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CHME 5101, Fall 2021: Homework Assignment 3 (Due 10/13/21, 11:59 PM US Eastern Time) Problem 1

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CHME 5101, Fall 2021: Homework Assignment 3

(Due 10/13/21, 11:59 pm US Eastern Time)

Problem 1
10 kg of R-134a at T1 = 10 °C and quality x1 = 0.3 are
inside a spherical, elastic balloon (see figure). The
balloon is made of a material such that the internal
pressure of air is proportional to the diameter of the R-134a
balloon, i.e., P = kD . Heat is transferred to the balloon m = 10 kg
from a hot temperature source at Tsurr = 100 °C. If in the T1 = 10 °C
final state the R-134a inside the balloon has a pressure of x1 = 0.3
P2 = 600 kPa and a temperature of T2 = 92 °C, determine: P=k D
Q= ?

(a) The total work done by the R-134a

(b) The total heat transferred to the balloon
(c) The change of entropy of the universe due to this Tsurr = 100 °C
process. Is the process possible or impossible? Is the
process reversible or irreversible?

All the thermo properties of R-134a needed to solve this

problem are summarized below:

● R-134a – saturation properties @ T1 = 10 °C and x1 = 0.3:

P = 414.61 kPa, v̂ = 0.01539 m3/kg, û = 264.42 kJ/kg, ĥ = 270.80 kJ/kg, ŝ = 1.25058 kJ/(kg K)

● R-134a – superheated vapor @ P2 = 600 kPa and T2 = 92 °C

v̂ = 0.046635 m3/kg, û = 451.62 kJ/kg, ĥ = 479.60 kJ/kg, ŝ = 1.9275 kJ/(kg K)

Problem 2

A vertical cylinder is fitted with a piston contains 0.9 kg of CO2 at 100 kPa,
occupying an initial volume of V = 0.5 m3. Heat is transferred to the system from
a hot source at TH = 600 K, causing the piston to rise at constant pressure until it
reaches a set of stops (at which point the total volume is equal to V = 0.6 m3).
Additional heat is transferred to the CO2 until its temperature reaches 600 K. You
can assume that at these conditions, CO2 behaves as an ideal gas with constant
specific heats:
Cˆ P = 0.846 kJ (kg K ) ; Cˆ V = 0.657 kJ (kg K ) ;
Rˆ = R M = 0.1889 kJ (kg K ) ; M = 44.01 kg kmol

Determine the entropy generated during this process (i.e., DSuniverse), in kJ/K. Is
the process reversible or irreversible? Does this process violate the second law?

5.32 Un dispositivo cilindro pistón
como el de la figura contiene vapor de
agua. En un momento dado, la válvula
ubicada en el fondo del tanque se abre,
Additional data: permitiendo que salga masa del sistema
• Initial temperature of the COhasta
2: T1 =que
el K
volumen sea la mitad del
• Final pressure of the CO2: Poriginal.
2 = 170 kPa
¿Cuánto calor se deberá retirar
• Expansion work done by thede CO 2: W = -10 kJ
los alrededores para garantizar un proceso isotérmico?
• Total heat transferred to the CO2: Q = +190.9 kJ
5.33 Considere el siguiente esquema
Problem 3
1 A 5 MW B W=?
Consider the following
scheme to produce power 1 MPa 200 kPa
from steam. A heat 350 °C 2 3 4 100 kPa
exchanger preheats the
stream entering the turbine
B, by condensing m ! 5 =1.3
6 5
kg/s of saturated vapor (x5 =
1) at P5 = P6 = 4 MPa, yielding an outlet stream of saturated liquid (x6 = 0). Assume both turbines are
adiabatic and assume streams 2 and 4 are saturated vapor (x2 = x4 = 1) at their respective pressures (P2
= 200 kPa, P4 = 100 kPa). Determine:34
Esto se hace con la finalidad de que no se produzca una presión sub-
atmosférica dentro de la cava que luego haga dificil abrir la puerta. ¿No ha
(a) The mass flow rate m notado como en la nevera de los supermercados, cuando abrimos para sacar
un helado y cerramos la puerta, se hace más dificil re-abrirla?
(b) The enthalpy of stream 3, ĥ3
(c) The power produced by turbine B
(d) The isentropic efficiency of turbine A.
(e) Is this process possible? Justify your answer.

All thermo properties needed to solve this problem are summarized in the tables below.

● Water – saturation properties

P T (
vˆ m 3 kg ) û (kJ kg) ĥ (kJ kg ) ŝ [kJ (kg K )]
(kPa) (°C)
Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap. Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap. Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap. Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap.
100 99.62 0.001043 1.694 417.33 2506.1 417.44 2675.5 1.3025 7.3593
200 120.23 0.001061 0.8857 504.47 2529.5 504.68 2706.6 1.5300 7.1271
4000 250.4 0.001252 0.049778 1082.28 2602.3 1087.29 2801.4 2.7963 6.0700

● Water – superheated vapor

P = 200 kPa
T [°C] (
vˆ m 3 kg ) û (kJ kg) ĥ (kJ kg ) ŝ [kJ (kg K )]
150 0.95964 2576.9 2768.8 7.2795
200 1.08034 2654.4 2870.5 7.5066

P = 1000 kPa
T [°C] (
vˆ m 3 kg ) û (kJ kg) ĥ (kJ kg ) ŝ [kJ (kg K )]
350 0.28247 2875.2 3157.7 7.3010

Problem 4

Consider a steam power plant operating

in a Rankine cycle with reheating, where
both turbines produce a total power
output of W!T 1 + W!T 2 = 100 MW. Steam
enters turbine 1 at P1 = P6 = 5 MPa and
T1 = 500 °C, and after the reheating enters
turbine 2 at P3 = P2 = 0.8 MPa and T3 =
500 °C. The outlet of the condenser is a
saturated liquid at a pressure of P5 = P4 =
10 kPa. The isentropic efficiency is equal
to 85% for turbines 1 and 2, and 90% for
the pump; the turbines and the pump
operate adiabatically. You can assume
the enthalpy of stream 4 is equal to
2642.29 kJ/kg. Determine:

(a) The enthalpies of all the streams.

(b) The thermal efficiency of the whole cycle, if the mass flow of water is equal to m! = 78.37

All the thermo properties of water needed to solve this problem are given in the following tables:

Water – saturation properties

P (kPa) T (°C) (
vˆ m 3 kg) ĥ (kJ kg ) ŝ (kJ kg K )
Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap. Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap. Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap.
10 45.81 0.001010 14.674 191.81 2584.6 0.6492 8.1501

Water – superheated vapor

P = 0.8 MPa
T (°C) ĥ (kJ kg ) ŝ (kJ kg K )
200 2839.2 6.8158
250 2950.0 7.0384

500 3480.6 7.8672

P = 5 MPa
T (°C) ĥ (kJ kg ) ŝ (kJ kg K )
500 3433.8 6.9758

Problem 5

One means of improving the performance of a

refrigeration system that operates over a wide
temperature range is to use a two-stage compressor.
Consider an ideal refrigeration system of this type that
uses R-12 as the working fluid, as shown in the figure.
Saturated liquid (x5 = 0) leaves the condenser at P5 =
P4 = 0.8 MPa and is throttled in a valve to P6 = P3 = P7
= P2 = P9 = 0.4 MPa. The saturated liquid and saturated
vapor at this pressure are separated at the flash chamber
(i.e., x7 = 0; x3 = 1), and the saturated liquid (stream 7)
is further throttled in another valve to the evaporator
pressure, P8 = P1 = 0.14 MPa. Saturated vapor leaving
the evaporator (i.e., x1 = 1) is compressed to a pressure
P2 = 0.4 MPa, after which it is mixed with the saturated
vapor leaving the flash chamber (stream 3). It may be
assumed that both the flash chamber and the mixing
chamber are well insulated to prevent heat transfer
from the ambient. Vapor leaving the mixing chamber
is compressed in the second stage of the compressor to
a pressure of P4 = 0.8 MPa. If we assume a flow rate
m! 6 = 1 kg/s, and if we also assume that both
compressors are isentropic and adiabatic (i.e.,
isentropic efficiency = 100%), determine:

! 3 m! 6
(a) The ratio m
(b) The power consumed by each compressor.

All thermo properties needed to solve this problem are summarized in the tables below.

● R-12 – saturation properties

P [MPa] T [°C] v [m3/kg] h [kJ/kg] s [kJ/(kg K)]
Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap. Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap. Sat. Liq. Sat. Vap.
0.14 -21.876 0.00068318 0.11760 179.93 342.77 0.92387 1.5720
0.4 8.1986 0.00073033 0.043602 207.74 356.40 1.0277 1.5561
0.8 32.806 0.00077994 0.022092 231.87 366.37 1.1377 1.5484

● R-12 – superheated vapor

P = 0.4 MPa P = 0.8 MPa

T [°C] v [m3/kg] h [kJ/kg] s [kJ/(kg K)] T [°C] v [m3/kg] h [kJ/kg] s [kJ/(kg K)]
14 0.044853 360.17 1.5693 41 0.023117 372.28 1.5675
15 0.045066 360.82 1.5716 42 0.023239 372.99 1.5698
16 0.045278 361.47 1.5738

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