to see if the attack is a critical hit. To do this, calculate your Critical Chance (Crit %). After
calculating this chance, subtract the enemy's Dodge (also known as critical avoid) from this number. A
unit's critical avoid is most commonly just their Luck, but other bonuses can sometimes occur. Then
roll a d%. If the number you roll is equal to or less than your Crit %, then the attack is a critical hit and
damage dealt is tripled (after comparing to the target's relevant defense stat). Your Crit % is calculated
as (Skill/2) + (Weapon's Crit).
Double Attack
Some characters will have much higher speed than others. For example, a Myrmidon usually has much
higher speed than the slow and cumbersome Knight. If a character has 5 or more Speed than his
opponent, that character makes two attacks instead of one. There is no penalty to these attacks, unlike
many other table-top role-playing games.
Effective Damage
Some weapons deal “effective damage” toward certain units. The most common example is that bows
deal effective damage to flying units, such as Pegasus Knights. When a weapon is stated to deal
effective damage to a target, the bonus is to triple (3x) the equipped weapon's might. The exception is
the Ballista, which only doubles (2x) the might.
In this game, however, we allow a bit more leniency for realism's sake. A unit may use any weapon
(other than using stones that they lack the racial ability to use, such as Taguels trying to use a
dragonstone). However, if they are not proficient in a weapon, the unit takes a -20 penalty to Attack and
a -20% penalty to Damage with the weapon to represent the fact that they are out of practice with that
weapon type.
Additionally, if a unit lacks the proper rank to wield a weapon, they suffer an additional penalty to
Attack with that weapon based upon the difference in Weapon Ranks. This penalty is -10 per rank. For
example, a Swordmaster unit currently has Rank B in swords and has found the legendary sword Sol
Katti, which requires an S rank. In order to use this sword, the Swordmaster in this example would
suffer a -20 penalty to Attack.
A unit trying to wield a weapon with which they are not proficient, they will count their weapon
experience as half of what it is otherwise in that weapon. For example, a unit with S-rank swords that is
no longer proficient in swords will count his WEx as 125 (250 / 2), thereby barely qualifying as a B-
Attempting to wield dark magic, without the ability to provided by being a Dark Mage, Sorcerer, or
having Shadowgift ability incurs an additional -20 penalty to Attack and -20% to Damage. This is to
represent that Dark magic is typically far too dangerous to be wielded by those unfamiliar with it. This
penalty can stack with Rank penalties and not being proficient with tomes/scrolls. So a unit that isn't
proficient with Tomes trying to use Flux (a Rank E Dark Magic tome) automatically suffers a -40%
penalty to Attack and Damage with that weapon.
Staves and rods are a little different because many of them don't roll to hit. Those that do still take the
normal Attack penalties. Staves and rods that heal, however, take a cumulative penalty to Heal of 25%
per rank difference. Staves and rods that have range take a penalty to range of 20% (minimum 1
square) per rank difference.
Weapon Families
Each physical weapon family has a couple of different sub-groups that share proficiencies, but have
different stats. Katanas are part of the Sword family, clubs are part of the Axe family, naginatas are part
of the Lance family, knives are part of the Shuriken family, yumi are part of the Bow family, and scrolls
are part of the Tome family.
Instead of attacking, you may trade items with an adjacent, allied unit who is willing to trade with you.
You may not force an ally to trade something normally. However, the GM may allow character's to roll
opposing Athletics checks to see who wins a tug-of-war over an item. Alternatively, the army may have
access to a convoy (see the Items chapter).
Use an Item
Another command you may make is to make your unit use an item, such as a Vulnerary, Goddess Icon,
or other consumable item.
Note: if the players do not want to use this system, it can be left out. However, it adds more flavor and
tactics to the game.
Once a unit reaches 0 HP in a battle, it is removed from the battlefield as they flee. It will then move
one spot down on the condition track. If it is defeated by a critical hit, it moves two spots down the
track. If it is defeated again, it moves another spot down the track as its body strains to recover from its
injuries. The condition track has penalties to a character's attribute scores (a.k.a. stats) until it recovers.
A unit can recover one step up on the condition track by not dropping further down the track for five
days (assuming that they're not dead).
Condition Penalty
Normal No penalties.
Minor Injuries -1 to all Attributes
Major Injuries -2 to all Attributes
Severe -5 to all Attributes
Critical -10 to all Attributes
DEAD Unit is dead.
The Support, Pair Up, and Dual Systems
Support System
Support is a game mechanic that deals with relationships between characters. The support bond is rated
as Rank C through S, with S being the highest. Characters start with no rank at all with a character they
have not interacted with. If a unit is adjacent to a unit with which he has a bond, he will gain boosts to
certain combat values:
These can be boosted further if one of the characters has the Dual Support+ skill. These stat boosts will
only take effect if the supporting characters are paired up or adjacent to each other. Characters gain
support levels by acting together, particularly in battle. Just like leveling up normally, characters gain
support points to level up their support levels. Any given bond can only earn up to 27 points in a single
To get to Rank C with a character, it takes 18 support points. To get to Rank Rank Support Pt.
B, it takes another 27 points to hit Rank B. To get to Rank A it takes another Needed
36. Rank A+ and S require another 45 points. Rank A+ signifies characters
C 18
that have become platonic best friends while Rank S supports are an even
more special rank and signify characters being made spouses of each other. B 45
A 81
Technically, the Fire Emblem games largely disallowed same-gendered
characters to marry (other than Fates, which somewhat changed this) as A+/S 126
well as disallowing parents to marry their offspring. While going against
these rules may be against some cultural morals, who are we to say what you decide is right in your
game? The one suggestion would be that player characters cannot technically force other player
characters or particularly stubborn NPC's to reach “S” rank with them. Also, the games only allow one
“S” rank support and one “A+” rank support per character. You could theoretically have multiple
spouses, but that could cause a meta-gaming issue with characters all being support rank “S” with each
other. Consult your GM, but this guide would recommend that you could have multiple spouses/best
friends, but all units involved should role-play it convincingly in game.
The Dual system is the basic layer of these two systems. Whenever a unit in the player's army (the
"lead" unit) enters a battle standing next to any ally, the ally will accompany them in the battle
sequence and provide the lead unit with three major benefits:
• Dual Support, the standard form of support bonuses which boost the lead unit's combat stats
and calculations
• The chance to perform a Dual Strike, in which the supporting unit also attacks the enemy once
the lead unit has attacked
• The chance to perform a Dual Guard, in which the supporting unit blocks an attack from the
enemy, ensuring the lead unit takes no damage
Any allied unit can provide Dual bonuses to any other unit, regardless of whether they can form a
support relationship with them, although units with active support relationships will award higher Dual
Support bonuses than those without. Additionally, while only one supporting unit will enter battle with
the lead unit, the lead unit will gain cumulative Dual Support bonuses from all allied units situated
adjacent to them; the unit who enters battle will be the one with the highest support relationship with
the lead unit, if applicable.
Pair Up serves as an extension of Dual which takes the concept to its logical conclusion and has two
units "combine" on the battlefield onto the same square. When paired up, two units act as a single unit
on the battlefield, with the lead unit taking the lead while the supporting unit remains safely behind
them; the lead unit is granted statistical bonuses based on the supporting unit's current stats and class,
in addition to all the other usual effects of Dual.
An optional bonus is to allow players to also share experience gained by units using staves. Tally up the
experience gained and add it to the amount above before distributing experience.
Hybrid Method
Alternatively, as a variant of the TTRPG version above, the GM can award experience per kill and heal
(or dance, etc.) right away as the unit is felled or the action is completed. This allows units to level up
and grow stronger mid-battle, which can make for some interesting story development and combat. For
example, imagine a Swordmaster hitting level 5 and learning Astra while tangling with the boss and
using it suddenly to beat him. That can make story during battle more dynamic and memorable. The
other difference in this method is that, instead of averaging out the internal levels of all the enemy
units, just use the internal level of the enemy unit itself. This means the experience for any defeated
enemy is calculated as follows:
Damaging an Enemy
Characters gain a small amount of experience points (Ex) for damaging an enemy unit. The formula for
how much experience they earn is based mostly on the level difference between the units, rewarding
characters for taking down stronger enemies and bigger threats. Use the formula below, unless the foe
is of a lesser level than the unit earning Ex. If that is the case, 10 Ex is instead earned.
The promotion bonus in this case is 20 if the enemy is a promoted class, such as Paladin, Warrior, or
Sage. The player's internal level is a cumulative representation of all of the levels that they have gained.
A unit's internal level is simply their class level if the have never class changed.
A unit's displayed level is the unit's level in their current class. If the unit is a member of a promoted
class, they add the promotion bonus of 20. Special classes do not count as promoted classes. The
cumulative level attempts to represent a character's overall level based upon all of their previous classes
and levels in those classes. Each time a unit uses a Second Seal to switch classes, add the following to
their cumulative level (up to a maximum of 20):
It would benefit a player to note their character's internal level on their character sheet for much
quicker math.
For example, if Donnel uses a Second Seal as a Level 15 Villager to reclass to a Level 1 Mercenary, his
cumulative Level becomes (15 - 1) / 2 = 7, which means his internal Level is equal to 1 + 7 = 8.
If he then uses a Master Seal as a Level 10~20 Mercenary to promote to a Level 1 Hero, his cumulative
Level remains unchanged at 7, making his internal Level equal to 1 + 20 + 7 = 28.
Finally (for the purpose of this example), if he uses a Second Seal as a Level 15 Hero to reclass to a
Level 1 Bow Knight, his cumulative Level will increase by (20 + 15) / 2 = 17, placing it at 7 + 17 =
24. This value is reduced to 20, so his internal Level will be equal to 1 + 20 + 20 = 41.
NOTE: It is possible for a unit's internal level to decrease, most often from using a second seal while
being a member of a promoted class in order to demote to a base class, perhaps in order to pick up
some useful abilities. For this reason, it is useful to keep all your levels ever gained written down, so
that you can always easily calculate your Ex.
Defeating an Enemy
Defeating an enemy provides experience points very similarly to simply damaging an enemy, but in
significantly greater numbers. Use the formula below, unless the foe is of a lesser level than the unit
earning Ex. If that is the case, 20 Ex is instead earned.
20 + (level difference x 3)
Non-Lethal Damage
Most enemies and ally NPCs, other than bosses and other heroic allies, tend to readily risk death on the
battlefield. If you're feeling confident about your abilities and want to go easy on your opponent and
make sure to spare their life, you can choose to attack using your weapon in a less than lethal manner.
You cannot crit or activate sword skills while doing so, but you'll ensure they live to run away. You
won't get to capture them, however, that requires the Capture personal ability.
Here, base value is the Ex value provided innately by the staff itself. Typically, more powerful staves
provide more Ex per use. If the unit's internal level minus five, per the second part of the formula, is
less than zero, just replace it with zero. If the unit is a base class, such as Cleric, the unpromoted bonus
is +8. Dancers do not get this bonus, as they are special classes. Dancers also always use a base value
of 17 when dancing.
Weapon Ranks
Weapon Experience (WEx)
Characters also gain weapon experience to raise their proficiency with their weapons. This experience
is completely separate from a unit's Ex that they use to level up. When using a weapon, such as a
sword, bow, or tome, they gain 2 weapon experience towards that weapon class. For example, if a
Myrmidon attacks a cavalier while using a sword, he gains 2 WEx for swords. Every unit starts with 1
WEx in any weapon type with which they are proficient. Advancing in weapon rank allows a unit to
use more, and often better, weapons of that family. The required WEx needed to level up to the next
rank is displayed below:
Weapon Rank Req. WEx Total WEx
E to D 30 31
D to C 40 71
C to B 50 121
B to A 60 181
A to S 70 251
1. Increase Level
First, change the level of your unit in his character sheet to be one higher than it currently is (assuming
that he is not max level for that class) and any experience that the character had over 100 when leveling
transitions over, and becomes the current experience. For example, if a character with 85 Ex gains 25
more Ex, that would total to 110 Ex. He gains a level and his new Ex value becomes 10. If a unit
reaches the max level in a class, the extra experience past 100 does not carry over.
4. Update Levels
After taking care of the rest of your leveling, don't forget to update your internal level, cumulative
level, and other such numbers so that you gain experience at the correct rate. You wouldn't want to
cheat yourself!
Class Change
Class Changing is the process through which a character changes their current class into a different and
often stronger version of their current class. There are two types of class change: promotion and
reclassing. All of these changes are achieved by a special class of items called Seals. Each kind of seal
will be explained below:
Master Seal
A Master Seal is used to promote a base class to a more powerful version of itself. A Master Seal can
be used by any unit that is currently at least level 10 in a base class. Using a Master Seal causes a unit
to be level 1 in its new class. For example, a Myrmidon can use a Master Seal to promote into a Level 1
Second Seal
A Second Seal is more complex than a Master Seal. While a Master Seal is used for promotion, a
Second Seal is typically more of a lateral switch into a different class base upon your current class. It
can also be used to switch back to level 1 of the same class once you've hit the maximum so that you
can simply gain levels to gain stats without having to change classes. Using a Second Seal causes a
unit to be level 1 in its new class. The table below will illustrate the many ways a Second Seal can be
used depending upon the class and level of a unit:
Note: a unit may use a Second Seal to reclass into any class (of the correct tier) that has a restriction as
long as the unit meets any and all restrictions. For example, a manakete Fighter can use a Second Seal
to reclass into a Manakete-class unit at any time.
Heart Seal
A Heart Seal can be used by a unit to switch into the class that it chose as its Heart Seal class at
creation. The Heart Seal allows a unit to retain its current level in its new class. A unit using a Hear
Seal must reclass into a class of the same tier (for instance, a General would not be able to reclass to the
base classes Knight, only another promoted class).
Reclassing to or from a special class leaves a base class's level untouched, and for advanced classes,
modifies the unit's current level into its special class counterpart by subtracting 20. Heart Seals may be
used at any level. Additionally, If a promoted unit reclasses into another class, they will learn all skills
related to that tier one class and then all skills from that promoted class.
For example, if a Level 15 Master Ninja reclasses into a Hero, they will learn all the Mercenary skills
first, then the Hero skills, unless they already have those skills learned. If not, this means that upon
reclassing and leveling as a Hero, they will learn Good Fortune at level 16, Strong Riposte at level 17,
Sol at level 18 and finally Axebreaker at level 19.
Partner Seal
A Partner Seal functions exactly like a Heart Seal with one change: it allows a unit to reclass into the
starting class of a unit that is has reached S-level support with.
Friendship Seal
A Friendship Seal functions exactly like a Heart Seal with one change: it allows a unit to reclass into
the starting class of a unit that is has reached A+-level support with.
What Changes?
Change Statistics
Class Change always changes the statistics of a unit, for better or worse. Promotion almost always
results in the vast majority of statistics improving significantly. Reclassing laterally can lead to some
scores improving and others worsening to mark the shift in play style of the new class. A unit's statistics
change according to the difference between the base stat of the new class and the base stat of the old
Passive Powers
If a unit's new class grants a passive power (such as a Pegasus Knight's Flight or a Thief's Fog Sight),
he immediately gains use of it.
Weapon Proficiencies
A unit gains rank “E” proficiency in any weapon family that his new class has that he was not trained in
before, such as a Pegasus Knight gaining rank “E” in tomes when promoting into a Dark Flier. Any
weapon proficiencies it had before are not lost, but will become temporarily unused until the unit
switches into a class that can use those weapons. Even though a unit has training in these other
weapons, it still counts as not having proficiency with them if they are not part of its current class's
weapons. If a unit switches classes into a new class that has a weapon rank maximum lower than its
current rank, it will not lose its old rank, but it will act as if the new, lower maximum were its current
weapon rank.
For example, a Swordmaster with rank “S” in swords reclasses into a Dread Fighter, which has a
maximum rank in swords of “A”. That unit now treats its sword rank as “A”, even though it's truly “S”
rank. If that unit even became a Swordmaster or any other class with a maximum rank of “S” for
swords, he'd immediately be restored to rank “S” in swords.
Personal Abilities
Every heroic unit has a skill that is often unique to them and cannot be removed. These abilities cannot
be learned by any other means. Typically, they mimic the character's personality. This is a list of all
such abilities. A character gets to choose one at creation.
Aching Blood Increases critical rate by 10% if using a forged weapon whose name is 12 or
more characters long.
Bibliophile When this unit is carrying 3 or more Tomes, Critical rate +10
Bloodthirst If this unit initiates the battle and KOs an enemy with their attack, Strength,
Magic, Skill and Speed +4 for one turn.
Bushido When this unit is the lead unit, if their Internal Level is greater than or equal to
their support unit’s Internal Level, Critical rate +10, damage +2 and damage
received -2
Calm After choosing to Wait, Skill and Resistance +4 for one Turn.
Capture This unit can capture an enemy upon defeating them with the Capture command.
This unit cannot perform critical hits while attempting to capture.
Chivalry When enemy’s HP is at maximum, damage +2 and damage received -2 during
the battle.
Competitive When this unit is the lead unit and his Internal Level is lower than or equal to
their support unit’s Internal Level, it gains Critical rate +10, damage +3 and
damage received -1.
Countercurse When this unit sustains damage from an enemy’s magic attack, the enemy also
receives half of the same damage.
Daydream When this unit is adjacent to two allies of opposite gender, damage +2 and
damage received -2
Divine Retribution When this unit has no weapon equipped, enemy attacks deal back half of all
damage received in combat.
Draconic Heir When this unit is equipped with a Dragonstone, they recover 15% HP at the start
of their Turn. (Manakete only)
Fancy Footwork When used as a command, Strength and Speed +1 to all allies within a 2 tile
radius for one turn.
Fearsome Blow When this unit defeats an enemy, all adjacent enemies have their HP reduced by
20% of their max HP.
Fierce Counter When an enemy of the same gender initiates the battle, damage +2.
Fierce Mien Avoid -10 to all enemy unit within a 2 tile radius of this unit.
Fierce Rival When this unit is the support unit, if the front unit triggers a critical hit, the user
is guaranteed a critical hit (if their attack connects).
Fiery Blood When this unit's HP is not full, damage +4.
Forager When standing on Mountain, Forest, Wasteland or Field terrain, this unit
recovers 20% HP at the start of the Turn.
Fortunate One Allies within a 2 tile radius have their Critical Evade increased by 15, while this
unit's Critical Evade is increased by 5.
Gallant When this unit is the support unit, if the lead unit is of the opposite gender, the
lead unit’s damage +2.
Goody Basket At the start of the Turn, Luck% chance of recovering 10% HP.
Guarded Bravery When this unit is the lead unit, damage received -2. If not in Pair Up, damage
received +2.
Haiku When this unit is between two allied units on each side opposite each other, this
unit recovers 7 HP, while the the two allies recover 5 HP.
Healing Descant Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 10% HP at the start of the user’s Turn.
Highwayman When this unit triggers a battle, if the enemy cannot counter-attack, enemy’s
Strength and Speed -3 after the battle (recover by 1 each Turn).
Icy Blood When this unit's HP is not full and it sustains damage from a non-adjacent foe,
the enemy receives half that same damage and the enemy’s Skill and Speed is
reduced by 3. Recovers 1/turn.
In Extremis When this unit's HP is under 25%, Critical rate +30
Lily's Poise Adjacent allies deal 1 extra damage and receive 3 less damage.
Lucky Charm Abilities with an activation rate dependent on the Luck stat have their rate
increased by 20%.
Make a Killing Luck% chance of obtaining a Gold Bar worth 300 gold after defeating an enemy.
Miraculous Save If this unit is acting as the support unit, the lead unit has a Luck% chance of
surviving a fatal attack with 1 HP.
Mischievous When this unit triggers the battle and their attack connects with the enemy,
enemy’s Defence -3 after battle and enemy's clothes are torn apart
Misfortunate Enemies within a 2 tile radius have their Critical Evade reduced by 15, while
this unit's Critical Evade is reduced by 5.
Morbid When this unit triggers a battle, recover 20% HP after defeating the enemy.
Noble Cause When this unit is the lead unit, if their support unit doesn’t have full HP, damage
+3 and damage received -1.
Opportunist When this unit attacks an enemy who cannot counter-attack, damage increases
by 4.
Optimist After choosing to Wait, Speed +4 and Luck +8 for one Turn.
Optimistic When a staff is used to heal this unit, Recovery x 1.5.
Peacebringer Allies and enemies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 less damage.
Perfect Pitch When used as a command, allies within 2 tiles who have HP lower than this unit
will heal 10% of their max HP.
Perfectionist Hit rate and Avoid +15 when HP is full.
Perspicacious Hit rate +5 for all allies.
Playthings After the start of the user’s Turn, all enemies that are adjacent to this unit have
their HP reduced by 5.
Pragmatic When enemy’s HP is not full, damage +3 and damage received -1 during the
Pride If this unit's Internal Level is lower than the enemy’s, damage increases by 4.
Prodigy At the start of the battle, if this unit's Strength and Magic is lower than the
enemy’s, damage +4.
Puissance When this unit's Strength is 5 or more points higher than the enemy’s, damage
increases by 3.
Pyrotechnics When this unit triggers a battle at under half HP, the user and enemies within a 2
tile radius have their HP reduced by 20%.
Quiet Strength All allies within a 2 tile radius receive 2 less damage from attacks.
Rallying Cry Allies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 extra damage.
Reciprocity When a unit uses a healing staff on this unit, that unit has their HP restored by
half the same amount.
Rose's Thorns Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage and receive 1 less damage.
Shuriken Mastery When this unit receives damage from a Shuriken attack, the enemy receives half
the same damage and the Shuriken's stat reduction effect.
Sisterhood/ When this unit is the lead unit, if their support unit is the same gender, damage
Brotherhood +2 and damage received -2.
Supportive When this unit is acting as the support unit, if the front unit has a C or higher
Support with this unit, the front unit’s Hit Rate is boosted by 10, damage by 2,
and damage received is reduced by 2.
Sweet Tooth After choosing to Wait, this unit recovers 4 HP by eating hidden treats.
Triple Threat When at half HP or lower, half the damage received by swords, lances and axes
is also dealt to the enemy.
Unmask Damage +4 and Critical rate +20 in battle when facing a unit of the same gender.
Vendetta When this unit triggers a battle against an enemy it previously battled, damage
Wind Disciple When this unit's HP is not full, Hit rate and Avoid +10.
Combat Abilities
Combat abilities are abilities that only activate during a battle. They almost always have a chance to
activate based off of one of the unit's stat's. For example, a Swordmaster's Astra skill has a (Skill/2)%
chance to activate with every attack. Sometimes abilities will be guaranteed to activate if certain
conditions are met, such as Vantage always activating if the unit's HP is below half.
Sword Abilities
There are several combat abilities that belong to a family of abilities commonly called “sword
abilities”. This is because they used to belong to classes that activated these abilities with their sword
attacks. Since that time, they have become activatable by any attack made with a weapon that can cause
a critical hit. A unit can have multiple sword abilities equipped at once, but only one can activate at a
time on any given attack. There is a hierarchy that designates which abilities get priority. When testing
to see which skill a unit activates, roll every skill the unit has, starting with the highest priority to the
lowest until they either activate a skill or fail to activate all of the equipped abilities. The priority, in
general, tends to put priority on abilities that have a lower chance to activate, such as Lethality.
Lethality > Aether > Astra > Dragon Fang > Sol > Luna > Ignis > Rend Heaven > Vengeance
Command Abilities
Command abilities, as previously mentioned, are abilities that require an action to activate. Therefore,
using a command abilities prevents a unit from attacking or using other commands, such as the Sing
command of the songstress or the Heal command. They are almost always support abilities designed to
aid nearby allies, such as the many Rally abilities. These abilities are best used when the unit that has
them is more useful for their skill in that moment, as opposed to their other abilities.
Passive Abilities
Passive abilities are the simplest abilities to understand as a whole. They are abilities that are always
always active, such as Hex, or have explicit circumstances that activate them, such as Grisly Wound.
Advanced Classes
Classes in this category are considered to be "advanced", "promoted" or "second-tier" classes. These
classes are advanced versions of base classes, which themselves can access these classes by promoting
into them. These classes typically possess higher stats with more diverse and focused statistical
orientations and weapon access, and typically have access to a broader range of abilities. Compared to
base classes, advanced classes gain experience at a slower rate.
Usable Weapon Types: Swords, Bows
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
The Assassin can have a maximum Weapon Rank of “S” in their primary weapon (the weapon they
chose as a Thief) and a maximum Weapon Rank of “B” in their secondary weapon (the weapon they
chose as a Assassin). If the unit was not previously a Thief, or did not use a Heart Seal to become an
Assassin, then the unit may choose which of the two will be considered their primary.
• Innate) +5 hit, +5 crit, +5 avoid, +5 dodge
• Level 5) Lethality (Combat): Instantly defeats the enemy. The chance to activate is (Skill/4)%.
• Level 15) Pass: Allows unit to pass through enemy-occupied spaces.
• Level 5) Rend Heaven (Combat): When attacking with a physical weapon, it adds (Target's Str
/ 2) to the damage dealt. When attacking with a magical weapon, it adds (Target's Mag / 2) to
the damage dealt. (Skill × 1.5)%
• Level 15) Quixotic: +30 hit rate and +15 skill activation rate for both the user and their target.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 40% 20 80
Str 10% 7 41
Mag 10% 5 40
Skl 10% 7 40
Spd 10% 7 41
Lck 15% 5 45
Def 5% 7 37
Res 10% 6 42
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Axes
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival
• Innate) +10 crit, -5 dodge
• Level 5) Wrath (Combat): +20 to the user's critical rate when the unit's HP is at or below 50%
of Max HP.
◦ OR Rally Strength (Command): +4 Strength to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of the user
for one turn.
• Level 15) Axefaire: +5 Strength in battle when the unit is using an axe. Instead gives +5 Magic
if the user has the Bolt Axe, or similar weapon, equipped.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 30 80
Str 25% 13 50
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 15% 5 35
Spd 20% 11 44
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 5% 5 34
Res 5% 1 30
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Usable Weapon Types: Swords, Axes
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, Deception, History,
Intimidation, Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
• Level 5) Salvage Blow (Combat): May reward the user with a random katana, naginata, club,
yumi, or shuriken upon defeating the enemy. (Luck)%, if the user initiated the battle.
• Level 15) Lancebreaker: Hit and Avoid +50 when fighting an enemy equipped with a lance.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 21 80
Str 15% 8 45
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 15% 9 44
Spd 10% 8 41
Lck 5% 3 45
Def 15% 8 44
Res 0% 2 32
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Bow Knight
Usable Weapon Types: Bows, Swords
Notes: Beast Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
Deception, History, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of
• Level 5) Rally Skill (Command): +4 Skill to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of the user for one
• Level 15) Bowbreaker: Hit and Avoid +50 when fighting an enemy equipped with a bow.
◦ OR Shurikenbreaker: Hit and Avoid +50 when fighting an enemy equipped with a
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 24 80
Str 20% 8 40
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 25% 10 43
Spd 20% 10 41
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 5% 6 35
Res 5% 2 30
Move N/A 8 10
Wp. Rank N/A E
Dark Flier
Usable Weapon Types: Lances, Tomes
Notes: Beast Unit, Flying Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Perception, Persuasion
• Level 5) Rally Movement (Command): +1 Movement to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of
the user for one turn.
• Level 15) Galeforce (Combat): Allows the user to move and take an action again upon
defeating an enemy. Can only be used once per turn.
• Level 5) Slow Burn: +1 Hit rate and Avoid for each turn into the battle. Maximum boost is +15.
◦ OR Seal Magic: -6 Magic to enemy at end of battle. Recovers by 1 each turn.
• Level 15) Lifetaker (Combat): Heals 50% of the user's maximum HP after they kill an enemy.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 19 80
Str 15% 8 38
Mag 15% 6 41
Skl 15% 6 40
Spd 15% 5 40
Lck 0% 3 45
Def 10% 8 42
Res 5% 6 38
Move N/A 8 10
Wp. Rank N/A E
Falcon Knight
Usable Weapon Types: Lances and Staves
Notes: Beast Unit, Flying Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion
• Level 5) Rally Speed (Command): +4 Speed to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of the user for
one turn.
• Level 15) Lancefaire: +5 Strength during battle when a lance is equipped. Instead gives +5
Magic if the user has a magical lance equipped.
◦ OR Warding Blow (Combat): When the user initiates a battle, they receive 20 less damage
from magic attacks.
Class Statistics
Other Class Abilties
• Flight: This class can fly over terrain, providing a GR% Base Max
total immunity to terrain movement penalties. HP 40% 18 80
Str 10% 5 38
Mag 10% 4 35
Skl 10% 6 45
Spd 15% 10 44
Lck 20% 5 45
Def 0% 5 33
Res 20% 9 40
Move N/A 8 10
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Lances and Axes
Notes: Armor Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion,
• Level 5) Rally Defense (Command): +4 Defense to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of the user
for one turn.
• Level 15) Pavise (Combat): Halves the damage dealt by enemy attacks using swords, lances,
axes, Beaststones, Blighted Claws and Blighted Talons. (Skill)% to activate. Will not activate
against a Dual Strike.
◦ OR Wary Fighter (Combat): Nullifies the ability
to double-attack for both the user and their target. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 28 80
Str 20% 12 50
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 15% 7 41
Spd 0% 4 35
Lck 10% 0 45
Def 20% 15 50
Res 5% 3 35
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Swords and Tomes
Class Skills (choose four): Arcana, Deception, History,
Investigation, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
Like their pre-promotion, Grandmasters wield both Swords and Tomes offensively, allowing them to
attack enemies with the weapon type that can exploit their lowest defensive stats. Building off of their
balanced and relatively average Attack and Magic, their signature attack skill Ignis can inflict massive
damage against enemies. Their second skill, Rally Spectrum, is one of two Rally Abilities which
increases multiple stats to those in range and is a great choice against difficult enemies.
• Level 5) Ignis (Combat): When attacking with a physical weapon, it adds (User's Mag / 2) to
the damage dealt. When attacking with a magical weapon, it adds (User's Str / 2) to the damage
dealt. (Skill)%
• Level 15) Rally Spectrum (Command): +4 Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defense and
Resistance to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of the
user for one turn. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 40% 20 80
Str 15% 7 40
Mag 15% 6 40
Skl 15% 7 40
Spd 15% 7 40
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 10% 7 40
Res 10% 5 40
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Great Knight
Usable Weapon Types: Lances, Swords, and Axes
Notes: Armor Unit, Beast Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion
• Level 5) Luna (Combat): Halve enemy Def/Res when attacking. (Skill%)
• Level 15) Dual Guard+ (Combat): Increases the trigger rate of Dual Guards by 10%.
◦ OR Armored Blow (Combat): Unit receives -10 physical damage when the unit initiates an
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 26 80
Str 20% 11 48
Mag 0% 0 20
Skl 15% 6 34
Spd 0% 5 37
Lck 10% 0 45
Def 20% 14 48
Res 5% 1 30
Move N/A 7 9
Wp. Rank N/A E
Great Lord
Usable Weapon Types: Weapon chosen as Lord, plus one
different choice from: swords, lances, axes
Notes: If able to use swords, may use Rapiers and Noble
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception,
History, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, Religion
The Great Lord can have a maximum Weapon Rank of “A” in their primary weapon (the weapon they
chose as a Lord) and a maximum Weapon Rank of “B” in their secondary weapon (the weapon they
chose as a Great Lord). If the unit was never previously a Lord, such as using a Heart Seal to become a
Great Lord, then the unit may choose which of the two will be considered their primary and which will
be the secondary.
• Level 5) Aether (Combat): Use Sol and Luna in succession. (It unleashes two consecutive
blows; the first restores HP equal to half the damage dealt, and the second halves the enemy's
defense and resistance.) (Skill/2)%
• Level 15) Rightful King (Combat): Increases the Class Statistics
trigger rate of the unit's abilities by 10%. Does not GR% Base Max
stack with Hoshidan Unity.
HP 40% 23 80
Str 15% 10 43
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 10% 7 40
Spd 10% 9 41
Lck 15% 0 45
Def 10% 10 42
Res 5% 3 40
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E See above
Great Master
Usable Weapon Types: Staves and one of: Bows, Lances
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, Arcana, History,
Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Performance, Religion
• Level 5) Renewal: Restores 30% of the user's HP at the beginning of the user's phase.
• Level 15) Countermagic (Combat): If the enemy triggers the battle, deals any damage dealt to
user by a magical attack back at the enemy.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 40% 19 80
Str 15% 8 44
Mag 5% 6 37
Skl 5% 6 38
Spd 15% 8 45
Lck 15% 5 45
Def 10% 6 38
Res 10% 7 42
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Griffon Rider
Usable Weapon Types: Axes
Notes: Beast Unit, Flying Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
History, Intimidation, Insight, Nature, Perception, Persuasion
Deliverer increases the user's Movement by 2 when he is in a Pair Up. This skill is useful for carrying
powerful units (especially Generals), but it also works with other units and can carry them to and from
the front lines with ease.
Lancebreaker gives the user a bonus of 50 points to both their Hit Rate and Avoid against Lance
wielders permanently, making them excellent against those with high Skill in particular. This allows
them to emerge victorious more frequently when facing against any lance user in battle.
• Level 5) Deliverer: +2 movement when Pair Up is in effect.
• Level 15) Lancebreaker (Combat): Hit and Avoid +50 when fighting an enemy equipped with
a lance.
• Level 5) Sol (Combat): Recovers user's HP equal to half the damage dealt to the enemy.
• Level 15) Axebreaker (Combat): Hit and Avoid +50 when fighting an enemy equipped with an
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 22 80
Str 25% 8 42
Mag 0% 1 30
Skl 20% 11 46
Spd 20% 10 42
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 5% 8 40
Res 5% 3 36
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Hoshido Noble
Usable Weapon Types: Swords, Dragonstones, Staves
RESTRICTION: Must be a manakete of noble lineage
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, Acrobatics, History,
Intimidation, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion, Religion
• Level 5) Dragon Ward (Combat): Allies adjacent to the user have a (Luck x 0.5)% chance of
receiving half damage from enemy attacks
• Level 15) Hoshidan Unity: Adds 10% to skill activation rates. Does not stack with Rightful
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 19 80
Str 15% 10 46
Mag 10% 4 38
Skl 10% 5 39
Spd 10% 6 40
Lck 10% 4 45
Def 15% 7 43
Res 0% 3 33
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Kinshi Knight
Usable Weapon Types: Lances, Bows
Notes: Beast Unit, Flying Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Persuasion
• Level 5) Air Superiority (Combat): Hit rate and Avoid +30 when facing Flying enemies
• Level 15) Amaterasu: Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s
• Level 5) Live to Serve: When healing an ally, the user recovers the same amount of HP
• Level 15) Tomebreaker (Combat): Hit Rate/Evasion +50 if the enemy is equipped with a
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 40% 18 80
Str 10% 4 38
Mag 10% 5 41
Skl 15% 9 45
Spd 15% 8 45
Lck 10% 4 45
Def 5% 5 36
Res 10% 4 39
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Malig Knight
Usable Weapon Types: Axes, Tomes
Notes: Dragon Unit, Flying Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Arcana,
Athletics, History, Intimidation, Insight, Perception,
Malig Knights play much like Dark Fliers, as the both ride
black aerial mounts and possess physical and magical
weapons. The main differences between the two is that Malig
Knights have greater Strength and Defense, while Dark Fliers
have superior Magic, Speed, Luck, and Resistance, though only by small margins. Malig Knights
additionally wield Axes as opposed to Lances, making them a hybrid of sorts between their "brother"
classes of Wyvern Lords and Dark Fliers. These attributes make them best suited to rush down the
enemy lines and exploit their weaker defensive stats, though one must be wary of sending them within
range of Tome and Bow-wielding units. The two abilities that Malig Knights can learn are Savage
Blow and Trample. Savage Blow cuts the HP of all enemies within two spaces by 20% after the user
engages a foe. One of the chip-damage abilities, Savage Blow can rapidly erode the health of nearby
enemies for other units to finish off, especially when combined with other chip-damage abilities like
Grisly Wound and Poison Strike. Trample causes the user's opponent to take 5 extra damage if they do
not have a mount. At the end of the day, no matter how fortified a unit is in either Defense of
Resistance, and no matter how far away they hide, Malig Knights can hunt them down and kill them
quickly and efficiently, especially if they are fighting on only their own two feet.
• Level 5) Savage Blow: After a battle which the user initiated (and survived), all enemies within
a two tile radius of the user lose 20% of their max HP.
Savage Blow's effect cannot kill an enemy and enemies Class Statistics
whose HP is lower than or equal to the amount they
GR% Base Max
would lose; they have their HP reduced to 1.
• Level 15) Trample: Unless enemy is on a mount, HP 40% 18 80
damage +5 Str 15% 7 43
Mag 15% 6 42
Other Class Abilties
• Flight: This class can fly over terrain, providing a total Skl 10% 6 38
immunity to terrain movement penalties. Spd 5% 5 34
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 10% 8 41
Res 15% 6 43
Move N/A 8 10
Wp. Rank N/A E
Master Ninja
Usable Weapon Types: Shuriken, Swords
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Stealth
• Innate) +5 hit, +5 crit, +5 avoid, +5 dodge
• Level 5) Lethality (Combat): Instantly defeats the enemy. The chance to activate is (Skill/4)%.
• Level 15) Shurikenfaire: +5 Strength if the user has a knife or shuriken equipped.. +5 Magic
instead if the user is equipping a magic shuriken or knife.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 17 80
Str 5% 5 34
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 20% 10 50
Spd 20% 11 50
Lck 0% 2 45
Def 5% 4 33
Res 20% 8 49
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Master of Arms
Usable Weapon Types: Axes, Lances, Swords
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion
The Master of Arms learns two abilities: Seal Strength and Life and Death. Seal Strength works
extremely well against physical-oriented characters, as after a given battle, if the user is still alive, the
attacker will lose six points of Strength. This can mean a great difference in battle, especially if a
character runs the risk of being double attacked in combat. Life and Death, on the other hand, is a
double-edged sword; while it can increase the chances of winning a battle, it also increases the chances
of losing it at the same time. It can be equipped on "glass cannon" units (units with high
Strength/Magic but poor HP and/or Defense), as long as they are well protected and the target cannot
Due to their ability to use Swords, Lances and Axes, Masters of Arms can carry various weapons to
counter the opponent. If they are given a good number of seal stat abilities, they can be even more
dangerous due to dropping the enemies' stats for them or allies to finish off.
• Level 5) Seal Strength (Combat): After a battle,
enemy’s Strength -6, recovering one lost point each Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
• Level 15) Life and Death (Combat): During battles,
damage +10, damage received +10 HP 50% 20 80
Str 15% 8 45
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 10% 6 40
Spd 10% 9 40
Lck 10% 3 45
Def 10% 7 41
Res 0% 3 33
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Bows and Shuiken
Notes: Mount Unit, Puppet Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Deception, Insight, Intimidation,
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth
• Level 5) Golembane (Combat): Attacks deal effective damage against Mechanists, Puppets
and Golems
• Level 15) Replicate (Command): User can create a puppet with the same appearance, abilities
and HP as the user. (See more below.)
The Replicate skill allows its owner to use the "Replicate" command to spawn a puppet clone of
themselves for combat purposes. When replicating, the player can select a spot adjacent to the user to
spawn the copy. After being used, both the user and puppet will be unable to perform any actions until
the next turn begins. The user can only create one replica per battle, though every character can create
their own replica as long as they have the skill on them. A
replica shares everything that the original has, including
abilities, current stats, current class, and inventory. Support Class Statistics
bonuses and effects imposed by a Songstress's Songs are not GR% Base Max
carried over. Effects sustained from consumable items and
HP 40% 18 80
Staves are shared; to illustrate with an example, if a replica uses
a Staff, the original character also loses one staff use. Equipped Str 10% 7 40
weapons are shared between the original and replica. Changing Mag 0% 0 30
the equipped weapon on a clone will change the equipped
weapon on the original as well and vice versa. Though the Skl 15% 9 45
replica is treated as a separate unit from the original, it shares its Spd 10% 7 40
HP with the original, and the death of the replica also counts as
Lck 5% 2 45
the death of the original. Any Level EXP or Weapon EXP
gained by the replica is transferred to the original. However, the Def 5% 6 38
replica cannot build support points. Despite the skill calling the Res 15% 6 43
replica a "puppet," replicas are not affected by bonus damage
from the Golembane skill. They still will, however, take bonus Move N/A 7 9
damage from other sources if it is applicable. Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Lances and Bows
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, Insight, Medicine,
Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, Survival
• Level 5) Profiteer (Combat): User may obtain a Gold Bar worth 300 gold when making a
movement within the first seven turns. (Luck)%
• Level 15) Spendthrift (Command): Increases damage dealt by 10 and decreases damage
received by 10 during the battle should the user choose to spend a Golden Coin.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 20 80
Str 20% 8 48
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 10% 6 39
Spd 5% 5 35
Lck 15% 4 45
Def 10% 8 43
Res 5% 5 37
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Beaststones
Notes: Beast Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Persuasion, Nature, Stealth, Survival
• Innate: +5 critical rate, +10 avoid, +10 dodge
• Level 5) Even Better: Restores 40% maximum HP at the start of an even-numbered turn.
• Level 15) Grisly Wound: Provided the user didn't already defeat the enemy, the enemy loses
20% of their maximum HP at the end of the battle.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 40% 19 80
Str 10% 6 39
Mag 0% 2 34
Skl 15% 9 45
Spd 20% 10 49
Lck 10% 5 45
Def 0% 2 32
Res 20% 8 49
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Nohr Noble
Usable Weapon Types: Swords, Dragonstones, Tomes
RESTRICTION: Must be a manakete of noble lineage.
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,
Deception, History, Intimidation, Performance, Religion
• Level 5) Draconic Hex (Combat): After a battle with a unit equipped with this skill, if the
enemy survived the battle, they receive -4 to all stats until the next Player turn during their turn
or the next Enemy turn during their turn.
• Level 15) Nohrian Trust (Combat): During Attack or Guard Stance, user shares their support
unit’s battle abilities
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 18 80
Str 10% 8 42
Mag 15% 6 43
Skl 5% 4 35
Spd 15% 7 44
Lck 5% 2 45
Def 5% 6 36
Res 15% 6 44
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Oni Chieftain
Usable Weapon Types: Axes and Tomes
Class Skills (choose four): Athletics, Intimidation, Nature,
Perception, Performance, Religion, Stealth, Survival
Because Oni Chieftains are capable of using magic in addition to their axes, they can defend
themselves better as they do not have to suffer the penalties of throwing weapons when fighting ranged
users. The Oni Cheiftain's major flaw, however, is their very poor Skill, possibly the lowest max cap
out of any class. Even with their decent Strength, Defense and Resistance, their poor Skill will dampen
their combat prowess due to the frequency of them delivering inaccurate attacks. If equipped with
appropriate abilities that improve their Hit Rate, this issue can be remedied.
• Level 5) Death Blow (Combat): When user triggers the battle, Critical rate +20
• Level 15) Counter (Combat): When an enemy adjacent to the user initiates a battle, the user
deals the full damage taken back at the enemy.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 19 80
Str 20% 9 49
Mag 15% 5 40
Skl 0% 2 30
Spd 10% 7 40
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 20% 10 50
Res 5% 5 38
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Lances, Swords
Notes: Beast Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion
• Level 5) Defender: When the user is the active unit in a Pair Up, it increases all stats by 1
except for Movement.
• Level 15) Aegis (Combat): Halves damage from Bows, Tomes, and Dragonstones. (Skill)%
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 19 80
Str 15% 8 42
Mag 0% 1 30
Skl 10% 7 40
Spd 10% 7 40
Lck 15% 4 45
Def 10% 7 42
Res 10% 6 42
Move N/A 8 10
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Tomes, Staves
Class Skills (choose four): Arcana, History, Insight,
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Religion, Sleight of Hand
• Level 5) Rally Magic (Command): Increase the Magic of all allies within a 3 tile radius by 4
points for one turn.
• Level 15) Tomefaire (Combat): When user is equipped with a Tome, damage +5 during battle.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 35% 20 80
Str 0% 1 30
Mag 20% 7 46
Skl 20% 5 43
Spd 20% 7 42
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 5% 4 31
Res 15% 5 40
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Bows
Notes: Able to use Longbow, Towering Bow, and Double
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth,
• Innate) +10 Hit, +10 Crit
• Level 5) Hit Rate +20: Increase the unit's Hit rate by +20
◦ OR Certain Blow (Combat): When user triggers the battle, Hit rate +40
• Level 15) Bowfaire (Combat): Increases Strength by 5 in battle with Bows (+5 Magic with
magic bows).
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 20 80
Str 15% 7 41
Mag 0% 1 30
Skl 30% 12 48
Spd 15% 9 40
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 15% 10 40
Res 5% 3 31
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Usable Weapon Types: Tomes
Notes: Can use Dark Magic
Class Skills (choose four): Arcana, Deception, History,
Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
Sorcerers are also granted almost exclusive access to Dark Magic, specifically Nosferatu tomes,
effectively allowing even some of the frailest amongst them to survive and even wipe out massive
groups of enemies on their own.
• Innate) +5 Hit rate, +10 crit, +5 dodge
• Level 5) Vengeance (Combat): Adds half of the user's current missing health to their damage.
• Level 15) Tomebreaker (Combat): Hit Rate/Evasion
+50 if the enemy is equipped with a Tome. Class Statistics
◦ OR Bowbreaker (Combat): Hit Rate/Evasion +50 GR% Base Max
if the enemy is equipped with a Bow.
HP 45% 23 80
Str 0% 2 30
Mag 20% 6 44
Skl 15% 4 38
Spd 15% 4 40
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 10% 7 41
Res 10% 7 44
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Spear Master
Usable Weapon Types: Lances
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival
• Innate) +10 crit, +10 dodge
• Level 5) Seal Speed: After a battle, enemy’s Speed -6, recovering one lost point each Turn.
• Level 15) Lancefaire (Combat): Increases Strength by 5 in battle with Lances (+5 Magic with
magic lances).
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 18 80
Str 15% 9 46
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 15% 8 45
Spd 15% 8 44
Lck 5% 3 45
Def 10% 7 40
Res 5% 3 36
Move N/A 5 7
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Usable Weapon Types: Staves and Tomes
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Arcana,
History, Insight, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion, Religion
• Level 5) Rally Resistance (Command): Increases the Resistance of all allies within a 3 tile
radius by +4 for one Turn.
• Level 15) Dual Support+: Boosts the Support Rank during Dual Support by 4.
◦ OR Inspiration: Allies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 extra damage and receive 2 less damage
during battles
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 35% 19 80
Str 0% 0 30
Mag 15% 5 42
Skl 5% 4 38
Spd 10% 8 43
Lck 20% 0 45
Def 0% 3 30
Res 15% 8 45
Move N/A 8 10
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Swords
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation,
The two abilities Swordmasters can learn are Astra and Swordfaire. When Astra is activated, the user
unleashes five consecutive strikes at half damage, dealing a maximum of 2.5 times the normal damage.
However, units with Astra should be especially careful around Counter units if they are engaging in
melee combat, because the individual half-damage strikes from the skill's activation are less likely to
secure kills on their own, and thus, are more likely to incur damaging - and possibly, even fatal -
backlash. Swordfaire boosts the user's Strength by 5 if they are wielding a sword (Magic is upped by 5
if the user has a Levin Sword). Swordmasters tend to have average or below average Strength and poor
Magic growths, so this skill is good for rectifying that problem.
• Innate) +10 critical rate, +10 avoid
• Level 5) Astra (Combat): Allows user to perform 5
consecutive attacks with halved damage. Each of these Class Statistics
attacks can crit normally, but not activate other Sword GR% Base Max
Abilities (like Sol). (Skill/2)%
• Level 15) Swordfaire: +5 Strength in battle while a HP 40% 20 80
Sword is equipped (+5 Magic if equipped with a Magic Str 20% 7 38
Mag 0% 2 34
Skl 25% 11 44
Spd 25% 13 46
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 5% 6 33
Res 10% 4 38
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Usable Weapon Types: Weapon chosen as Thief, plus Staves
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
• Level 5) Lucky 7: Increases Accuracy and Avoid by +20 until the 7th Turn
• Level 15) Acrobat: Lowers movement cost of terrain to 1.
◦ OR Pass: Allows unit to pass through enemy-occupied spaces.
The another interesting feature of this class is that their weapon of choice is the Axe, which favor high
attack in exchange for accuracy. The War Cleric is not exactly suited for an offensive role due to their
rather mediocre Strength and semi-low Skill and Speed. Nevertheless, given their good defenses, they
can operate as good anti-magic units as they can sustain hits from them and exploit their lower
Warriors are, however, immensely useful in taking down defensive units such as Generals and Paladins.
Unlike Fighters and Berserkers, Warriors are not locked into the axe-only Weapon Triangle position.
Their ability to wield Bows makes them capable of attacking any foe without running the risk of
triggering any melee Weapon Triangle penalties. Warriors using bows play slightly differently from
Snipers or other bow users, since they generally have higher Might and lower Speed. Since Warriors
can only use Bows after promotion, they usually are unable to exploit strong bows initially, and some
investment in their training is therefore required. Alternatively, the Warrior could be outfitted with a
Hand Axe instead of a Bow, as this weapon has a range of 1-2. Using this weapon does, however, come
at the cost of being weak against Swords.
• Level 5) Rally Strength (Command): Increase the Strength of all allies within a 3 tile radius
by 4 points for one turn
• Level 15) Counter: When an enemy adjacent to the user initiates a battle, the user deals the full
damage taken back at the enemy. Will not activate on a
Dual Strike attack or if the attacker defeats the user. Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 45% 28 80
Str 25% 12 48
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 20% 8 42
Spd 15% 7 40
Lck 0% 0 45
Def 10% 7 40
Res 5% 3 35
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E
Usable Weapon Types: Beaststone
Notes: Beast Unit
RESTRICTION: Must be a member of the wolfskin race.
Class Skills (choose four): Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Nature, Survival
• Level 5) Better Odds: Restores 40% maximum HP at the start of an odd-numbered turn.
• Level 15) Grisly Wound: Provided the user didn't already defeat the enemy, the enemy loses
20% of their maximum HP at the end of the battle.
Class Statistics
GR% Base Max
HP 50% 22 80
Str 20% 11 50
Mag 0% 0 30
Skl 5% 6 36
Spd 15% 7 43
Lck 5% 1 45
Def 10% 7 42
Res 0% 1 31
Move N/A 6 8
Wp. Rank N/A E S
Wyvern Lord
Usable Weapon Types: Axes and Lances
Notes: Flying Unit, Dragon Unit, Mount Unit
Class Skills (choose four): Animal Handling, Athletics,
History, Intimidation, Insight, Nature, Perception, Persuasion
• Level 5) Quick Burn: Increases unit's Hit Rate and Evade by 15 and Decreases with a Passing
Turn. That unit will lose 1 point from their Hit Rate and Evade each passing turn until turn 15.
◦ OR Rally Defense (Command): Increase the Defense of all allies within a 3 tile radius by 4
for one turn
• Level 15) Swordbreaker (Combat): Hit Rate/Evasion +50 when the enemy is equipped with a
Some games have allowed a “Convoy” to hold items that a unit cannot. A convoy has 500 item slots.
Once a unit receives an item that it cannot hold, it may immediately send any one item to the convoy.
Trading with the convoy is typically available through only two means. Between encounters, any and
all allied units may freely trade with the convoy. During battle, in order to access trade with the convoy,
typically a unit needs to be adjacent to the army's Lord or similar leader character if there is no Lord. If
a party chooses to have a Convoy, and the GM is okay with it, they need to select which unit is in
command of the convoy.
There are a few types of weapons that all weapon families have, such as brave, killing, and regalia
weapons. Each of the major types will be given a short explanation.
Brave Weapons
Brave weapons possess a unique and valuable functionality: when used, they allow the user to attack
double the number of times they normally would, generally described as "attacking consecutively",
"attacking twice" or "attacking twice per turn". At minimum, this ensures that the wielder of a brave
weapon attacks twice regardless of attack speed; at best, it allows them to strike the enemy four times
in a single round of combat, more than is possible in any other circumstance (abilities notwithstanding).
However, brave weapons gain experience at the normal rate, weapon experience gained from using a
brave weapon ignores the brave effect; if, for example, the wielder attacked four times using a brave
weapon, they only gain weapon experience from it as if the wielder had attacked just the normal non-
brave two times.
Killer Weapons
Killer weapons have a greatly enhanced crit stat compared to regular weapons, which gives them a very
high chance of inflicting critical hits and makes it an extremely dangerous weapon. They also tend to
have a critical multiplier of x4 instead of x3.
Regalia/Sacred Weapons
A few weapons may be listed as “regalia” or “sacred”, which almost always means that the weapon is
considered holy, was made with the power of a god, or is made with a legendary amount of
craftsmanship. All such weapons are typically unique, with only one in existence. Many require a high
rank in that weapon to wield them and none of them can be forged by any means.
Ability Weapons
A few weapons grant the user access to an ability while they are equipped, such as the Superior Edge
granting access to the Swordbreaker ability while equipped. Access to the ability is automatic while the
weapon is equipped. Access is cut off while the item is unequipped in inventory.
Basic Axes
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Bronze Axe E 6 80 0 1 Inf. 500 2
Iron Axe D 8 70 0 1 Inf. 1,000 2 –
Steel Axe C 12 65 0 1 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, Ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold
Basic Clubs
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Brass Club E 5 85 5 1 Inf. 500 2
Iron Club D 6 75 5 1 Inf. 1,000 2 –
Steel Club C 10 70 5 1 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, Ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold
Other Axes
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Raider Axe E 7 65 0 1 Inf. 1,800 2 Tears the enemy's clothes upon successful
strike when user has weapon triangle
advantage. Ability to double attack +3
Hand Axe D 7 65 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 Enemy's ability to double attack +5. Sells for
650 gold
Bolt Axe C 14 65 0 1-2 Inf. 3,300 2 -20 avoid when equipped. Works as magical
damage. Sells for 1,100 gold.
Killer Axe C 8 65 25 1 Inf. 3,000 2 -10 avoid when equipped. Increases critical hit
damage to ×4 damage, instead of the usual 3x.
Sells for 1,000 gold
Volant Axe C 8 55 0 1-2 Inf. 3,000 2 Deals effective damage to flying units. It sells
for 750 gold.
Superior Axe B 15 60 0 1 Inf. 4,000 2 Grants Axebreaker when equipped. It sells for
Brave Axe A 8 55 0 1 Inf. 8,000 2 Allows two consecutive hits per attack. Sells
for 2000 gold.
Other Clubs
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Pike-Ruin D 10 60 5 1 Inf. 3,400 2 Drops user's Avoid by 10 and grants
Lancebreaker when equipped. Sells for 1150
Club gold.
Throwing D 6 70 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 Enemy's ability to double-attack +5. Sells for
650 gold
Adamant Club C 3 80 5 1 Inf. 1,800 2 Defense +4 while equipped.
Dual Club C 9 60 10 1 Inf. 4,000 2 Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles
weapon triangle effects. Sells for 1,250 gold.
Great Club C 6 45 55 1 Inf. 1,900 2 Avoid -5 when equipped. Critical hits deal ×4
damage. Sells for 750 gold.
Battering Club B 12 60 5 1-2 Inf. 4,500 2 Enemy's ability to double-attack +5. Sells for
1,500 gold.
Venge Club A 10 75 5 1 Inf. 8,000 2 Avoid -20. Might doubles when enemy
initiates battle. Sells for 2,000 gold.
Regalia Axes/Clubs
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Vengeance B 16 75 5 1 Inf. – 2 Grants Vengeance when equipped.
Aurgelmir S 22 75 15 1 Inf. – 2
Wolf Berg S 18 75 5 1-2 Inf. – 2
Note: All bows/yumi deal effective damage to Flying units. Every yumi increases its wielder's
resistance stat by 2 points when equipped, unless the specific yumi has a conflicting effect.
Basic Bows
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Bronze Bow E 6 90 0 2 Inf. 500 2
Iron Bow D 8 80 0 2 Inf. 1,000 2
Steel Bow C 11 75 0 2 Inf. 2,000 2 -5 avoid and -3 double attack ability when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold.
Basic Yumi
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Brass Yumi E 7 80 0 2 Inf. 500 2
Iron Yumi D 9 70 0 2 Inf. 1,000 2
Steel Yumi C 12 65 0 2 Inf. 2,000 2 -5 avoid and -3 double attack ability when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold.
Other Bow
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Hunter's Bow D 6 85 0 2 Inf. 2,500 2 -10 avoid when equipped. Deals effective
damage to beast units. Sells for 850 gold.
Mini Bow D 7 75 0 1 Inf. 2,400 2 Avoid -10. Sells for 840 gold.
Towering Bow D 3 80 0 2-3 Inf. 810 2 Exclusive to archers and snipers. Sells for 203
Killing Bow C 7 75 25 2 Inf. 3,000 2 -10 avoid when equipped. Increases critical hit
damage to ×4 damage, instead of the usual 3x.
Sells for 1,000 gold.
Shining Bow C 13 70 0 2 Inf. 3,300 2 -20 avoid when equipped. Works as magical
damage. Sells for 1,100 gold.
Superior Bow B 13 70 0 2 Inf. 2,160 2 Grants Bowbreaker when equipped. It sells for
540 gold.
Brave Bow A 8 65 0 2 Inf. 8,000 2 Brave weapon. Sells for 2,000 gold.
Other Yumi
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Raider Yumi E 6 65 0 2 Inf. 1,800 2 Tears the enemy's clothes upon successful
strike when user has weapon triangle
advantage. Ability to double attack +3
Harp Yumi D 6 65 0 2 Inf. 1,400 2 At the end of a battle initiated by the user,
Resistance +4 to all allies within a two-square
radius of the user.
Dual Yumi C 11 55 5 2 Inf. 4,000 2 Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles
weapon triangle effects. Sells for 1,250 gold.
Illusory Yumi C 8 65 0 2 Inf. 2,700 2 Avoid -10, Resistance +10 while equipped.
Sells for 900 gold.
Sidelong Yumi C 3 65 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 -10 avoid when equipped. +5 to enemy's
ability to double attack.
Surefire Yumi B 10 120 0 2 Inf. 4,300 2 Avoid -30, Defense -4 and Resistance -2 while
equipped. Sells for 1,400 gold.
Spy's Yumi A 5 55 0 3 Inf. 8,000 2 Avoid -20 when equipped. Sells for 2,000 gold
Skadi (yumi) S 15 95 -10 1-4 Inf. – 2 +20 critical evade when equipped.
Note: All shuriken increase its wielder's Speed by +2 when equipped; no shuriken has an effect that
conflicts with this boost.
Basic Daggers
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Bronze E 2 100 0 1-2 Inf. 500 2 Inflicts -1 strength, -1 speed, -2 defense, -2
resistance debuff on the target on contact.
Iron Dagger D 4 90 0 1-2 Inf. 1,000 2 Inflicts -2 magic, -3 defense, -3 resistance
debuff on the target on contact.
Steel Dagger C 7 85 0 1-2 Inf. 2,000 2 -5 avoid and -3 double attack ability when
equipped. Inflicts -3 strength, -4 defense, -4
resistance debuff on the target on contact. Sells
for 750 gold.
Basic Shuriken
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Brass E 2 95 0 1-2 Inf. 500 2 Enemy's Skill and Speed -1 each, Defense and
Resistance -2 each upon a successful strike.
Iron Shuriken D 4 85 0 1-2 Inf. 1,000 2 Enemy's Magic -2, Defense and Resistance -3
each upon a successful strike.
Steel Shuriken C 7 80 0 1-2 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, Ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Enemy's Strength -3, Defense and
Resistance -4 each upon a successful strike.
Sells for 750 gold.
Other Daggers
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Raider Knife E 3 85 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 Tears the enemy's clothes upon successful
strike when user has weapon triangle
advantage. Ability to double attack +3
Enemy's Luck, Defense, and Resistance -2
each upon a successful strike.
Fruit Knife D 4 85 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 Can be used as an item to restore 10 HP.
Enemy's Skill -2, Defense and Resistance -3
each upon a successful strike. Sells for 700
Hunter's Knife D 7 95 0 1-2 Inf. 2,500 2 Deals effective damage to beast units. Inflicts
-2 luck, -3 defense, -3 resistance debuff on the
target on contact. Sells for 850 gold.
Votive Candle D 5 70 0 1-2 Inf. 1,500 2 Grants Miracle when equipped. Reduces the
target's Strength and Magic by 1 each, Defense
and Resistance by 3 each, upon a successful
Sacrificial C 11 110 0 1-2 Inf. 3,000 2 After the attack, inflicts (30% of user's
maximum HP) damage on its user. Inflicts -8
Knife luck, -5 defense, -5 resistance debuff on the
target on contact.
Other Shuriken
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Hair Pin D 5 80 0 1-2 Inf. 1,000 2 Enemy's Strength -2, Defense and Resistance
-3 each upon a successful strike.
Sting Shuriken D 7 90 0 1-2 Inf. 2,500 2 Deals effective damage against armored units.
Enemy's Skill, Defense and Resistance -3 upon
a successful strike. Sells for 850 gold.
Barb Shuriken C 4 80 25 1-2 Inf. 3,000 2 Avoid -10. Critical hits deal ×4 damage
Enemy's Luck, Defense and Resistance -4
upon a successful strike.
Sells for 1,000 gold.
Dual Shuriken C 6 70 5 1-2 Inf. 4,000 2 Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles
weapon triangle effects. Enemy's Strength and
Magic -2 each, Defense and Resistance -4 each
upon a successful strike. Sells for 1,250 gold.
Flame C 9 75 0 1-2 Inf. 3,300 2 Avoid -20. Magic weapon. Cannot deal a
critical hit or trigger sword abilities. Sells for
Shuriken 1,100 gold. Reduces the target's Magic,
Defense, and Resistance by 4 each upon a
successful strike.
Regalia Daggers/Shuriken
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Chakram S 11 95 10 1-2 Inf. – 2 -5 defense, -5 resistance, -10 avoid when
equipped. +5 effective speed when the user
initiates an attack. -5 effective speed when an
enemy initiates an attack on the user.
Inflicts -6 strength, -6 magic, -6 defense, -6
resistance debuff on the target on contact.
Note: Every naginata increases its wielder's defense and resistance stats by 1 point when equipped,
unless the specific naginata has a conflicting effect.
Basic Lances
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Bronze Lance E 5 90 0 1 Inf. 500 2 –
Steel Lance C 10 75 0 1 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, Ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold
Basic Naginata
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Brass E 4 90 0 1 Inf. 500 2 –
Iron Naginata D 6 80 0 1 Inf. 1,000 2 –
Steel Naginata C 9 75 0 1 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, Ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold
Other Lances
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Beast Killer D 9 70 0 1 Inf. 2,500 2 Deals effective damage to beast units. Sells for
850 gold.
Javelin D 6 75 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 Enemy's ability to double attack +5. Sells for
650 gold.
Killer Lance C 7 75 25 1 Inf. 3,000 2 Avoid -10 when equipped. Critical hits deal ×4
damage. Sells for 1,000 gold.
Pine Branch D 11 55 10 1 Inf. 3,400 2 Avoid -10, Ability to double attack -3 when
Bolt Naginata C 11 70 0 1-2 Inf. 3,300 2 Avoid -20. Deals magical damage, fuelled by
the wielder's magic and targeting the enemy's
resistance. Cannot deal a critical hit or trigger
offensive trigger abilities. Sells for 1,100 gold.
Dual Naginata C 8 65 5 1 Inf. 4,000 2 Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles
weapon triangle effects. Sells for 1,250 gold.
Regalia Lances/Naginata
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Luna B 14 80 5 1 Inf. – 2 Grants Luna when equipped.
Healing Staves
Name Rank Base HP Range Uses Worth WEx Ex Other
Heal E 10 1 20 500 2 25
Mend D 20 1 15 1,000 2 30
Physic C 7 1-7 5 3,000 2 35 Sells for 1,000 gold.
Healing Rods
Name Rank Base HP Range Uses Worth WEx Ex Other
Bloom Festal E 7 1-2 20 500 2 25
Sun Festal D 14 1-2 15 1,000 2 30
Wane Festal C 2 1-10 5 3,000 2 35
Moon Festal B 25 1-2 5 3,000 2 40 Sells for 1,000 gold.
Great Festal A 2 1-10 2 5,000 2 70 Restores HP to all targets in range. Sells for
2,000 gold.
Offensive Staves/Rods
Name Rank Hit Range Uses Worth WEx Ex Other
Freeze D 80 1-7 4 1,800 2 35 Target's Mov reduced to 0 and -20
Avoid until next turn. Sells for 700
Regalia Staves/Rods
Name Rank Base HP Range Uses Worth WEx Ex Other
Goddess A – 1-7 1 – 2 100 Fully restores HP to all allies in range.
Bifröst S – 1 1 – 2 130 Resurrects the most recent ally to have died
on the current map.
NOTE: Stones cannot be forged. Their stat boosts and raw stats should make up for their decreased
utility when compared to other weapons.
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Beaststone E 6 80 0 1 Inf. 2,000 2 +3 Strength, +5 Skill, +5 Speed, +4 Luck, +1
Defense when equipped.
Note: Manakete playing as the Manakete class, as more true versions of their race, can better use
Dragonstones. They use a different profile of the stone from the other classes, such as Nohr Noble. This
means that the same stone can have different effects in the hands of a different unit.
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Dragonstone E 14 85 0 1 Inf. 2,000 2 -3 skill, -2 speed, +4 defense, +3 resistance,
-10 avoid, +10 dodge when equipped.
Basic Swords
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Bronze Sword E 4 100 0 1 Inf. 500 2
Iron Sword D 6 90 0 1 Inf. 1,000 2
Steel Sword C 9 85 0 1 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, Ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold
Basic Katana
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Brass Katana E 4 100 0 1 Inf. 500 2
Iron Katana D 6 90 0 1 Inf. 1,000 2
Steel Katana C 9 85 0 1 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, Ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold
Other Swords
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Rapier E 5 90 10 1 Inf. 1,600 2 Effective against beast and armored units.
Lords and Lodestars only.
Killing Edge C 6 85 25 1 Inf. 3,000 2 Avoid -10. Critical hits deal ×4 damage. Sells
for 1,000 gold
Levin Sword C 11 80 0 1-2 Inf. 3,300 2 -20 avoid when equipped. Works as magical
damage. Sells for 1,100 gold.
Noble Rapier C 8 85 10 1 Inf. 4,200 2 Effective against beast and armored units.
Lords and Lodestars only.
Brave Sword A 6 75 0 1 Inf. 8,000 2 It allows two consecutive hits per attack. Sells
for 2000 gold.
Other Katana
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Raider Katana E 5 85 0 1 Inf. 1,500 2 Tears the enemy's clothes upon successful
strike when user has weapon triangle
advantage. Ability to double attack +3
Kodachi D 5 85 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 +5 to enemy's ability to double attack. Sells for
650 gold.
Axe Splitter D 7 75 0 1 Inf. 3,400 2 Drops user's Avoid by 10. Deals effective
damage to axe and club-wielding units. Sells
for 1150 instead of 1700.
Dual Katana C 8 75 5 1 Inf. 4,000 2 Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles
weapon triangle effects. Sells for 1,250 gold.
Wakizashi B 10 75 0 1-2 Inf. 4,500 2 +5 to enemy's ability to double attack. Sells for
1,500 gold.
Venge Katana A 9 90 0 1 Inf. 8,000 2 Avoid -20. Might doubles when enemy
initiates battle. Sells for 2,000 gold.
Regalia Swords/Katana
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Sol B 12 85 5 1 Inf. – 2 Grants Sol when equipped.
Siegfried A 11 80 5 1-2 Inf. – 2 +10 dodge when equipped. +4 defense when
Tiger Spirit C 8 70 0 1-2 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5. Ability to double attack -3. Speed +1
while equipped. Sells for 750 gold.
Dragon Spirit A 11 85 10 1-2 Inf. 8,000 2 Deals effective damage against dragon units.
Skill and Defense +1 each while equipped.
Sells for 2,000 gold.
Snake Spirit A 5 60 0 1-2 Inf. 8,000 2 Brave weapon. +1 speed and +1 resistance
when equipped. Sells for 2,000 gold.
Sheep Spirit D 5 70 0 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 Defense, and Resistance +1 each while
equipped. Can be used as an item to restore 10
HP. Sells for 700 gold.
Monkey Spirit D 4 80 0 1-2 Inf. 1,200 2 Skill and Speed +1 each, Luck -4, and
Resistance +2 while equipped.
Bird Spirit C 5 75 0 1-2 Inf. 1,900 2 +1 speed, +1 luck, -4 defense, +15 avoid +15
when equipped.
Other Tomes
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Disrobing E 4 75 0 1-2 Inf. 1,500 2 Tears the enemy's clothes upon successful
strike when user has weapon triangle
Gale advantage. Ability to double attack +3
Wilderwind D 2 70 35 1-2 Inf. 1,800 2 Deals effective damage to flying units. Sells
for 600 gold.
Fimbulvetr C 8 75 0 1-2 Inf. 2,000 2 Avoid -5, ability to double attack -3 when
equipped. Sells for 750 gold.
Killing Bolt C 5 75 25 1-2 Inf. 3,000 2 Avoid -10 when equipped. Crits deal x4
damage. Sells for 1,000 gold.
Lightning C 1 75 0 1-2 Inf. 3,400 2 Brave weapon. Sells for 1,150 gold.
Celica's Gale B 4 80 5 1-2 Inf. 8,000 2 Brave weapon. Deals effective damage to
flying units. Sells for 430 gold.
Superior Jolt B 14 60 15 1-2 Inf. 4,000 2 Grants Tomebreaker when equipped. Sells for
580 gold.
Ginnungagap A 15 65 0 1-2 Inf. 8,000 2 After the attack, user's magic is halved until
the end of their next attack.
Other Scrolls
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Malevolent D 10 50 10 1-2 Inf. 1,500 2 Avoid -10, ability to double-attack -3, skill +1
while equipped.
Calamity Gate C 7 70 5 1-2 Inf. 4,000 2 Reverses the weapon triangle and doubles
weapon triangle effects. +1 speed and defense
when equipped. Sells for 1,250 gold.
Regalia Tomes/Scrolls
Name Rank Mt. Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEx Other
Ink Painting B 9 90 0 1-2 Inf. – 2 Avoid -20. Might doubled when enemy
initiates battle. Skill and Luck +1 each while
(scroll) equipped. After battle, Magic and Skill -2
each, recover by 1 each turn.
Mire C 10 65 0 3-10 Inf. 2,000 2 Cannot trigger sword abilities or Dual Strikes.
Cannot double attack. Cannot be forged.
Naga's Tear 40,000 4,000 Increases maximum HP by 5 points and all other stats by 2 points each.
HP Tonic 1 150 +5 maximum HP for the duration of one mission when used.
Luck Tonic 1 150 +4 Luck for the duration of one mission when used.
Magic Tonic 1 150 +2 Magic for the duration of one mission when used.
Resistance Tonic 1 150 +2 Resistance for the duration of one mission when used.
Skill Tonic 1 150 +2 Skill for the duration of one mission when used.
Speed Tonic 1 150 +2 Speed for the duration of one mission when used.
Strength Tonic 1 150 +2 Strength for the duration of one mission when used.
Pure Water 3 600 Increases Resistance by 5 on the turn used. Decreases this boost by 1 for each turn
Rainbow Tonic 1 – +2 strength, +2 magic, +2 skill, +2 speed, +4 luck, +2 defense, +2 resistance for the
duration of one mission when used.
Class-Change items
These items are used to change a unit's class. See the Class Change section earlier in this book for more
information about what each does. Each is one-use only.
Name Worth Effects and notes
Master Seal 2,000 Initiates class change for every basic class capable of promotion when at Level 10 or higher.
Second Seal 2,000 Initiates reclassing for the unit using it, dependent on their current level and class-tier status.
Heart Seal 2,000 Initiates reclassing for the unit using it. Sells for 500 gold.
Friendship Seal 2,000 Allows the unit to reclass into a class tree based on their buddy's base class tree. Sells for 500 gold.
Partner Seal 2,000 Allows the unit to reclass into a class tree based on their spouse's base class tree. Sells for 500 gold.
Dread Scroll – Initiates reclass for the user (if level 10 base or in an advanced class), promoting them to Dread
Hero's Brand – Initiates reclass for the user (if Level 10 base or in an advanced class), promoting them to Lodestar.
Sighting Lens – Initiates reclass for the user (if Level 10 base or in an advanced class), promoting them to Ballistician.
Vanguard Brand – Initiates reclass for the user (if Level 10 base or in an advanced class), promoting them to Vanguard.
Witch's Mark – Initiates reclass for the user (if Level 10 base or in an advanced class), promoting them to Witch.
All keys are one-use only.
Name Worth Effects and notes
Door Key 300 Used to open a single door.
Accessory items
These items provide various benefits. In most games, all an item has to do to provide this benefit is be
in the holder's inventory.
Name Worth Effects and notes
Silver Card – Drops shop prices by half
Battle Seal – Increases user's Strength, Magic, Skill, and Speed by 2 points each while in user's possession.
Visitation Seal – Increases user's Luck, Defense, and Resistance by 2 points each while in user's possession.
Master Emblem – Increases all of the user's stats by 1 point each while in user's possession.
Miscellaneous Items
All of the following items in this table are one-use only.
Name Worth Effects and notes
Gold Bar 0 Sells for 300 gold. Can also be spent to trigger the Spendthrift skill.
Arms Scroll 5,000 Raises the weapon level of all visible weapon types by one rank each. Sells for 1,000 gold.
Reeking Box 500 Summons Risen onto the player's location. Sells for 125 gold.
Rift Door 1,000 Summons a merchant onto the player's location. Sells for 250 gold.
Seed of Trust 1,000 Can only be used when in Guard Stance and both units of the pair are capable of supporting. Slightly
boosts support between the user and their partner (by +9 points).
Forging Weapons
Units make take one of their existing weapons to an armory in order to forge it into something more
powerful and custom to their needs. When beginning a forge, the player is given a pool of 8 points and
chooses which stats they wish to allocate these points to. Each weapon stat increases by a certain
amount per point added and only a maximum of five points may be spent on a single stat. The more
points are allocated, the more expensive the forge will be. The player is not forced to spend all eight
points and is allowed to spend fewer than eight. Regalia weapons cannot be forged by any means; they
are already at the maximum limit of their power.
For example, an Iron Sword is worth 1,000 G. Forging it to have +2 Might, +15 Hit and +3 Critical
would cost ([1.5 + 3.0 + 0.5] x 1,000) = 5,000 G.
Children Characters
Occasionally, two heroes may hit S-Rank support and have a child. Instead of just generating a whole
new, character sheet unrelated to the child's parents, you may wish to have it “inherit” some traits from
his or her parents.
Base Stats
A child character's base stats are determined by their parents' base stats. It doesn't matter in the long
run, but can provide a decent boost at the start. The child character starts at level 10.
Growth Rates
A child character's personal growth rates are an average of three numbers: their own “absolute”
personal rates, the mother's rates, and the father's growth rates.
This does not include any racial/species growth rates. As when making a character, choose what parent
the child takes after the most, and use that race's template. Allowing a character to be multiple races
opens up too many holes for racially-locked-class shenanigans.
Inherited Abilities
In Awakening and Fates, children will inherit the most recently activated non-personal abilities known
by each parent, regardless of whether or not the child can access the class that learns the inherited skill.
This means that the child will inherit two total skills from his or her parents. Due to the organization of
such abilities in this game's character sheet, each player character may choose one of their non-personal
abilities to pass down. Allied units being controlled by the party may either pass down a skill chosen by
the GM, one chosen at random, one chosen by the player party, or the last skill learned by that unit. It is
up to the people involved to determine what occurs.
Reclassing Options
A child unit will inherit all the reclassing (Second Seal) options available to their parents' current
classes. If one or both parents are promoted, use the base version of their current promoted class. If
there exist multiple options, use the class that the parent took part in. For example, a Thief-turned-
Assassin would pass down a Thief's options, and not that of a Myrmidon.
Heart Seal Options
In general, children inherit the starting class option from each parent for a total of three class options
including their own.
If the child’s starting class option is the same as their parent’s starting class option or the child would
inherit the same class from both parents, the child will inherit their parent’s Heart Seal class option
If the child’s default class option is the same as their parent’s second class option, they will gain a
parallel class corresponding to their parent’s first class option instead. If the class does not have a
parallel class, use GM discretion.
Serenes Forest
for raw data, such as experience, supports, and growth rates