Testing Dynamic Reports: Application Note
Testing Dynamic Reports: Application Note
Testing Dynamic Reports: Application Note
Burak Tahincioglu | [email protected]
Application Area
Dynamic datasets, StationScout, Substation Automation Systems, Reports, IEC 61850
Document ID
Testing reports with dynamic datasets might be cumbersome due to the fact that dynamic datasets are not a
part of SCL file. In this document, basic checks and useful tips are mentioned for testing dynamic reports
with StationScout.
General information
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It is important to understand test modes and simulation flags as defined by IEC 61850 and how
to operate these for IEDs under test, before starting to test in a real-life substation.
This topic is out of scope of this application note.
Only experienced and competent professionals that are trained for working in high voltage or high current
environments may implement this Application Note. Additionally, the following qualifications are required:
• Authorized to work in environments of energy generation, transmission or distribution, and familiar
with the approved operating practices in such environments.
• Familiar with the five safety rules.
• Good knowledge/proficient in working with StationScout and IEC 61850.
The data attributes or data objects that are part of a dataset are called members of a dataset.
StationScout uses the GetDataValues service to poll the values of members of datasets, GetServerDirectoy
to query the available dynamic datasets, and GetDataSetDirectory to query the members of a dataset.
▪ Non-persistent datasets: they have a reference of the format @DataSetName. They are only visible
within the connection they were created by a client through the CreateDataSet service. These datasets
only exist as long as the client-server connection is available. They can only be referenced by an
unbuffered report control block.
Persistent datasets can also be dynamically created by clients. In this case, they may be deleted again later.
A dynamic dataset assigned to a report control block cannot be deleted. Only datasets which are not in use
can be deleted.
Throughout this document, dynamic dataset will always refer to “persistent” ones, since a non-persistent
dataset is only visible to the client that created it.
A client that wants to receive reports from a certain report control block would usually first attempt to reserve
the report control block. If successful, it would then configure the report control block. The most important
attribute to configure is the referenced dataset. Dynamically created datasets are assigned to the report
control blocks by the SetU(B)RCBValues service. Finally, the client would enable sending the reports.
A report control block is blocked once a client has reserved the report control block or enabled it. That
means a single report control block cannot be used by several clients in parallel. The associated dataset of
the report control block can be dynamically changed by the client at run-time.
1.General Interrogation (GI): A report will be sent if the client issues a general interrogation command. This
report will contain all the data of the associated dataset.
2.Data update (dupd) and data change (dchg): A change or update of a data attribute included in the
associated dataset will initiate a report to be sent to the client.
Data change refers to a value change of a dataset member. It is worthwhile to check dead band values set
in the IED when measurements are being reported with data change triggering option.
If a member has both dupd and dchg configured as triggering options in report control block, it should only
trigger on one of them.
Data update or data change reports only transmit the dataset members that were changed or updated.
3. Integrity: Periodic (cyclic) sending of reports has been enabled by setting the integrity period of a report
control block and selecting integrity as triggering option. Integrity period IntgPd is a separate attribute which
becomes active when integrity is selected as triggering option. It defines the interval for retransmitting the
report, where the special value of “0” is treated as integrity reports are disabled. Integrity reports will contain
the current values of all members of the referenced data set.
4. Quality change (qchg): The quality data attribute of the dataset member change will initiate a report to be
sent to the client.
Signals from newly created dynamic datasets are automatically added to the IED Overview in a grouped
manner like all existing signals read out from SCL file.
Detection occurs only when StationScout is connected to the IED (Live Status=On). Once the signals from
dynamic datasets are added, they are kept even after disconnecting from the IED (Live Status=Off).
SIEMENS DIGSI 5 IEDs reserve a series of unbuffered and buffered report control blocks with report IDs:
A_URCB_101…A_URCB_2901 and A_BRCB_101…A_BRCB_2101 specifically for dynamically created
datasets to be assigned. They have no datasets referenced in the SCL file.
Figure 5: RCBs of IED in Offline Mode Figure 6: An RCB (A_URCB_101) without dataset assigned
Figure 7: Activated RCBs containing Dynamic Datasets Figure 8: Dynamic Dataset assigned to A_URCB_101 by Client
StationScout will also create an Event Log entry containing the information from which IED and dataset
reference members had been fetched from.
When “Live Status” is turned off, dynamically added signals are still available and can be used for further
tests. Test Cases can be created out of added signals for preparation in office to testing activities such as
SAT and Commissioning.
Figure 10: Live status: Off keeps the dynamic datasets Figure 11: Simulating the IED with dynamic datasets
Misconfiguration might occur because of either incorrect client configuration or an unexpected IED response.
After a client sent a dynamic dataset creation request, the IED will create the dynamic datasets. Then, the
client will assign the dynamic dataset to a report control block and enables it.
The important point to verify is which report control block has which dataset assigned. This can be ensured
by simply checking the dataset reference and activated report control blocks. Additionally, Event Log entries
with list the created datasets and associations.
Figure 12: RCB Assignment of the created dynamic dataset Figure 13: Enabled report with dynamic dataset
Figure 15: Not activated Unbuffered RCB Figure 16: Activated Unbuffered RCB
When a client sends an enable request for activating the report control block to an IED, the respond of the
IED shall be checked.
A not activated or reserved report can be a typical situation when a client is disconnected from the network
or cannot communicate with the IED anymore.
When a client loses its connection, unbuffered report control blocks will immediately change its state to “Not
activated”, while buffered report control blocks will stay “Reserved” until the reservation time is expired. In
such an event, only then the “Status”, “Enabled”, and “Reserved”/ ”Reserved time (s)” fields of the report
control block will change respectively.
Report Reservation: Report control blocks can be reserved for a client specifically using “Client LN”
attributes in the SCL file as long as client information is included in the SCL file. This will let StationScout
show report arrows and subscribers even when live status is OFF.
Figure 20: Reserved Unbuffered RCB by a client Figure 21: Reserved buffered RCB by a client
Reserve time is introduced for buffered report control blocks in Ed.2 as optional attribute. If not present the
control block is reserved by simply enabling it.
> A reserve time of -1 indicates that the control block was reserved by configuration for a certain client.
> A value of 0 indicates that the buffered report control block is not reserved. A client can reserve the
control block by writing a value larger than 0.
> Any other value represents the number of seconds that the reservation shall be maintained after the
association of the client that enabled the reservation was closed or interrupted.
An example of not reserved buffered report control block before getting enabled is below. A reserve time
of 0 s shows that it is not reserved for a specific client.
Below two buffered report control blocks after getting enabled are shown. Left one is reserved to a client
in SCL file and right one is not reserved for a client in SCL file.
The picture below shows the status of same buffered report control block after a client disconnection.
When there is no client reservation defined in the SCL file, after a client disconnection, the IED keeps
the reservation of the client for a period of reserve time in seconds long active. After reserve time
expires, the report control block can be freely enabled by any client again.
Figure 26: RCB Reservation lifetime during client connection and disconnection
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