Medical Terminology - Exam2
Medical Terminology - Exam2
Medical Terminology - Exam2
3. Diuretics: drugs or medications that are used to decrease fluid overload and
increase urine secretion
6. Documenting the process of charting all the care provided to the client during his
7. Do-not- an order to withhold cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the
resuscitate event of cardiopulmonary arrest.
(DNR) order:
8. Drug is a substance that is prescribed by the doctors to prevent disease,
or treat different conditions or relive symptoms
17. Enema the introduction of fluid into the bowel through the anus to remove
feces from the bowel
18. Elective surgery is a surgical intervention that done to treat a condition that is not a
E 19. Epidural
life-threatening condition
21. Ethics moral principles or standards that we use to decide the correct
action to take ethics committee
22. Ethics A group of people representing many different areas of knowledge
Committee of ethical principles that is brought together to help resolve ethical
23. Expressive The inability to use language to express oneself, verbally or in
Aphasia writing (or both)
28. Fecal impaction a serious form of constipation that occurs when constipation is not
relieved and feces build up in the bowel until the bowel is almost
completely blocked
29. Fecal loss of voluntary control fecal and gaseous discharges through the
incontinence anal sphincter the bowel until the bowel is almost completely
F 30. Fiber a substance found in foods that helps the digestive tract function
properly and lowers the risk for conditions such as heart disease
and diabetes
31. Food diary a record that is used to track all food and fluids a client consumes
during a specified period
33. Flow sheet a chart that is used to document data such as vital signs, fluid
balance, or routine medications; often charted in graph form
35. Foley catheter a sterile tube that is inserted into your bladder to drain urine
36. Fowler’s position a position where the head of the bed is raised 45 degrees
G 39. Gastrostomy
40. Gastrostomy
is an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach
a tube that placed directly into the stomach to administer food and
44. Hallucination seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling or feeling something that does
not exist
45. Harassment ongoing behavior that causes significant distress to another person
46. Health Care a group of people with specialized knowledge and skills who work
Team together to provide personalized quality care that meets the
person’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs
47. Heart Failure inability of the heart to pump the oxygen and nutrients needed to
the tissues it occurs because of different medical problems such as
myocardial infarction, and chronic overwork of the heart
H 49. Health
50. Health
is being physically, mentally and socially well-being and not only
the absence of disease (WHO)
53. Hematocrit Is a blood test that is done to assess the proportion of red blood
(HCT): cells (erythrocytes) to the total blood volume
55. Hematoma a contusion that happened because of the body exposure to injury
56. Hemoglobin is a blood test that assess the level of the hemoglobin in the body
57. Hemoglobin A1C is a blood test that is done to measure the blood glucose attached
(HbA1C) to the hemoglobin
62. Homebound adjective used to describe a person who is unable to leave his or
her home without assietent
63. High Fowler’s a variation of Fowler’s position where the head of the bed is raised
position 90 degrees
66. Home Health Nursing services that provided at home by nurses to maintain,
Care restore, or promote their physical, psychological, and social
well- being
68. Hygiene cleaning the whole body or part of the body when needed
69. Hypotension low blood pressure; less than 100 mmHg systolic in an
H 70. Hypothermia
76. Incentive spirometer Is a machine that is used to measure the air flow inhaled
through a mouthpiece
78. Indwelling Urinary a small tube inserted through the urethra into the bladder
Catheter that is left in place to drain urine from the bladder on a
continuous basis
80. Infiltration it occurs when the IV cannula inserted in the tissue not the
vein manifested by local swelling, coolness, pallor, and
discomfort at the IV site
84. Insomnia trouble to fall asleep or stay asleep inability to fall asleep or
remain asleep
85. Inspection using the vision or eyes to assess or observe the patient
L 98. Long-term Care Setting is a facility that provide ongoing care for patients who are
disabled or not able to perform their daily activities due to
medical condition
111. Mild Cognitive problems with memory, language or thinking processes that
Impairment are noticeable to other people, but do not interfere with the
person’s ability to live a normal life
112. Modified side-lying when the patient positioned on his or her side and leaning
position slightly toward the back to avoid pressure on the back
114. Nasoenteric inserted through one of the nostrils, down the nasopharynx,
(Nasointestinal) Tube and into the alimentary tract. (Nasoenteric tube starts in the
nose and ends in the intestines)
N 116. Nausea
or remove the gastric secretion
122. Nephrostomy: opening that is done to drain the urine from a kidney
to a stoma or an opening in the abdominal wall
difficulty in which the client sits in bed or on the
side of the bed, leaning over a table or pillows
128. Objective Data signs that can be seen, heard, felt, or smelled during
the physical assessment
Saturation (Spo2)
134. Overhydration occurs when there is excessive amount of water intake that
results in excess amount of electrolytes, resulting in low
serum osmolality and low serum sodium levels
135. Overweight a BMI of 25 to 29.9 kg/m2
143. Paraplegia paralysis that affects both legs and the lower trunk
genitals and the anus
146. Postmortem Care care that is provided for a person’s body after death
147. Peripheral pulse a pulse located in the upper and lower extremities.
148. Pitting Edema when a body part produces an indentation (pit) that remains
for several seconds for several seconds as results of
abnormal accumulation of body fluid
149. Pressure Ulcer sore that develops when part of a person’s body presses
against a hard surface for a long period of time; also called
a decubitus ulcer
150. Polyuria Passing large amount of urine
151. Postural is a position that help to drain the fluid and secretion from
Drainage the lung
152. Prioritize to list items or tasks in order of importance
155. Pureed Diet adding water or fluid to the food to make it soft
156. Pulse Oximetry a technique used to measure the oxygen levels in a person’s
157. Quadriplegia paralysis that affects both arms, the trunk and both legs
158. Range of Motion the maximum degree of movement possible for each joint
159. Respiration intake of oxygen and the output of carbon dioxide from the
cells to the atmosphere
160. Rigor Mortis stiffening of the muscles of the body after death
161. Semi-fowler’s when the head of the bed is raised between 15 ° to 45°,
Position typically at a 30° angle of elevation
162. Shearing one surface moves in the opposite way against another
surface that offers resistance, creating a dragging effect
163. Side-lying position the patient on his or her side
(Lateral) Position
164. Supine Position the person is positioned flat on his or her back
165. Stethoscope a piece of equipment that is used to listen to sounds
produced inside the body stoma: a surgically created
opening made in the abdominal wall to allow the
elimination of waste
168. Signs is the signs that can be seen, heard, felt, or smelled; also
called objective data
169. Shroud a cloth covering placed around the body of a deceased
170. Skin breakdown loss of healthy, intact skin
171. Sitz bath bath in which the client sits in warm water to help soothe
and heal the perineum
172. Sleep apnea breathing pauses during sleep
173. Tachycardia rapid pulse rate; more than 100 beats per minute
healing of an area (e.g., the perineum)
176. Therapeutic diet a special diet ordered to help a person regain or maintain
177. Tremor an involuntary shaking of a limb or body part
186. Visual acuity how much details the eye can distinguish in an image
187. Visual fields the area that the client can see when he looks straight ahead
V 188. Vital signs measurements that give us basic information about how a
person’s body is functioning including body temperature,
pulse, respiration, blood pressure, pain, and Oxygen
189. Voiding the process of passing urine or emptying the bladder
Assertive :
Is an Adjective use to describe a person who is able to state his or her feelings and needs in a direct way,
while still respecting the needs & feelings of others.
Cover Letter:
A brief letter to a potential employer explaining why you are interested in the job and the organization,
and summarizing the qualifications and experience you have that makes you an appropriate candidate
for the job
Employee Orientation:
An informational session conducted with new employees within the first few days of employment,
during which the employee is given information about the organization’s policies and procedures and
the benefits employees are entitled to receive .
In-service Training:
Additional training offered by an employer to employees, designed to teach new skills & knowledge or
keep existing skills & knowledge current.
Job Application:
A form that employers use to collect basic information about a job applicant, such as the person’s
contact information’s, employment history, educational history, additional experience and skills, the
hours the person is available to work, and the names and contact information of references.
Job Interview:A meeting between a job candidate and an employer that allow both parties to find out
more about each other.
Probationary Period:
A period of time during which the employer closely evaluates the job performance and potential of a
new employee to ensure that the employee is performing the job to expectations.
Reference list:
A document providing the contact information for three to five people who know you well enough in a
professional capacity to speak to a potential employer about your experience and suitability of a job.
Resume: A document summarizing your contact information, education & previous experience.
Schedule: A written plan that lists the time & order of several tasks.