Medical Terminology - Exam2

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Some key terms introduced are related to medical conditions, treatments, and documentation of patient care.

Terms introduced include diet, diabetes, dialysis, documenting, and drug interaction. Medical documentation is an important part of patient care.

Important steps in the hiring process include preparing a resume and reference list, completing a job application, interviewing for the position, and undergoing an orientation and probationary period once hired.

Medical terminology, part,2

1. Diet: the food and beverages a person consumes.

2. Diarrhea the frequent passage of loose, watery feces

3. Diuretics: drugs or medications that are used to decrease fluid overload and
increase urine secretion

4. Diabetes: a disorder characterized by the body’s inability to process glucose

(sugar) in the bloodstream.

5. Dialysis a treatment that replaces the function of the kidneys by removing

waste products and excess fluid from the body

6. Documenting the process of charting all the care provided to the client during his
7. Do-not- an order to withhold cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the
resuscitate event of cardiopulmonary arrest.
(DNR) order:

8. Drug is a substance that is prescribed by the doctors to prevent disease,
or treat different conditions or relive symptoms

9. Drug abuse is the extreme intake of drugs

10. Drug allergy: is the body`s reaction to a certain medication

11. Drug interaction an interaction that might be harmful or beneficial when 2

medications are taken at the same time

12. Dysphagia unable to swallow food or fluid

13. Dyspnea difficult breathing

14. Dysrhythmia irregular rhythm

15. Dysuria painful or difficulties that associated with urination

16. Edema too much fluid in the body

17. Enema the introduction of fluid into the bowel through the anus to remove
feces from the bowel

18. Elective surgery is a surgical intervention that done to treat a condition that is not a

E 19. Epidural
life-threatening condition

an injection or administration of anaesthesia into the epidural or

intrathecal (subarachnoid) space

20. Embolus A blood clot

21. Ethics moral principles or standards that we use to decide the correct
action to take ethics committee
22. Ethics A group of people representing many different areas of knowledge
Committee of ethical principles that is brought together to help resolve ethical
23. Expressive The inability to use language to express oneself, verbally or in
Aphasia writing (or both)

24. Fear is feeling of apprehension as result of perceived danger, or pain)

25. Febrile high body temperature, fever

26. Fever a temperature that is higher than the normal range

27. Feces solid body waste

28. Fecal impaction a serious form of constipation that occurs when constipation is not
relieved and feces build up in the bowel until the bowel is almost
completely blocked

29. Fecal loss of voluntary control fecal and gaseous discharges through the
incontinence anal sphincter the bowel until the bowel is almost completely

F 30. Fiber a substance found in foods that helps the digestive tract function
properly and lowers the risk for conditions such as heart disease
and diabetes

31. Food diary a record that is used to track all food and fluids a client consumes
during a specified period

32. Fixation Immobilization of a body part

33. Flow sheet a chart that is used to document data such as vital signs, fluid
balance, or routine medications; often charted in graph form

34. Flatulence presence of excessive amounts of gas in the stomach or intestines

35. Foley catheter a sterile tube that is inserted into your bladder to drain urine

36. Fowler’s position a position where the head of the bed is raised 45 degrees

37. Friction rubbing of two surfaces against each other

38. Gait the way patient/ client walks

G 39. Gastrostomy

40. Gastrostomy
is an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach

a tube that placed directly into the stomach to administer food and

41. Glucose the body’s most basic source of energy

42. Grief intense sadness that occurs as a result of loss

43. General is administration of drugs that induced loss of all sensation and
anesthesia consciousness

44. Hallucination seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling or feeling something that does
not exist
45. Harassment ongoing behavior that causes significant distress to another person
46. Health Care a group of people with specialized knowledge and skills who work
Team together to provide personalized quality care that meets the
person’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs

47. Heart Failure inability of the heart to pump the oxygen and nutrients needed to
the tissues it occurs because of different medical problems such as
myocardial infarction, and chronic overwork of the heart

48. Health supporting individual to maintain healthy life style


H 49. Health

50. Health
is being physically, mentally and socially well-being and not only
the absence of disease (WHO)

is managing the health care information by using computers, and


51. Hemiparesis weakness on one side

52. Hemiplegia paralysis on one side

53. Hematocrit Is a blood test that is done to assess the proportion of red blood
(HCT): cells (erythrocytes) to the total blood volume

54. Hemorrhage excessive loss of blood

55. Hematoma a contusion that happened because of the body exposure to injury

56. Hemoglobin is a blood test that assess the level of the hemoglobin in the body
57. Hemoglobin A1C is a blood test that is done to measure the blood glucose attached
(HbA1C) to the hemoglobin

58. Hemoptysis coughing up of blood or the presence of blood in the sputum

59. Hemostasis a process that happened to stop the bleeding

60. Hemorrhoids swollen veins in the rectum

61. Herbal medicine using herbs to treat illness

62. Homebound adjective used to describe a person who is unable to leave his or
her home without assietent
63. High Fowler’s a variation of Fowler’s position where the head of the bed is raised
position 90 degrees

64. Hospice a model of care that focuses on providing supportive care to

people who are dying, and on supporting their families, during the
end-of-life period
65. Home is the health care services that is provided in the home setting to
Healthcare clients after an acute illness or injury or those with chronic
problems or disabilities.

Medical terminology, part,3

66. Home Health Nursing services that provided at home by nurses to maintain,
Care restore, or promote their physical, psychological, and social
well- being

67. Humidifier is a machine that adds water vapor to inspired air

68. Hygiene cleaning the whole body or part of the body when needed

69. Hypotension low blood pressure; less than 100 mmHg systolic in an

H 70. Hypothermia

body temperature below the normal range

71. Hypovolemia decrease in the blood volume in the blood

72. Hypoglycemia low blood-glucose levels

73. Hypoxia Low oxygen saturation in the body

74. Hypoxemia low saturation of oxygen in the arterial blood

75. Illness a state of feeling unhealthy, sick or ill

76. Incentive spirometer Is a machine that is used to measure the air flow inhaled
through a mouthpiece

77. Incontinence the inability to control the release of urine or feces

78. Indwelling Urinary a small tube inserted through the urethra into the bladder
Catheter that is left in place to drain urine from the bladder on a
continuous basis

79. Infection a disease caused by the growth of pathogens in the body

80. Infiltration it occurs when the IV cannula inserted in the tissue not the
vein manifested by local swelling, coolness, pallor, and
discomfort at the IV site

81. Influenza a highly contagious viral infection that affects the

respiratory tract

82. In-service training additional training offered by an employer to employees,

designed to teach new skills and knowledge or keep
existing skills and knowledge current
83. Inhalation intake of air, inspiration, or breathing in

84. Insomnia trouble to fall asleep or stay asleep inability to fall asleep or
remain asleep

85. Inspection using the vision or eyes to assess or observe the patient

86. Insulin a hormone that causes glucose to be moved from the

bloodstream into the cells

87. Intradermal under the epidermis (into the dermis)

I 88. Intradermal (ID)

89. Intramuscular (IM)
giving a medication into the dermal layer ofthe skin

giving a medication into the muscle

90. Intraspinal (intrathecal) giving a medication into the spinal canal

91. Intravenous (IV) within a vein

92. Irrigation a flushing or washing out by using a special solution

93. Ischemia not getting enough blood supply

94. Jaundice yellowish discoloration of the skin

95. Kidney (Renal) Failure the inability of the kidneys to filter waste products
96. Lateral (Side-lying) positioning the patient on one side of the body
97. Laxatives medications that is giving to the patient who are constipated
to help with fecal elimination

L 98. Long-term Care Setting is a facility that provide ongoing care for patients who are
disabled or not able to perform their daily activities due to
medical condition

99. Long-term Memory memory of the past

100. Loss losing something or someone
101. Low Fowler’s A variation of Fowler’s position where the head of the bed
Position is raised 30 degrees

102. Malnutrition failure to take in enough of the right kinds of nutrients to

stay healthy

103. Medication Is a drug or treatment that is administered for the diagnosis,

cure, treatment, or relief of a symptom or for prevention of

104. Menopause end of menstrual cycle

105. Multicultural different cultures or people from different ethnics group

106. Mobility ability to move without any limitations

107. Mild Pain pain in the 0-3 range on pain scale

108. Moderate pain pain in the 4 to 6 range on a pain scale

109. Menstruation the monthly vaginal bleeding occurring nonpregnant

M 110. Midstream Urine

women from puberty to menopause

urine specimens for urine culture; also called midstream

urine specimen

111. Mild Cognitive problems with memory, language or thinking processes that
Impairment are noticeable to other people, but do not interfere with the
person’s ability to live a normal life

112. Modified side-lying when the patient positioned on his or her side and leaning
position slightly toward the back to avoid pressure on the back

113. Mucous sticky, moist membranes that line the respiratory,

membranes: genitourinary and digestive tracts

114. Nasoenteric inserted through one of the nostrils, down the nasopharynx,
(Nasointestinal) Tube and into the alimentary tract. (Nasoenteric tube starts in the
nose and ends in the intestines)

115. Nasogastric tube a tube inserted by way of the nasopharynx or the

oropharynx; it is placed into the stomach to feed the patient

N 116. Nausea
or remove the gastric secretion

uneasy strange feeling in the stomach often

accompanied by the need to vomit

117. Nocturia urination two or more times at night

118. Normocephaly normal head circumference at birth; usually 35 cm

(14 in.)

119. NPO stands for nil per os, or “nothing by mouth” in

120. Nutrition the process of taking in and using nutrients

121. Nutrients substances that the body needs to grow, maintain

itself and stay healthy

122. Nephrostomy: opening that is done to drain the urine from a kidney
to a stoma or an opening in the abdominal wall

123. Oliguria small amounts of urine

124. Oral a method that can be used to administer the drugs
125. Ophthalmic medication administration in the eyes or
medications for the eye
126. Orthopnea ability to breathe in sitting or standing position
127. Orthopneic position a position that can be done to relieve respiratory

difficulty in which the client sits in bed or on the
side of the bed, leaning over a table or pillows

128. Objective Data signs that can be seen, heard, felt, or smelled during
the physical assessment

129. Orthostatic decrease in blood pressure as results of positional

Hypotension or postural changes from lying to sitting or standing

Medical terminology, part,4

130. Ostomy an opening on the abdominal wall

that done after a major surgery to eliminate feces or urine
131. Otic irrigations of the external auditory canal

132. Otoscope an instrument that can be used to view the ears

133. Oxygen the percentage oxygen saturation in the blood

Saturation (Spo2)

134. Overhydration occurs when there is excessive amount of water intake that
results in excess amount of electrolytes, resulting in low
serum osmolality and low serum sodium levels
135. Overweight a BMI of 25 to 29.9 kg/m2

136. Overnutrition increase calories intake

137. Pain an unpleasant sensation that signals actual or potential

damage to the body
138. Pain Threshold the point at which the person becomes aware of
experiencing pain
139. Pain Tolerance the highest level of pain that a person is willing to
experience before taking action to relieve it
140. Pallor pale skin

141. Paralysis the loss of movement and sensation

142. Paranoia excessive suspicion without cause

143. Paraplegia paralysis that affects both legs and the lower trunk

144. Passive ROM is different exercises that done by the nurse or

Exercises physiotherapist to move the joints through their complete
range of movement, and stretch the muscles to avoid
muscle and joint stiffness
145. Perineal care cleansing of the area between the legs, including the

genitals and the anus

146. Postmortem Care care that is provided for a person’s body after death

147. Peripheral pulse a pulse located in the upper and lower extremities.

148. Pitting Edema when a body part produces an indentation (pit) that remains
for several seconds for several seconds as results of
abnormal accumulation of body fluid
149. Pressure Ulcer sore that develops when part of a person’s body presses
against a hard surface for a long period of time; also called
a decubitus ulcer
150. Polyuria Passing large amount of urine

151. Postural is a position that help to drain the fluid and secretion from
Drainage the lung
152. Prioritize to list items or tasks in order of importance

153. Procedures steps used in carrying out nursing care

154. Prone Position the person is positioned on his or her stomach

155. Pureed Diet adding water or fluid to the food to make it soft

156. Pulse Oximetry a technique used to measure the oxygen levels in a person’s
157. Quadriplegia paralysis that affects both arms, the trunk and both legs

158. Range of Motion the maximum degree of movement possible for each joint


159. Respiration intake of oxygen and the output of carbon dioxide from the
cells to the atmosphere
160. Rigor Mortis stiffening of the muscles of the body after death

161. Semi-fowler’s when the head of the bed is raised between 15 ° to 45°,
Position typically at a 30° angle of elevation
162. Shearing one surface moves in the opposite way against another
surface that offers resistance, creating a dragging effect
163. Side-lying position the patient on his or her side
(Lateral) Position
164. Supine Position the person is positioned flat on his or her back
165. Stethoscope a piece of equipment that is used to listen to sounds

produced inside the body stoma: a surgically created
opening made in the abdominal wall to allow the
elimination of waste

166. Sphygmomanome a device that is used to measure blood pressure

167. Severe pain pain that is ranged between 7 to 10

168. Signs is the signs that can be seen, heard, felt, or smelled; also
called objective data
169. Shroud a cloth covering placed around the body of a deceased
170. Skin breakdown loss of healthy, intact skin

171. Sitz bath bath in which the client sits in warm water to help soothe
and heal the perineum
172. Sleep apnea breathing pauses during sleep

173. Tachycardia rapid pulse rate; more than 100 beats per minute

174. Tachypnea high respiratory rate or fast respirations (more than 24

respirations per minute)
175. Therapeutic bath a bath that is given to soothe irritated skin or to promote

healing of an area (e.g., the perineum)

176. Therapeutic diet a special diet ordered to help a person regain or maintain
177. Tremor an involuntary shaking of a limb or body part

178. Urination the elimination of urine from the body

179. Urine liquid body waste

180. Urgency the feeling that someone must urinate

181. Urinary the need to urinate more


182. Urinary a temporary or permanent inability to control the flow of

Incontinence (UI) urine from the bladder
183. Urinary Reflux backward flow of urine

184. Urinary the accumulation of urine in the bladder

185. Visual sight

186. Visual acuity how much details the eye can distinguish in an image
187. Visual fields the area that the client can see when he looks straight ahead

V 188. Vital signs measurements that give us basic information about how a
person’s body is functioning including body temperature,
pulse, respiration, blood pressure, pain, and Oxygen
189. Voiding the process of passing urine or emptying the bladder

190. Walker assistive device used to aid person when walking

191. Wheelchair a chair with wheels used when walking is difficult or


192. Weight a body’s relative mass or the quantity of matter contained

by it; the heaviness of a person or thing
193. Whirlpool bath a bath given in a tub that circulates the water, massaging
and improving blood flow to the skin during the bath

Ms. Jennifer Castillon, RN.MAN ( Part 2 Module 5 )

ILEOSTOMY: Is a temporary or permanent opening in the abdominal wall

IMMOBILITY :Is movement restriction, inability to move, not moving

INFECTION : A disease caused by the growth of pathogens in the body.

Intimacy :The need and ability to feel emotional closeness to another person and to have that
closeness returned

Intracellular fluid (ICF) :The fluid within the cells

Jejunostomy : A tube that is placed surgically or by laparoscopy through the abdominal wall into
the jejunum to provide the nutritional needs to the patient

Leukocytes : White blood cells (WBC)

Leukocytosis : When the count of white blood cells is above normal range

Life-sustaining treatments : Treatments that will prolong life, such as cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) or mechanical ventilation

Local anesthesia : Administering medication locally to numb the area and is usually done with
minor surgeries

Loss :Losing something or someone

Lumbar puncture :Is insertion of needle into the subarachnoid space of the spinal canal to take a
sample from the cerebrospinal fluid

Lung scan :Is a radiological test that is done to assess how well gas and blood are traveling
through the lungs

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Is a diagnostic procedure in which the patient is a placed in
a high magnetic field

Major surgery: : A big surgery that requires a long term, and involve high degree of risk and loss
of blood

Minor surgery: Small surgery that involves little risk, and limited number of complications

Malignant : A medical condition that involves abnormal cells growth Cancer

Metastasize : The spreading of cancerous cells to other parts of the body

Microbe (microorganism) : A tiny living thing that can be seen only through the magnification of
a microscope

Multidisciplinary care plan : Is a plan of care that is designed by a team of health care providers

Multiple sclerosis (MS): A chronic neurologic disorder that gradually destroys the protective
coating on the nerves in the brain and spinal cord

Nebuliser: Small machine that turn a liquid medication into a fine mist that is inhaled

Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): A prescribed medication that treat
inflammation, and pain

Nursing informatics:Using computer information systems in nursing care.

Nursing intervention: Any action or care provided by nurses to achieve client goals

Nursing team: Staff members with special degrees, training and skills in the delivery of nursing
care and the nursing team consists of nurse, nurse assistant, head nurse, and charge nurse

Occult blood :Hidden blood

Osteoporosis: A disease in which loss of bone tissue causes the bones to become very fragile and
prone to breaking

Packing: Filling an open wound or cavity with a material such as gauze

Parkinson’s disease: A neurologic disorder characterized by muscle tremors and difficulty with
movement as a result of insufficient amounts of dopamine

Pathogen: A microorganism that causes disease.

Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA): Is a method that is used to control the pain and used by the
patient to relive the pain

Perioperative period: Is the three phases of surgery which includes the preoperative,
intraoperative, and postoperative phase

Postoperative phase: Is the period that starts when a patient finished the surgery and ends when
he is fully recovered

Pharmacy:Is a place in the hospital that is responsible for preparing and dispensing the
prescribed drugs

Phlebotomist:One of the health care professionals is trained to collect the blood specimen.

Pneumonia : Inflammation of the lungs

Pneumothorax: Presence of air in the pleural space

Podiatrist : Health care provider who specializes in care of the feet

Pre-placement health evaluation: Health screening tests done after a job offer is made to ensure
that a new employee is physically and emotionally capable of meeting the job requirements, and
to identify any accommodations that may need to be made so that the employee can perform
the job competently and safely

PRN : Order “as needed order"

Probationary period:A period of time during which the employer closely evaluates the job

Radiation: The use of high-energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells

Red blood Cell (RBC) Count:Number of red blood cells per cubic millimetre of whole blood

Regression: A return to a previous stage of development

Resident: A person who receives care in a long-term care setting restorative care (rehabilitation
nursing): nursing care that helps people maintain abilities that they still have and helps regain, to
the greatest extent possible, abilities that they have lost

Separation Anxiety: Anxiety that is experienced when the child is away from his or her parents or
other primary caregivers

Side effect: The unintended effect of drugs that are predictable and might be harmful

Sharp’s container: A sturdy, puncture- proof plastic box with a tight-fitting lid used for the
disposal of sharp objects such as needles or razors

Short-term memory:Memory of recent events

Spinal anesthesia: Injecting an anesthetic agent into the subarachnoid space surrounding the
spinal cord

Standing order:A medication order that may be carried out for a specified number of days

Stat order:A medication order that is to be carried out immediately and only once

Subcutaneous: Under the layers of the skin

Sublingual : Placed under the tongue

Sub-acute care setting: A special unit of a hospital or nursing home or a separate facility that
specializes in providing care to patients who are well enough to leave the hospital but still require
treatments that can only be provided by health care

Suicide :The act of deliberately taking one’s own life

Suctioning: Removing of secretions through a catheter connected to a suction machine or wall
suction outlet

Suppositories: A medication that can be inserted into the rectum, vagina, or urethra

Suture: A procedure that is done to sew body tissues together

Telehealth: Providing health- related services and information via telecommunication

Terminal illness: An illness for which there is no treatment and that is ultimately expected to
lead to the person’s death

Thrombophlebitis : Inflammation of a vein after a formation of a blood clot

Thrombus: Blood clot

Topical anesthesia: Anesthesia that is applied directly to the skin, wound, burn, mucus

Trimesters: The last three months of the pregnancy

Tuberculosis: A bacterial infection of the lungs that is spread through the air from one person to

Tumor: A solid mass of tissue

Ultrasonography: The use of ultrasound to assess the function of organ or tissue

Ureterostomy : Type of urinary diversion that is done as result ureters surgery

Vitiligo: Patches of hypopigmented skin as results of the destruction of melanocytes in the body

White Blood Cell (WBC) Count: Is the level of circulating WBCs per cubic millimeter of whole

Module 6:

Assertive :
Is an Adjective use to describe a person who is able to state his or her feelings and needs in a direct way,
while still respecting the needs & feelings of others.

Cover Letter:
A brief letter to a potential employer explaining why you are interested in the job and the organization,
and summarizing the qualifications and experience you have that makes you an appropriate candidate
for the job

Employee Orientation:
An informational session conducted with new employees within the first few days of employment,
during which the employee is given information about the organization’s policies and procedures and
the benefits employees are entitled to receive .

Harassment : An ongoing behavior that causes significant distress to another person.

In-service Training:
Additional training offered by an employer to employees, designed to teach new skills & knowledge or
keep existing skills & knowledge current.

Job Application:
A form that employers use to collect basic information about a job applicant, such as the person’s
contact information’s, employment history, educational history, additional experience and skills, the
hours the person is available to work, and the names and contact information of references.

Job Interview:A meeting between a job candidate and an employer that allow both parties to find out
more about each other.

Pre-Placement Health Evaluation:

Health screening tests done after a job offer is made to ensure that anew employee is physically &
emotional capable of meeting the job requirements, and to identify any accommodations that may need
to be made so that the employee can perform the job competently and safely.

Prioritize: To list items or tasks in order of importance.

Probationary Period:
A period of time during which the employer closely evaluates the job performance and potential of a
new employee to ensure that the employee is performing the job to expectations.

Reference list:
A document providing the contact information for three to five people who know you well enough in a
professional capacity to speak to a potential employer about your experience and suitability of a job.

Resume: A document summarizing your contact information, education & previous experience.

Schedule: A written plan that lists the time & order of several tasks.

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