Schmidt 2009
Schmidt 2009
Schmidt 2009
Basic Science
Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Rostock,
Drug-eluting stents (DES) are routinely used in cor- Rostock, Germany
onary interventions to reduce the rates of restenosis Department for Cardiology and Angiology, Hospitals and Clin-
ics Bitterfeld/Wolfen, Bitterfeld, Germany
and target vessel revascularizations [1–3]. Current 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Mary-
research is concerned primarily with safety issues land, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland
related to late stent thrombosis [4–6]. However, the
mechanical properties of DES are a critical determi- Conflict of interest: Nothing to report.
nant of deliverability and therefore the ultimate arbiter
*Correspondence to: Wolfram Schmidt, DR-ING, Institute for Bio-
of their clinical utility. It is essential for the clinician medical Engineering, University of Rostock, Ernst-Heydemann-
to know and understand the differences in model-spe- Straße 6, 18055 Rostock, Germany. E-mail:
cific DES behavior for optimum clinical results. Never-
theless, surprisingly little data is available on this im-
portant topic. Received 8 April 2008; Revision accepted 5 September 2008
The mechanical response of coronary stent systems DOI 10.1002/ccd.21832
and other endovascular devices has been described Published online 9 December 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www.
using terms such as pushability, trackability, crossabil-
Fig. 1. 3D structure of the crimped stents. 1: Biosensors Biomatrix; 2: Conor CoStar; 3: Cor-
dis Cypher select 1; 4: Medtronic Endeavor; 5: Boston Scientific Taxus Liberté; 6: Guidant
Xience V; 7: B. Braun Coroflex Please.
ity, flexibility, conformability, and torque control [7– All measurements were performed in a 378C heated
16]; yet, their definitions have remained vague or water basin at a travel speed of 7.5 mm/s delivered by
inconsistent. a guide (maximum travel distance 500 mm, Cleveland
To characterize the mechanical responses of DES, Präzisionssysteme GmbH, Germany), which is driven
we have defined pushability, trackablity, and crossabil- by a DC servo motor (type tendo PM 41, Chr. Mayr
ity by objective measurements of the externally applied GmbH, Germany). The details of tubing material and
force and the resulting force measured at the catheter dimensions are given in the following sections and fig-
tip and the relations between them. We conducted ures. The guiding catheter and the vessel model were
these measurements under well-established, standar- flushed prior to each testing series. The vessel models
dized, and validated in vitro experimental conditions. were derived from typical vessel anatomy but adapted
In addition, diameter and bending forces required to to the individual tests.
deform the stent segment of the delivery system were All measurements were performed on a single stent
measured. The mechanical performances of seven com- system of each DES brand. Single measurements are
mercially available DES systems were studied. adequate because quality standards required for com-
mercially distributed medical devices do not allow any
relevant variation in product properties. These stand-
ards guarantee reliable characterization of a brand by
measuring one specimen.
Fig. 7. Pushability. Fprox vs. Fdist developed while crushing the stent systems in the vessel
model at the total occlusion. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is avail-
able at]
est pushability was measured for the Conor Costar Bending Stiffness
DES and the lowest for the Braun Coroflex Please. The bending stiffnesses of the stent carrying regions
of the DES are also shown in Table I. The highest
Trackability bending stiffness of the crimped stent was measured
for the Medtronic Endeavor (47.20 Nmm2). The lowest
The resulting force–distance graphs derived from the
bending stiffness was measured for the Taxus Liberté
test path 5 are given in Fig. 8. The initially low-track
(17.22 Nmm2).
forces begin to rise as the distance of DES advance-
ment (s) increases, with marked differences between
the individual DES past the 130-mm distance. The DISCUSSION
Taxus Liberté system could not be pushed through the The mechanical behaviors of a stent may be impor-
entire track model since the force exceeded the maxi- tant for four broad categories of the stent’s life: (1)
mum of 4 N after 146 mm (66.4% of the total tracking manufacturing and packaging, (2) delivery, (3) deploy-
path’s length) of tracking. The mean track forces ment, and (4) in vivo service. The mechanical proper-
ranged from 0.551 N of Biosensors Biomatrix to 1.137 ties during both deployment and in vivo service have
N of Cordis Cypher select 1. been studied to some extent. A broad survey is given
in Ref. 20. However, the mechanical behavior during
Crossability delivery has received little attention.
Figure 9 shows the measured distal reactive forces Mechanical performance of SDS can be described
Fdist of the stent systems across the total distance of by the stent dimensions, physical properties, and com-
60 mm (A to B) required to pass through the stenotic binations of forces required for safe and easy stent
lesion (model 2). The mean crossing forces for all delivery to target destinations. Typical dimensions
seven DES ranged from 0.038 N (Abbott Xience V) employed to describe SDS include their entry and the
up to 0.103 N (Braun Coroflex Please). crossing profiles. Typical systems of forces that define
their mechanical behavior have been combined and
described by their pushing, tracking, and crossing abil-
Crimped Profile ities. Ultimately, atraumatic delivery and precise posi-
The mean stent profiles of the investigated DES are tioning of an intact stent across the target lesion are
summarized in Table I. They ranged from 1.055 mm the most basic prerequisites for a successful interven-
(Abbott Xience V) to 1.198 mm (Cordis Cypher select tion. Other than commercial product descriptions avail-
1). able to the interventional cardiologists, virtually no
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
356 Schmidt et al.
Fig. 8. Trackability. Force–distance curves from the trackability measurements (test path 5)
of the investigated stent systems are shown. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at]
Fig. 9. Crossability of the DES. Fdist as a function of the travel distances (measurement with
lesion type 2). Medtronic Endeavor was excluded because of stent loss. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]
technical data on individual products have been pub- In this study, we undertook a pioneering effort to
lished, leaving the vast majority of critical mechanical define and measure objective mechanical parameters in
performance descriptors to the proprietary sector and vitro to compare mechanical performance of seven
cardiologist’s best guess. commercially available SDS products. There is no
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
Mechanical Performance of Drug-Eluting Stent Systems 357
doubt that clinical scenarios are more complex than an profiles along the stent carrying segment of the balloon
in vitro simulation; however, to understand the physi- catheter was selected to characterize relevant SDS
cal properties of stent systems, and to provide the cli- dimensions.
nician with the best possible guidance, we believe that Our measurements showed that differences in push-
in vitro simulations are invaluable. Good performance ability are on the order of 50% and in trackability on
in vitro will not guarantee safe and easy target access the order of 100%. Differences in crossability and in
in vivo; however, poor in vitro performance very likely bending stiffness are in the range of 60%, whereas the
indicates a risk of difficulty or complication, at least in variation in average profile of the seven SDS studied
case of complex lesions. is in the range of 12%. The best pushability was meas-
Pushability, defined as the ratio of the distally and ured for Conor CoStar-SDS (38.66%) and the lowest
proximally exerted forces, trackability, defined as the for Coroflex Please-SDS (18.53%).
sum of proximal forces required to pass a curved vas- In all systems, the proximal pushing forces were
cular pathway, and crossability, defined as distal reac- low, meaning good trackability at the proximal seg-
tive force required to pass a defined narrowing, were ment of the pathway. Proximal push forces increased
selected to represent deliverability of SDS. steadily with progression through the model. In this
Although the terms of pushability, trackability, and study, the best trackability was measured for the Bio-
crossability are commonly used in the field of cardio- Matrix SDS (0.551 N) and the lowest for the Cypher
vascular interventions, there is no unique definition. select1-SDS (1.137 N), i.e., a 100% increase in force
Product standards for vascular stents [21,22] use the required. For our experimental setup, Taxus Liberte
trackability and pushability to describe the ability of a had to be excluded from comparison because at 146-
stent system to be advanced to the lesion without SDS mm travel distance the upper force limit (4 N) had
damage or harm to the vasculature. This has to be been exceeded.
shown by the manufacturer to the authorities for product Pushability represents the efficiency by which the
approval. For this demonstration, suitable in vitro mod- applied force is transmitted to the catheter tip, and
els may be used but no measurements are required. hence the accuracy of the feedback, or ‘‘feel’’ to the
Comparative design evaluation of coronary stents interventionalist. A pushability of 0% can be repre-
was provided using among others the term of ‘‘deliver- sented by a completely flexible rope, where pushing
ability,’’ which includes tracking and lesion crossing on the proximal end will only result in the rope’s
[23]. Evaluation was given without further definition crimping, with no force transmitted to the distal end.
or provision of measured data. To our knowledge, the A pushability of 0% could also be achieved by the
only other approach leading to objectively measured case where the shear resistance of the vessel wall
forces was using 908 and 1358 bent tortuosities and along the length of the SDS is greater than or equal to
measuring the required proximal forces needed to pass the proximal force, thus preventing any transmission to
the curvatures with different stent systems [9]. This the distal end. Conversely, a pushability of 100% can
method is suitable for the assessment of trackability if be represented by a perfectly rigid rod, where all of
the pure technical design of vessel geometry can be the proximal force is transmitted to the distal end. In
accepted. We improved acceptance by introducing a the experimental system, this could be achieved only if
technically well-defined coronary vessel model with there were no losses along the SDS length. Thus, push-
more realistic dimensions. ability represents the loss of force from interactions
Each of the three delivery parameters (pushability, between the vessel walls and the SDS. For a given
trackability, and crossability) are based on the resisting vessel wall architecture, differences in pushability must
forces that can be quantified along some part of the arise from differences in the SDSs; such differences
delivery path. The definitions also include a measure most likely originate from differences in SDS surfaces,
of the force felt or applied by the clinician, Fprox. The such as surface roughness, composition, or actual con-
parameters will therefore potentially give the clinician tact area among others, giving rise to frictional resist-
an indication of how a specific stent is progressing as ance. The Conor CoStar (Fig. 1) shows a smooth metal
they push on the proximal end. As the arterial models surface with many undulations and small structural ele-
are improved and become more sophisticated, the defi- ments, which may allow for better lubrication, and
nitions may also evolve to reflect new understanding hence easier passage. The Braun Coroflex Please, in
of stent delivery. contrast, appears to have a rougher polymer coating
In addition, the bending stiffness, a function of the and larger structural elements, both of which may lead
ratio of the bending force and resulting deflection at to greater friction between the SDS and the vessel
the point of load application for the mounted stents, wall. The bending stiffness of the stent system will
was also determined. The average of the sum of all also contribute to the pushability. A stiffer stent system
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
358 Schmidt et al.
may transmit force more efficiently because it will act the crimped stent. The stent system with good track-
more like the rigid rod example; however, a stiffer ability (Braun Coroflex Please) fared the worst in
system will also not conform to a curved segment of a crossability. Another stent system with poorer track-
vessel, and hence potentially result in greater contact ability (Abbott Xience) fared the best in crossability.
forces, which will reduce the force transmission and This suggests that trackability is not the governing pa-
hence pushability. rameter for crossability.
Trackability depends on the facility of the SDS to In contrast, the Xience V and the Conor CoStar,
negotiate curved portions of the model test track. In which have the smallest profile, also have the best
each of the SDS tested (Fig. 1), the devices are seg- crossability in this test, even though both stents have
mented, that is, they are designed with individual sec- small and tortuous structural elements. These results
tions connected by structural ‘‘struts.’’ The ability of suggest that it is definitely important and an advantage
the SDS to bend and twist through tortuous vessels to have a small, smooth profile of the balloon with the
will most likely depend on the ability of the ‘‘strutted’’ crimped stent. The crossability will also depend, in
connections, rather than the more rigid segments, to part, on the stiffness of the lesion. The stiffness, or
bend. The ability of the struts to bend will depend on mechanical responses, of a lesion (that is, how easy is
both their geometry and material. It would seem that it to push the lesion out of the way as the stent pro-
trackability and bending stiffness, where a lower bend- gresses through) is lesion dependent [24,25]. This
ing stiffness means that the SDS is more deformable, effect was not simulated in our model.
should be related; however, two of the three SDSs The measurements of pushability, trackability, and
with the best trackability (e.g., #1-Biosensors BioMa- crossability as defined in this study establish the first
trix and #3-Medtronic Endeavor) had the greatest systematic, quantitative framework for rigorous com-
bending stiffness in the stent region. The second best parisons of mechanical properties of DES systems.
trackability (Braun Coroflex) also had the second low- Safe and atraumatic passage of DES to the target sites
est bending stiffness. The SDS with the lowest bending and their precise positioning across the target lesions
stiffness (Taxus Liberte) had such a high trackability depend on the facility of delivery in the endovascular
force and poor trackability performance that it could environment. For example, in the majority of anatomi-
not complete the experimental task. This suggests three cally straightforward cases, specification of standard or
explanations. First, there is an optimum system bend- average mechanical properties of the SDS shall suffice.
ing stiffness that results in good trackability. The data With increasing hostility of the upstream vascular seg-
suggest that a stiffer device is required to overcome ment and tightness and complexity of the target lesion,
the resisting forces generated in a curved vessel. Sec- the mechanical properties of SDS become increasingly
ond, the bending stiffness is a combination of the stent critical. Ultimately, an ideal combination of individual
material, through the material property ‘‘E’’, the mechanical properties shall characterize a perfect SDS
Young’s modulus, or elastic stiffness—and the stent product; however, in the real world, SDS products typ-
geometry—through the moment of inertia term, ‘‘I’’ ically feature different strengths and weaknesses in
[from Eq. (5)]. The equation used to determine the their clinical mechanical performance. For the inter-
bending stiffness [Eq. (5)] assumes that the beam is a ventionist, it appears important to select the most
continuous solid, and it is evident that the stents are appropriate instrument for a given vascular territory.
not. The third possibility is that the boundary condi- Appropriate selection, however, depends on under-
tions in the experimental model, and in vivo, are more standing the mechanical behavior and differences
complex than our single-fixed-end cantilever beam between individual products.
model (which also assumes a homogeneous solid struc- In challenging endovascular anatomy, usually more
ture), and that a different bending model may provide than one important mechanical property of SDS may
different results. It should be evident that a very stiff come in to play. Clinical scenarios exist that have par-
stent requires a high force to conform and pass ticularly demanding, specific performance parameters.
through small radii of curvature of this model. Cathe- As an example, greater SDS-pushability may become
ters on which the stents are mounted play an equally particularly important in patients with narrow proximal
important role. In our studies, the stiffness of the cath- access, such as seen in patients with small vessels and
eters was not precisely characterized. Nevertheless, our diffuse disease. Similar demands are expected in
test method allows a simple, easy, and precise compar- patients with diffuse or severe focal calcifications of
ative measurement of trackability, which is important the upstream segments of the target vessel. Likewise,
for clinical application. excellent trackability is required in patients with
Crossability depends, in addition to the same param- highly tortuous proximal vessels, particularly if com-
eters that control trackability, mainly on the profile of bined with diffuse and/or calcific disease and distal
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions DOI 10.1002/ccd.
Published on behalf of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).
Mechanical Performance of Drug-Eluting Stent Systems 359
target lesions. High demands on crossability can be reproducible measurements of well-defined physical
expected in cases with tight and complex target variables.
lesions. Low bending stiffness appears to be particu- Pushing, tracking, and crossing abilities are compos-
larly beneficial in cases with narrow take offs of tar- ite parameters of the DES mechanical properties that
get vessels and tight bends in tortuous vascular path- do not lend themselves to straightforward measure-
ways. Low-profile SDS devices appear to be prerequi- ments. Their expressions in terms of active and reac-
sites in cases with extremely tight and complex target tive forces may represent simplifications allowing only
lesions. limited insights into their complex nature. Neverthe-
If manufacturers define and quantify mechanical less, exact measurements of the forces developed
behaviors of their stents during delivery, the data are during insertion allow objective comparisons of DES
not often available to the clinical community. The devices.
behavior definitions and measurement methods may
also vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. In the
absence of logical and consistent definitions for quanti- SUMMARY
fying mechanical behaviors during stent delivery, it is This study reports, for the first time, objective meas-
impossible to compare and contrast the behaviors of urements of DES performance and compares mechani-
different SDS. At ASTM Committee F04 on Medical cal responses of seven representative commercially
and Surgical Materials and Devices, subcommittee available DES systems. Differences in pushability,
F04.30 on Cardiovascular Standards, a task group is crossability, and trackability were found. The data sug-
currently developing a ‘‘Guide for endovascular de- gest that a small profile is necessary for good cross-
vice trackability and pushability’’ that may help to ability. Trackability and pushability are complex pa-
address the consistency of such measurements [26]. rameters influenced by many variables such as the
By creating and using consistent and meaningful defi- stiffness of the stent system and the friction between
nitions for delivery behaviors, facilities independent the system and the vasculature.
of manufacturers may be able to provide the clinician Systematic comparison as described here and a bet-
specific information they need to insure that the best ter understanding of the mechanical properties of DES
possible intervention is applied to each specific clini- systems may allow a more precise selection of the
cal case. DES system appropriate for the known and expected
Developing a better systematic understanding of characteristics of the target sites in individual patients
mechanical properties of SDS will improve the selec- and in other clinical settings.
tion of optimal instrumentation and markedly improve
the technical operator’s performance, particularly in
challenging cases. This work provides an initial REFERENCES
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