Runners World
Runners World
Runners World
,lllllllllll[[[ll[Ull rrfifi'
The Hollywood legend who has run over IOO,OOO miles, page 70
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JUNE 2014
On the
voL22 Cover photography
NO. 06 Guido Vitti
17 ,i.ti ,:,t.
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54 .a:=;ir:g i=li.;
-',:e F:.;!:flgr's $[qhl
L'er wondered what causes
:nat runner's euphoria?
,,Vonder no more
Ho!iyrvo<;* Legenst
lndie icon Bruce Dern's still
clocking the miles at 77
84 5K Ready!
Training plans to suit runners 1-
l "--\
from beginner to advanced t\,
Try an oil-
97 rich diet
RW resident physio Paul
Hobrough shows you how
.. :
', :: ',
We rooted out the best gear
that won't break the bank
ueq] 'xelar 'oseoloU lqbre 1- - - - '
'soun] Aluo-leluoLUnllsur ueq] pre uorloLu pollorluoc lnq prdej 9 - .-:,
acueurrolrad ie]]eq e sr scuAl q]rM u+Yrvuus
^.^ '^n^^ udq+ ruq+uuu+sludLl
,.^A^' ^,^, lri' :::. g
crsnur :sp.roM Jo lar'rod aq1 labro,r 1,uop
puv eceo rno^ ]rns ]soq ol alnurur qirM roolJ eql llo sbal rnoA 1,1r1 pue ,: -
,^i ^'^^^ ,
ruu ^4, '^^ puu o] uloc
'''^, !;ouus
sleuq q+rM 'lleq oql olul srnled rnoA 0u :.-.
'saun]6oI o] og sbulrvr noA sang6 clsn11
'ourds.rno^ spremol dn laneu - rnc
'noA purqaq popuolxa sOal '1 e: - - -
aodura] aql dn ol lleurs e uo sdrq rno^ q]rM 'uMop i: :. : -L
arulJ'oru€s aq+paf€}s
uorlJaxe pe^racradJo
sFurler {Fnoqlp'uotsses
Iryounl eqlralJB lndlno
JAA\Od ACEJ-prU JAI€AJF unr eq] uo -::
PUY -qs rouu+ oiuJ a9r )r:
B perelsrFar uaql sFel
JIaqJ'lueluru€druocc€ qeeq leaH
6a4 eu g
FCISnUlnoqlr \JO
qllrY\ rar{}la'dard ece"r
rsalnuru 0I plp sJelurJds
'ecuBruroFad rnod lsooq
! plnor dn-urre.IY\.rnod lsnf
Fur"rnp rrsnru ol Fuluelsq
ler{} slsaFFns rqcreasor
A\au :oF olde.&\ aql eq
]qFFu osiluoJdruoce olqeltlpord os
1a,,t'rtep ile qUoJ pue sqaelri ! !-r E
>lrBqll uec 'oures eq] seM peol)roM.roql qbnoq]
-= .
- 6ururer] Alrsuolur-Mol pue -qbtq p: '
.i* sJauunu iuollc€Jlslp -
Jo s)eeM leclluopl rnoJ ptp qctqru dnc.- =
snoJaFu€pJo ueq] arour ]ndlno reMod pue xeu.l .0A, ---
penorduur AoLII )roM Alsualur-Mol AlureL --
I rol€Arloru InJdleq
sleem eerqlAq poMollol')oaM irsuolur-La -
:uru arlluo JIsntrAI AreA euo prp slsrlc^c'rApnls eql ul sl r.:,
rollaq aas llrM 'peolsur 6ututerl rteql esrpo .::
oqM sa+elqle - dn urq slceq Aonrs . : .
e pue 'ssoupeLr Jo uor]ruuep eq] se^i s --
ples ulelsurf Cs]lnsel ]uara]Jlp 6.tt1:;:, '
]nq lono pue ralo sburql eues oul 6" : _
leoq oql
unr rno^ sa^ordu! dn-ureM
e 6u!inp Jlsnu ol Eu!uals!'l
13NVt{dold3d cNnos
ol unu B
rffissIINJ,X.*/ SdO.I{IUV,{lI
'xlru ul+lll:*
'qcnol o] eq1 qbnorql
Abuuds pue uMorq ploi A11ueg ::i1:: r: :' rno/t Jo itcuelstsuo J a *--
/\loDruuJ Po+s/u
ueploO lrlun salnuruJ peddoqc AlqOnor ']oorleoq Pa)ooc
'A11qOtlAren Furlcege pue lno Futi^: - :
9Z-OZ )o+ uo^o aq] 'slnulozell lernleu 609Z.
ur e)je8 suli]nur xrLll pue rnolJ eq] olul ecrnfqJn1u ool pIo-\? - -
peqcuelq 691 . )llLrl lulg6l .
aq] ro^o Alue^e rnod )lrLlr pue re6ns re6ns ,e6ns relsec 639 .
alluudS pextu-l r'^''^^ ^^''^,,,,^AA^
ro++rrLl Po+low ruuo -.,t1eug lou - dlas:u,::
ereroLuac 691 . Pa]loLlr rollnq
llaM pue AlqLunic aq] roqle60] )srqM salddB puE loorlaa:
soqnc olutl olut ]nc Pellesun 097; .
lrlun squrnq] pue 'lMoq 6urxrLlr roqloue
're]]nq po]lesun 60, . s66a e6rel 7 . aql aleJF no-i a*:-:
ul lMoq 6urxru e6rel acrds poxrLlr uoLlleuulc
,::"f,:iT;j tr e olur sacrds pue a{€trN'sugnlu ^ua?:
punorb dst L. Punotb ds11..
's1nu pue tebns "i[:ij;'];:E rnolrt ectds Poxtt-l PunorO asaql arB elq€l€l€d aro-*
bursrer-,r|as bg1 . dsl PedeeLtr Z .
'ra]]nq aq] ppe uaq] Eurddol aql rol ropMod
qcnw'als€l parrnb-- =
rnoll eq] qOnorql /r r:A^ narcra<p-ttpl
6ur)eq dsq] | . uE Jo llq e s€ paqlrrs3:
ocrds pexrLr.r eql rlls e rot co00z) coozz
Alasreoc paleio pue lnol]
'6urddo1 eql a)euj ol ua^o orl] ]eaqord peroc 'soldde 6utsterllas 6917 . aqdlelqod uer a-rl::-
'sesec.raoeo Ll]lM Ape-l
ol sosec uu]nLu aq] r
olur uoods pue eldde lOoJleQq:OPIStL\\i,
pue loorleeq paletO .,"ull,i,1i,l ll sluo!por6ul auo '{url aqt parpr._:
'esauebueur pue
u.tnrsaubeut'uor slelouttu Jelaxg Jo .{1rs;a^rr *--
oArlcoloro-au nur L-u I srojJo
pue lunoc orqrJ eq] oi
aql ol Eutpro: - .
sppe 6urddo] lnulazeH .'Futurc;1 osIJi:-'-.
acueJnpue ruJal-Fu -
Furpnlcut'su€aru ur\otri-;
rar{}o due,,tq pa^erqt:
eq louuec "'lsoc ag al"-
ur uorJcnpal alqe{relu a*
aql,'lceJ uI 'luac rad j-
punoJ€ dq ecuernpu:
lsooq puB /{ruouoJ:
asrcJaxa e^oJdrul dTa-J
,, Ot pUnOJ UOOQ or\EL-
qclqra'sol€rllu Jo Iln:
sr FeA aHt - loorlaaqlc
seIUadoJd Futlsooc.
'e," '.a -Burtuels aql lnoqE
*r€ pJuarl,{1qeqo.rd oajnoA
osuernpuo lsooq
lnoA dn
uo6nxo ^ro^tlop
7 lcot{c ul lo.lalsaloLlc s>.l3eus L.l)lJ-oJel I I u
0eo) olaq qcrqM
'sluail]nuolAq0 'A1se1 oseL.lI
qlrM leop aq]
uolaeMs salddy
TSOd/ Sd fI' Ittr HV,IL4.
g$ f'U Hn //WARM. UP S
* 95*
litome-made .j
{} s
hydration &Pt.
Save on sports drinks
by doing it yourself
Sports drinks are agreat
way to rehydrate and refuel
on the gq but they come with
one big drawback - the price.
Hence why 6O per cent of RW
readers are now thinking of
making their own, according
to our poll. Experiment with
these cheaper alternatives.
Fight fatigue by adding a little
sugar, or if you're averyheavy
sweater, you maydo better
with abit more salt.
With similar proportions of salts and sugars to those found in
Far more diluted than isotonic drinks, these replace fluids more
yout bodily fluids, these fast-absorbed drinks provide a speedy quickly, but lack the carbs needed to fuel your fire over longer
dose of both carbs and fluids, Use for runs of 60 minutes-plus, distances. Use them for easy runs shorter than 60 minutes.
For sore For more For your For better
muscles enelgy T_f .
!a I tummy recovery
Yime savers
Ginger settler
CIitrus twister
-^e simplest Cherry might Naturally isotonic, The simplest Ginger is known to As well as vitamin C,
::ionic drinks holn rodrno tho coconut water has hVpoton ic holn nrroll nar a6^ nrindoa:ro r nnnd
-:. e four parts symptoms of many times more drinks have by promoting source of the B
..:ter to one part exercise-l nduced nniaaeir rm ihrn approxrmately the secretion of vitamins folate and
: l-aSn, Or eqUal muscle oamage, : hrandod ennrtc a 1:9 ratio of digestive juices. 81 - researchers
::'is fresh fruit according to drink - you need qnrLrch tn \A/itor nr at Oregon State
- :e and water. research published f ho^l\/+o f^ fresh fruit juice and Recipe Universiiy say that
in the Brlfish store carbs as fuel water in a 1:3 ratio. 350m1 ginger running low on
R ee ipes Journal of Sports In your muscles. water* + 600m1 these nutrients can
1)-onchof Medicine. Reeipes fresh water + juice rmparr recovery.
-. : - 20Oml R*e ipe 1) A pinch of of two large limes +
Reclpe 600m1 coconut salt + 100m1 a pinch of salt Reaipe
: llm water 450m1 cherry water + 200m1 squash + - Make this by B50mlwater +
2) - pinch of juice + juice of water + 200m1 90Oml water simmering half a juice of an orange
:: i + 500m1 a large lemon + ninornnlo irrino + 2) A pinch of salt clinoel ninnor rnnt + juice of a lemon
.,:i:r - 50Oml 500mlwater + juice of a lime + + 750m1 water + for l5 mins, then + juice of a lime
pinch of salt pinch of salt ?6Omlfroch i lrc leaving it to soak + pinch of salt
l @runnerswor duk
tzo ctuoM s,dlNNnu tLl90 ln oc plroMs.leuun.l
'leeJ ueeur o1 noA ro1 porolte] Allelceds ... ';'i;
scrloqlio postLllolsnc (aAlsuedxe oJoul) r,.nou1 o1 Apuep L o] B O Lro.rJ s)corc uosred
aleur uec Aaqg - s1cel1 rnoA ul paddols | i \
" I \ aberene aq1 6ue,11 uenAuenlrg roqcreosor
Alrelnbar ore noA ]Pq] Inluled os st 6utuun-t \ sles ,'anssr] l1os pue'ooelrtrec'auoq Jo qlMoro
Jr]sulerpod e llnsuoC luauronolduJl Jo aler
I t-. \ \
| .- \ \ \* \ uo sacuenl;Ur leuoLuroq 1ca11ar, Aer-u sllnser
roMols e 1e qbnoqlle 'sLlluoLU oelq] lxeu aq] - aou) oq1 Jo srtr,queoolso dolo^op
\ "-';;;t;)toroL!eroM(reourlxopurueql6utt
]seal ]e ro] ra]]aq 1e6 o1 penutluoc slcolqns \--- =h. "qr.nqnt
Apnls oql 'tool eIlJ leulnol aq] ur paqsrlqnd
k 1 \ \
-- \\-/ ra66rq qcnu,r e) uc roMol e q]!M asoq]'oldood
Apnls e ur 'sqluoL! oalq] utqllM slutolropuol , I h |
pue uelloMs anetler padleq Uesul aoL1s
o":l::i::l';;i :iJ#",H,::'fillJ.'j'J:
ralunoc-elll-rairo elduuts V clloquo ue
Fll ll-n-\
ll l\ I pue-orle.rlrbrprnoAleonolpueraoutl6utr
Ar1 ileuO noA 6utnt61ee,L rnoA ut slutol 'l |-llIl f l:lt I rnoAnqrobuqxeputrnoA,toq]buot oqlapr^r6
laal fdd"n E I 'eoei"iroipaqi
U l-l
U tr
'sluaulnN leurnofoq] w paqsHqnd ltpn$ ..v\eu e ol FulproccB
eFeruep alcsnru peJnpul-aslcrexe alout dn pe4cer rtlpnlce
ruollcury elcsnlll
zo unu€lr^FtlrTnl selelqle lnq lsooqpuB
en8rle;go prely\ dlaq uec t( 6lualcgep-( a;pod;1 'lqFquns
ur soJnpord uuls rno c ururBlr^ oql'(loraJlrlBcaloqc) tC[
pu€ (loraJlclBroFra) ZO pas€q-luBld :sturoJ oral ul seruor
mou)l ol p-oau) luarrlnu or{tr 'rud € qlyy\ dn do1 ol eptcap no,,tJl Ieqel aql
{aaqa lnq - (I .uruell^ aulusuns, uo ltLol uru slFfl rfuew
')iroM Alrsuolur-Mol se lloM se suolssos
Alrsuelur-q6rq rolpue oleropouu leln6el dn
pa>1co1c leql,rr oqce)ceq re1lns oi Ala)ll ]seel
arar',r slcelqns, pnls :s]lnser reuoq 6uuq lllM
dn 6u$dns
1; o1 dn sburql 6urluetc puv uted )ceq roMol
lo ocueqc llereno telee;6 e o] polull sl
]q6loM Apoq leLl6rq e aours 'ln]dloq
sl slqf aseqo ro lqbrerltteno eq1
-d"l## ..
6uor-ue Alletcadso'ured lceq
, :,.
€ .laMol jo )slr JnoA ]nc scleq lno
; ' 6ur1ro,tr 1eq1 Aes sreqcreeseS
+ aqce)ceq lsuteoe lcelord
sdlaq oslcraxe clqolee - o^rnc
dn reutda fI
uietA\eiaI)q o1
1Ia)F o)1}IIIiatr{
r{Fin o-Jrq&fo)F
o)1L1ro pr eA n(r01( orec qllM
o u!ulell^
seturleruos, qceo.rddV
9ZO CIUOM S,U]NNNU In oc plroMSrauunr
llJur paL!Ll]l)s o
r^a^,,,^n ,6urnerc AUeln6or Luoq] ,6uruena
ouP,rruu lv^
eq1 reno 1eb asn I pue our aq] loj un.l e
lmoq lleLUS
o] qcnuJ rol sleb lqOu ueld l']rLllrl n
;ssjlisa,t€ 3
]ee o] peou all] puno] o^,l auolec Au.r 3
rooq JUJrJ raunq pue l,uop I oLli] MON SoUIeIC rano 6urpeaq
'otelocoqs ]seol'learac p rp a rpnhq qceurols LU,l Jr Se SIOOI
']seo+'asaaqS Jo lMoq ooiel e o^eq pue eu eneb 1r ]r Jr pue |.lloc oo
rozeal] aq] 'leossau]rJALl_r !
6'i3*rrs 3Ss*XES,{€ pue loO ]s.rU
ur alelocoLlc Au paul I uo sleaLU Aur I
)llep lnd l, 'uoqle.leul 11e 6o1 ,r,rou 1,
pa6ueqr seq nuaul s.qeles tnoH &€Ep €!$"r& egg $ep V'
sburnerc lnqop AL! ul lea no{
lno rtl 6u;11en;7 reqM lo I
ezaerS lf asllC€I6l gx 4cer1 daay ft
.l.uop lljnls aql pue paau I uolllruu aq$
sd!A ds* c,r{€xsS
' ',^^
low v/\orloq +,uuP ^, 'r
/\ev+ 'euo ro] po)leM
Aneaq sem I uaq] lla] uoq]'salnuruJ aAlJ roJ
I uoqM plo4olg dnorb 1e uer I salrLu o,r,r1 leno lsnf
^,^.,, ,,4^^ vq+ rlueuJ
rbrouuruo9 seM unr ]sjU aq1 AlpuouJ
dqeq I pue uolleolMenb Alleoi seM qnlc oql lnq
ssoul!l 6uluung u; 'eOernoc oq] dn )cnld o]
dlqsrapealea eqlMoN sqluollr aorql our )oo]
ll'srauund plollots
'6urced lnoqe eur 1qbne1 1e pua;r; e Aq 6uluunr
pue iaqlinJ ]rq leq] oul Arl ol papensrad sem I
pa66erp'eur pebernocue &xsss &s{* w
Aoql'6rauund ploDols
lnoqlgm Aepog ute I 'lqbrarn esol aLU dlaLl lou
oroqM oq l,uplnoM I
p!p Aoq] ]nq 'lllupeerl e
'Aep e sleour lqbnoq pue UAO e peurol
lleLUs 'pelcAc ep1'6u16ernocua
oAU ro lno;'r ou suolyod
Ara^ sefi pueqsnq An
ralleus qcntr| lea I
r '6urssorp AueJ ur speles
'saurr] MoJ e uMop 6ot/dn
ronoc pue suor].rod
]uu0s pue llrq e purl I ro e6nq aneq p,l 'fo!p
'elppluJ eq] ur sallu.l ]seJ
lnoqe dn-pangc l,usern I
qlrM (solrLU xrs ro a^lj)
unr odura] e unJ leq]lo I
's,pleuoccl le ]sel)earq
'4roanpaeds All;enb
pourea p,l llesAur 11e1
auros u; 1e6 ol Arl I
ql8 lsE lsot ]q6!aM uoq] 'ac!$o oql ol IleM
(fl.Oz qll ls6 MoN sxm&m* *&€& pue Alree sdols ana; e
(trOZ ued ^ofllql! lsEt arolag
aqnl oql go 1cl6 plnorrn I
arlqsProIP.S rplo$ols
uMol auloH 1sselc 6ururerl lrnclc e
a6v pue )aaM e acrml 6uruunr 'pa)leM I ueqm raq1e6ol
Aossed qeres aureN LUolJ ]snl spunod ua,ras peqqnr sqbtql Auu moq
1so1 p,1 llesitur peq6;aan 6ur1eq requeuer I
3:IJ JSVJ a 'ul sloo A aarql 'llal pue polool I n oq
lnoqe Addequn serra I
'6ur1rnq ereru sbal Au
'dn poppe 6utluup
]r ]rq e.roj )leM ol prerle
'**gwgsnl ),useM I uo peqsnd 1 1no slqbru pue poot lseJ
Fwg{re$' 'asdel;oc o16u1oE 1o s1o] 'A11sran!un Uol I
l,useM I pos!leor pue ueqm lqEgamralo sem I
acuoplluoc u! Mer6; sy e&!x pae &pd
u! le6 ot^,ll L
&S :l ru t N w m ff -,s,v"{ / s a n . rAtrlrv
Joqlnc'ruleluJnl{ lln.lrr :
'eLr.reb JnoA 0utddn noA I
dols ]q6rur s)uup Mol e 6uturtirop ]eqt areMe
oq plnoqs noA 1nq - lelolae] ob o1 peeu ou aultlpaw sjJodslo lDurnol rls4trg .FutuunJJo
s,3jaql ozooq oq] ]noqlrM'utelord lo lunoLUe ,|i;; el; ,; l-,; a): :; ..;..: .: !: ,:.:, : : ,;.lrib":,:i
i .
eules eq] peq oqM esoq] ueq] olqu olcsnur , . ,-. r. 1.,J; eJuossa oql s,lEL{l
Mou ssel pesrsaqluAs Aeql 1eq1 peleo^er 1:,i.;.' -i jr'i,,r
ryr,';ll,l,:f;:s.,{i.: "9.{?.i,j,,}, "fr)ril
sersdorq alcsn6 rebel 1o slutd eetql AlqOnor :slrull Fnp!\lprrl
ur puno1 loqocle lo ]unoLUe eqt snld utaiord F
Jo osop e qlrM pollonjor uoql LUaq] Jo aulos rno^ ulr{ll_\\
,1;o,m slqOrem pue 6utlcAc'sluuds 1o xtu-t
erocpreq e ptp Apnls Mou e ut slaelunlon
'A;enocar relncsntr.l rnoA uo eult] llBc }sailry aql ol
lqOtu setnneq unl-lsod osoq]:sMeu peg
srurd unr-rsod aur uo Asee r axel IZ;l
Jlasrnof Eurus\3.
ruops!/r^ luelsu I
ozooq sA eltsnhl Ea tJ'idi:i:::.:iri:.if :::ij:,i::j.ff
sir:dlu *srq6
liELil *i*i*'1
's1aaM oM] roue;eOns poolq pollorluocla]]oq peq ')oaM e sAep eAlJ Aep e srnoq lqbta %*tr
ro1 6urpuels lo Ot qllM 6ur11rs 1o solnuruJ 0g poleurelle oqM sraelunloA 'astuaxf S s]rods u/
ocua/cs S auloipahl ur pal{srlqnd Apn}s e ur :olqrssod eteqr',t qceordde pue}s/}ts e }dopv dn puels artep e umop 6u;fi1l6u;pqs
puods nor( op 6rlq mo;
'uels pEaq leerF e s.ll qFnoqrF - qllBeq do1-dt1 uoglgsod 1go6
ur nod daa4 olqFnouadllr€ssaceu l.usl auop Futuuru 1eq1
Furueaur's1ana1 dl1lrlpe leclsdr{d,sraelunlo ar{t Jo luepuadapul
s€/y\llnseJ aqJ'Fuqlrs Ja \aJJo sJnoq o^qluads oq. aasoql
uBr{l alqnorl uBeq reJns ol.qe{{ eroru prTtlt B era/!\ (s;noq
>lro^\Furpnlcu lou),(ep red alull qcnocJo srnoq a U ueql aroru
dn pa4colc oq/v\ asoqJ 'sreed lq8lo rano aldoad 000'28 pa/KolloJ
er{J r'aldoad enllee eroru ueql eJnlIeJ FEaqJo >lslr rar{8q
luoc rod ?g B slsaFFns qcrBasoll
o eq saolBlod qcnoc leql
de,rl Joltll otll
gH + o r.l r r,t / S do .r luvlll
@ rr.r,rv
rg0 crE0M s,urNNnu tLl90
'slli{s pre lsrg dcuaFraruo roq qlt, aporu xela; ol FutoF serrr 1 uru Futu.roru-.t1.r..^:
'JUeJl palJarrp raqlo aql puE sacr^ros $o,,ro,olur Sue.rds oq,tr asrnu aaurEJl^ E se.4a aql rrUV'Url J aroJaq aug .{11r4.;"rod 11ar i.
daua8raura aq1Fuer spr8 "raqtro erllJo auo a$oiJeqJ'.{1aleunpo; a"roru uelg'spuarr; 'JalEI sqluoir
alq,r\ salnuru sT-oI roJ udc uo-spuEq r{1I.4 . qJeaq aq1 uo lqFrurelo Futdruec aarql uoqlerei tr ulqnq aq1 ro; pareda::
p1p aqs os 'Furqlearq paddols 1 uaql, ra1;e aruoq Furp€aq se-'r{ oq.{\'{e11 aq se 'saled! ur deplloq dpue; e;o .ie'
'es1nd e.lo3 prqJrEJs aqs e11opeq3,{q pallods aq'lueruaned lsrgaq1 uo dlnf lsel unr aI{1 roJ lno la>
os pue Furqluarq.ttolpqs dra^ per{ I ples ar{l uo Fudl saruef a1q,ra. t1qon1 aH 'sa^lEq lero^os sE [orA. se 'uoqlere] :
ar{S 'ra^o paqsnr pue rer raq paddols eq5 :a1e1 sdep e.r.g Ftldsoq ul dn 8upp.^a lrtun sired aq] pelalduio; dperrTe peL{ '; tr ,:
f11n:grp uL se^\ I pastu8o.rel llJsJJq Surqlou sraqutaular aH'lsoJJe JeIpJeJ dpea u1 Suluunr dn ua4e1'soruEf
sunJ Jqs asnBJJq pue 'Jprsp€or aq] e Fur.ra.o11o; aprspeor aql le pasdelloe 'poqsruu ua^a aroJaq ra,\er.:
uo aru,res J]]olr€r-lJ. 'pauaddeq peq aq uru Jrll olur rnoq ue I ng 'saue1 sfes paFueqc aJrI srq tawruns ]sel.ralrur-[r .
1eq,n raq1eFo1 pacard ra1e1 '6t 'saru€f .'sralq8nep o.tq Jno pue €lned oJl-ry\dlu LIly( e roJ lno papeaq.{q8eg seuref uau \\
ureOe 6uruun; s,eL.l 'reolf,-lle eLll uoAtO 6uteq relJe 'MoN 'spuolr] roq ulorJ dleq
olllll e qllM Aq-;essed e 1o 6ur4urq1 xJrnb oql Aq po^es seM o]tl s,Aq6e8 seL!ef
,FuIuunJ lno selrt I uaq/K aJII
arupa BS uBllrBures poo9v
sutdols TvNotJVatdsNt'saaNNnd 1v3d
flJ\ilU I{YH[I]H@
The intersection
Where running and culture co3lide
Pitch perfect
#+ A moving story Park strife
Running around the fF US President Barack New York runner Peter
pitch at Liverpool FC's
Melwood training ground
has helped manager
R.rondrn Dnr{norc
'k Obama raced VP
Joe Biden around
the White House
nrrdonc rn nr rhlinico
Shankman was ticketed
by police during a
recent early run. Not for
cnoodinn thnr rnh - ho
shift a dramatic Michelle Obama's brok-o Central Park's
amount of weight. CS 'Let's Move'campaign. lam-6am curfew.
I would never dream of
settlement in 970, at the
telling another runner
time on an island before
how to enjoy their run.
the fens were artificially
So why can't I listen to
drained. Nowwhen I run
per cent of letters paid Ietters asked for letter complained music? I'm frustrated
this track, I envision the
tribute to running in tips on racing about getting bored with people telling me
Bishops on their perilous
spring weather short and sweet on the run that I should hang up the journey. Who would have
headphones. What does
_""*_*j thought I would gain all
I that say about running?
+ w
That it's some exclusive
this from a suggestion
ircr ii:i,r{: r;r i:ltt i:cj,"r! ic l1','.q'f,ri: Ii:ii ' fl:i1+ it,rts in q mqoqzine
club with a rule book and
l;::rei. tirrrt Ll p[:10 fr;t Fi./,,r's il:e ia!'!d0!i/n :rl ihr: Uli': Ben Cook,
if you der.iate you're out?
illrrl p13i,, lrl( irli r. lrr.l I.ii;lrier ci:ir'k'r, ir eitCl.y e;ents. Cambridgeshire
036 RUNNER',S WORLD 06/14 ! @runnersworlduk
690 Ct80M S,UlNNl-lU tU90 )n oc plroMSreuunr
'uo a^oLr pue uloql punoie MolJ
:el!l Jo uleoils oL.l] ul s)cor ere olooeo '6ur66erq se ssoice euoc Aeut pue 'es1e 6utqleuuos 6utpeer rO ,MolloJUn,
qcns Alo]rlod po)se a^,noA rolle L!3ql ol AeM 6uol',6uo1 e e1r1 spunos - 6urlcrlc se Aseo se st sJolsllq rto
a6pnq o] esnjor Aoql uoL]M Alletcodse unr el6urs e ro abeeltu Al)aeM.rnoA ll aq - sdn-asolc pue scrlsrlels 6utuunr butptone
- ]r ]cedser ],uop oqM eldosd sernbi; elqnop ut 6utqlAuy srouunr-uou 'etpour lercos Lr6 :paOerlno oq] ol proM V
o1 6ur11e1 er,no,4 ueqm sseliutod 'ecuaJJo olqeuollce ue ]ou sl slL{} }nE
]noqe op uec noA butqlou sl eloq]
'Al)uerl ']nq )reuJpuel 6utuunr e peqcear 'Allrnb peold ol a^eq sn Jo MeJ iteJ e ')O
]nB Addeq euo, ;ene deal sdleq
]l pue - alnr elduuts e s,ll slo)leM 1snI on,noA 1t Allercodso'alqepue]s.lopun lclpro^ qMU
pue sleuunl rar'.ro1s Aq Posn ele lclpra^ gMd selepdn 4aoqaceJ
sauel rolno oLl] allqM 's)loJ ,relse], roi a6ealtut tnoA lnoqe uo 6utd)eH pue slao^4f pale lu-6utuund
paniesor ore lcer] Aue Jo souel iouul ocua#o aql acua#o aql
aql'Alleuol]lper1 lqbtr ere,tr noA'op
spaaT'g n{tuuay
'lle sn roJ peE isurqs-l 'alqeenrOrolun Alelnlosqe
e{sE o} oluJo 1r ser11 'ou prcs aqs 'spntaluJ Apolroc lo llnj oqorpreM e ro sre)ctls sr 6urbunl puV )clq] llq e uo 1t 6urAel
unr plnoJ I os auEI aprsur aql Jealc otr 6uruunr ,snorournq, ur perelseld tec e ]nE sr slioqs Aqclarls pue Utqs-f acer e
ra{Ie.r\ e po>lse d1a41od 1 >1ce;l aql lV ' A1p1r6 ;reno laa) no^ ]t qcleM ur AUed rouurp e o1 dn 6ut,uoqs ]nE eiaql
'saIItrAI reao 96g rnoA dols o1 Aq-s.tessed 6ur1se u-rolqoio ou eos eM'arns iunr e lal]e
Urqs-l e ro,unr e rol oO pue ullec daa), doqs ooj]oc e lV oreq paiaptsuoc eq
speor leq] 6nLUuoseer utq]tM'outl
V lsnur uorsecco pue uotleco-l Arn[ 6ung
lc!pra^ s,Md lc!pra^ qMd
suLay 6utuunt 14arc111 suoilenj/s /e/cos ut lt4 Sutuun) 6utteal4
ocuollo ol,ll acuo#o aql
'snoraOuep osle er,Aeql']uoLirluosar 'puocos abeutt '1srt1 Ale,tes :Aes
asnec ol alqetl Aluo ]ou ore slce eM uorlenrosard-Jlos ueql eroru 6utqlou
ssol)cor Llcns puv dar peq e sreuunr o^tD s,]eqI dreaM SoLultraLUos oM ]l) palnoloc
lle eare Asnq e urlno 6uluoz A1lqblrq ',snorxouqo, pollec-os ]pq] puV
'sueulsepad .ro crjJerl sp.teMo] lsearqe 'ecueluo^uoc ]snI s,]l lLuslsslsleu
' 11en1 ;6uue11ell ]oq no
aarq] 6uruunr 'srec Jo luol; ul speol ]ou s,]l sn ees uec sroqlo araqM
,6uo-l sUoqs uorssarduJoc oseq] ssorce 6utqseg lutelduoc eleLutltbal y 'srooplno unr sn,o lsou 'sa1 A11rn6 1o5
'sro].rels.rol lnoqe AroM o] s6utq]
lc!pro^ s,Md lclpro^ qMU
]u06rn erour ere eraLtr]',seplsoB uo/lualle pue uec enp lnoqlu 6utuun4 JJo Moqs ol pnt 'ctlqnd ut 6uruun6
jsleo.rq] rno uMop slroqs Meu
ocuollo oql acuailo or{I
osaq] o^oqs (Alo^rlelnOl,t) o] elcsnLu
o^rlcalloc rraql 6utsn's.tornlceJnueLU
toredde-6uruunr Jo lPqec y luosred
Uoqs V luos;ed 11e1 y i,qibuel-Pttu, aJaMsue ol aset e aM oneH 'saf,ualJo lelf,os pa6olle Jo a6uej
pue ,6uol, pue ,Uoqs, s,]eqM e uo lno srouunl pallec Alluecel alo Jo Auun3 allsqaM ApauloS
soprcap oqM zsulro] oq] soullep
oqM oldurs ]eq] ]ou s,]l ]nE ollc noA sJouunJ lsuleFu oseJ aqJ
suoseor Aren aq1 ro1'LUlou oq] oreM
slloqs q]6uel-plLlr l! Jlo ralloq eq
lle p,eM ]eq] aorOe o1 uaddeq | 'ptes
leLll qclo.rls I aull] ]xou alec erou
e1e1 11,1 6utq1 ,sUed raLlleu, aloL.lM
eLl] lnoqe Aros t-u,; 'ut^o) 'JJo ]sllJ
'saau4 .rnod Punore
degdeql uaq,lo,dlls looi sgoqs 1nq
'sged ;raqlau rno.'{ aas o1 1.uop
1 ;spoqs Suruunr quaru ro; q13ue1
Psra^run'Jas E oq araql l.upFol{s
'sag141 .reaq
sjaMsue 106 s,aq
pue - saull MaJ e l3olq
aql punoJe uaoq s,aH
a scvu NVIAINH
A &es€
sff rn
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1. '1
=% ,,'
tu, ,.:
€# ',_=
6?0 cluoM s,ulNNnu ttl90
or{J 'uorl€rlsr8er 3o pua>1ae,u. }slg ar{l ur salrlua
OO0r9 pa^Iarar aH'ralua o1 aldoed 996'I aq^eur
Eurlcadxa '7167.rfuunrqad uI ung roloJ lsrg
aql uo 1nd ag 'trFsor aql lou pue.'{au.rnof aql
s€,^(1. snJoJ ar{l alaq,^a lua^a u€ paluel\ aH,
'pu€larI puB xn aql roJ Jolralrp acer s.unu
ro1o3 'dpegeg ao1 s.{es .'qe1n ut rep,'tu5
srrrurl palpc dnF e ruor; auuc €apr aI{J,
'o1ur Paddel Furaq Pedde ss€tu oql
go asuas e leF nod pue qlnour;o pro.rrr'dq pue
Brpau Frcos uo.{1arnd pala4Jeru oJa,l sluala
aql leql }r€J aql ppv'sunu roloc lnqap rnoJ
s,XIl aq+ ur trrud r1oo1 eldoad 000'18 tuad +stT
',1aue1d rL{l uo Ns lsarddeq aql.llEJ s;as1ue8"ro
or{1 unJ e ur paproJar lou oJE salul} trulqsruld
's1re.tre Fur.Lrorql.rap.lnod alou pue Jaaq 'pooJ
q1r-lrr, eleldruoc 'le^IlsoJ JISnur Jnoq-o- A1 e
araq.{ tnoloJ Jo }orJ E ur l{sruu aq} 1€ a^rJJe
i daql plun rap,Lr.od 1ured3:o.rnoloJ luaraJIp €
q1r,lr pa11ad are .{aq1 arlaruolDl qrEa rauB puE
trJrqs-J alrq-/r\ eurlsrrd u ur lruls sluEJlug
raloJ ol {F.^ , Jo 3o['unr ueo sluedrcrlred pue
osJnoJ xs e uo unJ are sluo^a ai{l'sn oq} u!
rea.{ lsrg ln;ssaccns.{13urre8Fe1s e ;age 9166
uI Xn aql olur pagodrul'eldurexa 1ce;rad
eq1 st Q1n'oc'unrrolocaql) unu roloC aqJ
qrolt aql lnoq€ 1p FuillaFro; elq-r,r'uec no.{
se s4re1,{ueur s€ aler{ 01 sI eapl aql pue slua^a
Frq ar..,{eq1 :pa^lo^ul sappl{ aq} laF ol Xol
pcol rno,{ o1 suo-pp€ yT asoql 1ou ar..{aq1 puy
'sunr unJ'uorldarxa lnoqlyvr'are daql - ltlq aql
19,{1urcpac repualer ar{l ol suolllpp€ luacar
lsoIu oql lnq'alqelBqop sr .unJ, paraplsuoa
aq plnoJ slua^o asaqlJo aruos ral{laq \
'reppntr4i q8nol pue.,(n9 q8noJ sE qrns sacer
alJelsqo Jo asu 3ur,{zztp aq1 uo palrodal a.r,r
/!\HJo anssl luacar € ul pue - sunr Ir€Jtr arou
'suoql€fflu €JlIn aJoru 1X8'ZI ro sallur Z'8 s€
qJns sacuelsrp ppoJo socEJ oJour :uoqleJ€ur o1
Xg uro4'suolldo acuelstp-pJupuels oJoul aJ€
aJaqJ'uIEltJg lnoq8norql saJ€r uI uotsoldxa
up uoos seq uooq Fuluunr JualrnJ aqJ
'uorlruuap aql uap€orq ol alllll s.ll ta^o. aoH ou>1 nod'ssaulsnq
snolJas B l,usI
Suruunl uerur l,usaop Llered oI I ]ou ar,laql
asneraq lsnl - tuaq] uo Iaqel aql dels o] arep
nod;r >1oo1dpip e no.,{ looqs 11,
s.rauunr;o dluald aJE oJaql PrrV
'serunlsoc Furtelllqap'qslpuellno
ur ualJo 'dlrreqc ro; uuJ ol{,l.r asor{l
.{q pacerqrua servr 11 'srea,{.{u€u roC
'allla uE l.usr oq,t euo.{ue sueour lr
aruos rod 'aldoad luaragrp o1 sFutql
luaJaJrp suealu .rauunJ unJi, luJal eq
sole6tJso^ul ALllJef3h &rey
ro]!p: of,eu MU eul ulof no^
plnoLls pue uouaLuouotld
lnJAot eLll pulLloq s,ot-,lM
oS 'AeM 6!q e ul sunl unJ
roJ uelleJ seLl yn aL1I
Just don'ttrirn arcund
public appetite was so great that in 2013 Also 5K runs, these are nighttime events :4
there were 150 Color Runs in the US.' in which entrants are encouraged to dress A' Ir€s €ff,
The format was also an instant success in up in their brightest, most luminous togs There are obviously a lot of them, but who
the UK. T\vo of lastyear's events, London and make their way along a stunning light exactly are these runners? Awhole mix,'
(l5,0oo runners) and Brighton (5,0O0), show of a course that's designed to ping says Tom Naylor, co-founder ofGrounded
sold out. The other two, Manchester and out ofthe darkness in a display ofneon Events, who manage the Electric Run in
Belfast, came close to their 6,000 capacities. shock and awe. Electronic dance music the UK. 'The biggest group is first-timers,
The organisers were inundated with calls and remixed chart hits are pumped out with 7O per cent of our London intake
from councils andvenues across the UK during the run and at a post-race festival. saying they d never done a running event
wanting to get involved, so the 2014 roster The overall effect is abit like a Jean before. But there are also plenty of more
has expanded to include Sunderland and Michel Jarre gig on the move. (Kids, ask experienced runners ofall ages and
Birmingham (with two other locations your parents who he is.) abilities who have left their competitive
to be confirmed). Around IOO,OOO Color Electric Run's tale of US runaway streak at home for whatever reason and
Runners are expected to take part in the success mirrors that of Color Run. After turned up just for the craic.'
UK events this year, and that figure is its iaunch in 2O12, expansion was rapid 'Eighty-five per cent ofpeople at London
predicted to more than double in 2O15, and in 2013 there were 57 Electric Runs were doing it as part of a team and
when there will be 16 venues. in 46 US cities, with over 3OQ00O people because we let under sevens in for free
It's a phenomenon, and more than just a taking part. Versions ofthe event have we had loads of families doing it together,
one-offrunning oddity. The Electric Run since followed in Sydney, Dublin and pushing the younger ones in buggies,
(, another US hit cut Amsterdam, and inApril's inaugural LX holding their hands or carrying them on
from the same happy cloth, made its UK event, l5,OO0 fun-seekers turned up to their shoulders. It's a very community-
debut in London last month. see the light. spirited concept. Sure, there were a few
{r 'rDF
WE ll e?
It's a fair point, but without wanting to
spoil anyone's fun, more'traditional'
runners would argue there is plenty of
storyvalue in the physical and mental
effort it takes 1o complete pure running
events, particularly in a personally
targeted time. And even without the
gimmicks/raz zmatazz (delete according
to preference), there can be fun and
social interaction in a timed race. So
while nervous newbies, thrill-seekers
and fun-chasers are embracing this new
non-comoetitive culture. what about d
ii. ,
g=ar$,e€.: :: .t:l' ::
he has been a dedicated runner ever the same time they are becoming a valid
since, but his girlfriend had always route to competitive racing, says Rafferty.
refused to join him. 'I'd get laughed out 'How many times do runners talk to non-
ofthe house and she'd say, "I've seen running friends about their passion, only
those guys on the telly finishing the to be told a tale of woe about a demon
marathon and looking arnful. Why would PE teacher or laps ofthe school fleid as
I want to do that?" But when she heard punishment and the mental scars it left?'
about Color Run she was immediately he says.'These are some of the people
engaged, signed up to do it with a group who can still be convinced to discover a
of friends and loved every minute of the whole newworld where exercise is about
5K and the festival. The next day she joy and empowerment.
asked me, "What's the next thing I can 'If a l7-year-old boy comes to do our
do?" A few months later she flnished race with his mates and he then goes on
old-school road runners? Perhaps they a half marathon in 1:52 and she hasn't to try a standard 10K, runs 36 minutes
feel it is beneath them? Or that it doesn't looked back.' and UKA [UK Athletics] steps in and
count as running unless your lungs are This is, perhaps, the surprising thing puts him on a pathway to serious
heaving and your speed and distance about fun runs: to manythey're no more athletics; if that's what it takes for us to
monitor is bleeping every few minutes? than an amusing subculture or some kind partly tap into some of our future pool
'There are people to whom this sort ofparallel running civilisation, but at of running talent, then that's just fine by
ofthing is never going to appeal,' says
Rafferty, 'but if you look closer you'll find :
other halfand the kids along. Instead of A 5K of coloured Run, walk and dance
powder and music- through a spectacular
I having them spectate at the side of a city
filled shenanigans. light show, with
10K, they can all do the event and bond as
Start off in virginal different themed
afamily. That's what experienced runners white, finish in znnoc:lnnn rha 6l{
get out offun events: a chance to spread glorious, gaudy route. No rhythm
their gospel by stealth!' tech n ico lou r. no.oeaAr\/ \/^ri^r re
)n oc plroMsrouunr
,'FuIuunJ saoF 'sJa{eq o} sJaPTInq
urog ptre 'suEIJIsnur 01 slsIUE ruor; auodra,ra
pue - [a rlrallor Sutuunr uopuol lauu pe{req
-a{rN er{l] a411sdnor8 a eq nod
'.r oN,'uotrsloo \sdes,'loocun eltnb aq olpasn
Furuung, 'lt .(o[ue ol,^aoq pue uods arl] lnoqe
sapnlql€ lueJa$P r{lT,nr aldoad.trau Jo xlluul ue
qFnorql elBpdn afierur ueJo Furqlaruos arrroJ
seq acua6rnsa: sql qIApuV 1aarvre ecuo'Jnoq
uEJI€q lseal le JoJ unr,rd.ou aql ur aldoad
uoqpu o,ttl Fugroder daun5 aldoad a JlrV
1sa1e1 s.puelFug uods qllt{'qy.\o.r8 paurelsns
sr Furuung
;o porrad Furzerue rre Furdolua
,'paads qlyvr Paura:ruoc asoqJ 1B
paurre are sqnpFuruuru leuoJllperl s.t\oqs leql
{uI{} I 'uoqleJeLu eJo {rBru Jnoq-a^u Jo -rnoJ
aql le sNa qnlt aas 1,uop nod pue - sa)ErJo lol
e paqJle,4d pu€ unJ aAI ..aluaruuoluua leto ur
ure I oqnaJo IIe aq 1 ue3,, Jlasdut lse 01 aru peal
plnoa qnlr leuol1rperl aqlJo eFerur aq;, 'sdes
aqs .'acuElslp Jo arull uI pelsaJalur aq ]ou pue
rauunJ e eqrrEJ noa'ser:aleF ol oF.lo'uorqse;
olul aq pu€ JauunJ e aq u€c no ,
'.laoJJeu oo]
uraes u€c auaDs qnlJ l€uoqlpBJl eql leql saeIS€
eqs 'JIJo a^ol eql roJ UIEJ] oq.t\ sassEpecl
'pe1e1uar:o-poF'pasncoJ, se sa^Iasual{} sugep
oq.l dno.r8 e palea:c aqs €urlunoJ arJoIeJJo
sruJal uI uatuo.l.r 1e paqelrd uago os sI ssaulg
1eq1de,la. aql qlu'r uorlerlsn4Jo lno (uoc
'slaaqpuesa4ds) s1aa11 puu sa4d5 papunoJ
laqdue3-dare3 urr€aJInI{ reuunJ ueey
. a^rlcIJlsal prrE peleplno peuaas lI l€ql
aJolu t€aJl.use 111 qnlc e urolo1 alu o] paJJncco
:a,Lau 1r tale1 sread 'Furuunr ol pauJnlal I uaq'a
pue taFeuaale se u00t aql uer I'slm${Jerl
.{urqs ur uaru paFe-alppnu dqpelturuop'aFerul
pauoqsBJ-plo ue qrns a^eq ol pasn auacs
qnlr er{J, 'aJer IBJOI e le uru,&Ia^a spue qtrql\
'uolqFrrg ur (uroJqnpurupu€awr:noda.eq)
qnlJunupuva>IeJrno e eHaqlJo
repunoJ 'iuotsloo \laeqceg s.{es .'dla8nq
paFueqa seq adeesPuel Futuunr aq;,
'sleazr pasqeur:o;
ssal tarl.rmb ur raqlaFol s,raurmr FurFurrq
$ sagrumuruoe pue s.uaro'sdno:88utuuru
a^JleurallE Jo lsoq alor{ \ E 'sqnlJ srrlaFFB
puorlrperl aprsFuoF :Furdlrsra^Ip pue 3uut10,l'a
lseJ sr euacs qnlJ aql lnq'snJo.{ueru roJ aurlnoJ
aq1 14s sleq; 'Furuaaa depsrnq; ro depsan; e
uo {re.rl srrlelq}€ F)ol
rnod le dn Funleor
se,t uotldo dluo rnof
qJnu dllaJd 'srauuru
Jaqlo qll4d ulerl +-;!*t
pu€ laelu ol pa]IrB.t{ s
nod;t'o8e Fuol lo Y.-,o
reffi 'wffi
i".lul. :
is the rule.
Good Gy'in combines runnlngwith good
deeds in the local communifr. Its motto? Get
Iit, do good, connect.'The ideawas born out
offrustration with the g5.'rn,' says founder Ivo
Gormley. 'It seemed such awaste of human
potential - lots ofpeople erpending lots of
energywithout even enjoying i! in a building
that consumed lots ofenergy.' Globe trotting her own Brookllm-based Meetup group.'Your
Gormley began runningby deliveri ng a This evolution in r-unning groups isn't limited best friend may notbe interested in running,
newspaper to an elderly friend of the family. to the IJK scene, thougb - ifs global. 'We use our but the chances are there's a group ofpeople in
'IfI didn't go, he wouldn't see anyone or get citylike a playground,' says Cedric Hernandez, your neighbourhood who are. Meetup connects
his paper, so it motivated me to run,' he says. co-leader ofNYC Bridge Runners, a 3OO-strong rrnrr tn ihnqp npnnle '
There are now over 5,000 people signed group who r-un the BigApple s bridges every A strongsense of belonging is a common
up to Good G1'rn in London, Liverpool and Wednesday after dark. 'We never knowwhat feature of many of the newwave of clubs and
Bristol. Some underl a-ke solo runs. visiting we're going to do until we get there. We might groups, even in the absence ofa membership
elderly or isolated people, while 20-30 at a do the Triple Bypass - Lhe Williamsbu rg. card, clubhouse orweeldy schedule. Andback
time participate in group runs that have a Brookl5,n and Manhaftanbridges. We'll make in the UK, Bosh embodies that community
communify Lask bu jlt in. such as clearing people do pull-ups on a stop sign. We want to get spirit. The name comes fromwhatwas
rubbish from a park. people stronger and make it a lot more fun.' originally used on the site to describe a
Dnoq iLp'dnino InMoscow, completed run, as in'I just boshed a lo-miler.'
good'element Rainbows and Ardwhat began with a handful of runners
discussing Brighton Marathon training online
attract a different
type of mnner?'We
\\ Unicorns is
r oirlc-nnlrr has grown into a 1,OOO-strong community.
get a lot ofpeople runninggroup 'It's not an online running club, or a repository
nerutn nrnnino'
we oet a /oL of beob/e uzw lo ruruuua. that celebrates of information,' says founder Scott Goodwin.
says Gormley.'We fashion and 'It's a supportive, eclectic mix of runners who
,/u l',oru U"{ rt of /,stror-t /w just love running and takejoy in their own and
har-e that elenlent
ofdistraction from front "iuJL"
ruruttna, b/us lhz
being female
as much as others' achievements.' Interestingly,'Boshers'
'Just" running plus
the satisfaction of
s o|{fa ch o n of no t uluu, i g
miles run. The
group meets
no longer interact solelyonline, they spot each
other bytheir blue wristbands when training
volunteering.'Good on Sundays to or racing and greet each other with a hearty
G)'rn does take the
rrrnning seriously,
though - it became
an affiliated running
l/ runin Gorl'7
cry of'Bosh!'Three hundred ran the Brighton
Marathon last year, supported byother Boshers
at l0 cheeringpoinls.
fami$ says Goodwin.
I L is a real running
club this year, with qualified coaches communityon its Facebook HQ.
now on hand at its sessions to advise and
encourage. Members can also upload stats to
Meetup aworldwide network of local
groups, taps into that same desire to connect
The death of
the Good G1'rnwebsite. with like-minded souls. There are more than traditional clubs?
'Traditional mnning clubs still have their 126,000 Meetup groups in 196 countries, u.-ith So are these new running communities
place, butwhat we do gives you purpose,'says over 2.000 dedicaLed to running.'MeeLup flourishingatthe erpense of traditional clubs?
Gormley.'You're out there doing something lends itself particularlywell to sport groups. The statistics suggest not. Recent ligures from
real - not just putting miles on a treadmill belt. because sport is inherently social,'says Katie EnglandAthletics show an increase in the
You forge a deeper connection with your local Hawley. Communify Lead at Meel up HQ in numbers ofregistered club members over the
area andwith other people.' New Yorh who also runs Ladyburg Runners. last flve years, withjust over 129,000 r-unners
emphatically not a race. One or more 'hares' says Steve central to many
will lay a trail for the rest to follow, usingflour Reid, CEO of online running
or chalk'The hare will tlpicallylayblobs of Tribesports. communities. In the
flour every 3O-40m,'explalns Barr. 'Then com, a sports time it takes to jot
there'll be a "checll' - a circle offlour - which social network stats in your training
means that the conspicuous trail has ended. with more than 25qOOO users in over 2OO diary, you can upload share and chat about
There'll be no trail markings for 2OOm after countries.'But with Tribesports, they can come your latest r-unwith runners around the world
a chec[ leavingthe possibility ofthe pack and discuss theirtraining and add that human Fetcheveryone - one ofthe earliest success
going the wrong way or hitting a false trail. The element of interaction to their training.' stories - celebrates its 10th birthdaythis
beautyofthis is that it keeps the pack together. The data tracking/sharingwebsite Strava, year.'l was led by my own Jearning as a new
While faster runners go ahead to find the route, meanwhile, hosts thousands ofonline clubs. mnner,' says creator Ian Williams. 'Beyond
slower runners can catch up.' North East Strav4 for example, is an entirell' for-ums, popular sites were focused mainlyon
Modern societyviews sleep as a lux-ury at ofsleep you need, but the average adult needs Medicine Programme at Montefiore Medical
bes! and manypeople think that revealing between seven and nine hours a night, says Center in NewYork. The less sleep you get,
your need for it marks you out as a weakling Dr MatthewEdlund, author of 7he Power of the lower your levels. Your muscles' ability
says Dr John Caidwell, a psychologist who Rest (fr9.99, HarperOne). Not surprisingly, to store glycogen for energz also declines,
has researched sleep deprivation and fatigue how much you run impacts on how much meaningyou riskrunning out of gas no
for NASA 'We think if you re realiy a good you needto sleep, but it's not a simple matter how much you carbJoad, says Harris.
athlete, that means yorlre tough arrd you ll more-means-more equation. Research Plus, theret some research that indicates
take whatever life throws your way,' he says. has linked moderate exercise to higher- your injury riskgoes up ifyou don't get
Part ofbeing tough is not needing to sleep, quality, more efficient slumber - possibly enoughshut-eye. O
seems to be the thinking.
By that line ofreasoning, the worldl top
marathoners are total slouches. Post-r-un
naps are a key feature in the elite Kenyan
training day, the American 2:04 marathoner
Ryan Hall notes naps in his calendar as
'business meetings', while Paula Radcliffe's
world dominance was fuelledbylo hours' You didn't sleep well
sleep a night - topped up with a two-hour nightandyouhave ahard
afternoon nap. They clearly appreciate what
workout planne d laten S o,
is a siesta a good idea?
science is increasingly revealing: it's during
sleep that your body recovers from hard
training and builds you into a better runner. If y o u'r e hav in g r e g ular
Ifyou can limityour snooze
Indeed, recent research suggests thatjust
to less than 30 minutes. A problems sleeping at night
one night ofbad rest can have a negative it
short nap can give you cI Napping canmake
impact on your running performance. dfficult drift offlater
cognitive boosl making you to
Meanwhile, chronically denying yourself
feel alert and motivated. and it's no substitutefor
an hour ofsleep each night has cumulative
And that can translate to a a complete night ofrest.
negative effects on your running and
better run. You don't even Also, youmaywake up
your health. 'Sleep is as important as just
need tofall asleep; after a longer nap feeling
your workouts,' says running coach Joe
resting quietly for aJew groggier than you did
English. 'When you start robbing from that
minutes can be restorative. befctre you snoozed-
Fall- and.stay
fast asleepwith
- a (l'fu%
these eryterttips
Stick to the same 'Make your room like Turn offTVq lctptops To avoid middle-
sleep/wake schedule. a cave - darll quiet and tablets an hour of-the-night loo It can linger inyour
And create a relaxing andcool,'says Mah. before bedtime - stumbles, cut back on systemJbr more
Invest in blackout their light blocks weter consumption than six hours. For
pre- sleep rituctl" such
as doing lightyogct or curtains and a white- the production of three hours before best results, switch
f -, Iistening to calming noise machine orfary the sleep hormone bedtime, Harris sctys. to decaf (or at least
music. Adopting a and block glowing melatoniry sctys Beer or wtne may green teq which
bedtime routine lights from alarm Shelby Harris, help you conk out contains only about
will promptyour clocks or phones. director of more cluickly, but 5o milligrams of
body to fall asleep Montefiore's alcohol disrupts the caffeine) after Spm,
more easily, says Behaviorctl SIeep Iate4 deeper stages says sleep researcher
sleep researcher Medicine Program ofsleep. Dr Christopher
.ig in New York. Drake.
Cheri Mah.
The Holtywood legend reflects on a lifetime of running and
his career-defining role in the Oscar-nominated AJebraska
friendly interactive map. You can then is a little helping hand for overorondtors designed to strengthen and repair. FGS
upload all your information straight to the without compromising natural movement, has packed 259 of premium whey and
MapMyRun website, where you can also and all in a lightweight, fast and responsive casein milk protein, complete with branch-
find recommended routes and events, join package. lt's a groundbreaking mix that has chaln amino acids and glutamine, into a
groups or share your runs with others. obviouslV struck a chord with you. convenient, ready-mixed and tasty shake.
ffi Cheltenham is a big running town, with five
B EST TRAIL SHOE running clubs and plenty of green spaces
to train on. Not surprisingly, this new race
tNov-8 TRAILROC23S for 2013 was a hit with the 2,000 or so
It's good to know that we're on the same delivers amazing feel for the trail. Despite entrants. -he course, say the organisers,
page in this category: the winner of the it's lightwelght minimalism, the protective was designed to show off all that's great
November 2013 Trail Shoe Guide Editor's outsole is still reassuringly tough and offers about the town - broad, tree-lined streets,
Choice award is also your choice. You've outstanding traction on all surfaces. And the Regency architecture and the racecourse.
emphatically voted with your feet for speed, f lexibility and responsiveness put tie With ratings of BB per cent on runnersworld
1r1s s{p,pped-down, zero-drop shoe that joy in trail running., it's a deserved winner.
Get faster
Newbies, serial racers and marathoners can all
run a 5K to sharpen their speed. Ifyou ve done
a race or two, use it as a benchmark to gauge
progress. Ifyou have personal best p1ans,
schedule several SKs and train to run each one
faster than the last. And ifyou run halfor full
marathons, training for 3.1 miles with quality
workouts will build your speed.
Split jump Squat iump
soal Pace and
speeds by 15-20
seconds per mile.
pace, and mile
throo ai 1Ol( n:no'
says Flynn. Base
training speeds on
your finish time.
Start in the classic lunge Stand with your feet Fln ovrnnorrforl ::: i: lf you run out of Tack the second
position, left leg forward. about hip-width apart, alternate-leg bounding
::::: Steam, increase "-^^
Iouu ^^+^ ^ l^^^
ur rLU o tut t9
Jump straight up, switch hands behind your head. for 3O-40 metres. Drive :::i: weekly distance run.'Run 12 miles
feet in mid-air and land Squat, then explode up your knee up and push ::::: Dy tu percenr oL rrroroLrrurrpduu,
nn 1A tn ?fl ronc n^citi.n lln 1O ronc under your hip. ::::: at goal 5K pace. saVs Flynn.
It's remarkably easy to come up with
excuses not to run. 'Every runner has got
ready to put their shoes on and said, 'I'm
not into this today," says Janet Hamilton,
an exercise physiologist and coach.'But
signing up for a 5K and giving yourself mini
goals to accomplish every day will increase
your chances oflacing up anylvay.'
w".t l!fj^!lur'
Run easy. Goal: Cross-train Run easy- Goal:
Walk 20 mins or Rest. Goal: pian
y0ur pre-race
Long run. Goal Paula Harkin.
four !.irlr.,tus.
add a few mins
to your time
20-30 mins
Goal: up the
30-sec pickups
run easy 1012
mins. Goal: if dinnet and
TUn at an easy
pace for 30-40
on legs and from last week. intensiiy or (speed up for walking, do a make it today mins. Change
feet (using incline. Add l0 secs,near- 1-min jog every the view
hands and/or a chair squats, sprint for 10, four mins. Get 8 hours' 'Sometimes it
foam roller). srde planks, slow for 10). sleep. holne fn fnnrrc nn
something other
Week Rest. Goal: foll Ruft easy. Goal: Cfoss-.irain. Run easy 15 Rest. Goal: cflill Race. eoJl: than just getting
five out leqs. hips, drop down to Goal: periorm mins. Goal: do 3 out {if race is your rdce-night your mileage in,'
and back with a distance you 20 mins of easy 30-second or a Saturday). meal and get 8 says HamiLton.
foam roller for ran in week 3; cardio, such as pjckups at goal tr race rs 0n a horrrs clpan PicK ijP sPeeo 'l-hrllonno vnr rrcolf
10 mins- maintain a walkinq or the race pace at Sunday, run s0 \'0r:,nish
to identify as many
comfortable elliptical end of run. easy or walk SlrCi.l!. rrC
pace. for ';rl bird sounds, f lower
trainer; stretch 15 mins. ha', e
for 5 mins.
as possible.'
aq IIL4a aror1l 'poo; FurlsaFrp 111s sr .{poq
rno.{;1 'saqc1r1s ap{s o} a}nqlrluoc feru
stcerl JM u; @n
unJ e aJoJeq +Ba
nod uaqrvr pue 1Br!!\ ools ueo 1l3+.i1s !,
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xoq e !a spueq :
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qloq pua8 3
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ual rno^ puaq
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ue urorl Mol{ )ueld pole^elo
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rnoA 1,tt1 noA
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rnoA buldool ]o ]uorj ul roolJ
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Llloq q]rM pueq llleq Airlrqels
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e ploH MoH oderc MOH
our rn or s *r ro o ap r^ B
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::ffi [::ii:
ro o.AA1 aullnoJ arllua aql oc 'a^u pu€ JnoJ sasicraxe
'dn ru;e,tr ol +sJU oarql ol auo
Jo slas o.rn.l op uaq;
sasrJJaxaJo slas o,{q oCI dpoq raddn aql ur uol+olu
;o aFue.r a.l,ordrur pue uaql8uarls o] aurlnor slql
padolalap zllnqJs'ruqilqr pue rruapeJ ulelulerrl
sdlaq pue; -{poq;nod so^lrp U :11e.10. Fuluunr
ur Jolc€J X oql s1 Fur.tts rure puv 'qJ€oc Futuunr pue
lsrSoiors-{qd eslJraxo ue'zl1nr{JS €lsrr}I s.{es ,'8ur,ls
rure pun Furqleerq sa,rordur qarq,tr'arnlsod pooF
saloruord pue qlFuaJls alJSnru sasearrul )iJ?q pue
'sdor 0Z-01
sroplnoqs 'surre rnod Fuplro,4A, 'rauunJ lualJUa aroru
oc Apoq rnoA ol esolc 'Jlrsel E ar-uoraq o1 dlrunlroddo ue uo ]no
sMoqla 'uMop )ceq Lueql
I 1'
6uuq uaql 'PeoLl inoA o^oqe "' i';T," j*?;'# jil i'[ il; :;:i';l:tri tl
osu Aaql os dn rnoA Pue1x3
'dn 6urce1 surled 'sture lno^ qllM,M,
e buru.roJ'Apoq rnoA olut ulaql 6ulrq
selLrl 6utuunl lalsej sueeLLl
pue sMoqlo rno^ puoB relloJ eq] Apoq roddn rnoA 6utueql6uorls
Aq pouoddns oie )ceq ladon PUe
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rallor uJeoJ e uo oll MoH
oteJ sturv
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'arnlry aqluI SulraJns lsurcFe 'srourerl rno^ reoM'olqrssod araqM'6
(tLl6lr) tul ol slno)roM 6utuun.t
prerLS dlaq III-4 aurlnoJ Jno,{
uanrb ele sluerlc lsour 0l pue antj suolssas 'releM uozorJ Jo al]]oq e ro^o ]oo,t ino^ llor -
olur aSBd
slrll uo sasrcJaxa -
ueoMlaB lnlured aq Aeur'ebesseur suods osle uec no1 laol .lno uo potrad pebuolotd o
aorr{} ar{l Surplrnq 'srlrrrseJ Aue ragle selnutLU OL roJ looq rnoA acl '8
deop e o)rl laaJ qcrLlM 'suolssos oseql
rElueld dq u,^aop >lrrl.rls ']r re^o Allcarlp re^eu ]nq 'ercse1 oq] o1 qcle;1s e11ue6
uaaq Ja^au aABq no.,tJl e sepr^ojd srt"]l (t!oc L!ooloIsALld tlrorj
'lUAlulEaJl urOrJ 'lods lnlured srql ol rosolc pue lasolc snco;
llrM ).roM oLlf (auoq leoLl oq]) ur6uo elcseJ 66'rrJ) lqbtu 1e lcos 6rnqsserls e reoM Z o
poFrerlrslp aq'.41p3edoq'1p.ra. 'Aep eq] 6uunp uec no^ se
relueld aq] uo 11nd eq1 butsee 'peseelcut
nof qcrq,tr FuvvrolloJ'.l(rat,rar 3
eq llrM ]oojejoJ pue llec aq] uo )roM 6uol se rol uorsualxo olur oo] 6lq rnoA 11n6 'g
E oroJaqqluoru lxau aq] 'seoqs rno^ ur slroddns ctloquo reoM'9
onssr]-]jos jo ]unoLUe oql )aoM qcel
ro; suorsses Fulurerl las aq IIua '6ut11e,M loortoreq oN't
osle llrM sluaLUleor] Aderaqlots,4qd AllaaM
nod paqcear ueeq seq a8els
srr{l aJuo 'OIJo lno o1(l.AAolaq
ured salnuru gI saurl '(spreMdn luoq) uorsuolxe Aep e ecrM] solnurur oM] '6uliloLu eq] u!
aarql alaldruoc uel no.{p1un ur ere soo] rnoA os lleM ro] oo ]oo]o.roj pue soo] 6u11qe,M eroleq iooJ rno^
dn 11nq aq uuc Suruunr aq; e lsurebe 'Aep e soL!rl xls rnoA 6ursn Jooll qlooLus q1r,r.r leqeqdle oql a]!.rM
'uolssas orsdqd 'spuocos 09 roj uroql oo e 6uole laMol e llnd 'e11ue .tnoA u-ror1 6ur1roL4
geu ;no.{ 11un Furqlou op s3HCrsdrs llvc't cNrssvd9 1ltMol.z ,9NtI|dM,roor"r
pue Futuum dols '1n;umd
ool ru$ sl llJI '(depsrnqJ, A
pue.{epuo111 uo unr ar)
1se"r dep-o,rrr1 e JaUE lr leadar
'lla,^a saoF srq4l '(alquurFerut :
ured aql Fureq 61 q1m)
oIJo lno JnoJ € o^oqe alElersa
l,usaop ured aql Sulpr^ord
'sauq a.Lg
se.,tuelu se s{I{J 7
leedar o1 elqe aqduiu noa
'eare polceJ]e eq] ur uted 6ullao]lnoqllM pleq a]lnb ssatd uec noA 1t1un 6utuunr dols
'salJsntu JIer rnod Furqclerls o]asrMs,ll ercseJrelueldaqluoddnspueuoql6uetls'uaq16ue1 o]sr LUIeaql sluetled
salnunu o,tq puads uaql ,4u 1o ebeluacrad q6rq,{1ar-uerlxe ue rort lnJSSe3cns uaeq seq enbluLlce} 6ulMollo} aql
'alnuru e ro; Fot'qtp,r u$aq oJ xlt aqt <<(
Euquunr o1
Ireq 6utpllna (( ffiI I ffi ffi I ffi ffi[,Iffi
'alllll e ssaJoJd d;a,Loaar aql .Q--------
'Euruuru- Jo e.--.-.
-^ duDiiE,^
dn paads o1 e>p1 uec nod a;po-{ uaq,lo, go-ao} aql
sdals aldrurs;o,Qua1d are qlptt Furdlaq pue 1oo; ;nod
arar{l }nq 'Faq ol d.rnfut ur qcre 3uo1 aqlFutl.roddns
aq1-tto1p o1 Furuuru dols are saloJ ureul sU '(ao+
o1 peau op dlqeqord noa rlrea roJ ouo '.sdus ielTFIp,
'suorlralur pue scrtroqgo a,r.golur s111ds 1r) saol rno-{;o
'slurTds lqFtu as€q aql ol (snauerier) auoq
- slualulearJ uo spunod leaq rnod uror; sunr leql
Jo spu€snoql Furpuads anssrl alrlJauuoc;o q13ua1
eldoad go sorrols q+L& pallg l€g E sI EIrseJ relueld eqtr
srunroJ aJe araql qFnoqlp 'Jlrq,l,r € roJ urrrop Futpts
J1es1r a'r1ose.r deru sIlIicsBJ uaaq al.nodJoge ro Fururoru
JElu€ld raarecFuruuru eql ur sdals -ua; lsrg asoqt
E Jo puo aql u?aru uP) e4el no,{ uaq,tr uted dq
lr sasEJ olualJxa ur qFnoql pasrJatrJ€JEqJ uoIlIpuoJ
'apq-t e roy Suruunr nor{ € sr srJrrJseJ Jelueld uer uorlrpuoJ aLIJ ualqord aql{P11ttP 'tto7'
iop r"rBJ 1Fu1q$ue
a.rat[] sI Jo sasBa u
Irlun Fupun.r dols o1
prrB sllllrseJ rBtuBId
a-\Br{ I plo]uaaqa ,Ib
@ , )Is^\'/ trJYoJ
tii90 ln oc pl.loMSrauunl
rs.rauun [email protected] ol oc€r laFrel puB IEoF rnof ',alnpaqas qrlaam paldz(18 IIelug agd € FqgaF dlaq 1uu1y1
{n.oc.plro 93 i.:
o aa : i'
(lo)ono aq]
IllPnsn) elru/uru0t:8-0t:1
selru zz-02 Mols e pue ueaMlaq aced'Ar+unoc-ssolc Pue
ar loeets e '9 telset e 6ulxlN peor ltN:6
-i1uni 6uo1 lleurou',selLu zz o] on
E unr 6uo1
; D=
Oo'i =
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i uo!ldutsoJd s(a^als 4s {aal 6ululerl le3ldfl s,lloss Y
'ecer ralsegdue ro; ;o lsoru Fuluuru uo snco; nod ssalun
u,lo,op Surradel puu uorlleJ€ru e JaIJE q8rq sr ap1s.,{1p1uaru Suluocaq ,'aluocieM AraA aq PlnoM rajjo
.,{lalerpaururr dra.toca.r rnod lunocce pu€ ssaull Pue drnluiSo >1str uec no^ acl^pe Auv ralseqc ro qblnqutpl
olur a{el ol o eqnod'os1Y'rageq aq1 'eced pallorluor e 1B lsar aq1 op ]e Ed e uo sncoJ o] ]ueM | )oeMrad seltu.L
puu sr{}uoru dra.te acuo preq aJeJ g9-99 6utuunt u-t,1 Aep qceo solltrJ 0Z ol
1r a{eru ol op uec nod Furra>1ur1
dluo nodgr rureqdue nod op l.uppoqs selenbe qcrqM')ioeM e eclM] lo ocuo )loM
Jo strunouB Ilelus orB alaql lnq
'parueleq IIa.^a s4oo1 3u1ure4 rnol prre atueJnpua rnod asearcut.{eru o] opu o] Ar] osle ll,l solllleqc F;
tn 1
'umop dpoq aql Fulree.lrr Pue .{peln8er ecueplp oqlSulo5 'lno leg oMl roj *suoLlleleLu zI
q1t 1nq butuunr u.t,1 reeA sltll, olul
sseulg dn Fuplnquaalrrlaq oull aug IIB uraql unr l.uop no.,t;t aug
B EaJaI{J 'acel palaFrel rnod uro;; tearec Euruunr rural-Fuo1 rno.{ ro3 allqslllM '29
gede'srnoq.rnoJ aptsul 1snI uaql papuauruocar 1ou dlpraua8 sr qluour Aellung 11ocg ffi
daal og 'alqepo;ruoc Fuqaa; ruaql e uoqlereur e FuIuunU "'sf,es ana15
o}rea/(B uI suoq}BrBru z^I
al{rBl I plnotls aoH, b
\lt :
90t c-tuoM s,ulNNnE ry90 )1n os plroMSr0uunl
'sla6 rol r..{6nouo 6rq ere }uor} eq} 'acud srur --. . .:3jdulrAron 'acuels]e,r,n pue -pur,m poo0 €
o 'il o
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dloq o] )ceq oq] ur slua^ ere eloql dn sAeld drz oM]'relloc q6rq e -: : .' 0u rlsMerp drq paddrz ]aajcsrp e JaqleaM ppq llear roj
Alleor roqleoM oq] asec ur L!aq oq] ]B procMerp e 'sl+nJ polesrlsela se- - -- : .: rreoM eq] prsnb urqc e j^lrundL!r q]rM punore uroql
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'+sreM eql
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4 *',63',a3u€l eqf*rau ?6'{as (uau) (uauoh)
pooH ttioc'jct! !l Jeli'sJolS'Lt J LUSs"SE*{,lSS},rSds 36'??S ro
acuanbas acueleg rbraN ',; lo4cer und rotulrrex :. la{cer uolorld uolzln lllquou 'i. t
'fBd-oTpedxt ---*JE-JIuqtal tuaJop pUg ol lno paaiT-norf alueurroJrad aql sra^llap lllls
.-'pIn^+Eq.&!Jo.rrorlreJJ e slsof*---. las4\$:jpultu ul slqr q1L1$.'0s3
1eq1 raqqolc FuDIrErr atuos ra^o sFrqs-J pue 0/5 JaAo leql ill anle^-lsaq aLll tno pa>l3aqf, aM
qlreaun iiec noT-arufj]o ttq? sfq8p bglg ralo 1B s1e>1ceI
q]+ \'+Bq+.paraAocsrpa1&,:€+g ;dllsoraqueclr{Fcluqrallng
's{cos 10ZT 'sgoqs-:g6g 's1qFr1 'unJ ol olr+uaJur ue sde.trp
:gZ3 'sgri{s-J :g7g 's1a>1ceI si spearq].&au aruos pods o1
rcoE lo6png
:slrurrl Eur-uolloJ aql sa^losrno a)ueqJ aq1 'sraurerl;o rred e
1es er11'secrrd ra,rol 1eleredde srpaau t11oat no,t ge a1g1y1
l3c= :Ht Jt=suno,\ :Ait
'$" Adidas ResponseTee ff. TribesportsTeeh
€'19.9% Tee L/S
(women) €'19.$0,
This fitted, slim-cut top is quite (men]
thick, thanks to the double layer UK company Tribesports
of fabric, so it's toastier than a social network of more than
it looks. To offset the warmth 200,000 exercise enthusiasts
there's a ventilation panel on for advice on what features its
the front and the weave is kit should have. This tee features
breathable. The Adi stripes are raglan sleeves for ease of
high-vis and there's ref lectivity movement, antimicrobial weave,
on the front and back. a plush feel and flatlock seams.
ventilation panels dotted about and feels soft; and the seams and a mesh panel between the
for temperature control. The and stitching are covered to shoulder blades for ventilation
T-shirt does both jobs very wetl. ward off irritation. and wicking.
Puma PE Running Lonsdale 2 Stripe NikeTempo Run Shorts New Balanee 5 inch
Baggy Shorts Woven Short g1E, idsports,es,Lrk Go 2 Short
f 16.1? 87,99. sp0rtsdireet.sotY! (womenl €'!8, newbalance"
(men| (men) Extremely light, comfy and (women)
These are shorter than many These aren't sophisticated quick-drying, these are a versatile These shorts offer a comfortably
training shorts, though they're shorts, but they do the job well racing and training option for loose fit without being baggy,
not as skimov as traditional and they']1 last you for at least a very warm weather. Ihe polyester and they're a popular race-day
'racers'. They don't have any couple of summers. They're a tad weave makes them breathable choice for women who prefet
super-technica USPs, br-lt they're crinkly, but they're breathable and the ventilation panels also not to compete in tights. The,
extremely comfortable and you and venti ated - a feature that is allow air to circulate. There's an have a lightweight internal brief,
don't have to keep adjusting aided by the loose fit. There's also inner lining and the waist can be side pockets and a pouch on the
them on the run. a mesh inner for support. adjusted by a drawstring. inside of the waist for keys.
A,Ruonollol luos
ueruJreqc-aJr^ qnlJ e^Ipot pue Jauunu 'uoqlereu
aql lo
apoo6 os l! serv\ Aq^A abera^oC
tepol FuroF 11rls sI l{rrq,lt ?ler{ s.d}Ir aql
dq paceldar uoos se.^a uor{}ereur IInJ aqJ
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'sasJnoJ JaISEa asoqJ sJauunJ sE '986I
ur aJ€r lsel aql ul o0l, punore o+ 002'T
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aqlJo arnlle aql
al! ol pauaddeq 1eq41
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oog unJ ol u€ru lsJg aqtr'spr€,Aapg a^atrs
p€[ leJo'l 'aJnuetu Jo s{Jes JnoJ .Futuutm.
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'scrdur-{16 euolacreg aql
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lVUflU' IY J!.
flTIIIF{'l.T'rFiTF ;I.ATT,F-IFFIIII asuelslp eql 6upg
s ff.'.
VENUT Hanley Buildifg Society, Ldmb Skeet. Stoke'on-
hent,10:30am CoNTACT Han ey Buiding Society Potters Arl
,-Fl L
D-DAY lOK Hanley Building Society Pottere Arf;01782 330 853; 07808 SANDAL! BEAT TRAIL lOK (+) LONDON EI{DURO12 HOUR
vEiluE Hilsea Lido, Hilsea, Poftsmouth, llam CoI{TACT 046 586; [email protected];!k VENUE Dofcdstef Rrgby Club, Castle Park,Afmih0rpe VENUE !!lmbledon Comm0n, Lond0n,6pm C0t{TACT
Peter Newton; 01489 781 438; [email protected]; c05T t18.50/!20.50 C/D 1/6 E/D N0 Road, Doncdste[ 7:30pm CoNTACT Gil Winmil; giliwinmill@ R crrdfd X€tri;07737 335 296 ldayl; wwwlondonendur0.c0m CoST !12i114 E/D N0 btinternet.c0m; cotr rBc c/D 2/6 E/D N0
s[w beat-k a lok/ C05T !10/112ClD 616ElD\ES, +r2
]: ].: . .RURAL
sT ATBANS l/2M (+) VEt{UE Whiteley Villaqe, Wa ton-on-ihames, l0:30am THORNES 5K RUN SERIES (+) vENUE Royal Greenwich Park, London,9:30am Coi{TACT
VENUE Verulamium Pafk. H0lywell Hill, St Albans, C0ilTACT Sam Mayne;07792 453 136; 07792 453 136; sam@ VENUE Th0rnes park Athletic Stadium, H0rbury Road, Andfea Mdg0 d;07426 946 927; [email protected]:
loam CoNTACT Mark Caldwell; 01727 819 327 [day]; tri adventu k; ite ley/ C0ST Wakef ie d, 7l5pm C0t{TACT Th0rnes5k Sef ies; thornes5k@ CoST 118/t20 c/D l/6 E/D N0
[email protected]; www fl6 E/D YES wakefield.g0uuk CoST t7f9 C/Dl/6 E/D YES, +f]
stalbanshalf cosT - E/D N0
fF{tliErTn[n .TRAIL .RURAL 'T}
VEIIUE South Catriage Drive, Battersea Park, London,8am
.TRAIL .RURAL THE WHtTEBR00K WtND-UP loK At'lD l/2M (+) r(r .TRAIL.FIAT CoI,ITACT shdnkafa smith: 0207 2221314 ldayl: 4208 816
NEEDTES XC l/2M (+) VENUE T!mp Farm. Whiiebrook, Monmouth, loam DINTON PASTURES 5KM/lOKM SUMMER SERIES. 41 5a rcv el: 0n34 298 424; [email protected];
vENUE West Wight Sports Centfe, Moa Place, Ffeshwater, C0IITACT Sarah Symondson; matthew'ha i@btconnect. RACE 2 (+)C uk.srichinmoyraces.0rg/races/l0nd0n CoST !8/!10 C/D
llam C0ilTACT Krissy Lloyd;01983 752168 ldayl; kri$y@ com; CoST U0 C/D 5/6 E/D vEl{UE Dint0r Pastures c0untry Pafk. Davls Street, Hufst, 10/6E/D YES, +ll; wwwwestwig ht.c0.u k/needl es-ha lf CoST YES, *t2 7:30pm CoNTACT Barnes Fitne$; 0118 988 2444 [day]; 0118
988 2444; inl0@barnesf wwwbamesf iif ess. .TRAIL
fl8/r20 E/D N0
IITNTITIIiTGITTTI co.!k/event/dint0n'5kml0km-summerseries C05T u0/t12 SUMMER BREEZE RUNNING AND YOGA I/2M (+)
.:: :::
: ' . .RURAI
E/D YES, +T2 VENUE Richard Evans Memoria Playing Fields,
R0ehdmpt0n Vale, Wimbledon, 3:30pm C0NTACT Richard
VEIIUE Westcliffe Pr0menade, Governmeni
10:30am C0NTACT Jon T!rbutt;01843 854
Acre, Ramsgate,
411 [day];j0n@
vEllUE Waryick Castle to, Kenilworth Castle, l(enilworth,
9dm Coi{TACT onlifle entries 0nly online entries 0nly;
019?6 403 67! Alfi 4 426 328; orqanise@twocast esr!n.
Xeri;07737 335 296 [day]; [email protected]; www CoST 130/132 C/D 2515 E/D N0 CoST ill/U3 C/D 2815 E/D YtS. 115; coST ll3/f20 E/D N0 GIVR TOWPATH SERIES IOK - RACE 2 Frr'r]|ti'nn
VEI{UE Greville Smyth Park, Ashton, Bristo ,7:30pm . -: .FLAT
.TRAIL .RUNAL .iLAT WTIEtrffi C0NTACT Nigel Baf kei towpath@gfeatwesternfunners. THE MEN'5 5K
THE MAIDSTOIIE RIVERSIDE RUI{; wwwgf eatwestef nr! CoST 130/!32 VEt{UE Be lahouston Pafk, Glasgow 3pm C0NTACT Grace
VEI{UE H0 David Lloyd, Bafker Road, Maidst0ne,10:204m AIDRIDGE 101( (+) (} c/D 1216 E/r YES Drummond; 0141 550 7515; [email protected]; wwwmensl0k.
C0NTACT Car0n Holden; [email protected]; VENUE Stick and Wicket Club, The Green, A dridge, Walsa I, c0m/events/mens-5k-j!ne-l4th-2014 C0ST t8/t10 C/D CoST !12 C/D l0:45am CoNTACT Rachel Parker; rache parkerarc@gmail. 6/6 E/D N0
6/6 E/D YES, +r3 com; wwwa dfidgerunfingc C0ST 112/!14 C/D
THE MEDWAY lOK (+) C rfiFarTTIlli VENUE St. Marys School, Church Road, Yate, llam CoNTACT NEWPoRT CARI{IVAL l0K (+) 13
VENUE Medway Pafk, luill Road. Gillingham,9:304m l',r:: 'RURAL Chris Hares; [email protected]; wwwstmafysf un. VENUE L0ngford Hall, Longfod Lane, Newport,lll5am
CoNTACT Martin Burke; 01797 230 009; martin@nice-work. CHIPPENHAM HARRIERS 5 MILE ROAD RACE AND C05T t7 C/D10/6 E/D YES, +fl C0NTACT Newport Carnival FourMidables Series;; C05T fl3/fl5 C/D 4/6 E/D FAMITY FUI{ RUI{S C newpoftd fc@g mai m; wwwn ewp0rtru nni ngcl ! b.ofg.u k
YES. 120 VEt{uE Chippenham Rrgby C !b, Allington Fields, .TRAIL CoST t9lU1 E/D YtS, rll
Chippenham, llam CoNTACT Entfies Secretary; infO@ TORS RUNFESI 2014
M!N[E ch i ppenha m ha trie uk; wwwc hippe nhamh a tri k vENUE Blaise Cast e, Henb!ry Road, Bristol,9am CoNTACT .'
"RURAI cosT l8/rr0 c/D 31/s E/D YEs, +12 michael wilkens;0117 904 0139 ldayl;07976 586418 [eve]; THE 9BAR HOI.LY CHALTEIIGE 2014
MoRECAMBE 10K (+) c 07976 586418; [email protected]; VEi{UE LightmooI Telford, ]lpm CoNTACT Denzi Mailin;
VENUE Station Pub, M0rcambe. Lancastef, llam Coi{TACT EES]IE
138 c/D10/6 E/D YEs,.ts ru n nl ng@themysterymdchi ne.ofg; wwwC0D RC.c0.! k C0ST
BiLl Gardner; 01524 60537 [day]; shoestring360@hotmail. r28/r30 c/D ]/s E/D N0
com; CoST fi0/t12 C/D 1/6 E/D YES, .i2 ASDA FOUI{DATION HUtL lOK ffiffim
VENUE Hul ,9:30am CoNTACT Run Fof All; .FtAT ME
': : .FIAT inf 0@runf 0rall.c0m; www.runf orall.c0m/?utm_ ETON MAN DAY OF ENDURANCE .TRAIL.FIAT
FLEETWOOD ROTARY lOK T 3K FUII RUI{ (+) s0urce=Runqers+Wof ld+-+HULL&!tm_medium=web&utm_ VENUE Dorney Lake, Eion Rowing Club, Winds0r, Tim THE CARDIFF SANIAM GODADRUI{ 2014
VENUE N0rth Eust0n Hotel, The Esplanade, Fleetwood,llam campai gn=Runners+World+-+HULL CoI{TACT Peter Mdson; 07855 500 149; bookings@votwo. VEi{UE Bute Pafk, Cardiff, l0:30am C0NTACT David Krangel:
C0NTACT Lewis VcArdfew: wwwfyldec0aslrurling.o'g cosT r2lr24 E/D N0 co.ukj CoST t99 E/D YES, *t]0 020 8144 0797 ldayl; info@th€fix!; wwwgodadruf.
cosr 812I 214 c I D 2 I 6 E ID Y Es, +Fz c0$ r15 E/D YES
.TRAIL .RURAL ElrflnTrfrfiF{xFE
PRESTWICH CHALTEI{GE 8 vENUE Maruden C0nservative 'T}
VENUE Sedgeley Park RUFC, Park Lane, Whitelield, Ma[den,]0am Coi{TACT Sharon Taylor;01484 658 173 WOOD, IIIYCOMBE . SAT 14 JUNE TITAN 24 (+)
Manchester, Noon C0NTACT Pam Davies; 0161 203 4186 ldayl; [email protected] C0ST l12 C/D 31/5 VENUE Bloom Wood, Monkton Lane, High Wycombe, loam vENUE Duncombe Park, fle msley, Midnight CoNTACT Peter
ldayl;0161 763 1665 [eve]; 07815 767 797; wwwpfestwichac. E/D YES, *f2 C0NTACT Mike Shires; [email protected] g.!k; Mdthies0n; 01904 339 435 Idayl; admin@f reebirdevef ts. cosT 122.50 c/D ]/6 E/D N0 rk/saturdayseries CoST t4lf5 E/D 0NLY CoSI - E/D N0
|lirTffiI|] F'r:IillTiTn
VEI{UE 55 G enesk Road, Eltham, 'C lll5am CoIITACT VElluE South Catriage Dfive, Battersea Park, Lond0f,7pm VENUE Wenlord Bridqe, Camel Trai , Bodmin, llam HUIITII'IGDON lOK CHARITY RUN (+)
Maire Williams; [email protected]; www CoilTACT Shankifa Smitht 0241 2221314 lda\l: A?08 876 CoNTACT Sarah Coates; 07825 294 087; sarahcoates@ '.
VEilUE Alconbury Weald (formerly llrban & Civic A cofbur CoST l8/fl0 C/D 1/6 E/D YtS. ll5 47 6A rcv el: 0n 34 298 424; [email protected]; th ebig sw imc0rnwa! k; www.thebig ru nc0rnwa I Airfield ), Little Stukeley, Huntingdon,10:30am C0NTACT
uk.srichinmoVraces.of g/races/l0nd0n cosT 14l!6 c/D COST TBC R0beft Hu strom;01480 451 412 tdayl; 07887 995 867;
,iJ:._rt , .
4/6 E/D YES
[email protected];
r14ltl6 E/D YES, +t4
wwwhuntsl0k.0ru.!k C05T
fl5/r17 E/D N0 irsa"elef -airf urrirg.c0m: www,nsanete-rain-Ln-inq..0- .TRAlt .RURAL 26ls E/D N0
cosT 132.s0 C/D 8/6 E/D YES. +u2.s0 BACK 2 THE TRENCHES
Lrf'[fiTMTllT'],aFiTIfiE VENUE Ful en Wood Lane, Nutfield, Redhil
, loem CoNTACT i'T*il5f'rTf,llB
.TRAIL .FTAT .TRAIT .RURAL.FIAT Marcella G00de; 01737 822 484 Lday); 01951 229 252, irto@ .: j: .RUMI
VENUE Little Houqhton, N0rthampt0n, No0n C0NTACT 'lD
VEt{UE The Exhibitiof, L0nd0r R0ad, G0dmanchester, CoST t28 E/D YES, *t32 'tD
vENUE Hamptof in Arden Sp0rts Club, ShadOwbf00k Lane,
T0by Redington; inf0@m!; wwuco 0u15k. Noon Coi{TACT Paul Dyef;01480 459 134 tdayl;07802 Hampton-in Arden, S0 ihu l, l0:30am CoNTACTTim Price; CoST t20 E/D YES, +15 316 12 : [email protected]' wws. ':i:1;:, .FIAT 07855 288 717; [email protected]; CoST f5 E/D YES RUN HACKNEYl/2M (+) cosT lll/ll3 E/D YtS, +12
f,rf'IflTfdTnTFlTIFll VENUE Hackfey Marshes, Homerton Road, Lond0n,9dm
.TRAIt.RURAL .TRAIL .RURAt Coi{TACT Run Hackney;0845 304 5443 [day]; runhackney@ rmlTlF{ri:rFfil]E
VENUE Nati0naL Wdterp0rts Centre, H0lme Pietrpont, VENUE The new Pavilion, Broookland Centre, The Br00k, c/D 275 E/D No VENUE The Three C0unties Showgrornd, 't tu1a vern,
Nottingham, 9am C0NTACT Sami Black; Suttof, llam CoNTACT martin pickeing; suitonbeast20l4@ Worcester l0:30am CoNTACT Shujea Khatun; 0844 984; CoST t49 C/D qmall.c0m; wwwsuttonl0kf C0ST U0/UZ [4,]T'fiTf{{i] 0405 ldayl; everts@ac0f; wwwac0ms.of
3l/5 E/D YES, +rl5 clDll6ElD\ES,,t2 .TRAIL .RURAT trip erun CoST - E/D N0
trTfi:iimriTlt'm ffi VENUE Trent Park, Cocklosiers Road, L0ndon, l0:30am "J'IJ:, .RURAL
.TRAIL .NU[A! .TRAIL .RURAI C0NTACT Chas Tayl0r; [email protected] ; www MAtVERil l/2M (+) rt]
GNOSALL CARNIVAT IOI( ACCURo l0l( AND 3K (+) trentparkrc.orq/trif,kail.asp coST u4lt]6 VENUE Three Cornties Showground, l!1alvern, l0:30am
VEt{UE Gn0sal Cricket Cl!b, Gn0sall, Staffofd,2:30pm VENUE Sallets Fafm, Sal ets Gfeen, High Easter Rd, E/D YES ]8 CoNTACT Acorns Events Team l,4a vern Hall lvlarathon;
C0NTACT Grosa Cd-riva l0K'ourVidables Se'es: Barnston,10am C0NTACT R!th Davies;[email protected] 08449 840 405; 07896770 273; [email protected];
[email protected]; wwwf ewpodf uf ningclub.0rg.!k CoST 110 E/D YES, +f2 ft'r'ifiNEm$nmF C0ST ll9ll2l C/D 18/6
CoST r9lrl1 E/D YES, +tl .TRAIL.RURAL E/D NO
DENGIE EVENTS ROTARY RIVER RUN (+) VENUE National Watersports Cenlre, H0 me Pietrpoft,
loam C0NTACT Sami Black;
VENUE Marsh Farm Animal Adveniure Park, Marsh Farm Nottingham,
HASLEMERE BOLT FOR BOTTY (+) !C Road, S0uth W00dham Ferfers,9:30am CoNTACT Jamie; xruf CoST !49 C/D TOTAT WARRIOR TEEDS
VEIIUE Jriq,e Physiqle. Uri 4 lJ1 corl T-dd rg lstdte. C0o pe r; i nfo@d engieeve nts.c0.u k; wwIde ng ieeve 3l/5 E/D YES, +115 VEN{JE B'a-har Pdrk. Leeds. loam CoNTACT aj rLfldy:
Weydown Rodd, Haslemefe,llam CoNTACT Martin Burke; cosT t16/u8 E/D N0 thechief @totalwatri0[; wwwlota C05T
01797 230 009; martin@nice'; wwInice-wof k. r'Y.Eilif'BTnTF rso c/D13/6 E/D YES,440
0rg.!k cosT rfl/il3 c/D 18/6 E/D YES. ll5 .TRAll .RUIAL i;.]!;' .RURAL
.TRAlt .RURAL.rir:.1 l VEilUE Village Hall Playing Field, School Road, Kelved0n VENUE Gi lots Scho0 lots Lane, Her ey-0n'Thames, 8am
, Gi
THE TRIOITIUM PICNIC MARATHON Hatch, llam C0tITACT Elaine Allen; [email protected]; www CoilTACT Miche e Robbins; michelle@!ktfiath; -i:. , ,.FLAT
VENUE Rykeis Cafe Caf Park, Foot 0f Box Hill, Mick eham/'{D CoST- E/D N0 wwwuktriathl0n.c0.!k C05T f46.50/t51.50 E/D N0 SELF TRANSCENDENCE 5X
Wesrumble. Dorh'rg, 2pr Coi,|TACT Rober t VcCaf ?ey: 'T}
VENUE South Catriage Drive, Battersea Park, L0ndon, Tpm CoST 142lf44 E/D N0 .TRAIL .RURAL .TRAlt .RURAt C0NTACT Shankara Smiih:, 0207 ?2?1314 ldaylt 02AB 876
MERSEA ISLAND ROUND THE ISTAND RACE 12.2M WHITCHURCH lOK 4760 Ie\elt 07734 298 024; races@ru nand bec0;
.TRAt L .RURAL qrir:, ! i VENUE Willouqhby Avenue Car Park, Victoria Esplanade, VENUE Whlkh!rch fill, Nr Pangbourne, Reading, l0:45am uk.sf ichinm0yraces.0rg/races/ ondon CoST !4/16 C/D
TRIONIUM MIDSUMMER MUNRO !!est Mersea, 10:30am CoNTACT Tim Densham; 01206 C0NTACT Philippd Darwent; wwwwhitchurchl0k.c0m C05T 2915 E/D YES
vEilUE Ryke/s Cafe Car Pafk, Foot 0f Box fill, Mick eham/ 386 220 [eve]; [email protected]; www 112/rl4 E/D YE5, +r2
Westhumble, D0rking,4pm C0NTACT R0bert lvlcCaffrey; cosT t3lr39 c/D tll E/D N0!k cosT t9 c/D l6/6
E/D YEs, +r3 .TRAll- .RURAI-
Il'rfirTnifn!l-a .TRAIr .nURAL.FIAT VENUE Whtchurch Hill, Nr Pafgbourne, Readinq.l0:50am VENUE Redhill, loam CoNTACT Marcella G00de; 01737
.ri:lt:i THE HATFIELD lOI( HOOHAAH (+) C0NTACT Philippa Darweni; www.whitchurchl0k.c0m C0ST 822 484 [day]; [email protected]; www
COLOUR BTAST (+) VENUE fatfield Forest, Bishops Stortford, loam CoNTACT U0 E/D YES,.t2 CoST $0 E/D YES..t20
VENUE West Park, Wolverhampton, 3pm CoNTACT Randy hannah h0dgs0n; [email protected];!k
Baker; 0M50 225 50497 [day]; randybaker@compton- cosT u8 E/D N0 Frfiflr:fti] CoST 125 C/D 10/6 E/D YES, +il0
..'.:.!- . .RURAI
ffi BANNOCKBURN 7OO 1OK (+) "t::fl .RURAI
=fr::i!:j .RUiAL HITCHIN HARD I/2M (+) Coi{TACT Rosemary Hunter; 07939 036 360; info@ VEI{UE Pomphrey Sports Pavi ion, Near Mangotsfie d,
BROAD TOWiI 5M VEilUE Hitchin Prjory, Hikhin,9:30am CoNTACTTim Ray; ban nock bufnl0; www. ba nnockbu fnl0 uk cosT Bfistol,7:30pm CoNTACT christopher Elson;0117 9733 391
VENUE Bfoad Town School, Broad Town, 2:30pm 44146 242 1496 ldayl, [email protected]; www.h3m. fl3/fls c/D 26ls E/D N0 ldayl; [email protected]; brist0laf C0ST
C0NTACT Kate f 0pkins; [email protected]; www. cosT ll8/t20 E/D N0 I5/T7 E/D ONLY C0ST ll0/ll2 C/D 20/6 Smr'lBnill
E/D YES, +t2 .TRAIL .RUNAI i:'rr. ,, .RURAI IlTitrFtTFrl
Sheflield, l0:30am C0NTACT Alaf Chamber;07970 064251; tr'IIETFFi s0uthampton-c0mm0n-so!thampton/ C0ST 126 E/D
[email protected]; wwwkillamaIhkestrels. K:ilIl .TRAIL.RURAL YES. +t9 e.html CoST rtr7 C/D 14/6 E/D CHEDDAR GoRGE 10K SERIES (+)
YES, +r2 BECKENHAM SUMMER lOK VENUE Strcwbery Fields, Cheddaf, llam C0NTACT ffi
VENUE Beckenhdm Cricket Cl!b, Foxgrove Road, 'TI T0m R00m; iom@relishf unningfaces.c0m; www .TRAlt , ,,.RURAL.FIAT
.TRAIL .RURAI Beckenham,9:30am CoNTACT A ex Bariel e; 07827 360 731; re ishf unnlngraces.c0m/cheddargorge-chillenge.php WETCOME INN TUESDAY NIGHT SERIES 5K
TOTAT WARRIOR TEEDS a nd rewphi nds@ya h00.c0. uk; wwwbeckerha m run ni cosr r0/fl2 c/D 15/6 E/D YEs. fls VENUE Welcome Iavefn. Hennel lane. Preston. 't}
VEI{UE B-drhaa oarl{. Leeds.'0am CoNTACT d j mLrdy: CoST tglrll E/D YES, +t2 7!r C0NTACT Stephel As\cro't; 07886 786 246;
thechief@totalwatri0[; wwwt0ta cosT .TRAII.RURAL [email protected]; CoST l6i!8
150 C/D13/6 E/D YtS, +t40 .IRAIL .RURAL CHEDDAR GORGE I/2M (+) clDl9l6ElD\Es,,tz
NORTH DOWNS RUN 3OK (+) VEt{uE Strawbery Fields, Cheddar, llam CoI{TACT
.TnAl[.RURAL.:] : ']
VENUE Cascades Leisure Centre, Thong Lane, Gfavesend, Tom Room; tom@re; www.
ULTRA TOUR OF THE PEAK DISTRICT (+) 10:30am CoNTACT Daryl Lucas; 07961'300-101 [day]; relishrunninqraces.c0m C0SI F20I F22 CID 15 | 6 El D ['r?jr,trlTTtE
VENUE Whirlow Hall Farm, Whirlow, Sheffie d,8am da ryl_l uca [email protected]; wwwi steadaf d ifiel d.0fg. uk CoSl YES. !25 .TRAIL .RURAt
C0NTACT lan Loombe; [email protected], L22l 124 C I D 14 16 EID Y tS, +Ez wooDtAND 5 - JUNE (+) rrD
wwwdi SfiIf']]f|rllTFll VENUE Broadmoor Car Park, Upper Broadmoor Road,
cosi t60 E/D N0 .TRA I L .RURAL .FIAT .. :.t .RURAI.FLAT Cf0wth0rne, 7:30pm CoNTACT Andy Yarow; 07973 838
J!lie Roe Siadium, Wil esbor0!gh Road, VENUE 5t Michael s First Sch00l, Weaveis Lane, Stone, 17.50/19.50 E/D YES +u
Ashford, llam CoNTACT Kate Austen;01233 660 851 ldayl; l0am CoNIACT Chris Barlow;07804 043 541; admin@
.li:,.i!ij .RuRAI" nf0@p0d pl us.c0.! k wwwpod p u k/pf0d uct.
i; CoST t12lll4 E/D N0 fffrFxr,E
cHEW VALTEY 10K (+) php?id=641 C05T rlo/U2 C/D18/6 .TIAII.RURAt
VENUE Wick Road, Bishop Sutton, Bristol, 9:30am CoNTACT E/D YtS. U5 nr,trs PORTSMOUTH JOGGERS SUMMER XC
Denise Mellefsh; email@chewval; www vENUE 0ueen El zabeth C0!ntry Park, Horndean, '] CoST - E/D N0 ::] i,. . .RURAL CAERPHILLY IOK Pete6fle d 715pm C0NTACT Kiefnar Easton; s!mmefxc@
THE SANDWICH tOK VEl,lUE Cfescent Road, Caerphilly. 10am CoNTACT pjc.0rg.!k coST l7f9 C/D l8/6
EtrEtrI[E '(}
VENIJE Sandwich Leisure Centre, Dea Road, Sandwlch, Caerphilly C0unty B0r0ugh C0ufcil; 02920 880 0ll [day]; E/D YrS. t9
cotwoRTH l/2M rtl
VENUE Colwo(h 5ports Clubh0use, Ye n0w Lane
l0:30am CoNTACT tvlartin B!rke; 01797 230 009; maftir@{: wwvr n (e wort{.0-g.Lk CoST t 3/t15 C/D
1916 E/D YtS, +r2
l0k@caerphi; wwwcaerphi ly.g0vuk/l0k C0ST TBC
c/D13/6 E/D N0 m
VENUE Hungerford Rubqy Cl!b, Pri0ry Road, H!ngerford, +-+Pennine CoST ll6/18
10:30am CoNTACT June Frith; 07810 886 673 [day]; E/D NO RAGLEY 7KM OFF ROAD RACE i. VENUE ( :' :, -.
Finishing a marathon easilybeats any When I was }4Iwas diagllosed with breast
awards Ite gainedfor my acting.Actingis
an art form, so it's subjective and invariably
cancer, so I feel privileged to even be here now'
a team effort, but running is a1l about you.
You know that you get through those 26 miles when I get to a certain point in a long run and Running when it's really windy is a total
totally onyour own effort. the endorphins have kicked iq I'm in a sort of nightmare. You can put in so much effort but
meditative state, which is a wonderfuI feeling. get nowhere on those reallyblowy days. I can
Running's agreattime for me to learn a cope with rain, but I must admit that a run on
newpart. I often have three or four scripts in It's hard to fit in long runs when filming a summer's evening is myfavourite time.
myhead at one time, so as I go along I can work Casualty lAmanda plays consultant Connie
on my lines and think about my character. Beauchamp]. Ifs a l2-hour day on-set, starting Myfamily laughedwhen I first said I was
before 5am. In lots of scenes I'm walking along going to run. But now they're really proud of
I enjoy the mind games you can play as you hospital corridors in Christian Louboutin high me. I think it has also taught myboys that if
run. I know if I wonder how much further to heels. The Iast thing I want to do afterwards is you want to run a marathon, or do anything
go I will instantly feel tired. But I've found that oound the streets. but sometimes I have to. hard, 5'ou need a lot ofdiscipline to train for
it. it's a good example to set them.