Interview Tips by Hammad
Interview Tips by Hammad
Interview Tips by Hammad
To me residency interview is all about making a story for urself, starting from the event(s)
that inspired u to b a doc n ur med school experiences to ur aspirations for future
growth(plans..fellowship) highlighting the fact that this man is a self-motivated, totally
dedicated life-long-learner to whom medicine was not a matter of chance but of choice. your
inspiration towards medicine should be based on logical facts and events and through your
life in general, and especially during your medical school there (should be) were experiences
that strengthened your belief even further making you realize how blessed you are to have
chosen this should come up (or make em up) with tales (coz they"ll ask you)
showing that you are upto the task, having the right qualities and abilities that make you well-
suited for medicine..
All i am trying to say is that, they will throw all sorts of questions at you, y you chose
medicine/y u wish to b a doctor, y internal medicine/family medicine/peads etc, y did u apply
in our program , what sets you apart from the rest of the candidates/y should we choose you,
etc etc...its your duty to sit down and think..memorizing and telling wat your seniors hav
answered previously( a common practice ) during interviews wont do u any good and will
make you look average to say the least...with all the growing competition , importance of
brain-work can never be understated...take it seriously...
By the time you are ready for interviews , you will know all the questions they can possibly
ask ( hey ill tell you) but its your responsibility to contemplate logical answers making you
look a mature and professional doctor who knows wat he is doing...
There will be a lot at stake..a lot of physical ,mental , emotional and financial effort will go
into this long and tiresome roller-coaster ride to be prepared , be confident and
brace yourself for the worst in hope of getting the best that you truly deserve..
Once you get an interview are half way through...calls are actually based on your
scores and us clinical experience...always remember that more or less..all those who hav bn
invited will hav equal chances, so interview has a definite role towards your
hav to make yourself unique (figuratively speaking)...
1..try to sort out which states you ll be interviewing in may be give first 10 days of
November to new York. next 10 days to Chicago..etc..does not actually happen this way but
interview planning should be well-organized...coz it will save you big bucks... already mentioned go through the list of questions which will be appearing later...your
answers should not only reflect your genuine personality but also they shud b different from
others..should not b as difficult as it looks once u start believing in the fact that each human
being is different from other and we are like mere pawns having their specific roles to play in
this great game of chess we call LIFE.(just making sure u understand the point).
5..go to the web site of the program (use freida..alternatively u can get the address from
eras) it top to bottom..u should come up with at least 3-4 areas in which this hospital
is different from others n that’s y u applied over could b because they offer electives
in field of your choice, they hav ongoing research which is the area of ur interest, they hav a
mentor program ensuring that residents hav a professional approach towards building their
careers , they hav fellowship that ur interested in..or it could be that u did an elective over
here n u really liked the atmosphere or u hav a friend who already is working over there n
who told u about the strengths of this hospital...or its their philosophy that doctors should not
only be taught principles of medicine but they should also be well verse in the art of
communication and they should hav leadership skills, is in tune with ur personality and thats
y its here that u see all ur dreams come true so u shud b selected...or u are impressed by the
large patient population ‘that the hospital caters to which in ur view is the backbone of
training...or ur impressed with the high achieving faculty...or their community programs like
sickle cell program or aids program.etc...visit the web site n ull know wat to say....
6..develop a list of questions to ask the interviewer...can make alot of difference...ill give u
one but let me try to make one thing very clear..everybody will b repeating the same old thing
n if u can come up with something which is out of ordinary..bulls eye...hint..try to turn the
discussion towards a lighter topic or a topic which is a product of ur own thought process
...abdur rehman used to ask this question which not only made the interviewer be more frank
wid him but also make him realize that this guy is not a bookworm but has the skill to discuss
other topics and he is genuinely interested in our program..he used to ask how would people
react to me as a doctor knowing that i am a muslim..wat are the problems i mite face.u can
ask wat qualities i need to hav to perform better in your program...alternatively try to find
topic of mutual interest like khurram bhai in ohio uni spent most of his time discussing tom
Clancy who is a famous novelist by the way..or urs truly discussed y Dan browns da vinci
code is a controversial novel during one of my interviews...
8..once in the city...or even prior to that u shud knw how to get there..u can google local
transport..can use google to get directions.. aslo can use
a dry run is always good meaning try going there a day before...bottom line u dont want to b
late...without a reason...
9..on the day of the interview if ur staying in a hotel ull hav to chek urself u can leave
ur stuff with the reception desk or if u hav a carry-on luggage leave it with the program co-
2.notepad...y.... write down the impression u had of this program n how u did...ull b making ur rank
order list later where this will come in handy
4..good pen..
1..boys usually wear black or grey 3 button single breast suits with ties n formal black
shoes..don’t "mousse abuse"..Save time to have a haircut....use lint brushes or tape to catch
the fuzz..
2..from wat i hav seen, ladies wear dark suits with round neck blouses/long collar formal
shirts. closed front shoes with hair tied ,just a hint of lip-stick, clear/pastel nail polish and
subtle perfume..(keen observation is among attributes of a good doctor:) well-dressed, well-pressed n well-in-time...n dont forget ur mint gums...for some reason
halitosis seems2b a problem in us..i hav even seen consultants carrying mouth fresheners...
2..watever u do..donot..i repeat donot talk down ur country..ur medical school ,other medical
schools..other programs where u hav already interviewed...coz they ll ask u which one is the
best medical school in Pakistan..wat problems did u face in medicine in Pakistan
3..donot complain about any travel troubles or accommodation even if u had em...
5..thank the co-ordnator in person that it was mighty nice of her to set up ur interview...(she
will sure like it)
10..write a letter of thanks to the person who interviewed u within one week n later drop a
Christmas card n one letter at the end of season letting em knw u really liked the program n it
will b on top of ur rank order list..(applies to all programs even the ones u didnt like)
should look something like this..
Jan 17,2007
apt 2J Bronx NY
Dr LeAnn Coberly,MD,
University of cincinnati,
Dear Dr Coberly,
I had my interview with you on Dec,1 2006.I am writing this e-mail to express my gratitude
and appreciation for taking time out to talk to me and evaluate me.I was introduced to your
program by Dr falana, but the experience in actuality was better than hat I had imagined.I was
impressed by the programs commitment to urban health care and by the amount of pathology
your hospital gets from such a diverse population which is essential for clinical training.I was
touched by the warm welcome extended to us by the residents.I was told about the
opportunities to get hands on clinical experience and chances to make independent decisions
with faculty providing a facilitatory role
My interview with you was a very pleasant experience.I felt very comfortable and
was given ample time to express my views and ask questions.I believe your program has all
the components I am looking for to start my resiency training and will feel myself very lucky
if I am given an opportunity to be a part of your team. Please let me know if you believe that
a second meeting, or any other information I can give, would be helpful to you. I can be
reached either by phone at (6463168916), or via email: ([email protected]).
Thank you so much once again. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,
AAMC ID 12585127
RESEARCH is always a bonus along with all the other forms of us clinical
experiences..shows that ur methodical person believing in scientific inquiry and furthering ur
knowledge base....
MATURITY..wat program directors really hate is a figdety nervous ill-at ease guy who is
sweating and at loss of words when asked a question and who is not answering exactly wat is
asked...wat u need to do is listen carefully first, absorb the question, take ur time and then
reply in a comprehensible manner with great deal of confidence and poise....thats y it always
helps to practise with ur friends or in front of a mirror(give urself 7-10 days)....
KNOWLEDGE BASE..ok alot of new york programs have this bad habit of asking clinical
questions and making u solve clinical scenarios..dont worry..try to use it to ur advantage..if u
are good which u shud b coz of all the viva voce training, then ull hav a great chance ,atleast
theyll surely rank u which itself is nothing short of an achievement..i believe one important
fact that led to my and sohail riazs selection was our handling of case scenarios...we had
recently took our step3 and as u knw a part of it consists of ccs cases which are computer
based simulation cases and if ur comfortable with em then ull b fine during the viva.ill b
posting a mnemonic that i made which deals with how one should approach a clinical case...
4.. failure to explain any blemishes like failed subject on ur record..u shud come up with a
plausible reason for ur poor performance...
7..unprepared for interview..asking questions that shud hav bn a part of your home work...
8..merely fishing around, beating about the bush with no real interest in the program..
9..too quiet,nervous ,ill at ease with fishy limpy hand shake not looking in the eye..
11..lack of knowledge about the field and does not seem to b a self directed learner..
12..either unable to express oneself clearly with poor diction and grammar or giving
indefinite and inappropriate answers to questions asked...
i used to say that although it came as a natural choice to me because both of parents being
doctors hence my early introduction to this lifestyle however i was not forced instead it was
my own decision to join this inspiration was actually the respect and
satisfaction my parents had from treating their patients and then i told em i was part of the
medical camps my parents arranged for poor people, running small errands...ur inspiration
could be ur uncle or aunt or a doctors visit wen u were little or coz u were resident of a
distant village with no doctor at all..but it has to sound natural yet unique....
ok as i applied in internal medicine so ill b sharing that ,nevertheless it will give u some idea
as to how ur reply shud b if u are applying in any other field...i used to say is so because
of three reasons...firstly i strongly believe that i hav natural aptitude towards medicine which
i discovered during my medical school internal medicine rotations which started in 3 rd
yr..secondly i really like the thought process and intellectual stimulation involved in the
whole process of finding a cause for patients illness coz wen a patient comes to u, he has just
a complaint and now its ur knowledge and inquisitive mind that wud change that presenting
complaint into a diagnosis based on facts and clues following the logical steps of history,
Physical examination and labs....or u can say that that u like to think of urself as
Colombo/detective looking for hidden clues and signs that wud lead to the mystery behind
patients suffering....use thesaurus to allow ur self the liberty of expressing the same thought
in different ways...thirdly i used to say that..i think medicine is the field that gives u the
flexibility/freedom/liberty to
3..y did u apply in our program./wat do u knw about our program../wat benefit will u hav if u
train with us../how are we different...???
i hav discussed this point earlier on , u need to visit their website ..go through it and try to get
as much info as u can about the program, program director, ongoing clinical trials, faculty,
and especially about their goals and aims and philosophy and try to match it with ur
aspirations during the interview ...there is definitely a good impact if u knw somebody who is
already working in their program (senior/friend), it shows that ull take lesser time
adjusting...they also ask if u hav any relative in the city..ppl usually respond that they hav
some uncle or friend doing business etc...seniors working in the same program can be only
helpful if he has a good impression otherwise it can be counterproductive....then u can always
say u like the city,that u love the life of a big city or a suburban city for that
it to ur native city and say that u hav a homely feeling abt it...tell em because there are so
many programs thus the competition is tough and bar is raised making it a conducive
environment to strive higher....
4...wat qualities will u be bringing into this program/tell us ur strengths/y should we choose
u/how do u describe urself...???
ok now ppl wud be saying i am honest and professional and hard-working and active and
down-to-earth and wat not...wat they want to ask is that how that good quality would help u
to b a good doctor and how this has helped u so far(prove it... any story..event etc..)
i used to say... to select or not to select is a decision that rests wid u however i wud like to
take his opportunity to tell u about my personal attributes which i believe hav enabled me to
be a well~suited candidate for this profession and ur program...i am a very efficient
person...and if u are efficient u tend to do these little things that matter alot like for example u
reach hospital 10-15 mins earlier than ur supposed to b and in addition to ur routine work u
study ur cases thus allowing urself not only to answer questions when asked but also to ask
intelligent questions and we know that consultants are flowing rivers of knowledge and it
would take one good question to get their attention which would contribute a lot towards
distinguishing urself from others but also enhancing ur knowledge base....and then i used to
go on telling em that through out my life this quality has made me a high achiever and
allowed me to do more in lesser time...then i used to say that i hav leadership skills and an
essential part of which is communication skills...i can convince ppl ..negotiate with em a
hospital u hav patient issues where u hav to counsel em thru their difficult times ..then u hav
physician issues where one can be like a bridge btw administration and ur colleagues helping
to resolve any problem that surfaces...also as a leader u shud b able to make other ppl work as
a team for example you are running a code(CPR)...for the whole process to b swift and
organized it is imperative that u shud know strengths and weaknesses of each member of ur
team so that u r able to decide who is the right man for which job..who will manage
airway ,who will do the cpr,or who will be quick enuff to take the i/v line and who is skilful
at passing endotracheal....and the same principle applies wen u reach a certain position in ur
career where ur given the responsibility as a program director to conduct interviews and
assess and induct ppl who are the deserving candidates to be trained by ur program..and i hav
no doubt that i hav these skills ...and then i used to describe that i was the college headboy
and later became CR of my class and how i used to ensure participation of whole class in
different events that i used to organize like theme days , class-trip, class fuction etc..they used
to ask me then wat is theme days and thus the discussion was steered towards an area which
was my comfort zone...u will be given ample time to say wat u hav to u shud hav
enuff material n topics to keep them attentive...BOTTOM LINE>>so if u are saying im
honest or humble,, u shud be prepared with a story signifying ur quality...
ppl say that a rule of thumb exists in this matter..if in a community program ul say ....i want
to be a hospitalist(after ur 3 rd yr u join a hospital ) because that wud allow u to b a part of an
academic environment helping u to keep abreast of all the new drugs and techniques being
introduced in medicine n also because ur interested in teaching...wen in a university program
ull go on to tell em the fellowship u want to do....
I never bothered abt this rule..where ever i went i told em about the fellowship i intended
do...i leave the choice upto u...
my response was that i want to do pulmonolgy n critical care because...there is a dire need of
pulmonologist in a country where smoking is a common habit n where we hav few
community programs running for the prevention of its consequences...and critical medicine
because for me it is one of those branches where u see the wonders of medicine being done at
their very is something very divine although life and death is a decision that rests
with the GOD ALMIGHTY but u hav bn given knowledge by GOD to do ur best and save
the suffering humanity..the results are quick and thats y they are more than satisfying....also u
can say that again there are very few trained ppl in pakistan but repeating the same thing over
and over n that too in a way against ur country is not advisable.....
again watever is the part of ur story..just let em knw that...whether u plan on staying for
sometime after ur fellowship or u want to leave as soon as ur done...watever it is ,be
straightforward...u can never tell if a program likes u to leave usa or not..they mite be of the
opinion that after training u shud serve US or in other case they may hav opinion opposite to ur best bet is to let em knw honestly wat ull be doing and it shud be in synchronization
with the rest of ur story...
give an introduction of urself ,ur medical school,ur birth a little about ur parents,
siblings..n then maneuver the discussion towards ur stronger points like tell em ur
hardworking dedicated person ,..that ur very dynamic in terms of always wanting to do
something constructive and also in terms of always wanting to learn more about different
topics in medicine..that ur very calm cool collected customer who thrives under pressure and
some of ur best scores and achievements hav bn wen u were really pushed to the limit... or
that u r a born leader and time n again u hav found urself in that role where alot ppl were
looking up to u...or u are a good teacher..they mite ask u to teach em a topic ,,sort of give em
a presentation prepared for that especially if u hav mentioned something in ur cv that u
did case presentations in conferences...last yr one of our college fellow got his residency just
because he gave an excellent presentation on a topic that he mentioned in his cv although his
scores were average...
i am a very emotional person and its difficult for me to tolerate if somebody lies to me or
decievs me...i knw in actual world u come across all sort of ppl and one shud develop the tact
to deal with all of em...or u can say...
i am sometimes so much focused at the job at hand that it becomes difficult for me to take
time out for myself...u knw how medicine is even if one wants to go out with friends or play simply cannot because..duty comes first:)..or u can say...
sometimes not always i become a bit too critical towards those around me because i am
always striving for the best and want others to share the same enthusiasm...i ought to give
everybody their space ...i am working on it ..or may b u can say...
I am a very sensitive person really feel the pain if I come across somebody clenched in the
jaws of an illness…
i need to improve my physique ..perhaps a little more exercise:)(well..u get the point)
i like to ring up old friends ..ask em how they hav bn..lets meet up...spend time together..go
to the movies..i like talking to ppl and making new friends...(communication skills;)
dont just say that ...yes sir i do...that means nothing...u shud b able to prove that u do...if u
hav already done research n got experience then well and good ,otherwise u shud be able to
come up with topics or areas that come under field in which u want to do fellowship...
as i was interested in pulmonology n critical care..i used to say that earlier in an ICU patients
of sepsis were treated with broad spectrum antibiotics with not a great deal of success but
recently something new has popped up..zygress..which focuses on inhibiting protein
C...mediator of inflammation and its effect on outcome of sepsis is an area i like to spread my
wings as a did i get that info...easy..go to for topics by
date and focus on recent topics...ull knw wat to say.... do u define success...???(its the path that u follow with a clear focus in ur mind and
not the rewards u reap)
14..describe wat relationship shud exist btw attending and those reporting to him..??(we shud
all b like a closely-knit one big happy family sharing moments of happiness and sorrow
together, with the attendings playing a fatherly role)...
15..wat do u think ur attitude towards nurses shud b..??? (good terms wid em are
imperative...u learn many little things of tremendous importance from em...
16..describe an interesting case that u came across..??? this actually will show whether ur
experience in Pakistan is original or fake...they dont expect u to tell em management of
hypoglycemia or ventricular fibrillation...instead ur story shud be based on actual events and
how a small mistake or a small effort made u realize that little things matter n became a
clinical pearl for u and a source of enlightenment for others..u need to think hard for this...i
used to describe a case where ppl were trying to figure out y a 70 yr old lady with cough n
chest pain was having these symptoms by lookig at the x ray and thinking on the lines of
interstitial lung disease or bronchopulmonary aspergillosis..wen i the hero of the day came
into the scene and saved the day by declaring how foolish of em to not honour the time tested
dictum of taking history n concentrating on the chief complaint as taught to us by our worthy
teachers..her main complaint was chest pain n which was due to a a rib fracture (visible on x
ray but not being looked for)...
20..wat if u dont get a residency position..??(i wud like to start by pondering over my short
comings and then i wud make every effort to correct em and come back strong next yr.for
example if i am lacking us clinical experience..i wud get that etc...)
21..teach me something interesting in 5 min ,outside medicine...??( had ibn asked that
question i wud hav replied...sir ill b teaching u breathing exercise for relaxation..close ur eyes
and imagine u r walking along the shore line with cool breeze gentely caressing ur face ,
listening to ur favorite take a deep breath with open mouth..hold it for 5
sec..slowly release it thru pursed lips..i want u to do three sets of 5...u can answer the same
thing if ur asked how u handle pressure...
22..wat type of criticism upsets u..??(which is not constructive and is intended to tease and
not to how someone dresses and wears his should be constructive with
suggestions on how to ready with a story) does medicine in Pakistan is compared to USA???? (we are a developing nation,
medical facilities are not available at distant places hence the delay in reaching a tertiary care
center n opportunity to see advance pathology n as patients are poor so cost effective
management is done meaning only those tests are ordered which are really
indicated...research has a big role in medicine in usa and each day new drugs and protocols
are being put forth e.g evidence based medicine)...
4..where are ur graduates now and how many of em made t to competitive fellowships...
7..wat kind of hand on experience is required by ur residents to master during first yr...
7..give me an idea about the amount scut work that one has to do...does the hospital provides
i/v lines and blood drawing teams...
2..starting salary..
8..prematch..u shud knw they offer it or not...if they do n u r really interested em u are
interested in an out of match position...if they dont offer..its better not to bring up the topic... many hospital are in this program and which medical school is affiliated.... benefits..
During ur entire interview u r being assessed for one simple thing...will he b able to work
with us and be a part of our team?..will he b able to gel in..?does he has the required clinical
and communication skills to deal with his patients and interact with his colleagues.......give
em every reason that u do....
PRACTICE...think of yourself as a bridegroom practicing his vows or better still ,as president
of united states mastering his speech to be delivered to the rest of the world and u need to
take the same level of confidence into ur interview in order to be triumphant...
take one question at a time and think wat ur response shud b..
ull only make a good impression if watever u say comes directly from ur matter
how out of ordinary or outrageous ur view point shud look natural...
read this post at least twice and once each time before ur interview incase u forget anything...